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File: 6 KB, 256x224, BossGiygas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4904583 No.4904583 [Reply] [Original]

Was it ever actually confirmed that the red face in the background is supposed to be Giygas?

>> No.4904595

Does it really matter? It's been pointed out multiple times that the face is Giygas/Giegue's from Mother 1 upside down.

>> No.4904615
File: 40 KB, 557x605, 1457984432979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure OP.

>> No.4904698
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 1511409916831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing his

>> No.4904968

Isn't it just a fetus

>> No.4904978

It's like a cathulu sorta deal. Giygas' current form is so incomprehensible that that image is the closest we can get to percieving his true form

>> No.4905092
File: 172 KB, 540x760, 15251442352580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The negative space is, but we're talking about the red section here.

>> No.4905102
File: 197 KB, 915x1144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr

>> No.4905347

This is more of a stretch than the fetus, At least you don't have to turn it upside down to see it

>> No.4905358

I don't know if Itoi talked about it or not but I'm pretty sure that he'd find that more plausible than the Fetus crap.

>> No.4905368

You think the fetus is a stretch? It seems pretty obvious & undeniable. I mean there's right there for all to see.

>> No.4905387
File: 37 KB, 341x284, 1531601039334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I untwisted it somewhat

>> No.4905685

Rorschach test.

>> No.4905719
File: 206 KB, 989x620, GiygasFetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really isn't. It's undeniably a fetus.

>> No.4905741

i think we can all agree gigyas was a fucked up final boss fight.

>> No.4905757

fetus theory is gay, it only appears for a single tiny section of le game

>> No.4905774

What the fuck else would it be? Yes, the face is Giygas, aka Gyiyg.

>muuuh feeeetus
I'm gonna fucking glass you guys.


>> No.4905778
File: 390 KB, 904x711, 1498163705878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4905779

see >>4905719

Also calm your tits there, sperglord.

>> No.4905790

i bet i can trace a dick in that image. giygas is an ancient alien dick thats impregnating earth to have his space baby

>> No.4905793

Do it if you're a big man.

>> No.4905794


>> No.4905798


I bet your dick is malformed.

>> No.4905801
File: 221 KB, 1024x756, background2-6_zps1d445b1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found a dick and a tit, which leads me to believe that giygas was actually an ancient trap

>> No.4905804

This is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4905805


Anon your dick is malformed, that's not what dicks look like.

>> No.4905808

im no fucking leonardo davinci and you knw deep down im correct

>> No.4905810

giygas is a trap

>> No.4905815
File: 756 KB, 1024x576, the_embodiment_of_evil_by_vitgiygas27-d37e9jc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ness-kun, let me inside of you
>nya nya purr purr
>i-i swear im not bulging

>> No.4905817

Go to bed for the night, anon. You're drunk.

>> No.4905820

i just might

>> No.4905823

I love this thread

>> No.4905826

desu i dont have any opinion on the giygas thing. Its fun to speculate about, but i think the most likely thing is the gigue refrence.

>> No.4905831

What do you guys think of the AVGN's giygas theory?

>> No.4905897

no, he's an insane alien who misses his mommy.

>> No.4905924

>Quibbling over Giygas's appearance and WHAT EXACTLY DID THEY MEAN BY THIS????
>Not discussing the larger point of the whole sequence

At the end of the game, after all seems lost, and everyone you met along the way gave you their energy, it wasn't enough to beat Giygas.

In the end, she has to appeal to somebody, anybody. And the prayer is answered by... well the player. Or at least whatever the player put in when asked what their name was.

So in the end, Giygas died because he's the final boss of the game, and that's what he's there for. The final boss is beaten because you were determined to beat him.

...I mean, for a game that was made in 1994, that's pretty good, right?

>> No.4906310

wish it was the only time I ever killed someone with love

>> No.4906319

it was an act of mercy to kill him desu

>> No.4906320

>Paula and her friends calls touched the heart of Shitstain
jesus, wtf Nintendo...oh, that's what i named myself at the beginning of the game. ha

>> No.4906331

It's pure shit if you know anything that happens in mother 1

>> No.4906341
File: 293 KB, 1600x1200, it's the war against giygas, charlie brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of these dumbass matpat tier theories go out the window if you've played the first mother

>> No.4906426

yeah, totally agree with that. But giygas is still an ancient alien trap.

>> No.4906456
File: 200 KB, 942x792, spurdo benis fug ebin cthulhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4906459

oh god why does that remind me of that morphine doujin of pokey and giygas fucking

>> No.4906462
File: 223 KB, 220x200, gaygus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4906481

i've never heard of that and i dont want to see it

>> No.4906491

>>4906459i looked it up and its by a guy called "trannyfur" the image is even worse than the name

>> No.4906607
File: 74 KB, 600x600, crytoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetus shit
Please stop this bullshit. The fetus theory is nothing more then a theory made up to make the game sound edgier then it is, it's like the bullshit about kids killing themselves after hearing the lavender town theme.

>> No.4906617

See >>4905719
It's there plain as day. You want us to just ignore that? What are you, catholic?

>> No.4906627
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x767, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m3u2nrogYE1qgdwuso1_1280 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a coincidence, or even if intended it probably is more symbolic of Giygas' mind becoming primitive, likeva baby, then the abortion shit people spew. Most people still think the movie scene Itoi saw was a rape, they mangle facts to make it sound deeper then it is.

>> No.4906634

Okay, so you're calling everyone's speculation bullshit, and your evidence to back that up is your own speculation. Got it.

>> No.4906645

All i'm saying is is that that's all it is, speculation. I just hate it when people parade it around as fact since they think it makes the game sound "darker" and more "mature". Earthbound is a goofy game about goofy kids traveling the world while a bunch of goofy shit happens, I don't know why people try to make it sound deep.

>> No.4906657


>> No.4906670

Is it just me or does Itoi look eerily similar to Arino?

>> No.4906682

Considering the story's main theme, the fetus makes absolutely perfect sense. The fetus image itself is in the game's files and what you see in the game is virtually unaltered. Check it out for yourself.
I'm sticking to the theory that either it might've been the background animator's idea and Itoi didn't even notice, or it was Itoi's idea all along but he later found it too edgy or in poor taste and started denying it. The adult film story was 100% Itoi's own account and he has since said that his memory of the event was completely off. He's just made some mistakes, that's all.

>> No.4906694

So far the only sound theory in this thread is the face being that of Giegue from Mother 1

>> No.4906718
File: 3 KB, 197x170, giygas head, very distinct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but even then Giygas' face in Mother 1 is literally a circle with triangle ears, not like it's that distinct. I think the upside down thing is just some weird coincidence, if that.
Cut that out. His name is Giygas. The name "Giegue" is simply a different interpretation of translating the name "Gyiyg", his Japanese name. Giygas was used in Earthbound and is his canon name in both games. He's the same character in both games.

>> No.4906724

I never I never implied that they were two different characters, it's just a habit of mind to refer to him by these two different names when talking about either game, like the Pokey/Porky dilemma.

>> No.4906745

Alright, just annoys me as it confuses people. For some reason I see people stupidly insist they're different despite the tag line of Mother 2 literally being "Gyiyg Strikes Back". It pisses me off Nintendo didn't change it for Earthbound Beginnings, such a lazy port celebrated for no real reason.

>> No.4906756

I rather like EB Beginnings, the shoddy 1990 translation makes it more authentic.

>> No.4906757

kill yourself.

>> No.4906776

I like referring to his two different forms by different names. Kinda gives a Ganondorf/Ganon kind of vibe

>> No.4907335

I always have and always will just call him Ganon no matter what form he takes.

>> No.4907353

heres the link, but dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.4907356

I always laugh when I see artists draw pokey as thin rather than the bloated shit he is ingame,

>> No.4907365


>> No.4907389 [DELETED] 

>The final boss is beaten because you were determined to beat him
Was Earthbound the Undertale of the 90's?

>> No.4907392 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 818x365, 1505931507559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself for even making the comparison, you fucking magypsy.

>> No.4907463 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 2518x1024, virgin vs chad earthbound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undertale is supreme faggotry, earthbound is actually meaningful and important

>> No.4907545

It looks like Marylin Manson.

>> No.4907568


>> No.4907590
File: 78 KB, 945x945, marilyn-manson-x-the-golden-age-of-grotesque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like him after he's been flushed down a toilet.

>> No.4907661
File: 154 KB, 668x631, 1226737547_1.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4907667

Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?

>> No.4907969 [DELETED] 

No you dumb shit. Undertale shamelessly copied dozens of video games and wrapped them up in some basic graphics and repetitive soundtrack.

Undertale resembles mother here because that's what undertale set out to do. Its not like they separately came up with the idea.

>> No.4908010

I thought that it was original enough that it helped me to come up with my own theory, just because everyone else just wants to talk about what Giygas looks like.

My opinion is that Earthbound is less about Ness and Giygas and more about the player and draws on Japanese religious philosophy. I see Giygas as a representation of spiritual impurity within the the player and the game as a kind of journey to acquire positive feelings of childhood strength in order to banish Giygas and exorcise that spiritual impurity from your own life. Like, for example, if your feeling down about losing a girlfriend or a job you might play Earthbound, escape into your childhood, defeat Giygas, and now maybe you'll feel much happier.

>> No.4908024
File: 80 KB, 843x948, ness and paula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say this stupid shit on purpose to get Mother fans to destroy your ass?

>> No.4908041 [DELETED] 

The creator of Undertale got his start making edgy EarthBound romhacks. Sans's battle theme actually appeared in one of those hacks before appearing in Undertale. So the similarities are not a coincidence.

>> No.4908052
File: 93 KB, 600x328, 1524533858007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4908064

I like this theory best

>> No.4908142

Itoi literally debunked the fetus interpretation and said the baby outline was a coincidence

>> No.4908157

so I guess that makes his insane ramblings in the final battle about Maria and the kids from Mother 1, huh?

>> No.4908335

There's no way that's a coincidence. I'm sure it wasn't Itoi himself who put it in there but rather someone from the lower decks feeling creative. Such a complex and distinct shape does not occur just by happenstance.

>> No.4908372

There's nothing complex about that shape, my dude. It's very simply; my bed sheets can randomly make that shape. Do you think natural rock formations and clouds with simple shapes resembling human faces are a result of someone's design too?

>> No.4908420

When talking about Mother, Gyiyg feels appropriate, in Earthbound, where he becomes a dementia ridden intergalactic hate ghost, I refer to him as Giygas.
I'm not sure that's proper, but it just feels right, like it emphasizes his transformation.

>> No.4908424

It's more than just the face, but also the distinct shape of the fetal head.

Look, the fact is that pattern was designed & drawn by human hands, and it then had to be approved by some sort of editing process before it made it into the game. It literally can't be coincidence.

>> No.4908425 [DELETED] 

you have been manipulated perfectly you tool

>> No.4908426 [DELETED] 

>repetitive soundtrack.
is this guy being serious right now

is it actually possible to be this ignorant and inattentive

>> No.4908431 [DELETED] 

No. Aside from both taking inspiration from various media, but that's hardly unique.

True. He distanced himself from those (I would too), but you can still see a lot of the genesis for UT in the Halloween Hack.
It is better told and thought out in UT, but it's still not amazing.

I think the guy might have some talent though, so it'd be neat to see him do an all new game with fresh ideas and more fun gameplay, I figure he may be able to pull something off.

>> No.4908435

even if it were intentional, that's not a fetus, it would mean that giygas is literally inside of the kids' heads

>> No.4908436

It literally can, it could be that nobody looked closely and never thought "fetus".

>> No.4908438 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 407x416, ness costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UT will never have even an ounce of the soul and wit that Itoi's works, deal with it

>> No.4908441

giegue is 100% canon, fuck off back to starmen.net

>> No.4908442

pretty sure even the spergs at starmen are content with either name

>> No.4908447

How many times do I have to point to >>4905719 ? How can anyone look at that and say it isn't what it clearly is?

Do you do that all day long? You see an apple and go "That's not an apple?" You then see a loaf of bread and go, "That apple looks delicious!"

>> No.4908456

No matter how much you REEE about it, that image is intentionally over-detailed to make it appear like something is there, when in reality it's still a youtube-tier fan theory.

>> No.4908458

Well fuck man, I just don't know how to go further with folks who flat-out deny reality. I'm arguing with a crazy person.

>> No.4908462

I'm not the guy you were arguing with initially, just someone else who doesn't believe the fetus-theory.

>> No.4908484

just because you can see a baby head doesn't mean that it was intentional, it could just be something that happened by chance and never had any reason to be corrected.

>> No.4908495

It isn't a Jackson Pollack painting. That was drawn by a real person. Someone drew that. On purpose.

Would you at least agree that this is a fetus there but it doesn't necessary mean that Giygas himself is some prenatal child there to be aborted?

>> No.4908535

Why is there a cervix and intestines leading up to the not a fetus?

>> No.4908548

No, I wouldn't.

>> No.4908554

I can see it but I highly doubt that it was intentional, they just wanted to take advantage of the SNES's hardware with it.

>> No.4908561

>Someone drew that. On purpose.
it's a single image being repeated and put into distorted effects. Itoi said it himself that the effect was randomly generated.

>> No.4908568

Humans are very, very good at seeing faces in things that aren't faces.

>> No.4908578

It's more than just the face. It's also the distinct head, and the shape of a slumped upper torso.

>> No.4908581

You need a fuckin boot up your ass

>> No.4908582

The fetus is still seen in the base image before the SNES applies any distortion effects.

>> No.4908590

The image itself is distorted, then the background is put into a repeat pattern and distorted even more

>> No.4908614

a fetus is a fetus, you can't say it's only half

>> No.4908631
File: 10 KB, 512x512, giygas-bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this looks like anything to you you're absolutely fuckin mental

>> No.4908645


[citation needed]


>> No.4908649
File: 52 KB, 512x512, googoogaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning it upsidedown doesn't make it magically go away.

>> No.4908679

Exactly, that was meant for the upsidedownfags. I should've specified with "except upsidedown fetuses".

>> No.4908682

it looks like a hellish version of his appearance in mother 1, there i fucking said it

>> No.4908689

This is correct.

>> No.4908697

of course, it links the two games together, the fetus shit is game theory tier faggotry that even the most diehard mother fans reject

>> No.4908704

The artist is Morphine you fucking idiot, trannyfur just posted the comment

>> No.4908705

For the sake of argument I'll agree that the face does. If the rest looks like a body to you, either outline it or visit a fucking psychiatrist.

>> No.4908734

I see no similarity

>> No.4908739 [DELETED] 

do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.4908740

think it's the clothes and eyebrows that remind me of arino

>> No.4908784

Actually i take it back. They are pipes connected to giygas mother 1 sphere. I also buy the upside down face now. It does still look like a bunch of fetus though

>> No.4908794

and how do his lines during the battle fit in?

>> No.4908824


Neat, a real life autist posting on my /vr/


>> No.4908865

I think you mean >>4908649

>> No.4909253
File: 74 KB, 612x602, stfu nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are fucking hundreds of secret images in the giygas background, the "fetus" is just in one

Plus, the way that people trace the fetus is is fucking gay.

Also, that is one deformed fucking fetus. The only "evidence" is to little bumps. The theory also doesnt make sense within the context of the universe

>> No.4909294

Point out five others.

>> No.4909314


>> No.4909332
File: 221 KB, 1024x756, gaygus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have micky mouse, multiple moons, the state of texas, a snake with its mouth wide open, a bird, and a shitty meme. The outlines arnt perfectly drawn, like the fetus is.

>> No.4909340

>the state of texas
....dear god it's worse than we all imagined...

>> No.4909349

i also demonstrated that giygas was a trap up above

>> No.4909416


Think 'bout a place that's hot as hell
'Bout drier than the bottom of a dried-out well
And I think ya know what Texas means to me
Ain't got no money, ain't got no jobs
The banks are all too poor to rob
And I'd like to say one thing 'fore I leave

Fuck you, Texas, and fuck your Lone Star Beer.
Fuck that fucking Alamo, and fuckin' long-horned steer.
Fuck every Dallas cowboy, that ever draw'd a breath
Fuck you, Texas, and fuck you plumb to death!

>> No.4911067
File: 49 KB, 978x712, 5ea057a5e57a4c2d8ad608c2196783fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious homeland memes

>> No.4912031

based autismo bro I love you