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File: 664 KB, 2173x1687, scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5457324 No.5457324 [Reply] [Original]

Say, is it possible to hide/make less pronounced, or "fix" surface scratches that result in discoloration like this one? Scratches in plastic are usually extremely difficult to do anything about, but when it's this kind of scratch it feels like it should be possible to do something about.

>> No.5457334

Oh no, now all your games aren't gonna run properly. Better throw that console out, it's junk.

>> No.5457343

No. Plastic can be wetsanded, but 64 has a stippling and it will only be worse if you sand it.

>> No.5457380

I was thinking if I could at least do something about the discoloration it would help a lot.

>> No.5457413

Try wetting your finger and rubbing it to see if the discoloration comes off.

>> No.5457418

the actual texture of the plastic is fucked. Might as well throw the thing away.

>> No.5457420

Ask some warhammer spergs to find the right color to paint over it so that it blends in

>> No.5457463

I guess I could try painting on layers of highly thinned out paint and see if what I get is an improvement.

>> No.5457471

You can lightly and I mean lightly buff that area with a mr. clean magic eraser, and then get a FUCKLOAD of pledge and buff the hell out of it with pledge. Then proceed to buff the whole console with pledge. It will diminish the mark in that area and make it shiny.

>> No.5457476

Just slap some solvent-based paint on that fucker, just make sure it's outdoor and not one of those wussy low-VoC ones. Then take a good whiff in to get that lovely smell of a freshly-painted N64. Just slap it on liberally, shit comes off garments, floors and furniture easily, the worst thing would be to miss a spec on the N64.

>> No.5457483

Try a black crayon.

>> No.5457484


>> No.5457882

anon please try to take better care of your things next time

>> No.5457884

Not joking but a Crayon is really your best bet. There isn't anything you can do about scratches like these without really knowing what you're doing. Mix and match a grey+black crayon and blend it until it matches. Worst comes to it you can wipe it off.

>> No.5457939

The trick is to glob a bit of semen on the damaged area before applying your crayon blend.

>> No.5458120

Alternatively if you can find a soft modeling clay that more closely matches the base color you can use that as well, clay would likely work much better than crayon even, just rub a little in to where the scratch is then smooth it out and remove any leftover outside of the scratch.

>> No.5458482

Why are all you fags giving him shit about this

>> No.5458663

Because it's an incredibly minor scratch and most of the discoloration is probably from whatever scratched it, meaning he can just lick his finger and rub a lot of it away. Also it's completely cosmetic and doesn't affect the functionality of the system and OP is s fag for needing everything to be completely pristine as if it's some kind of museum piece rather than a children's toy.

>> No.5460369
File: 79 KB, 774x1010, x-box-360-vs-n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's completely cosmetic and doesn't affect the functionality of the system
This exactly. The plastic is marred. There is no way to resolve this outside of replacement of the shell, or totally sanding down the unit and buffing it until it has a uniform shine. It will never look OEM ever again, but that is irrelevant to the function of the unit.

>> No.5460602
File: 1.93 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180924_162603774_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic eraser
This but I use silicone spray rather than pledge. Coincidentally I also use it to lubricate N64 sticks after I rebuild them. It's an essential part of any N64 owner's arsenal IMO.

>> No.5461395

>rather than a children's toy.
Not defending the OP but there are many "childrens toys" that are worth a lot of money if in pristine condition , although N64 is not one of them

>> No.5461521

Just get another N64 if it really bothers you that much. It's not like they're terribly expensive and you can resell that one to offset the cost.