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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 342 KB, 2425x997, PlayStation_Classic_Konsole_+_Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5717721 No.5717721 [Reply] [Original]

What is the general consensus on the quality of emulation on the PS1 classic (mini)? Does it emulate PS1 games well or do they come out glitchy? I'd like to hack it and add games.

I bought a SNES classic and I hacked it and have been loving it. I Just beat Final Fantasy 1 last night. I've heard about all the quality RPGs on the PS1.

For those who have bought it and played the pre-loaded games, and for those who have hacked it, how have your experiences with the emulation been?

>> No.5717738

I also own a PS2 slim which I know is backwards compatible with PS1, but I'm still leaning towards going with the classic. PS1 games are expensive these days.

I'm also a bit weary of how well CD based game consoles will fare as they age.

>> No.5717778

Don't really have or want one, but it was interesting that prices had dropped. Apparently, you will get better PS1 performance from it by installing retroarch instead of running its stock OS. That makes it cheaper than a RetroPi, and probably runs almost as many games.

>> No.5717819

I haven't looked at the PS1 Classic hack yet. Is it just about running RetroArch? I've already got that on my laptop.

>> No.5717824

If you don't care about having a little low power machine that looks like a tiny PS1, you are probably better off just emulating on your PC. I can see it being a cute toy to plug in to distract kids on the holidays without having to let them touch your computer.

>> No.5718097

Do yourself a favor and just get a Raspberry Pi.

>> No.5718176
File: 148 KB, 1025x713, 004249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS Classic is half the price and comes with better controllers.

>> No.5718248

Get a PS TV instead.

>> No.5719065

Hack that fucker. It's $25 basically everywhere.

>> No.5719376 [DELETED] 

Can the PSC do composite out?

>> No.5719383 [DELETED] 

$25 is hard to beat even just for the controllers alone

>> No.5719408


Best emulation solution on the market right now with retroarch on it

>> No.5719419 [DELETED] 

No way fag.

>> No.5719506

It doesn't have analog controls or rumble like a raspberry + PS3/PS4 or even a PS2/PS1 controller + usb adapter controller would have.

>> No.5719537

the controllers are amazing. Light as a feather and the buttons are nice and fresh

>> No.5719631

>>SJW Pi
>he says this, with a straight face, while defending the literal SJW company (Sony) that censors anything slightly out of line

>> No.5719660

Can we keep this /v/ shit outta /vr/

>> No.5719663

What the fuck is sjw about a raspberry pi?

>> No.5719734

I'll stop bringing /v/ shit into /vr/ as long as you don't make retarded statements like the RPi being SJW and then deflecting my response when I call you out on your bullshit.
TL;DR eat shit nigger

>> No.5719838

Too poor to pay content creators so they resort to emulation (stealing) while bitching about copyright.

>> No.5719845

We've been able to emulate PS1 for twenty years, literally while it was still in production. No you don't need to buy these boxes.

>> No.5719879

emulation is pretty bad on it, but if you hack it thats a nonissue.
it's easily worth the 25-30 dollars for it.

>> No.5720220

Saw one at an electronics store, thought "Hey, that's actually kinda cheap." then I looked at the included games and concluded it was a waste of my time.

>> No.5721301

K, and that has what to do with the raspberry pi being socjust faggots?

>> No.5723471

>in the US, price dropped to $25 a few days ago
>in Yurop, price was increased to around €40 two weeks ago

What is Sony's endgame?

>> No.5723912

This kinda makes me want to take a huge shit in your mouth.

>> No.5725234

I bought a ps classic a few days ago when it was 25 dollars. it was extremely easy to get retroarch on it. You can even increase the resolution and make pal games run at 60Hz. Though I'm still trying to figure out why some games will get added to my games list and not others. I'm starting to think it only runs .bin and .cue files.

>> No.5725294

Why bother? Bit rot if going to wipe out all data right after disk rot.

>> No.5725298

False. Data will be secure using sharing protocols similar to the blockchain. Get fucked, hoarder faggot.

>> No.5725439

but I use original hardware and am an sjw

>> No.5725518

It only makes sense that the Reddit type guys who are sjws and socialists love feeling superior and telling others about their “authentic” hardware for social status points. The based centipedes know that social media stuff is gay, and just emulate.

>> No.5725664
File: 86 KB, 268x309, b8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get it, failed gaming devices always sell for tons more money when sold.

>> No.5725681

rpi 3b+ or 4
>+faster than "official" SOC shitboxes so all additional performance can go right into input lag reduction
>+native analog video out
>+works with the bluetooth/usb controllers you already own
>-need an iq above 85 to complete first-time startup

official SOC shitboxes
>+neat plastic shell to collect dust on a shelf somewhere after you use it once
>+nerd cred
>+cheap clone controllers which are kind of novel i guess
>+works with room temp iq
>-weak hardware
>-hdmi only because fuck you

Huh, the official SOC shitboxes have more +'s. I guess that's what you should go with.

>> No.5725709

If you can get it cheap its a pretty decent emulation box. Kyland did wonders for it bringing over the stuff from the SNES Classic to it. Its around the same performance of a Pi 3. You can mod it to load up via an OTG adapter plugged into the back of the console now.
Though with the Pi 4 out. It might be worth the extra to get one of those instead.

>> No.5725985

Is it gone for good? It's no longer on best buy's website.

>> No.5726009

check amazon

>> No.5726012

not in stock

>> No.5726065

they are back up to 39.99 - 60 bucks from what i can see.

>> No.5726434

Don't forget that smugness for always being able to say you have a better and cheaper option that can also do other things and isn't locked down and dedicated to one specific thing and a set number of games.

>> No.5727282

what about the ones that socialists but not sjws?

>> No.5727978

They get the 8 hours work, 8 hours rest, 8 hours playstation