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4534571 No.4534571 [Reply] [Original]

...and why it' Tiberian Sun?

>> No.4534689

It has the best atmosphere with apocalyptic feel. I love it.

>> No.4534718

How would you say it compares to Red Alert? I'm just getting into this series now.

>> No.4535140

The Red Alert series is basically the same as C&C proper, only a little more campier. RA2 is one of my favorite RTSs.

>> No.4535165
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most awesome rts

>> No.4535175


I loved the C&C series as they were coming out, up through Generals. A few years back I got the classic pack and played them again. Nostalgia aside, these games are an unbalanced mess.

>> No.4535276


I was dissapointed with it when it was new, RE2 was so much better IMO. Weird balancing as well, what the fuck were they thinking with the Cyborg commando?

>> No.4535430

Red Alert 2 peak RTS.

>> No.4535453

I can bearly remember the game anymore, what was the issue with cybocommandos?

>> No.4535657

>TS/RA2 nerds think their games are the best
>when Zero Hour exists
fuckin casuals

>> No.4535672

This is the correct answer. The most balanced of them all.

Pretty much, yeah. RA1 Soviets were basically easy mode, and the allied GI's in RA2(don't even get me started on the Prism Tanks) are OP as all hell.

Not 4535276, but I recall my main strategy in Tiberian Sun was to get the Cyborg ommando, then march him into the enemy base and wipe it out with just him. Seriously, no one unit should be that powerful. At least Tanya could be sniped, or crushed. You can't crush the Cyborg Commando.

>> No.4535852

Artillery was OP as hell before Firestorm.

The game still has a fantastic atmosphere with its flaws.

>> No.4535995

EA rushed it out the door

>> No.4536143

>dropping this many hydras to sink what appears to be a tiny outpost with 5 photon cannons
>loses a base in return because he has 0 units on the field
>all these Overlords about to get Corsair'd

Ship only a few units and combo with a defiler with Dark Swarm, they will clean house much more efficiently. That kinda Hydra drop should have been reserved for destroying all his gateways. Webm looks spectacular, but is a strategic failure, your northern base got busted wide open and you might even lose a second one right afterwards. That Protoss army is fucking scary.

>> No.4536578

Reminder that Generals is overated shit and 3 is an under the radar masterpiece

>> No.4536691

I think my favourie mission was the GDI Hammerfest base one. Lots of memorable things to do there and the scenery is great. The ion storm missions were also great.

Red Alert 2 has that soviet mission where you're in the middle of snowy nowhere, there are some propaganda truck on the left, and allies teleport to the middle of your base constantly.

>> No.4536724

I remember Ghost Stalker technically had a more powerful gun in terms of damage output and AoE (Long line based attack instead of small explosion), but being uncrushable, up-armored, and having a "second life", along with a gun that was powerful enough on its own anyway made the cyborg commando retarded as shit to deal with. If I remember right, the counter was real specific too, something like disc throwers or rocket troops spread out far apart to avoid AoE damage.

>> No.4536725

>I think my favourie mission was the GDI Hammerfest base one.
Same here, very memorable one.

Most of the early missions for both sides are pretty good too, scenery, gameplay, events-wise, which show the care Westwood put into each mission.

Sadly, the later missions show how rushed the game was, most of them are boring slogs or just crap.

>> No.4536748
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I entered this thread for the specific purpose of converting you all

>> No.4536764

how is this better than populus the beginning?
how is this better than warwind?
how is this better than dark colony?
how is this better than battle realms?
how is this better than homeworld?
how is this better than empire earth?
how is this better than universe at war?
How is this better than supreme commander?
how is this better than battlezone '98?
how is this better than KKND?
how is this better than 7th legion?
how is this better than dominion storm over gift 3?
How is this better than world in conflict?
how is this better than dark reign?
how is this better than sacrifice?
how is this better than earth 21XX series?
how is this better than M.A.X.?
How is this better than uprising?
how is this better than warlords battlecry?
how is this better than seven kingdoms?
how is this better than Kohan?
how is this better than Z?
how is this better than hostile waters?
how is this better than conquest the frontier wars?
how is this better than ground control?
how is this better than robo rumble or that other mech themed rts?

>> No.4536778

I love how some "how"s start with a capital H

you typed all that manually didn't you m8?

>> No.4536974


Start this video at 02:57, keep an eye on the right side base.

NOD had all the BS-units. The fucking underground-tunneling APC was the main vector of bullshittery. GDI had to spend a lot of resources to put pavement over every square inch of their base, or an underground APC would pop up out of nowhere with a Cyborg commando and destroy your base in a few seconds. The Cyber commando was effective against vehicles and turrets as well, so he had no glaring flaws like for example Tanya in RE2.

I also remember the NOD artillery to be way too effective, with huge range and very high damage. Basically NOD was OP as fuck, at least to my LAN-groups non-pro sensibilities.

>> No.4536975


Damn, forgot the video


>> No.4537086
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Blizzard did make some amazing RTS games. At least we now know the value of its source code is a ticket to Blizzcon and not getting sued.

>> No.4537093


I'm going to do my best to answer each of these by memory, those of which I've played at least.

Populus the Beginning never gripped me as a child, I enjoyed the demo but never pursued the full game. I think it was slightly too complex for my young brain at the time. I'd say it is about equal to Tiberian Sun in my mind, both are okay games but never gripped me.

Never played Warwind.

I played Dark Colony rather extensively as a kid, and for fucks sake, are you kidding me? That game is janky as hell, and 100% imbalanced. It is a VERY basic RTS, pretty fun if you've got very low standards though, like when you are a young child.

I did not play Battle Realms as a kid, but me and a friend tried it a few years ago in LAN, and we both thought it was really bad. The whole "send peasant to become warrior, send warrior to become samurai, send samurai to become..."-thing didn't work for us, to micro-managy.

I haven't played Homeworld much but from what I've seen it is better than TS in most respects.

Empire Earth was fun, but suffered from the same tech-race issue as AOE, the best tactic is to just hole up in the base and tech as fast as you can, so you never got to actually wage wars with most units. Fun though, I'd say it is slightly better than TS.

Never played Universe at War.

Supreme Commander was fun, definitely better than TS.

Battlezone '98 was very odd, but I played it quite much as a kid. Difficult to wrap your head around, but the freedom and novel mechanics were interesting. Better than TS.

KKNS is not better than TS, what are you smoking dude? It's alright if you are like 7, but it's very basic.

7th Legion is a total mess, definitely worse than TS.

Never played Dominion storm over gift 3.

World in Conflict gave one of the best online experiences of any RTS I've played. Great game.

Dark Reign was very basic, and very janky. Pretty fun though, but if you try it today you'll notice an extreme amount of flaws.


>> No.4537107


Sacrifice had an interesting idea and story, but it always bored me as a kid, and still bored me a few years ago when I tried it again from GoG. Sounds better in theory than it is to play.

I've only tried Earth 2160, but I honestly thought it sucked ass. I bought it blind when it was released, and haven't played it much because it just was so bad. Worse than TS in all regards.

Haven't played M.A.X.

Haven't played Uprising.

Warlords Battlecry 3 is the only one I've played, it is pretty fun. Most of the fun comes from the huge number of playable unique sides, but when the novelty runs out you'll notice that there just plain is no balance, and combat is pretty janky. Still, pretty good, I'd say it is slightly worse than TS.

Haven't played Seven Kingdoms.

Haven't played Kohan.

The original Z is alright, but if I recall correctly it was SP only, that's a clear flaw. It was also extremely micro-managy, but overall an alright game. Worse than TS though.

Haven't played Hostile waters.

Haven't played Conquest the frontier wars.

I had a lot of fun with Ground Control as a kid, but when I replayed it in LAN recently it was... shit. You have to baby-sit your units constantly or they will die in a few seconds due to some bullshit ability by the enemy. It also felt very barren. I just couldn't have any fun with it at all, it might have been the graphics that impressed me so much as a kid that I didn't see the gameplay flaws.

Haven't played robo rumble, but if that other game is Metal Fatigue, then I can say that I wanted to like it, but found it to be pretty bad. Many neat ideas, but needed much more polish.

>> No.4537113 [DELETED] 

What are the best rts games? I only played like warcraft 2/3, populous the beginning, warzone 2100, dark colony. None of these were above average imo

>> No.4537115 [DELETED] 

>What are the best rts games? I only played like warcraft 2/3, populous the beginning, warzone 2100, dark colony. None of these were above average imo

>> No.4537119

What are the best rts games? I only played like warcraft 2/3, populous the beginning, warzone 2100, dark colony, Seven Kingdons Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology . None of these were memorable imo, maybe i'm just not into rts

>> No.4537121

muh basic

>> No.4537178


In my opinion, for LAN (I've never had much fun with RTS's in single-player):

Act of War (no expansion): Interesting resource mechanics. You get a limited amount of oil that will give you a high-power economy for about half a match, when the oil dries up then you are fucked if you didn't focus on capturing enemy POWs to put in your prison camps. This mechanic gave interesting choices as well, is it worth it to build a big force of cheap units and risk that the enemy gets a ton of POWs, or is it better to build a small elite force and risk getting overwhelmed? Artillery was also very useful, a rare thing in RTS's which are usually about mass armies of tanks or some equivalent.

C&C Generals: Just plain old fun. You'll have quick action-packed matches with fun units and three varied sides.

Company of Heroes (original, expansions are good as well): Quick matches. Cool looking battles that are fun to watch in replay. Many different possible tactics.

>> No.4538564
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I think both SC ans SC HD look worse than TibSun.

And while sc is best for multiplayer, isn't it funny how the most popular coop mode in sc2 has features like unit specialization and global powers that were never in sc.

>> No.4538582
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Kharak is burning...

>> No.4538759
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>he has the post-September 11th version of RA2

>> No.4538789

EA didn't do shit with that game, jackass. They ruined the other games.

>> No.4538790


still waiting for tiberian sun support..

>> No.4538794

Dungeon Keeper is the only one that I always want to return to.

>> No.4538796

I like how 80s TS looks.

>> No.4538801

that makes my peepee hard.

>> No.4538896
File: 906 KB, 1920x1080, 15041750081490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bzillard make shittiest overrated rts

>> No.4538939


Blizzard makes the shittiest most overrated everything. They are like Marvel studios, they shit out a super-polished turd that is 100% catering to the masses, so naturally it has mass appeal and every stupid person loves it.

At least modern Blizzard, they were good back in the WC1&2-days, I'd say SC1 is good as well (though it never fully gripped me, there were other multiplayer RTSs that were way better, like Total Annihilation, all the Red Alerts, etc).

>> No.4538961

I prefer single play campaign over multiplay, and those campaigns adjust the balance problems.

I don't mind the cyborg commando. It's like Mammoth mk-2, an op unit that can cause massive havoc for an unprepared player.

The problem is the artillery, which is a low tech unit, but it has too much accuracy in the vanilla game. It had to be fixed for FS, but the flaw for vanilla campaign is still there, making nod missions a lot easier.

>> No.4539050
File: 82 KB, 239x229, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start skirmish game in RA2 mental omega against random enemies
>5 mins into building and shit
>hover over an undiscovered area
>hear Uragan floating sound

>> No.4539397

>people talk about how other RTS games are superior to Starcraft BW
>they are all unbalanced and are dead online
>SC BW still has massive multiplayer community, even before Remastered came out, is still played professionally
>still considered the most balanced RTS out there
Really makes you think.

>> No.4539513


The measure of a game is not purely how balanced it is, or how well the pro-scene likes it. Most people are not pro, and if you are not pro then minor balance issues do not matter (as long as they are just that, minor).

The most fun way to play, for example, Super Smash Brothers is definitely NOT "No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination", but that is the way the game is played when played competitively. If the game offered only that as the standard experience everyone would agree that it is shit.

This is, for example, why UT'99 is a vastly superior game to Q3A even though the latter is more popular professionally. Games are generally not jobs, they are that only for a small minority of professionals, and their requirements are not mainly that the games are fun.

>> No.4539541

>Super Smash Brothers is definitely NOT "No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination", but that is the way the game is played when played competitively.
that's not how it's played though retard
>UT'99 is a vastly superior game to Q3A
I lost brain cells

>> No.4539557

The AI cheats too much in single-player RTS's though.

>> No.4539676

>I've only tried Earth 2160, but I honestly thought it sucked ass.
Have you tried Earth 2150? They botched Earth 2160 because they wanted to be more like Starcraft instead of making an identity of their own (which Earth 2150 has, I feel).

>> No.4539705

that's only bad in random maps though. It's fine for campaigns where it's designed around it.

>> No.4539718

>I've only tried Earth 2160, but I honestly thought it sucked ass.
it does suck ass, only remotely good part are the few sexist comments from one of the characters

2150 is pretty good, at least the campaign. skirmishes with AI are broken - AI's always gang up on the player and literally not attack each other

>> No.4541285


to this day i've tried to get tiberian sun to work, and nothing, i just wanna fuckin play!

>> No.4541289


How does the AI cheat in Homeworld?

>> No.4542197

yeah, because one is braindead fun and the other is serious fun. sc is serious fun, while funmaps are time wasters you do in breaks or when ya too tired. Kinda like C&C, completely braindead