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4470981 No.4470981 [Reply] [Original]

Please come back Kyle, please.

>> No.4471276

You made this thread yesterday.
You've been told to fuck off. Leave. We don't want your shit thread here.

>> No.4471278

Hey, I like Kyle.
You can go away and we'll have our Dark Force thread.

>> No.4471280

The main problem with this character is that his name is fucking Kyle.

>> No.4471281


>> No.4471282

Kyle Katarn is a pretty badass name

>> No.4471462

I love Dark Forces (the first one), but how fans of the series need to realize that Katarn isn't a good character. He's not Rey-tier, but he's real bad.

>> No.4471501

Screencap is from Jedi Knight 2
Came out in 2002.
Talking about Kyle, not even really about games or anything particularly related. Take it somewhere else.

>> No.4471508

kyle is a dope name scrub

>> No.4471763

Disney killed him and replaced him with rogue one.
Mouse retconned my favorite game (Dark Forces) and now we have Luke milking a sea cow. Disney's stuff is getting worse, so I'm beginning to view it as a bad fan fiction

>> No.4471862


EU is the real canon Disney just made a fanfic purely for the money.

>> No.4471901

I like the games more than all the star wars movies save the OT. That said my headcanon chooses the games over the movies, at least the mouse did us a favor and now I don't have to waste my time watching any further star wars movies.

>> No.4471914

OT > most of the games > everything else

>> No.4472001


>> No.4472014

Rey? who?

>> No.4472619

that blue haired slut

>> No.4472627

You do have to admit that that creature had some heavenly breasts and epic nipples.

>> No.4472628

And that he's the biggest Gary Stu there is. I understand that Jedi Knight was a fun series but come on Kyle himself was not a good character and is only acceptable for justifying certain gameplay mechanics to people who throw fits over lore.

>> No.4473312

The Jedi in the Clone Wars cartoon series are much stronger than Kyle Katarn himself

>> No.4473317

this sounds like a much better version than the official one to me (& probably most other people)

>> No.4473690

How is he not good? Hes in the imperial acadamey, leaves, becomes essentially a mercenary for the rebellion, becomes a Jedi, and then later quits being one because he's too bad ass.
Ultimate 90's character

>> No.4475907

Bumping so we don't lose Kyle... again.

>> No.4475984
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>And that he's the biggest Gary Stu there is.

No that's pic related.

>> No.4476160

I totally forgot about him honestly. I'm sorry I retract my statement.

>> No.4476304

disney pulled a wile e coyote on themselves

they tried to negate Dark Forces by making Rogue 1

instead they decanonized the entire film series.

Dark Forces is now the only Star Wars that is canon.

>> No.4476326


>> No.4476486

Take a hike TLJkin. I like this thread.

>> No.4476507

What the fuck are you talking about? Obviously the movies are canon and are literally the only media that even matter in the whole goddamn franchise.

>> No.4476514

what's up with all people spamming non-retro stuff lately

>> No.4476524

he's talking about how shitty the new movies are, and because lucas isn't at the helm anymore, it basically may as well be just as much fanfiction as any of the games or EU, thus he chooses to ride and die with his head canon instead of lose brain cells over the neo-feminist bullshit that are the new films.

>> No.4476943

They also decanonize the entire Yuuzhan-Vongs shindig, so that's a plus.

>> No.4479249


>> No.4479254

Jesus, you Star Wars fanboys have a legitimate shot at dethroning Sonic fans as the worst goddamn fanbase to interact with.

>> No.4479271

There hasn't been a good Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back, before most of them (including myself) were born. Yet somehow, this latest mediocre Star Wars movie is the final straw. Embarrassing.

>> No.4479339

Is it wrong to call something that is shit, shit? I think the sea cow scene says it all. And it's not just autistic fan boys that have the new movies at ~= 50%. Those ratings are from normies too

>> No.4479348

Kyle Katarn is so overpowered that Rey, no matter how much raw strength she has, looks like a complete weakling compared to him.
But still, he's a fun character.


>> No.4479489
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen any of new movies? They are horrid, it's clear Disney is trying to wipe the OT clean so they can rewrite the entire universe however Disney wants.

Mark is furious about how Disney treated Luke, Hand and Leia. They also never told him how the Last Jedi ended.

>> No.4479523

Sounds more like Final Fantasy fans, especially the ones who autistically screech about anything released after the SNES era except 9 and Tactics.

>> No.4479528

>They are horrid

Just like the last trilogy of Star Wars movies.

>> No.4479928

The last trilogy had the kickass robots who said Roger roger and the Clonetroopers who are totally more badass than stormtroopers and total bros
At least it was kickin' in style.

>> No.4482048

are we really gonna do this shit?

>> No.4482067

pretty much this.

star wars fans have a sever case of battered wife syndrome that any attempt to criticizing any part of the franchise be it the movies or the dumpster fire that is the expanded universe is met with hostility.

>> No.4484669

>Canonic or not!?
Who cares!?

>> No.4484916
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>You will never see in #9 Kyle and Luke fighting back to back against the sith to save the universe due to a paid corporate agenda to stifle peoples imaginations.

>> No.4484924
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No Kyle going to hundreds of worlds in a matter of a couple hours no v-tech kicks in no force mind control explanations no force heal explanations all powers are no longer canon everything is lightning now, milk is racist and luke skywalker is a nazi cis gendered heteronormative non-trans white WHITE male every character should be black for no reason besides making them destroy all the space ships and reverting back to tribalism and in-fighting.


No Getting to wonder who will be the Last Jedi Kyle or Luke in an intense struggle to reimagine the Jedi for the greater good between Kyle or Luke , No Greater good now everything is black and the Empire have Won now get back to in-fighting stupid goys white men saving the universe together is problematic just as much as your optimism is problematic to the cause of enslaving the human race.

>> No.4484927
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All your child hood memories covered in shit because you should sell off your daughter and son to slavery for some meaningless possessions.

post yfw you realize we are the real rebel alliance.

>> No.4484929
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>> No.4485346

The Jedi in the Clone Wars were trained from toddler age by masters who were trained from toddler age. They had no life other than the force. Kyle was basically Han Solo until he was like 35.