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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5057334 No.5057334 [Reply] [Original]

>Garage Sales
>Find a woman with an Atari 2600
>Atari is dusty, looks hasn't been played since 1988, two games, Space Invaders Ms. Pac-Man, Atari 2600 is a classic 1980 4-switch. Nothing special.
>Ask woman for price
>Guy (old woman's wife, presumably) barges over
>"That right there is the first vidyagame ever. I'm asking 50."

Probably gonna go back tomorrow and see if he if he had a reality check.

>> No.5057338

>Probably gonna go back tomorrow and see if he if he had a reality check.
i have no doubt some neckbearded virgin gave them that for it.

>> No.5057352

We don't live in a very populated place. It's like Iowa out here. The only neet in this town is me, and my other friend, who lives about 2 miles down.

>> No.5057376

I don't even hope to pick up retro games at garage sales anymore. Honestly ebay has become the cheapest place since you can really stalk deals and snipe and you don't have to burn up gas either

>> No.5057398

"first video game ever"

kill me.

>> No.5057421

This. At least with ebay you can sort of game the system with tactical bidding and going for auctions that are ending at inconvenient times that most people aren't paying attention to.

>> No.5057791

>fake gramps becomes an ebayby
wew lad. A couple weeks back I walked to my local flea market and picked up some CIB consoles for a few bucks each. A few imports even. Not just master race S/FCs

>> No.5057839

Sadly after 8 years of searching for old consoles I've found the only way to get things I need is eBay. It kills me paying those prices but I find absolutely nothing at garage sales and flea markets.

>> No.5057852

Let me tell you about this thing called emulation that's free.

>> No.5057856

Emulation is gay

>> No.5057864

I'm suprised that you managed to find a flea market that doesn't have any resellers

>> No.5057874

feels good that i found a working psx at goodwill for like 7 bucks

>> No.5057927

There are plenty of resellers there. I know them all well. Obviously I didn't get that stuff from them. I got them from a hoarder a girl who sells power tools introduced me to. He has a lot of great stuff but like I said I walked and didn't have the van. I'll go back later and clean him out. Then flip the shit I don't want on eBay for 10x what I paid.

>> No.5058081
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>be me in thrift store
>overhear some 9 year old kid talking to some mexican
>"my dad and i were at some other thrift store earlier"
>"oh yeah?"
>"yeah and we found one of the rarest video game systems ever, a super nintendo"
>"oh wow"
>"yeah and it came with one of the rarest games ever made, super mario world"
>wanting to tell that kid that he didn't find shit and Super Mario World is the most common game for the system
>don't say anything cuz i'm a pussy

>> No.5058083


emulation is for plebs

>> No.5058132

I don't believe you.

>> No.5058140

Cool story bro. You sure outsmarted those resellers. It's not like everyone with a booth checks out every other person's booth on setup day before the flea even opens to the public, nope.

>> No.5058161

What kind of shitty pity party is this thread? Resellers are more common now sure, but pawn shops, thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales are all still totally viable ways of finding deals.

Just look on Youtube. If a bunch of big fat double digit IQ hoarders can find cheap video games what fucking excuse do you have?

>> No.5058172

>>wanting to tell that kid that he didn't find shit and Super Mario World is the most common game for the system
>>don't say anything cuz i'm a pussy

Or you could just be an adult about it and let the little kid have the dream. I'm sure as a kid you've said something similar that an adult humored you for.

Just let the kid live the fantasy and check your autism.

>> No.5058184

Not that guy, but no. Little GameGrumps fans like him need to be put in their place and shown they aren't welcome, and will never be welcome, in a group of fans of a console that came out before they were born. Same goes for all the 18 year olds ylgushing over the SNES, get the fuck out.

>> No.5058248

For once in your life you're right. All those hundreds of people don't get together and conspire to overcharge neets, make a reality tv star president, etc.

>> No.5058535

Isn't that the current price with shipping?

>> No.5058539

Collectors don't use the things they collect. Their enjoyment peaks at the point of purchase where they get a fleeting high.

>> No.5058543

can confirm, i haven't finished 90% of the games i own

>> No.5058545

Thrill of the hunt is better than an old shitty game.

>> No.5058548

I learned that when I tried dating a collector. He wanted to possess me but not do anything with me.

What hunt? It's copies of ROMs you can grab right now. You're collecting stickers.

>> No.5058563


As a PC game collector, the most reliable way to pick up PC games (aside from the rare "Are you kidding me?" cheap sales that you can still find on eBay) is just building relationships with known vendors & other collectors.

I've got 3 suppliers who are mainly console game vendors but they'll find PC games on occasion and give me first bid. I've scored at least 20+ titles that way for somewhat reasonable prices that way. Also, it allows those vendors to get some PC game selling street cred where they otherwise would have none.

>> No.5058564

You're collecting boxes, and labels, not games.

>> No.5058567

The boxes have games inside them

>> No.5058568

You don't need the box to play the game. You can just grab it right now. Name one I can't.

>> No.5058569


Not true. I've played many of the games that I collect. I can't possibly play all of them (some of the games are now way old and I hate dragging out my old systems to play them but I've probably played at least 70% of the games in my collection). Some of the games, admittedly, I've bought on prospect. A few games, sadly, just wouldn't load despite the disks looking good.

>> No.5058572

ROM file doesn't come with a box

>> No.5058581
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>> No.5058583


It's a matter of perspective. I respect people who only do digital downloads (I do digital downloads myself).

In the end, I have an interest in the complete history of PC gaming (at least the genres that I'm interested in). That includes the box & the extras inside of the box.

I know that collecting isn't respected by others ("hoarding without the stigma") but I keep myself on a budget and I know when not to overpay.

>> No.5058589

I just go over to Clint's place when I want to look at boxes, which is never :-)

>> No.5058751

Haggle him down? Try 20 for the console and 5 each for the games.

>> No.5058765

In my recent experiences, garage sales are the only viable way to pick up old vidya on the cheap these days. Goodwill, pawn shops, and flea market resellers are becoming wiser to old games and charging a premium for it
Ya gotta go to the That 70s Show tier neighborhoods to find all the clueless boomers selling off their long since moved out childrens video game shit for nothing

My greatest finds: Atari 2600 and a pile of games for $3, Coleco ADAM complete in box for $20 (didnt pick this one up sadly...) and SNES games that normally go for $40+ on ebay for $5 each

>> No.5058793

he was expecting you to make an offer, its not the 90s where anymore where you could get them for $10

>> No.5058797

Thank you for using to word "boomers" in the correct context.

>> No.5058807

Then there's the converse:

>Have a set of shit that's worth about $350+ on eBay - N64 with a bunch of decent games, controllers etc.
>Bundle it up and offer at $210 (with intention of coming down a bit, to like $190).
>"Yeah I'll give you $100, it's what it's worth".

Yeah you piece of shit after you mark it up by 100% sure...

>> No.5058829

just give her the money; she needs it for moonshine and meth

>> No.5058887


>Have a set of shit that's worth about $350+ on eBay

eBay is a joke when it comes to PC game pricing...

"ZOMG! MINT! NEW! NEVER USED! Sims 9: Barstools Bonanza! Now get the add-on that gives you 60 new barstools! 60! SIXTY!!!!"


Yup. That's eBay for you.

>> No.5058893

(other person here)

Massive agree - hence why in that scenario I wasn't going to price things at the eBay price, because it's all insane.

>> No.5058975

Yeah, that's my neighborhood usually. I found a copy of the Krion Conquest (Doropie) for a dollar once.

>> No.5058993

I picked up copy of Metal Storm for $5 back before Goodwill researched shit they were selling
I never expected that game to be one of the most valuable in my collection

>> No.5059003

This happened

>> No.5059156
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Well, I went back there and the fucking tomber didn't feel like like going down much. Only to 30 bucks. Didn't buy it.

Funny thing is, just two houses away, another sale was happening. I found pic related for $50 total.

>> No.5059170

When ever I'm at a good will and their obviously price gouging I buckle down and find a way to just steal the item in question. I fucking hate thrift stores with high prices.

>> No.5059182

Kek, I've thought about this too

>> No.5059197
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>You can just grab it right now. Name one I can't.

>> No.5059241


>> No.5059270

If you think about it, somebody donated the game or whatever to goodwill. Who's to say the item in question couldn't have been given directly to you? I'd say take anything you like in there.

>> No.5059276

rare 90s pc japanese games or just shity games that you can find on torrents / abandoware sites ?

>> No.5059305

Goodwill is such a fucking joke in current year. The whole basis of the store was always a joke. Their whole "charity" is just giving shitty jobs to shitty people. They even have signs all over the store bragging about how their workers would be robbing people or something if they weren't preoccupied by that sweet sweet minimum wage Goodwill employment. They're also infamous for bussing in special needs people to do grunt work since you can legally pay them less than minimum wage. Meanwhile, the CEOs of each Goodwill region make ridiculous amounts of money. Top that all off with the fact that their best stuff goes straight to their online auction now, and the fact that anything that wasn't set aside for the auction block is probably going to be pocketed by the workers, and you're lucky to find a common game going for less than five bucks.

>> No.5059315

The kid's name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.5059339

All the goodwills around me have lowered their prices and have big signs out front announcing this fact. Guess ebay prices weren't working too well for them

>> No.5059367

When they tell me it's what they go for on Ebay I tell them I'll just buy on Ebay so it has a guarantee and I don't have to deal with unreasonable people. That wins lots of friends.

>> No.5060057
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I think it's fun to go around and see what's there, if you live in a small enough town. I managed to get pic related for $45.

>> No.5060080


>> No.5060097

I will never understand why people get their ass in a twist over emulation. Sure there are some games and systems that are better experiences if you use actual hardware, but emulation on the whole is such a convenient tool that I'm not sure why anyone would categorically denounce it unless you have weird hangups about games.

>> No.5060104

Not the anon you are replying to, but I've been poring through the list and most o the games there look pretty shitty. Is there anything currently undumped that someone here might actually be interested in playing?

>> No.5060110

Outside of the occasional arcade PCB or boxed retail game, I almost exclusively collect undumped things (or at least things which have a chance of being undumped).

>> No.5060120

>>don't say anything cuz i'm a pussy
I don't know what's worse, the fact that you think you should correct correct 9 year olds you don't know, or that you are afraid to

>> No.5060139

got to justify all that foolishly spent money

>> No.5061025

>the ultimate computer video game system... by magnavox
Where the fuck is Magnavox these days?

>> No.5061032

Pretty steep for garage sale prices though it looks like you managed to find someone with some taste and I'm sure that's well before eBay prices. I still go to yard sales when I have time just to nose around I just rarely find anything to buy

>> No.5061039 [SPOILER] 
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There are a lot of awesome arcade games.


But yes the majority of the effort in preservation at this point is fairly academic. The truly heartbreaking lost games aren't retro, it's all the server side content that was kept tightly protected by the publishers to preserve profitability until the point it became unprofitable then flushed right down the toilet. Hopefully dead online games will have their server software eventually offered up for sale to the community but for a couple decades now it's been pretty grim and most gamers are blissfully unaware.

>> No.5061097


>> No.5061475
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This is the most impotent rage I've seen in a while. Why wouldn't 18 year olds gush over the SNES? It's a fucking good system, especially when compared to fortnite or whatever kids are playing now.

Pull yourself together man, I like talking to young kids who are getting into the hobby, you would too if you didn't have a stick so hard up your ass.

>> No.5061724

Ouch. Right in the feels, posting that game.

>> No.5061750

How the fuck is that steep? Not even $10 a game. I understand they were cheaper some years ago but that price is in no way unacceptable

>> No.5062357

>The truly heartbreaking lost games aren't retro, it's all the server side content that was kept tightly protected by the publishers to preserve profitability until the point it became unprofitable then flushed right down the toilet.

Can you give some examples of this where something of value was lost?
As in, not minor cosmetic DLCs or Korean grindan more-pigs.

>> No.5062374
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Atari isn't worth anything

>> No.5062759
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>t. just hit 18 last Saturday

>> No.5063648

holy shit this so much.
>Garage sale
>Old boomer sells a powerpc g5 (the mac pro looking one)
>wow nice.jpg
>"how much?"
>"hum, sorry to tell you that sir but these things are worth 100€ at best today"
>"Well I bought it 11 years ago for 2000€, it wasn't so long ago blah blah blah I think 500€ is an honest price"
Fucking boomers thinking they're asking "honest prices" and couldn't give two shits about the real actual market price. Reminds me of that faggot who was asking me 100€ for a ps2, wtf are these people smoking?

>> No.5063676

No idea why someone would pull that shit at a garage sale. Garage sales are for dumping your unwanted garbage and maybe getting a buck or two out of the deal. If you want to sell your shit for "fair prices" then go on craigslist or ebay. I couldn't imagine trying to sell a fucking PS2 at a garage sale for 100 dollarydoos. I actually just picked one up for 5 bucks at a garage sale one neighborhood over.

>> No.5063682

idk about garage sales in the US but here in france people organize garage sales indeed with the goal of making good deals onstead of just dumping their stuff. That's pretty infuriating since 99.9% is junk and you still have to fight and negociate to have a Platinum gran turismo 2 for under 20€

>> No.5063686

That just seems counter-intuitive to me. You don't sit around on a lawnchair saturday morning with boxes of shit laying around if trying to get market value for your stuff. The whole concept is supposed to be that you don't feel like dealing with the hassle of operating an ebay business and just want to make some cash off your shit. Same way people will unload stuff at pawn shops knowing they aren't getting market value for it. That's the whole point.

>> No.5063692

Totally agree with you but people don't want to "get robbed" I guedd and prefer wasting their time and my time over "losing" the price battle. It's more psychological than anything. They "don't want to get fucked".

>> No.5063760


Hey poorfag loser, let me tell you about this thing called actually owning and caring about things.

>> No.5063884

These days they are basically just a trademark owned by Phillips, their parent company. They were actually owned by Phillips since '74, so shortly after the release of they Odyssey I.

As a brand, its basically had its name rented out to Funai, a Japanese electronics company that creates flat screen TVs for Walmart.

>> No.5065538

no way that works

>> No.5065545

The .zip is invalid.

>> No.5065997

>>don't say anything cuz i'm a pussy
The most pathetic part about this is that, even in your fictional bullshit stories, you're still a pussy.

>> No.5066026

Open the BMP with 7-Zip directly then. It works

>> No.5066249

Only casual faggot GameCube kiddies redditors emulate

>> No.5066252


>> No.5066253

>I will never understand why people get their ass in a twist over emulation.
They don't, it's just easy bait when fishing for (You's).

>> No.5066280

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.5067158

Wait, you can't get city of heroes anymore? What the hell is happening?!

>> No.5067302

>How dare people like my video games!
Have fun dying cold and alone.

>> No.5067470 [SPOILER] 
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Every Xbox v1 Live Required game's server side content, notably but even one korean mmorpg lost is too much.

>> No.5068240

>worlds.com and activeworlds is still active
>all those dead MMOs
Explore those hand-crafted virtual worlds, anons. It'll be too late one day.

>> No.5068610
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better version

>> No.5068828
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>these old things dont even go on facebook anymore, 10 eurobucks for the lot is my last offer

>> No.5069305

Did you know about their policy for floopy disks? They threw them away. All the thrift stores. All the disks. Didn't matter if they were factory or not. All destroyed. Some have stopped, but the damage has been done. Floppy disk games have become rare as fuck.

>> No.5069349

gramps, i may not like that you are a narcissist on an anonymous board, but in some ways you are like /vr/s honorary gramps. i suppose every board needs a fairly approved tripfag. with that being said, i have not even tried to buy any games at garage sales or thrift stores for about 9 months to a year. you are right, its jut not fucking worth it. ebay will always have better prices, just wait a bit and you will be surprised!

>> No.5069359
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why the extremist views?? its the best to do both, i have a nice collection of games and consoles. a portion of those consoles (only hand held's) i use for emulation. its hard to emulate a lot of things, besides that, emulation often shits the bed with controls. i remember as a kid trying to play smw with a keyboard. while i did get the hang of it eventually, its very easy to tell that a controller is how its "intended to be played". sure you can play fallout or nintendo ds on your phone, but its probably going to suck a fat ballsack of ass.

>> No.5069365
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ok there are numerous types of people that do things the way they like. why is everything becoming so fucking divisive? i can understand console wars and ff7 vs oot wars, those are fun. but emulation vs real hardware... wtf?!?!? as long as you are enjoying the games, why does it matter.

>> No.5069368

Justification. Emufags and their sour grapes, collectorfags and needing validation for the cost of physical systems/games.

>> No.5069503


>that fucking ZUNTATA music

I'm jizzing my pants... anyone who's sitting on this and holding out dumping it can eat the fattest part of my dick

>> No.5069529

>ok name 5 games like this
>*akhem* I meant name 5 GOOD games

>> No.5072052

$50 isn't HORRIBLE. I'd be willing to at least talk to the guy.

I'd settle for $35 if it worked.

>> No.5072081

I agree with you. it's really a matter of taking the time to look

>> No.5072360

It's the opposite. We're here talking about games and some shitposter comes in and goes "why don't you emulate like meeee?". I don't care if people emulate games or give their friend $20 a week to play Super Mario Bros or whatever. None of it affects me personally. I just play games.

What this guy said: >>5069365

>> No.5072379

And you dump them... right... anon?

>> No.5072392
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Garage sales and flea markets in Canada, as well with retro game stores, are all fucking garbage. I've amassed so much hard-to-find (but were somewhat common back then) stuff from eBay and other sites for the past 9 years that I think if I were to die and my stuff was to get auctioned off, it would probably make local news.

>> No.5072401

Son of a bitch, I did not know there could be a Silent Scope installment that could get even more obscure than Silent Scope: Fortune Hunter. What the actual fuck

>> No.5072406

>local hoarder dies, buried under pile of earthbound cartridges

>> No.5072627

There's also lots of neat Japan-only phone game spinoffs of popular franchises. There's definitely interest in that shit, but a lot of it is gone forever.