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428230 No.428230 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle? I'm on the 4th episode and I fucking love it.

Its a series of episodes that parody JRPGs.

>> No.428235
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>> No.428263

I've never see it, but I hear it's pretty mediocre other than the outstandingly hilarious parts.

Including >>428235

>> No.428295

The Buddha segments are fucking hilarious.

>> No.428313

Its pretty damn funny, second season is pretty good as well so far

>> No.428317

It's the first time I hear about this. Seems interesting

>> No.428321

So just out of curiosity, was that quote about "turtles all the way down" an accurate translation, or was there a different reference in the original Japanese?

>> No.428323

>Its a series of episodes that parody JRPGs.

What makes you think it's a parody of JRPGs in particular, and not just Asian pseudo-folklore instead? It looks like it has more in common with Shaw Brothers films than it does JRPGs.

>> No.428324

I watched the first episode. I didn't find it all that entertaining.

>> No.428329


>> No.428356

I think it's not retro

>> No.428361

It's very retro. It makes fun of classics like Dragon Quest.

>> No.428464

It's a good show overall but I feel like once or twice per episode they have a gag that just isn't funny but they drag them out a rrrrreeeeeeeally long time.

>> No.428467

I just got into it because of this thread, and have watched 2 episodes so far.

I really like it!

>> No.428468

What's the deal with Buddha? I feel like all his scenes are some kind of reference to his actor that I'm not getting because I'm not Japanese.

>> No.428471

It's good but really formulaic. Also, it's obvious the last episode was where their entire budget went and it's glorious.

>> No.428476


The main character is dressed like the protagonist of DQ5 and every episode is packed with classic JRPG archetypes and tropes. There's even an episode that addresses people doing repetitive things and repeating themselves and the same episode touches on going into random houses and breaking pots/going through shit.

>> No.428480

Not to mention there's a fucking Slime in the first episode who talks about HP, and they fight Dragon Quest monsters constantly.

>> No.428483

Danjo in a suit is pimp as fuck.

>> No.428487

gooks can't into humor
they still think slapstick and over-exaggerated emotions are the apex of comedy

>> No.428498
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You obviously haven't watched this show

>> No.428504


>> No.428505

shitjou and its derivatives are the embodiment of that kind of humor, actually

>> No.428517

Wrong slur, go sharpen those edges more.

>> No.428518


it can be used for any asians, even if it is primarily used for koreans and originated from their language

japs doesn't sound punchy enough

>> No.428540

Well, there you go, my questions were answered. Sounds like it's worth a spin.

>> No.430461


Don't put Nichibros on the same level of that KyoAnus shit

>> No.430621

Pretty damn good. Hate the Buddha though. Melub can be pretty annoying though.

Murasaki is waifu tier.

>> No.430757

Do you know which blogline is subbing this?
I'll give it a shot.

>> No.430761
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I loved season one, about to watch season 2.

>> No.430858
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>> No.431138

Where can I watch it? I was just looking for it a few minutes ago and gave up.

>> No.431596


>> No.432487

Looks interesting. I may watch it sometime if I can find it.