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File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Masterpiece Radiant Silvergun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6002064 No.6002064 [Reply] [Original]

Is Radiant Silvergun unironically one of the greatest games ever made?

>> No.6002073

#2 after Ikaruga

shame it's only on Saturn, making it something of a hidden gem

>> No.6002074

I've played it at the arcade, too.

>> No.6002079
File: 87 KB, 584x800, 304178-radiant-silvergun-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also on the Xbox 360, purchasable on the Xbox Live Arcade digital marketplace.

>> No.6002081

I've heard that version doesn't have the slowdown that the arcade/saturn version had, so it's significantly harder.

>> No.6002086

The final level is one of the coolest setpieces I've seen in any game, even better than Ikaruga's stylish ending. I've wanted to play it for some time, is emulating the saturn version still the best way?

>> No.6002091

>is emulating the saturn version still the best way?
The Titan board is nearly identical to the Saturn, so nearly every Saturn emulator can also run the arcade version just as well. The two are basically interchangeable as far as emulation is concerned. Your only other option is >>6002079

>> No.6002094

I see, just heard that running it in MAME is still spotty even today. I'll give the saturn one a try in any event.

>> No.6002103

>Is Radiant Silvergun unironically one of the greatest games ever made?
Yes. But it's greatness isn't something that can be measured quantitatively and called "#2" like >>6002073 does, it's simply one of the best games ever along with possibly hundreds of others.

>> No.6002104

That has more to do with Saturn emulation in general still being spotty. I don't think SSF has any major issues with Radiant Silvergun, since it's heavily sprite-based and the 3D effects are pretty simple.

>> No.6002108
File: 850 KB, 1191x722, shake_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mediocre as far as shmups go, frankly. Treasure was only good at making platformers like Mischief Makers, Headdy and Wario World.

>> No.6002129

Peak Saturn Kino.

>> No.6002136

Greatest shmup maybe, but not greatest game

>> No.6002140

That is the case but it isn’t a hard game to begin with so it’s no issue. It’s the best version to play and can be played with a six button pad

>> No.6002342

It's dope. Can you clear it?

Name top 5 shmups for u.
I'd say rsg is a top 20 for sure, not mediocre at all.

>> No.6002417

Not him, but my top 5 goes Fire Shark, Battle Garegga, Strikers 1945 II, Gradius II and R-Type.
The problem with Silvergun is its quantity over quality bosses, poor and sparse level design and gimmicky scoring system that forces you to kill only one enemy color type.
As far as Saturn/STV shmups go, I'd rather play some Shienryu.

>> No.6002456

Yes and it's way better than Ikaruga

>> No.6002587

>sparse level design
it's design is in enemy placement, bullet patterns and combat interaction, which vary a lot from stage to stage, not in terrain or scenery like a gradius or r-type. Not like Strikers games have deep level design, besides enemy placement.

>gimmicky scoring system that forces you to kill only one enemy color type.
The games you listed don't really have interesting scoring besides Garegga. Strange double standard.
Maybe you're just biased against Treasure?

>> No.6003427

Is it possible already to use a X360 in a more homebrew-y way to play downloaded "demos" of said games, if you understand by innuendo?

>> No.6003437

I've been debating getting this for my Saturn but I'm on the fence because shmups bore me after a while and reselling a $170+ CD sounds like a pain.

>> No.6003441

If you're asking about piracy, of course you can mod a 360. It's just not as easy as something like the PSP or Wii, since it requires hardware modifications.

>> No.6003456

this isn't reddit where you have to tiptoe around mentioning piracy

>> No.6003461

If you JTAG your Xbox 360, which involves having a series of tools and ordering various things online and spending a good bit of time studying and following a guide to open up your Xbox 360 and do the whole procedure, then yes, you can download games on your PC and transfer and install them to your Xbox 360's hard drive.

It's worth noting that while I'm sure it's feasible with Radiant Silvergun, it may involve a patch or an extra step of some kind for installation since Radiant Silvergun has always-online DRM. Though it's far from the only XBLA game to do this, the full data for game just boots to the demo if you're not signed into Xbox Live, in other words. There should be a crack for that, in which case you're actually better off than playing it legitimately even if you already spent money on it because you can actually just play the game that you purchased without having to always be connected to the internet and signed into your account while doing it.

>> No.6003491

Honestly it’s cheaper to just buy the games you want instead of modding a 360. Modding an OG Xbox is a treat though and well worth the time,

>> No.6003569

>always-online DRM


>> No.6003585
File: 18 KB, 750x296, 4L_Kso2DGMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it ironically is.

>> No.6003615
File: 126 KB, 711x735, 4L_W2iSXHtB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga this is 4chan. You can say pirate it no one cares. I understand your pals at reddit get bent out of shape about it but we don’t fucking care, but we will make fun of you for being too much of a poorfag to afford old kid’s toys. Saturn mod chips are cheap as fuck too.

>> No.6003654

Treasure peaked with the Gunstar/Headdy/Alien Soldier trilogy.

>> No.6003714
File: 167 KB, 1024x1601, Gunstar_Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Headdy fit in with the other 2?
Should be Gunstar/Alien/Super Gunstar

>> No.6003719

They're all Genesis games, duh. After Genesis, Treasure really couldn't hit that same level of success again.

And Gunstar Super Heroes was garbage. It couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a remake or sequel and just did everything worse.

>> No.6003741

>They're all Genesis games, duh.
But they have nothing in common outside that. One's a platformer and the other two are shoot 'n scoots.

>It couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a remake or sequel and just did everything worse.
The gameplay was great, maybe the best out of any Treasure game. Level design was hit or miss though, like the original.

>> No.6003768

>But they have nothing in common outside that.
They don't need anything else in common beyond that. That's why they got an entire PS2 compilation disc to themselves.

>The gameplay was great, maybe the best out of any Treasure game.
No, it really wasn't. Everything was recycled from the original and made worse because Treasure gave up trying to innovate and now was only in it for a quick buck.