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File: 16 KB, 193x396, streetfighterII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5891736 No.5891736 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled which is the best version of SF2

>> No.5891737


>> No.5891739


>> No.5891752


SF2 is the best version of SF2
Super SF2 is the best version of Super SF2.

>> No.5891760

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Ultimate Championshop Tournament Edition & Knuckles

>> No.5891763

PC Engine

>> No.5891776

world warrior

>> No.5891787
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5891798

super turbo, no conversation is needed. next thread.

>> No.5891809

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers

>> No.5891810

THIS on a 2 button controller

>> No.5891813
File: 568 KB, 1280x720, super-street-fighter-ii-turbo-hd-remix-xb360-title-80218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low-key best version.

>> No.5891865

I don't know much about the details but it's not the original SF2 because that was lacking a lot of special moves, and it's not Super because when you play single you are forced to fight Cammy, Fei Long, T Hawk, and DeeJay every time, so that's like half the battles right there are automatically those 4 which gets repetitive fast.

I guess that leaves whatever the middle one on SNES was.

>> No.5891868
File: 368 KB, 680x680, 1566685669309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sirlin Fighter 2, With "Balanced" Akuma

>> No.5891869

This nigga gets it. Super moves, nerfs, and the 4 shitty new characters ruined the game.

>> No.5891884

High-key low-functioning autistic zoomer with high-key terrible taste.

>> No.5891980


>old good, new bad

>> No.5892000

Super Turbo, though I love HD Remix. ST is the best fighter ever. Period

>> No.5892029

>where do you think you are?

>> No.5892040

Holy fuck bros why is super turbo's arcade mode so hard?

>> No.5892051
File: 354 KB, 1440x2047, smug dq gril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street Fighter 2 HD Remix is 11 years old, you feces-eating fag.

>> No.5892057

They didnt have HD 11 years ago dumbass

>> No.5892065


>> No.5892069

lol wtf. yes they did you stupid piece of dogshit. are you 12?

>> No.5892079

What's wrong with SFV? I've been playing it a lot lately and enjoy it.

>> No.5892096

Super Hyper Ultra Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition Hyper Fighting New Challengers Turbo 2nd Impact Third Strike #Reload Slash Accent Core Plus Rev 2 Extend

>> No.5892149

>not playing the Alpha x Tekken revision

>> No.5892228

11 years ago was 2008 you tard.

They absolutely had HD.

>> No.5892256

Jet Perfect Special: Mark of the Wolves & Knuckles

>> No.5892260


it has its problems but NC and CE slow as fuck and HF has the most retarded incarnations of ryu and blanka ever

>> No.5892291

SFV is the worst in the whole franchise. This fucking abomination is an embarassment to Capcom.

>> No.5892302
File: 22 KB, 640x515, zZ86SqQ_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the zoomer reveals itself

>> No.5892303

>even shittier version of HD remix

>> No.5892304 [DELETED] 


>> No.5892312
File: 68 KB, 691x1024, 1507148879853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


street fighter v is messed up because it's slightly too easy to do combos and so it becomes an annoying combo bait festival constantly

>> No.5892318
File: 290 KB, 600x600, get_a_load_of_this_zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.5892324

Your image seems to have confused boomers and zoomers.

>> No.5892396


>they didnt have HD in 2008
>they didnt have Internet in 2000

Zoomers are hilarious.

>> No.5892412

No, not if you know the context. You exposed yourself once again, zoomer.

>> No.5892780

How is that a bad thing? In all fighting games you're trying to bait a whiff to get your combo done. That's how they all play.

>> No.5892821

Bad art bad, good art good.

>> No.5892880

>casualizing combos
Did you make a wrong turn >>>/v/ ?

>> No.5892903

What is casual about them? That normal people can do them finally? That it's not restricted to the top 1% of EVO players? 1f links and plinking is taking it too far and normal people don't want to have to deal with that BS just to play a game.

>> No.5892910

Or you know, they can just not play it

>> No.5892923

Nice inclusionary attitude. No wonder fighting games are dying off. FGC worst GC.

>> No.5892925

>What is casual about them? That normalfags can do them
Yes reddit, people who actually know how to play games via practicing and learning mechanics tend to not like it when shit is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Lurk for 10 years and fuck off.

>> No.5892934

Video games are for fun, dude, they're not a job, despite what Capcom is trying to make them. No one should NEED to spend 2,000 hours to learn how to do combos. Thank god SFV saved us from that horrible future.

>> No.5892935

>waaaaaaaahh ur not inclusionary for not wanting games watered down for the mentally retarded!
Alright really, is Pedoera and neofag down? You seem lost.

>> No.5892948

>Video games are for fun,
>practicing and learning shit over time isn't fun
Seriously, just leave and kys.
>despite what Capcom is trying to make them.
Dumbed down shit for lazy tards? Capcom in the present actually caters to you well.
>No one should NEED to spend 2,000 hours to learn how to do combos.
If you're spending thousands of hours just play one character well (not autistic tourney level, just decently) video games aren't for you.
>Thank god SFV saved us from that horrible future.
Ok, jokes on me, you're clearly baiting.

>> No.5892951
File: 404 KB, 800x627, The Fox and the Grapes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Xboner mad that his series isn't on his shit console

>> No.5892956

>console warring, not even about retro consoles
See ya later.

>> No.5892959

Go back to struggling with your 1f links for 20 more hours since you crave that kind of masochism.

>> No.5892969

>proud normalfag that sucks at retro games and console wars about modern vidya telling others to leave
That's precious. Keep shitposting in vein, someone might take pity on you.

>> No.5893262

4channel is 18+, please leave.

>> No.5893749


>> No.5894706
File: 168 KB, 442x315, yandesemendemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5894765
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1567026240204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAAHAHAHA zoomer babby

>> No.5895050

Subjectively, super SF II
Objectively, CE
Super turbo doesnt count because the super combo mechanic greatly alters the dynamic of the game. They should have called that street fighter 2.5. Everything after Super turbo is recycled bullshit anyway.

>> No.5895094

The main difference from SF4 to 5 is they increased the window for combos from 1 frame to 3 frames. It is still a strict timing mechanic and if you think that extra 2 frames is going to let any toddler win EVO you are too fiercely loyal to SF4.

>> No.5895202

It's boring to watch as a spectator and it's not as fun to play as SF4. There's a reason most of the FGC shit talks SFV.

>> No.5896217

I enjoy watching it and playing it. I don't care what the FGC thinks. They probably hate every game they play when they are forced by sponsors to spend 5 straight hours a day repeating one combo.

>> No.5896230
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1920, 20190906_105549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original xbox

>> No.5896292

The x86 emulated re-releases to Japanese arcades that later became the 30th edition anniversary collection are the best version. It's where Capcom finally gave up on ports/remakes/bullshit and just emulated the games in a window, but drew some supplementary information in the margins thanks to 16:9 lcd arcade monitors.
The slightly enhanced emulated SSFIIX/SSFIIT is the best edition of SFII.

It's a neat game. Probably in my top 3 favorites of all time if not my absolute all time favorite. If you look up tier lists from 5, 10 and 15 years ago they're actually quite different from one another. People are still figuring shit out 25 years later.

>> No.5897998
File: 12 KB, 384x224, CPS1-Street-Fighter-II-Champion-Edition-NGBRT-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best version, hands down.

>> No.5898004

"The dust" will never settle. There is no fucking reason to have a dozen issues of the same game. They should actually be ashamed to need to issue a game that many times to almost get it right. Fuck street fighter.

>> No.5898006

Fighting games are very complicated. Look at frame data pages. For every character there are hundreds of numbers. It's impossible to QA test every possible scenario with every character. You do your best and send it out into the wild and players will report back if things are wrong, so they get patched. Just in the 90s you couldn't download a patch you had to re-buy the game, but at least they added new things to make it worth it.

>> No.5898013

This, also it sounds like otherguy has no idea of the popularity of SF2. It was it's own fucking thing in the early-mid 90s. It basically spawned a genre of arcade games. You had at LEAST 3 cabinets per arcade. Our little arcade fucking had 5 machines at one point. SF2 was THE arcade.

>> No.5898035

Name one game that even had a fraction of reissues. Once a game is out, it's time to move on. It wasn't even that good a game, I owned it and couldn't believe it kept coming out. Main point is, there is no reason to have that many releases for such an average game.

>> No.5898062

People who actually give a shit about fighting games would tell you either SF2T or SSF2T as anything slower feels like it's underwater but since this place is full of casuals who only care about mashing buttons in the arcade mode or with friends they'll pick the original for their nostalgia.

>> No.5898068

So... the evidence implies it wasn't "average."

What's more likely? The world is wrong, or you are?

>> No.5898073

Not me, Capcom. Again, why a dozen times? Please explain.

>> No.5898084

Because people wanted to buy it, dumbass. No one rereleases games to lose money. Clearly, the gaming community wanted more.

It ought to be a clue that people still play this game's variants 25 years later.

>> No.5898109 [DELETED] 

want it or not it was such a social phenomenom even pirate cabinets were a huge success just because you could throw hadoukens in air and other silly stuff like teleport and switching characters on the go.
looking back it doesn't seem too much of a big deal
II CE allowed both players to pick the same character naturally (there was a code in SNES' world warrior you could input during capcom's intro to pick the same characters though but not in the arcade version).
I've even read an article claiming one of the reasons they created CE was because someone who worked in the game witnessed two girls who wanted to play as chun-li arguing in an arcade plus you could play as the bosses.
Turbo was an answer to romhacks. When you play sf2 too much you get so used to it shit's slow.
Super introduced 4 new characters as well, but for some reason they slowed that shit down again and this is truly when they started jewing. There was no reason whatsoever to reduce it, so yeah, later you have super turbo
The other versions are just for newer consoles and cashing on nostalgia.

>> No.5898116

Hey faggot, why don't you post an image that's actually large enough to be readable?

>> No.5898123

The image is terrible anyways, the bottom is just the japanese names for Super Turbo

>> No.5898142

People also still play awesome possum on the genesis. Must be a masterpiece.

>> No.5898147

>The x86 emulated re-releases to Japanese arcades that later became the 30th edition anniversary collection are the best version. It's where Capcom finally gave up on ports/remakes/bullshit and just emulated the games in a window, but drew some supplementary information in the margins thanks to 16:9 lcd arcade monitors.
>The slightly enhanced emulated SSFIIX/SSFIIT is the best edition of SFII.

Heh? what drugs are you takin?

>> No.5898201

Featuring Dante of the Devil May Cry series and 20 lbs of ass and pussy.

>> No.5898258


>> No.5898271

Even with some things simplified, you still need to learn a lot to play the game well. There's a lot more to fighting games than just combos.

>> No.5898276

Super Street Fighter II Turbo. I'm nostalgic for Champion Edition though.

>> No.5898301

for me, it's koryu

>> No.5898312

It was all great until they introduced that retarded native american and the other fighters in that batch. Not sure what was the version before that one but that was the best.

>> No.5898826

There are arcade cabinets in Japan that are just emulators. There are several that run street fighter.
Some of the arcade cabinets even have netcode.

>> No.5898857

Hi seb

>> No.5898926

You're talking about Super SF2. Turbo/Dash was the one right before it. And that is the best one (at the lower turbo settings).

>> No.5898930

I played Rainbow at a State Fair back in the day, and it fucked with my mind so much, I thought I had dreamt it for years until I read about it online. Don't really care for it now.

>> No.5898932

But that Cammy ass

>> No.5899037


T. BR Dictator

>> No.5899054

>Name one game that even had a fraction of reissues.

>> No.5899073

This one. I don't sperg out about the art like everyone else does. The new music does suck though.

>> No.5899089

Super Street Fighter 2-X Grand Master Challenge. It has the longest and strongest running scene for a reason. Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha is my favourite fighter though and the one I put my time into.

>> No.5899113

And it had better in game speech than SF2. You're on to something!

>> No.5899382


>> No.5899564

.t tekken player

>> No.5899701

God-tier bait.

>> No.5899781

Actually I hate Tekken but okay.

>> No.5900003

i concur

>> No.5900727

>There is no fucking reason to have a dozen issues of the same game.
There is, because arcade machines couldn't be patched, so they cashed in with multiple versions to both give the competitive scene updates and cash in before the pirates devoured the market with half assed hacks.

>> No.5900735

only significant as the very first homeport of Champion Edition

was a minor system seller for the pc engine in japan, but once the SNES got turbo 3 months later, the japs lost interest

>> No.5900738

New Challengers for SNES. Allows you to alter speed settings (and has the home console versus mode of course)

>> No.5902250

Cammy is secks

>> No.5904021

I always liked Super over Super Turbo but I'm a dirty casual. I just felt like super moves added nothing to the game and the new outfit colours were shit.

Exploiting the glitches in vanilla was a good chuckle though.