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5187493 No.5187493 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think of the SNES Mode 7 at the time?

>> No.5187503

I thought it was p. cool

>> No.5187504

It was cool. The sprite scaling was really neat.

>> No.5187505

I was like, I don't know, 7 or 8?
I didn't really understand what it was or why it was impressive, the improved graphics and sound compared to the NES were much more impressive to me than this particular gimmick.

>> No.5187512

I thought it was a good solution to doing fake 3D on an under powered system

>> No.5187521

Just no.

>> No.5187525

I kinda agree, but for racing games only. It looks like a total mess and isn't fun at all. For something like Contra 3 or Pilotwings, its pretty cool though.

>> No.5187603

It was though you faggot

>> No.5187605

Yes, it's a gimmick.

>> No.5187617

People didn't care. There was better stuff in the arcades long before. PS1 and N64 era is when people really started caring about 3D, because there weren't games like Mario 64 ever before. Stuff that was marketed as being 3D or pre-rendered was usually taken with a grain of salt, with the exception of PC/DOS games, like Doom.

>> No.5187649

I came here for Hyperzone.

>> No.5187720

it was impressive but the novelty quickly wore off when that's all it had for quite some time, that is, until nintendo and others started producing the expansion chips like superfx

mode 7 never scaled sprites, only a tilemap layer, though some programmers did a very good job convincing players that massive scaling and rotating objects were sprites that you could interact with.

> a defining feature
> merely a gimmick

>> No.5187721

> PS1 and N64 era is when people really started caring about 3D
> what is the PC? I am a clueless zoomer that was born yesterday
you need to leave.

>> No.5187723

>defining feature

or used in a limited amount of games, a few of them big.

in other words

a gimmick

>> No.5187730

I wonder how many minds would have been blown if something like this came out at the time when the sega was relevant.

>> No.5187753

Pretty sure I mentioned PC in my post. Did you not read the whole thing? There were even Atari games that did smooth 3d visuals, like Robot Tank.

>> No.5187832

everyone would of just said it looks like a shitty mario kart

>> No.5187869

>limited amount of games
fuck off, you clueless fucking faggot.

>> No.5188314
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Ugly. It ruined the FF6 map.

>> No.5188351

You mean DOS ROMs?

>> No.5188357

I liked it. Felt like the arcade experience was in my home. Some games did make use of it in a gimmicky way but I also thought they were cool.

>> No.5188364

FFIV's map used mode 7 when you were in the airship.

>> No.5188372

No, it's not a gimmick. When it's useful, it's very useful and can make entire games possible that otherwise wouldn't be nearly as good (like F-Zero). And smart developers can use it tastefully, like Square did in Final Fantasy IV, which was subtle enough that someone in this very thread obviously didn't even know about it.

>> No.5188380

it's kind of a gimmick, but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.5188382

It was essential for racing games. For everything else it was a gimmick.

>> No.5188384
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I thought pic related was impressive, as well as the Toy Story/Jurassic Park FPS sections although not sure if those were actually Mode 7 or not.

>> No.5188410


> the Toy Story/Jurassic Park FPS sections although not sure if those were actually Mode 7 or not.

They weren't. You need Super FX to rotate/scale anything but the 2 backgrounds you get with Mode 7, and Toy Story had a similar 3D level on Genesis.

>> No.5188416

I saw it initially in photos and thought it meant the SNES had scaling graphics, like a SEGA or SNK arcade game. But I was disappointed when it found it can’t scale sprites.

>> No.5188418


That was partially wrong, sorry. Both games are brute-forcing the graphics entirely through software, without using the standard SNES background and sprite setups, including Mode 7.

>> No.5188434

I still think it's a pretty neat effect desu. I like how it gives the perceived impression of full 3d movement. Dunno, i just think it's cool looking.

>> No.5188501

I never thought much of it. I was just a kid and things like hardware limitations and sprite scaling/rotation capabilities were lost upon me anyway

>> No.5188526

Back when it came out there was a huge crowd of kids around an F Zero demo at the store and everyone was taking turns crashing into the walls and blowing up.

>> No.5188583

>brainlet tier

>man of intelligence tier
abusing scanlines to quickly draw a road

>elder demigod tier
using scaled sprites to simulate depth

>lord of multiverses tier
making different backgrounds for varying degrees of curved roads and toggling between them

>> No.5188776

Looks like a silky smooth shitty Mario Kart without karts or music.

>> No.5188798


It's a cool demo, but the Genesis is going to need some of those cycles for sprites and gameplay logic. Maybe the Sega CD could pull it off.

>> No.5188827

>What did you think of the SNES Mode 7 at the time?

Very cool. I had F-Zero, and I thought it was a 3D game. There was nothing else like it.

>> No.5188839

It's fine. I don't get why people hate it so much, I guess it's because it was used as an advertising marketing thing, but I think it adds to the visual experience and sometimes gameplay too.

>> No.5189369

It was a gimmick for everything except racing/vehicle games.

In your typical JRPG where they use it for the world map, it just gets in the way. Like in Secret of Mana.

Problem is that most people think that Mode 7 is the name for literally *every* special effect on SNES. That Axelay roller pin effect is NOT Mode 7.

>> No.5189371

>at the time

I figure at the time most of us didn't know what that fuck mode 7 was and just thought it was a cool effect. Was pretty far from mindblowing or anything though to anyone who owned a computer.

>> No.5189379

>Was pretty far from mindblowing or anything though to anyone who owned a computer
You must be an emulator kiddy. PCs couldn't do anything even close to Mode 7 with 1990/1991 hardware.

>> No.5189407

Please explain how EXACTLY mode 7 is a "gimmick".

I am sure you believe that SMK and F-Zero were worthwhile games, you really think they could have been done without Mode 7?

Give any other effect on any hardware that is not a "gimmick".

Of course you have no explanation for it, you're just a clueless zoomer going around hating on random shit to pretend that you know something better than others do/did and also to troll.

>> No.5189424
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>There was nothing else like it.
This is what ignorant Nintendildos really believe.

>> No.5189596 [DELETED] 

>Toy Story/Jurassic Park FPS sections although not sure if those were actually Mode 7 or not.

They are not Mode 7. Jurassic Park Mode 7 is a software driven raycaster engine that was created using the SNES's 256 colour mode. Toy Story was coded to use vertical textured strops to create 3D walls. The Toy Story sections actually ran at a faster framerate on the Genesis/ Mega Drive too.

Great video from the programmer of Toy Story showing how it was all made:


>> No.5189604

>Toy Story/Jurassic Park FPS sections although not sure if those were actually Mode 7 or not.

They are not Mode 7. Jurassic Park FPS 3D is a software driven raycaster engine that was created using the SNES's 256 colour mode. Pretty sure it was done the same way Wolfenstein 3D on the SNES was created. Toy Story was coded to use vertical textured strops to create 3D walls. The Toy Story sections actually ran at a faster framerate on the Genesis/ Mega Drive too.

Great video from the programmer of Toy Story showing how it was all made:


>> No.5189632

PCs were already doing full 3D when the NES was released, much less the SNES. Enjoy the half a dozen games that used the SuperFX chip babby.

>> No.5189648
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Honestly, none of the 3D features of the SNES impressed me. I already saw DOOM by this time - it was leagues ahead what consoles were doing.

What did impress me about the SNES were games that featured pre-rendered sprites. That was a massive leap forward from 8-bit and early-16 bit gaming.

>> No.5189649

I don’t remember it was like 28 years ago

>> No.5189650


Actually, I take that back - I was impressed with the 3D traps in Yoshi's Island. You know, like when the wall collapses on you in the castle? Was this Mode 7?

>> No.5189653

Yoshi's Island was SuperFX 2.

>> No.5189658

>PCs were already doing full 3D when the NES was released
Yeah, like what?

>I was impressed with the 3D traps in Yoshi's Island. You know, like when the wall collapses on you in the castle? Was this Mode 7?
Nope. Mode 7 is just the rotation or scaling of a entire background layer. For example, it cannot do perspective tricks by itself (like the world map shit in Final Fantasy VI) but can when combined with HDMA.

Those wall collapsing parts in Yoshi's Island are either a canned animation pulled from the ROM or polygonal shit which the SuperFX chip was responsible for.

>> No.5189901

I would've prefered sprite scaling.

You should be banned from this board.

>> No.5190363

Despite playing and enjoying the games, i wasn't aware of its existence. I was just a kid.

>> No.5191586

This game looked so cool in the arcades, until you played it and couldn't figure out where the roads were going


>> No.5191907
File: 89 KB, 694x490, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the Tazmanian Devil game for the SNES?

>> No.5192009

good for shit like f-zero
stupid for shit like that one level in castlevania 4

>> No.5192015

My arcade had a cabinet with a car you could sit in that would swing left to right with the turns in the game.
It had a seat belt and everything.

>> No.5192215

I generally did not like this effect as it was super pixelated.

However, a few games made good use out of it. Namely the Super Star Wars just used it as a ground texture.

I never knew what it was actually called until later. Finding out that Nintendo basically pushed developers to include this whether it fit or not explains why it usually looks bad.

>> No.5192356


>> No.5192362

I still think Super Mario Kart (SNES) is one of the best looking games and none of the other full 3D versions has ever lived up to it.

>> No.5192789

Come on dude, just enjoy the games. Let's not turn this into a weird middle school fixation on trying to prove you are mature because of the toys you play with.

>> No.5192917

Oh god, that's just awful.

>> No.5193073

>Confirmed not born when the NES was release

>> No.5193096

What's it like being homo?

>> No.5193110

Sega CD had hardware for sprite scaling and mode 7, look at Soulstar and the racing portions of that Batman game (forgot which)

>> No.5193460

Impressive for the time because not even all arcade games had 60 fps 3d but once you see a few games you realize its pretty limited. I even thought super hang on - on genesis was really impressive when I saw on demo in a store.

>> No.5193463

I don't think mode7 is very interesting. Some of the effects pulled off in Panorama Cotton look far more impressive.

>> No.5194953

I always found this game to be very impressive for the Mega Drive, it came out in 1990 as well.


>> No.5194964
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I completely agree. Just look at this.

Now.the actual track was messy, being a sloppy jagged rotation, but the style is unmatched. My ideal game is 3D with handdrawn characters. Just draw 40 angles. Fuck character models.

>> No.5194972

the music too i'm hearing it in my head right now

>> No.5194993
File: 14 KB, 512x448, 2017-09-21-contraiii-plane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was this moment i knew i needed a SNES.

>> No.5194998

i rented this game explicitly for its 3D-ish mode 7 graphics on the package ..

>> No.5195000
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this game i mean

>> No.5195003
File: 21 KB, 256x224, Secret_of_Mana_Flammie_Gold_City.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love mode 7!! Still do!

>> No.5195113

>Sega CD had hardware for sprite scaling and mode 7, look at Soulstar and the racing portions of that Batman game (forgot which)

There are two batman games on the Sega CD/ Mega CD that use the systems hardware scaling sprites. Both are driving games. The first one is Batman Returns, which was based on the 1992 movie, this was actually a port of the Genesis game, but adds additional driving levels and a CD soundtrack:


There is also The Adventures of Batman and Robin, which was based on the cartoon series. This one was nothing but driving. It also contained original animation from WB:


Both of these games use the same engine. And they do show the impressive scaling abilities of the Sega CD. It is well above what the SNES can do.

There are also games like Soul Star:



That all showcase the scaling capabilities really well. Though one small issue with the SEga CD sprite scaling is that it was generally capped at 20fps because of the bandwidth limitations of the Sega CD to Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive interface. But then again, most of the Sega Super Scaler arcade games ran at 30fps anyway, so 20 was not too bad, all things considering.

Another example is Silpheed, which uses polygons for the player ship and enemies as well as hardware scaling along with pre-rendered FMV backdrops:


>> No.5196646
File: 251 KB, 1000x563, 2525000-esb_snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the Empire Strikes Back SNES game had a Mode 7 level where you flew a speeder and used tow cables to bring down AT-AT walkers. I thought it was fun and a nice change of pace, but I imagine there were some players who just wanted a run and gun and found it annoying.

>> No.5197646

All the Super Star Wars games have stages like that. They look and play pretty good. At least as good as the SNES can handle a scaling shooter.

>> No.5199246

The tilting escape sequence in Super Metroid is also mode 7.

>> No.5199458

I had played Space Harrier in the arcades, so it wasn't very impressive.

>> No.5201228

I remember Nintendo Power pumping it the fuck up. They even made a point to emphasize the meager Mode 7 effect when you defeat a koopa kid. I think Nintendo really wanted a piece of tech as marketable as Sega with their "Blast Processing"

>> No.5201257

Being a gimmick isn't inherently a negative thing, you absolute retard.
Mode 7 can be a gimmick and manage to add to the experience as well.

>> No.5201571

This wasn't even a 32X game? Jesus fuck

>> No.5201580

It was radicool

>> No.5202438

>and here's why that's a GOOD thing

>> No.5202452

>this came out in 1988

>> No.5202506

No, look the word gimmick up. If something is good and useful it's not a gimmick.

>> No.5202672

You posted this in another thread and you were wrong then too.

>> No.5202732
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>What did you think of the SNES Mode 7 at the time?

>> No.5202775

I looked it up and I'm still right. This definition doesn't imply what you claim at all.
>a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.
The purpose of Mode 7 was to attract attention since you couldn't get the experience it offered elsewhere. It was a gimmick, that's not a bad thing, and you're turbo retarded.

>> No.5203263

>i looked it up
>didn't like what i found
>s i looked real hard to find an alternative "definition" that fit my narrative
>i didn't stop to think that anyone could simply good my "definition" and see what sort of silly game i was playing
>i made a complete and total ass of myself

>> No.5203310

>an alternative "definition" that fit my narrative
Literally the first definition that shows up on google. Face it retard, it's a gimmick.

>> No.5203549

The opening video is impressive, if it's actually doing 3D calculations instead of a really well done illusion. The main game is painfully low FPS though. Silky smooth movement it ain't. Spectre is a bit more basic looking, but at least it was smoother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCrCW6jX-BE

>> No.5203575

music is absolutely fucking fantastic in this game. that opening sequence is wonderful.

>> No.5203581

the x68000 music is also fantastic. this track and the track before rule:


>> No.5203914


*puf puf pufpufpuf*