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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4432179 No.4432179 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite 2600 game?
Which games do you think are essential to play today?

>> No.4432183

I started with Coleco so I never played Atari as a kid.
But from what I played recently, Berzerk was fun.

>> No.4432207
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I like how most systems had donkey kong ports.

>> No.4432256
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My favs are tied between Pitfall, Space Invaders, and Empire Strikes Back

As far as essentials go, here's what I would put, and you guys are free to put in your own suggestions:

Space Invaders
Donkey Kong
Frogs N Flies
Halo 2600 (Homebrew)
Indy 500
Missle Command
Ms Pac Man
Pole Position
Q Bert
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Yars Revenge

I also think Atari's Pac Man and E.T. should be considered, cause even though they're not good games, they did leave an impact on the industry at the time. I also think homebrews deserve a mention, since there is a sizable community focused on making independent Atari games

>> No.4432276

Dig dug

>> No.4432279
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>> No.4432286

If you've got someone to play with, Combat is a lot of fun.

>> No.4432308
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Both DS vol have a lot and you can take them with you on the go

>> No.4432318 [DELETED] 

>all those arcade ports
this shit has no games

>> No.4432829

1. Asteroids
2. Pitfall
3. Space Invaders
4. Yars Revenge
5. Video Olympics (Pong)

>> No.4432914

>What's your favorite 2600 game?


>Which games do you think are essential to play today?

About half the games by Atari and Activision.

>> No.4432971

>cause even though they're not good games
>hurr m-muh e-celebs!

Shitty Pac-Man port aside, E.T. is pretty much an average Atari game. Not great, not really bad. The bad rep is solely due to people who never even played a video game before going out and buying it because the E.T. craze at the time was real. Of course, being normies had no clue what was going on or how to read a manual, which was pretty much required for 90% of the Atari library.

>> No.4433131

Beat em and eat em is by far the best

>> No.4433625
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River Raid and Enduro are a must. Demon Attack if you really like some challenge.

>> No.4433630


>> No.4433632

Space Invaders, Centipede, Kaboom!, Warlords (with 4 players, of course), Yar's Revenge. and Enduro to name a few. I'm a big fan of the 2600 ports of Popeye and Donkey Kong as well, but I'm probably in the minority there.

>> No.4433826

Frostbite. I fucking love that game.

I recently did one of those $10 assemble yourself composite out boards from ebay. The output looks epic.

I did it on a Junior and used a TRRS cable and jack so it didn't look horrendously butchered. You can put the TRRS jack in the exact hole and metal part that held the RF out jack.

If you're an atari lover, I highly recommend those kits, makes it look much better and makes it easier to hook to more televisions.

>> No.4433830

Atari has no games.
The whole fad reached a peak with AVGN.

>> No.4433831


>> No.4434190

It's mostly because kids in the 2000s read some misleading shit about how it was "so bad it caused the video game industry crash", then play it for 10 minutes and dick around for a bit without understanding what to do. The game wasn't regarded as particularly terrible back in the day, and is a hell of a lot less obtuse than Raiders of the Lost Ark, which the ET hatebase for some reason seems to have no problem with.

>> No.4434225

I got one in 89 or 90 and I was so young I didn't even know how to read yet. I guess me and my 2600 would be the equivalent of a child with a tablet/phone today.

Here's what I remember enjoying that wasn't mentioned yet:
Keystone Kapers, Jungle Hunt, Bobby's Going Home, Seaquest, Ghostbusters, Megamania and H.E.R.O

When I played with my neighbors we used to spend an awful lot of time playing Outlaw. Boxing, Fishing Derby and Tennis weren't that bad either.

>> No.4434263


If you haven't already try this: http://www.neocomputer.org/projects/et/

It fixes the bad things like collision with holes, etc.

In the original, et's whole body was a hitbox, making holes really annoying. In the fixed hack, it's only his feet, makes more sense and just makes it overall better.

>> No.4434434

How about Solaris and Midnight Magic, which demonstrate what the 2600 was really capable of.

>> No.4434507
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Dark Cavern was pretty decent, involved a fair bit of strategy for an action game of the era. Robots' bullets were way too fast to dodge so the only way to take them out was to circle around and attack em from behind.

>> No.4434748

Probably Pitfall or Dig Dug. Atari 2600 was well before my time though and I played these games through other various means over the years.

>> No.4435020

I see it has no games, that list is full of arcade ports

>> No.4435026
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Always the easiest way to spot a pleb.

Pitfall 2 was 100 times superior and one of the most groundbreaking games in history.

It's semi-rare, so plebs are not aware of it.

>> No.4435087
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>> No.4435160

Although sequel was superior, original Pitfall definitely holds up. Playing until the timer runs out is always fun, despite the repetition. It's a definite 2600 classic.

>> No.4435419

top 5 in nostalgia value.

donkey kong jr

>> No.4435561

Space Invaders
Pitfall II
River Raid
Ms. Pac-Man
Yar's Revenge
Defender II/Stargate
Dig Dug
Missile Command (especially the TrakBall hack)
Chopper Command

If you want to include homebrews:
Juno First
Space Rocks
Panky the Panda
Pac Man 4K
Super Cobra
Medieval Mayhem

>> No.4435629

Boing! - Fast-paced Q*bert-like game
Commando Raid - Fixed cannon shooting, a more offense-based Missile Command
Communist Mutants From Space - Great fixed vertical shooter
Fantastic Voyage - Cool licensed vertical shooter, like proto-Salamander
Laser Blast - Reverse Missile Command, blast ground turrets
Laser Gates - Seriously impressive horizontal shooter similar to Scramble
Moonsweeper - Cool sorta 3D shooting, like Solaris without the map/warps
Plaque Attack - Goofy but challenging Activision shooting game
Radar Lock - Awesome, complex arcade dogfighting. Uses the second controller to switch weapons
Robot Tank - Excellent Battlezone-like game with impressive graphics, changing time/weather, and realistic damage
Solar Storm - Fun paddle-controlled vertical shooting
Spider Fighter - Super fast Activision fixed shooter
Taz - High-speed maze game
Turmoil - Best game on the system, blistering fast "inside out Tempest"

>> No.4435663

H.E.R.O is pretty cool. Air Raiders is a pretty simplistic but fun air combat game. Barnstorming is another good flying one, get a real sense of speed playing that thing.

The raddest one I discovered recently is Condor Attack, it's a really simple Space Invaders type of game but much faster paced as it gets going.

As for ports, Berzerk's really good.

>> No.4436173
File: 220 KB, 639x732, Asteroids art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can play 2600 Asteroids for endless hours. Easily one of my favourite games period, not just specifically for the system.

>> No.4436198

since no one mentioned it, Mountain King

>> No.4437518

>pull dusty Atari 2600 out of box
>probably at least 20 years since it's been plugged in
>stick in a cartridge without bothering to clean it
>works perfectly

How can Japanese consoles even compete?

>> No.4437546

You didn't list Jungle Hunt?

>> No.4439413

Donkey Kong Country ripped that game off pretty hard huh

What with the vine swinging and all