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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 322 KB, 1161x1298, 20171031_011802_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4364041 No.4364041 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like the term "rare" has lost all meaning with the retro gaming bubble at max capacity. Post something you own that you think nobody else on this board does.

Pic related. This gold Zelda Game Boy Camera was only sold from the Nintendo Power Catalog, allegedly only 2000 units were made. I have not seen a single copy for sale on ebay since 2011. I feel like this is one of those bits of /vr/ that is so rare that nobody could actually wager how much its worth because nobody knows it exists. If anyone else on this board owns this thing, I'd be surprised.

>> No.4364064


>> No.4364067

Well, I guess it may never pop. In which case it's just a dome that increases infinitely.

>> No.4364473

>rare shit
That is indeed rare and shit. Function wise it's useless and only of value to a collector or speculator. But yes, it is genuinely rare and valuable, unlike 99.999% of the "rare" shit that's been posted before.
Rare never lost it's meaning because it was meaningless to begin with. In the real world when you say rare most people assume uncommon and valuable. In a niche hobby full of autists and younglings rare is just a meaningless dick measuring word. Something can be "rare", as in a very limited number made, and still be worth very little in any currency aside from (You)s. Something can be "rare", as in scarce, simply because millions of people want to millions of units produced. Very few people have something that's both greatly limited in numbers and also valuable so you'll never get all those wannabes to agree with that definition.

>> No.4364474

I have a copy of Magical Chase. I don't think I've ever seen anyone else here with a copy.

>> No.4364817


>> No.4364820


it's gonna implode when the circuitry stops functioning

>> No.4364826

so over 100 years from now then.

>> No.4364834
File: 1.32 MB, 2160x2636, dzFPHlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom cart. It's a cheat-device called the pro action rocky for the Famicom released sometime in the early 2000s . Has flash memory which allows saving, loading and editing cheats and a switch to turn cheats off and on during gameplay.

>> No.4364952

>Your games aren't rare! Only super-hyper-ultra rare things count!
Grow the fuck up, just because you believe we're in a 'bubble' doesn't mean that suddenly $300+ games are now worthless.

If you're collecting rare games 'just' to rub them in people's faces, then you're not even a gamer anymore, you're a collector exclusively and you need not post here anymore.

>> No.4364978

I don't disagree with you on your other points but expensive =/= rare

>> No.4365068

>getting this triggered about old toys
It’s all just cheap plastic and outdated electronics, only the program has any enduring value.

>> No.4365075

Pat if thats you consider necking yourself.
If not sorry for the vile reply.

>> No.4365084

>all the people in this thread getting super triggered by the words "rare" and "bubble"
The fuck is wrong with all of you? I've never seen a simple word cause such butt hurt.

>> No.4365085

Sorry OP, all my rare shit is a bunch of toys from the late 1980s that i collected while they were already in their limited run phase. Not fit for /vr/ cuz not part of vidya gayman

>> No.4365098

Just kids having fun.

>> No.4365415

>only the program has any enduring value
piracy proves that no game has any value

>> No.4365429

I'm surprised we haven't already had a dozen people post their copies of Earthbound.

>> No.4365430

>piracy proves that no game has any value
Not even that guy but on the contrary it proves otherwise.
When the library of Alexandria burned to the ground only through pirated/copied books we got aware of existing work of that time.
What people deemed relevant they replicated and multiplied while thousands of other works are gone forever.

Same thing with video games.
Those deem worth by people will continue to be replicated,pirated,copied and used forever.

>> No.4365446

>pirated/copied books
All books were pirated/copied back then, there were no intellectual property laws designed to protect the preservation of the exclusive right to sell works of science and art We now have laws that establish and protect those rights, and we only ignore them because it's easy, convenient, and impossible to punish. Not only that, thanks to our entitlement we get angry when the property owners by right exercise that right to sell (especially Nintendo).

By downloading full romsets I'm not deluding myself into believing that I'm preserving shit. I'm playing free games.

>> No.4365451

Well, I don't own it myself, but I got something rare for a friend of mine.

A few years back, I lived in a different city, and there was this sort of antiques store. Not quite the right word, just sold a bunch of old or uncommon shit.

Anyway, they also sold a bunch of old games consoles. I got in touch with a friend of mine, who's a pretty big sega nut, and told him what was on offer. Next day, I go in and pick up a dreamcast. brought it home and had a look at everything that came with it, discovered it had the network adapter. Guessing it might be a bit hard to come by, I looked online, and apparently there weren't that many made in the U.K., and they're necessary for hacks or something.

Passed the console onto my friend and picked up what I was owed, informed him of the adapter that came with it for free, and he was pretty pleased with that. Kinda made my day to be able to help out a bro like that too, the adapters were pricing at about £100 or more at the time.

>> No.4365460

I think my point went way over your head.
Consider getting better education.

>> No.4365464


>> No.4365472
File: 144 KB, 473x574, mehdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id pay at most 30 bucks for novelty.

Also I have a n64 gameshark ver 3.3 with parallel port functionality which is uncommon.

>> No.4365483

I have a copy of Yoshi's Island for SNES that say's NOT FOR RESALE - DEMO UNIT or something along the lines of that. Don't know if it's rare.

>> No.4365484
File: 2.26 MB, 2000x1617, magnavox-odyssey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a boxed magnavox odyssey. I doubt anyone else here has a complete one.

Not retro but I recently got and xbox 360 xdk dev console.

>> No.4365486

i havea copy of goldeneye 007 that once belonged to "Michael", according to writing done in marker. it's probably the only copy he ever owned

>> No.4365490
File: 80 KB, 700x782, Punchout_cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cartridge copy of White Tyson's Punch Out!!

Its not as common as the mike Tyson version in cartridge form

Actually I also have mike tyson, but the font is ripped

>> No.4365498

>assmad bandwagoner detected

>> No.4365602

Yet it's the Mike Tyson version that's more expensive.

>> No.4365621
File: 199 KB, 1208x920, 1b57eb28dcc022474b9751eb4aad98a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike tyson is cooler

>> No.4365624

I fucking love that cartoon of his.

>> No.4365631

>Mr Dream is the rarer cart
>Mike Tyson is still 20 dollars more expensive

This shit is why I switched to Dreamcast collecting.

>> No.4365649

supply and demand

people want mike tyson

>> No.4365658

I don't, Tyson doesn't fit in the game

>> No.4365661
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either way most people prefer the mike tyson version.
inculding me

>> No.4365669

>>Mr Dream is the rarer cart


>> No.4365683
File: 2.62 MB, 2340x4160, 1509493623083907962108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this rare Klaymen keychain from the Neverhood. I've never seen anyone else on the internet show theirs. It only came out in Japan. I even scoured Japan and couldn't find it. Got this online.

>> No.4365715
File: 128 KB, 640x743, 306287_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Makaimura Gaiden for Game Boy. Not the first one that was released as Gargoyle's Quest, but the sequel that was originally an NES game. It was ported to GB. It's somewhat rare since it was never released outside of Japan, but I doubt it's worth more than USD $20 - $30. The NES version is ridiculously expensive.

My GB collection is filled with a lot of uncommon or pricy games since it's my go-to system. I bought these games before resellers started inflating prices.

As for non-retro: I probably have some expensive games in my GC library. I think GC recently saw a price hike. Smash Bros. Melee is probably the most valuable at the moment.

>> No.4365734
File: 30 KB, 400x300, excellent-nintendo-gameboy-pocket-clear-console-japan-famitsu-limited-model-546-f02e6a0212cfef1b3fe046685b968b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a famitsu gameboy complete in the box, I got it off of amazon for $50.

>> No.4365751
File: 758 KB, 336x200, 1449561680643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4365831

I am 73% jelly.

>> No.4365946

I have a ton of old advertising stuff I used to "steal" from GameStop back in the day. Probably pretty rare (if not expensive).

The best are the pieces of GameCube kiosk I just to just walk out of the stores with. lol. Kind of ridiculous in hindsight.

The best are 2 "frames" that go around the CRT tv screen. Heavy duty. Donkey Kong and Metroid Prime / Resident Evil 4.

>> No.4365981

If I was Pat, I'd be bragging on my NWC carts. But yeah, he can go eat a dick.

>> No.4366000

complete, as in including the poker chips and gun and stuff?

>> No.4366185
File: 3.94 MB, 5216x2934, 09e116b9-05ee-4e8b-a875-688797d1cd68..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a Phillips CDi. Does that count?

>> No.4366217
File: 493 KB, 1600x900, WP_20171031_22_03_53_Pro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DoaE picked up in value quite a bit the last few years it seems, especially with the manual and map. Got Metal Storm and Bandit Kings of Ancient China in a bin somewhere too.

Need to sell off all this nostalgiac crap.

>> No.4366243

If it works, then yes, it's quite rare indeed.

>> No.4366269


Wait what? That'll just increase the value of the functioning ones.

>> No.4366279

I own a PSX game that's sort of like Jade Coccoon/ Digimon/ SMT. It's "[something] Eyes". I can't find it, and I can't remember what the fuck it's called, but I own it.

>> No.4366289

Pfft. That's nothing. I have a working Neo Geo CD PSU.

>> No.4366296

I have a Hollywood Video rental Dreamcast that was used for the preview program, it's the Rev 0 hardware with no modem and Security Torx screws.

I also have a launch day purple GBC with the original box. Made in Week 31 of 1998, the PCB is Rev 01 which the internet seems to think was only released in Japan. Unfortunately it looks like someone rubbed the back of it on pavement.

>> No.4366324

Well, it's both rare and shit, so I would say yes.

>> No.4366391

>that background

'Sup /toy/. Nice to see you here too.

>> No.4366393

>friend had this as a kid
>showed him my copy, the Mike Tyson version
>we couldn't figure out why they were different, because we were dumb kids
>our best guess was his was a sequel of some kind

>> No.4366445

I have nothing rare maybe some ps1 games rental version.

>> No.4366738

I have one of those for Stunt Race FX. They were sent to stores to use in the demo kiosks, so there can't be too many out there, considering they were supposed to be shipped back to Nintendo at some point.

>> No.4366741

Eternal Eyes? I have a copy of that, but never played it. Is it any fun?

>> No.4366758
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1536, 20171101_134439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a copy of ufouria.
It only came out in Europe, so I guess it's kinda rare.

>> No.4366765
File: 1.20 MB, 2560x1536, 20171101_134928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have quite a few bootleg carts.
They might not be very sought after but they're kinda rare I guess. I don't see them around that much anymore.

>> No.4366841

Eh, you can get them on ebay quite frequentöy

>> No.4367021

Yeah, that's it. Gameplay wise it's like proto-Disgaea. I can't remember the story too much. It's pretty standard JRPG fare all the way around IIRC, though.

>> No.4367043
File: 636 KB, 1224x918, DSCN0971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one of those havn't taken a picture in a while though..

>> No.4367047

just wait till an E-celeb does a video on one of them then the value will shoot up. Or hell, do a video yourself

>> No.4367057
File: 328 KB, 1224x918, DSCN0672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a The Glove for n64 still in the box, i'm too lazy to go take a new picture so have one from an older bingo thread.

>> No.4367068

It’s art and historically relevant of course it’s valuable

>> No.4367070


>> No.4367073

Figurines are not artwork now? Ok

>> No.4367092
File: 452 KB, 1328x747, 20170829_225145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like digging them out for a new picture.

>> No.4367119

Wow, those are in really good shape. How did you come across them?

>> No.4367124

Thats a good one anon, they used the cheapo cheapo shit in old cartridges. Not counting restoration jobw, original hardware will be crapping out in the next 5 years. Hope you enjoy mass soldering or worthless chips and plastic at that point collectorfag

>> No.4367132

I would assume there would be a decent-sized overlap from two boards populated by manchildren who can't let go of their past.

>> No.4367172

It was called Hebereke in Japan.

>> No.4367242

Poor, eh?

>> No.4367346

estate sale like 8 years ago, some old navy guy, went because ex military estate sales can be super awesome, wasn't expecting games, but he had like 3 banker boxes of boxed Atari games, mostly common stuff, but these were in there.

>> No.4367358


More like huge overlap between people who grew up with awesome 80's toys and awesome 80's games. We had it good, man.

>> No.4367470

Michael from st. Louis?

>> No.4367616

Nice. Really cool piece of merch, nice to see you got one after hunting so much for one.
Are they actually rare? A vintage toy store by me had one for $10 a few years ago. I remember thinking about buying it but decided it could use a better home.

>> No.4367626

yes it had a production run of like 350,000 total which is half of what the NEO GEO CD did on all models (neo geo aes did 970,000, and Atari 2600 did 30 million btw)

now take that original 350,000 and put it against 45 years of neglect and people putting no value into preserving them since they were "just toys" back then without anything to compare it to so most ended up in the trash i'm sure.

>> No.4367673

>Thats a good one anon, they used the cheapo cheapo shit in old cartridges.

Nah, they used leaded solder, which is far superior to modern solder.
Mask ROM chips are basically indestructible.
the PCBs are better material than most made these days, and the glue holding them together is insanely strong and long-lived. It's also crazy toxic and was outlawed in the 2000s.

They fingers on the boards are all either tin or gold plated, so they will outlive us all.

The carts themselves operate on low amperage 5v supply behind several layers of protection, too, so electrical failure will never happen.

CD drives will break long before you see any systemic cart failures.

>> No.4367685

and the cd drives are generally easy to find parts for.

Neo Geo CDZ, a rare console yes? just uses an off the shelf H8151 with a small bit of tweaking.

>> No.4367690

I don't dare tell /vr/ of the fact I own 26 amiibo or els-OH SHIT.

>> No.4367758

It does work.

>> No.4367773

Just as computers from the 80s have shit the bed are shitting the bed. So too will the games from the late 80s and early 90s. You just have to give it about 5 or 10 more years. It really is guaranteed and lol disc rot is going to take much much longer. Not to mention replacing parts like >>4367685 said. The bubble will pop and you will be out a large investment. No harm to me since i have steady buyers and new purchases, but i fear for those who just stockpile and stockpile and never make any profit while its worthwhile.

>> No.4367810

You sound like you are just making shit up to suit your biases and make yourself feel better. Guess that's what you get from a filthy reseller.

>> No.4367831

retro stores are actually hurting now since very little stock is rotating, maybe he believes the bullshit he likely tells people so they are less inclined to keep their games?

>> No.4367998

Keep being this insecure and lets talk again in five years

>> No.4368024

>retro stores are actually hurting now since very little stock is rotating
I can believe this. Most of the ones I know of have incredibly static shelves. All the crap is just stuff nobody wants now, but good games almost never show up. Even if they're stupidly common..

>> No.4368029

>having fun

>> No.4368092
File: 347 KB, 1306x980, IMG_1176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this camera? Pic related.

I have one, just took this pic. Or does it have other features besides just the gold? I forgot where I got this, but I didn't know it was potentially so rare.

>> No.4368105

Hey you hold your tongue! It has special Zelda stickers built in that no other GameBoy camera has. STICKERS!!! One Billion Dollars EASY!!!

>> No.4368113

Eh, get good son. Not only does a budy of mine have a complete copy (big box & all) but he also sold off a sealed one ages ago. I mean then he only sold it for a few grand but we sold it to a psycho who still buying sealed shit off us.

>> No.4368130

These NES "Original" releases are soooo weird as far as collecting goes. They are basically "Player's Choice" versions of the original releases.
Their all re-releases, most without change too. Punch-Out!! is the only one with a change of any kind but significantly worth less despite being rarer. The gray cart Zeldas are int he same boat, mean while ass hats still swear their gonna strike it rich cause their zelda is gold. BUT Yellow label Metroid. Hold your load cause mother fuckers gonna shit when they see that crap.
So basically, 4 games all re-releases, all just as rare as the next, 3 of them cheap, 1 super expensive because it's the same color as piss.

>> No.4368132

It has some Zelda stickers that are only found on it. When I first heard about this as the "Zelda GameBoy Camera" I got pissed because I HATE when people assume because something Nintendo is gold it's Zelda releated (like the 64) BUT it actually is. Nintendo sold it through Nitnendo Power along with other Zelda products to advertise Ocarina of Time & it has Zelda stickers built int hat aren't on the original releases.
But once again; rare & unknown so if ti went for auction & the right people dont see it it might go for next to nothing but you find the right cock-knocker & he'll give you a grand easy just to prove he doesn't have a tiny dick to his friends.

>> No.4368135

it's only differences to other gameboy camera versions is the color of course but also has zelda themed stamps you can put on pictures.

>> No.4368145
File: 327 KB, 1306x980, IMG_1178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stickers like the one on the screen or something? There's two others that seem like OoT Zelda artwork, too. I seem to vaguely remember possibly obtaining it under the OoT release circumstances, too.

Sorry for dark pic.

>> No.4368158

yes, regular gameboy cameras have NOTHING zelda themed.

>> No.4368208

Yeah? Well, my uncle works at Nintendo.

>> No.4368213

That's cool. I had no idea it was that rare. Didn't even realize it was a Zelda special edition or something.

>> No.4368232
File: 66 KB, 420x480, 68835-Game_Boy_Camera_Gold_(USA)-1442628481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it has a Zelda theme to it. A few Zelda images & stamps.

>> No.4368318 [DELETED] 

a raping illiterate ape, so cool

>> No.4368346

Something like 2000 were produced, I think.

>> No.4368392

the rarest thing I have is a Saturn modchip

>> No.4368491

the gun didnt come with the system

>> No.4368590

Was it advertised as so limited, or did it just work out like that?

>> No.4368964
File: 39 KB, 480x360, the sega card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found these,
they were my dads
are they rare?

>> No.4369032

I have a boxed copy of Marathon which I doubt many have now and the poster map of Nosgoth from the blood omen strategy guide which can’t be common

>> No.4369051
File: 317 KB, 1500x745, SuperBombliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is rare but I'm not sure.
You don't usually see it for sale but not because there aren't many of them out there, probably because nobody gives a shit about the game.
It seems like the only difference from the original Super Bombliss is the addition of some borders and palette when played in the Super Game Boy.

Just look at that ridiculous cartridge.

>> No.4369104

I have a Space Channel 5 store promo poster.

>> No.4369148

It was only sold in the Nintendo Power catalog, it was specifically limited to 2000.

>> No.4369169

What is art?

We're not talking about that here sport.

>> No.4369197

I looked each of them up on price charting. All of them complete are worth between 10 and 25 dollars with a couple exceptions: HangOn could potentially net you a cool 50, and F-16 Fighter doesn't even have a listing, so that could potentially indicate rarity.

>> No.4369306
File: 46 KB, 800x535, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super Bombliss isn't rare, it's the DX version that's sort of rare. The DX version added a new gameplay mode and all the SGB and enhanced color features you mentioned.

I've never seen your print of the game though. Normally it looks like pic related.

>> No.4369314

Gimmick! isn't particularly easy to find either

>> No.4369356

Eh i'd still say it's more expensive than rare

>> No.4369358

Fair enough.