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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 250x352, FatalLabyrinth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4093729 No.4093729 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favourite roguelikes, /vr/?

>> No.4093750

For a short while the guy on the front box art looked like moot.

>> No.4093756

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Exlporers of Sky, and Crypt of the Necrodancer

>> No.4093757
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I don't see the resemblance.

>> No.4093772
File: 26 KB, 512x448, shiren17951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT's a good callback!

As far as console ones go, nothing beats Shiren in my opinion. Some other MDs are pretty good as well.

>> No.4093781
File: 361 KB, 1280x1307, 955861-960565_20090602_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Exlporers of Sky

this game looks pretty adorable, probably gonna try it out

>> No.4093805

They're really easy which makes them a little boring as rls go, but they're quite charming if you like Pokemon and the endgame is sometimes fun.

>> No.4093818

He said moot, not meximoot.

>> No.4093842

New Angband came out like last week or so

>> No.4094354

Hi newfriend

>> No.4094403

Probably ADOM or Tales of Maj'ayal, which is a fucking preposterous name even by RPG standards

>> No.4094469

Infra Arcana. Great Lovecraftian theme. For Shiren fans try Ikuma the legend of the unemployed ninja 1 and 2. They are very good clones.

>> No.4094479

Literally the best game ever made

>> No.4094525
File: 1.20 MB, 320x224, 2017-04-18-1142-09.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4095746

fuck fatal labyrinth

>fall down a random pit, now surrounded by enemies
>get hit by a spell that randomizes all of your inputs
>now easily killed by slimes duplicating themselves exponentially

>> No.4095758

Moot's hair is light brown and Somewhat-slightly curly though.

>> No.4095779

Toe jam and earl

>> No.4095837

That's Tales of Maj'Eyal

It used to be "Tales of Middle Earth" and is often called TOME, and I suppose they wanted to keep that acronym and couldn't think up anything better than fantasy gibberish

>> No.4095839

>Ikuma the legend of the unemployed ninja 1 and 2. They are very good clones.
underrated and proof that any game can be vastly improved with giant titties

>> No.4095843

Fuck this entire series in the ear. And that's a dungeon crawler, not roguelike.

>> No.4095862
File: 39 KB, 485x439, stonesoup1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

Does it count as retro?

>> No.4096067

You can run it on a Windows 98 machine so as per our rules here it absolutely is! DCSS is a solid game and a great starting point for aspiring roguelike players.

>> No.4096082

>You can run it on a Windows 98 machine so as per our rules here it absolutely is!

So by that definition Doom 3 is retro

>> No.4096093
File: 257 KB, 848x473, cavestorygenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. The rules here are pretty dumb. It should go by the year of game's release in my opinion, but whatever.

>> No.4096116

>The rules here are pretty dumb. It should go by the year of game's release in my opinion, but whatever.
It was fine back when consoles and PC were treated differently. 5th gen and older for consoles, or 1999 release or sooner on the PC. Then the DC kids demanded a special snowflake exemption, things have been making less sense from there.

>> No.4096134

>It was fine back when consoles and PC were treated differently.

Nah, it really wasn't.

>> No.4096138

>Toe jam and earl

What? Toe Jam and Earl isn't a...


...well son of a bitch.

>Fuck this entire series in the ear.

Confirmed you have pleb taste.

>And that's a dungeon crawler, not roguelike.

But I gotta agree with you on that part.

>> No.4096593

I've seen this frequently listed as one of the worst games on the Genesis and I really don't understand why. At worst it's just a really simple roguelike but that's perfect for someone stuck on a console with only three buttons at the time it came out.

>> No.4096630

I might be thinking of the wrong game, but isn't that the one where the saving/loading was coded rather shoddily, so your save file had a VERY high chance of corrupting?

>> No.4096634

You're thinking of something else. Fatal Labyrinth doesn't have a save feature.

>> No.4097153

Fatal Labyrinth is much closer to Rogue than a major roguelike such as Nethack or ADoM. So people into roguelikes tended to look down on it for that reason, and people not into them (which is most) justt didn't like it for what it is.

It's not a bad game, but pretty simple so there's not a ton of reason to pay it unless you're desperate.

>> No.4097178
File: 8 KB, 639x392, rogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing quite like the original, though getting used to the vi keys was a pain in the ass. ADOM's pretty good too.

Not retro, but brogue is probably my favorite.

>> No.4097912

>He doesn't grind in area one so that it only takes two hits to kill the troll things bare-fisted
Opinion dropped

>> No.4098228

I quite like both Fatal Labyrinth and Cave Noire. Never played Nethack or AdoM. What do you mean by major roguelike? If you don't my asking.

>> No.4098241

Hell yeah, the amount of builds in TOME is great. Game doesn't get a ton of recognition since the early game can be repetitive.

>> No.4098269

>What do you mean by major roguelike? If you don't my asking.

I meant a big very in depth game like the popular ones that people usually think of when they hear roguelike. Your nethacks, adoms, tomes, ivans etc are all based around the idea of Rogue but take it much further and make it more complicated. If you like Fatal Labyrinth they're worth checking out. May or may not be to your liking.

>> No.4098304
File: 16 KB, 290x174, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4098308

So, rogue survivor is considered retro. Thats laughable kek.

Rogue survivor is one of my favorite roguelikes though. Really great atmosphere.

>> No.4098338

What game?

>> No.4098346

Brandish. As the player you can get used to the crazy POV mechanic, but as a spectator the game is utterly incomprehensible.

>> No.4098350

i thought those were edits at first

it's like contra 3 overhead stages without the mode 7

>> No.4098356


Eh, if you're talking about a roguelike (and an actual one in ASCII, not a 3D indie "roguelite" game) then I'd be hard pressed to say it isn't retro.
Like folks who still make Atari 2600 cartridges. It's deliberately retro.

>> No.4098370

>As the player you can get used to the crazy POV mechanic
Took me a while to realize what you meant. Man that's fucked up.

>> No.4099289

>folks who still make Atari 2600 cartridges

anything decent?

>> No.4099530


Toyshop Troubles from Atari Age is fucking great. It would've made a mint if it was published back in the day.

Medieval Mayhem is probably the best version of the Warlords arcade game, and way better than the old Atari conversion.

Fall Down is supposed to be good, but I haven't played it.

Gunfight is a fantastic reworking of Outlaw, that turns it into a top-notch two player game.

There are a couple of Adventure "sequels" but I hear Duck Attack! is the best one on the 2600. It's very silly and quirky, and the dragons are replaced with actual ducks. (Adventure II on the 5200 might be a better sequel -- or at least it's a more serious one)

Good but not great: QB was a nice action puzzle game. I liked Go Fish, though it's kind of slow paced. Dungeon was no Dragon Stomper, but it's a decent RPG/dungeon crawler. Maybe a little short on replay value once you beat it a couple of times, but I liked it.

>> No.4099546

My favorite is Fatal Labyrinth, OP.

And this is the first time i see anyone other than MYSELF mention this game here. Kudos.

>> No.4099553



>> No.4099934

What do you like about it in particular?

>> No.4099948

Well, i like basically everything except for the looping soundtrack.
I like that you have to use certain items like rings, scrolls and canes in order to find out what they do and they might backfire. I find the simplicity of the game and the design of the creatures charming, I also think the game can be very ruthless sometimes but it's alright because if you manage your items/equipment well, be careful with your decisions and have a bit of luck on your side, you can beat the game in any playthrough.

I'd say i'm easy to please when it comes to retro games, specially RPGs and Roguelikes, but i can enjoy pretty much anything as long as the game has a certain appeal to it that keeps me hooked.

>> No.4100828

I love having to use items to find out what they do too, even when it fucks me over it's fun

>first time reaching a floor this high, see a weapon and move to pick it up
>it starts attacking me
>panic, was already low on health and drink the one potion i have even though i dont know what it does
>i am now also dying of starvation

>> No.4100838

items being unknown is just straight out of rogue/nethack

>> No.4101002

As much as I love roguelikes, I've never quite adjusted to the ones utilizing the whole damn keyboard for actions. Feels like I need a cheat sheet open for hours before I can play at a reasonable pace.

Spoiled by modern convenience I guess.

>> No.4101126

This. Item identification is one of the key things that makes something a roguelike.