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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4085989 No.4085989 [Reply] [Original]

1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?

2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?

3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?

4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?

5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?

I seriously miss these times. It just isn't the same anymore. I always fear that these games will eventually die out in my lifetime. That there will come a point where too many years have passed by where people don't care anymore because they are too young to care. I already see so much of this on /v/ now. I haven't even been coming to this site as long as many of you guys yet already I've noticed a huge shift in what /v/ likes. Soon enough a board such as /vr/ will have no appeal to the younger generations.

>> No.4085993

Gaming isn't going to get better.
>where people don't care anymore because they are too young to care.
They care. They just don't like it and instead want to continue supporting CoD, GTA, and other shooters and cinematic games.

>> No.4086002

Hey friend, for me it isn't even just that CoD and GTA is popular. In fact I wouldn't even care if the rest of the industry was a lot better or similar to what true retro gaming was like.

For people who didn't grow up at the time it is probably a lot harder for them to comprehend but gaming has clearly changed big time from what it used to be and I am not talking about the technology getting "better" here.

The values of the industry changed for the worst. Since there are more people playing games than ever these masses steer the industry into mostly producing certain types of games that are guaranteed to sell.

You even have people that actually say things like a video game being too "gamey" like that is a fucking bad thing. The reason such a thing has even been invented in the first place is because so many games keep trying to go for more "realism" and so many of them play more like an interactive movie then what games used to be like.

>so tldr
Yeah gaming is awful and that is largely thanks to changed values on what a game should be like and what people want in games. Also time of course was always eventually going to pass retro games by and changes should have been expected. Still though I doubt few of us would have expected what we got.

>> No.4086005

Modern gaming isn't all that bad, you've just been spending too much time in /v/'s bubble of negativity. I think Nintendo Switch will come through with some gems, and the SNES classic will bring retro back to mainstream for a little while.

I liked GTA and COD ever since the first entries in their respective series. I'm less on board with COD now since I only liked Infinity Ward, but I'm interested in going back to WW2. Rockstar games are as fun as ever.

>> No.4086010

>Modern gaming isn't all that bad

I know but think of how so few games out there are truly anything like how retro games used to be. Demon's Souls is one of my favorite games of all time and I think one reason I took such a liking to that game is that it reminded me so much of how games used to be.

That game came out a pretty long time ago and look at what has happened since. You don't get games like that at all. Not even by the same company that made it.

>> No.4086013

You liking those games is the cancer. Nobody wants to make a game that's going to cost millions but only be attractive to like 5% of the playerbase.

Games today aren't made for people like me. Not saying they should either. They're made for cancer and the cancer fucking loves them. Just look at the sales. Why would a dev do something different?

>> No.4086017


1. Yes.
2. Very old by today's standards? If I put that aside, does it depress me that games are old? No.
3. There are very similar modern games to retro games. Super mario maker, the new crash bandicoot, street fighter is still nearly identical, plenty of indie clones of retro games.
4. We keep track of things too easily now for something this popular to be totally forgotten.

>> No.4086024

my point was that I liked GTA and CoD before they hit the masses.
I liked them because I found them to be fun. Perhaps you would have enjoy them too if you weren't worried about what people here might think of you.

That said I completely skipped every cod after MW2 because things started to change so much that I too got the sense they were no longer made for me.

Anyway my most anticipated games are probably Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2, since they look like SNES quality games

>> No.4086026

>my point was that I liked GTA and CoD before they hit the masses.
I'm sure you liked them before it was cool.
>Perhaps you would have enjoy them too if you weren't worried about what people here might think of you.
Do go on hipster.
You're cancer.

>> No.4086028

1. Yes
2. Kind of but life goes on
3. Yes but that's not necessarily a bad thing
4. Hell no
5. If I could go back to the past I think video games would be on the very bottom of my to-do list, though if I could bring stuff back you bet your ass I'm buying up.
Also why the hell do you want more people on /vr/ any time a board gets a flood of newfags it is ruined forever, just look at /b/ (not that /b/ was ever good just that it is barren and useless now)
Also games are always changing, and we have so much new good stuff now that I love, the old stuff is awesome but I hold it all to completely different standards in my own mind in the first place. I would love to see a resurgence of old school type games eventually, and it very well could happen, but I personally love a lot of games from the past decade.
Everything changes anon, you can either embrace it or be bitter.
Games weren't better or worse then (well as of the past few years we have been in kind of a slump on consoles imo, but it looks like things are turning around) but we are looking at it all differently because we aren't kids anymore.

>> No.4086029

MW2 was fun as fuck. Keep being miserable, I'll be enjoying my vidya and life in general

>> No.4086031

Good games are still coming out. AAA blockbusters and lame retropixel8bit indie games aren't all there is.

Also I feel pretty comfy not feeling excited over new releases anymore and only playing stuff that is at least 5 years old or so, waiting till all dlc and other crap is out so that I can just pirate the whole package and not worry about all the mess.

And of course, I will NEVER run out of good retro games to play, there are just too many.

>> No.4086032

>MW2 was fun as fuck. Keep being miserable, I'll be enjoying my vidya and life in general
And that's why games went to shit. Retards like you. Why put effort into a game when garbage like MW2 is what you want?

>> No.4086035

Gee because shovelware garbage was NEVER a thing before the 360/Xbone came out

>> No.4086037
File: 216 KB, 600x840, bullythechunni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest problem with modern gaming is the low skill level. It's like one big participation trophy.

You have these games with 3 minute checkpoints combined with infinite continues on top of an already easy to master combat system. Apparently requiring people to gitgud doesn't sell, so they don't make good games anymore.

>> No.4086038

1. I started gaming in 1991 with a SNES and never stopped since.
3. There are great games coming out every year and old games being improved all the time by fans through mods and hacks, you just have to know where to look.
You're fucked if you want "a game just like Fallout" or something that 100% replicates the experience that you had fun when you were a kid but there are tons of fun to be had if you figure out what you liked most about these games (open world? great combat systems?
challenge? creative visuals?) and keep an open mind.
Another thing you could do is learn a new language like Russian or Japanese since a lot of great mods(Russian modders ftw!)/games don't get localized and even if they do a lot gets lost in translation.

>> No.4086040

Being fun is literally the only thing that matters for a game. Don't tell me you only play retrogames for that retro gamer cred and not because you think they are fun? Besides I'm quite sure MW2 took a lot more effort and manpower to make than most games made before the year 2000. Maybe not as much creativity, but still, it's harder for modern developers to come up with something new.
Can't believe I'm defending cawadoody here but it's the truth.

>> No.4086043

All these faggots are just pretending like they didn't like MW2 when it first came out. It was awesome at first but got played out way too much and now all us shut ins hate it because normies are always talking about it.

>> No.4086045

But mw2 wasn't garbage

>> No.4086046
File: 153 KB, 567x125, Iboughtthistrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about shovelware.
I'm talking about the top selling games. Having a Players Choice sticker or green label meant something. Games were made for a different demographic.

Not like modern trash has good shit past the top 20 or in the top 20 anyway.
And modern games aren't fun. They are cinematic trash with terrible controls/combat and offer achievements as a form of advancement.
>Besides I'm quite sure MW2 took a lot more effort
I've seen more effort in Unreal mods.
>Can't believe I'm defending cawadoody here but it's the truth.
I can. You kids love that shit.
>All these faggots are just pretending like they didn't like MW2
You are cancer.

>> No.4086052

You just sound like an old dude who hated Metallica and thought Elvis Presley was better. You're cancer you faggot.
I've played some awesome vidya this year, last year, and even the year before it. AND I play retro games.
You'll probably like all this new stuff in 10 years when it's not cool anymore.
Kill yourself.

>> No.4086059

You realize that modern "cinematic experience" games aren't the only thing that's being made right now, right?

>> No.4086061

What is Doom?
What is Dark Souls?
What is GTA5?
What is Rocket League?
What is Witcher 3?

>> No.4086071

You played absolute garbage, kid. I stated why the games are trash. You just ignore it because you can't help yourself.

MW2 is fucking trash. Actually it's more than that. It's really the example of when PC shooters went to shit and started being made for console first. No console out of the box in a game like that is unacceptable. Terrible gameplay with no mod support so they can throw DLC at you. Gimped and casualized shit like the kill streaks. Terrible spawn points. Just terrible all around. And the single player which is just a playable movie... Horrible experience made for cancer.
That is almost exclusively all that is made for the most part.

>> No.4086075



Remember Tribes 1?

That was a shooter.

MW2 is a toddlers toy by comparison.

>> No.4086079

I liked lots of other games better than MW2 but it was ok on Xbox Live at the time.

>> No.4086081

Sounds like you spend too much time here and on /v/.
When was the last time you got laid buddy?
Oh wait... :^)

>> No.4086082

>That is almost exclusively all that is made for the most part.
That is literally 5 games. Not all games are made by big rich studios, not all games are made in the USA, not all games are made for PS4/XBone, etc etc. You're thinking of about 1% of everything that's been made in the last 5 years, probably the 1% that's gotten the most ads on youtube I guess.

>> No.4086084

You sure got me kid.
Name me 3 good games that isn't some indie pixel shit made in the last 5 years.

>> No.4086086

off the top of my head of stuff I've played recently, there's Guilty Gear Xrd, MocoMoco Friends, BotW.

>> No.4086089
File: 170 KB, 400x240, Moco Moco Friends Screenshot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MocoMoco Friends
Ya looks fucking great guy.

>> No.4086090

>What is Witcher 3?
Isn't that game the one in which you have batman senses?

>> No.4086091

I know, it was pretty fun.

>> No.4086095 [DELETED] 

I was being satirical you fucking underage little shit. Your weeab bait pokemon ripoff game looks like fucking trash.

BotW can fuck off.

Guilty Gear I have no idea.

>> No.4086098

Why would you like a videogame for children, for little girls?

>> No.4086102

See this is your problem. You don't like modern AAA cinematic experience games made by big studios, then you write off any indie game, the ones most likely to resemble the old stuff you like, you write them all off as "indie pixel shit", even though there's just so many independant games coming out so wildly different from each other you wouldn't even believe it. Then when presented with honest to god games that aren't AAA or indie, just regular fun stuff for handhelds and whatnot, you'll still say it looks like fucking trash or that it "can fuck off" no matter what, basically you only like old games because they are old.

>> No.4086106

>the ones most likely to resemble the old stuff you like
A shitty looking Pokemon rippoff? No. Especially not with weeab shit lines like "What's a tsundere?".

Botw lost interest when it wasn't a Wii U exclusive and then saw the "difficulty" and point of the game is some bullshit about making all the beginning gear have no durability.

>> No.4086108

>A shitty looking Pokemon rippoff?
Learn to read.

I shouldn't even take you seriously anymore until you've actually gone and played MocoMoco Friends and convinced me that it's objectively not a good game.

>> No.4086113 [DELETED] 

No kid. You may think shit like "What's a tsundere?" is fucking hilarious but it's not. Taking a shitty TL Note from anime from like 2006 isn't funny. It's not original. It's fucking cancer.

Fuck off.

>> No.4086116

Shut up you fag, the mucous mucous lolifag game looks cute

>> No.4086127

You're seriously calling the game shit over one line of the english translation. Localizations these days are famously bad, I'll give you that, which is why I bothered learning japanese.

>> No.4086129

Over a shit joke like that yes. I have zero patience for haha get the reference jokes. Same level as laugh track jokes.

>> No.4086135

Why do you care so much about what other people think or like? I couldn't care less if kids today like retro or not.
Also, no, retro is mad popular, it's what cool hipster kids use as credit for their other hipster peers.

>> No.4086143

Did you not realise dark souls and bloodborne came out?

>> No.4086168

1 Yes
2 No
3 Not really I just learned to accept I'm not the target audience anymore just like how my Atari loving parents were when I was playing my Genesis
4 No just like any other medium the influential classics will always be remembered and that will always draw people to other related things in the past
5 No. I'm happy that I experienced what I did but the games I love are still around me and while there are some things I certainly do miss I don't think I would be able to appreciate everything as much as I do without all the change that's occurred.

All that aside I don't play games to relive the past or anything they're just something I enjoyed as a kid that never faded away as I grew up. I don't really care if /vr/ will or will not have an appeal to younger people in the future because I got you all right now and by the time that even becomes a problem for this board's traffic we'd all probably be dead or 4chan as a whole be shutdown. Stop worrying about other people OP and just enjoy what you got while you still got it.

>> No.4086245

You have witcher's alchemicaly enhanced senses, which is entirely canon.

>> No.4086264

1) Hollow Knight - Metroid-like but with more emphasis on melee, and atmosphere of hopelesness and decay many may associate with DS.
2) Prey '17 - even if it's not actual Prey 2, it is still a very good modern interpretation of System Shock 2 experience.
3) Styx (2 games) - great stealth games, panned by "critics" 'cause they look cheaper than AAA titles (having 10 times less budget does that), and contols required too much precision for them to handle.

I can go on, but if everything made with pixel art aestethic is automatically shit to you, I don't know what the fuck are you still doing here.

>> No.4086269
File: 1.74 MB, 250x224, eccofgc018etdslide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?

Born in '74 so yes

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?

Not at all. That's how things go.

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?

Also no, not at all. Because I think gaming is still very similar and in most of the ways it's different, it's markedly better.

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?

Many yes, but most classics will stay classics.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?

Maybe yes, maybe not. This is a genuinely hard question.

>> No.4086295
File: 179 KB, 500x350, Aeris-ffvii-fmv-altar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) yes born 1988 - first consoles NES, Gameboy (far brick), Sega Genesis, game gear, then SNES
{Not all at once but cycled over time}

2) most younger kids I play games with are interested in the old stuff and think I'm some type of guru (modern gaming is generally disappointing)

3) I don't care what other people do, but I cherish the memories and defeating the difficulty curve

4) fuck no, it's a multimillion dollar industry Nintendo is kept afloat by selling their old games (and other companies old games as well neogeo, turbographx, ect)

5) no but I'll cherish those memories forever

6) /v/ is a memeboard and a shithole, let people like what they like - people can be plebs if they want it's no skin off our teeth . The retro community will never die and many modern games borrow ideas and pay homage to the past every year

Share the old games with your family and friends keep original hardware on deck and actively restore it

My nephew is barely 2 and loves playing games (was captivated just today by the Mattel intellivision)

>> No.4086317

>Hollow Knight
Seems like indie pixel shit. I already don't give a fuck.
Cinematic trash. QTE? Idk. Saw a fuckload of motion blurr and stopped watching videos of it.
Hadn't heard of this one. Looked great and I was almost surprised that it looks to follow theif's level design. Then saw it was filled modern hand holding techniques. Shame. Looked like it could had been great.

>> No.4086323

1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. Yes but only because my life as an adult is shit.

>> No.4086379

Hollow Knight is hand drawn.

The only cinematic point in Prey is intro scene (helicopter ride, acts exactly like Half-life tram, you can also skip it), there are no QTEs in the game, motion blur and DOF can be turned off (unless you are playing on console)

There is no handholding in Styx of any kind wtf are you talking about.

You sound like a pretentious hipster twat that fawns over "muh retro" and hates everything modern because that's a cool thing to do nowadays.

>> No.4086390

>Hollow Knight is hand drawn.
I saw the cover and assumed. Almost all those indie pixel games are trash so I just avoid. Maybe I'll give it a chance if it goes on sale. Not looking particularly great.
>The only cinematic point in Prey
Looking at a different game than what I'm looking at then.
>There is no handholding in Styx of any kind wtf are you talking about.
Wtf are you talking about? All the enemies and interactive objects are highlighted or glowing.

>You sound like a pretentious hipster twat that fawns over "muh retro" and hates everything modern because that's a cool thing to do nowadays.
You seem like the standard retard that lauds modern shit for cinematic trash and hand holding while in the next sentence saying it's not because you've never actually played a game that doesn't hand hold. Like Thief for the Styx example...

>> No.4086391
File: 50 KB, 382x486, 84484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?
I don't really understand the question, but I was around back then and just old enough to appreciate video games before the turn of the millenium.

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
Yes. Back when I was kid my dad showed me some of his favorite games like Leisure Suit Larry, which was about 10+ years old game back then, and I considered it to be very old. The graphics did look very old compared to the games I was used to in the late 90s. Now the games I used to play are considered retro, and the games my dad used to play are even *more* retro. If that makes any sense.

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
I really wasn't old enough to really understand the computer and "nerd culture" of that time. But if it's anything like the old computer and video game magazines indicate, then yes, I do miss that.

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
Yeah, probably. How many kids these days know a single classic black and white movie? Or a single 70s or 80s movie? Most modern gamers don't probably even know about the older games. There are probably kids who played Duke Nukem Forever, but never even heard of Duke Nukem 3D. I know there are people who love Mad Max: Fury Road, and they didn't even know it's the fourth movie in the series.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
Yes. I want to feel that childlike wonder again where a single screen of Monkey Island is enough to entertain me. Back then I could just move Guybrush around the first town, not really know what to do, but I had fun.
Also, I want to see my dad again.

>> No.4086426

>cover art is hand drawn
>it must be pixel shit!
what even is logic

Also you missed Axiom Verge, which is an amazing metroid-like that is shaped after the NES metroid, not the Super like the rest of them.

IDK what you are looking at in Prey. Whole thing is played from first perspective, there are only maximum of 3 times control is taken away from you - Helicopter ride, conversation with Alex face-to-face (if you had not killed him, very late in the game), and the end.
Apparently "cinematic" has its own meaning to you, otherwise elaborate.

In Styx "highlighting" is a skill to learn and use if you want to make life easier. You can just pick something else (and more useful) instead. Game can be completely ghosted (no detection, no kills) with no skillpoints invested into anything, using only basic cloning ability you get at the start to create distractions.

You seem to be basing your opinion about games by watching shitty letsplays.

>> No.4086445
File: 63 KB, 750x422, Prey+(2017)+05.04.2017+-+ [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shovel Knight has drawn art on the box.

>IDK what you are looking at in Prey.
Shit like getting locked into animations, blurr, the bloom, lens flare, etc. See pic.

>In Styx "highlighting" is a skill to learn and use if you want to make life easier.
I have a feeling you're probably lying to me and this kind of shit in the game stock.
>You seem to be basing your opinion about games by watching shitty letsplays.
Easiest way to google this shit.

>> No.4086467

You don't like video games. You like nostalgia.

>> No.4086469

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?
Yes, I had my first console in the 80s.

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
I don't care about "today's standards", and I frequently read books that are 2,500 years old, thus I may not have the same standards. A book that's 70 years old is literally contemporary for me, so a game that's 25 years old is too.

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
No, as I don't play modern games. The only thing that saddens me is the death of arcades. It was a great social experience. Now gaming is an autistic thing you're doing all alone (even if connected).

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
They're already forgotten, for most of them.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
Sure, I would buy even more games, those I know today thanks to emulators.

>> No.4086473

I like games. I like old games I never played before.

>> No.4086483

As I said, Prey only takes away control from you only in 3 instances, 2 of which are intro and ending, and another one is avoidable, all the special effects can be turned off on PC. Also most of the stuff that happens and plot twists are hevily foreshadowed throughout the game's environment and emails/notes same way it was done in SysShock, which makes game even more enjoyable the second time around. Another fun bit is that every single human, alive or dead on the station was put there for a reason (have role/job), and most have a traceable fate.
It's a game based on exploration of complex environment, with numerous ways to reach any point and solve any problem.
It is pretty much as far from "modern cinematic experience" as you can get.

"Amber vision" is a skill Styx uses to highlight stuff. Putting skillpoints makes it highlight more stuff, like vision cones and such, basically easy-mode skill for newbies. Leveling and using it is optional, however it's base form is required exactly once in the game to highlight a hidden writing made with ember at a plot point (it's not even a puzzle, just a plot point).

Lets plays are the worst way to form an opinion, because 9 times out of 10 person playing the game is much dumber than you are, and therefore is going to play the game in the most retarded way possible.

>> No.4086486

Man you are blindly nut hugging this game. Tell me what kind of immersion this dev is going for by including blurr and lens flare? Tell me? I'll help you. They're going for a cinematic experience by creating effects that a camera would see and not your own eyes. It's a cinematic game.
>Leveling and using it is optional
Making excuses for hand holding.

>> No.4086487
File: 45 KB, 400x240, rabi laby cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only like them because you know they're old. You barely even looked at those other games before having your little shitfest over them. You'd already decided they must be shit because it's something new. You can claim otherwise but we all see through you. Your interest is clearly not in a love of video games.

Now you can stamp your feet and start calling me names again, like always. I'll make some popcorn. These tantrum threads are always great.

>> No.4086496

Also, to answer to your main concern: there will always be a minority of true video game lovers that will play 1992 games; just like true film lovers will watch a 1931 film, or true literature lovers read a 1525 book.

The masses will only care about what's being released in their day and age, and true lovers who care about the past too will only be a minority.

Personally, I cared about games that preceded my own birth even when I was 9 years old, and other kids only cared about Mortal Kombat or Earthworm Jim.

>> No.4086504
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1497115382990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only like them because you know they're old.
Man fuck me for having a bad experiences 99% of the time when I try a new game so I assume what ever trash you link me is going to be trash until I prove otherwise.

>> No.4086509

Because it's bizzare seing a game that got panned for not being a cinematic experience by mainstream media, being trashed as cinematic by a fag who based his opinion off of a letsplay.

I asked you to elaborate on your opinion, since I wanted to know your thought process, but it is now apparent that there wasn't one.

>> No.4086516

>wow, another shooter lol
>wow, another open world game where you see the bum of your character 24/7
>wow, Gran Turismo 8, Resident Evil 29 and Street Fighter XV
>wow, more cinematic stuff


>> No.4086517

It's hard to know what needs elaboration when you're dealing with people so ignorant that they think or ignore lens flare being cinematic. I mean what the fuck do you want from me when the level of competency for the conversion is that low? Seriously? You're honestly making an argument right now that lens flare isn't cinematic because some a modern game reviewer said it wasn't?

>> No.4086523

>Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?

>Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?

>Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
Yes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

>Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
No, people will fake nostalgia for some of them forever. But yes, generally, less and less older games will be played, but that's normal.

>If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
I don't care about games that much.

>> No.4086531

You seem to throw around terms like "cinematic" and "handholding" around, but have your own retarded definition of what they are.

"Cinematic experience" some modern games strive to provide has nothing to do with graphics. It has nothing to do with bloom, lens flares, or even motion blur however ugly that effect is (I got some big news for you - Turok, a game from '98 had bloom and lens flares).
It has everything to do, however, with taking control from the player and making them see the game in the only way that developers indended him to see (hence cinematic, controllable experience which is the opposite of interactive)

Hand holding is when game outright tells you what you are expected to do. What you describe is not a hand holding, and even that form of assistance is optional.

The one with the low level of competency here is you.

>> No.4086539

Definition of cinematic
: of, relating to, suggestive of, or suitable for motion pictures or the filming of motion pictures

You know, just my retarded definition. Right kiddo? Lens flare isn't part of that. Naw. You said so yourself kid.

Fucking idiot.
>Hand holding is when game outright tells you what you are expected to do. What you describe is not a hand holding, and even that form of assistance is optional.
Glowy shit everywhere isn't hand holding? Ok,.. Ok

>> No.4086558

>pulling a non-contextual definition
Shows how much of a retard you are. "Cinematic experience" in video games is a different thing, and as I said, graphics are completely unrelated to that. But apparently, graphics mean much more to you than the actual content.

Also "if the option is there, I must use it even if it ruins my experience" is the same retarded way of thinking that got us Anita "I have an option to kill innocent women in Hitman, therefore it's sexist" Sarkeesian.

You are once again proved yourself to be a retarded hipster that only cares about the surface layer.

>> No.4086570

Some mental gymnastics trying to reinvent the word cinematic. Seems you're in fact that one with the retard definition and not me.

I like how a modern gaming retard is comparing me to Sarkeesian. Grand.

>> No.4086593

You define "cinematic experience" by arbitrary cosmetic things that are optional and can be turned off.
Yes, you are on the same level of retardation as her.

>> No.4086601

I define cinematic by the actual definition. Reality seems to be something you kids struggle with. Hey come to think of it. Maybe you have more common with Sarkeesian than you think.

>> No.4086613
File: 166 KB, 620x327, invisible inc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring that the game I posted is excellent and none of those things
>ignoring everything else that also doesn't fit into those categories.

There's far more diversity in gaming now than there was in the "retro" era.

>> No.4086614

Words can mean different things in different context. You are using it in context of visuals, which is NOT how it is applied in context of video games.
But apparently you are too dumb to comprehend that.

>> No.4086626

The actual definition of "gay" is "bright, cheerful and happy"

>> No.4086628

I used the word by its actual definition and in the context of that definition. Do I need to copy paste it again? You want a link? Here https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cinematic

That's the definition I'm aware of. Not your made up one.

Here's hand holding by the way too

Facts are there. You're the one with the made up words and terrible argument because of it. As i said before you modern gamers are ignorant to the actual meaning of these words because you never played a real game that wasn't cinematic or hand holding. It explains your confusion perfectly and I see no other explanation.

>> No.4086631

a : homosexual gay men

Nice attempt, champ. Guess this is what common core gets you. Kids that are literately incapable of reading a book.

>> No.4086636

I think what is interesting is the understanding and context of older eras changing. The understanding and significance of Japanese games from the early 80s etc is massively increasing with so many gems previously unavailable now appearing in MAME or being mined and exposed by Youtubers and translation teams, the legend and understanding of these games and the discourse around them are probably better than ever. It's pretty exciting and I've had a ton of fun playing a lot of especially old Japanese arcade games when you can see e.g. Youtube vids of top level players to truly understand the games systems in a way most westerners would never have had back then.

Conversely you have the European and especially British software scenes that will mostly be forgotten for good. It's painful for me because I grew up with them and understood them, but there is no one sorting the wheat from the chaff with some objectivity or passing along the understanding of how and why these games were made or why they are interesting. The problem is also a LOT of them were shit. Now you can quickly and easily play pretty much any game from any era with just a few clicks they're even more derivative and lame.
The fans are part of the problem, the discourse is all lame nostalgia and meme shit: "LE Great Giana Sisters better than Mario! XD Shadow of the Beast was great!!!". Places like Lemon64 are shrines to mediocrities that deserve to stay dead and forgotten.

Then you have increasing levels of political bullshit fighting over the history of gaming for their own ends (usually far left nutcases). See that retard on Twitter recently getting commissioned to write articles on gaming history he wasn't even alive for because of his introduction of a bizarre narrative that old games were all evil misogyny simulators. Expect to see a lot more fantasties about how old videogames were all "bad" and "problematic" like Custer's Revenge for 30 years until Mass Effect had lesbians in it and saved us all.

>> No.4086639

Cambridge definition
gay adjective (HAPPY)

We had a gay old time down at the dance hall.

If a place is gay, it is bright and attractive:
The streets were gay and full of people.

>> No.4086643

>all this /v/-posting

but as for OP I think everything is fine, the technology to play whatever I want is freely available and classic games remain surprisingly popular with today's largely retarded youth

>> No.4086646

>Cambridge definition
Thanks for clearing it up Muhammad. We use America English here.

>> No.4086647

>using a site that references urban dictionary as a credible source of modern linguo

>> No.4086648

Those are all bad recommendations by the way, except hollow Knight. I've never played that one. Why the hell are we even talking about this here?

>> No.4086653
File: 293 KB, 585x318, homerperfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is a living joke

>> No.4086656

you mean "simplified english for retards"

it's no wonder you lack the intelligence to comprehend the concept of "context"

>> No.4086657

Look at your 3rd world ass not knowing what merriam webster is. Wow.
Kids get upset when you calls their games what they really are. Shit.

>> No.4086662

I'm sorry for using the American english context and definition for a word on an American website. Clearly I should had taken my Islamic friends across the pond into consideration.

>> No.4086671

oh look, another thread where we all circlejerk over retro games because we pretend that modern gaming is only cod, bf, and other shovelware shit.

sometimes i feel like /vr/ is full of idiots who can't find games for themselves so they just play old shit because it's easy to google "best nes games" and then go play a bunch of stale jrpgs that everyone fucking wanks over.

>> No.4086673

It's ok kid. I'm sure your hipster select list of modern games are great.

>> No.4086676

dont forget thread devolving into retards slinging the same turd over the fence at each other

>> No.4086680

>AAA games are shit
>indie games are hipster shit
>all modern games are shit
just admit it, you guys that have this mentality have zero fucking ability to form your own opinions of games and thus have to exclusively play older games where the opinions are layed out for you to pick and choose from.

>> No.4086683

in the old times grass was greener, and your dick stood higher too

>> No.4086686

You can google the name of any modern trash game and find at least 5 people talking about on youtube.

It just gets tiring when modern games are shit for the same handful of reasons over and over and over and over. So I can see how it comes off as a hivemind or someone just not throwing words out.

>> No.4086690 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 960x554, 1498663459687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Street Fighter XV
>Implying it will be another Street Fighter

>> No.4086691

>everyone on this international website should use shitty American English definitions

This is why the rest of world mocks you people so much. Make Murrica great again! Go Turnip!

>> No.4086692

and we're just going to pretend that you can't google any retro game and find somebody talking about it? oh and wtf was megaman and all the fighting series of the 90's plus loads of other games? how many megaman games were on the NES?

>> No.4086693

1. Yes. Born in '88, so mostly grew up with 5200, NES, GameBoy, SNES, N64, and PS1.

2. Only in a "where has the time gone" sense.

3. I certainly miss old games, but still enjoy the odd modern title, Nintendo in particular.

4. Probably not.

5. Yes.

>> No.4086696

you mean you can find at least 3 "game journalists" and 2 underage kids of the same mental development level that would not know a good gameplay even if it bit them in the ass?
It's the same level of retardation as trusting /v/

>> No.4086697

I didn't mean to imply you couldn't google retro games for info. Just that modern games weren't exempt from googling.

>> No.4086702

Retro game reviews aren't much better unless you're talking about period reviews.

>> No.4086706
File: 993 KB, 240x144, monh062bb2b7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really think this will be Capcom's last Street Fighter, I have some top quality oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.

>> No.4086708

Yes, get all your opinions from drones on youtube. You're really making a great case for yourself.

>> No.4086709

Reviews are for idiots who can't think for themselves anyways, always have been.

>> No.4086714

I didn't say that.
Not really.

>> No.4086724

Serious Sam has as much bloom and lens flares as you want, up to 16 simultaneous flares per light source. And you can even slap a cinematic filter on top, and customise it to your liking.
For some bizzare reason nobody ever called Serious Sam a cinematic FPS. Everyone referred to it as "arcadey".
I wonder why?

>> No.4086748

Because just because you have lens flare in the game doesn't mean the game's focus is on being cinematic. A lot of games have effects to make it look like you're watching a camera. Mario 64 has a camera being carried behind you.

The big difference with those games is you're almost constantly in control of your character. The gameplay and visuals are designed around that. But then you get cinematic trash like Prey that has multiple effects ranging from lens glare to motion blur that only distract you. Add that your character is constantly going into uncontrolled animations and ya. Very different design philosophies.

>> No.4086769
File: 104 KB, 1000x689, ninja-gaiden-nes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cinematic trash
>NES confirmed garbage system

>> No.4086773

Clearly what I said. You didn't take anything out of context or grossly simplify what I said at all.

>> No.4086775

>Add that your character is constantly going into uncontrolled animations

>> No.4086785

You can't go more than 3 feet without a "press the button to interact/loot" shit. Fucking touchscreens everywhere. I've watch over an hours of walkthrough of this shit game to see if I'm wrong about and it and I'm not.

>> No.4086826

Not the same guy you were shit slinging at before, but I have played through Prey, and it is evident that you have no idea what you are talking about.

The only time you get uncontrollable animations outside of helicopter and watching the station blow up is when you put on the helmet thing.

All other interactions are unobtrusive, do not interrupt you in any way, and do not provide any kind of animation. Not only have you not played the game, you also had not watched the videos you claim you got your info from.

Prey is literally System Shock 2 with a bit different setting, using similar mechanics and design philosophies.
Is System Shock 2 a cinematic game? No. Is Prey a cinematic game? Think again.

>> No.4086828

>The big difference with those games is you're almost constantly in control of your character. The gameplay and visuals are designed around that.

That's what Prey does though.
You literally contradict yourself.

>> No.4086831

>System Shock 2
I'm looking at a different game. Prey 2017 the game for PS4 is what I'm looking at. You can not go more than 3ft without a press the button prompt showing up. There's touch screens everywhere. You have random closed captions showing up. Some cellphone shit with random people's face shows up all the time on your screen. You couldn't put more uncontrollable animations on your screen unless you wanted to completely block your vision.

This trash pit is not like System Shock 2. Not at all.

>> No.4086834
File: 163 KB, 750x1017, Spank-em-game[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Yes, I was born the same year as the Atari 2600 and AD&D so I grew up right along side gaming

2. Very old is relative. I guess it makes me sad that to you, OP, or perhaps more to your peers that these games are too old to be taken seriously but to the gaming culture in general retro gaming seems bigger now than it has ever been. I mean here we are right now right?

3. No, in fact there are plenty of modern games that offer similar experiences to retro gaming if you search and a lot of them innovate in small but interesting ways taking advantage of modern technology, which also makes it much easier to develop "simple" games so there are more and more all the time - especially with digital distribution

4. No, I think that the first few generations of video gaming will always be very important historically as gaming becomes more recognized as a medium in and of itself. It may slide into the realm of the academic only like first gen consoles have and second gen ones are beginning to

5. Of course! Especially knowing what I know now I'd love to live my whole life over and over again it's been great.

>> No.4086835

Oh and I forgot add the like 5 objective arrows telling you were to go also.
What game are you guys talking about? Again the game I'm looking Prey for PS4 is something different.

>> No.4086836

man I hate how at the beginning of a stage in megaman you teleport in and you have no control over the animation. or when you pull the master sword out of the pedestal of time it goes through this uncontrollable animation.

this is you.

>> No.4086837
File: 37 KB, 461x461, 1498364489804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
Not really.

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
No way.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
Yes, but probably not for the reasons you're imagining.

>> No.4086839

Neither of those games have a fucking skype call going on your screen every 30 seconds kid.

>> No.4086841

okay, how about in dude sex when that shit happens, or in a ton of rpgs where you have to sit through loads of fucking text dialog and you have no choice but to skip through it box by box or read it all.

you're literally complaining about story and worldbuilding. cry me a fucking river and quit being fixated on one god damn game because you can't think of any real things to complain about.

>> No.4086843


you played on the lowest difficulty setting, right?

Also that guy who calls you? you can shoot him (just like everyone else), and then no "skype calls" for the rest of the game.

>> No.4086848

Man that's one fucking strong story. Have to tell it through a floating skype call in your face and tablet touchscreens. I can see why you kids love it.

Fuck shity story telling like Half life and System shock 2 where you actually have to physically face your character to another. Those are bad games.
>and then no "skype calls" for the rest of the game
The shit on the right part of the screen? Ya no.

>> No.4086850

objective arrows...
that you can turn off completely.

Yes, Prey never takes away control from you. All the stuff happens around you while you are in control, just like in Half-Life.

Once again, you are making retarded complaints because you formed your opinion by watching a retard play the game for you.

>> No.4086851

get a life, hippie.

>> No.4086852
File: 1.78 MB, 300x180, monhun69b53a17b35238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh that does sound shitty. Wasn't the other guy and haven't paid much attention to prey.

If you want hardcore fast paced action, excellent controls, where you're always in complete control of your character as well as amazing value for money (hundreds of hours worth of quests plus tons of free DLC) and a game that rocks both solo or multiplayer, there's always Monster Hunter. It's like Super Punch Out with samurai cavemen and dinosaur dragons.

Except the Wii one I've played every release and it keeps getting better, deeper and harder.

>> No.4086856

And now you have proven that you have never played System Shock, never even watched anyone play System Shock, and have absolutely no clue what it was about.

>> No.4086857
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that you can turn off completely.
They shouldn't be an option.

>All the stuff happens around you while you are in control, just like in Half-Life.
Tell me about that time where Half Life shoves a skype call in your face or spams you to hit X to loot a body?

Look at this fucking hud. And it gets more cluttered.
Never been a big fan of the series. I don't have much to comment on because I don't know.

>> No.4086858

No kid. There isn't any fucking skype call in system shock. Fuck off.

>> No.4086864

>Soon enough a board such as /vr/ will have no appeal to the younger generations.
That's actually a pretty great thing. I don't want no outsiders in my secret club.

>> No.4086865

>oh no, they are showing me the face of a character that is speaking to me, the horror!

SS is where all the interactable terminals, looting, logs and emails that you rave on about originated from.
Oh and the kicker? SS 2 outlines the object you aim at if you can interact with it, which is the same as a button prompts that you hellbent on branding as the Thing That Brings Everything Down. SS 2 was chockfull of that.

You literally complain that the new game did the same thing as the old game slightly differently, and pretend them to be completely different things because of that.

>> No.4086871

terminals =/= tablet touch screens and skype calls
>SS 2 outlines the object you aim at if you can interact with it, which is the same as a button prompts
No it really isn't... You have to actually aim at the object. This Prey shit just SPAMS THE FUCK out of you anytime you're near to hit w/e button.

You didn't play System Shock kid.

>> No.4086874

tablet touch screens are better because interaction with them exists in the same gameworld as you and is not just another menu
Same idea, better execution.

Prey functions exactly like SS in terms of loot, it only shows the prompt when you aim at something.

You didn't play Prey kid.

>> No.4086882

>You didn't play Prey kid.
I never said I did. I don't play trash like that.
>Same idea, better execution.

>> No.4086884

Invoking mods to purge this shithole

>> No.4086896

kid you need to get off the internet. big boys are trying to have a discussion.

>> No.4086898

>tablet touch screens are bette

>> No.4086903

Ok tablet baby.

>> No.4086904
File: 21 KB, 400x360, Tsora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?
>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
not really
>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
a little, but my all time favorite game is from 2010. A couple good games are made every now and then.
>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
we are here forever, and will continue talking about it.
>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
gladly, though mostly because >>4086323

>> No.4086905
File: 93 KB, 1127x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brigador, Song of the Deep, Sunless Sea, Divinity:OS, Transistor, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Planet Coaster, Deus Ex:HR and MD, I can go on.

inglip warns me that there's vampire hunters among us

>> No.4086906

you're talking to somebody else right now. let me call you an idiot once more though and then I'm going to answer OP.

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?
Yep, grew up with the nintendo machine (nes) as my parents called it then a genesis and I got to play the snes at my cousins house.
>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
no, that's what makes them retro.
>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
obviously it's not and that's a great thing. if gaming was the same as it was back then it would be a stagnant form of media and we'd be no better for it. and yet we still have indie games made in a retro fashion, so it's not like the classic styles of games are dead and forgotten.
>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
are other forms of classic media forgotten?
>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
yes, but only to find that babbages that the tripfag worked at and set off a nailbomb in it during his shift

>> No.4086909

For the sake of gameplay, definitely. An interactable screen that exists in the same gameworld, and relays information onto the gameworld without taking you out of it is better than a generic console that takes you into a menu "outside" of the game world thus breaking the immersion.

Also they were done before in SIN in '98.

>> No.4086912

>if gaming was the same as it was back then it would be a stagnant form of media and we'd be no better for it.

This guy gets it.

>> No.4086915

I'm talking to you.
Because retro games grew stagnant in their almost 30 years before the cutoff. Oh wait they didn't.

>> No.4086916
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x2510, strider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I started gaming in 1989.
2. Why would the passage of time depress me? It's inevitable.
3. The problem is that the gaming industry has adopted the very play-it-safe homogenized Hollywood blockbuster model. And no indie has the resources to compete with Konami or SNK in their heyday, so they're generally lacking in polish and professionalism.

What do I miss? A time before patches, DLC and monetization. I miss games as a product rather than a service. I miss game manuals, arcade culture and new experiences. Most importantly, the reason most people are here on /vr/, is an emphasis on gameplay over narrative; we shouldn't be regressing. Some of the tightest games are still the oldest. That shouldn't be the case.

I'm not overly cynical. There are modern games I DO like: Demon's Souls, Rime, Giana Sisters, Strider. I'm even looking forward to a few, just not as many as I used to.

>> No.4086925

>Because retro games grew stagnant in their almost 30 years before the cutoff. Oh wait they didn't.
Gaming has always been changing. You don't see 2600 type games on the super nintendo.

>> No.4086927

gee, maybe it's because games innovated just as games always have and continue to do? what are you trying to argue anyways, that games should play exactly how they did in the past? which era, amiga shit with barebones gameplay and no story, 8-bit era, etc?

>> No.4086928

>Gaming has always been changing.
Not really. See 6th to current gen. Same shit over and over again.

>> No.4086930

What innovation have modern games brought? DLC? Online Paywalls? QTE?

>> No.4086935

Half-baked "virtual reality" tech demos.

>> No.4086937

Oh those are great. I forgot about those.

>> No.4086940

you're too dense to talk to, there's no getting through your dense skull. you're like a broken record player that's stuck playing a record consisting of autistic wailing.

>> No.4086941

Some innovation.

>> No.4086943

It sounds like he got all of his information on those gens from internet forums.

>> No.4086949

I'll give you one example of an innovative game and then laugh as you fall back on the same tired arguments. The ARMA series has brought lots of innovation to the FPS genre even if nobody is willing to follow Bohemia's lead quite yet.

>b-b-but, DLC!

>> No.4086954

Well there is the ultimate genre: earliest access open world zombie survival crafting with 20 lb of boypussy featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series, elegantly priced a la Evolve, in cooperation with Anita and the writing team behind Cisquisition. You'll be happy to learn that the product is gluten-free, and passes the Bechdel test.

>> No.4086956

A PC game... And project reality along with BF are what you're looking for with that example.

>> No.4086962

Plugin-based modding is one thing Bethesda literally built their wealth on. They got onto the large scene only because of that.
If that was not a deal-breaking innovation, I don't know hat is. Without it all of Beth's games woulodve been quickly forgotten about.

Procedural animation flow that allows to combine any set of animations to look natural, and not have a clear cutoffs like in the games of old.

Technology allows to break from the restrictions of old and allows to interact with environments in the same way as you would in real life (those touch screens you hate so much for example)

Continuous, uninterrupted gameworlds, and ways of interaction with said gameworlds limited only by developer's ambition.

Ability to seamlesssly include non-euclidean geometry is present in almost any modern engine

VR is still a gimmick for the most part, but in the next 10-15 years it will evolve and become something spectacular, probably and entiry new form of media will be born.

You will obviously find a way to say that all this does not matter, or makes gaming worse somehow.

>> No.4086963

what does the platform matter? you may not realize this but before the nes and master system all games were essentially pc games. and if you think project reality compares to the scope and scale of arma then you're just as retarded as I previously though. it's like comparing final fantasy to daggerfall.

>> No.4086972

Oh great an arma fanboy.
No most of what you said are technology advancements. Not really game innovation from a single game but innovation.
>Continuous, uninterrupted gameworlds, and ways of interaction with said gameworlds limited only by developer's ambition.
Had been done for awhile.

Consoles have been stagnant. Tell me the difference between Halo 2 and w/e the current Halo is. Other than graphics not much.

>> No.4086974

oh, and btw, project reality came out in like what, 2004? operation flashpoint and arma 1 predate that by quite a bit I think, they even made a project reality for arma 2 you fucking retard.

continue posting, you're only making it more and more evident that you're not only an idiot but an actual underage poster.

>> No.4086979

By that logic we hadn't had any innovation whatsoever since Atari 2600, only technology advancements.

>> No.4086984

>arma 1
>innovating anything
That game is hot garbage, kid. If you're gonna fanboy for arma then fanboy for arma 2. Also get your dates right.

>> No.4086985

Or you fucking retarded? You see no gameplay innovation between a 2600 and a n64?

>> No.4086986 [DELETED] 

Name one that isn't technology advancement.

>> No.4086990

this is the most retarded cherry picking and goal posting shit I've ever seen. go back to /v/

>> No.4086992

That was your own fucking argument, not mine.

>> No.4086993

How about a fucking item inventory you dumb underage child.

>> No.4086998

Was in Raiders of the Lost Ark

>> No.4087000 [DELETED] 

Mario 3 had that, mang

>> No.4087017

Random icons on the bottom of the screen isn't an item inventory you fucking dumbass.

More innovations not related to tech
Password system
Combo system
A progressive change in speed with a direction held down
lock on system

Like are you joking kid?

>> No.4087064

not counting graphics, gameplay, story, sound, controls, hardware, or any other superfluous shit games haven't innovated since they were first conceived

prove me wrong

>> No.4087071

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
nope. a good game is a good game. things that are iconic will continue being icons. now, people will wear rose-tinted glasses and imagine retro gaming is more romantic than it actually was. but will they be forgotten about? nah.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
only if i'm allowed to bring back my current knowledge.

>> No.4087089

Born in 1989, Got to experience Arcades, had a SNES as first console, got Atari 2600 and NES' from garage sales with mom and dad.

>Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are old by todays standards
No. I play about a 50/50 mix of old and modern games. I find a lot of modern games to be shit (like The Surge) where as even if a retro game is not great (like Jade Cocoon) it's still has something memorable or enjoyable about it.

>Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming
No. There's what, 400 or so NES, something like 500 SNES? 360? N64? That's not even counting GB/C, Master system, genesis, jaguar, etc.

You' could play retro games for the rest of your life and never run out of new stuff to play.

>Do oyu think retro games will eventually become forgotten
Doesn't matter. All that matters is your lifetime. Once your dead, nothing matters anymore. The next generation of faggots that come through will destroy everything you've ever cared about, so it's not worth thinking about.

>if you could go bakc
Nope. It was fine. Being an adult is way better than being a kid.

>> No.4087256


>> No.4087824

That's why I play roguelites and roguelites. Check out vagante if you're into platformers.

>> No.4087913

Most games on hard difficulty are still pretty damn hard.

>> No.4088465

>Modern gaming isn't all that bad,
Yeah this and the reason why some think retro games are better than modern games is because they only remember the good games and forget the bad ones.

>> No.4088475

>they only remember the good games and forget the bad ones.

Not really. The best games tend to be the top selling and most influential ones. When you get to modern gaming it's just all bad.

>> No.4088484

I never even mentioned sales, you'd have to be pretty delusional if you don't think bad retro games exist.

>When you get to modern gaming it's just all bad.
Breath of the Wild and Hollow Knight are both excellent games that came out this year, you'd have to be a very bitter delusional person if you think these games are bad. You remind me of those le wrong generation kids that only listen to pop songs.

>> No.4088485

>you'd have to be pretty delusional if you don't think bad retro games exist.
Not one that was a top seller. That was my point. The whole "you only remember the good stuff" is an easily debunked statment,

>> No.4088557
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>that pic
>yfw kids who grew up listening to NIN are now considered old farts and un-cool

>> No.4088567

If I didn't, I'd not be old enough to post here.

That's how time generally works.

Why should I? It's not my fault, and I wouldn't appreciate the games from past generations if modern games weren't different. In fact, most of us would have stopped playing games all together because it'd have gotten stale.
Newer games aren't bad just because they're new. There's good games and bad games just like in the old days, it's just that the ratio has shifted.

Yes, but for reasons unrelated to gaming. Anyone who says they wouldn't undo past mistakes is lying to you.
As for gaming, I'd rather forget everything about them so I could play them blind again.

>the rest
Get over it.

>> No.4088569

Forgot >4

>> No.4088594

>1. Did you grow up before the year 2000 to actually truly experience retro gaming?
Was born in 98 and my parents had a NES. I started playing Mario 3 when I was still a toddler. But I did most of my "entry point" on the SNES as thats when I was old enough to -really- play.

>2. Does it ever depress you that the retro generations are very old now by today's standards?
No. Old things doesn't equate to bad.

>3. Do you feel awful that modern gaming isn't anything like retro gaming?
Not in the least! Rose tinted glass and all that jazz. I personally think video games found their footing in the SNES/Genesis life, had to refind it in the n64/ps1 years, then found it again in gcn/ps2, then lost it again afterwards. NES and arcade games suck. They're not fun hard, they're bullshit hard a lot of the times. I don't really like "arcade style" games. Burger time, Pacman, qbert, all that stuff. I want my video games to have substance. I wish current gen games were better, sure, but I don't want to see a return of "nintendo hard" or "coin op" style games. A return to the SNES calibur of gaming? Sure.

>4. Do you think retro games will eventually become long forgotten about in the not too distant future?
Not sure honestly. On one hand, a lot of people can't name 10 songs or movies from the 50s. But on the other, we're one of the most well documented eras of Earth. Unless something majorly changes with the internet and how people use it, there will probably be a few retro games that will never be forgotten.

>5. If you could go back to experience it all over again would you?
I mean, of course. Ignore getting a do over in life and possibly ending up a different person. My childhood was pretty great and getting to beat super mario world again all by myself for the first time would be a great feeling to re-experience.

>> No.4088636

Op probably smells like cabage.

>> No.4088641

Born in 93, guess i was too young by then

No, i dont think age matters too much

Recent games arent bad, its just that bad games are everywhere (its always been like that but we just remember the good games)

Sure, i miss playing n64 with 4 players

>> No.4088731

1. Yes, why else would I be here?
2. Yes and no. That's how time works. I'm more sad that it means people never experienced some good games before tastes and standards changed.
3. No. The only thing I miss is that the niche strategy and simulation genre died and is now kept on lifesupport by a handful of niche games which now dominate the genre.
4. Yes. That's how time works. Old games become "unplayable" as people lose patience for their contrivances. First it was just insane difficulty, the amount of time it takes to grind something, save points, etc. Then it's bad controls, or a lack of some new feature in contemporary games.