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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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5520947 No.5520947 [Reply] [Original]

>Expecting subbers to do their job


>> No.5520978 [DELETED] 

Anyone who speaks Japanese and does not create subs for us is tantamount to a murderer.

The real Roko's Basilisk will punish anyone who did not contribute to subbing GCCX episodes.

>> No.5522250 [DELETED] 

/gccx/ confirmed full of dripping little pussies who run to mods and jannies when they get their precious feelings hurt by jokes. Kill yourself.

>> No.5522416

>Page 10
This is what happens when no one subs.

>> No.5522424
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>Being so entitled that you expect people to do something specifically for you with nothing given in return, lest they be socially castrated for all to ridicule

>> No.5522439

>their job

What does that mean?

>> No.5522447

donate me some more time and i'll translate more episode for you guys

>> No.5522538

The regular OPs don't make threads that start with whining. We'll need a better thread next time.

>> No.5522543

fuck off dipshit

>> No.5522547
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, shiba asahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there aren't GCCX Patreons for subbers yet.
Hell it wouldn't even be much work uploading softsub files to it along with the MD5/SHA-1 of the original file used for identification.
Even someone mediocre at translating could probably net themselves a bit of income doing it for GCCX and similar niche stuff like Tokyo Encounter.

>> No.5522575


>Subbing stuff like this is already a legal grey area. No reputable team should risk taking donations.

>> No.5522602
File: 374 KB, 2560x1440, no dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously the SA people wouldn't be interested but i'm talking people who know nip and want to earn some money.
At worst they'd be told to knock it off with a C&D (doubtful considering how long it took for FujiTV to do anything about all the youtube uploads), but hell if that was an issue they could just turn it more circumspect after everyone knows about it ("translating japanese shows" patreon) and make news updates on a new release while anonymously uploading the files elsewhere like nyaa.

>> No.5525124

Worst fanbase confirmed.

>> No.5525198


>> No.5525217

Only the entitled EOP's.
It's still a fun comfy show and the Japanese fans seem really supportive.

>> No.5525593

The pastebin says the next Yoiko indie episode will be up in about 6 hours, then the last one will be the following day.

>> No.5525918
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 277 Pac-Land.mkv_snapshot_21.01_[2019.04.25_04.46.59].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5526227


>> No.5526837 [DELETED] 

The Pac-Land episode was really good. Great choice for the show.

>> No.5527114

Whatever you say child. Keep hitting that button because mean people hurt your feelings.

>> No.5528517
File: 81 KB, 960x720, arino_find_jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you found Him, /vr/?

>> No.5528695


>> No.5529306

fuck off shiteater

>> No.5529545

Butthurt goons detected

>> No.5529550

fucking lol at that one, a new classic

>> No.5529621

GCCX is a pretty annoying show to subtitle, honestly. The language is generally piss easy, but there's a lot of on-screen text to typeset.

If I wanted money, I'd sub some idolshit, those retards have deep pockets. Nerds on /vr/ are a terrible source of money.

>> No.5529701

I really think most people don't give a flying fuck if the game's text is translated

>> No.5529796 [DELETED] 

im just here to take a shit on the floor.

>> No.5529809

And you need to know the games and related material as well as all previous episodes.

>> No.5530160

Take a good look at the OP folks. This person not only made a GCCX thread when there is no new subs just to complain about no new subs, but is also butthurt they aren't getting free entertainment fast enough. Whiny and demanding, that's one hell of a personality combination.

>> No.5530178

Voicing their bullshit opinion that nobody asked for while being annoying as fuck. That's one hell of a personality combination.

>> No.5530185

It's obviously not one of the usual thread makers.

>> No.5530227

>t. angry OP

On the subject of GCCX, does anyone else notice Arino has a way of making shitty games seem like they would be fun to play? Wing of Madoola, Dragon Buster, Mito Koumon, even that shitty NES Dragon Ball game. All are pretty aggravating to play, but he makes them look like fun. Granted it doesn't always work, Super Monkey and Princess Tomato still looked like boring garbage.

>> No.5530230

Yea, so why complain? I guess its better to just have no thread at all because it wasn't made by the normal idiot that keeps it goin? Sounds pretty stupid to me. There's no reason we cant keep talking about the show in whoevers' thread pops up next. There's no fucking law that says we can't.

>> No.5530327

>Yea, so why complain?
That's the point exactly. We can talk about the show in whatever thread there is, and you're free to complain all you want, but starting a thread with a complaint is asking for trouble. Just look at this thread so far. Try to be somewhat neutral if you make a thread, then whatever happens will happen. If people complain about things while the thread is up, then oh well, it happens.

>> No.5530336


>> No.5531310

It's also a bit mumbly at times, which is not a fun combination with the lack of captions.

>> No.5532947

>page 10
So are you guys just going to complain about people complaining about lack of subs, or should we just call it quits and stop having these threads/

>> No.5533831
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>complaining about lack of subs
Speaking of complaining, why'd this Zombie Kabuto d00d sub a two-parter, that was a sequel to an unsubbed two-parter instead of subbing that one first? I mean I'm grateful for his work which was great, but I don't understand that decision.

>> No.5534461

Because he made a bad decision and then made bad subs.