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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 570x465, il_570xN.884709954_h2w0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5883327 No.5883327 [Reply] [Original]

i bought a game gear what am i in for

>> No.5883334

High priced gaming

>> No.5883349

significant expenses in making it usable

>> No.5883358

Invest in either an AC kit or rechargeable batteries too.

>> No.5883389

I will indeed

>> No.5883390

bad ports of SMS games and some great exclusives if you can ignore the screen issues

>> No.5883405

Sonic Triple Trouble is pretty good. That's about it really.

>> No.5883419

One of the few consoles /vr/ is 100% on board with saying emualting is fine.

>> No.5883425

Tails Adventure is dang fun Metroidlike gameplay. Wish they'd made more of them.

>> No.5883426

I'd argue you'd need to mod it for some sort of video out capacity to enjoy it.

Sega didn't subscribe to the same quality of parts which Nintendo did.

Also, watch those capacitors.

>> No.5883456
File: 291 KB, 1080x699, Screenshot_20190914-210801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the caps? You'll probably need to replace the caps to make it playable, and even then, it's not great.

If you're willing to invest some time and money into caps, mcwill screen, and an everdrive, the library has a ton to offer and I would totally recommend it. It's a fantastic system.

>> No.5883461

no you are not done with your quest. you need sonic and knuckles AND a 32X AAAANNND a game genie on that thing. then you can go to that tron world and fuck the brunette after playing some frisbe golf with some faggots

>> No.5883538

That game has a lot of items that were completely useless and Tails' walking animation looked like shit.
A sequel could have fixed all of that, though.

>> No.5883582

Leaky capacitors and rotted traces.

>> No.5884148

the one i bought has refurbished caps, but the screen doesn't look as clear as yours tho. Comes with sonic 2, and i bought psycho world as lwell

>> No.5884150

Nigga just get an SMS or powerbase converter and a flash cart

>> No.5884151

>One of the few consoles /vr/ is 100% on board with saying emualting is fine.

if you like shinobi the two gg games are great and I don't think they're expensive

>> No.5884153

The battery running out by the time you made that post.

>> No.5884212

Performing a RGB/SCART mod to play it on a big screen

>> No.5884224
File: 18 KB, 750x296, 1549406998184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, original console with flash cart. You can use a modern lcd if you have to zoom.

>> No.5884229

Shitty screen
Bad capacitors
Inferior Master System ports
Loose d-pad
Absolute misery

>> No.5884230

You're in for a shitload of batteries.

>> No.5884241
File: 897 KB, 1000x1384, Best Game Gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the GG is a bulky, battery eating piece of garbage.

>> No.5884242

GG Aleste is so good man, it has that synthwave vaporware aesthetic that millennials think is cool.

>> No.5884259

Specifically the sequel

>> No.5884282
File: 345 KB, 1296x911, Photo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a HDMI mod on it. Took me one failed attempt but it looks great in action.

>> No.5884508

>Modern lcd screen with led back lighting.
OH what a battery hog.

>> No.5884805

A pretty good chance of having to replace the original capacitors, if the previous owner didn't already do that.
There's some decent and good games on the thing, though the library is much smaller than the Gameboy's.

>> No.5884817

I remember I got many hours out of my charged SP back in the day, and the rechargable battery was such an incredible upgrade over all the previous models eating AA and AAA batteries.
I really think the GBA SP is one of the best things Nintendo ever did, it even played all my old GB and GBC games, the lit screen was an amazing addition for the latter especially, and arguably necessary for many GBA games. All while fitting very snugly in my pocket.

Sega had a good idea with a color screen and backlighting, that is an upgrade over the Gameboy's monochrome, but they were a decade too early on it, and the resulting handheld is bulky and not very power efficient, not to talk about expensive, on top of their rotten luck with the capacitor plague going on at the time.

>> No.5884825

The previous owner replaced the capacitors and it comes with sonic 2

>> No.5884828

Stock screen is fine; it's the library that isn't.

>> No.5884829

There's enough potential hardware to worry about that I wouldn't hold it against anyone to look at other options for playing its games.
If OP isn't technically minded or don't want to spend a lot of money, emulation is a pretty good way to go.

>> No.5884830


>> No.5884832

>looks great in action.
Unless you're outputting to a 5" screen, no it doesn't.

>> No.5884836

Alright, that's pretty good then, if nothing is wrong with your screen you could just play the thing.

It has enough good games that it's worth checking out.


>> No.5884839

Like, frankensteining a HDMI output to display it on a TV? I've never thought of that.

How so?

>> No.5884841

Burnt screen. I had two back in the 90s and both had screens that burnt. And >>5883358 is right.

>> No.5884849

Nope, it's great

>> No.5884861

Pretty cool. That joystick looks bulky as fuck though, I'd go with a normal gamepad.

>> No.5884863

I will get an AC kit and rechargeable batteries

>> No.5884983

You can connect regular Master System controllers

>> No.5885337

a capcacitor kit. if not that, then a mcwill screen. that bitch is a real diva to get in a usable state.

>> No.5885395
File: 294 KB, 1600x1221, Captura de pantalla 2017-03-14 a las 19.39.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have.

>> No.5885415

play Sonic Triple Trouble


>> No.5886664

Call me a retard, but how do i do that? I have a standard GBA here

>> No.5886681

It's probably a model 101 SP, which is naturally backlit.

>> No.5886685

I mean playing game gear games on the gba

>> No.5886698

Are you sure that's just not Sonic Advance?

>> No.5886709

It's Tails Adventures
Great game, been wanting to play that on an actual console for a long time

>> No.5886712

in that case it's probably flash cart shenanigans.

>> No.5886901

Flashcart and emulator software probably. There's for instance lots of bootleg stuff from China (naturally), which is just old Famicom games stuffed on GBA flashcarts with an emulator frontend, and often these are fucky roms and shit emulator software, but it goes to show you can do it.

>> No.5886917


>> No.5887370

How good is Game Gear emulation on the GBA? The battery on my old DS no longer holds a charge for long and I don't feel like playing the Chinese battery roulette so I'm considering bringing out my old GBA where batteries will never be an issue.

>> No.5887407

Get the TV tuner

>> No.5887706

You could always do it /k/ style, ergo "This gun may be unsafe to fire, clamp it in a vice, get behind a tree, and yank the string you tied to the trigger to see what happens"
Rig up a charger cable to the battery and see how it holds up before putting it in your GBA.

>> No.5887710

I thought those stopped working long ago

>> No.5887938

>I thought

>> No.5888147

I mean don't they depend on analog signals to work? They don't broadcast those anymore, not where I live.

>> No.5888214

The issue with Chinese batteries isn't that they might explode, it's that you have a good chance of getting one that won't last much longer than an old battery. The last Chinese battery I bought was for an old MP3 player of mine, and it would only last about 6 hours vs a large portion of a day when the original battery was new.

>> No.5888335

They're so cheap, just buy a few. It's a non issue. Else get a branded power bank and mod it to work with it

>> No.5888351

IIRC you can send the RF signal from a console into the tunner. Back in the late 00s I got a composite to RF converter and sent the signal from my PS1 and PS2 to a portable TV. Granted it looked like ass but with a long enough cable you could play console games in bed, it was like a really ghetto PSP

>> No.5888458

Yep, fundamentally the same signal, just traveling over a wire instead of the air.

I wonder what a composite to RF broadcasting thing would be like:

>> No.5888478

Master System ports.

>> No.5888770

Or I could just opt for a different device instead of buying several batteries in hopes that one isn't shit or rigging up some sort of power umbilical just to keep my old DS in service for this task. If NES/SMS/GG emulation on the GBA is decent, then I'd honestly prefer it to the DS due to other factors.

>> No.5888780

Wouldn't it be possible to like, adapt something like a phone battery or something and make it power a GBA SP?

>> No.5888795

>I wonder what a composite to RF broadcasting thing would be like:
Not much point in those nowadays, I doubt there's many being sold. I had a FM transmitter to play music on my old car's stereo, that had no USB port.

>> No.5890508

They do. And "they" don't have to broadcast an analog signal for an analog device to work. Note the millions of old TVs that use analog signals. Also note that there are "They"s that still broadcast analog TV that aren't where you live. Just because you don't have a use for something in your little world doesn't mean it doesn't work.

Yes. There are even consoles that broadcast analog TV signals short distances. Mostly old famiclones. I have a few.

I haven't used that particular one but years ago I had similar things. I used them to get various signals to a bunch of TVs in large building. The quality wasn't great and I got a lot of random interference but it worked reasonably well.

Nearly every electronics shop in the 3rd world sells these things. I doubt there are millions of them sitting on shelves when they aren't selling.