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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4788330 No.4788330 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: characters that should have died instead of aeris

>> No.4788334

What's this, /vr/ or /ffvii/ ?

>> No.4788339

Everyone and everything

>> No.4788340

I played two or three JRPGs in the 90s. FFVII included and had enough. How can people continue finding this genre interesting? Its just anime with press X to attack until you win tacked on.

>> No.4788345

>Its just anime
There you go, answered yourself. Being easy helps as well.

>> No.4788371

*tips fedora* Hear hear! I agree fellow /vr/ m'gentlemen, I daresay this schlock barely qualifies as a video game, or as I refer to them "ludoentertainment". As a true retro ludoentertainment purveyor I spend 20 hours a day trying to get a world record in Centipede (on ORIGINAL arcade hardware purchased directly from the manufacturer...or I wouldn't be actually playing it) I don't consider anything released after it ludoentertainment, especially not so-called "JRPGs". Glad to see like-minded m'gentlemen on this forum :)

>> No.4788374

Aeris was annoying as fuck, her only value as a character was getting killed and turned into a nip jesus christ.

>> No.4788379

Make another FFVII then

>> No.4788391

When the FF7 remake comes out, how long until the feminists and white knights start cuntplaining about her dying?

>> No.4788394

I really hope you guys are shitposting on purpose and don't actually have such worthless and terrible opinions

smells like a god damn mosque in here (i.e. shit)

>> No.4788397

it's obviously one guy shitposting because he knows it'll annoy people
sage, report and ignore

>> No.4788401

I don't think they'd complain about that, but they will have a fucking field day with the Honey Bee Inn.

>> No.4788402

I'd say about a day or two after the game's release

>> No.4788581

Aeris dies? WTF man, thanks for the fucking spoiler

>> No.4788664

Don’t worry, OP is mistaken. It’s actually Aerith who dies.

>> No.4788682

Thanks A LOT idiot, I didn't know that.
I'd have never though Aerith died

>> No.4788770

Yeah, part of me wonders how that section is going to be handled. I really hope they don't try and water it down, because it really is a great section. It was "haha" funny in 1997, but a lot has changed in twenty years. Trans activists will probably be up in arms about it.

>> No.4788796

> It's time to talk about FFVII
> FFVII kills one of its most important female protagonists, and it's NOT okay

>> No.4788919

fuck you dude, red XIII is awesome

>> No.4788924

I'm sorry your fragile, juvenile sensibilities can't handle the poignant poetry of a tragic death.

>> No.4788926

Good choices of characters to include in your party: Cid, Red XIII, Tifa, Barrett
Meh choices: Yuffie, Vincent
Shit choices: Cait Sith, Aeris

>> No.4788948
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, 2866630-20160531195019_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When first drawing up the outline of the story they weren't sure on who would be killed out of the main cast of Cloud, Aerith, Tifa or Barret. They instantly ruled out Barret so he should check his privileges.

Kitase also had the idea that in the Midgar raid at the end of disc 2 you would select your 3 party members and the rest would be killed in the attempt leaving you with those 3 until the ending until he was talked out of it by Nomura.

>> No.4788953

Honestly, it's good the way they did it. She's more interesting and useful than several of the other characters, but that just makes it more effective.

That'd be unfortunate, because her death is heroic, not just "Hey, let's kill the hero's fucktoy."

Cait Sith is going to be the biggest problem.

>> No.4788962

>edgy teenage talking dog

>cait sith
why will he be a problem? A remote controlled toy named after an Irish ghost cat?
they should get Idris Elba to voice Barrett in the remake, or maybe Chris Tucker

>> No.4788984

>in an alternate reality, Cloud dies, and Aeris and Tifa lean on each other for emotional support, and eventually sexual relief
>Barret shoves his gun arm into Sephiroth's torso and blows his guts out in the ending
this is truly the worst timeline

>> No.4788991

>they should get Idris Elba to voice Barrett in the remake, or maybe Chris Tucker
why not just have Samuel L Jackson and have him literally fight a bossfight against snakes on a plane solo

why split hairs, why not go balls to the wall

>> No.4789052

It's unfortunate that Aeristh dying is like the "Darth Vader twist" of gaming. I think the twist is actually very savvy, because the game is trying to fake you out by making you think Cait Sith "dying" at the Temple of the Ancients is the "something dear" that you'll lose.

>> No.4789054

Cait Sith was not something dear to anyone

>> No.4789058

Yeah, but that's part of the joke. It makes you think that it's going to be one of the good party members. Then when Cait Sith sacrifices itself, you're supposed to think to yourself, "Oh, it was referring to itself with that fortune. How droll."

>> No.4789323 [SPOILER] 
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I will pay someone to make this mod

>> No.4789341

I think it will go the opposite route and we end up with a million opinion pieces about how Aeris is the *real* hero of the story and she embodies the selflessness of womyn

>> No.4790874

Fuck off he was based

>> No.4791316 [DELETED] 

>How can people continue finding this genre interesting?
By playing JRPGs that aren't hot garbage. i.e. Final Fantasy

>> No.4791318

>How can people continue finding this genre interesting?
By playing JRPGs that aren't hot garbage. Final Fantasy is not, and never was, a good series.

>> No.4792908
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>> No.4794561

>Final Fantasy is not, and never was, a good series.
So this is /vr/'s brand of elitism.

>> No.4794643

Aeris can be revived.

>> No.4794652

The only correct answer

>> No.4794656

Not that guy but i's not even elitism. The only FF games I've enjoyed were VI and IX, the others all ranged from 'mediocre, standard JRPGs' to 'Dull and uninteresting'. I've got the same feeling for Dragon Quest games. FFVII I couldn't even finish because it was so boring once you got out of Midgard (although everything leading up to climbing up the wall was great).

I like JRPGs in general though, so it's not like I just don't like RPGs.