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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5842430 No.5842430 [Reply] [Original]

anon, is your lcd comfy for cats?

>> No.5842440

Being a meleefag I always preferred crt

>> No.5842446

Why, I believe that is a Strategically Placed Cat.

>> No.5842448

nuh-uh kitty loves new crt

>> No.5842452

please tell me you got that for free and didn't get memed into paying for a consumer set.

>> No.5842453

CAThode ray tube

>> No.5842457
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>> No.5842459

it was posted on craigslist for $60 and i offered $20 and he said come get it. i had to take it apart and literally bathe it. it was gross and 200lbs

>> No.5842463

I guess at the end of the day it's only 20 dollarydoos, but you really shouldn't be paying for consumer sets at all. If anything they should be paying you for the service of hauling off their trash.

It's the equivalent of the times on CL you see someone listing their blisteringly fast core2duo dell desktop asking for 200 bucks.

>> No.5842468

i think it has a better picture than my plasma desu no meme

>> No.5842540

Fun trivia. Due to the high speed nature of cat's vision, CRT TVs look like blinking strobe lights to them.

>> No.5842564

Sure? Plenty of cats like watching tv, I'm almost sure they watched CRTs just the same.

>> No.5842636

Fun post but seriously this makes the inside of the TV dirty as fuck with hair and pet dander. Might open the back and blow it out once a year.

>> No.5843792

have sex icel

>> No.5843830

Kitty is gorgeous, btw. A very healthy, clean coat it's got there.

>> No.5843858


>> No.5843923

Cats are for emasculated males.

>> No.5843935


>> No.5843938

That is a very nice kitty.

My cat jumps on top of my LCD and walks around. One day, that will be the end of the tv, but he hasn't managed to knock it over yet.

>> No.5843952

>dogs - subservient, easily broken. Relies on pack for real strength
>cats - independent, difficult to train. Solo hunter. The Chad of pets
...but somehow you are weak if you can tame the natural predator...

>> No.5843960

A cat doesn't force me to go outside and handle its freshly-dropped shit with my plastic-wrapped hand either. Only REAL MEN get cucked out by dogs on a daily basis.

>> No.5843963 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5843972

Yeah cats are much less work
Cats also need less training to be good

>> No.5843983

I love cats, but in the end they're for Nancy boys. You wouldn't see Chad with a cat.
Cats are like Wonderswans (kind of for cringe man child type people or very old women) and dogs are like Neo Geo consoles.

>> No.5843985

You had me until you said neo geo
Chad plays N64 or Xbox. He doesnt know what a neo geo is

>> No.5843986

This just means you are a mother figure to the animal. YOU are weak, and your dog is disgusting. The cat does not need coddling. It buries its own shit. It relies on itself.
Why, thanks. She's edgier than anyone on this board has ever been.

>> No.5843989

Cats and dogs are both awesome as long as you get the right breeds/etc.
Maine Coons for example, TOP CAT.
Long-eared hounds TOP DOGS
Also, birds are great friend. Try feeding your local black bird/raven flock. They'll fight for you if you make friends.

>> No.5843991
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>> No.5844004

doesn't that TV have lag?

>> No.5844005

No, a TV is not a network game. It can't have lag.

>> No.5844007

You reaction time decreases a bit each year past age 25.

>> No.5844025

Bingo. But don't try to tell the Potara-fused SSJ8 Blue(w/ Ultra Instinct) players here that.

>> No.5844035
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>> No.5844056


>> No.5844076

I’m glad someone had this ready

>> No.5844175
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They love it

>> No.5844351

I feel like the story might be made up, but I really want it to be true.

>> No.5844416
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My plasma is perfect for my bonsai kitten.

>> No.5844426

As a cat owner/servant, all my LCDs have glass panels.

>> No.5844705

You can make friends or enemies with crows and ravens. I've done it myself. Friends only. I've never tried making enemies with birdses.

>> No.5844708

Where did 4chan go so wrong that it idolizes the high school bully?

>> No.5844724

When literally who revived /r9k/ for no good reason.

>> No.5844748

Guess you could say your cat is ON the tv.

>> No.5845921

I know this is really an /an/ thread in disguise, but nice pick up, OP. I have two of these and I love them as general purpose TVs.

>> No.5846930

So we have an internet fight about cats and dogs? Fine, team dog!
>loyal as fuck
>always happy to see you
>always happy when you are happy
>super emphatic
>will defend you and your soil to his death
>keeps you /fit/

>> No.5846943

If you need an animal to keep yourself in shape than something is fundamentally wrong and you need to evaluate your existence.

>> No.5847010

>will defend you and your soil to his death
One reason I loathe dogs. I drove for FedEx for one Christmas season and I nearly got mauled by a dog on a weekly basis.
PROTIP: If you want your property defended but also order shit online, then buy a gun like normal person.

>> No.5847020

Or maybe you could have done the reasonable thing and left the items as close to the delivery location as possible without putting yourself at risk.

>> No.5847180
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I wonder who's behind THIS post?

>> No.5847218
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Still better than getting cucked by a cat that comes home to eat your food and be warm when its cold outside and if she finds a better home the cat just wouldn't come back.

>> No.5847229

Now don't distract, fatty. Fix your shit.

>> No.5847293

>Only REAL MEN get cucked out by dogs on a daily basis.
I was referring to this, i am not fat and working on my shit but that's besides the point.
Dogs > Cats > Horses

>> No.5847353

yeah i feel pretty lucky. the picture and speakers are amazing. i'm most surprised by the sound, to be honest. never expected a crt tv's stereo to sound this great and have so much bass

>> No.5847484

There is a separate subwoofer on the back.

>> No.5847597

yeah. that shit rumbles too. my gf was watching harry pooter last night on it and was like "wow this sounds like im in a theatre"

>> No.5847605
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K9iggers seriously dont think they glow in the dark

>> No.5847606

yes probably because of scaling but ps3 outputs 1080i directly

>> No.5848582
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>tfw people have non-cat-comfy monitors

>> No.5848592

Anon how many of those varmints do you have?

>> No.5848618

two varmits. homeless one (first post) appeared on very cold day and asked for a home. this one is very old varmit.

>> No.5848678

Not how cats work

>> No.5848763

It's a /vr/ meme, newfriend.

>> No.5848802

>outing yourself as an underage
They're not varmints they're hampsters

>> No.5849337

There's a lot of PS3 games that don't support 1080i out, no hardware vertical scaling so it takes more effort to program than 720p/1080p

>> No.5849430

Wait, is "varmint" zoomer lingo?

>> No.5849494

Come closer so I may make the dookies in your mouth sir.

>> No.5849538

>There's a lot of PS3 games that don't support 1080i out, no hardware vertical scaling so it takes more effort to program than 720p/1080p

>> No.5849670

I too also prefer crt.

>> No.5849726
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My cat loves climbing up there too

>> No.5849752

It takes pictures like these to make me realize how well-behaved my old, dearly departed cat was. The only furniture he got on was chairs and sofas - never onto counters or TVs or anything else like that.

>> No.5849759

Fuck your dead cat.

>> No.5849775
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That was mean.

>> No.5849825
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Jessica is very well behaved, she doesn't get onto kitchen counters or anything.

>> No.5849829

Nobody gives a fuck you pathetic waste of life.

>> No.5849843

I care :3
Jessica a cute, anon.

>> No.5849876


>> No.5849893

Cats are officially retro

>> No.5849956
File: 1.02 MB, 1807x2815, 20190218_221837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my beautiful princess.

Secret of Mana in the background so this is retro.

>> No.5849958

What a cute lil skunk

Nice collection too

>> No.5849962

My LCD is perfect for my needs

>Sony XBR9
>2 component, s video, and VGA along with hdmi
>only thing I wish it had was more composite.

>> No.5849982
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Your cat is gorgeous. Here's mine being retro also!

>> No.5850205

i bet i could beat you in double dribble

>> No.5850212

you're a sad man. you should change your life.

>> No.5850220


Stop, I--


Man, I--


>> No.5850379

>only thing I wish it had was more composite
Why? Composite is garbage. I too am glad with my LCD. Sony HX850. Although, I still have my Sony FV300 sitting in a closet in my childhood bedroom that I need to pickup someday.

>> No.5850850

He mean cowbell

>> No.5852028
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Thanks, I've organised that shelf much better now.
That is one high quality cat.

>> No.5852061

Pets are a fuckin waste of money. dogs suck and cats suck. also... dont have kids. they suck too. i have 3 so i know

>> No.5852090

Mainly for NES. I should have said that the s video shares the composite port. So I can only use one or the other.

>> No.5852127

Father of the year right here.

>> No.5852137

lol, I can understand the frustration but it just seems to me that most parents shouldn't have kids

>> No.5852451

In your parents case I'd have to agreee

>> No.5852628

>most parents shouldn't have kids
most non-parents shouldn't either