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File: 32 KB, 310x477, 1494538565211[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3987248 No.3987248 [Reply] [Original]

The Western cover of RE1 comes from a prequel comic. The cover shows Richard Aiken, not Chris Redfield.


>> No.3987281

I always thought it was just a digitally manipulated photomosaic that just generally represented the game. Do you have a link to the comic?

>> No.3987328

Woah what a trip, just the other day I was going to post a thread asking if anyone knew what was up with RE1 cover. I always thought it didn't look like Chris and I always wondered why his eye is messed up looking. It almost looks like he's in the process of turning into a zombie himself. Anyway, thanks for clearing it up!

>> No.3987485

zero punctuation has a good video review of that cover.

>> No.3987521

Sure mate.

RE1 release date:
>Mar 1996

Comic book release date:
>April 1996

>> No.3987536


You do realize that the release dates don't represent the order that they were created, right?

>> No.3987546

Yes, but considering there is nothing in the link OP posted about the creation of the cover for either the comic of the western release, it's all we have.

Unless there is proof, and proof about the creation of the cover itself, not the book as a whole or the western release (not like the book would have been made before the game anyway), it is very, very, unlikely what OP said.

More like they decided to use the game cover for the comic book that's a prequel to the game. Even if the book was released before the game, the cover would have made and ready much before.

>> No.3987565 [DELETED] 


Why do you have a name on an ANONYMOUS image board? Nobody here wants to know who you are.

>> No.3987592

I'm more curious about the AR-shotgun he's holding. What's that about?

>> No.3987593

I remember reading some of the comics online a while back

I liked the one that featured the diner the claire went into, the one that showed how jill got to where she was in the beginning of RE3(which was a mall, apparently), and the one where chris, jill, and barry go on a world tour fighting zombies in famous places like the louvre and catacombs in france

I wish someone would translate those retarded chinese comics+the dino crisis one, though

>> No.3988315

No it doesn't. The comic used the cover of the game as its cover to get more easy sales which is a normal practice for tie in comics. Look at the release dates the game came out a month before the comic did.

>> No.3988321

>The cover shows Richard Aiken, not Chris Redfield.

My entire life has been a lie.

>> No.3988390 [DELETED] 

I care who I am. I guess I should secure this name now that there's a bunch of drama surrounding me. Thanks.

>> No.3988421

Photomosaic. He also has two different facial expressions on the left vs right side of his face. I feel like there used to be an image floating around where someone really analyzed the whole thing

Welcome to tripville. Do you have the image I'm talking about? I'm sure you were in those threads.

>> No.3988429 [DELETED] 


>I care who I am.

And you need your alias posted for others to see in order to remember who you are?

>> No.3988523
File: 18 KB, 500x343, tumblr_md96pllJ2N1rxpbk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Kendo for REmake 2

>> No.3990557
File: 1.31 MB, 1698x1643, RE1 Conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just looking through my old 4chan folders and found what I was talking about. What do y'all make of this?

>> No.3990565
File: 488 KB, 1721x910, edits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The face and gun get weirder. There's a skin tone change around his mouth, nose and ears. It looks like they combined that part of his face over the original image. And his gun by his left hand is a shotgun. by his right is an M4 rifle. In the middle is some weird grey blurry piece that goes from the trigger to the gun.

>> No.3990578

I just thought he was meant to look crazed because he knows he's about to die and is going to take as many of those bastards down with him as he can.

>> No.3993015

Her eyes are fucking terrifying

>> No.3993023

Wow you're a pussy

>> No.3993135

NESfag spot on as usual.

>> No.3993145

Yeah but unless there's an actual credile source specifying the comic cover was made before the game cover then the game cover takes precedence over it because it's what was released first.

>> No.3993392

Or maybe because i played this back in 1998 when i was 5 i know what a good zombie looks like fucktard

>> No.3993427
File: 704 KB, 850x1370, Resident Evil Promo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't it just a traced publicity still from the Stallone version of Judge Dredd.

>> No.3993432

Welp, someone already posted it.>>3990557

>> No.3993439

Why do I have the urge for McDonalds?

>> No.3993838

Looks like they found random photos from magazines and shooped them together and then added filters to make it look like a drawing.

Could it be possible to track down the pieces?

>> No.3993890
File: 114 KB, 800x590, Sylvester-Stallone-Daylight Panerai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is from "Daylight" which came out after RE1.

Looks like Stallone wanted revenge.

>> No.3994532

>be American
>see food everywhere

>> No.3994558


The cover artist is Bill Sienkiewicz. That's his site and contact. Someone please ask him about the cover.

>> No.3994597


My guess is that the artist did several traces that were 1:1 from movies. Then those drawings were combined later to hide that they were traces.

The still from >>3990557 is a direct trace from Judge Dredd.

The fact that he has at least 3 expressions going on, with his mouth clenched, his left eye wide open, and the right closed, with multiple guns seems to give weight to this theory.

>> No.3994735

Should I play the original or director's cut on ps1, or the gc remake first? Also they're selling the first 3 resident evil's on the playstation store (to be used on ps3) for about 20 bucks right now but I don't know the quality of the issues that are included. Any advice appreciated

>> No.3994748

He's also on Twitter, would probably be faster and easier to get a response through that.

>> No.3994989

Play the original. If you want more content you can by Director's Cut but make sure it's NOT Dual Shock version because it has shit soundtrack.

>> No.3995008

>His weapon of choice was his customized assault shotgun


>> No.3995229
File: 388 KB, 478x1000, Resident_Evil_-_Richard_Aiken_alpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His weapon of choice was his customized assault shotgun
He only wielded it in REmake, where it was an optional weapon you could obtain by saving him from Yawn's poisonous bite. He never wielded such a weapon in RE1, not even in the one piece of promo art they drew of him.

>> No.3996804

Did /vr/ uncover the new Mona Lisa?

>> No.3997748

Where can I find a large scan of this? Been keen on a RE1 poster for a while, but have not been able to find any

>> No.4000139

Why couldn't they get "Charlie" pose for the cover? I thought this whole "guy on the cover looks nothing like the main character" shit ended after NES era.

>> No.4000304

Really? I can't believe someone as talented as Bill shat this cover.
Sienkiewicz usually is amazing.

>> No.4000308

here it is >>3999970

>> No.4000317


Oh, this is just a scan of the comic cover. This is probably your best bet.


>> No.4000329
File: 918 KB, 1933x1371, wtf is that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another gun part...


>> No.4000331

what the fuck?!

>> No.4000332


>> No.4000336

Did they even test this cover before they released it?

>> No.4000338


I have never noticed that. It's black so it blends in with the black shapes around it.

We need to interview bill sienkiewczart on what is going on in this image.

>> No.4000346

>how would you like your cover art done?

>> No.4000361


>> No.4000363

Consider emulating
>Resident Evil: Director's Cut UNCUT
for PSX

but please play the original somehow before GCN. I wish it wasn't overlooked so much...

>> No.4000367
File: 99 KB, 652x360, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucked up his legs.
Lighting makes more sense when you flip them.

>> No.4000368

Is this supposed to be taken in the Jill Sandwich room?

>> No.4000373


I believe this explains it >>3994597
Bill made several artworks which I'm sure were great and then some asshole with a smudge tool fucked it all up.

>> No.4000376

first deaf composer, now blind cover artist.

>> No.4000378

>basement trumpets intensify

>> No.4000381
File: 33 KB, 192x384, residediser or evillive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would win?

>> No.4000390
File: 121 KB, 580x657, fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I restored Bill's original work!

>> No.4000392

He's already said Capcom didn't let him know what the character was going to look like for the final look.

He was going by their description only.

>> No.4000395

Him not looking like Chris is the least of our problems.

>> No.4000408


Except comics cover date is usually month-two later than date it's actually released, go ask on /co/ if you don't believe me.

>> No.4000412

Can confirm.
Even Sonichu did it.

>> No.4000417

Here is the link.

>> No.4000640

>Be not american
>have american fastfood chain in every western country

>> No.4000909

>Why couldn't they get "Charlie" pose for the cover?
Probably because the western cover art was made afterward by their U.S. division, whereas the live-action cut-scenes were filmed in Japan. I don't think Capcom even had any publicity stills made with the live-action cast (all I've ever seen have been screen captures).

>I thought this whole "guy on the cover looks nothing like the main character" shit ended after NES era.
There were plenty of awful westernized packaging art during the early 32-bit era. Guardian Heroes, Battle Arena Toshinden, Suikoden and the first Street Fighter Alpha all come to mind.

I'm surprised he wasn't at least provided with concept art. I know Chris was one of the first designed character along with Jill and two rejected side-characters

>> No.4000920


You know, the eyes seem to make more sense actually. Him having two completely distinct eye expressions for each eye is just weird.

>> No.4002038

>western cover art was made afterward by their U.S. division
So there's no reason why they didn't show Bill what Chris looked like because by the time he was drawing the artwork the game was already out in Japan.

>> No.4002431

and still nowhere as near obesity

>> No.4002653

I never realized how much they goofed with this image.

>> No.4003117

Wasn't the game released in Japan on the same month as the U.S.?