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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 376 KB, 801x555, 39695-Densha_de_Go!_64_(Japan)-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4811887 No.4811887 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4811901

It's off the rails.

>> No.4811940


i think there great simple but hard to master i also like densha de d

>> No.4812003

No one on /vr/ would know what it is if it wasn't on GCCX so how could they possibly think anything?

>> No.4812019

Actually Joel of Vinesauce played it recently, surely anon watched him and thought he had an original idea for a thread.

>> No.4812246
File: 15 KB, 680x583, 1506476427468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lunar magic ip wont patch the n64 rom into english

>> No.4812254
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, DDG Pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.
I happened to watch it for some minutes, it was painful.

>> No.4812395

i like the gameboy color port.

>> No.4812576

Train sims are fucking great

>> No.4812590

It has quite a charming aesthetic desu.

I can see playing it would be quite relaxing.

>> No.4812612

playstation version is good if you play with the special controller

>> No.4812832

someone tell me how to play this in english

it flat out wont emulate on n64, and I can only find japanese roms otherwise

>> No.4812837
File: 203 KB, 618x1050, abe-sashi kakunin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4812864
File: 20 KB, 384x240, 1504958991606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a Jet De Go! man myself

>> No.4812891

>Cinematic game
Into the trash.

>> No.4812995

Most underrated series ever.

I've been posting Densha de GO! on 4chan and other forums since the 2000s. Don't blame the rest of us if you've never heard of it before, faggot.

>> No.4813000

Someone really needs to make a tutorial, because it's nearly impossible to figure out how this works on your own. I can probably walk you through, but I don't really have time at the moment. Just post whatever questions you have about the controls and maybe they'll get answered, by me or someone else.

>> No.4813203
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x1365, 1487080174618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone really needs to make a tutorial
I've done three.

>> No.4813213

shit's relaxing as fuck til u have to brake then i start sweating bullets and swearing

>> No.4814909

Good stuff.

>> No.4815173

Nice going. These will come in handy for a lot of people.

>> No.4815228

These are good, but are either missing information or have factually incorrect stuff. In the Ryojouhen video alone I've already noticed some missing stuff that really should be there, and some stuff that's technically incorrect. For example, BOTH doors need to be operated on ALL stops for ALL lines EXCEPT Enoshima. (On the Enoshima line, operating both doors instead of the intended one will actually result in a penalty.)

I don't really want to start rifling through people's DDG videos critiquing them, as I can think of better things to do with my time and it makes me look like a dick. That said, I feel like I should offer up some properly translated scans of my DDG manuals and make a YT video or two at least covering ALL the basics.

>> No.4815261

Great song. One of Halmen's best.

>> No.4815410

Is this stuff explained in the games, or do you need manuals full of rules and shit?

>> No.4815441

I think you've mentioned that issue with the doors on ryojohen before and I tested it and saw no difference. What else do you think I missed on any of the videos? The idea is to offer the most amount of information to try and get more people to try the games. If you have any information I'm missing then feel free to add or make a video of your own. The more information the better.

>> No.4815625

>factually incorrect stuff
Such as?

>> No.4815756


There's a reason for this. The patch creator is some kind of moralfag loser who released a patch compatible with only the undumped rom he alone has. He even uses the phrase "presumably self-dumped rom" in the readme, just so you know he went out of his way to fuck you. The release thread here was nothing but anons hunting down every copy of the rom online to no joy plus a couple fans of the series claiming the patch authors stole their work, it was a total fucking mess.

No idea if the needed rom ever found its way online, certainly hope so.

>> No.4815861

nu-/vr/ thinks exactly what their youtube masters have told them to think about it

>> No.4816236

I know it's a little off topic, but is plug n play a good alternative?
I only played 3 at the arcade and really liked it.

>> No.4816293

I'm not a big fan of Densha de Go Final, but even so I'd get one of the plug'n play ones. It seems like there are some framerate issues, but the same you'd find on the PC. Probably an optimization thing more than a hardware one. I wouldn't want to pay too much for it though.

>> No.4816310

>faggots on 4chan's nerdiest game board wouldn't know a mainstream series from japan
lol who the fuck do you think you are

>> No.4817024

Some of it is, but other stuff that's absolutely essential to know tends to be only explained in the manuals.

>I think you've mentioned that issue with the doors
I've never even heard of you, or your videos, until this thread.
>What else do you think I missed on any of the videos?
Don't know. As I said, I'm not going to bother watching them to find out. I watched the first few minutes of your Ryo video.
>I tested it and saw no difference.
You're not going to see the difference until the end of a successful run and notice that your star rating in "Adherence to Duty(Rules)" is in the shitter because you weren't operating both doors like you were supposed to. (All of this is clearly detailed in the manual, by the way.) Additionally, you'll probably get a "tip" message at the bottom of the screen telling you to operate both doors if this was your biggest screw-up of the run. Of course, if you don't speak Japanese then it doesn't matter what the game tries to tell you. This is the long-standing problem with non-Japanese speakers trying to play these games as intended.

Also, again, bear in mind that operating both doors is NOT correct on the Enoshima line. It's the only exception in the game, although it'll let you know immediately with a penalty if you screw it up. It won't wait to dock your end-of-run rating like the other lines.
>If you have any information I'm missing then feel free to add or make a video of your own.
Yeah, like I said in my post. Again, I'm not trying to be a dick. Seems you still took it that way, though.

>> No.4817103

if you're using pj64, use the interpreter instead of the recompiler
pretty sure it fucks up since the patched rom isn't in the game settings list it comes with, so it doesn't automatically change that setting

>> No.4817136

Actually it's attracted a bunch of /v/ babies now since an e-celeb streamed it.

>> No.4817142


It's the same broken mess playing the Jap version, it's just Project64 in general. I got it running after enough tweaking but the speed still goes up and down at random intervals.

Besides, nobody even has the patched rom. There's a broken, stitched-together version online and that even crashes on hardware.

>> No.4817146

lol. Noticed that when I first found their stuff and it made me wonder if there was at least some flimsy connection between the two. It really is a decent song regardless.

>> No.4817150

> Again, I'm not trying to be a dick. Seems you still took it that way, though.

Not that guy, but to be fair, you are acting pretty arrogant to someone who's trying to help people when you haven't done anything except criticise. He's being pretty gracious about it despite your attitude, too.

>> No.4817160
File: 105 KB, 709x712, 1521159011943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its getting fucking annoying, but alot of great stuff has been surfacing on youtube, like gamehut, sega saturn video magazines, segata sanshiro... i guess us sega saturn fans have been getting what we the love we deserve. Dont try yo tell me you dont find out about shit through youtube, its the new media!

>> No.4817163

That's because I've been down this road before. It doesn't matter what I say, or how I say it, the end result is that I'm still telling someone they're wrong on the Internet. This only ever ends one way. And he's not being nearly as gracious as you'd like to think he is...
>What else do you think I missed
>do you think
I don't "think" I know what you missed. I know it for a fact, and took some time out of my day to explain it for everyone's benefit. I appreciate that he's trying to help people, I really do, but there's already enough incorrect/missing information surrounding these games. Of course, I knew exactly how my corrections/additions were going to be taken before I offered them up, so no surprise there.

>> No.4817172

"you can't like something you know by watching a video from a youtuber"

It's a way, you know

>> No.4817231

Maybe you should have a glass of water or something.

>> No.4817235

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

>> No.4817240

You really should consider the thought that just because your immediate reaction is to respond with hostility to someone else, not everyone else thinks the same. Some people really do have good intentions!

>> No.4817246

You really should consider that I don't particularly care how my words are taken on 4chan, of all places. I wasn't trying to be mean or hostile, and I made that clear from the start. But I also know that correcting someone about anything on the internet only goes one way, so why care about "tone" in the first place?

>> No.4817256

If you don't care how you sound, then it was completely unnecessary for you to assure you weren't "trying to sound like a dick" when your content speaks for itself. This board has enough hostility as it is, and for a board that doesn't exactly get a lot of traffic, and for a game series that gets an even smaller amount of that traffic, the last thing we need is an environment that discourages people from opining.

>> No.4817271

>then it was completely unnecessary
No, it was necessary, if for no other reason than the vague hope that someone would actually take heed of it and assume good faith regardless of my perceived "attitude". You can see how well that worked out. About as good as I expected it to, frankly. And about as good as the last thousand times I offered a correction to someone on 4chan.

>the last thing we need is an environment that discourages people from opining.
Maybe. I don't know. What I do know is that I want to make sure the correct information is out there, having seen how some previous DDG threads have gone. Just as importantly, if I say something that's incorrect/incomplete I want it mentioned.

What I'm concerned about are people who might be conflating the amount of time they've spent playing these games with actual game knowledge, and being unwilling to accept criticism or corrections on what they say. This is doubly concerning when it's rather obvious that the people opining aren't in possession of any of the printed material for these games, and lack the linguistic skills for it to matter in the first place. I daresay we've had just about enough "opining" on these games at this point, and I'm rather frustrated that I most likely lack the software/skills required to make some videos capable of sharing what I know.

>> No.4817291

>I've never even heard of you, or your videos, until this thread.
Someone commented on the Ryojohen video about the same thing you mentioned. I assumed it was you, my bad.
>Again, I'm not trying to be a dick. Seems you still took it that way, though.
Not really. What I meant by that was "You should make a video to add the missing information because every bit of information is helpful". You mentioned you thought about making one or two videos, I think they'd be of great help to anyone wanting to play the game.
>I don't "think" I know what you missed. I know it for a fact, and took some time out of my day to explain it for everyone's benefit.
Well, you said it yourself you watched the first minutes of the Ryojohen video. How do you even know what I missed or not?

I'm clearly not doing this for the views because only an idiot would think any DDG videos would make that happen.
What I want is to add as much information as possible in those videos so people who want to give it a try at least has some place to start.
I can't edit the already existing videos, but I can always make newer ones or add comments to the ones already there. Which is why I asked what else I had missed.

>> No.4817297

Oh look, the guy I was talking to is suddenly gone and now the video guy is magically here to take his place, right on schedule. What a surprise.

>Someone commented on the Ryojohen video about the same thing you mentioned. I assumed it was you, my bad.
No, it wasn't me. No worries. But if that's the case, then you now have two people telling you information that conflicts with your own.

>You mentioned you thought about making one or two videos, I think they'd be of great help to anyone wanting to play the game.
I appreciate the sentiment, but like I said earlier I'm not really sure I have the setup or skills required to make those videos. I keep telling myself that I'm going to try, and then get disheartened about it before I actually try. I need to work on that.

>What I want is to add as much information as possible in those videos so people who want to give it a try at least has some place to start.
An admirable goal. One you should continue pursuing, regardless of what anyone says. Just be prepared to take critique and input. On that note, I'll try to make the time to watch the videos you posted in their entirety. If I can offer up anything to improve them I will do so, rest assured.

>> No.4817304

OK I won't try. You clearly know more about me than me. lol

>i can't read something and comprehend it

>> No.4817310

>Oh look, the guy I was talking to is suddenly gone and now the video guy is magically here to take his place, right on schedule. What a surprise.
Dude, you're being a bit too paranoid. Not everybody is out there to hunt you or anything.
>But if that's the case, then you now have two people telling you information that conflicts with your own.
Exactly. Which means I need to test it again and add some extra commentary somewhere on that video.
Doesn't matter who's right, what matters is giving out the correct information. I have no problems admitting when I'm wrong.
>I'll try to make the time to watch the videos you posted in their entirety. If I can offer up anything to improve them I will do so, rest assured.
Like I said, I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong. I never claim to be an expert on any of those games, I looked for tutorials when I decided to play them and found almost nothing. I'm just sharing what I know so far.

I know this is 4chan after all but there's no reason to be that defensive.

>> No.4817323

>Dude, you're being a bit too paranoid.
No, I just know fairly obvious samefagging when I see it.
>Doesn't matter who's right, what matters is giving out the correct information.
Yep. That's my point. So let's just stick to that.

>> No.4817325

This is actually an arcade game.

>> No.4817327

>Oh look, the guy I was talking to is suddenly gone and now the video guy is magically here to take his place, right on schedule. What a surprise.

Are you suggesting that one person is switching personalities to double team you or something? I don't understand.

>> No.4817328

Is this the most underrated series ever? It's kind of like the last great Japanese exclusive series that the west hasn't really discovered yet.

>> No.4817332

Well, I'm not gonna post the obvious screenshot with and without the (You) as you'll say I photoshopped it, right?
Cheers dude, I appreciate the Ryojohen information I missed. I'll find a way to add it to the video.

>> No.4817335

>as you'll say I photoshopped it, right?
Yep, pretty much.
>Cheers dude, I appreciate the Ryojohen information I missed.
No problem. As I said, I'll try to find time to watch your posted vids and offer up anything else important or interesting.

>> No.4817339

Is there any way to play the original arcade version with a regular controller?

>> No.4817376

Also, which games other than 64 are in English, either official or fan translated?

>> No.4817380


here you go retard

>> No.4818090
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, DDG Ambulance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4818093
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, DDG Botchan Ressha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew anything about modding, these games could use some polishing up. Specially in the draw distance department.

>> No.4818118

>traffic actually stopping for an emergency vehicle
I wish this happened in the real world.

>> No.4818696

downloading it right now

>> No.4818964

Which one?

>> No.4818968

That doesn't actually work on emulators though, does it?

>> No.4818971


>> No.4818986
File: 2.82 MB, 640x480, Densha de Go Ryojohen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819034

Thanks for the webms , dude.

>> No.4819860
File: 2.69 MB, 498x352, Browsing Facebook while driving.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, man.
I'll try to make some more of the older games too.
It's just that I've spent so much time playing this one I have a lot of webms of it. Even though I didn't even operate the doors properly. It's not a big tram, they can always exit through the open door.

>> No.4819862
File: 2.94 MB, 800x560, Densha de Go Winter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819890
File: 2.93 MB, 400x300, Monorail to the Zoo 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819892
File: 2.81 MB, 400x300, Monorail to the Zoo 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819894
File: 2.84 MB, 400x300, Monorail to the Zoo 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4820316

More like Susunu! Denpa Shōnen and Nasubi

>> No.4820653
File: 2.86 MB, 800x564, DDG Christmas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of season but who cares.

>> No.4820663
File: 2.37 MB, 600x338, Densha de Go Festival.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that segment was so good and bad at the same time. I absolutely loved it but then after finding out how it messed up Nasubi I can't bring myself to watch it again.

>> No.4821050

Thanks for all the webms.

Do you play these on console or do you play the PC versions?

>> No.4821707
File: 2.74 MB, 800x450, red light.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play the PC versions. But they all have the usual old game problems of running at lower resolutions, that can't be helped. If you've got a decent enough PC you could try emulating them and forcing the higher resolutions and rendering. Might work for some.

>> No.4821723

Thanks for the info.

>> No.4821725

Do they at least display at 16:9?

>> No.4821772
File: 1.56 MB, 640x480, DDG Model.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're planning on playing them, don't get discouraged at the amount of stuff you have to worry about at the same time. You'll get used to it and then the feeling of despair goes away.

Nah, and it absolutely sucks. Maybe if you emulate the PSP versions or the Wii one? I'm not a big fan of the latest games so I'm afraid I'm not much help. But for the older ones, you're stuck with 4:3.

>> No.4821781
File: 174 KB, 640x480, おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第12話「7人目の魔女見習い のんちゃんのないしょ」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).wmv_snapshot_02.22_[2017.12.15_14.06.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse you but I know about this series of games from commercials.

>> No.4821793


>> No.4821794

How playable are these games without the special controllers? Are the Saturn or PS1 ports worth checking out without them?

>> No.4821812

You can play them normally.
The controllers aren't really necessary. It's just that train enthusiasts will really love them.

>> No.4821834

How does everyone feel about the GBC games? They're the ones I have the easiest access to so I was giving them a shot, they're pretty impressive for the hardware. I also came across some other train sims by coconuts japan, are they copycats or is this genre just a thing in Japan?

>> No.4822072

pretty addictive

>> No.4822080

DDG 1 and 2 for PS1

>> No.4822093

I've been seeing these games posted here for years and i've been ignoring them because i thought they'd be dumb garbage that only train autists would enjoy. Finally gave them a shot last night and i gotta say they are pretty damn fun. I'm really liking the one with the tram.

>> No.4823452

Yeah, they have actual gameplay, which is what differentiates them from "train sims".

>> No.4823497

Those two are the hardest on the series. Just FYI.
Nagoya Railroad would probably be a good place to start as you have from very forgiving to very hard stages.