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4337056 No.4337056 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there many Doom 64 custom maps?

>> No.4337081

Because it's shit

>> No.4337085

How can it be shit when it's literally the best Doom game?

>> No.4337105


Brutal Doom 64 has some new maps in it.

>> No.4337257

Because why would you go into complex process of creating utlities to romhack N64 game when you can just make custom maps for regular Doom on PC with much less effort?
Like, what is the point? Nightmare Imp and Unmaker aren't THAT important gameplay-wise.

>> No.4337285
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There are a few:


I recommend Beta64 and Earth

>> No.4337431

It's a little . It's a good game but there are better dooms than it. It feels less open than the first two
>Doom I/II
>New Doom
>Doom 64
>Doom 3

>> No.4337432

*Little overrated

>> No.4337467

Not that anon, but what's overrated about it? Doom 64 is as good if not better than any other game in the series. It takes everything that was great about the older games and gives it new life. No more shitty midi metal music, gaudy color palette, saturday morning cartoon monster designs and repetitive environments. By comparison, Doom 64 retains all the good monster slaying action of the older games, but with a more refined color palette, more demonic looking enemies, more detailed weapons, incredibly atmospheric colored lighting and ambient music, etc.

Does Doom 64 have problems? For sure. Lack of multiplayer and mods, less animation frames for enemies (I'd say weapons too, but frankly I don't miss that awkward single-frame "reloading" animation for the plasma gun at all), etc. However, when you look at the core gameplay that Doom 64 provides, it offers up an experience that is every bit a classic Doom game, with the added benefit of far better graphics and atmosphere, and not to mention new stuff like the Unmaker. Personally, I just can't get into the unmodded older games anymore -- they kind of just look, play and sound boring. Doom 64 however, will always be fun to play.

>> No.4337473 [DELETED] 

>muh graphics

>> No.4337479 [DELETED] 

>muh nostalgia

>> No.4337628

>shitty midi metal
that is like the single greatest thing about doom I/II

>> No.4337635

>that is like the single greatest thing about doom I/II
I can see why this was cool in the early 90s but dude, do you honestly want to listen to this shit today? If I want to get pumped, I'll put on Alice in Chains or something while I play. Midi music can be awesome, but Doom' is ear trash.

>> No.4337785

Because everyone is too busy sucking off original Doom to realize how much better D64 is.

>> No.4337792


>> No.4337795

Doom 64 isn't the best Doom game.

>> No.4337848

While Doom 64 is good it isn't on par with the PC releases. The first sections of the game are narrow hallways in a space station. They are nowhere near as open as Doom episode ones space levels. Not only that but you often end up with help knights or barons of help clogging the hallway hugging the left wall then hugging the right to evade projectiles. You get these two enemies thrown at you often and it is tiring which gives off how limited the enemy variety is.

Also I don't see how you can even think Doom 64 has a good Cacodemon. None the less the Mancubus and Arachnatron look goofy as well.

>> No.4337860

I'm not saying it's a bad game, but it's overrated in that, people call it the best doom game and act like I/II are inferior. They aren't. It's not like there's a huge gap separating them but doom 64 just seems to be more corridor based (probably as a result of the location being a moon base) as opposed to doom I and II which were more open (particularly ii)
The character designs I don't find any better or worse, just different.
I prefer the music in I and II as well
It's overall atmosphere is creepier than I and II, and the animation for the pistol is better
Its not a matter of nostalgia for me. I hadnt played a doom game before 2013. I beat doom I and II and a couple years ago I started playing doom 64 (on PC) and didn't find it as enjoyable as I and II. I still haven't finished it because of that

>> No.4337927
File: 269 KB, 1162x699, Arachnotron64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, there is plenty of enemy variety. Obviously you're going to see knights/barons a lot later in the game, especially on hardest difficulty, because they're one of the stronger enemies. However, you also see a ton of mancubi, cacodemons, archnotron, different varieties of imps, pain elementals, various types of pinkies, not to mention the coolest cyberdemon ever. The PC games do the same exact shit anyway, so using that as a criticism against D64 is stupid.

As for levels, I don't know where you're getting this from. D64 has some very open levels, more so than the PC games in fact, both in terms of the physical space you have to navigate as well as the way in which you can approach from. The first few levels are pretty small, sure, but that's largely because they serve as the game's tutorial. Later in the game, especially after you get to hell, the environments are very big and diverse.
>Also I don't see how you can even think Doom 64 has a good Cacodemon. None the less the Mancubus and Arachnotron look goofy as well.
Lmao yeah, PC Doom Arachnotron looks so much scarier with those baby blue eyes and the E.T. face.

Personally I think just about every redrawing looks vastly better than its original counterpart. The Lost Souls are maybe a slight downgrade. Other than that, everything looks more menacing and evil.

>> No.4338726

Doom 2 soundtrack:


Doom 64 soundtrack:


>> No.4338795

Doom 1 and 2 are official PC releases and have had modding tools since 1994, and fan-made source ports since 1998. Thus, more accessible.

>> No.4338803

>The PC games do the same exact shit anyway, so using that as a criticism against D64 is stupid.
Not him but the PC games also have Chaingunners, Revenants, Arch-viles, and Spider Masterminds. Their absence in Doom 64 is very noticable when Hell Nobles get overused instead.

>> No.4338812

What's the advantage to making custom maps for 64 when making maps for the PC games is a billion times more convenient?

>> No.4339348

Mapping for Doom64EX is really the only way you can make doom64 maps. Its no less convenient that regular doom mapping - you use a program that's pretty much identical to doom builder (called Doom Builder 64).

The main advantage is you get to use the 6-part colored sector lighting unique to Doom64.
Using all the nice Doom64 textures, decorations, enemies, weapons, sounds and music without having to add them all into a wad and customize original doom is nice too.

>> No.4339358 [DELETED] 

>it's literally the best Doom game
This is what nu-Doom babbies actually believe.

>> No.4339563

>Doom64 Released long before Doom3
>long, long before Doom 2016

Just because someone has a different opinion to you, doesn't mean they like a specific series of games you don't like.

Doom64 is pretty advanced on the atmosphere front - no other vanilla doom has the 6 part colored lighting or an ambient soundtrack. Its a different experience to the earlier dooms, and more in line with Quake than original doom.

I can see why purists of the old games wouldn't like doom64 - they need MIDI metal covers and bright colorful sprites in their doom. Some of us want something darker in our doom experience.

>> No.4339564

I'd argue Doom 3 took a LOT of influence from Doom 64. The grinding, moody soundtrack. The lighting. The sense of raw horror over the cartoonish art of the earlier games.

>> No.4339576

Actually, Doom 64 has since been ported to GZDoom, so you don't have to mod Kaiser's EX port.

I've played a bit of the GZDoom version, it seems identical to the EX version, even supports the original music via FMOD, has the original HUD etc. BUT, now you can use all the advanced GZDoom features.


Give it a try, it comes with a few user made maps as an additional campaign.

>> No.4339578

>one Alice in Chains riff repeated a thousand times
>do-nothing dark ambient
Refreshing to see an honest comparison on 4chan, even if you made the unusual decision of cherry-picking the worst songs from their respective soundtracks.

>> No.4339579

Now compare them with the PSX Doom soundtrack


>> No.4340541

>In Doom
>Where there are no stats
>And you have limited ammo

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.4340653

are you illiterate?

>> No.4340664

huwaht dues thart sah?

>> No.4340856
File: 29 KB, 640x480, painelemental.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Doom 64 over the other doom games. But I won't say it's objectively the BEST. It just leans on my personal taste much better.

Tighter smaller environment makes it claustrophobic.

Darker, sinister atmosphere. Moody ambient music.

"eviler" monsters, that is they evoke a sense of survival instead of a sense of triumph.

And the hell levels seem more inhumanly designed and contrast much better with the human base levels.

>> No.4341015

The (grinding, moody soundtrack). Like Doom 3, Doom 64 has a lot of rumbling and groaning and ambient sort of industrial noise in its soundtrack.

>> No.4341492

I never found all three parts of the unmaker. I'd like to play through it again but I think it'd be too depressing playing it alone after going through it with a friend for the first time in college

>> No.4341504

>How fucking retarded are you?

You answer first

>> No.4341518


This. If I was at all interested in picking up Doom again, this is the version I'd play.

>> No.4341523
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>Doom 64 has since been ported to GZDoom
not really, you still don't have the 6-part sector lighting that helps make Doom64 what it is, and you can't do the legitimate sky tricks that were in original Doom64 (although you could do them with 3D floors, but eh... original Doom64 Never had these).

Notice how all the screenshots are missing the gradient lighting -there are no instances of the color at the bottom of the sector seamlessly fading to the color at the top of the sector (like in pic related - the wall are actually grey - everything else is colored lighting). You could do this in GZDoom but it would require painstaking light entity placement and would likely make mapping 300 times slower. Even then you would never fully get the same effect.

All the textures in Doom64 are quite grey and the game relies on colored lighting to bring them to life.

Mapping for original Doom64 via Ex is quite a fun exercise - the Macros (a version of ACS) are very flexible and you can do a lot of fun stuff. Doom64EX mapping is pretty much identical to mapping for GZDoom. The modding side is much more limited, but if you want to just map for Doom64 - EX is the way to go.
Doom64EX allows custom textures and new animated textures, but thats about it. Its a more vanilla mapping experience, but more faithful to the original.

>> No.4341742

most atmospheric Doom game

>> No.4342883
File: 553 KB, 920x430, Brutal-Doom-64-03-HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4342961

brutal doom 64 is an extremely bad port

>> No.4343114

This one is really bad, and I'm saying this as a guy who was somewhat impressed with original Brutal Doom.

>> No.4343119

>there are no instances of the color at the bottom of the sector seamlessly fading to the color at the top of the sector

Hey... that seems to be true. Just checked it. I knew it looked off somehow, but I couldn't really tell why. But now it's obvious, compare the very first room in map 3, for example.

Also, you seem to be smarter than me, maybe you can tell me why Doom 64 EX's mouse look feels so weird compared to GZDoom? It's like there's mouse acceleration or some kind of mouse filter. Have to get used to it every time I play the game.

>> No.4343436
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Try turning off the mouse acceleration. options -> controls -> mouse. Set the slider to 0 - thats where I have mine set to.

>> No.4343442

the only brutal thing about it is the butchery of the original atmosphere in favor of bright glaring lights everywhere

its not a port - its a remake in GZDoom

>> No.4343457

It's off, that was one of the first things I turned off. The mouse movement is still a bit different from GZDoom, Quakespasm, etc. Seems filtered somehow.

>> No.4343460

brutal doom 64 is an extremely bad remake in GZDoom

>> No.4343531
File: 120 KB, 544x855, Doom64 floaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its slightly different to GZDoom, you'll just have to live with the fact that they're different games. GZDoom being focused on PC play, while Doom64Ex trying to faithfully replicate an N64 game on PC.

I find the mouse movement fine in Doom64EX, probably because I'm used to it. You could potentially fool with the sensitivity.