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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5905208 No.5905208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why yes, I did buy a Saturn at lauch but ultimately decided the Playstation was more dependable. How could you tell?

>> No.5905254

The father of the baby had Saturn, N64 and a chipped PS1.

>> No.5905275

Because you seem easily meme'd into bad decisions based on superficial appearances.

>> No.5905282

Because pic related is a normie who managed to get a hot woman to have a kid with him, not your dungeon-dwelling saturn neckbeard freak. The true thinking man who chose a N64 wouldn't have such a dumb grin, would give a little thought to the background so it didn't look like project housing, and wouldn't attempt to settle down with a woman that is way out of his league and will doubtlessly be doing other men on the side.

>> No.5905312

What the fuck is wrong with white women

>> No.5905316

>with him
Anon, I...

>> No.5905324

>white couple
>mulatto child
always cracks me up

>> No.5905327

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

>> No.5905330

women's liberation ruined (western) women.

>> No.5905373

Stop posting unfunny retard shit and play a fucking video game.

>> No.5905378

Blind and/or retarded

>> No.5905421

Is this falseflagging or are N64 fans this retarded?

>> No.5905431
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>> No.5905434

Well, I saw your wife in this blacked raw video so I assumed you were a Saturn owner.

>> No.5905435
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it's very tragic

>> No.5905439
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>> No.5905443
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>> No.5905446
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>> No.5905447

That's a pretty woman... that's sad.

>> No.5905449
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>> No.5905451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5905453

I'd blame that on the veganism long before I'd blame his race.

>> No.5905456

Anon that lady has fucking pounds of make up on, you can tell due to the uniformity of the color on her face. Take it off and she'd be average at best.

>> No.5905458

I don't particularly dislike blacks, but race mixing is a fatal mistake

>> No.5905459

Daughter. Unlucky. Should have bought an n64

>> No.5905460

It's obviously not his, he's a cuck

>> No.5905461

Dumb woman blaming racism, no one sane wants a single mom

>> No.5905469

racemixing is a sin, hope she enjoys burning in hell for eternity.

>> No.5906165

Contributing to containment thread

>OP thinks he's posting a pic of an ideal young family

>Console war he thought he was starting instead spirals almost instantly into misogyny and racism

I didn't even really register that she was Latina or even more than glance at the baby while we got dudes who somehow also didn't notice the wife but DID notice that the baby is Latina

THEN we go completely off the rails about single mothers and the implication that this HUGE problem with our society is exclusive to interracial couples.

The problem is that women have completely lost the culture of being selective about who they let impregnate them and yes we really can blame "feminism" for that.

Women and men are not the same and all this struggling by women for "equality" is actually a HUGE advantage for men since WE were the ones who did all the hard shit for thousands of years - with the sole exception of childbirth which no amount of feminism will ever force us to go through.

So yeah, now thanks to "equality" a man can literally just coast through life by being attractive the way only women used to be able to do and we have trolls who can't eee the advantages to that - ones who even if they got /fit/ would still have unattractive personalities and never ever ever be able to wrap their heads around the way the world works

AND on top of that, some Anons (but way less than claim) try to take the traditional male role, make the money and build a life to put a women into but THEN they make the same dumbass mistake that the single moms do, being blinded by someone's attractiveness and failing to take consideration of their character.

So yeah I think that pretty much touches on most of the major problems that dumb kids in this thread are angry about. So what's YOUR problem?

>> No.5906418
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>Incels: The Thread

>> No.5906459
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Is there something wrong with me if I'd rather kill myself then end up like the guy in pic related? With a basic bitch high maintenance wife, looking like I dressed myself exactly according to a sears catalogue, a kid, yep, I'd rather be dead

>> No.5906467

>Playstation was more dependable

*sitting upside down while being balanced on a shoebox*

>> No.5906489

>Plebian (Normie)
>Contrarian (Neckbeard)
>Patrician (Intellectual)

>> No.5906492


>> No.5906528

Virgin > cuck raising a child that's not his

>> No.5906587

>to have a kid with him

>> No.5906595

fuck off

>> No.5906596

triggered irish-indian-negro mutt is triggered

>> No.5906602


>> No.5906609

That's not his kid.

>> No.5906610

Why is this thread still up, does /vr/ not have mods anymore? this is fucking /v/ garbage, fuck off back there.

>> No.5906617

delicious tears

>> No.5906627

What, exactly, does you pissing yourself about being incapable of breeding have to do with retro games? The only tears in this thread are incel tears.

>> No.5906630

so /pol/fags are nintendies?

>> No.5906645

keep crying that /vr/ isn't the safespace you desire, it only makes me kek harder

>> No.5906650

lol ok virgy
the guy with an obsession with calling the sega master system the sega system is a much better troll than you, this is just a trash thread
also lmao did you just write kek unironically, jesus christ

>> No.5908460
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>> No.5908683

Au = Gold
styn = stein

>> No.5908691

I think a fairer equivalency is that both nintendronery and total lack of understanding women suggest a certain kind of childish thinking. What's interesting is that the "cucks" they hate so much who are married but spend a lot of time and effort collecting games rather than spending it with their families are also often nintendrones.

So, really what you see in threads like this one is envy combined with low self esteem and projection, "God I wish I had a girl but if I did, I'm sure she'd be cheating on me so I'm actually better off alone"

>> No.5908694
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based reaction image

>> No.5908746

Why does he look so unhappy?

His wife look like a non-white so it is not out of scoop if his child also looked non-white.

>> No.5908750

he doesn't look very white either, seems like a sort of mixed racial goblino (look at his eyes)

>> No.5908894

>Why does he look so unhappy?
Seems like the sun is in his eyes. Also, some people just have ugly or unpleasant looking smiles.

>> No.5908946

deepest lore

>> No.5908961

More like
>Projection: The Thread

>> No.5909943


>> No.5909945

>5th gen
[bursts out laughing]

>> No.5910535
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>still seething from that time your high school crush didn't like you the same way you did to her: the thread.

>> No.5910551

rent free

>> No.5910590

>I'm an intellectual because I had an N64.

I mean I agree, but shit is so stupid.

>> No.5910852

You are the only one who used that word. Why not just agree instead of fabricating things other people said so you can be triggered.

>> No.5910871

>implying nintendrones don't constantly, actively lower the level of discourse.
Of course both nintendrones and palfags have become a minor problem with the board compared to the massive influx of generalized hateful news about everything aka /v/ so those of us who actually enjoy retro gaming at all should probably be more considerate of one another or we're only playing into /v/'s hand.

>> No.5911734

See this
She obviously cheated on him you idiot

>> No.5911747 [DELETED] 

I like how most coalburners are either fat, insane, or both.

>> No.5911762

She wasn't cheating. Her kid is from a previous boyfriend.

>> No.5912829

Why the fuck are these /v/-tier threads being left

>> No.5912890 [DELETED] 

I didn't even realize those were both the same Latina lol but then I reverse image searched

This so - called "dual mating strategy" isn't some evil female conspiracy. It's just dumb women doing what seems best to them at the time, the exact same as alpha dudes saying what they need to say ("we're going to be together forever") to get those dumb girls to put out. The exact same as dumb beta dudes actually convincing themselves that it'll be okay to raise some alpha's baby and/or that their obviously unfaithful girlfriend is faithful.

If you're a beta who doesn't know how to be alpha, there's no need to be the eternal "virgin" done to always lose to the unassailable "Chad". Single moms can be great practice to learn to be more alpha just don't actually let them turn you into a cuck, which they WILL try to do but underneath it they can't help themselves but be actually attracted to alpha behavior. Learn to see the difference between when you're actually getting them hot versus when they're patronizing you and yes in 2019 girls WILL use sex to patronize dudes. But dump them irregardless. Once you understand being alpha you'll know that you can never actually be with a girl who's raising somebody else's kid.

Once you know how to be alpha, find yourself a girl who's "ripe" ie at the point those single moms you've been dating were at when them other alphas got to them. Be alpha with her until she falls in love with you then gradually allow the sincere "beta" you were before to gradually come out over time as she needs it, so long as she deserves it - and always be ready to snap into your alpha persona when she needs that, too - whether she knows it or not.

There, there's the secret. Write it down, take a fucking picture.

An even better question, considering your good question is "why are gramps' actual constructive posts being deleted". Kind of says something about the moderation, right?

>> No.5912896

So you are a normie faggot?!

>> No.5912929

>in my fantasies i did this and lost my virginity

>> No.5912950
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>raising a daughter
>raising a daughter that isn't your own
>raising a mutt daughter that isn't your own

>> No.5912956

>namefag actually believing in any of his bullshit
You'll end up cheated on, again.

>> No.5912959

If she's not your own, at least you could legally fuck her before some other dude does.

>> No.5912971

>humans still haven't figured out the sex game
>humans are still suffering because of this
How do we win? We might have a lot of technology (and even that is debatable), but it seems very basic things from the stone age still don't have a solution.