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File: 1.88 MB, 4240x2120, Sega-Mega-Drive-JP-Mk1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5200595 No.5200595 [Reply] [Original]

The Sega Genesis actually won the 16-bit war. Here is what people fail to mention.

Sega stopped supporting the Genesis after the Saturn launched. It was all about the upcoming 5th gen. Still to this day the Genesis gets sold brand new in certain countries. You need to account for the fact Sega abandoning the Genesis while Nintendo not outright abandoning the Snes is a very important point to understand. If Sega decides to stop trying and instead put their effort into a new gen while Nintendo continues to support the last gen how does that somehow mean Nintendo wins? The entire market was going 5th gen and Sega was the leader at the time. These console gens are not sports matches where a team has to win in a fixed period of time. Saturn launched in 1994 in Japan and early 1995 everywhere else. N64 came out late 1996. Nearly two whole years accounting for availability worldwide of Nintendo not competing directly during the 5th gen while also Sega not competing anymore in the 4th gen. The Snes did however outsell it in Japan. In fact Japan is the only reason they have arguably even won 4th gen. Nintendo has never liked to directly compete with their competitors. This should be blatantly obvious to people if you look at their consoles starting with N64 to now.

The Snes never really did "beat" the Genesis. In fact it might not have even beat it at all since its too hard to gauge the real number of G/MD sold. The Snes outsold it in Japan but the Snes never "officially" outsold G/MD worldwide until 1995! And this is only really because it was not abandoned like G/MD was plus the Japanese support. I guarantee the real numbers are much closer with G/MD actually beating it.

>> No.5200601

segautists ladies and gentlemen

>> No.5200606

>real number of G/MD sold
slightly above 30 million units

>but the Snes never "officially" outsold G/MD worldwide until 1995!
try late 1992 / early 1993, thanks to Japan and the fact G/MD didn't sell all that much before Sonic in 1991

>> No.5200610
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Only poor kids had a Sega

>> No.5200612

Not sure what that image is supposed to add to your comment? A mediocre game where the Genesis version is actually the best of the bunch?

>> No.5200615
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Meant to post this, but still illustrates my point the Genesis had embarrassingly bad graphics especially colors

>> No.5200617

Wikipedia is not a reliable source.

>> No.5200618

Sega's is objectively the best out of those 3. Also I was a poor kid and had a genesis, shit was lit.

>> No.5200624

Sega is more aesthetically pleasing is this example.

>> No.5200627

>a game that's dithered to shit on genny while excessively zoomed in on SNES is objective proof of SNES meme superiority.
Nintoddlers are fucking sad.

>> No.5200629 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5200632

>the genesis won
>the genesis was abandoned
>therefore, the genesis won

put down the pipe, anon

>> No.5200635

>Sega stopped supporting the Genesis after the Saturn launched.

The Saturn launched in 1995 in the US and Sega published its final Genesis game in 1997. You're welcome to try again though.

>> No.5200645

While I'll agree he is grasping for straws Sega really didn't put out anything of quality on the Genesis after '95. A shame really.

>> No.5200672

>Only poor kids had a Sega
I have a hypothesis on this phenomenon. The Genesis didn't really start to pick up steam until after Sonic came out in '91. By then the console was a couple years old and could be sold cheaper than the brand new SNES. So poor(or cheap) parents when given the choice of the two bought the Genesis for their kiddos.

>> No.5200675

This is hilarious, thanks. You’re moving so many goal posts you’re practically reinventing the game.

>> No.5200678

The Genesis has better action games, the SNES had better RPGs. I liked both.

>> No.5200679

I just ordered one of eBay for 50€ plus 8 games.

I feel like I overpaid for it but I really want one simply because I miss the one from my childhood and I can't find them any cheaper around here.

>> No.5200713

>Sega published its final Genesis game in 1997
no one cares about Sega of America shovelware, back then 90% of the good console games were developed by the japanese

>> No.5200716

Says the weabo. Japanese are only capable of making jrpg and visual novel garbage.

>> No.5200747

I got mine by bugging my dad to the point where he just took me to Target so I'd shut up. It was 2nd model bundle with sonic 2, probably $150-$200. Single workin dad appeasing his son who he loves with an old console. Goddamn it my dad is awesome.

>> No.5200803

Oh, so we're moving goalposts, OK, I can do that too.
The Saturn launched in Japan in 1994 and Sega published their last Mega Drive game there in 1995. Oh but I guess it's not Alien Soldier or whatever so I'm wrong despite the fact that making games for it after the Saturn was out is the purest definition of "support"

>> No.5200807

>Still to this day the Genesis gets sold brand new in certain countries.

Because BRs are too poor to afford modern gaming systems/PCs.

>> No.5200824


>> No.5201938

It's got its ass kicked in sales. Stop making excuses.


>> No.5201958

that was only cause more often then not devs were moron who did not knew how to work with the genesis color palette, ex capcom with them porting SF2, and don't tell me it could not be fixed, people already did 2 color patches for SCE and it works on real hardware.

>> No.5201960

Correction: only poor kids had one or the other. Though I was in my teens already so buying them yourself might be different than relying on gifts.

>> No.5201974
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>30 year-old console wars

>> No.5202039

At least it's not as hate-filled as the 6th gen console wars we have around here.

>> No.5202040

Nintendo didnt "win" a home console war until the wii, let that sink in.

>> No.5202042

Sega won 6th gen too because they abandoned the Dreamcast while the other 3 continued to support systems that were actually making money.

>> No.5202049

>ladies and gentlemen

*Translation: Neck Beards and Lumber Sexuals

>> No.5202057


Then again this board would be boring without him.

>> No.5202058


>> No.5202068

>USA actually won Vietnam: the post

>> No.5202073


It's like all those fags who say PS3 won last gen. Sony needed a fucking global recession to drag the last gen out so they could catch up to the 360. Still fell way behind the Wii, which lost momentum halfway through the gen.

>> No.5202075

Not only did Sega win the 6th gen, it was also benevolent enough to produce all of the good games for the Gamecube and Xbox

>> No.5202079


Sega during the 6th gen was amazing. Particularly the amazing SEGA AGES series for the PS2.

>> No.5202081

We didn’t lose, technically.

>> No.5202253

despite the graphics (and lack of 2 characters), Fatal Fury 1 plays and sounds better on the Genesis

>> No.5202291


>> No.5202316

In terms of worldwide sales that gen, they most definitely won. Also, NES.

>> No.5202362

>The Genesis didn't really start to pick up steam until after Sonic came out in '91

^ This is what I remember from the time. in 1990/91 most kids still played Regular Nintendo. Sonic is what made people notice Sega.

Also I don't really remember any economic divide regarding SNES/Genesis. It really was down to taste and chance which system you got. When Genesis had uncensored blood in Mortal Kombat and generally more edgy games that was a factor in taste compared to rather childlike-looking Super Mario World and Mario Paint, etc.

>> No.5202369

They did

>> No.5202528

>Also I don't really remember any economic divide regarding SNES/Genesis.
Its 100% was true for everyone I met. All poor-lower middle class people I knew had a Genesis and everyone that I perceived well off(mid to upper middle class) had a SNES. Only person that didn't fit this mold was this older guy I knew whose dad was a Dr but he got his Genesis in '88 so the after '91 hypothesis doesn't apply. All that being said I never met anyone that owned more than one current console until 6th gen.

>Genesis had uncensored blood in Mortal Kombat
This was a big deal and definitely pushed some Gen consoles. Mortal Kombat fever was for real and I still remember people talking about how not to buy a SNES because it's MK was censored. Dumb as fuck on Nintendo's part.

>> No.5202582

>a-at least our shitposting is slightly less retarded!
Consider how dumb you sound.

>> No.5202586

>t. Jap

>> No.5202592

i'm still traumatized by this war.
you wanna go and aggravate my ptsd with these threads?

>> No.5202601

t. Blob Chipman

>> No.5202752

Nes cannot count because of what Nintendo did to keep out competition and what they did to third parties. What >>5202040 says is actually correct. The Snes win needs to come with a giant asterisk next to it.

>> No.5202879
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I had both SNES and Genesis.

>> No.5202943

except the genesis version was actually the best console version of Ys III

turbografx had the horrible scrolling and the snes port was just ass

>> No.5203880

>Says the weabo. Japanese are only capable of making jrpg and visual novel garbage.

Not that anon but cmon try harder.

>> No.5203891

If history is written by the winners, why does the world think the SNES won?

>> No.5203945

>why does the world think the SNES won?
Because Nintendo is still a big household name. Also because the snes did in fact win but it was relatively close

>> No.5203954

That's what I'm trying to say. I mean, I literally don't even give a fuck - don't be a phillistine and limit yourself to one console.

>> No.5204979

kiglogic. lol

>> No.5204982
File: 482 KB, 738x349, segatendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that if you were alive in the 90s and you weren't a segatendo idort, you only had half a childhood.

>> No.5205204

OR because:
>Genesis outsold SNES in america
>Therefor genesis wins, as all other parts of the world are irrelevant

>> No.5205235

Actually the evidence suggests that the Mega Drive outsold the SNES in every single country except Japan and Germany (USA was a tie).

It's because the Mega Drive bombed so hard in Japan that the SNES won the global total. There's no other reason. The difference in sales in Japan alone makes up for the entire global disparity in sales.

>> No.5207670
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Why not both?

>> No.5207672

>what is Sega cd and 32x?

>> No.5207674
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>> No.5207739

There's a McDonalds in Hanoi.

>> No.5207740

PC Gamer masterrace even back then. Wolfenstein 3D, X-wing, Theme Park, Might and Magic 4 FTw

>> No.5207745

Dude, I don't even like Nintendo, but you're grasping at some serious straws at this point

>> No.5207747


peace with honor

>> No.5207820
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>> No.5207842

You could go to hell and jump up satans asshole and you would find a mcdonalds there, what's your point.

>> No.5209461

Because OP is a poor underage huefag

Why not. I have a couple 60hz PAL SNESs. If they weren't so rare I'd use them.

Sounds like you might have assburgers

>> No.5209480

did he get them from the hanoi mcdonalds?