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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 200 KB, 1024x456, xrgb-mini_head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5745921 No.5745921 [Reply] [Original]




>Notice of the end of production of "FRAMEMEISTER"
>Thank you very much for your continuous delivery of microcomputer software products.
>As we announced recently, we have stocked parts and continued production at the end of production of major parts, but with the end of June 2019, we have discontinued production of FRAMEMEISTER. It will end as soon as the stock is gone.
>We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
>We look forward to your continued patronage of our products.

>> No.5745924


>> No.5745928

Proof that upscalerfags are a dying market. I love this.

>> No.5745965

Where there's demand, there'll be a product. Someone else will pick up where Micomsoft left off.

>> No.5745971

Can't wait for their 4k upscaler.

>> No.5745979

It's called the OSSC, and it being so much cheaper than an xrgb-mini while doing the same thing is what killed it.

>> No.5745980
File: 11 KB, 360x238, ossc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, cause the OSSC doesn't exist.


>> No.5746002

This right here.

I used a Framemeister until OSSC. The Framemesiter had unacceptable delay when changing input sources, which makes games like Burning Rangers and Saturn SOTN unplayable unless you never use the menu.

>> No.5746004

I'm tempted to buy another one since I'm paranoid mine will break someday. I don't know why I'm so much more concerned about my upscaler dying rather than the console I hook up to it.

>> No.5746006

>saturn sotn
Why would you play that version? Reminder that the best saturn game is Die Hard Arcade.

>> No.5746018

If mine ever dies, I'll just jump to the OSSC.

>> No.5746047

ossc is no upscaler

>240p @ line9x

>> No.5746084

Its interesting if you've already played the PSX version. Few new areas (that are weird and out of place), items, Maria is really fun to play, etc
I'd never recommend it for someone's first play though, but if they liked the game I'd recommend it for a second play though.

>> No.5746104

3 hand slots and Maria. Playstation is still the better one, but 3 hand slots is kinda fun and the Maria gameplay was changed in the PSP release.

>> No.5746116

>ossc is no upscaler

That's the excuse they use every time someone points out the problems it has.

>The Framemesiter had unacceptable delay when changing input sources

The last few firmwares reduced that to a second or so, which is about the same as how long it takes for the OSSC to change resolutions on my tv.

>> No.5746245

>The last few firmwares reduced that to a second or so
I own both and you're full of shit.

>> No.5748082

What's the best way for me to capture my game footage for around $100?

>> No.5748089
File: 140 KB, 1147x1200, 1559155075055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Framemeister a good thing to buy even if you use a CRT?

>> No.5748103
File: 133 KB, 651x331, 20190719_050704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ready for the XRGB 4
Not really. Atleast in my opinion.
So you didnt update?

>> No.5748113

So what about a OSSC?

>> No.5748117

Just no.

>> No.5748118

The purpose of upscalers is so you can try to make your original hardware look like shitty emulators on LCD screens. It's a mental illness.

>> No.5748119

Okay kid

>> No.5748137

anyone want to buy mine for 200 bucks

>> No.5748141

What's wrong with it?

>> No.5748142

nothing i just never really used it

>> No.5748145
File: 34 KB, 560x560, 1556711177683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real?
Where do you live?

>> No.5748149

long island new york

>> No.5748153
File: 76 KB, 750x750, 1558114708190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof that would be fairly expensive to ship over to the Netherlands I can imagine, any way to ensure you'll actually send it over to me?

>> No.5748174

I pity the fools who have to use things like this to make input signals on their 4k TVs look like the original low-res output.

I own 6 professional broadcast monitors that I got for less than one Framemeister and it still looks way better.

>> No.5748187

Can anyone provide me with options on all of the equipment I'd need to provide a crisp good quality on getting started with recording game footage? I'm trying to get everything I need for around $100-$150 if I must. My main objective in this really is to rip VHS tapes mostly ones of me as a kid because I'm scared that they won't last too much longer being 30 years old. Home videos with me and my family especially my mom who isn't here anymore. I just don't want to lose these to time. I really don't want to just get it burnt to a DVD and then have to rip that. Also I figured since I was going ahead and doing this I could also maybe get started with game capture. I hope someone can get back to me. I really didn't want to start a whole new thread dedicated to this and thought since we were on the topic of upscalers and game capture this would be much better provided here. It would mean the world to me if someone can help me out here.

>> No.5748197

On emulators on your pc.

>> No.5748216

You still wanna sell your FM anon?

>> No.5748239


>> No.5748246

that's not a dazzle

>> No.5748252


>> No.5748273

Is this the highest video quality possible for my budget? I'm to the point where I'm tempted on just getting an upscaler and an elgato HD60 since the damn elgato HD is sold out and people have been hijacking the new price. Because the VHS tapes are more of my concern than the retro gaming. Which I guess sadly I'll just use OBS and Mednafen.

>> No.5748284

Highest quality on your budget (if it's only a few hours of tape) would be taking them to a specialty store and having it done professionally. Otherwise that elgato will give you video just as good as what you're getting out of your vcr.

>> No.5748302

Lol ok

>> No.5748610

>That's the excuse they use every time someone points out the problems it has.
it's a line-multiplier, with all pros and cons.
people, who criticize it for being a bad scaler, need to realize this.

>> No.5751081

>i'm an underage parrot with all the cons

>> No.5751167

By far the most cost effective thing to do is going to be having your VHS converted to DVDs in the tried and true standard fashion. That will give you very true core of the exact video contained in the VHS in a harder format for archival purposes. At that point of you want to make the footage look better for use in higher resolution applications you can rip the DVD then deinterlace and test all kinds of upscaling filters using free software like Handbrake. Upscalers are for on-the-fly applications.

Sorry about your mom. I wish I had recordings of some of the lectures I used to hate my dad giving me for being a dumb kid.

>> No.5751293

I found a professional monitor for free and I still like using my OSSC.

>> No.5752049

RIP 480i

>> No.5752075
File: 1.00 MB, 500x375, I8dO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we getting a 4K-capable successor or what? It's been almost a decade since the Framemeister's release and there hasn't been so much a peep about a follow up in recent years

>> No.5752118

Probably the XRGB-4

>> No.5752259

The OSSC only has to solve 2 problems:
1) Modern TVs are losing their legacy ports one by one. SCART is almost completely gone on Euro models, and S-Video has been non-existent for many years. Component is starting to dwindle too.
2) 240p is and always will be a crapshoot

The OSSC fixes both issues on every TV on line doubling mode. The Line3/4/5x modes are only really to help with an aggressive upscaler in your TV. Or for nicer scanlines if you're so inclined. (I can take them or leave them.)

When it comes to resolution switching, there's really nothing that can be done if your TV is slow at it. You'd have to build a device that had extra frame buffers so that when the console switches res, it absorbs the signal drop and resync by running a frame behind. That would not be an acceptable solution.

>> No.5752358

The only reason to have a FM is for PS2 games and the way it handles 480i. But now that PS2 HDMI is being worked on, it has almost guaranteed potential to be better than the FM. OSSC is the way to go unless you are a fanboy who can't get over the fact that you payed over $300 for an inferior product.

>> No.5752386 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 580x750, inkLa0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But now that PS2 HDMI is being worked on, it has almost guaranteed potential to be better than the FM
>PS2 HDMI is being worked on
Source plz

>> No.5752389
File: 28 KB, 580x750, inkLa0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But now that PS2 HDMI is being worked on, it has almost guaranteed potential to be better than the FM
>PS2 HDMI is being worked on
Source plz

>> No.5752392

Made by the same guy who did the dchdmi

>> No.5752401


>> No.5752406

it's going to have the same shitty bob deinterlace that everything else has so who cares

>> No.5752408

There will be multiple forms of deinterlacing to choose from. Don't remember which ones but it was mentioned.

>> No.5752428

xpc-4 still in production, suck it haters

>> No.5752443 [DELETED] 
File: 2.78 MB, 854x480, watchv=N8Km06KD4cU-[00.39.573-01.23.650].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5752502

>The only reason to have a FM is for PS2 games and the way it handles 480i.
Tink2X does it better.

>> No.5752536 [DELETED] 

I miss him...

>> No.5752585

XPC-4 isn't really useful for consoles.

>> No.5752649

>ps2 hdmi
For what purpose? It already supports component.

>> No.5752652

For one thing, it's fully digital which means no sampling errors and no noise. And if it's like the Dreamcast one, it'll have upscaling capabilities as well.

>> No.5752662 [DELETED] 

We all do

>> No.5752685

dude those inputs are already gone composite and component are both done through a dongle plugged into a 3.5mm jack

>> No.5752743


>> No.5753553


>> No.5753823
File: 111 KB, 641x534, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5754749


>> No.5754823

In price, lag, and ADC noise, yes.

>> No.5755429

>im so bad at videogames i cant compensate for input lag
Non issue

>> No.5755464
File: 407 KB, 1920x1200, Perfect_Dark_Japanese_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question, get the FM now to avoid being scalped by some asshole German, or rest easy and buy an OSSC?

>> No.5755470

Bluepill: buy the FM now
Redpill: wait for the 4k FM
Blackpill: stop upscaling

>> No.5755512

Wait for xrgb4/fm2

>> No.5755689

do you have consoles with 480i?
yes - get fm
no - don't get fm

do you have snes/nes and don't want to do the dejitter mod?
yes - get fm
no - don't get fm

>> No.5756421

buy a bunch of FM and sell them when zoomers get nostalgic about upscalers.

>> No.5756445

Are you speedgaming?

>> No.5756846


The OSSC doesnt dp anything the framemeister does

The Framemeister died because another company that produced a specific part it required went tits-up a few years ago.

>> No.5756939

Well the FM does line double, it upscales frame x frame

Regardless, not sure if that company when up or if they just stopped manufacturing that certain chip, but they ordered a fuckton a few years ago before that company did go. Thats why all the news about the xrgb mini being discontinued from about 2-3 years ago still hasnt happened.

>> No.5756960

Yeah, and they've now run out of that part, which is what the recent announcement is about.