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File: 191 KB, 1280x720, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5816451 No.5816451 [Reply] [Original]

Oops. Looks like they forgot to "remake" this sprite. We all make mistakes!

>> No.5816460

> garbage remake of garbage game by a company that's only produced garbage for years at this point

Gee color me surprised!

>> No.5816471
File: 96 KB, 615x593, db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that looks atrocious

>> No.5816474

Which sprite is supposed to be the shit one

>> No.5816479

The one that is clearly an asset from the original version that hasn't had a thick greasy filter slapped onto it that pops up in the middle of an animation because they overlooked it during development.

>> No.5816491
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a bitch!

>> No.5816543

People spend money to play remakes like this because simply emulating them wouldn't faithful to the original experience

>> No.5816558
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, very nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' good!

>> No.5816580
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one? Oh well. I guess you can't catch em all.

>> No.5816597

>garbage game

Well fuck you.

>> No.5816602

>We've been shitting on smear filters for years
>Remakes just keep using them until people shit on them
It just doesn't make sense. Who calls the shots to decide this looks good?

>> No.5816608

It is though. It's one of the most boring and shitty rpgs I ever played. It's only good thing is the battle system but that's moot because it's so fucking easy you never have to use any strategy.

>> No.5816609

Beyond the fact that this upscaling looks awful, how would you even miss any of the sprites? As far as I know, all they need to do is run to upscaling on the entire set of sprites and then call it a day.

>> No.5816616

You ever do anything in batch and notice some things didn't turn out right for one reason or another, so you make a second pass and hope it gets the rest until everything is confirmed good? They forgot to do the second one.

>> No.5816621

>It's only good thing
I believe you.

>> No.5816623

Release Now, Patch Later mentality ruins shit again.

>> No.5816626
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, nice wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredible. There's a ton of stuff they missed in the background that I'm not going to bother posting. I like how they didn't even bother to do anything with the compass which is something that's right there on the screen for 90% of the game.

>> No.5816627

Wait, the sprites with shitty filters vomited all over them are the remade ones? Oh my shit...

>> No.5816628

>Putting the N64 vaseline filter on a game is now considered a remaster

>> No.5816654
File: 21 KB, 194x317, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha what the fuck is that? A magic mushroom?

>> No.5816659

I actually like the first few hours of the story a lot (it pulls the storybook "going on an adventure" vibe really well) but you're 100% right about the combat. It's a textbook example of great ideas gone to waste because of terrible design in other areas and I always come back to it when I try to explain how JRPG devs care more about flashiness and novelty than actually delivering a satisfying game experience. It's one of those games where you keep telling yourself "I wish I was playing a different game with the exact same combat system" the whole time you're playing (I eventually tried Grandia 2 and Grandia Xtreme but they both also have their own issues). Having this much freedom in combat is pointless when every single opponent is a brainless sack of HP, you never have to exploit the system to its fullest extent because JRPG devs haven't had the balls to make players face legitimate threats since the NES days.

>> No.5816918
File: 171 KB, 281x326, 1564971362103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game """""Arts"""""
Turns out even rereleasing the same exact games for decades is getting too hard for them.
And to think people bitched about not getting this pile of crap on PS/Xbone consoles, oh how they're laughing now.

>> No.5816954

BAH! It's good enough for people who can't be arsed to emulate the game.

>> No.5816967

I don't think Game Arts is even that involved in the game. Pretty sure they hired some shitty Texas company to port the Grandias.

>> No.5816974

>It is the exact same game but with ZSNES filters

>> No.5816981

>I actually like the first few hours of the story a lot (it pulls the storybook "going on an adventure

That's the heart of my problem with the game. It was marketed on and sets up being all about the trill of adventure and then is a huge letdown in that very area. Every dungeon and area is super linear and short so there's barely ever actually a sense of exploring.

>> No.5817142


>> No.5817157

Don't worrrrryyyyyy...the modders will fix the game. It's tradition by this point.

>> No.5817184

Makes sense. The Lunar remakes were when the company went to shit in the first place.

>> No.5817797

What game is this?

>> No.5817809

They paid Flips $1/day to upscale each one manually

>> No.5818346

according to the grandia saturn translation dev the game is also now running too fast, music playback is sped up.

>> No.5818403

It might be the high definition Grandia remake

>> No.5818412

>high definition Grandia remake
I wish that's what it was, it's a shitty hack job port with zero love or care put into it. Simply a cashgrab.

>> No.5818505

That's literally what a remaster is, you dumbshit.

This. It's still overpriced as fuck, but anyone who thought they were going to get anything more than an aspect ratio tweak and a rushed filter job is a first class tool. It's a 20-year-old game in a dead franchise that really only had a cult following in the first place, and the company that handled it is some literal who that oursourced most of it to some even more literal who studio. How are vidya fags so dumb they keep setting themselves up for disappointment like this?

>> No.5818547

I ain't disappointed because I knew it would be an abomination from how disgustingly terrible their Steam release of Grandia 2 was that actually somehow managed to be buggier and shittier than the old shitty Ubisoft PC port from mid 00s.
I'm glad the Saturn dude is translating it and that this exists for 2:

>> No.5818550

Meant to post this as link, my left CTRL is borked and didn't copy.

>> No.5818709

I knew it was going to look like hot trash. But i'm still surprised at how awful that is.

>> No.5818749

Jesus, that looks like epsxe circa 2004

>> No.5818912

>it looks like the original, so it's bad
so does that mean you never liked the game in the first place?

>> No.5818919

No, it means you're an idiot if you think this looks in any way like the original.

>> No.5818921

>oops they forgot to "remake" this sprite
That means it is the original one. Logic, hard.

>> No.5818930

emulating goes against the devs intentions, which are to collect your money

>> No.5818998

Devs never saw any of your money. And not just because you're underage and never bough a retro game.

>> No.5819042

>Release Now, Patch Later mentality ruins shit again.

I bet you never worked on anything that had a deadline.

>> No.5819156

OP here. You're dense. This has nothing to do with whether or not the original sprites are bad. It has to do with this being such a lazy "remaster" that they completely missed some of the sprites while going through and adding the shitty filter over everything.

>> No.5819174

You know, there was a time they thought they had to get everything ready and working before the deadline.

>> No.5819610

Is this the Remake bad, old classic came great thread?

>> No.5819629
File: 127 KB, 800x800, 1407822921162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5819637

No, this is "remake not actually a remake just a lazy half assed port"

>> No.5819682

I get you I almost was going to say this was another thread about how the classic games have never aged a day and a remaster is always terrible.

>> No.5820409
File: 67 KB, 496x544, Grandia HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5820476

It looks NOTHING like the original.

>> No.5820837

Retranslation is cool, but I'd prefer to just keep based Cam Clarke and Jodi Benson.

>> No.5820861
File: 27 KB, 512x384, monkey paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandia gets rereleased!
>but they run everything through a vaseline filter
God DAMN it

>> No.5822968
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5822985

And now we know what grandia would have looked like on n64

>> No.5823014
File: 107 KB, 480x480, 1565270764266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could they release this? Are they actually charging money for this?

>> No.5823058

>grandia 3 not remastered

lowkey best game in the series

>> No.5823096
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many sprites that they didn't touch. They really didn't give a fuck.

>> No.5823173

but... we have emulators?
emulators that play this game perfectly.
why would you buy a hd remake... an hd remake that has just run a filter over sprites at that

>> No.5823297

This is what happens when you hire a company called "Sickhead Games" to make your HD remaster, who have only done ports of indie games prior to this.

Hire a shitty company, get shitty results.

>> No.5823301

Because showcasing what a dumpster fire this "remaster" is graphically to a handful of people on /vr/ gives me an excuse to replay a game I enjoy.

>> No.5823334

Imagine paying for this

>> No.5823465

fpbp >>5823014