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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4057783 No.4057783 [Reply] [Original]

>Metroid 2 remake announced
>fucking 2
>worst of the 2D Metroids is what Nintendo deems to have priority
>AM2R was C&D'd because of this
>we could have had a new 2D Metroid instead

Sigh... we'll never have a proper follow up to Super Metroid, will we?

>> No.4057786

odd choice, maybe a response the fan made game.

>> No.4057789

if its the worst then isnt it the most deserving of a remake. Go back to /v/ seriously

>> No.4057792

>Metroid 2 is bad
>modern Nintendo is worth paying attention to
there is a place for your kind

not retro


>> No.4057793

That is the point of this thread you autist..

>> No.4057795

Never said 2 is bad. You said that. I said it is the worst 2D Metroid, which is true. It is *not* a bad game. Reading comprehension, yo.

>> No.4057798

its what the have been doing all day. They are all saying how great nintendo is and how they won e3 as if its going to actually make their current games worth playing

>> No.4057802

fuck off with your remakes, Metroid 2 really wasn't that bad, only the music was
>b-but my totally not-copied handmade sprites
>muh the fans can make a better game

>> No.4057803


It's a good choice to remake.

>> No.4057818

I rather liked the improvements Zero Mission made to 1. And even if you didn't like Zero mission itself, they still included a copy of the original that had the added bonus of a non-password save feature. If this new remake does something similar, then I look forward to it.

>> No.4058264

>worst of the 2D Metroids is what Nintendo deems to have priority
Why not remake the games that can be improved upon the most?

>> No.4058269 [DELETED] 

It's a remake, faggot. Those are allowed here, pedophile. Lurk more, muslim scum.

>> No.4058271

>trying THIS hard
god I hope this is bait

>> No.4058276

No it isn't. Different gameplay, different stages, different bosses. It's a completely new game using the setting and name of Metroid 2. NOT RETRO.

>> No.4058290

>fans decide to remake the ignored Metroid game
>spend lots of time remaking everything while trying to keep it close to the original
>almost 100% done, get C&D
>Nintendo says "They want Metroid 2 remade huh?"
>they make this
>different gameplay, different stages, different bosses. It's a completely new game using the setting and name of Metroid 2.
Trust a modern game dev company to miss the point this damn hard.

>> No.4058298 [DELETED] 

Do not contradict me, goatfucker.

>> No.4058303

>>different gameplay, different stages, different bosses
It's jut like AM2R then

>> No.4058305
File: 94 KB, 495x496, havenofriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.4058307

AM2R at least retained the original game within it...

>> No.4058309

Except it really played closer to Zero Mission than it ever did the original. Also the bosses were all completely new.

>> No.4058320

But it at least kept the actual map intact. It just added new stuff, which is totally fine. A remake can add things, it just needs the original within it to keep the status intact instead of becoming a new game (which this game looks to be doing sadly)

>> No.4058323
File: 11 KB, 216x198, Purification in progress....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you came from boy, but go back there.

>> No.4058326

You don't know if the new game is keeping the old map, it's not even out yet. Jesus.

>> No.4058329

Which it is it, then? Make up your mind.
Better yet take this modern discussion shit to /v/

>> No.4058337

don't listen to /vr's opinions, jesus christ.

They think the Last Omen is a star destroyer when you fall down like a hundred story tower in the game.

>> No.4058338

Old fans don't fucking know what they want. The sooner you tell them to fuck off the better off you will be. Fags won't even buy games anyway, they'd rather replay old shit that got its price gouged by scalpers.

>> No.4058349

I do know it isn't since the 30 minute trailer showed the map the whole time and it wasn't the original...

>> No.4058593

>we'll never have a proper follow up to Super Metroid, will we?

But anon, we got a followup to Super Metroid it was called Other M

>> No.4058707

Better than AM2R. Not retro.

>> No.4058719

>only the music was

Not if you're into weird experimental music. Loved the soundtrack

>> No.4058721

I'm just glad 2D Metroid is still a thing with Nintendo.

>> No.4058741

Well there are some goods ones but most of the time you just hear this

>> No.4058761

>new 2d metroid made

nothing in life will ever make you happier than your own misery. smoke more and get cancer as fast as you can.

>> No.4058819

I love Metroid II.
I hope they keep the minimalistic glitch soundtrack of the original.

>> No.4058891

Remakes count. Quit being retarded or go back to /v/.

One of the two.

>> No.4059008

>I said it is the worst 2D Metroid, which is true.
It can't be true when Zero Mission and Fusion exist.

>> No.4059015

Just because you don't like them doesn't make the bad. They are objectively superior to the flawed mess that is 2.

>> No.4059030

It being the worst of the 2D Metroids is exactly WHY it should have priority. This is a chance to bring it up to par with the other games.

>> No.4059063

>Zero Mission
>Worse than 2

I like 2, but its not as good as you think it is.

>> No.4059098

When did people start deciding Metroid 2 was a bad game? It was and still is one of the best original Gameboy games. It improved on the original Metroid in almost every way. It's only real flaw was that it was more linear than the original, but it was still fun as hell and I loved playing it back in the day.

When did /vr/ turn into a place where old games are considered bad just because they're old and haven't been remade?

>> No.4059136

And let's just keep in mind that the GB can sound like this:

>It's only real flaw was
the giant ass screen filing sprite. Linearity is nothing inherently bad and it really fit the narrative of this game. One path to kill all the metroids leading to the queen herself.

>> No.4059137


I agree with this

>> No.4059157

Its not a terrible game. I just don't quite agree with putting it above the GBA games, myself.

>> No.4059158 [DELETED] 

>wanting Nutendo to touch any classic IP

Kill yourselves, right now.

>> No.4059183

I want it to be good, but I've seen the gameplay footage. They're focusing too much on style over substance, a failing of other Metroid games which shall not be named for obvious reasons.

>> No.4059216

>the GB can sound like this:
I knew there was some Follin Brothers magic in there before I opened the videos.

>> No.4059271
File: 182 KB, 700x451, 1495555721041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game barely anyone played or remembers because of Super Metroid overshadowing it
>gets a remake

What's the big deal? If it does well, maybe they'll do more 2D games in the future. Some of you Metroidbabys will never be pleased anyway.

>> No.4059281

Zero Mission and Fusion are flawed messes that were made on far superior hardware to the Game Boy. Metroid 2 is how it is because of the limitations of the platform, and it used those limitations to exceptional effect. Context matters.

They are worse than 2.

>> No.4059286

like you, apparently

>> No.4059289

>They are worse than 2.
I've played all three, and strongly disagree.

>> No.4059296

Being on Lesser hardware doesn't suddenly make it a better game. What kind of shitty argument is that?

>> No.4059316


really great comeback there anon, it doesn't even make sense given the content of his post

>> No.4059320

thanks, i spent five minutes thinking it up and then felt really stupid when i realized it was entirely from misreading his post

>> No.4059329

See at this point I also have to come out and tell you that I do not agree with your opinions. I can see for someone to make a case for Metroid 1 > Fusion or something, but in no way is 2 better than Zero Mission.
Remember: making "complete" use of the platforms capabilities does not guarantee a good game. Just look at Metroid 1, which looks like dogshit compared to later NES games and even fan hacks (although I like the ample use of black). Still, I regard it higher than fusion which does look better than super Metroid in some places.

>> No.4059434

Any flaws Metroid 2 has are due to the limitations of the hardware it is on. Zero Mission and Fusion's flaws were not the result of hardware, they're the result of poor game design.

>Just look at Metroid 1, which looks like dogshit compared to later NES games and even fan hacks
You're ignoring context. Metroid came out in 1986 and used the MMC1 chip in the West. It didn't have the advantage of better MMC chips like MMC3 or MMC5 like later NES games did or custom-made chips like Sunsoft's FME-7 or Konami's VRC6 or VRC7. You cannot properly compare Metroid to later NES games without keeping in mind the context of when it was released and the hardware that was available to it. Likewise, you cannot properly compare Metroid 2 to later games without taking into consideration its context.

>> No.4059448

Flaws that are the result of limitations are still flaws, anon. And Zero Mission's flaws arent severe enough to make 2 better than it.

>> No.4059451

No its not you fuckingretard

The point of the thread is bitching that number 2 is being remade

>> No.4059719

This is one of the most poorly formulated arguments I have ever seen.

>> No.4060227
File: 38 KB, 511x449, Rain_zpsu51pvndc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're ignoring context.
I am perfectly aware of the context. This is not about the MMC1, as the sprite design is Metroid 1 somewhat poor compared to what more experienced artists achieved later in the console's life cycle. Compare the graphics of Metroid to those of Rogue Dawn, a fan hack that came out a couple of months ago. Looks good, doesn't it? Well, it uses the same MMC1 mapper and runs on actual hardware. I repeat, this is NOT about the mapper. Mappers primarily increase memory space available, allowing MORE graphics data to be stored, which allows for increased variety, smoother animations and cool effects like the parallax clouds in Batman: Return of the Joker. They do NOT replace artistic talent and won't magically make a game look "good" (although they can help).

Now, please explain to me how the GB hardware made Metroid II so linear when other games on the system were not.

>> No.4060256

Metroid 2 was an awesome game.

Remake will be bad though, just because most modern games tend to be bad.

>> No.4060407
File: 44 KB, 768x720, Metroid 1 vs 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding Screen use in Metroid 2 vs 1, here's something I threw together quickly. It's a representative screenshot from 2 overlaid onto 1, scaled to Samus' height.

What's interesting here is that the sprites are roughly the same height - 32px for M1 and 36px for M2. Sprite size is not nearly as "overblown" as it appears. It's mostly the Game Boy's lack of resolution/screen estate that results in the relative viewing area being reduced to almost one fourth of that in M1 (also taking into account the status bar here).

The mistake was keeping the sprites the same size without adjusting to the limitations of the new system. (Although some argue that the zoomed in view fits the jarring atmosphere of being trapped in a maze, I think the vast emptiness and ample use of black in Metroid 1 emphasize the feeling of being lost and alone far better.)

>> No.4060449

re-read your post carefully.

>> No.4060476
File: 15 KB, 400x240, metroid_samus_returns-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>official remake looks worse than the fangame
Nintendo does it again!

>> No.4060498
File: 675 KB, 620x887, 2017-06-15 04_24_31-MY VENGEANCE.png - Windows Photo Viewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean the first one is pretty bad too, and that got a remake.

I'm down for a super metroid remake while they're at it.

>> No.4060504
File: 33 KB, 341x354, what why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid 1

>> No.4060520

>worst of the 2D Metroids is what Nintendo deems to have priority

You're giving it more importance than it really has. It's a cheap remake being farmed out to literally whos and Nintendo is only having it made so people will shut up about no Metroid.

>> No.4060528

Shut your mouth before I end you. Metroid 1 is the patrician choice.

>> No.4061446

Metroid 1 wasn't bad, it just wasn't as intuitive as the later games.

>> No.4061492


Great example of what makes this board so insufferable OP. Nothing but ungrateful brats more interested in pretentious retro cred than actually enjoying games.

>> No.4061523

Then leave. No one will miss you, I promise.

>> No.4061536

nintendo is so out of ideas they have to remake a fan game

>> No.4061546

Why should he care if insufferable faggots will miss a faceless Anon declaring he'll leave or not.

>> No.4061605

>expect a deluxe remake like Zero Mission
>get a shitty 2.5D "remake" with shitty gfx, tons of useless cinematics and quick-time events
Metroid Dread NEVER EVER

>> No.4061736

AM2R was preserved by the power of the internet so anyone with an inkling of knowledge can download it. As for the official one, it looks really unique compared to other 2D Metroids, and it's being made by a 3rd party studio so I'd rather they dip their toes in the black sheep before making a whole new Metroid. Get an idea of what makes Metroid what it is.

>> No.4061742

You really think they made this in the time since they C&D'd AM2R? It's only 3 months away.

>> No.4061797

Yeah that guy is retarded. It was most likely the other way around
>they start remake development
>have all these crazy new ideas to add to the new game
>suddenly a fan game comes out that looks much more promising than the one they're making and without permission
>they shut it down expecting their remake to catch on instead

>> No.4062119

That must really suck for the devs desu, the creeping knowledge that your game will always be talked about in reference to the fan game and often compared unfavourably to it.

>> No.4062170

AM2R was complete. It was properly released before the C&D, and you can still find it through torrents.

Pokemon Prism was the one that was shut down prematurely.

>> No.4062174

I doubt that. Probably the C&D came because they were already working on the remake.

The reason they waited until the game was close to release was probably either because they didn't know about it until people started getting hyped about the imminent release, or because many fan games get stuck in an endless purgatory phase where they get delayed again and again and again and eventually cancelled, and they didn't want to waste the effort.

I agree with this. It's basically the forgotten 2D Metroid. Metroid 1 was updated (Zero Mission) after all, and the 2D games after (Super and Fusion) don't particularly need an update.

2 has its charm but it's the perfect game to update.

>> No.4062178

>looks much more promising

>> No.4062269

You guys are really delusional if you think AM2R can compete with an official, advertised Nintendo game in popularity. It's a fangame, an unavailable fangame of a game that wasn't even popular to begin with. Most people don't even know it exists and a good chunk of those who do wouldn't come near a torrent if their lives depended on it.

>> No.4062286

I'm not talking about popularity, I'm just saying that there will be a large number of people out there (including game journalists) who will compare the two games and possibly put AM2R above MRS. Obviously AM2R isn't going to affect sales to any significant degree.

>> No.4062759

Don't forget those Metroid tracks looped in a non-linear way though. They don't sound better in any way but it was an interesting experiment. The track seemed like it was randomized or procedurally generated because of that.

>> No.4062768

I actually like what I saw. It's not going go be a Super Metroid but it might be good. I'm just happy for a 2D Metroid.

>> No.4063498

I don't understand the hate either. It's just one of those old school games that doesn't hold your hand and requires a map for the first playthrough.

>> No.4063504

or maybe the dev team didn't understood the technology that was available at the time

>> No.4063508

why does /vr/ hate Metroid Prime so much
feels like if Turok and Unreal had the cutest baby ever and raised by 2000s Nintendo.

>> No.4063873

Because it's not Super Metroid. Same reason why Castlevania purists hate SotN and Zeldafags hate every game that ISN'T OoT.

Incidentally, most Prime-fags hate the 2D games.

>> No.4063932

I played it recently for the first time and it definitely fits in the top five original gameboy games for me.

R&D1 were portable game dev gods.

>> No.4063951

Yes, experience was a vital factor in increasing game quality during the NES's lifetime. Some of the shit newcomers could whip up in the early 90s looked (and played) no better than what was available at the console's launch, while by that time, established developers knew the in and outs, the hacks and tricks of making a game look good with the limited hardware.

Rogue Dawn is an example of what that sort of experience looks like when applied. If only they had had more writing experience...

>> No.4064181

Do we? I quite like it, it's my second favorite in the series after Super. It's different, but it captures that Metroid feel extremely well in my opinion.

>> No.4064191

Piss off kid

>> No.4064235

This news has inspired me to finally play Metroid 2, something I have never done despite owning every single other Metroid game except for Hunters and the pinball one.
I've played a couple hours now and I can safely say this: This game could definitely benefit from a remake.

The lack of an in-game map alone would be worth it. Speaking of the map, the map design is... lacking. The most glaring example of this was in the Caverns section, where I drop through a tall section, find a Metroid molting at the bottom, move to the right, and fight a Beta Metroid. I then proceed to move to the left, drop down an identical tall section to find yet another Metroid shell, move right to yet another identical room to fight another Beta Metroid. So basically it was two 'L' shaped sections that not only repeated, but they were actually connected to each other. That repetition made me think the game either glitched out, or I was in a sort of Zelda Lost Woods scenario.

>> No.4064237

Seconded.Personally, I wouldn't directly compare 3D with 2D Metroid, though - it's apples and oranges, really, same for the Zelda and Mario franchises. Still, it's a terrific game and a great entry in the franchise.

>> No.4064391

Yeah, it's like in the first game where to save memory they made a whole load of rooms and corridors identical. You could say it's part of the game design and is purposefully disorientating, but arriving in Kraid's layer and finding nothing but a shitload of identical rooms in every direction was far from fun.

>> No.4064437
File: 51 KB, 587x227, Sakamoto give his thanks to Metroid Prime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably hear that from a vocal minority
from what i seen, they only hate how obnoxious 2d fans are nowadays, not the games.

>> No.4064502

Makes me angry how people jerk off to the game on youtube.
Its not out yet we only saw graphics and they look like shit.

>> No.4064517

People are excited that Nintendo's making a Metroid game again.

>> No.4064540

It is available, do research,jesus.....

>> No.4064661 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 339x331, 1497721619760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The area located in the upper right is quite simply a huge waste of time and a bit of dickmove on part of the developers. But you learn not to go there if you're playing for a good time.

Still, getting lost is part of the fun in Metroid games.

>> No.4065867

>most Prime-fags hate the 2D games.

I'm not really sure I've ever seen this.

>> No.4065974

What even makes one a Prime-fag? I mean I grew up on the 2D metroids and liked them just fine, and then the Prime games came out and I found those great too.

>> No.4066023

And it was also distributed anyways. Granted, the final official version was going to include an extra region that the "leaked" build didn't, but it couldn't be helped.

>> No.4066047

I started with the primes, and love the 2D games just as much.

>> No.4066286

Getting lost is more fun when the confusion is the result of a labyrinthine layout, since it makes it feel more like the player simply needs to pay attention to where they're going more. Using repetitive rooms instead to confuse players is more frustrating, because even if the player pays full attention to what they're doing, they could still very easily make a wrong turn because of every path looking identical.

>> No.4066295


>> No.4066315

Technical limitations. If they could have helped it, they would have done so. It's still a great game for what was possible at the time.

Memorization or drawing a map will help.

>> No.4066339

super metroid is overrated anyway so just play it, if not then stop complaining lel

>> No.4068590
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It must be tiring being a hater. I'm excited for this remake.

>> No.4068619

>C&Ding fangames

fuck hate it when they do this

>> No.4068627

Chrono Trigger fangame too was killed prematurely and for what? A shitty NDS re-release

>> No.4068630

If it means the real thing gets made I hope fan games get C & D'd more often.

Besides, these idiots could have a safe legal knock off if they just changed the copyrighted material into knockoffs. Maybe not with a Metroid remake, but shit like that pokemon fangame that got taken down could have gone unchecked just like the dozens of other pokemon knockoffs, except it could have been actually good.

>> No.4068636

They're on a black sheep remake kick between this and Fire Emblem Echoes.

>> No.4068637


Fingers crossed for Zelda 2.

>> No.4068648

the big deal is that we finally get another 2D Metroid game but instead of being literally Super Metroid 2 it's a remake of a game barely anybody played that everybody knows the plot to with ugly 2.5D graphics and flashy "cinematic" gameplay features

>> No.4068696
File: 1.53 MB, 1160x653, xYrwKaO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FE echoes and metroid were revealed 6 months apart from each other and both have release dates 4 months after reveal. I'm fully expecting another remake reveal in 6 more months.

>> No.4068710

Most of you faggots crying about this game are going to be the same ones who download it illegally and still bitch about it. Nothing will ever satisfy you.

>> No.4068724

>a game barely anybody played
It outsold every other Metroid game except the original and Prime.

>> No.4069386

Not before a Z1 remake.

For the record I'd love a Z1 remake if the art design was faithful enough which I guess would be unlikely.

>> No.4069396

Wasn't that already done with BS Zelda?

>> No.4069436

I meant like 3D. Also BS Zelda is pretty ugly IMO.

>> No.4069462
File: 569 KB, 624x479, 1481205396850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off OP, Metroid 2 was a great game on a very old portable console. If any 2D Metroid deserved a remake, it's that one.

>> No.4070402
File: 123 KB, 305x350, It's okay if you're dissapointed, Nintendo will listen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for anyone who's interested, there's some recent news about Metroid Samus Returns
yes Sakamoto literally said he's reconsidering Samus characterization in Other M. probably why he's wore that Benimaru Itoh-illustrated Samus T-Shirt in the developer diary video

>> No.4072129

>Sigh... we'll never have a proper follow up to Super Metroid, will we?

Don't really care. I don't buy new Nintendo systems because they're garbage so anything they release would be for said system. Nothing of value is lost by them not having a new Metroid.

What we need is a PC spiritual successor with it's own lore and concepts so it can unfuck all the terrible stuff and bring a solid game to the table for everyone to play.

The time for Nintendo to strike gold is long gone.

>> No.4072207

>DS system family
I think people's criticisms of Ninty are valid, but the DS and 3DS have a legendary library they've accumulated.

I think the only crime here is that it took 13 years for a 2D metroid game to be released on a DS system.