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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4493519 No.4493519 [Reply] [Original]

>Best world
>Best characters
>Best story
>Best dungeons
>Best music
>Most soul


Not only the best Zelda, but also the greatest action adventure game ever made.

>> No.4493557

I'm not sure why, but the combination of Zelda 1/3 style controls with a smaller, simpler and more focused puzzle style makes me really adore Awakening and Mana 1 more than the other entries in their series. They're to the point and charming.

>> No.4493561

How would you compare it to the similar Oracle games?

I prefer them personally, one of the reasons being smoother world navigation / backtracking. Also not being forced on the main fetch quest.

>> No.4493623

I feel the same way. All Link's Awakening has over the Oracle games (and I'm counting both of them as one big game, because that's very clearly how they're meant to be played) is the story. The music is on par, in my opinion, and the gameplay is objectively better. A lot better.

There's a lot of nostalgia for LA in this board, and I think that's what OP is indulging in. "Most soul" means almost nothing, calling a perfectly square island designed as an obstacle course "best world" is pushing it.

>> No.4493638

Best sword swing in the series but the text bloat is so bad I don't even kill anything in case I accidentally touch a fucking power triangle or acorn.

>> No.4493685

Not OP, but I played Oracle first, then Ages, then Awakening. I still think Awakening is the best of the three, followed by Seasons (THAT might be nostalgia), then Ages. Sometimes simplicity is better.

>> No.4493693

We're not saying the Oracle games are better due to being more complex. My points were about how the Oracles streamline going from one place to another and making the fetch quest a side quest.

>> No.4493704

You can argue that both ways: making the vast majority of the content an obligatory questline is simpler than having a core quest and side material.

>> No.4493705

But LA has side stuff as well, what are you talking about

>> No.4493707

>forcing you to complete a sidequest in order to finish the game is simpler than making stuff fully optional

Awakening forces you to go through more hoops just to finish it. Oracles doesn't. If you want a simpler game flow, Oracles is better for that and for many other reasons, like overall map progression.

>> No.4493719

>Best world
Nah. It's good though.
>Best characters
Nope. That'd probably be a tie between OoT and MM.
>Best story
lol what story? There was fuck all.
>Best dungeons
They're good. Dunno about best, though.
>Best music
Matter of taste, but the music is indeed good.
>Most soul
Don't know where you got this one from. Were you high as fuck the whole time you played the game or something?

Links Awakening is a great game, but holy fuck the way some of you talk about it you would think it was the greatest game ever made.

>> No.4493724

I found some of Link's Awakening's later dungeons and bosses to be unremarkable. Great game though.

>> No.4493739

Never played ALTTP before, should I play the original or the DX color version?

>> No.4493740

I meant to say Links Awakening

>> No.4493746

Not much of a point in playing the original if you have access to DX. If you can only play the original then it's no big deal, play that, they're almost identical mechanics-wise.

>> No.4493759

>"Most soul" means almost nothing
nah. oracles felt like rehashes. LA felt like a game crafted with real heart and artistic integrity. I don't remember a goddamn thing about oracles. nobody does really.

>> No.4493767

This is very subjective stuff and you know it

>> No.4493771

no lol. show me one good original song from oracles for example. there is nothing, and that's only talking about music. oracles' art style/engine was just a rehash of LA anyway.

>> No.4493786

Music and aesthetics (much less "soul") in general are hard to quantify, I think this is what the anon meant. I could post any track I liked here and be dismissed by you by not being suited to your tastes.

>> No.4493789

you described Ocarina of Time, OP

>> No.4493790

The colors look odd in many parts of the game since the art style was never meant to be in color.

DX version is censored.

The exclusive dungeon is not worth it.

>> No.4493793

Yeah, whatever, in any case you'll get mostly the same experience playing any of the two versions.

>> No.4493797
File: 84 KB, 909x879, Veran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show me one good original song from oracles for example. there is nothing

>oracles felt like rehashes
I must have missed the game in the series that connects to one another via passwords and where you have animal ride buddies and an extensive array of equipment that changes attributes/does wacky shit/functions as collectible.

>real heart
Again, means nothing. I can feel real heart in Oracles too.

>I don't remember a goddamn thing about oracles
That's like, your opinion man.

>oracles' art style/engine was just a rehash of LA anyway.
This is partially true, the art is different enough unless you're as blind as you're evidently deaf, but the engine is clearly meant to look and feel like an improved version of LA. Which it is. Keyword "improved".

>> No.4493803

He was asking the differences between the games and the pros and cons.

We had a similar thread about DKC on the snes/gba/gbc a few days ago and no matter which version you lay is mostly the same experience (well not the gbc one).

>> No.4493808

OP is correct, LA best Zelda.

I liked the Oracles games, but they always felt gimmicky with the rings and sidequests and all. LA was to the point and only had the seashells and photographs (although I prefer the monochrome version).

Most of that probably stems from nostalgie though, LA was one of the first games I ever played and the only other game I have replayed as often is Cave Story.

>the text bloat is so bad I don't even kill anything in case I accidentally touch a fucking power triangle or acorn.

Or touch a pot. Holy moly they could have cut down on that.

>> No.4493809

lol those "songs" are fucking awful holy shit. generic gameboy schlock, and oracles generic zelda la schlock.

that second song rips off one of the LA songs too btw.

>> No.4493810

>Most of that probably stems from nostalgie though, LA was one of the first games I ever played and the only other game I have replayed as often is Cave Story.
The fact that you point out and agree on how annoying the text bloat is tells me it is nostalgia. LA is to the point in the sense that there's no side content to it at all, since the only sidequest is actually forced on you, but the cramped inventory space that makes switching items a cluttered hassle if you even hover over the ocarina + the overworld design that requires constant item switching + the "don't touch anything or you'll get a bunch of text every goddamn time" anxiety you get after playing it for a while makes it feel bogged down. Something that's to the point needs to be breezy, not cramped. The Oracles had optional stuff to do and never felt or were cramped as LA did, which is understandable since they largely improved on its design.

>> No.4493813

Great arguments, we're all very convinced. Keep feeling that soul on dem LA cartridges, man.

>> No.4493818

m8 even your song selection proves it's a rehash :^)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMGyF25Siqc (5-10 seconds)


>> No.4493830

Wow, a Zelda game with some themes and notes that resemble ones from earlier entries. Incredible, right? Then LA's overworld is also a shitty rehash if we follow your logic. Don't feed this troll anymore, please.

>> No.4493834

nice try, but i asked for original songs lol and the guy produced that.

>> No.4493839

He must be tone deaf, it's even the same key and only vaguely similar and only for about three seconds worth of music.

Also, sorry for this, but my autism compels me:

There's four more tracks you're ignoring, plus a bunch of other arguments you're obviously ignoring because they make you look like (even more of a) retard, but whatever. 8/8 bait.

>> No.4493840

>LA is to the point in the sense that there's no side content to it at all, since the only sidequest is actually forced on you

I don't see the trading sequence as a sidequest because it's required to beat the game. I believe there are trading sequences in the Oracles games which were optional and would more accurately classify as sidequests.

Either way, I enjoy the trading sequence, so the fact that it's forced on the player never bothered me. Might be wrong here as well, but I think you can do it alongside the main quest without having to move out of your way too much. Been a while since my last playthrough.

>the cramped inventory space that makes switching items a cluttered hassle if you even hover over the ocarina + the overworld design that requires constant item switching

I can see why people would have problems with the constant switching, but that as well has never bothered me. IIRC, you had to switch a lot in the Oracles games as well, but it's been a couple of years since I played through them, and I only played them once, so maybe it's less than I think.

>The Oracles had optional stuff to do and never felt or were cramped as LA did

I think the biggest difference in our viewpoints is that you see LA as cramped, whereas I felt the Oracles games were bloated. Like the developers were always thinking "Hey, I had this new idea, let's throw that in as well" with everything they could imagine. Then you get stuff like the ring system and planting trees like this is Harvest Moon, which, as mentioned in my earlier post, I felt were gimmicky.

>> No.4493845

>There's four more tracks you're ignoring
I called them what they are: generic gameboy schlock. Awful.

more like worthless opinions that have already been addressed before kiddo

>> No.4493847

When I first played LA I did the trading sequence just because.
Years later when I decided to replay it I decided to ignore it until I realized it was mandatory and thus had to backtrack and do it just to progress.
My point being it still feels like a sidequest when it's first presented to you. Anyway, it's not a big deal, but the better transportation is a bigger plus for the Oracle games for me.

>> No.4493861

The trading sequence in LA is fairly linear and easy to complete if you know what you're doing and have the required item at the appropriate time. You need to get the Yoshi doll from the minigame store to set it in motion, and if you don't care about that minigame enough to get the doll right from the start it becomes a hassle to backtrack and find who needs what.

The Oracles games had ítem switching too, but the menu was a million times better. You had a lot of spare room to organize items however you liked, it wasn't at all like Awakening where by the end game you always had to have two items on your hands because your menu couldn't hold anymore, and god help you if you were switching items in a hurry and selected the ocarina by mistake, because you got caught in a directional loop. That's what I meant.

I do get what you're saying, but being realistic, you're faulting the Oracles for having bloat when none of that bloat is required or needed to beat the game in any capacity. The tree system is the ring system, since the rings are the fruits of the tree, and I agree it was a gimmick, but it was an optional one that you could mess around only if you wanted to, and it does help provide a lot of replay value because rings let you have a crazy amount of different difficulties and gameplay alterations.

I'd agree it was bloated if you needed to indulge in any of that, but it's a straightforward Zelda game that doesn't rail you into anything other than exploring overworld and dungeons (with the exception of the forced minigame in each game, but then again LA has that too).

LA is far more cumbersome to play, has much less content in both dungeons and overworld, has no side content at all (which you may not miss, but still), and has a nice story and great music, but as a game it's simply not up to par with Oracles. It couldn't be because Oracles basically took its foundtation and fixed several of its issues.

>> No.4493872

Indeed. To be fair LA came earlier so it's no surprise to see that the Oracle games which reussed assets and stuff and were made 8 years later ended up improving the formula.

>> No.4493873

>When I first played LA I did the trading sequence just because.
>Years later when I decided to replay it I decided to ignore it until I realized it was mandatory and thus had to backtrack and do it just to progress.

Never thought about the fact that you could play the game without knowing it was mandatory; completing the trading sequence has become second nature to me by now.

In that case, I can understand why one might feel it's a sidequest and why it could be annoying.

>but the better transportation is a bigger plus for the Oracle games for me.

Fair point. I believe those games were much bigger, right? Good idea to incorporate a more thorough teleport mechanic into the games. The one in LA is a bit on the minimal side, but then again the overworld isn't huge to begin with (and I like traversing it, to expose my bias).

>> No.4493882

Exactly, I don't fault it at all. I think it mostly did the absolute best it could on the system, though some choices seem to be stupid design (text boxes when touching everything, for example). But yeah, it's only natural the Oracles did everything better.

I appreciate when someone says I prefer LA, it's probably nostalgia but I just like it, that's fine, but it's really silly to see people shitting on the Oracles games when "defending" LA from the perceived attack of not being as good as Oracles. Something being better/more refined than something else doesn't mean that something else isn't still great.

>> No.4493884

It seems like a minigame. If you ignore the Yoshi doll stuff then you get stuck later.

And even if LA had a smaller world it could have had better transportation like earlier entries. Also, it may be small, but having to menu so much adds up time to the backtracking.

>> No.4493905

aight, seasons or ages first?

>> No.4493914

If you're only gonna play once and have map completion autism like me and can't stand not being able to fully clear all the map squares, then you need to play Seasons first. For whatever it counts, it's also the "canon" order, but who cares about that.

If you're planning to play twice (once regularly and then a replay with the Hero code), then Ages first, so your second playthrough is Seasons first. This way you 100% everything in the games and your final file has all the map explored.

If you don't have autism, good for you and just play them in whatever order you want, lol.

>> No.4493919

I think I'll take the first one, I think there's no game that I can stand to play fully twice no matter how good/short it is.

>> No.4493925

>no color
>extremely tiny screen (if you played it in the 90s)

>> No.4493931

You can just use the program at https://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda07Password.php to create your own Hero password. It will allow you to play the game once with the very few perks of the Hero replay mode already in place.

Oracles is two games, I wouldn't call it short. I do think it's good, and while it doesn't overstay its welcome you'll be definitely ready to move on after the true final boss. Plus the event/story variations when playing the games in a different order are cute and fun but not really worth it. I think you're making the right call here, basically. Have fun.

>> No.4493937


>> No.4493947


>it's taken 20 years for people to start to realize this


>> No.4493952


I was halfway through a long and detailed reply when I noticed how long it's actually been since I finished the Oracles games. I can't compare them as accurately as I'd like, so I'll give them another go soon and see how I'd rate them now.

I remember I did enjoy playing them and knowing my bias, they can't dethrone LA as my favourite Zelda, but maybe I'll appreciate the improvements they made to LA more when keeping in mind all the points you mentioned.

Anyways, thanks for a civil and interesting discussion on these games.

>> No.4494041

I'll agree it was the best Zelda game ever made. I'm not sure about it being the best action game, but you're at least 50% right OPnon.

>> No.4494049

Super Gameboy was a thing. I didn't particularly like it, because something always felt off, but it worked well enough.

>> No.4494079

Open a thread when you finish replaying them (or dropping them, who knows) and share your thoughts then.

>> No.4494318

Super game boy had a shitty processor that was clocked at the wrong speed

>> No.4494549

I think it's far better I feel the Oracle games aren't designed very well and the world is very empty and poorly laid out.

>> No.4494578

I'd have to compare them side by side to answer you correctly and it's been a few years since I played through any of these (around 3 years).

I'd appreciate if you could give us a side by side comparison of places of the world which are empty in the Oracles and which aren't in LA, etc.

>> No.4495229

Tarm Ruins song is great. It deserves more recognition.

>> No.4495237
File: 480 KB, 2560x2048, The-Legend-of-Zelda-Oracle-of-Seasons-Nintendo3DS[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, it cannot be said which one is, objectively speaking, better because one was designed to make the world charming (which was a rarety in zelda franchise at that time) whereas the other improved what you would expect from a zelda game (even if the game was released on a GBC).

So, independently of whether you prefer one of the other, i see seasons as a better "Zelda" if we understand Zelda as a game composed of overworld exploration, dungeons, cool items plus secrets. It is probably the true and only sucessor to Zelda III in this aspect. If it wasn't because of 3D becoming a thing, you could see how seasons follows the ALTTP school.

Of course, i think that 'charming' can win over good design, because it produces a greater impact over the player. The main town, some of the npcs, the music, the good touches such as the castle, i think this charm that makes the player feel like a viewer, someone who is truly trapped in a magical world, is gone in comparison to OoS, a game where you are constantly interacting and travelling. And this will reach to more people.

>> No.4495245

I just recently replayed LA. Its super comfy with save states make the game easy but still enjoyable. Wish nintendo would REMAKE LINKS AWAKENING instead of LTTP already had too many remakes. Imagine LA but with more buttons and a second quest with more new dungeons. It could even be low poly 3d.

>> No.4495471

>In my opinion, it cannot be said which one is, objectively speaking, better because one was designed to make the world charming (which was a rarety in zelda franchise at that time) whereas the other improved what you would expect from a zelda game (even if the game was released on a GBC).
But you're comparing two criteria, one of which is entirely subjective ("charm") and the other being far more objective (improvement over Zelda game mechanics).

Talking about objective elements alone, all you could really argue against Oracles is that the improvements detract from the experience somehow, which is a weak argument all in all unless you really, honestly believe that having a better interface and more content detracts from it as a game.

On the subjective side, we can have a field day talking about wtf "charm" even is. Basically, the argument you're presenting, and the argument everyone who tries to trash talk Oracles when someone suggests that they're better tan LA, is that subjective things are more important than the actual game or that the story is better. The story IS better in LA, but that's about it. "Charm" CAN make you like something that's inferior over something that's improved, sure, but "charm" isn't a universal quality. What's charming to you won't charm everyone, and if I may go on a limb, I'm almost entirely sure most people talking about "charm" actually mean their own personal nostalgia for the game. Which is fine, but come on, don't push your subjectiveness as fact.

>> No.4495485


>> No.4495509

Why would you ever need save state for this at all

>> No.4495521


>> No.4495575

My argument is that, at the end of the end, it doesn't matter much if oracles push further (a bit) what zelda is if more people enjoyed LA because of its charm. You can also discuss that people like FFVI for the wrong reasons because it barely compares to a old school FF, but if people prefer the charm of the characters over gameplay design, as a result the game will still be more popular.

>> No.4496146

because if you die you dont get the good Marin my waifu is a seagull now ending.

>> No.4496159

I didn't know this. Oh well, if you wanted this SO BADLY then I guess... lol

>> No.4496162

You know what the best thing about LA is? The pace. Past is so godamn slow it's a slog to run through

>> No.4496382

>They're to the point
Well said and agreed. Lack of getting to the point is what I really dislike about the modern versions. The switch one is pretty good for getting right down to buisiness, mind, I appreciated that.

>> No.4496396


Opinion discarded.

>> No.4496419

The Dark Souls of retro games
(sorry /vr/ don't ban me forever)

>> No.4496527

upset soulless automaton detected

>> No.4497130
File: 28 KB, 160x144, la.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4497143

Some you forgot

i just wish they didn't loop so fast

>> No.4497148

holy hell what an abomination this is to zelda games desu.

>> No.4497229

All it was was a massive downgrade to the key Zelda mechanics - rewarding exploration, discovery, exploring the world differently as the game progresses based on what tools you've acquired. The Oracle games do a terrible job of this and are more of an endless series of linear progression to the next set area, linear backtracking to designated dialogue area, linear progression to the next set area, very little to find along the way.

These games handled 2D top down Zelda quite poorly and it's been downhill since (though Minish Cap was decent).

>> No.4497241
File: 1.49 MB, 2340x2094, thursdaycustomssgb-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super game boy had a shitty processor
it's the same as the gameboy's
>that was clocked at the wrong speed
because it used the SNES' clock instead of its own (which was fixed in super game boy 2).

one can mod the super gameboy 1 to fix this (and also add the game link port)

>> No.4497280

Ages is DX: Puzzle edition, with with improved Dark World from ALTTP. And recycled guest characters from Majoras Mask.
Seasons is Links Awakening 2, a nice straight upgrade.

I don´t even how they would make 3 games of it. I feel that most is crammed into Seasons, where Ages has the smallest Zelda map, but really nice dungeons.
I guess they guessed that they could have enough content to make 3, but its visible how much is crammed into Ages just to make it big enough for a third wheel of the franchise.

I also love how pretty they are.

>> No.4498145

are you seriously suggesting minish cap was *less* linear than oracles?

>> No.4498427

What would it take to make a playable nonlinear LA/Oracles hack?

Like, for Ages, here's some of the more egregious linearity:
- have to meet nayru/veran to get the sword (this one might be acceptable)
- need seed satchel from past maku tree to enter level 1
- rocks block western wood until you have power bracelet
- impa blocks access to the harp of ages until you destroy level 2 in the present
- can't get cheval's rope until moosh appears, can't get tingle's chart until ricky appears
- can't cross bridge to nuun highlands without seed shooter
- can't enter rolling ridge without switch hook
- ambi's palace is blocked by guards until after level 6
- zora scale is given after you beat level 7

Removing these would at least let the dungeons be visited out of order. Some of the puzzles in the dungeons would still depend on items though. But then again, zelda 1 just ignored that problem.

>> No.4498479

I was thinking about the same thing for alttp
it would be really easy to remove a few things and have it be non-linear

>> No.4498494

kill yourself

>> No.4498508
File: 441 KB, 600x600, 054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i know this is a /vr/ board but i need to vent

i just beat breath of the mild and it was probably the biggest let down for a zelda game there could have been
its a good game but its not a good zelda game

>the game gives you all the real items in the beginning leaving no sense of growing stronger and getting abilities progressively, no shiny item to look forward to from a dungeon
>no "real dungeons"
>the four dungeons that are available have no diversity i.e the old beasts are based off of electricity water wind and whatever the goron one was, but theyre all based on moving the beast parts and look almost identical, same with the shrines
>you have to see where the game tells you the map is
>spent more time running around getting to places that left no real impact of an accomplishment rather than feeling like im on an adventure

the game felt like i was playing super metroid but specced out with all the items and the only thing left to collect was energy tanks which dont really mean anything when screw attack blows through everything

>> No.4498509

forgot to add;

should i play oracle of ages or seasons? i hear the consensus is seasons but thought I'd ask.

>> No.4498956

You should play both. The stories link together. Which one you play first doesn't really matter.

>> No.4498984


It's not just the story that links together, both games link together and you can unlock extra events, secrets, and equipment by playing both. It's also the only way to get to the true final boss(es). The whole thing is done by password so you don't even need link cables or to emulate one. Have fun, they're exactly the opposite of what you disliked about BotW.

>> No.4498991

super cool, thanks guys.

>> No.4501002

>It's not just the story that links together, both games link together and you can unlock extra events, secrets, and equipment by playing both. It's also the only way to get to the true final boss(es)
how do I emulate oracles correctly so that theyre linked? ive never had a gameboy emulator either which one to use?

>> No.4501006
File: 251 KB, 300x168, 1432665480172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4501016

I like the music better in links awakening. I feel like they're all pretty much equal gameplay wise.

Why didn't subsequent console games use the handheld hyrule field theme, by the way? The intro and that entire b-section are great and should have become standard. Yet everyone seems to have forgotten it

>> No.4501023

Dx. Original has the screen warp glitch, but other than that dx is a straight upgrade. Not that the glitch is even valuable for anything other than dicking around or maybe speedrunning anyway

>> No.4501031

It almost sounds like something out of Golden Sun.

>> No.4501042

lol fug

>> No.4501058

I hate the guardian acord/triforce of power drops in the game. They ruined the music so frequently that I intentionally took damage any time I accidentally picked one up.

>> No.4501495

VBA Link I guess, or just passwords.

Not as popular as the main console / 3D ones.

>> No.4501836

>Game based around a musical theme
>Each dungeon has an instrument you collect
>When you collect a new instrument you get to hear the main theme with the added instrument
>The final confrontation has all the instruments playing in unison
Confirmed kino

>> No.4501846
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>thanks for paying me to fix my door
>don't do it again

>> No.4503586

And what part of the game is "Cenima"?

>> No.4503664


>> No.4504183
File: 59 KB, 675x450, 1478054739693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moosh, dimitri, or ricky?

>> No.4504303

Moosh or Dmitri. Ricky was pretty useless comparatively.

>> No.4504374
File: 783 KB, 1000x1250, 1512579656202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First link is my favorite vidya cover

>> No.4504414

What do you mean by charming?

>> No.4504451

Actually that makes me think, how come no one has tried a romhack of this or the oracle games to make something like the mystic seed of courage?
People just make rom hacks of zelda 1 with that one program and that's it.
I guess parallel worlds was alright

>> No.4505250

WL3 did it better.

>> No.4506098

>no sourcecode
thanks, but no.

>> No.4506365
File: 199 KB, 1280x1024, latest[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rewarding exploration, discovery, exploring the world differently as the game progresses based on what tools you've acquired.
And that's exactly what the games do,
great part of the content is hidden, you are not spoonfeed to obtain special upgrades or rings. And these things are hidden in sectors you already visited. How is that different to A Link to the Past? Well, instead of a ruffian, its a creepy old again the person in charge of rewarding you with rupees.
>endless series of linear progression to the next set area, linear backtracking to designated dialogue area, linear progression to the next set area, very little to find along the way.
The effect is the same. In alttp you spend most of the time inside a big donut and whenever adquire a new item, you have to backtrack to a different section of this donut to unlock a new area. In the oracle games, to make a better use of space, it is handle through branches, but there is as much linearity. 1 and (to some extent) 2 gave more freedom but always with a specific order in mind (think of the dungeon levels). In any case, it can't be said oracle games are too different from zelda 3, arguably the best zelda.

It means that part of the game that doesn't contribute directly to the gameplay aspect but still will be dearly remembered in the future with nostalgia and sadness, as you will remember an old friend or lover.

>> No.4507560

He's gonna die

>> No.4508321

one of the best games ever

>> No.4508530

oracle of ages is sad. you wanna help the towns people get thrugh it all

>> No.4508701

Don't kill yourself

>> No.4508761

The mario stuff and anti kirby bring down the experience for me.

>> No.4508827

Are you sure?
Those are actually Doki Doki Panic enemies. Do you know its ending?
And it's Kirby from Kirby's DREAMland.

>> No.4508869
File: 26 KB, 250x251, Donkey_Kong_94_box_art (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
Pic related is my favorite mario game i just didnt wanna make a new thread for it

>> No.4508875

It's pretty good. Now that I think of it, yeah, I probably like it more than the regular Mario games too lol

>> No.4508967

My favorite 2D Zelda is LA and i can't stand the Oracle games. Only finished Ages, and got half through Seasons. The pacing and overworld structure kills it for me. I can't see how they follow LA or Alttp school. Too many setpieces and minigames, too much busywork and not enough exploration. Also the screen scrolling kills the dungeon design and map system imo.

>> No.4508994

I remember getting this as a gift and it easily looked like the least interesting game that I received that day but it ended up being the best

>> No.4509587

Daily reminder that this game started development as an after-hours fuck around by Nintendo staffers and blow away most adventure games running on 16-Bit hardware. N

>> No.4509665

>the screen scrolling kills the dungeon design and map system
Having Oracle of Seasons as my favorite Zelda this is one of the best criticisms I've read against this game, for real. It may seem nitpicky but it's a constant annoyance. The other are pretty good as well, glad to see someone not just trolling here.

>> No.4510339

Actually, that specific song from Links Awakening got reused in Seasons and Ages.
But hey, y'know, you can keep grasping for straws on similarities for varied tracks.

>> No.4510684
File: 83 KB, 256x358, Zelda II The Adventure of Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just posting Zelda 2, AKA The Dark Souls of video games, the actual patrician's choice.

>> No.4510691


Leave /mu/ trash in /mu/, svp.

>> No.4510870

>Dark S-

>> No.4510961
File: 188 KB, 480x640, LINKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The are my two favorite Zelda games for completely different reasons!

>> No.4511114

>> Dark Souls of video games
Dark Souls IS a video game.

>> No.4511164
File: 69 KB, 328x407, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Souls

>> No.4511179

>OP here
this nigga lying, it ain't me. why would you do that faggot? i've never played your dumb game in my life.

>> No.4511180

god you clowns are so easy Smh

>> No.4511195

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.4511196

you are the dark souls of trolling.

>> No.4511201

i'm not even that guy you hopeless autist

>> No.4511447

Honestly I agree, tightest adventure gameplay ever, except for Souls which isn't retro, but he said ever

>> No.4512384

i really think this is one of the best zeldas

>> No.4512485
File: 13 KB, 220x160, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post OP, but you put the wrong image.
no worries, I fix it for you

>> No.4512605

this game is trash. tried playing through it three times, each time gave it an earnest try and attempt to see what was supposed to be so special about it. never saw it. game is a poo in loo, the faggot hipster's choice of zelda for sure. looks to be the one for friendless fags too desu

>> No.4512625

So how does an 8-bit monochrome Gameboy game manage to be one of the most immersive gaming experiences ever created?