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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.19 MB, 2920x1130, Seeing double here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5102038 No.5102038 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>5077814

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+ Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

/crt/ Discord Server : https://discord.gg/EFWPCYE

Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1HF1jPaNTZDupCn_GGtFuB3DxW5WFFd3yT4znmLA_cuU5oA/viewform
Collaborative Consumer CRT Project Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3_OraDPRRN_OzQ4r_-CqoNPR9J0r2KtFrpV6iuXdxM3DDJg/viewform

>> No.5102053

What do you guys know about the FV15B series?
I have a Trinitron 34FV15B close to me and I'm very tempted to grab it, I wanted something bigger than 29''. It has 2 S-Video and a Component. Thoughts?

>> No.5102107 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5102108
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>> No.5102116

This link needs to go into the OP: https://www.aussiearcade.com/showthread.php/87668-A-guide-to-connecting-your-Windows-PC-to-an-SD-CRT-TV-PVM-or-Arcade-Monitor

Deals with hooking a PC up to a crt television or arcade monitor.

>> No.5102132

>majority of retro gamers don't even CRT
it hurts lads
hurts to see people not appreciating the finer things

>> No.5102142

Reminder that multisyncs have lower phosphor persistence than pure SD displays, making 480i look really bad. Don't pay the meme prices.

>> No.5102165

since you're playing wonder boy, any advice on beating the final boss? What a load of bullshit.

>> No.5102174

I didn't realize I even had power ups at first. I accidentally saved them until I realized what they were, continued to play without them, then used them all on the final boss. I don't remember him being challenging when being hit with all power ups.

>> No.5102185
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You mean Multiformats?
>have lower phosphor persistence than pure SD displays
No they don't. Most professional sets, be it SD or Multiformat, use exactly the same SMPTE/EBU phosphors (depending on region). Consumer sets, and some low-end pro models such as PVM-N1s, use P22 phosphors.

>> No.5102190

By powerups do you mean the magic spells like Quake and Thunder?
I can't beat not!Motherbrain during the second phase because I just get stunlock raped by the moving floors and the buzzsaws.

>> No.5102209

1) Professional CRTs are becoming increasingly more expensive and unaffordable for most people because of hoarders and retro fetishists. Even if they have the money or know-how, most people wouldn't want to spend the effort looking for it just to get that edge in fidelity.

2) CRTs are excessively heavy for their size and a lot of them take up too much room. People usually have flatscreen monitors which are a portion of the cost of high-end PVMs and lightweight to boot.

3) You'll generally have to spend a lot on money on niche cables to plug in all your systems, especially if you go the RGB/SCART route.

4) Emulation can already bring you ridiculously close to what the source image looks like in the first place. There's even hardware emulators out nowadays that are designed to interface with modern displays to that same level of quality if you have the cartridges, while modded consoles designed to do that same thing are even more expensive if you're clueless on how to build them.

That being said, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that a couple of start-up companies will start making professional CRTs within a decade's time once the supply gets low enough.

>> No.5102238

>/CRT/ Thread

Why don't we call it a "General"? Just asking because it seems odd the way threads work on this board.

>> No.5102258

I don't think CRTs will ever be made again. Or if they do, they'll be insanely expensive because it's such a niche thing that a high margin would be the only way to justify production. Especially since even though CRTs are old, it's still be a very expensive process to produce them from scratch. Especially when the only people buying them would be who? Retro game enthusiasts and fighting game fans?

As for the PVM issue, yeah, they're way too expensive to justify nowadays. A few years back PVMs used to be the cheaper alternative to paying out the ass for a framemeister. But monitor prices have gone through the roof, and there are also now framemeister alternatives in the 100-200 dollar range.

Having said that, good-quality consumer-grade CRTs are still easy as sin to find for free locally. There are any number of WEGAs nearby that I could pick up for either free or maybe 10-15 bucks max. I also own a transcoder, and stuff like the Genesis converted from rgb to ypbpr on a consumer CRT still looks absolutely beautiful. IMO the space issue is only valid if you live in a shoebox apartment.

>> No.5102286

I think 20"-24" consumer crt's are the perfect middle ground. Dirt cheap to free and not too heavy or large for the vast majority of people.

>> No.5102706
File: 116 KB, 1280x1256, TRINITRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got myself a sony trinitron! I paid a little more than i wanted to, but that's what you gotta do nowadays.
The market for CRT trinitrons is crazy! I got mine for about 80€, which is pretty cheap considering how high PVMs go for..

>> No.5102724

inb4 it's 100hz

>> No.5102731
File: 179 KB, 960x1280, TRINITRON 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made sure that it wasn't 100Hz. On the back it says 50Hz. I am going to boot up 240p test suite to show the geometry. I didn't have the chance to test it at the sellers place.

>> No.5102738

It's very unlikely to be 100hz as it's a black case model. 50Hz on the back just refers to the power it needs, and doesn't indicate whether it runs at 100Hz.

>> No.5102743
File: 5 KB, 640x205, sony eu tvs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100hz black sony exist, heck there's even a PVM lookalike that does 100hz

>> No.5102747

I've learned to live with my PVMemes crooked geometry and color bleed. I can't get it any better anyway and I feel like the imperfection has a charm of itself.

I'm finally playing games again instead of calibrating!

>> No.5102748
File: 146 KB, 1280x960, TRINITRON 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of the 240p test suite. It is not as good as i have seen online but i guess that's to be expected from sony. Minor inconvenience but hey it's a trinitron.

>> No.5102750

but, you're lucky, X1 isn't 100hz

>> No.5102763

Aye but I've certainly never seen one. As I said, unlikely.

Oh wow, that's some geometry. Not sure if this model has a service menu. Some other anon should be able to tell you.

>> No.5102786

I don't know. isn't it dangerous to touch the service menu?

>> No.5102793

Nah, just make sure to note down any numbers before you change them. Looks like maybe 1 or 2 settings would fix that geometry. Thank your lucky stars the convergence seems to be fine.

>> No.5102794

As long as you're careful and make sure to write every value that you're adjusting down first

>> No.5102798

I don't know about that. I'm sure I can just live with this. It's not too distracting.

>> No.5102805

It's literally just a bunch of sliders, with a dedicated geometry menu if it's like the later Trinitrons. You'd have to try pretty hard to actually screw it up.

>> No.5102824
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I think I will do that some day but for now i think i'm good. I paid 80€ on this so i don't want to fuck it up by accidentally doing something wrong.

>> No.5102848

>paying a dime for a consumer CRT
Are things really this bad in yurop? Sure PVM prices are insane but consumer sets are readily being given away for free all the time over here. I can head on CL or similar sites and find a dozen trinitrons of varying sizes, with owner begging someone to take it away.

>> No.5102850

sony consumer tvs have been on a steady rise, even here

>> No.5102916
File: 3 KB, 92x125, 1446906194260s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20" CRT arcade monitor
>Just thought I would see if anyone wants it before I take it to the recycling centre
>Collection only
>I will be dumping it on Monday and no, I wont hold it

>> No.5102947

If it's any consolation all of our consumer TVs have RGB, so it's worth paying a bit for them.

>> No.5102952

True, but then there's all the various issues inherent to shitty PAL conversions and dealing with all that 50/60hz shit and whatnot. You guys got a raw deal overall and native RGB is the consolation.

Sucks to not have native RGB here, but at least it's a simple affair to convert to component and use that instead.

>> No.5102981

I understand your concern, but it's actually not a daunting or confusing menu at all, so you'd have to make a deliberate choice to mess stuff up.
As long as you don't save your changes, you can do whatever the hell you want inside the menu and then just power the tv off to reset back to default
But, as everyone has said, just go down the list of options, and jot down the default values so you can go back if you need to

>> No.5103092

Recently bought a Montgomery Ward Signature 2000 for $2 at Goodwill. It's a 26" behemoth with wood paneling from 1989. What got me to buy it was that it's probably the oldest consumer set I've seen with an S-Video input. Anyone here have any experience with these?

>> No.5103107

Pvm 2950q on Craigslist, listed for $20 because of convergence issues. I tell him I'll take it, and he responds that he's fixed the convergence issues and is raising the price to five-fucking-hundred. If this is one of you fuckers, fuck off

>> No.5103158
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2560, Battlestation 2018-10-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone here have any experience with these?
I had a tv made in 1989 when I first moved out in the mid 90s. I picked it up used somewhere...But it had svideo. I never used it because I didn't know better and was thrilled that it had composite in. Hell, I didn't know what it was until years later. I don't know who made it, but it was black, and very wide. It had some big speakers on the sides. Was a 20". My friend still raves about it to this day because of its age and the Svideo. He cannot remember who made it either. I would probably have bought it also just for the cool wood tone. My last pickup was a pristine S-video 2004 console 25", and I am happy as a clam.

Why are clams happy? They don't have console tvs.

>> No.5103168

What an utter cunt.

>> No.5103193
File: 1.25 MB, 2008x1520, 20181014_174722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my pvm hooked up to my genesis model 2. I used the din pinout to wire up the rgb with composite as my sync signal.
I have 75ohm resistors on my sync out and rgb out for a total of 4 resistors

why does my picture look so washed out?

>> No.5103198
File: 18 KB, 300x271, 32xpin (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I need any special resistors or something?

>> No.5103203

Ya'll are focused on screens a lot, but you forget something entirely: SPEAKERS

Some of those CRT's come with crappy ones. Any good suggestions on how to make the feeling the best possible once you get that good TV that you want to last for good?

>> No.5103209

either 2.1 computer speakers with adapter cords + switchbox
hifi stereo with shielded speakers (best option)

>> No.5103212
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excuse the moire pattern, it looks really bright irl

>> No.5103219

Cheers man

>> No.5103240

you also need caps
also don't use sync pin directly, it also needs components

>> No.5103252
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I honestly don't remember. It was my first and only playthrough, I was off work for a few days so I just played the hell out of it then. I don't remember much about the game, it was probably 2 years ago but I do remember learning about having power ups right before the end (went in blind without manual or anything), so I ended up using basically everything I had.

>> No.5103256

Dude that's fucking awesome

>> No.5103261
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>Why are clams happy?

>> No.5103271

get a receiver with pro-logic 2 support. I use a VR-509 with NS-10MMT speakers and some pioneer subwoofer. Games sound 100% better compared to shitty Sony TV speakers.

>> No.5103291

purple wii is nice

>> No.5103293

are you colorblind or something

>> No.5103295

the same as the rgb components? the 220uf caps and the 75ohm resistors?

>> No.5103297

more screens. my pvm electrocutes me when I hotswap cables while the system is on. I have to power down the unit, unplug the power cable, and press the power switch to drain the caps.

>> No.5103298
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>> No.5103302
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>> No.5103307

I like your yellow n64

>> No.5103328


sorry anon, you got screwed

>> No.5103383

anything between 10 and 220µF + 470R

>> No.5103428

Good lad

>> No.5103438
File: 757 KB, 2822x2117, hULTDPV[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some mad man, perhaps even myself, in this thread needs to come into possession of an AM-4201R so it can be properly evaluated and documented.

>> No.5103465
File: 661 KB, 2912x2184, Epsroeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen one in person but I have seen several of the other huge Mitsubishi CRTs in action. I would expect these things

>significant fan noise
>loud shrieking noise on startup
>very audible clicking noise when changing resolution
>remembers screen settings for each different modeline, up to 99 modes remembered
>ALL forms of sync accepted

In terms of image quality it's hard to explain. When you get to glass this size the image takes on this other property you don't see smaller CRTs. It looks more... glassy I guess. Very smooth looking. The glass on this CRT is also sharped like a Megaview that has this not-quite-flat but still flatter than most CRTs.

The big 37" Mitsus I've seen were not "authentic" in the sense of how people usually think CRT televisions and arcade monitors looked. It's far more like a big computer monitor. Extraordinarily sharp and stable image. No blooming whatsoever even at high contrast (unless there's something wrong with the CRT). BLACK black. Especially in a dark room with brightness reduced. Playing classic arcade games like this is something else, I tell you what, with the phosphor trails and all.

The AM-4201R supports up to 1280x1024, although I don't think the screen resolves that resolution. 1024x768 is probably a more realistic choice. In this photo posted on reddit it seems pretty sharp for displaying high res computer graphics (1024x768 being considered "high res").

With the massive size, the fine dot pitch, and 240p modes would combine to make an image that would be rather unique looking. Good? From my perspective absolutely. Old-school or vintage looking? Not in the traditional sense. But these -are- very old monitors. It's not like they just started existing. People (lucky people) could and did play on this stuff back in the day.

According to the manual it will resolve 800x768. That's close to an old PC monitor.

>> No.5103479
File: 3.29 MB, 5472x3648, DSC02123s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two in particular are late versions of the 4201r, fuckers support component straight up, no need for fucking with transcoders or any of that bull shit.

Can't comment on the 42'' specifically, but the 37'' can be used semi reasonably at 1152x864; Getting up to 960p and higher and most things just end up getting too soft.

Fine for video up at 1080p though, no problem.

>> No.5103484

Which shader is this, good sir?

>> No.5103489
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Forget what thread you were in?

>> No.5103490

the kind with a glass tube

>> No.5103492

>ipa in a fucking can
yep, that's a yikes.

>> No.5103504
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>> No.5103516

>ALL forms of sync accepted

>> No.5103543

Anyone ever do an RGB mod to a consumer set?

>> No.5103550

According to the manual it takes H+V, C-sync, composite sync, and sync on green.

>> No.5103553

grow up

>> No.5103559

That's a lot of money, anon. I hope you're joking.

>> No.5103560

Yeah, it put me in a hospital. Look up how to discharge electricity in a CRT BEFORE you take it apart. They are not like modern flatscreens.

>> No.5103563

go back

>> No.5103574

It's a trinitron with an RGB input and it looks like it's mint condition. It's worth the money he paid.

>> No.5103578
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>> No.5103583
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I wish I knew more about the phosphor ratings.

>> No.5103585

I have the manual (I scanned it, the english part at least), and a 3730, and I can tell you on the BNC it doesn't take tv level sync nor composite or luma as sync.
Only TTL will work.
It does take SoG.
Maybe on the appropriate pins on the DB15.

>> No.5103596

right there in the 4201 manual it says composite sync is accepted. as well as low, high, analog, and ttl levels

Whether it will accept composite video sync is a question. I bet not

>> No.5103601
File: 3.58 MB, 2560x3840, SEGA Battletoads Near & far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I am not the only person to use battle toads start screen to test out a TV.

Yours looks quite a bit more impressive then mine. Hats off to you! Mine is on the zenith posted earlier here:
What kind of set is your photo from?

>> No.5103603
File: 200 KB, 1070x1518, XC3730c Manual18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3730 has the exact same sync specs but only pure TTL sync with work, tried all combinations coming from a LM1881, with/without 470R, termination set either way. Also none of my consoles native csync worked.

>> No.5103604 [DELETED] 

I'm no expert on these things but my 3717C worked just fine with the normal RGBHV output from my PC.

>> No.5103606

I'm no expert on these things but my 3717C worked just fine with the normal RGBHV output from my PC. The AM-3501R was the same.

>> No.5103607

and guess what type of level PC sync is (ツ)

>> No.5103612

The AM-3501R also accepted RGB from PS2/3 with no issue. Both sync on green and C-sync.

>> No.5103624
File: 1.02 MB, 3280x2460, 101_9848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XC-3730C, Megaview 37 Pro

It's taken all my consoles through an lm1881, as well as funky, hacked in CSync from an SNES Jr. The issue is on your end.

It does want clean sync, but aside from that, it could be considerably more picky.

>> No.5103656

lm1881 without attenuation works 100% I know.
Direct console csync doesn't (for what I could try at the time).

>> No.5103659

What do you think about the overall image on the Megaviews? Do you agree with >>5103465

>> No.5103694

Based Cottonposter

>> No.5103702

looks like the old ZNES scanline filter

>> No.5103706
File: 1.11 MB, 2460x3280, 101_9978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Referring to it as a massive PC monitor is the most accurate way to describe it.

While I wouldn't say that their overall HV regulation is quite as dialed in as PVM/BVMs (or rather, the condition of my own, which is almost certainly in need of recapping) they absolutely have a different look to them than a similarly sized TV. Not sure what they mean by loud shrieking noise. The fans are noticeable, but could likely be fixed rather easily by swapping them out with ones that aren't 25-30 years old. I like the relay sounds personally, and as for the modeline bit; While they do save the adjustments for a number of different modelines, at least for my model, it's considerably less than 99.


Just occurred to me that I haven't done a video with the Megaview in it in a while; Suggestions?

>> No.5103708

I'm interested to see 1080p/i on it.

>> No.5103714

I am sure that Skygunner intro and other things on that thing looked beyond fabulous, but sometimes I'm a little sad that other people don't appreciate it in person.

>> No.5104078

Epic meme my good sir. You are le gentleman and a scholar xD Upboated

>> No.5104092

Fuck off retard

>> No.5104125
File: 1.49 MB, 4656x2620, classic 80s trini (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5104201

>gb compo
I think the sync pin actually needs a sync stripping circuit or something, or maybe it was sync on luma. http://retrorgb.com/genesis.html It should work without it, but it's not properly set up by default. I think it honestly depends on the monitor/tv or upscaler you use.

>> No.5104660

Can a cap kit improve contrast? I've noticed on certain screens, usually white that dont take up the whole space the right side distorts a little inwards as well.

This toshiba is maxed and is almost perfect. S-video is noticeably brighter.Convergence is real good on here except the top left and right corners which I need to fix.

Also when ordering capacitors would I just order electrolytic? I rather not pull the board out until I have the capacitors and manually look.

For example C105 is just labelled CD. Would I just skip over any ones that are ceramic/plastic film/cd and just do electrolytic? It doesn't state what type of capacitor it is. Service manual is below


>> No.5104723
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>> No.5104738
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>> No.5104825
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thrift store nearby is selling this Sanyo for about 5 dollars. Is it any good? Should i pick it up or go out and purchase a Sony Trinitron thats 35 minutes out for 30 dollars?

>> No.5104831

Anything in particular?

Having more people see it in person would be neat, yeah.

>> No.5104842

This of course


from highest quality source pls. Cropping is fine, just want to see how it handles the contrast and color.

Some Star Trek: The Next Generation would also be good since that series in 4:3

>> No.5104854

TNG would be simple (admittedly not the most fantastic quality) from Prime Video. 2049 might be a bit though.

>> No.5104881
File: 95 KB, 1280x960, magnavox-mwc13d6-14-tv-w-dvd-player-1.35__15343.1490160934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this very early CRT tv capable of a RGB mod? If so how do i do? Here is the service manual/schematic.

>> No.5104889

Sanyo is a budget brand. Should probably avoid.

Depends on the model of the Trinitron.

>> No.5104896

its the the exact same model as in this photo

>> No.5104902

damn thats a sexy pic related

>> No.5104904

a ps3 would do BR well

>> No.5104915

>very early crt
>has a dvd player

>> No.5104937
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, TSTBaQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typo my bad.

>> No.5104949

That's a consumer trinitron, not the PVM trinitron.

>> No.5104953

The guy said it's a PVM variant because it has RGB SCART

>> No.5104954
File: 6 KB, 323x162, missya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diagram 1-9-2

>> No.5104956

>The guy said it's a PVM variant
And you believed him without actually researching it yourself

>> No.5104965

I actually had that one growing up, flat panel if I remember. I remember it having distortion issues and as far as I could tell there was no service menu options to fix it. Eventually had it thrown out after it got smashed in by some drunk homeless guy breaking into my property.

>> No.5105005
File: 22 KB, 255x229, 1495603846254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've come into possession of another Sony HMD-A440. This is definitely going to be the cocktail arcade cabinet monitor. When I decase it I will be sure to post pics.

For my cab I'm thinking I want to have only one set of controls, and a monitor that can rotate. I don't like the look of cabs with two or three sided controls.

So my plan is to mount the monitor into something like this I can pick up and easily turn 90 degrees to go from horizontal to vertical mode. No fancy auto-rotate or wheels or anything like that. How often should a person rotate anyway?

>> No.5105008
File: 69 KB, 640x480, sMyGoliath035[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the pic I wanted to post, but I guess it works anyway.

>> No.5105019

It's a good movie, you should just watch it anyway.

>> No.5105021

tell you what
I'll get you the blade runner clip
just wait a little while

>> No.5105041

For $5 why not? I mean, even if it sucks you can always use it until you get another. You can also post it on craigslist and facebook marketplace with pictures of sonic the hedgehog on it and sell it as "Retro Gaming CRT" for more than $5.

I'm not an expert, but all I see is component on that set. If I'm not mistaken it's not possible to rgb mod this set, though if it's missing component, you could probably add that. Post it on the shmups forum if you want someone more knowledgeable than me to look at it.

>> No.5105054
File: 100 KB, 600x800, 55eb4b964dfe627b8050b3b07f75fdc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some one in my town is selling this ikegami security camera monitor. Do you think its worth it? The picture she took is shit so i cant make much out of it

>> No.5105060
File: 373 KB, 1005x790, IMG_20181015_190850065_crop_1005x790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking this needs composite

>> No.5105067

How cheap? I got a decent Panasonic security cam monitor for dirt cheap. It didn't have rgb inputs but it did have svideo and 450tvl. Not great but a good burner to fuck around with.

>> No.5105074

The problem is, is that i dont know if its any good for this sort of thing being a security camera monitor

>> No.5105079
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>> No.5105081

As long as it isn't black and white it'll be decent. Offer her less and tell her you don't know if you can use it. I bet it has svideo and it might scratch your itch until you can find something better.

>> No.5105097

it says on that very page that CD = ceramic disk
you're most likely in over your head, don't worry about the CRT unless it starts getting worse
I personally don't order caps until I get the old ones out so that I can measure the lead spacing and diameter, etc.

>> No.5105115

Also, in terms of visuals this game blows everything else out of the water

>> No.5105156


Lol I didn't read that, pretty stupid of me. I've done cap replacements already on through hole stuff, game gears, batteries etc just never made my own cap list before.

But yeah when replacing I would make sure the old capacitor matches the new one in both voltage and microfarads.

>> No.5105167
File: 2.93 MB, 482x360, PDS-Atolm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's a very impressive game.

>> No.5105208
File: 3.85 MB, 5081x3395, DSC04358ARWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing it isn't the issue, and that's actually how I intended to play it back.

What exactly are you asking? How often is safe/guidelines or?

Otherwise, it would only make sense to run it in the orientation that would make sense for the given game.

Wasn't saying otherwise, just not something I have as easy access to.


>> No.5105229

>How often should a person rotate anyway?
There should be no problem with doing it as many times as you want, just make sure you turn it off and leave it off for 10 or 15 minutes or so prior to rotating it, otherwise the magnetized shadow mask and charged components will electrically induce fields that'll cause color impurity until you degauss the monitor.

>> No.5105243

it sounds like part of what I said went over your head, so let me clarify
In high density designs, you have to make sure to match diameter and height of capacitors. Too wide, they won't fit. Too tall, they'll hit a heatsink.
You should also match the lead spacing so that they fit nicely in the board.

>> No.5105251

I was saying that you shouldn't jump from game to game every five minutes. Set up in one mode and focus on a few games at a time. Give them some time to breathe.

>> No.5105314

Man i really wish i used reddit just so i could have nabbed this fucking thing.
Why can't i find free 40+ monitors

>> No.5105330
File: 346 KB, 1650x1125, 20659-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I run GBI? retrorgb says that the method they have posted is old and out of date. Looking to buy whatever is necessary to run it because i want to play fucking gb/gbc/gba games on my trini. Already have a gamecube and gameboy player.

Thanks in advance

>> No.5105334

If you have melee and a wii, you can download some kind of save file which can open it

>> No.5105340

whaa wait really?

>> No.5105342

You'll see free or super cheap 36" CRT televisions show up on craigslist every now and then. I plan on getting one next year after I finish some life goals and clear out some space in my storage house.

This one here

is VERY tempting since it has component input and is from a respected CRT producer, but have to do my work before I can have fun.

As far as where to find big monitors like this the old answer was surplus auctions, but they are few and far between now. You might check production companies and see what they have sitting in a box, but you'd have to get very lucky.

This is purely anecdotal, but I am pretty sure, like 75% sure that I have seen a 40+ inch Mitsubishi television in the past in a television repair shop. I've never seen a TV from Mitsubishi talked about here that was that big, but I know what I saw, and I've been around plenty of 36" CRTs. This was bigger.

>> No.5105348

I already own a 36inch trini and had a 20 inch bvm but i really want to get something like the nec or mistu 40 inchers. Every fucking inch counts!!! I'll get rid of my 36 inch even though its fucking perfect. I just want the biggest non HD CRT i can get.

I live in NYC so its next to impossible to get anything before it gets sniped and that means all production companies here have deff moved on from old shitty equipment.

>> No.5105354
File: 38 KB, 810x900, 00808_dzorU9Jgg6n_1200x900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather uncommon TV to see in the USA

>> No.5105360
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>> No.5105437

Yeah this guy sucks. Are you in LA? I might have some leads for you if you're searching for a monitor.

>> No.5105441
File: 171 KB, 360x308, sad dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking scalpers

>> No.5105463

retard's probably gonna get electrocuted one of these days

>> No.5105464

This fucker clogs up the ads in San Diego too. Wish he would fuck off.

>> No.5105601

Someone paid the $500 for it


>> No.5105643

How much do you think it should have sold for?

$500 for a 29" high-end RGB monitor isn't crazy

>> No.5105669

The method I use is similar to the original Twilight Hack to run softmods on Wii back in the day. You need a modified save file of Melee on your memory card, along with the GBI application you want to boot into. So when I want to boot Gameboy Interface, I pop in Melee (which like every gamecube owner has) and then go to the Name Entry section and it automatically boots the game.

The issue is how to get the modified melee files and GBI booter on a gamecube memory card. You can do this with a homebrew channel app on a softmodded Wii, which I also own.

This is just the method that I personally use because it required items that I already had. i know there are easier and more elegant ways to do it using an SD loader and/or AR disc or whatever, but I'm not familiar.

At any rate, it's definitely worth it. GBA games look crisp as fuck on a CRT in proper 240p with GBI. And none of the weird stuttering like with the native GBP. Oh, and you don't need the boot disc. I already own the boot disc, but this is important to know because it's so fucking cheap to get GBPs on ebay without the goddamn disc.

>> No.5105671

Fuck these faggots. I hope nobody buys their bullshit and they're stuck with apartments full of these fuckers for years when they thought they could offload them quickly with ads such as "PVM CRT MONITOR RGB RETRO GAMING WOW"

>> No.5105672

Honestly 500 for a 29" professional monitor isn't bad. That's the sort of price you see on ebay for 20 inch models and such.

I'd never pay it, but if I REALLY wanted a fuckhuge PVM and my choices were this dude on CL for 500 vs ebay for 1000-1500...

>> No.5105686

Yes, and 29" is way more uncommon than 20". This is the size of monitor they use in Japanese arcades. It's going to command a premium.

>> No.5105908
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, D18469E5-848D-4CDD-9C03-F2862029892F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to jump through considerable hoops to get my PAL wii to display 60hz VC wads on my crt through RGB scart cable. Still can’t get N64 games to display in color, which may have to do with the sync on red signal not compatible with my kitchen-room-quality(tm) TV set. Still feels so good.

>> No.5105968

was under the impression that RGB was RGB regardless of it being in Europe or north America, was I wrong to think that?

>> No.5105973 [DELETED] 

Nice carpet. I'm guessing your live alone in some shithole apartment and here you are on 4chan posting about 4$ crt's that you can literally find curbside out for the trash. Cool.

>> No.5105980

Who hurt you?

>> No.5105984

Hey newfag. Welcome to paradise, where the colours are bright and the motion blur low. How's life in virgin-ville?

>> No.5106003

That's composite, not RGB

It is

>> No.5106015
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x1564, 36A17075-AE7D-4FDC-8A94-8E02997BA455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have clarified it is a software issue rather than with the cable. Apparently NTSC VC titles don’t contemplate RGB among the possible outputs and the only signal my TV “sees” is the sync on chroma from the s-video mode the wii puts itself into when running VC games, giving it a predominantly red tint. Loaders are quite buggy and can’t always force the PAL60 mode needed to get rgb signal on my TV. Oh well, I should acquire a multi standard CRT now. (Disregard previous image, I was on the wrong tv input, this is true RGB)

>> No.5106021

so what are these modified melee files?? I have a spare memory card and also have a modded wii etc. Is the app gamecube memory manager?

This is pretty exciting. Means I can get my GBI setup tonight when i get back from work. Would it still be best to run svideo over composite for gbi240p

>> No.5106031

Been a while since I've configured this. It's a "set it and forget it" sort of thing. This page should be useful:

>> No.5106039

got ya, really appreciate the help man

>> No.5106043

No problem. As another note, I personally hate playing GBA games with a GC controller, and those special hori pads are ridiculously expensive. But if you have a GBA and a link cable, you can actually use that as the controller, which I find very useful.

>> No.5106063

thanks yea i saw that it works. Honestly might just buy a raphnet adapter and use a snes controller. adapters like 20 bucks and i've used one with great results for my 64.

>> No.5106093
File: 2.60 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20181016_171157423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, works fine through SNES9X-GX (excuse the scan artefacts, only have my phone handy to take a pic)

>> No.5106143

Anyone want to point me in the direction of some Svideo cables?? OEM ones are fucking 50 dollars plus and i don't want to get some shitty 3rd party ones that will look worse than composite.

Whats a reliable name to look for, probs buying on ebay

>> No.5106229
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, EB42BC5A-9C82-4693-B581-5BCCF448B988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s true, never had issues with getting RGB signal on emulators (at 240p too), although I prefer to play VC versions when available.
So far I’ve managed to force pal60 on SNES and PCE games; no luck with NES and Genesis (which are fairly accurately emulated on Wii, to be honest). N64 emulation is out of the question, on the other hand 3D games are much more tolerable on a LCD at 480p through Component cables.

>> No.5106263
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, A71FAF01-22CE-444F-9E63-5946613F4812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture*

>> No.5106309

Why not just get a NTSC Wii?

>> No.5106334

Because Wii are exactly the same hardware-wise around the world, the only difference lies in software and as I’ve already pointed out a multi standard CRT with SCART inputs would solve all of my problems. Hell, the issue arises precisely because the Wii is putting out a NTSC signal of all things and Nintendo being her old self half-assed things by disabling RGB output in VC mode for NTSC regions. Only PAL VC got that sweet RGB support, although it all goes completely wasted on 50hz shitty slow-ass conversions of games. Getting the best from both worlds is the point of it all.

>> No.5106341

Component out from a Wii is pretty much the same as RGB. A base Wii doesn't have the best analog out regardless of what you use though

>> No.5106347

Component-equipped CRTs are extremely hard to get hold of in Europe though.

Can VC games be run through homebrew somehow to get around the regional restriction bullshit?

>> No.5106359

Component inputs, as far as I know, came along mostly with the bulky widescreen CRTs of the late 90s, ideally a <20 inch display is what I’m after.


Yes, that’s what I’m already doing (booting VC games through a homebrew program which forces Wii in PAL60 mode), but it only seems to work with SNES and PCE games and it’s rather buggy. As I said, other 8/16bit titles can be easily emulated with varying degree of accuracy, for N64 games I’m pretty much shafted.

>> No.5106598

Well yeah because it was a now or never moment. I had waited long enough to get a trinitron and it just popped up for cheap.

>> No.5106602

>Component inputs, as far as I know, came along mostly with the bulky widescreen CRTs of the late 90s, ideally a <20 inch display is what I’m after.
There are 13" and 19" JVC SDTVs with component input. I've got one of the 13" units and it is great. They don't go for much on ebay, so even with international shipping it shouldn't be too bad.

>> No.5106603

you guys should make an archive of the best CRT pics posted in these threads

>> No.5106621

I'm wondering: where did this idea come around now that you are supposed to get amazing CRTs for dirt cheap?

That was a thing that lasted a few sweet years in the late 2000s and early 2010s. And even then it was mostly relegated to the very small or extremely large CRTs.

Mid-sized high quality production monitors have always cost a little bit, or a lot. It's nice to track down a NEC XM29 for $100, but you shouldn't act like you're entitled to find one for that price.

>> No.5106665

On my way to pick up a pvm-2030 for $50. Pray to the God of calibration for me, boys.

>> No.5106697

>That top left
Jesus, and I thought my BeoVision was bad before I tinkered with the pots

>> No.5106729
File: 2.70 MB, 3120x2340, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took some pictures of my PVM-1351Q, got it (plus a 20" Ganz monitor (decent shape but low quality) and a Sony BetaSP professional tape editor unit of unknown functionality) for $60. The aperture grille had been magnetized by something and there was a dark spot near the middle of the screen. I bought a big external degaussing coil and was able to fix it right up. She's my baby.

>> No.5106735

Unfortunately he's probably making a killing off of people like melee fans.

>> No.5106742
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>> No.5106746
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>> No.5106747

Anyone have advice on what/where to buy for PS2 component cables? There's plenty of cable options around but I'm concerned they're going to have audio buzzing.

>> No.5106750

I got some PS3 era monster cables for around 25 bucks on ebay. They've served me well.

>> No.5106752

Looks like there's an ebay listing for some now

>> No.5106754
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>> No.5106756
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last one

>> No.5106760

Wait, these ones only have video cable output, not audio. I guess you can use optical audio out though.

>> No.5106775

Thanks for the help. I always thought Monster cables were a meme though. And actually that you mention it, I totally forgot the PS2 has the optical audio out. I've never actually used one of those, but in this instance it'd mean an easy way to bypass any possible audio buzz issues with cheaper cables.

>> No.5106795

I can tell you that sort of era is not over. I've seen plenty of excellent PVMs go for less than $100 in surplus auctions, and you can always call up video production companies to ask if they have any they're not using.

Obviously, those sorts of low prices are exceptions to the norm nowadays, but the option is still there for those willing to put the time and work into finding one for dirt cheap.

>> No.5106803

Also a good choice albeit a bit more expensive

>> No.5106807

>but the option is still there for those willing to put the time and work into finding one for dirt cheap.
This. I'm >>5106729, I dedicated myself fanatically to checking Craiglist ten times a day for about two months before I found my deal and got to it first. One other time before it I missed an extremely rare, ultra-valuable monitor by a matter of hours.
You either pay with your money or with your time.

>> No.5106819

I might need to get rid of my 32" Sony Trinitron because I am moving. How much will I regret doing this?

>> No.5106823

I have an old magnavox that I want to mod too. I was looking at the 8-bit boomer's video on RGB mods for TV and it seemed fairly straight forward.

>> No.5106835

How usable for retro is this?
It also has rgb bnc connectors in the back

>> No.5106839

Probably best off using emulators on it.

>> No.5106851

a lot
don't do it

>> No.5106856

What about for retro pc? I have an old dell crt I've been using for that but it's nothing special. Is the Sony monitor worth #50?

>> No.5106862
File: 1.73 MB, 3522x2348, MX6S7500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing for 480p and above. Which includes thousands of /vr/ games.

They had these things called PC games back in the day ya know. A lot of them were high resolution. But yes, emulators for 240p systems will still look great on it with the use of shaders.

Here is some simulated 240p on a PC CRT monitor.

>> No.5106902

or in 240p120 if you're playing a game that doesn't have a lot of scrolling, or you just don't notice/care.

>> No.5106913

120 refers to Hz, right? How would it look different than 60 Hz?

>> No.5107128

Is there an ideal way to connect my PC to my CRT TV? My PC's output doesn't seem to fill the screen properly on my CRT TV, except for when games full screen properly.

I use this HDMI to RCA converter;

>> No.5107137


There's an ebay seller called gamesnow, he's in sweden but makes good cables. https://www.ebay.com/usr/gamesnow IIRC they were like $30 or so, very high quality.

>> No.5107153

Static image will look identical.

When in motion you will have blurring due to phosphors remaining energized from previous frames since you are drawing frames every 1/120th of a second instead of 1/60.

I think. tbqh this is hard to conceptualize and for all I know the CRT could automatically adjust beam power to compensate for the phosphor decay time.

But I do know that in direct first-hand tests on the same monitor 120hz had noticeable blurring compared to 60hz in 240p test suite's scroll test.

>> No.5107172

You get ghosting from having duplicate frames. Black frame insertion can get rid of the issue, but ends up cutting your brightness in half.

>> No.5107173

But how are the duplicate frames causing the ghosting?

>> No.5107181

The lack of proper time for the phosphors to decay sufficiently combined with one's natural persistence of vision, and the matter that the duplicate frames don't hold any additional information.

>> No.5107182

Why is PAL60 such a mess? PAL60 from an N64 doesn't work on my Sony PVM but works on a JVC. PAL60 from a Wii is the exact opposite, fine on Sony but not JVC. The weirdest thing is that both work on a no-name consumer CRT.

>> No.5107203

Nearly bought two B/W portable tvs at the thrift store before I came to my senses

>> No.5107226

so basically what >>5107153
already said

>> No.5107236

yeah this guy is great if you can catch him when his store has stock.

>> No.5107238

Essentially. Was mainly just mentioning BFI as being a potential option. If you have a set with Super Bright mode, that could solve some of the issues with the dimmer image.

>> No.5107312


you have to order through his website but he accepts paypal. good quality cables and probably the best bang for buck you will find

>> No.5107445
File: 676 KB, 1632x1632, IMG_4470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i saw that reddit post too when i googled best s video cables
much appreciated folks. I settled on some 8 dollar svideo cable some reddit fag said was decent when compared to originals.

So I did it, can you guys guess which is GBI and which is not? I was hoping to actually be blown away but I might not have picked the best version of GBI. I'm going to attribute it to shitty composite cables. I barely notice any difference.

>> No.5107462
File: 750 KB, 1632x1632, IMG_4474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5107467

>can you guys guess which is GBI
Top in the first one, bottom in the second one?

>> No.5107495

>Top in the first one, bottom in the second one?
Shouldn't it be the opposite since GBI doesn't have any decorative borders?

>> No.5107501

well, first top second bottom looks the best

>> No.5107597

Not easily, on that set the OSD and jungle IC are combined together so you'd have to do higher voltage RGB to the neck board.

>> No.5107638

Just get it. Even with the issues that have been brought up here.

>> No.5107651

Thoughts on B&O crt tvs? They seem pretty high end and you can snatch em up pretty cheap where I live.

>> No.5107710

i wish those were common and cheap in finland as well
i heard they are dirt cheap in sweden etc

>> No.5107741
File: 555 KB, 1920x1200, 1271Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up for this thread:

I will be selling my white PVM 1271Q on ebay in the next day or two. It is in very good shape and works perfectly. This will be funding the cabinet project.

>> No.5107809

The main benefits arent things that can be seen on a still image
1) progressive image vs flickering interlace image
2) input lag
3) microstutter

>> No.5107859

I only notice a very minor bit of lag on the regular gameboy player. Doesn't feel like loads more of what I'm getting from the gbi.

The main prob I have had that the picture is so noisy when I run gbi. It's like there's static on every part of the screen. Almost seems like checkerboarding but I doubt that's what it is. Not sure how to describe it but the screen is just more noisy. I don't get that at all with the gbp which I found surprising. I will say that everything was very smooth when playing metroid fusion but god the noise actually hurt my eyes compared to the regular gbp. I'm really hoping that svideo helps out and makes gbi look as breathe taking as everyone says it is

>> No.5107861

Thats very strange, i dont notice any static/noise when I use GBI. I use the LL file FWIW

Also for me the stutter with vanilla GBP is very noticeable, especially with fast paced games like sonic advance, mach bike in pokemon, zero mission, dankey kang, etc

>> No.5107887

Yea idk what it is but it just doesn't look great. I wouldn't say I have a super awesome eye for scaling etc but overall the picture is just noiser than the regular player.

I'm using the high fidelity version of GBI since it's supposed to yield the best results. I popped in krazy racers and did a time trial lap. Deff felt the lag but the picture was pretty much comparable to GBI.

I'm really praying that it's composite cables making everything look shit. Getting svideo soonish so hopefully everything clears up then

>> No.5107903
File: 3.68 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20181017_091203699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a pic I just took with GBI LL via s-video

>> No.5107908
File: 3.01 MB, 3264x2448, rsz_img_20181017_091255645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind those patterns on the screen are jus a moire effect from the camera

>> No.5107941

That looks sweet. Is there any reason why my gbi image looks worse than standard player? It's kind of pissing me off now.

I'm playing on a GameCube with official Nintendo composite cables plugged to the front of a Sony KV-36FV310(not sure if plugging into the front or back makes a difference). I'm using the Smash Bros Melee bootup method of GBI. Not sure what other info I could give

>> No.5107949


Not the guy you quoted, but is Smash Bros. method the same as Wind Waker? I use WW and it just boots straight into the gameboy game, I wish there would be a settings option or some shit.

>> No.5107952

You boot up the game, go into VS and then go to name entry. Then it boots up

>> No.5108002
File: 23 KB, 632x474, 54a039ca30b7848bb69e3e2cf44a7008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, i've found this Panasonic (matsushita) tx 14gv1c, is good enough for retro-consoles?

>> No.5108039
File: 29 KB, 496x428, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So,I have a Sony Wega, just like the one in the picture (it has 3 rca, 1 s-video and 2 component). I have all my consoles hooker up with rca with a splitter, and I'm pretty much okay with that. I'm thinking of buying a component cable for my ps2, wii and xbox, I'd like to know if there's gonna be a noticeable difference on the picture quality or it's not worth the change.
Sorry if my question might sound stupid, but I'm new at this kind of stuff. Thanks anyway.

>> No.5108045

Unless you are an autistic person who thinks rgb is the only and acceptable way of displaying retrogames instead of actually playing the games and having fun, any crt will do.

>> No.5108048
File: 43 KB, 632x474, 5bf13760c1ea345f47469632408dec46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind there is a scart, so it should accept rgb video cables from older generation consoles...but maybe i'm wrong.

>> No.5108105

But we're all autists here

>> No.5108118

Whereabouts are you? Might be interested if you're near me.

>> No.5108129

short answer, yes.

>> No.5108206

>I will be selling my white PVM 1271Q on ebay in the next day or two.
Do you have a price tag in mind or else are you putting it up for auction?

>> No.5108291

What should I be looking for in a /vr/ pc monitor? Not so much for emulation but for dos and 90s pc games.

>> No.5108346

I have an extremely similar Panasonic of the same size that's component only. It actually looks really good for what it is. I keep it as a backup set or something to take to a friends house on occasion.

>> No.5108359

Sorry, I meant to say composite.

>> No.5108489

H refresh rate >96Hz
screen size >19", 21" is the common for higher end

unless you want to be period-accurate, in which case pick up any 1024x768 17 incher. there's always a dell e773c or equivalent on craigslist

>> No.5108493

Next crt thread should have the Poltergeist haunted tv scene pics in it. It would be spooky for halloween.

>> No.5108821
File: 465 KB, 2400x900, 00T0T_1y9lQa4K1Op_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a neat little panasonic security monitor, might jump on it, looks cozy

>> No.5108962
File: 3.94 MB, 4640x2610, 20181016_201318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got one with similar specs to this last night while on vacation. Gonna ship it back to my house tomorrow. 420 TVL and s-video, looked pretty fuckin good when I tested it out. $2 thrift store special found in the wild. Amazing.

>> No.5108964
File: 3.83 MB, 4640x2610, 20181016_201326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related btw.

>> No.5108968

where are you vacationing?

>> No.5108975


I have the 20" model of this TV. 450tvl and svideo. It's a pretty nice little set.

>> No.5108986

Vegas. I got super lucky though. I asked around a few retro stores and checked every thrift shop in town before I found this little set in a last ditch effort. Even Craigslist had shit for consumer level stuff, let alone an actual decent monitor.

>> No.5109031

Probably an auction starting at $100 shipped

>> No.5109192

watch out for burn in.

>> No.5109220

he's labeled it 'like new', and from the pictures of it on I'm inclined to believe it

>> No.5109312
File: 3.17 MB, 2800x2515, 20181017_225231~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any luck buffing out or filling in scratches on a CRT? It's not a big deal to me personally, just wondering if I can get this to look slightly less noticeable.

>> No.5109361

some say rubbing in toothpaste can work; it probably doesn't but it wouldn't hurt to try

>> No.5109368
File: 1.03 MB, 1071x1569, Screenshot_20181017-170843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the pelco made some nice monitors, but this is probably just another baby 9" judging from the size of the bezel, right?

>> No.5109373


Yeah, looks like a 9 incher to me.

>> No.5109403
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1233059702000_469892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, I've been autistically combing over this website https://www.securityinformed.com/cctv-monitors.html?status=Discontinued&page=1 and only this 15" monitor fits the image based on the location of the knobs and emblem.
what do you guys think? A match?

>> No.5109445

The bezel in the ad pic looks deceptive but after a second or third glance I'll be damned if that isn't the one. If you're the same anon looking to buy it I'd have a look at it in person if possible. Hell, even if it is a 9" and reasonably priced I'd go for it. My baby Ikegami is dope in the right scenario and probably isn't even quite as good as one of these from a spec standpoint.

>> No.5109458

>Anyone have any luck buffing out or filling in scratches on a CRT?
You could use a buffer, and some cerium oxide. I have NEVER polished a CRT screen, but have used C.oxide and "barmaid's friend" on glass fish tanks before. You may not ever be able to buff without a lot of work depending on the depth of the scratches. It is a bit of work, and is messy. Its the best way I know to get rid of scratches, and is never really 100%.

>> No.5109512

Fish tanks and CRTs are not the same my dude. You already mentioned that though. See I was looking for someone who maybe had some luck working on the subject at hand.

>> No.5109546
File: 2.24 MB, 2251x1690, P1000717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does my PVM seem too dark to you guys? I got it from someone who used it for editing everyday, so all the caps are new (I know because the guy said he replaced them himself & the geometry is perfect), but even with contrast to max it seems too dark. Is it just old? Should have asked how long he used it for, but I was so happy to get it I didn't bother. Would having someone "flush the tube" to clean out the guns fix this, or are 800 line PVMs just "like" this compared to lower line CRTs? The e only other RGB monitors I've seen are 600 line ones & those all seemed much more vibrant, even if thee less sharp.

>> No.5109719

Can you change the color temperature?

>> No.5109814

Looks fine to me but it's hard to gauge from a photo.

Throw up some SMPTE colour bars and maybe a standalone PLUGE. It's the only way to calibrate reliably.

>> No.5109817

Here's a good guide on how to set up a monitor's chrominance and luminance values using colour bars:


>> No.5109909

Not him, but I've personally given up on bothering with fiddling with picture controls. The problem is that it's not standard across platforms. You fiddle with that shit and you think you finally got everything perfect, only to then find out that those settings only apply to the system that you used to host the calibration images from 240p test suite. For example, Super Nintendo looking really fucking bright compared to everything else, and if you adjust brightness/contrast using a SNES, then all your other stuff ends up too dark.

>> No.5109973

Is anyone in southern California and looking for a good deal?

>> No.5109981

I have a 14L5 that's like this, I just set the contrast to 75/100 and the brightness to +12 and then it looks the same as other monitors.
There's gotta be a way to adjust it in the service menu but I'm too lazy.

>> No.5109987

>There's gotta be a way to adjust it in the service menu but I'm too lazy.
It should have a pot on the neckboard that adjusts an 'internal' brightness

>> No.5109990
File: 16 KB, 700x531, 27PT8302_37-IMS-en_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this 27 inch philips HD CRT a good purchase?

>> No.5110010

Going to get a Samsung Syncmaster with VGA and RGBHV BNC inputs later today

>> No.5110075

hd crt's line double 240p content (or more like line quadruple). It looks almost as bad as lcd for sd content

>> No.5110089

Which model of PVM is this?

>> No.5110110

i know this fucker its pretty decent the screenstretchfitfeature is nice

>> No.5110205 [DELETED] 

before I do something stupid like drive three hours is a pvm worth $75?

>> No.5110225

Which model, dingus?

>> No.5110227


I think it depends where you live. I find CRT's constantly for next to nothing or quite literally nothing. We have several stores that deal exclusively with retro gaming in my city as well. Hell, I found a 27" Sony a week ago that worked perfectly but I didn't have the room for it so i took it to Goodwill after I posted it for free in a local FB group and no one took it.

>> No.5110228

For HD content (wii, Xbox, ps3) it's OK.

>> No.5110245

Hmm. OK get ready:
(Help why are there so many models)

>> No.5110262

Well I always use an independent source to display test images (Extron VTG 300) and where possible, like on a BVM-20F1, I'll set up each console on a separate channel so they match as closely as can be easily achieved.

Big differences between consoles suggests the cabling isn't properly set up in terms of impedance though. Are you sure your SNES cable has the appropriate resistors installed?

>> No.5110293

If it's at least a 13" and in good condition, then hell yes!

>> No.5110318

too bad I already took it off their hands :)

>> No.5110407

Everyone of those is worth more than $75.

>> No.5110456

Can confirm. Scratched my Trinitron with a ring once and toothpaste buffed it out. Probably won't work on very deep scratches.

>> No.5110495


>> No.5110589

Ugh I wont have time until next week but they might be gone next week

>> No.5110621

What in the fuck?

>> No.5110634


>> No.5110636

Oh shit my bad

>> No.5110784

Models marked with /ST after them were factory fitted with SDI Modules.

>> No.5110885

This is unfixable, yeah? Looks like an antiglare layer inside has separated or something like that.

>> No.5110889
File: 2.00 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20181018_215259~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5110893

Oh shit no this is on the surface... So I guess I could peel it all off? I've heard of people doing that before

>> No.5110947

Is it true that some pvm models have input lag? if so, which ones?

>> No.5110973

Ones that have upscaling

>> No.5111030

There may possibly exist such a pvm, but I can almost guarantee you will not encounter it. Pvms, if not SD only, will be multiformat, meaning it can scan multiple resolutions natively and will never add lag due to post-processing

>> No.5111045

I had similar stuff and somewhat deep scratches on my FW900, mostly because of my cat failing to jump on top of it. I thought it would require peeling off the anti glare, but it seems the film has started to melt away when I tried to clean it with modern Emtec screen wipes.
It took me a while to remove everything, but the screen wipes actually had removed the whole anti glare film. The screen is now scratches-free, but also way glossier than before.
I suggest trying that before attempting to remove the film manually.

>> No.5111046

What anime

>> No.5111048

Thanks so much for the suggestion, I'll give that a shot. Could you give me a link to exactly the kind you used?
It's not from an anime, it's just a wallpaper. I'm on mobile right now (about to go to bed) but I'll post it tomorrow if you like.

>> No.5111053
File: 1.89 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_0344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unsatisfied GBI guy here. Posting some more pics. Tell me what ya'll think

>> No.5111054
File: 1.61 MB, 2500x1875, IMG_3905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5111056


>> No.5111059

thanks for the pics
I was thinking about trying it and now I probably will just stick to playing on a gameboy

>> No.5111082

yea idk people on here say its not about a still image quality but how it displays. just hoping the fucking svideo cables help out because at this point i barely see a point in using gbi over gameboy player and then over just a regular gb

>> No.5111097

>composhit is shit

>> No.5111103
File: 3.84 MB, 4665x3233, DSC08621ARWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20M7MDE is the only one, and only for SD sources. 480p on it is supposedly still lagless.

What set is that on? You've got color bleeding out the ass.

Also, what version of GBI?

>> No.5111221

I keep seeing those mid-sized old Trinitrons posted online from free to cheap. Wish I knew how to RGB mod them, I'd replace my current CRT with one in a heartbeat

>> No.5111419

Will s vid really make that much of a change.
Sony KV-36FV310 and it's the high fidelity version of GBI. I spent a good amount of time on 240p test suite adjusting my colors for my bvm back when I had one. For the most part I let the 36 sit on the standard preset or movie preset which is darker.

>> No.5111435

wow zero 3 actually looks good on that

>> No.5111510
File: 211 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20181018-045656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5111518

>Will s vid really make that much of a change.
S-Video gives an improvement in sharpness over composite. RGB gives an improvement in color over S-Video.
I know because I made both upgrades.

>> No.5111539
File: 1.74 MB, 3840x2160, circuit girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, pic related

>> No.5111543

I'm in the same area as you (Denver, right?) and I saw that idiot's post recently. Every time I see it I heavily consider sending him an email to call him out on being so lazy.

>> No.5111548

When playing a snes game through the Wii, does it display at the proper resolution for CRTplay?

>> No.5111596

I seriously doubt someone will help me but still...

I'm on the process to get a SCART-modded Tv, while i do have some consoles to play (a Wii and a DC, i would need only the cables tho), i want to make a SBC-based console.

The most logical choice would be go for a Raspberry pi, but, i want to have as much power as i can, so i want to use something like an Odroid XU4, that can run Everything up to the dreamcast and saturn, the problem is that all the SCART or RGB for SBC solutions are focused on the raspberry pi.

Has anyone tried to run an Odroid thru a SCART-modded tv or similar? is there any guide to do that?

>> No.5111758

That's actually a Chicago ad. I guess he's mobile

>> No.5112124

why is it always chicago?

>> No.5112221

hdmi out of the odroid to a vga dongle would give you rgb I think, you would have to be a 240p or 480i tho most likely

>> No.5112263
File: 437 KB, 1224x918, 1529870610849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got an older Montgomery Ward CRT for free a week or so ago, it's not that great of a set and is quite beat up but i really love the aesthetic of it.

even has a glass plate to protect the tube.

>> No.5112393
File: 2.17 MB, 3539x2328, 20181019_212902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine is also somewhat beat up. Although that's to be expected with a near 30-year-old TV.

>> No.5112419

wow yhe pucture on there is pretty wacky dude. does it bug you when you play something that autoscrolls?

>> No.5112435
File: 372 KB, 1224x918, 1525548367150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little 13 inch is from 1984, it seems to be pretty alright function wise other than a slight convergence issue but this may just be how it handles composite as not only is it old enough for composite/RF it also has the screws for antenna.

>> No.5112436

I've hardly done much stuff on it, and I don't think I'll be using it too often, considering I already own a similarly sized PVM that doesn't have any wonky geometry.. I have no idea if this thing even has a service menu, but I'm hoping I can fiddle with the settings and run 240p test suite on it at some point to get it looking nicer.

>> No.5112564

So, are flat trinitrons no good?
I managed to find a 21" 2001 model with s-video and rca, and what it seems to be a bnc connector or something, its fucking golden.

I guess I'll bite the bullet anyway because its cheap (30bux)

>> No.5112574

No component and its flat screen? The fuck?

>> No.5112580

There are plenty of FD Trinitrons without Component.

What's the model number?

>> No.5112616

Just got finished making and installing an RGB mod kit for my N64. First soldering project I've ever done and it worked out fine. Hardest part was placing the tiny little surface-mounted resistors and capacitor on the amplifier PCB. Luckily I had an earlier model N64 so the easier mod was available, and I also didn't need to fuck around with desoldering anything from the board or wiring in csync, since I was able to just hook my SNES csync cable up and it worked perfectly.

I'm actually quite impressed by N64 RGB. Everything I saw online said it wasn't a very noticeable boost. And while s-video is certainly "good enough", this is clearly better and the colors are so much crisper. IMO better than the boost from s-video to RGB on a normal SNES (not one of those 1chip minis).

>> No.5112625

kv - 21fv12c(and then 77 I think, or /7), blurry pic.
Made in mexico. I could get other trinitrons models made in spain and japan as well, I don't know if where they were made changes something.

>> No.5112630
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, P_20181010_022509_vHDR_On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder to remove that anti-glare coating. It's easy to do and improves the picture of your CRT significantly!

>> No.5112635

Are there any small / high quality CRTs that take VGA? I want something PVM sized that takes VGA, don't know if it exists.

>> No.5112637

tons, for example the monitor above your post or basically any PC monitor of course. They all come in different sizes.

>> No.5112642

the smallest ive found is like 15" but they're all huge as fuck, guess I'll keep looking

>> No.5112646

Is there a way to tell whether your PVM has an anti-glare cover or not. I don't want to go about slicing the corners of my screen just to find out no coating is there at all and I'm just fucking things up bigly

>> No.5112652


Looks like CRT gore.

>> No.5112674

Looks to be Coax, Composite, and S-Video, yeah.

If it's in decent shape, it'd be a nice little TV.

You'd need to remove the bezel to do it anyway. Hard to tell from that photo, but it's pulled forward at the top a bit.

Also worth noting that while it can safe a scuffed up or set which has been cleaned with the wrong chemicals, removing the anti-glare can tank your contrast in even average lighting conditions. If you play in the dark it's all fine and good though.

For anything smaller than ~15'' viewable, you're going to be looking at much much older sets in most cases. For example, there are some late 80s Trinitron PC CRTs that are something like 12-13'' or so. Issue is they aren't going to support much in terms of resolution/refresh rate.

>> No.5112890
File: 33 KB, 300x300, in a skyrunner over saturn valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between a PVM-20M4A and a BVM-2016P which would you guys go for?
Because I need to sell one, and I can't decide which to keep since I think they both have the same number of TVL.

>> No.5113202

The PVM.

>> No.5113428

oh shit, found a trinitron kv-21se42C from 1999, should I grab it?, it only has rca and bnc. Also 30bux

>> No.5113565

If I mod my n64 for rgb, can I use the same scart cable. I've been using with my snes?

>> No.5113601

Can it take component?

>> No.5113796
File: 240 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to look at monitors that were used in cash registers, sometimes labeled as POS (point of sale) monitors. Beware of burn-in.

>> No.5113838

what's a good component switch?

>> No.5113840

>Will s vid really make that much of a change.
Absofukenlutely, it's by far the biggest quality jump for 240p content.

>> No.5113848

Keep the BVM-2016, last line of analog BVMs. Or sell it to me.

>> No.5113895

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. That said, I have responded to the listings by guys like this and told them what I have to offer, and they ended up being to much of a prissy bitch. Dudes want amazing monitors for dirt cheap, and won't take anything less than the most memed top tier shit like he has listed there. I tell the guys I have arcade monitors, older PVMs, Mitsus, component TVs, all kinds of shit.

Nah, nah. Got to be a BVM for fiddy bucks.

Keep dreaming buddy

>> No.5113904

If you take off the back of the monitor there will be a knob labeled SCREEN that controls the gamma adjustment of the monitor. Take a thin permanent marker and make a mark on the knob and the casing around it. Be careful to touch nothing else.

Then use a screwdriver with an insulted handle to adjust the screen setting up until your screen is less dark. Use the contrast and brightness controls to adjust it. Working between SCREEN, contrast, and brightness you should be able to get a more vibrant picture.

There is also a control for FOCUS which you could try adjusting, but if you think the screen is perfectly sharp as it is leave it alone.

>> No.5113906

>Professional CRTs are becoming increasingly more expensive and unaffordable
For NEETs maybe. For people with jobs spending $300 on a CRT isn't a big deal.

>> No.5113912
File: 43 KB, 500x370, dsc_0087-500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTs were made and sold in India into the 2010s. There are likely warehouses full of them there.

I've actually sent a few emails just now to see what the availability of them is in large shipments.

>> No.5113916

Is that legend of dragoon?

>> No.5114137
File: 207 KB, 854x448, ECA18608-DB8A-4930-B4E6-CB0F8A3B0CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself a SLG-3000.

>> No.5114167
File: 567 KB, 947x864, IMG_20181007_011053048_crop_947x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other dragoon game

>> No.5114223
File: 202 KB, 1124x1500, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard would it be to mod a 27 Trinitron from the early 90's? the early models don't have jungle chips right?

>> No.5114423
File: 1.53 MB, 4592x3448, P1000767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened up my toshiba From 2005 & can't find anything that looks like a Jungle Chip to pull RGB from. Is this one of those CRTs made so late that is doesn't have one? It's a small VCR/DVD combo machine that only has RF.cable in the back so I was hoping to get some use out of it. Thoughts?

>> No.5114431
File: 2.13 MB, 3674x2759, P1000766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& here's the right side below the gun. The rest of the insides are gamed in another compartment below that contains the VCR & DVD compartment. I's an MW14F51. Is there a schematic online where I could look this up?

>> No.5114472
File: 198 KB, 1002x606, pcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun, nigga

>> No.5114474
File: 2.36 MB, 2048x2048, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happened to have the exact same consumer CRT as David Murray (the 8-bit guy) so I decided to perform his RGB mod on mine, even emailing him to find out what specific value resistors he used. So I did the mod, and it worked fine... minus one tinsy little thing. As you can see the expected leap in quality between the Genesis's notoriously shitty composite and its RGB is fully present, but the colors are washed out.

>> No.5114476
File: 1.74 MB, 2016x1512, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

It's especially visible when nothing is being displayed, and this does NOT manifest at all in normal composite mode. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the resistors I installed, but double checking with my multimeter confirms that they're the correct resistance: 75 ohms. Any ideas?

>> No.5114496

>Have no idea what I'm looking at
welp, guess It's back to the books. This thing's going right back into storage until I figure out what I'm suppose to do with it.

>> No.5114508

Did you finish his part 2 where he realized he was feeding 5v into the cpu?

>> No.5114531
File: 248 KB, 988x1200, 1474698077024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Guess I'm selling the PVM then.

Any idea where to sell it? And for how much?
As suggested by A in 20M4A I'm an Ausfag; if you're in South Australia you can have first pickings.

>> No.5114558


>> No.5114596

Alright so I've adjusted the brightness knob on the flyback transformer which has fixed the issue here: >>5114476

The issue with the washed out colors remains, which I'm fairly certain can be attributed to the resistors I installed. Anyone have any recommendations on how to calculate the right resistance resistors I should use or am I going to have to keep installing new, lower (or higher?) resistance resistors until I arrive at the right color depth?

>> No.5114601
File: 952 KB, 1751x1512, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just a note to anyone wanting to do this for themselves be advised that even modded to accept RGB consumer TVs simply do not compare to trinitrons. This particular unit has intense coil whine and the regular composite video has an obnoxious, slightly blue tinge to it.

>> No.5114624

20 inch HR pvms go for good money
I'd probably pay like 400 USD if I could get one locally

>> No.5114627
File: 365 KB, 1024x1024, image0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color comparison, modded TV up top, PVM below.

>> No.5114628

>400 USD
Fucking Jesus. I had no idea their value had inflated that much.
I only paid 380 AUD for both, so thanks for the heads up.

>> No.5114643

firstly, camera on full manual? Does it look similar over composite?

>> No.5114649

Colors are fine through composite since the two signals are totally isolated from each other.

>> No.5114652

Try disconnecting the resistors from the OSD chip.

>> No.5114659

But then I wouldn't have anywhere to inject the RGB signal.

>> No.5114840

I mean RGB injection only, no connection from the OSD generator's output to the jungle.

>> No.5115280

But don't the RGB values need to be lowered or something before being processed by the jungle chip? If I bypass the resistors can I somehow overload it?

>> No.5115295

How to display a test card on my CRT? Do I have to put one on a VHS or a DVD? I don't have a testcard generator either. They don't show one after the broadcasts and there's not a single one in teletext.

>> No.5115308

UK? There's a hidden one on Freeview:

>Channel 250, wait for full image, press yellow button, move channel down one, then back to 250, wait for full image to appear, press green button which gives you access to options: press green for Test card.

>> No.5115421
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a guess I think it has something to do with the impedance levels of your RGB signal. If you feed raw arcade RGB levels to a computer monitor you'll have a too bright image. If you feed raw console RGB to a modded RGB tv you'll have a ????

>> No.5115428

As an anecdote I'll mention that on my AM-3501R the RGB from my PC was "dull" compared to the S-video and Composite inputs. Looking back I think the monitor expected a slightly different signal than I was feeding it. Not enough to make the difference that games looked bad, but enough it was easily noticed if I flipped between inputs.

>> No.5115450

What do I recommend I do then? I’ve followed the directions in the video to the letter andan even trying to get in touch with David’s consultant via a shmup forum but they apparently have some sort of post review system setup and my post hasn’t been approved yet. Here’s a link to more some in-depth info: https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=63425

It’s worth pointing out that iirc the layout in my tv was slightly different from the one in the video but everything was still labeled the same and in the correct spots.

>> No.5115792

That happened with his too. Look through the comments someone mentions how to fix it

>> No.5115837


David mentioned in one of the replies that the problem was caused by, surprise, incorrect resistor values.

>> No.5115845

Which values ended up being proper?

>> No.5115868

He hasn't responded yet, but I'll certainly post them when or if he does.

>> No.5115930

Bang and Olufsen CRT are also very good and somewhat underrated since they're scarce (Europe mainly) so not many people are aware of their existence

>> No.5116147

Is it even worth RGB modding then rather than getting one with a component input and using a transcoder?

>> No.5116152

>only has RF
From what I understand, doing an RGB mod is a lot more complex when the TV is RF-only. This is because normally you can use the composite line for sending a sync signal. If you only have RF input, then you basically have to do a ton of extra work to get composite and THEN mod in RGB and use the composite from your other part of the mod for sync. It's much simpler to use a TV with composite.

But then again, you say it's a VCR/DVD combo machine, so perhaps there's internal composite from the VCR aspect. IDK.

>> No.5116164

Anyone here regular the shmups forum? My posts are apparently pending approval and an entire day has passed already.

>> No.5116180

Just looking at the video, he used three 75 ohm resistors.

>> No.5116185

If all you want to do is play good looking vidya then the rational choice is to just find a component tv.

Component is 99% as good as RGB.

>> No.5116186
File: 2.08 MB, 4592x3448, crt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ tells me to just check craigslist for a CRT
>Email guy about free 27 inch JVC CRT he's giving away
>Says someone is suppose to pick it up tomorrow & that I'm out of luck, but if he doesn't pick it up he'll contact me
>The other guy actually didn't show up
>Guy with the TV lived literally a few blocks away
>Even came with the remote
I cannot believe how simple this was & how close I was living to someone who would just GIVE me a CRT like that. It's a av-27f802 from 2001. I can't find a single eBay listing for it, so I'm assuming it's uncommon?

>> No.5116187

So did I, but he said he did some tweaking not mentioned or shown in the video.

>> No.5116192

wow a JVC I'Art, holy grail of televisions

>> No.5116198
File: 638 KB, 1608x1207, P1000801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh & get this, it does S-Video AND Component! He had it outside for awhile so I'm waiting for it to warm up for a few hours before turning it on, but if it works then this is going to be the main TV for DVDs & VHS tapes for the household. I cannot believe the other guy never picked it up.
>Holy Grail
I mean, it has Component which is great (it's no RGB but hey it's free). What makes it a "holy grail" CRT?

>> No.5116263

Well turns out he didn't adjust it further and decided to just deal with the colors and brightness instead of replacing the resistors over and over until the colors are correct. So looks like I was right here >>5114596

>> No.5116279

/vr/, what would be the best options to extend S-Video inputs on a TV that only has one? It's a great 29" Trinitron, even has 2 component inputs, but only one 1 S video and I use those a lot.

>> No.5116284

Actually couldn't three potentiometers installed on the R, G, and B lines make it significantly easier to adjust? I'm not an expert in electronics so I'm not sure if potentiometers can replace resistors.

>> No.5116304

Just get a decent switcher box.

>> No.5116306

Cheapo mechanical switch box works fine, like this https://www.amazon.com/GE-33622-Switch-S-Video-Devices/dp/B071G52TB8

>> No.5116308

sure, using pots can be great to figure out sensible values when you don't have full data/measurements available

>> No.5116312

does anyone know how many TV lines this specific model is? I can't find any info on line count in any of the official manuals I've downloaded.

>> No.5116315

Information like that isn't always published for consumer sets.

>> No.5116316

That's what I was thinking, but isn't there quality loss?

>> No.5116319

any idea on how I would find that info then? I can eyeballl it obviously, but an official number would be great.

>> No.5116321

Component is pretty much equivalent to RGB

>> No.5116340
File: 23 KB, 640x342, s-l640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a thread on here maybe about a month ago where an anon tried a handful of different boxes. I don't remember all of the brands he tested exactly, but i remember a pelican branded one like pic related being one of the better ones. Basically, stay away from cheap non-labeled chinese shit and you should be fine.

>> No.5116348

Honestly can't remember which settings it has for the life of me, but that model does have a service menu that you might be able to futz around inside of to fix or at least bandaid the issue a bit.

>> No.5116409

3 to 400 range
t. my ass

>> No.5116414

I had one of those. Great device. Got rid of it when I got a receiver.

>> No.5116423
File: 3.33 MB, 2756x2069, P1000813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tested it in component & that sounds about right. There's no way it's more than 400 lines. It's not nearly as sharp as I was hoping. Anyone know how I can adjust H & V on this thing? I get a big black bar at the bottom of chrono cross.

>> No.5116449
File: 597 KB, 1920x1440, ISO_12233-reschart_1920x1440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can use a test chart to measure if you've got some way to send a nice high res signal to it preferably a PC

>> No.5116479
File: 2.96 MB, 2940x2208, P1000818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a PS3 be able to send it a proper image? Still really hoping I can find a service menu in this thing. It looks like it's set to DVD player size since I get no underscan when using one.

>> No.5116483
File: 2.21 MB, 2296x1724, P1000827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& here's some anime running on it from my PS3. I wonder if this model has a Jungle Chip in it so I could get RGB from it?

>> No.5116493

I got one from a friend in college who had one as CRTs went out. Then he bought it back. Then I bought it back for my parents basement when our old CRT went out. Then they got an LED flatscreen and I asked them to keep it for old games. That Duck Hunt didn't work on new TVs might have sold my dad on keeping it.

>> No.5116517

dude, component is mathematically identical to rgb in terms of image quality. any mod you do to add rgb in will be lower quality than transcoding an rgb signal to component and plugging that into the tv

>> No.5116582

Sure, use the image, or look for a rip of a test DVD

>> No.5116972

that's pretty much the same thing as a 29" arcade monitor like you'd find in a Sega Astro City or other Japanese cab

29" component TVs are not rare, but you're pretty lucky to come across a JVC unit

>> No.5116976

It's probably around 500, don't worry about it.

>> No.5117023
File: 29 KB, 299x315, White_Noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would cause the image on a CRT to shake in 240p mode? The OSD/menu doesn't shake at all, but text boxes on my RPGs on the bottom half shake pretty noticeably. Much harder to tell in 480i, but does that sound like a Capacitor issue? Tried switching between two models of the PS2, & went from third party component cables to official S-Video cables & the screen still shakes in the same lower half of the screen o matter what model or cable I use.

>> No.5117030

Adding onto this, how would I go about building a capacitor list & ordering every cap I would need to replace them myself in the event that it is a capacitor problem? I could use a hobby on the side, & recapping a CRT might be fun if I can do it in small steps so I don't shock myself.

>> No.5117098
File: 549 KB, 2000x1125, _20181022_153628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent €2 for this. Did I get ripped off?

>> No.5117137

Which is better KV-27fv15 or KV-24fs120
Fv is supposedly the higher end series but was made a few years earlier, no component but has svideo
Fs is the standard series but is newer and has component and a video
One is at goodwill other is a few miles on craigslist

>> No.5117270

If you can dig up an official service manual for the thing(or a PDF of one), having one of those can help because they list every single part. However, I don't think they list the quantity of each part, so your best bet is to remove all the capacitors and document each one as you do(you need to write down the capacitance and resistivity, and it makes it easier later if you write down the lead spacing so you can match those as well), and use the service manual to double-check that the things you wrote down are accurate and that you didn't miss anything.

>> No.5117292

Yeah judging by the dot pitch it looks to be somewhere between 400 and 500 tvl, standard SD TV resolution really.

That said (and it could be just your pic being overexposed) the contrast appears to be set way too high. This will cause significant blooming of the highlights and lower lower the effective sharpness, as well as decreasing life of the phosphors.

>> No.5117293
File: 100 KB, 560x400, 2-in-1-solder-pt06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related directly to CRTs, but what kind of soldering gun would /vr/ recommend for working on old circuit boards? ?

>> No.5117320

936d is cheap and decent.

>> No.5117342
File: 1.83 MB, 2576x1932, 20181022_090850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Metcal mx-500p-11. Pic related

>> No.5117359

>write down the capacitance and resistivity
Is that always written on every capacitor on a CRT?

>> No.5117381

>I cannot believe how simple this was & how close I was living to someone who would just GIVE me a CRT like that.
Far more common than you think. Any given week I have a pick of around 5 decent CRT tvs, mostly sony/panasonic in the 27" or 32" range. People hate them and see no value. They are usually free but some people charge like $15. There are still millions of good CRTs out there gathering dust in garages all over north America.

>> No.5117496

I see a crt on the sidewalk practically every time I go for a walk for longer than 15 minutes. Free stuff on Craigslist also consistently offers decent crts on a weekly basis. Larger units are such a pain in the ass to move that people will just give them away to anyone willing to put the work into taking them. Plus, let's be honest, they're pretty useless to anyone not using them for gaming or stricken by severe autism.

>> No.5117513

The only reason they are slow to emerge is that normies are packrats and still think CRTs have value so they put them in long term storage. They paid a lot for them back in the day and are reluctant to admit they lost all value. Eventually they get annoyed at how much space they use and they end up free to a good home (which means a retro gamer gets lucky).

>> No.5117515

Bruh, why the fuck are you even looking at ebay at all for consumer CRTs? Just look at craigslist or similar site and you'll see a fuckton of people begging someone to haul away their early-2000s trinitrons and other high-quality CRT TVs for free. Hell, you can probably just take a drive around town on whatever day your city's trash does special pickups and you'll probably see CRTs lying around waiting to be snatched up.

Don't be that guy who unironically pays for a consumer CRT. That's what the overzealous redditfags do and if they continue doing it, it will actually cause people to start demanding money for them.

>> No.5117519
File: 780 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180917_172434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty standard for it to be written on any capacitor anywhere, here's a picture i took inside one of my 9-inch Ikegamis, you can see where the capacitor I was looking at is marked with its capacitance and resistivity.

>> No.5117529

Different guy with a completely off topic question but, do you know of a way to find the specs for a potentiometer that has no markings on it?

>> No.5117532

>it's no RGB but hey it's free
Component and RGB are equivalent in terms of quality. It's only ever just a matter of what a console outputs and what the TV accepts. I recommend picking up a transcoder. That way you can just plug RGB SCART cables from older consoles in, get component video out that can be used on plenty of American TVs. That's the best and most reasonable option for most people IMO, because the next step after that for better quality is a PVM which have sadly become a fad and you'd be spending half a grand or more to get a decent sized one for a game room. Unless you're okay with only having something 9"-13", which will still cost you a couple hundred anyway. Not worth it.

>> No.5117542

>capacitance and resistivity
Sorry, I goofed, I meant capacitance and potential difference. Different capacitors of the same capacitance and potential difference can also have varied ripple currents, higher is better, but you shouldn't have to go overboard with this, most capacitors from good manufacturers should be fine.

The service manual is your best bet. Find the section with photographs of the board, which should have every part labeled, and then find that part number in the parts listing section and all the information about the part should be there.

>> No.5117590

Nah, that's not true for normalfags. Maybe a small minority of boomers. Most people just want them gone completely and will think you're crazy for ever wanting one again. The only reason they're not all completely gone is that some people still have spare bedrooms/basements/whatever other low-priority rooms in the house with old tube TVs that they've been slow to upgrade. And also people just not bothering to throw them away because they're so big and heavy that it's not worth the effort of moving on their own.

This is why you often see CRTs being given away for free on the larger end of the spectrum. The 27-36" sets. ie, the larger ones that are harder to move. They were already able to get rid of the ones they had that were 24" and smaller on their own.

same here.

>> No.5117613


Yes and no. Just because it is mathematically equivalent doesn't mean real world results are.
Keep in mind in analog every step in the video chain certainly affects the picture quality. Whether it is noticeable to the naked eye or an oscilloscope would depend upon the chassis components.

Now whether this is a big improvement or not depends upon what components are in route before going to the guns.

From what I've seen it is a minor upgrade if the set has component. Im sure there are sets out there where it is a massive improvement and others where it is minor or not even noticeable.

Definitely worth it if the tv has composite or s-video and the set has good geometry and controls.

>> No.5117614
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, rgb philips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philips sets are pretty good. Since you're European, you should use RGB on that, because it looks pretty nice on a 14-inch Philips.

>> No.5117620

Thank God for the SCART port. But yeah, I'll have to get a bunch of new cables so I don't have to use these component to scart converters.

>> No.5117659

I have Toshiba TV/VCR combo, made in 2001. Wish I knew the proper model number. But is this a good one? I think it looks a bit shit. Found in my dads basement.

>> No.5117671

You can't get ripped off for €2. Even if it was broken:

>> No.5117780
File: 3.89 MB, 2988x3900, 20181022_131111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do these look?

these are from my 36 inch jvc i'art

>> No.5117787
File: 3.58 MB, 2244x3780, 20181022_131348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5117806


The proper way is to look in the service manual. I'd guess it's either under that board, or on one of the lower boards. It has to have something if there is an OSD, but it may be component signal instead of RGB. I've noticed that a lot of combo units or newer CRT have component signals and lack RGB. Post a link to your service manual and I'll look at it, though I'm not any kind of expert.

>> No.5117826

I'm >>5117806

Holy shit dude, this thing is a confusing beast. Honestly on the "micon schematic diagram" IC101 chip it looks like it has R G B input on pins 61, 62, 63, IDK what blanking is, but good god this think looks complicated AF. I'd say it's an expert tier mod, not easy but doable. I'd honestly ask at the shmup thread because there's a lot more knowledgeable people there. I've done 2 fairly easy mods but this thing looks ridiculously convoluted.

>> No.5117830

>they apparently have some sort of post review system setup and my post hasn’t been approved yet.

Same thing here. I did an introduction post in the introduction thread, it was approved and then I could post elsewhere.

>> No.5117894


someone help the man

>> No.5117902

I've played that game on my CRT and it looks fine to me

>> No.5118002
File: 55 KB, 900x674, DCIMG1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard would it be to RGB mod this?

>> No.5118016

That's a VGA CRT anon. You're not bandwagoning are you?
It takes RGB natively, but cannot display consoles natively without converting the standard definition signal somehow.

>> No.5118018


>> No.5118067

I wanna give it scart.

>> No.5118069

You'd need a line-doubler like an OSSC and then a hdmi-> VGA converter. Good luck.

>> No.5118121

Sounds like an opportunity for lag tho

>> No.5118125

Unless you get a really shitty cheap converter none whatsoever. That said, in your case I'd just use it to emulate games at 480p60Hz. Excellent scaling and scrolling and the least input lag you can get with an emulator setup, given care is taken to use a low lag controller and the best emulators.

>> No.5118208

that sounds like a good plan
looks like there's too much blue so maybe just one pot on the blue line to dial it in

>> No.5118240

all I want to know is if I can connect my Super NT to it

>> No.5118251
File: 1.53 MB, 2576x1932, 20181022_165119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happened to me

>> No.5118263
File: 746 KB, 2576x1932, 20181022_165847~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5118267

Hah, no matter what I do my fucking pictures always post facing the wrong direction.

>> No.5118270

you've got a bad case of GAS
(gear acquisition syndrome)

>> No.5118284

Fell hard for a leddit meme.

>> No.5118289

You're let your 'tism overtake you.

Leave some for the next guy.

>inb4 but muh scalpers
poor rationalization, leave them

>> No.5118292

Just get a transcoder. You get RGBS from SCART. You get RGBHV (horizontal and vertical sync separately) from VGA. You can convert your RGB SCART signal to VGA without any loss in quality. All you're doing is splitting the sync.

>> No.5118316

It all happened within weeks. I'm going to unload a couple soon. Im less than $200 in so far. Going to keep the 2030 and the two stacked guys

>> No.5118334

transcoder will still have 15kHz, VGA monitor can't handle that. Would need a scaler.

>> No.5118441

>That being said, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that a couple of start-up companies will start making professional CRTs within a decade's time once the supply gets low enough.

stop this meme. it's like 90s era freon, it's never coming back because it's illegal. 90% of the crt herd has been culled and anyone that cares will need to pay a premium in the future to get good ones. I hate it but that''s just the way it's going.

>> No.5118463

Anyone here done cap replacements on their CRT? I think mine needs it.

>> No.5118492

looks good to me

>> No.5118498

How on earth did you get a 2030 and four other decent-looking 14"+ monitors for less than $200 in a matter of weeks?
What are you selling and where do you live? Might be interested.

>> No.5118509

Yes, it's extremely easy if you have experience soldering.

>> No.5118512

if you're going to go with xbox/wii component , just go with a good flatscreen. xbox/wii had 16:9 for most games and some you can patch to be 16:9 with higher resolutions for the xbox. Just played through gta III and splinter cell and they looked great on a flat screen. PS2 is honestly 50/50 on crt vs flat screen. It's going to be interesting seeing the crt memers on the gen 6 board if we ever get one

>> No.5118517

I've posted in thes threads before. I've mostly been lucky to be in LA. The 15" JVC is the nicest one and I got it for free,750tvl and scart card. The one under it isnt great at 500tvl and no rgb but it's gets the most use by virtue of being the first one I got. I traded some lighting equipment I had for it.
The guy I got the my last three from has a couple of warehouses full of a/v gear. He said he has 50 10" JVC he'd sell me. He offered me one on its own for $20 but said he'd sell me a bunch for cheaper.
The first to go will be the pvm-1910, it's not great but one of the more aesthetically cool sets I've seen.

>> No.5118525

I swear those JVC I'arts are RGB modable. There's an RGB option in the OSD & everything. I wonder what the insides of one look like.

>> No.5118527

Figures. It even has an SD card port in the front for what I can assume is for pulling up JPEG Photos or something. 2005 they were really complicating the shit out of things.

>> No.5118537

Help me.
CRT display shakes every few minutes.
Is it:
>Bad caps

>> No.5118557

I'm a retard so no. I have a busted set with other issues I can't fix to practice on though, so I don't ruin my good one if I mess up.

>> No.5118569

Maybe. Can you get video/pics of it happening?

>> No.5118673

ya'll know this was a shitpost rite

>> No.5118687

thank you, I appreciate that. I just wanted to see what people had to say. from my irl perspective I think it looks very nice for a tv that cost less than 3 gallons of gas where I live.

I have never taken this TV apart. I am interested in RGB, but I'm such shit at soldering I'm sure I would make a mess of it.
The idea of modding it sounds cool but I definitely need better understanding or someone else's help on that one.

>> No.5118773

if it has component, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.5118787

>If I mess up
No offense but you probably will. Still though I'm sure you'll try it, in which case there are some things you should know: number one is ALWAYS USE FLUX WHEN SOLDERING. Number two is don't jab the soldering iron and hold it against a pad and the board for extended periods of time because that's how you destroy the pads and potentially even components. Number three is capacitors are polarity sensitive, if you install them backwards they WILL pop. All capacitors have a black stripe on them and this is the NEGATIVE side, line it up to the board which will almost always mark either the negative or positive terminal holes. Number four is discharge your CRT and beware of big capacitors which may have residual charge left in them, as both these things can kill you. To discharge said capacitors simply bridge the legs until they no longer spark. Number five is get a QUALITY desoldering pump or wick, as this will minimize the amount of time you have to keep the hot iron on the board.

>> No.5118794

Sounds like a lot of trouble and a lot of learning I'm gonna have to do but oh well. All the sets are old and need maintenance, small price to pay to keep playing on the beautiful things.

>> No.5118814

It's really not that hard to do but I would definitely advise you to NOT try soldering out for the first time on something like a CRT. Start small, solder a few resistors to your NES to give it expanded audio, add some wires here and there, buy a soldering practice kit, practice desoldering, etc etc. Trust me when I say that one mistake can trash the entire board and while it's honestly a bit of a meme that "CRTS ARE SUPER DANGEROUS THEY *WILL* KILL YOU!!!!1!" it's not entirely false.

>> No.5118819

Modding a component TV to RGB is retarded.

fucking RGB autism is maddening

>> No.5118852

>RGB autism is maddening
so is capacitor autism. somebody else went on a rant about it last night but it's been bothering me too.
these people don't know anything and they want to open up a CRT and use it as their first project
I should start selling cap kits to these retards

>> No.5118859

plus, small capacitors going bad is what most of these crt pots are designed to compensate for. Nigger, just adjust the pots

>> No.5118860

I’ve ressurected dead analog/logic boards and corrected major issues in countless devices by recapping. It’s overblown certainly but definitely not just a meme.

>> No.5119082

Fuck the sun light destroyed my crt I guess. Black spots everywhere and I can't even access the service menu anymore. FML

>> No.5119146

It's certainly a cool trick for hobbyist tinkerers, but yeah, it shouldn't be someone's first solder job unless they have a death wish, and it's so much easier to find a component TV and buy a transcoder instead. Only reason I would ever do an RGB mod is if I wanted a PVM, didn't want to pay the absurd meme prices, and bought one of the cheap ones that are composite/s-video only. But even then I'm not sure if it's even possible to RGB mod those PVM models, because their OSDs are in black and white.

To be fair, there is a SLIGHT loss of picture quality with the transcoder I've used, which I've compared by having my PVM and trinitron wega side by side daisy chained and with a transcoder. For example, slightly different looking borders on the edges of the palm trees in Sanic Green Hill Zone. But I'm certain this is just from using a low end generic transcoder that cost me like 40 bucks and I could probably fix it by messing with the pots.

>> No.5119153

As far as I can tell the lower tier pvms are exactly the same as the rgb ready models but missing the bncs on the rear panel and with a resistor that needs to be removed. Otherwise, all of the boards are the same.

>> No.5119169

How would you switch over to the new signal though?

>> No.5119221

Composite* my bad

>> No.5119230

Ah, I forgot it needs a switch too. There is also a hole already cut out on the front panel where the switch goes on the rgb models. There's just a sticker over it as the is over the holes for bncs on the back.

>> No.5119232

if you try working on CRT's blindly without knowing how to discharge it prior then you fucking deserve to be put into a hospital

>> No.5119236

Is the voltage line even necessary on SCART cables? From what I understand it's just some way that europoor TVs know to automatically switch to a signal, but it seems utterly pointless if you're going to a PVM or upscaler

Also, anyone know of a good tutorial on making your own cables?

>> No.5119242

jesus that's some severe burn in, you can see it in the display while it's off

>> No.5119243

wew, really? I might actually pick up one of those lower-end PVMemes just to dabble with this if it's legit. If all you actually need to do is more or less punch out the plastic holes where the connectors are supposed to be and attach the wires/resistors/caps to the line

>> No.5119280

That all depends on the specific model. Something like the N-Series sets are missing quite a large number of components on the S-Video limited sets versus the RGB sister sets.
Then you have something like the **50 series sets where there are models which have RGB but no Component, but can have it enabled with just a setting in the service menu.

It can be useful if you have a sync stripper in the BNC breakout, as that's where it gets it's power. If you're not doing any sync stripping or anything along those lines, you can ignore it.

>> No.5119284
File: 57 KB, 449x317, steaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a CRT feels like this 100% of the time.

>> No.5119298
File: 137 KB, 1600x902, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these JVC RGB cards....could one of these be used in a JVC I'art? Sory if that's an incredibly stupid question, but I just opened my I'art from earlier in the stread to see if I could eyeball a jungle chip or any leaking caps (did find the chips), & there's a card on the left hand side that feeds into the back that looks suspiciously like it would work with one of these things.

>> No.5119327

My gut says no, but at the very least you could pull the card and compare connectors to see if they're at least physically the same. Is the card in your TV have a 50 pin connector? Even if it does, that doesn't ensure compatibility ; but if it doesn't you know definitively that it won't work

>> No.5119347

My gut says maybe, but I'm a novice at this sort of thing. It's going to be a pain to take the casing off again, but if I take some pictures of the inside would you be able to tell? I remember seeing something that looked like an IDE connector inside. For comparison's sake, what does a stock (non aftermarket) version of the eBay card I posted look like?

>> No.5119363


>> No.5119394
File: 249 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-155700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother looking into this any further, it won't work.

Just get an RGB to YPbPr transcoder.

>> No.5119474

Maybe your first time.

>> No.5119475

This. Only caveat with the transcoders is that they seem to come with shit-tier power supplies that cause interference with the video signal. Swap it out for a different power supply and the problem gets fixed right up

>> No.5119598

New thread when?

>> No.5119601

I could make one now, but it's not really needed until it drops a few more pages.

>> No.5119836

>Just get an RGB to YPbPr transcoder
Isn't Mike Chi from retrotink working on something like this?

>> No.5119848

dumb question but i can't seem to find the answer anywhere.
will the sony gdm-fw900 work on 4th-6th gen consoles?
i'm talking to someone locally about getting one but he doesnt know the answer nor does he have a way of testing. i'm hoping it'll be a onestop solution for my pc and consoles but i'm just not sure if the monitor would accept the console signals

>> No.5119878

It won't work with 4th gen at all.

Dreamcast, Xbox and some PS2 titles are the best you can hope for without employing an upscaler.

>> No.5119895
File: 16 KB, 280x280, 3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, I've never seen anything run on RGB in real life.

I think you jumping down my throat for even replying to a post about rgb modding is the most maddening thing happening here.
how is it retarded to add an extra input to a tv no matter what it is? if it helps me learn more about electronics and even improves my picture 0.01 percent, then what's the freaking problem?

>ppl talk about something I dont like so its autistic

you are stupid

>> No.5119897

og Xbox still needs some adapter and/or a modded bios.
PS2 is a clusterfuck because everything starts in 480i.
DC, 360 do support VGA with the appropriate cable (I think some rare DC titles do not work with VGA ?)

>> No.5120014

It only supports RGBHV fyi. That's the signal 'VGA' uses, so you need a 480p VGA output. You're shit outta luck without a line doubler or something unfortunately. 360 supports this brilliantly. PS3 can with a modded cable I think.

>> No.5120171

> (I think some rare DC titles do not work with VGA ?)
Correct, but most of the modern releases of burnable images around these days have edited these games to boot in 480p too.

>> No.5120568

retrotink or ossc should work I think right?

>> No.5120691

FW900 also supports RGBS and RGsB, not just RGBHV

>> No.5120742
File: 131 KB, 1207x1065, garo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this exists (maybe)

>> No.5120786

stop trolling

>> No.5120801
File: 22 KB, 400x387, 003993[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how hard would it be anyway to convert a CVM into a PVM?

>> No.5120858

New Thread:


Would be difficult to say without knowing the specific set. Some CVMs seem to be based on televisions, where others look to be based on PVMs.

When in doubt, hit up a service manual.

>> No.5120992

>sounds like a good minimalist device, just transcodes with no scaling
>but dude what if we add scanlines
every time

>> No.5121005


Yes, they have capacitance and voltage tolerance marked on them. Capacitance value should not be changed unless you know what you're doing, but anything of the same voltage tolerance or higher is fine. Size will often increase too though.

>> No.5121020

Remember, bigger = better. Don't settle for sissy 20" and under CRTs even if they have better video signal support.

>> No.5121351

>not having both

I have a 20" PVM next to a 32" trinitron with the composite, s-video, and component connections daisy-chained.