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File: 66 KB, 1280x720, prof oak fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5980847 No.5980847 [Reply] [Original]

>Originally you were supposed to face off against Prof Oak who would wield the third unchosen Pokemon, but due to an error in scripting, the game was unable to keep track of a third starter (or as you saw in the game, third choices like Helix or Dome fossils, etc)

>> No.5980862

>who would wield the third unchosen Pokemon
That would be the second unchosen pokemon. You chose the first pokemon, so to categorize the rest as unchosen would start the counter over. The first unchosen pokemon then would be your rival's, the second would be Oak's.

Anyway, that's cool.

>> No.5980867

The ending music from Startropics has a bass line in the data that doesn't play due to a coding error.


>> No.5980868

I don't see any incompetency here

>> No.5980873

It's Gamefreak

>> No.5980895

Where did you find out it was an error with the third starter that made them remove it? Never heard about that before.

>> No.5980897

>due to incompetent designers
hard no

>> No.5980903

the Third



nice try

>> No.5980904


>> No.5980908

Everyone chose 1 pokemon so how could any be unchosen.

>> No.5980910
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1564513761377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario Kart 64's Result Screen is supposed to have a second part to it, but for some reason it only plays until 50 MINUTES of hearing the song.

>> No.5980918

you choose
your rival chooses

the third one sits there the whole game

this is the importance of: , the comma,

>> No.5980949

But it's the second unchosen pokemon. It's the third pokemon but the second unchosen pokemon.

>> No.5980951

there's only one that goes unchosen
do you even play pokemon? (rhetorical question)

>> No.5980953

The second one is chosen by Gary. In the released game, the third appears to be unchosen. However, they intended to have Prof. Oak choose it. So the third, unchosen ball on the table would have been chosen by Oak and used by him in the battle.

>> No.5980978

Just put a comma after third and unchosen and stop sperging out

>> No.5980981


>> No.5980987

Look, it would be better for all of us if you would just delete this thread and reformat your post before submitting it again.

>> No.5980989

Not cut content, but Konami somehow managed to mix up the ending texts for Castlevania II.
Apparently, this is even the case in the Japanese version and not just a localization screwups.

>> No.5980996

Look, it would be better for all of us if you learned fucking English and actually knew about the game OP posted instead of pulling shit from your ass about what character chose what starter.

>> No.5980997

That's not a mistake, that's an easter egg dumbass.

>> No.5981006

>The "Winning Results" track was likely intended to alternate between two ~100 second sections of music, each composed of a 50-second segment repeated twice. Due to a binary counter bug, the first segment repeats, incidentally, 64 times (for 54 minutes and 39 seconds!) before the second segment ever has a chance to play—at which point it repeats twice and correctly returns to the first segment.
Seems like it was a bug.

>> No.5981014

Their ass of course. I bet their uncle who works at Nintendo told them all about it.

>> No.5981016

I'm not going to say this again. Restart the thread.

>> No.5981031

good maybe you'll shut the fuck up

>> No.5981040


>> No.5981061

I highly doubt this.
It would be easier for it to keep a flag for the player's starter and when its time to fight Oak, it just adds the starter who would be weak to it on his team, since his team doesn't substitute a second Pokémon on his team like Blue's does.

>> No.5981314

>Due to a binary counter bug, the first segment repeats, incidentally, 64 times (for 54 minutes and 39 seconds!)
>64 times
It's an easter egg

>> No.5981326

>but due to an error in rulereading, OP underageshitposted

>> No.5981404

lmao its a coincidence

>> No.5981436

>the game was unable to keep track of a third starter
You don't need to "keep track" of the unpicked starter. The game knows which one you chose, and it can figure out your rival's pokemon and the unchosen one based on that. There are only three combinations.

>> No.5981462

Nah, the game uses a binary system for tracking the pokemon picked at the start.
The accepted values are:
The null is what caused the error with prof Oak. When the game looks to see which pokemon you chose it looks and finds 3 unchosen pokemon, when only two exist in the code. Thus triggering a feedback loop and a gui interfacing artifacts, which overflows into the CPU bus and MIPs processor.

>> No.5981476

This is complete bullshit

>> No.5981485

>binary system
>3 values
0 and null are the same thing.

>> No.5981486

Are you sure that's not just a problem with the data structure being changed after the Oak battle was removed? The Blue battles work fine.

>> No.5981495

What. I never knew this.

>> No.5981501

3! combinations. L2count

Citation hella fuckin' needed on this whole shitty thread

>> No.5981504

>3! combinations. L2count
What do you mean? Am I wrong?

>> No.5981508

this thread killed my dog

>> No.5981513

Actually no, the moment I hit send I realized you're right, but only if the constraint is that Green always takes your weakness, and "Oak always takes the leftover" (I don't believe this for a second).

If they both got to choose independent of you, there would be 6 = 3 * 2 * 1 = 3! combinations.

a b c
a c b
b a c
b c a
c a b
c b a

>> No.5981540
File: 31 KB, 320x286, Down-Child-Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that other bullshit
Holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.5981671

Lmao you're retarded :D

>> No.5981721

Rinoa is Ultimecia.

>> No.5981727

Not the anon you're trying to kdisplain to but curious. What do you not believe? That you choose a pokemon? That your rival gets the one you're weak to? That there's only one left after all that? Have you ever played the game?

>if shit that never happens happened I could use that jr high math i just learned
Jesus, sperglet. 18+

>> No.5981732

He realized his mistake, anon. Chill.

>> No.5981769

>no source
Yeah, okay bro

>> No.5981780

OP's post is Bullshit Until Proven Otherwise.
Completely orthogonal issue to the one being 'kdisplained'.

This, a thousand times.

>> No.5981802

What is this phenomenon? People watching a youtuber’s video of conjecture and taking it as fact?

>> No.5981847

"My uncle who works at Nintendo..." is nothing new.

This is just some fresh 18's (to be generous) version of Pikablu, or going behind Bill's house to a Dragonite shrine, with the extra smokescreen of being 'technical' ("1s and 0s and null it's science, your just an idiot!")

>> No.5981853

Lakitu was supposed to throw his eggs in an arc in SMB1, but the game is bugged


>> No.5981862

First genuinely mindblowing thing posted in these threads in a long time.

>> No.5981886
File: 285 KB, 400x393, 6D11C8BB-AB12-41A8-92A1-F5735BC2AF2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5981927

That's awesome.

>> No.5981964
File: 73 KB, 900x900, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 Games Where Content Was Cut Because the Programmers Were Literally Brain Damaged Retarded Children With Nonverbal Autism Who Ate Their Own Feces

>> No.5981993

>he realized one of his many mistakes

The problem is that despite OP being even worse at kidplaining than you the premise his fantasies are based on is a fact. There's actually an unused Oak battle in the game and teams with each starter.

>> No.5982001

Upboated, rang the bell, commented

>> No.5982006

Ninja Gaiden 6-1 Game Over debacle which I doubt was even a mistake

>> No.5982008

Physics-wise, the "bugged" version that we got is actually better.

>> No.5982030
File: 16 KB, 384x224, 315DD2A1-D7EC-4823-AB11-0A29126BC64B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the music from the arcade version of Strider was cut due to an error and they just played the first stage’s track over and over instead.

>> No.5982037

people said the brick breaking glitch in Mario Allstars is an error on a single byte but I have no idea how to verify that

>> No.5982043

Your mother sleeps with Africans.

>> No.5982049

They fixed it in a newer revision, though.

>> No.5982114

It makes SMB and SMB2J literally unplayable for me. They also fucked up the piranha plants hitbox

>> No.5983205 [DELETED] 

There are tons of rom hacks that fix little errors like this

>> No.5983220

Pokemon gen 2 content wasn’t cut from gen 1 due to incompetence, it was due to time constraints so they couldn’t add everything they wanted to.

>> No.5983237

I have to assume they left it that way on purpose.

>> No.5983242

I wish they could romhack my past.

>> No.5983257
File: 121 KB, 717x585, 1421358758083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also fucked up the piranha plants hitbox

only if you're a babby

>> No.5983303

based guru larry

>> No.5983312

Everything about SMAS is literally unplayable due to incompetent devs. Fuck that shitshow.

>> No.5983340 [DELETED] 

Except there's nothing like that in the source code dumbo


Oak exists as a fightable/playable(?) character, but this appears to be an idea that was shelved and not removed fully. Its bizarre to us now, but at the time GB devs were good enough at working with the memory constraints that they didn't bother removing superfluous things from the code.

But there's nothing about him having the third starter

More here:

>> No.5983349

Not sure about the scripting error, source code here:


Oak exists as a fightable/playable(?) character, but this appears to be an idea that was shelved and not removed fully. Its bizarre to us now, but at the time GB devs were good enough at working with the memory constraints that they didn't bother removing superfluous things from the code.

He DOES have a starter though so presumably it is the unchosen one

More here:

>> No.5983358

This assumes i choose a pokemon, and do you know what assuming does?
It makes an ass out of you and me.

>> No.5983360

Holy exaggeration

>> No.5983583

I don't think it's bugged so much as the egg behavior was changed for gameplay reasons. They might have figured the arcing eggs were too hard to predict.

>> No.5983590

I think it was cut due to space limitations, there was fuck all memory left in the og pokemon games

>> No.5983915

>I think

>> No.5983931

Commas are important.

>Fuck, my ears!
>Fuck my ears!

>> No.5983959
File: 11 KB, 601x244, 2019-11-01_06-09-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5984448

>(or as you saw in the game, third choices like Helix or Dome fossils, etc)

>That would be the second unchosen pokemon.
Actually, it would be first and ONLY unchosen Pokemon, since the one you pick and the one your rival picks are both cleary "chosen". Oak cannot choose the final one as his own, he simply retains it, as it was his to give away in the first place.

If you're going to be a pedantic sperg, at least be right about it.

>> No.5984593



Noob detected

>> No.5984981

Not a single byte, but super tiny. IPS-patch is 39bytes, that's including patch-header n sheet.

>> No.5985049

"this person is dumb"
>Thus triggering a feedback loop and a gui interfacing artifacts, which overflows into the CPU bus and MIPs processor.
okay i admit it you got me

>> No.5985051

the game was in development for five fuckin years

>> No.5985119

why do people make fake smash bros leaks

>> No.5985383

A quest in Daggerfall that went unused due to a misnamed file

>> No.5986554

And people believe devs can't screw up

>> No.5986560

Welcome to Gamefreak.

>> No.5986624

>but due to an error in scripting, the game was unable to keep track of a third starter
Nonsense. It doesn't have to keep track of anything. It's literally rock paper scissors. If you have paper, it chooses rock (since your rival has scissors).

>> No.5987158

Why do I remember fighting Prof Oak?

>> No.5987267

You saw a youtube of it when you were a baby?

>> No.5987639

The only reason Oak isn't fought in the game is because they decided they didn't want to include it. It's that simple.
You can still fight him using the Ditto glitch anyway if you want to.

>> No.5987796

Needs more Nintendo and Peter Molyneaux. Fuck, I'm surprised no one has made a parody of this guy's videos.

>> No.5987829

Because human memory is fallible and people convince themselves of dumb shit with absolute certainty constantly.

Just look at how many droves of absolute retards who fell for the Berenstain meme.

>> No.5987902

If you mean people who accidentally misread or mispronounced a name, replacing the ending with a much more common name ending, millions. But it takes redditards like you to spin that into something it's not. Either a parallel to a false memory of a relatively complex sequence of events or some retarded conspiracy theory.
redditthink. not even once.

>> No.5987907

You do realize we're in agreement, right? Who are you even talking to?

>> No.5987918

I think those ''missing'' cues can be heard in the X68000 version.

>> No.5987934

>third choices like Helix or Dome fossils
What's the third choice between the Helix and Dome fossils?

>> No.5988230

You only think we're in agreement because you can't comprehend the difference between someone mispronouncing an oddly spelled name and reddit having a meltdown when faced with the reality that their snowflake brains don't have perfect infallible photographic memory. They're actually two very different things.

>> No.5988236

No, I meant people who spin it into something it's not. Was that not clear?

>> No.5988271

It literally exists in the game already you dumb fuck. At most they'd have to implement like five text boxes and a couple of flags it would be in the game. If they really wanted it to be in the game they could have just let the player choose which of his teams they wanted to fight from a basic selection menu. This 'third Pokemon' thing is retarded, if the devs really wanted it to be in the game it very well could have been. Assuming they ditched it because they couldn't figure out how to change what team you fight based on what your starter was is cringe.

>> No.5988303

It was another fossil Pokémon that got cut. It’s like a centipede looking thing that’s in the games now

>> No.5988314

Mandela Effect is real, NPC.

>> No.5988319

Yes, that is exactly what I was talking about. Thank you for almost catching up. Reddit's that way, by the way.

>> No.5988331

[citation needed]

>> No.5989725

But the only one spinning things into something it's not is you. Anon simply asked "Why do I remember fighting Prof Oak?" There are many possible reasons. One of the least likely is that it's part of a mass hysterical reddit meltdown. If you "actually meant" something else then yes, it was not clear.

>> No.5991395


>> No.5991468

>leaving the fate of the 3rd starter forever unknown


>> No.5991973

It's exactly like mansplaining except done by a retarded child

>> No.5992073


>> No.5992192

I thought you were calling someone a retard because they expected the game to somehow use the third starter and considered it developer incompetence that it wasn't used. Turns out you're actually just that autistic.

>> No.5992353

just say the third starter pokemon and be done with it
>t. technical editor

>> No.5992363

Retsupurae probably could have, but they apparently stopped the poking-fun videos to move onto commentating on longplays (to now just being defunct).

>> No.5992526

1 = 1
0 = 0
Null = Variable is not defined

Besides the game only needs to keep track of one Pokemon anyway and extrapolate from that.

>> No.5992610

>Null = my IQ

>> No.5992706

Well, guess I'll be replaying Startropics soon.
And maybe getting the sequel. Never did get to play it.

>> No.5992748

>but due to an error in scripting, the game was unable to keep track of a third starter
Yes, that is precisely why forcing the Oak fight to happen makes him wield that same third starter the game is supposedly unable to keep track of. Retard.

>> No.5992803

U wot

There's tons of unused shit in the rom

>> No.5992804

Nope, sauce bitch

This did not exist

>> No.5992808

>Yes, that is precisely why forcing the Oak fight to happen makes him wield that same third starter the game is supposedly unable to keep track of. Retard.
What are you talking about? AFAIK the only way to make Oak appear and be fightable is by using the long-distance trainer glitch along with the Ditto glitch. You Growl the Ditto 4, 5 or 6 times to get the team you want to fight. Unless there's some other way I don't know about, you specifically choose which of his teams you want to battle. You can battle him with the Old Man glitch, but since he doesn't have any teams loaded without using Growl on the Ditto as part of the Ditto glitch, the game will either softlock or crash.

>> No.5992945


>> No.5992964

Lmao you're retarded :D

>> No.5993120
File: 40 KB, 307x320, pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green was always planned as the third character. Oak was supposed to be a postgame challenge, as seen by the levels of his team. I read in multiple places that Green was scrapped as it lessened the focus on you VS Blue if there were three of you, and there was no third version of the game in the west to represent her. In newer pokemon games the rivalry is a secondary story arc instead of the primary driving force, and they always make one a pushover.

>> No.5993125

Can't say I knew about this glitch. What is it? Too many runes.

>> No.5993128

Based on the Helix Chamber leaks the game was still far from finished and Green wasn't in at all. At this point I'm inclined to think Green was never actually put into the game and only existed in concept.

>> No.5993137

The original idea was still for her to be there, but as I said there were several reasons why it didn't end up happening. I do think Oak was a scrapped post-game fight, but it might've just been because they didn't want to undermine you as the champion by immediately throwing you against a stronger trainer (in the final version the only post-game content is cerulean cave and mewtwo, a non-human opponent). His information obviously fit inside the game, so it's not like that's why they needed to scrap it. Encounters don't work like OP stated, the game simply remembers team loadouts for specific trainer battles so it was totally possible if they wanted to do it.

>> No.5993180

>due to an error in scripting, the game was unable to keep track of a third starter (or as you saw in the game, third choices like Helix or Dome fossils, etc)
I still want to know what they meant by third fossil choice

>> No.5993207

however it cant be chosen if it's the only option, so by virtue of being the last pokemon there it is unchosen.

>> No.5993395

Commas aren't important. Context is. People say things like fuck me all the time as an alternative way of expressing something bad happened, so with the context those two versions of your ears example will almost always take place they will mean the same thing with or without the comma (fuck my ears being a shortened approach at "well just fuck my ears I guess" and fuck, my ears being much the same thing where your ears were assaulted by loud noises).

>> No.5993402

>Commas aren't important. Context is

>> No.5994307 [DELETED] 

There isn't one

>> No.5994551

>thread derailed by shitposters arguing over semantics and other retarded shit
Everyone already knows this, but thanks to a programming fuckup, the Evade stat in Final Fantasy 6 is completely worthless, and the game uses Magic Defense for both Magic Defense and Evade checks. You would think being Square's 6th Final Fantasy game they would have mastered the art of stats, but apparently not. Hell, most of the bugfix patches on romhacking.net are for FF6.

SMB2, the Doki Doki Panic reskin, had an animation error. The flying albatrosses and other animations are missing the final frame since someone forgot frames 0-7 is 8 frames and not 7. There's a patch on romhacking.net that fixes the error so all animations play fully.

>> No.5994692

High quality post.

>> No.5994721

>It's exactly like mansplaining
So something that does not exist. Got it.

>> No.5994725

Reminds of the M def bug in 7 as well. All the Magic defense increase equipment does not increase magic defense.

>> No.5994742

it's true. I once left the results screen on while I had a snack and did other stuff, and when I got back, I heard the hidden music. it was surprising.

these are true. here's another: in aLttP, Kholdstare's shell is supposed to fade, but it disappears abruptly due to a glitch. there's a patch which fixes this.

>> No.5994765

>You would think being Square's 6th Final Fantasy game they would have mastered the art of stats, but apparently not.

It being their sixth game means nothing when the game is way more conplex with multiple abillity systems. Cyan and US FFIII Relm being the most busted. It stands to reason that they would end up with some oversights that couldn't be fixed because the game code ends up as a Gordian knot and any attempt could cause the whole game to fall apart. Like how the debug room was left in FFVII, because it had been in through so many different changes trying to figure out the best approach on the new PS system, it couldn't be removed without possibly causing more bugs.

>> No.5994813

>No source.

>> No.5995795

Text that could have easily been used but is left unused because someone didn't code the objects correctly.

>> No.5995839

Nah, a direct rip of his style of videos would work better, especially if they use a really out there title like "FIVE TIMES NINTENDO PULLED A SKYRIM 2 AND GAMERS DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE".

>> No.5995846

I still am miffed that the rivals aren't actually your rivals and instead some literal who (or Lance in GSC) is your final opponent. RBY is unintentionally kino by making your final opponent the same guy who was your first opponent, and the music's tone was changed to reflect it.

>> No.5995847

You can do the Cinnabar bug and have him show up as a fight

>> No.5996121

remember. there are whole threads dedicated to bitching about it. this is but a pipe leak.

>> No.5996157

Ken Sugimori has gone on record multiple times saying that the girl in that picture was there literally so the Players Guide that it was created for would have a trainer for each starter. There was NEVER a third player meant to be chosen.

>> No.5996161

That's not a scripting error. It's trivial to check Blue's roster and derive the third pokemon from that.

>> No.5996167
File: 37 KB, 446x357, 1562343264812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until next Friday, so all these Pokéfaggot posters will go back to /vp/.

We get it; you're mad at Game Freak for not letting you beat the game in 3 hours with the same digital dinosaurs you've clung onto for the past 16 years, so you're trying to cope by insisting that Game Freak has always been a terrible company.

Frankly, this shit's as embarrassing as it is annoying.

>> No.5996214

>Mention retro pokemon game on retro game board

>> No.5996229

>Assuming they ditched it because they couldn't figure out how to change what team you fight based on what your starter was is cringe.
And they already did that anyway, your rival's team changes significantly based on which starter you chose.

>> No.5996239


>> No.5996246

Champion Blue's theme is still my favorite track.
The whole scene is fucking hype
>You're the pokemon champion!
>but not really, it's this asshole you've been tailing the whole game!

>> No.5996273

>game is way more conplex with multiple abillity systems.
That actually isn't a massive undertaking, and would be very easy to code. The Job system in 5 would be much more of a bitch to program. FF6 isn't a nightmare to work with in terms of hacking, the game just has some programming errors.

You want an example of actual hacks on top of hacks "don't poke the jello" programming, take a good look at Earthbound. Don't use the modern tools, try to modify stuff by changing shit directly. You make a change in one place, and it magically breaks the game elsewhere. Oh, and they decided to make the majority of the game use some weird custom control code game engine setup. There's a reason why the modern tools just wipe the game clean and give you a blank slate to work with instead of having you edit the game as-is. I still don't think they understand how the game does tile animation yet.

>> No.5996291

holy shit you're dumber than the indians in my cs program

>> No.5996306
File: 2 KB, 82x101, nw-guardian-robot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly what OP has in mind, but this is what was supposed to be dummied-out content that actually shows through for a split second due to developer oversight. Earlier in development Huitzil in Darkstalkers 2 had a super that involved summoning a backup robot that transforms into a turret. For the finished game they simplified it and just had Huitzil himself transform. But the first frame of the animation is still of the backup robot.

>> No.5996337

it's true, Earthbound is a prime example of spaghetti coding. I read that even the dialogue/decision trees for shops is maddeningly complex. it seems like they intentionally coded it that way to prevent anyone from meddling with their creation.

>> No.5996350


It's infinitely more likely that one guy was in charge of coding large parts of the game and just didn't give a fuck what other people thought, so long as he reaches production targets.

You gotta remember that he's probably working 12 hours/day cause he's working in Japan in the 90s.

>> No.5996386

did he deliberatly call it fact hunt because it sounds like fat cunt

>> No.5996418

fair points, but I'm still not sure if that accounts for the byzantine workings of Earthbound. if it were just one programmer's idiosyncrasy, it might be tricky to work with, but not like reading a book from Tzeentch's library. it seems like the sheer complexity would've made it more difficult to churn out code on schedule. and so, I believe they intentionally worked to mystify, befuddle, obfuscate, and confound romhackers.

>> No.5996424

I used to have a picture of the dialogue tree for every fucking store, shop, inn, and other business in the game. Every single one goes through that goddamn tree in order to give you the proper dialogue on screen, checking a shit ton of flags to see what text it should pass. Every other bit of text in the game is all individual and only called when you interact with the specified NPC. Only the store/business related text runs through the tree of nightmares.

My guess is the programmer decided the store/business related text could be mostly reused, and created that abomination to save some room. It works, but it also makes any alteration of the tree a pain in the ass.

>> No.5996440
File: 157 KB, 936x370, ebshoptext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tree of nightmares.
found a thumbnail, pic related
that shit looks like the roots of the world tree Yggdrasil.

>> No.5996445

Doing the Old Man glitch can make him appear but you won't be able to fight him, because of how the game determines which team for that trainer class you fight. Basically the game tries to have you fight Oak's sixth or seventh team but he only has three.

>> No.5996458

Yes; that's exactly what's going on. Pokémon is typically never talked about on here.

>> No.5996501

I hope youre kidding or else youre the source of future spaghetti code. In practice though the usage of null is dependent on the function, null in some cases is effectively zero like in boolean but its defined as an undefined variable

>> No.5996553

Yep, that's it alright. IIRC, that first major branch is to make sure the initial yes/no dialogue has proper text depending on where you are in the game and who you're talking to, and it only gets more fucked up from there.

>> No.5996676

You are obsessed with Reddit lol

>> No.5997284

totally retarded. just because you might use the phrases in similar situations some of the time doesnt change that they have completely different meanings depending entirely on the comma

>> No.5997289

The RBY version sounds so tense, surreal, and melancholic at the same time, while the FRLG version, they just threw every instrument at it and made it sound like a cacophony of instruments.

>> No.5997303

dumb women overuse / use it inappropriately, but the OG meaning of mansplaining as in, 'a man patronizingly explaining something to a woman that the woman already understands' does happen semi-frequently, and anyone who's ever had a close relationship with a woman knows/has seen it.

>> No.5997358
File: 44 KB, 1600x848, quality level design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much 2/3rd of this Commander Keen 3 level is inaccessible thanks to rushed development.

>> No.5997563

>I can't wait until next Friday, so all these Pokéfaggot posters will go back to /vp/.
what's happening then?

>> No.5997571

The new games are coming out.
But it doesn't matter. That just means /vp/ will be an even worse place to try to talk about the old games.

>> No.5997652

Shit thread, however the music in the GB version of Mega Man 2 is out of pitch due to a programming error.

>> No.5997667

who cares lol

>> No.5997669

What game?

>> No.5997861

What's the programming error?

>> No.5998528

There was a Gameshark cheat code that allowed you to fight him if you talked to the guide in the Cerulean City gym.

>> No.5998576
File: 163 KB, 270x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be a hack where Oak is at the end of Cerulean cave instead of Mewtwo and you battle him. He should have a "meta" team of Gen 1 pokemon with the best possible movesets and his theme should be an arranged version of this.


>> No.5998580

No, null is generally just a constant that equals zero. I bet you think booleans are the words "true" and "false" too.

>> No.5998707

I know several single dads, for every mansplainer in engineering, there's a cuntsplainer in parenting. It's a problem with individuals.

>> No.5998710

I thought mansplaining meant to explain/define something by using big/complicated words, like what a man is to a boy.

>> No.6001001 [DELETED] 

Sounds based - but why would he be there?

>> No.6001034
File: 758 KB, 475x895, MegamixWily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man Soccer does have endings for both the main game and tournament mode, but for one reason or another, the game boots you back to the title screen whenever you complete those modes.
This in turn has another example: Dr. Wily is meant to be unlockable after you beat the game, but the event flag that unlocks him is tied to said ending. Even if you were to re-enable the ending, you wouldn't get him because the game does that "hang on the last screen until the console is turned off" thing, and the flag still wouldn't trip.

>> No.6001195

He wants to catch Mewtwo to complete his dex.

>> No.6001413

SQIJ! for the Spectrum - essentially the entire game was locked off due to a "surely" unintentional mistake in the source code so the game wouldn't recognize your inputs.

>> No.6001471

i was able to fight him doing the glitch, i remember him having like a level 111 drowsee, nidorindo that used tm 42(some explosion) or something, some like faceless ghastly black cloud. Cant remember the others but just fucked up missingo type shit. It was a blue version after catching missingo or something.

>> No.6001487
File: 160 KB, 1020x838, jazz-jackrabbit-2-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for something completely opposite - cut content that appears in the game anyway due to incompetent developers

jazz jackrabbit 2 was supposed to have bonus levels like in first game, but the feature was cut. instead the game shipped with couple of test maps that are empty or otherwise buggy or unplayable. despite bonus levels being cut you can actually access one of these maps from one of the medieval stages. you can actually beat the level but doing so just restarts the bonus level. you're stuck and your run is ruined - you need to load last save or play through the episode again.

>> No.6001501
File: 8 KB, 72x93, Ouchface_anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom ouch face was supposed to show up way more often, whenever taking 20% or more damage. He shows up less because they switched a " - "and " > " sign.
I think this "bug" was just the developers thinking Dooomguy looked like a fucking spaz too much, and just randomly changed a bit of code until he didn't look like a fucking spaz.

>> No.6001528

The whole game had an odd beta-esque aura around it, be it that random single purple gem in the entire game hidden in one of the Medivo stages, the fact that Spaz can easily get into places that were intended for Jazz or all that stuff that's still available through cheats like the laser shield and the weapon upgrades that you never get in the base game.
Also, what's up with that "I" or 1 occasionally flying across the status screen at high speeds?

>> No.6001580

A bunch of stuff in Seiken Densetsu 3 like critical hits and the elemental resistances of Duran's shields.

>> No.6001595

The swamp in A Link to the Past has a bunch of Zora enemies that never appear because they spawn on the wrong tiles and never surface.

>> No.6001606

I may be wrong and the Old Man glitch could result in him having a glitch team rather than crashing the game. Didn't think about it but it seems reasonable. I thought that if he didn't have set teams in that slot, it would crash the game, forgot we were talking about Gen 1 here

>> No.6001614

Something similar is in Might & Magic 8:
Initially the game was supposed to have both, selectable races and classes but both got rolled into one in the end.
However, there's still a dungeon and a now useless quest item in the game related to the cut druid class.

>> No.6001645
File: 5 KB, 256x223, lufia2scrambled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lufia 2's US release has its Submarine and Ancient Cave Shrine tilesets fucked up due to the way the team censored the game where they simply removed certain tiles without noticing that others would now fill their spots.

>> No.6002824

Action 52 - nuff said

>> No.6004345


>> No.6004360

Alien Soldier only saw half of what the sole designer/programmer envisioned, even after the rest of Treasure came to bail him out and get the game to a point of being released before the SEGA Genesis market closed forever.

>> No.6004739

Okay, not that you're going to actually ever read this but the line defining NULL in C (the granddaddy of all nulls pretty much everywhere) is:
#define NULL (void*)0
"NULL" is any pointer whose value is 0 and since pointers and (unsigned) ints are the same, NULL is zero. The only difference exists in the context of a programmer's mind: 0 in a position which usually contains a pointer is a null pointer, de-referencing it is probably an error. Characterizing null as being a value unto itself beside 0 and 1 is definitely wrong and supposing that the literal first error anyone ever looks for in baremetal/integrated programming is what kept a battle out of Pokemon Blue and Red is insane.

>> No.6004957

The game has multiple games that aren't working and levels being inaccessible because the unlicensed mapper they used doesn't properly work with the NES.
The games Alfred and the Fettucini and Jigsaw for example share the same bootup and execution screen for whatever reason and the mapper was supposed to choose the right game but neither the NES nor most emulators understood that redirection.
It's also the same reason why you can't access the last levels in Cheetahmen 2 outside of fucking around with the cartridge during insertion.

>> No.6005550

It depends on the language but yeah with c and c++ NULL resolves to 0.

>> No.6007320


>> No.6009354

Allegedly, the spells in FF1 aren't bugged; its all suppose to be based on the quirks of the 1st Edition Dungeons and Dragon's spells that they're based on.

The enemy and element type system, however, IS bugged. There were suppose to be 8 elements and 8 types of monster races. But due to them being broken, DIA is the only spell that worked properly because it had a preassigned table of monsters it hurt.

>> No.6009634


>> No.6009726

So are they saying that, originally, there was going to be a choice between three fossils?

>> No.6010441

Aerodactyl is pretty clearly not supposed to be a third choice between Omanyte and Kabuto. Omanyte and Kabuto are obviously counterpart Pokemon, you can only get one and they evolve once. Aerodactyl probably exists because they figured it would be kind of lame if the fossil NPC could only revive one single item in the game, and decided to make it tucked away where diligent players would find it. Aerodactyl doesn't evolve at all so it can't possibly be considered a counterpart to Omanyte and Kabuto. There was never a third choice, there was only ever a choice and a secret fossil.

>> No.6012248

Everything Action 52