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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3962486 No.3962486 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty good read.


>> No.3962532

Nice long read, I really enjoyed that.
I remember digging through archive.org trying to find info on the developers of nesticle and stuff. so this was right up my alley.

Is "icer addis" his real name? shits sick.

>> No.3962535 [DELETED] 

Sure thing, OP.

>> No.3962543 [DELETED] 

>dude what are unique I.P's???

>> No.3962554 [DELETED] 

Ever notice how when someone gets accused of being multiple posters there's only ever one person trying to refute it?

>> No.3962557 [DELETED] 

could that be because when you accuse 2 out of 2 people in a thread of being OP, that one of them is actually OP, and has no reason to refute it?

>> No.3962567

Actual OP here.

I couldn't think of anything more autistic to sit around and argue about, personally.

>> No.3962578

>proceeds to post thread about a emulator with a pair of hairy nuts as an icon

>> No.3962580

They couldn't even get the author.


>> No.3962582
File: 138 KB, 256x224, 1409095833021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all, like, get along? I love this board and I love you guys.

>> No.3962583

The most influential early NES emulator, yes. Whatever dumb icon a teenage developer used doesn't negate it's importance in both retrogaming and the emulation scene.

Sorry you have dick issues.

>> No.3962584

sup ernie

>> No.3962585 [DELETED] 

fuck u faggot

>> No.3962587 [DELETED] 


I thought I loved you guys too. Then I wandered into the Doom general.

>> No.3962593

That moore guy, mindrape seems like a total faggot.
>dude IM responsible for you enjoying nes games in the 90's, yeah I stole that source code, the developers was a dick

rest in piss nigger

>> No.3962594

But we gotta stick together. This is a good board we have here, with good knowledgeable people. We share a common interest, we really do. It's not like /v/ at all where the majority of anons just come to shit all over the board. All for one and one for all, right?

>> No.3962598

Sup mysterious stranger.

>> No.3962601 [DELETED] 


Not with the shitters we have modding the board, no. It's pretty obvious a Janitor is a regular in the Doom general (which I did not go in to intending to start a fight).

My comments were gone faster than I've ever seen a moderation action taken except in cases of child porn.

>> No.3962603

Fuck this board, seriously, I hate all of you.

>> No.3962605 [DELETED] 

Mods also patrol gamecenter threads.
get banned for shit talking that chink arino

>> No.3962606

If it was deleted it probably wasn't up to quality standards. If you're new to doom ya' gotta lurk and try the games yourself, my friend.

>> No.3962609

>admitting to shilling your article
what even

>> No.3962610
File: 19 KB, 200x270, 1316013733092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you're talking shit of course it's gonna get deleted, what do you expect?

>> No.3962614 [DELETED] 

>blame the victim
You're an authority whore.

>> No.3962616

Actually, Ernie is part of one my character names in a game. Thought it was a fag I knew who browsed here as well.

>> No.3962620 [DELETED] 


Guy, I'm not going through some kind of weird initiation-ritual-of-silence just to ask a question about goddamn Doom.

And that's actually all I did. But because one person was evidently the source of some petty forum drama (which I neither knew about before hand nor cared to be regaled with), I didn't even get an answer to my second question. So, nah, I'm gonna have to go with >>3962603 .

>> No.3962625

Thanks, Shitman! You helped make middle school a lot less awful!

>> No.3962626

Watching Genesis, Magic Engine, Nesticle, NeoRageX, and SNES9X roll out with high compatibility and playing well on lower end computers was a magical time, man.

>> No.3962627

I worked on zophars domain too, a lot of people did, who gives a shit

>> No.3962629
File: 11 KB, 403x375, 05152230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is basic 4chan netiquette though. Lurk.


>> No.3962632

wrong link: http://secretareaofvipquality.org/about/boardguide.html

>> No.3962636

I used to play Nesticle on a crappy 166 MHz P1 all day long with roms downloaded from GeoCities/Angelfire/etc. It was a goddamn miracle in 1997, man.

>> No.3962637 [DELETED] 


>muh sekrit club

>> No.3962640 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is that relevant? Stop trying to belong

>> No.3962657

that website is garbage

>> No.3962667

OP here. Agreed. I don't visit most of those sites typically because most of the unemployed, inexperienced college kids churning out filth there are fucking insufferable.

A friend sent this one my way and I just thought it was a good read.

>> No.3962676 [DELETED] 

Not really, no. Half the time, we end up calling each other names and getting ass pained over opinions.

Like if you have an opinion that deviates even slighly from "le epic retro handbook" , you get shit on. And if your opinin is "acceptable", then you get shit on by other shitters with something to prove.

Not to mention that if you even mention anytging not STRICTLY adherent to the rules... holy fucking hell the retarded asspains....

Other boards have off topic banter now and then. This board is SO stuck up it's own ass that it's impossible.

I feel more at home on /v/, because at least there, everything blowsover. here, everything just blows.

>> No.3962682

You're a moron. Go lurk and pretend to belong somewhere else.

>> No.3962686 [DELETED] 


This guy has it pretty straight.

>> No.3962690

>what were you expecting

freedom of speech

>> No.3962697

How far we have come

>> No.3962702


Didn't you hear? That died when m00t still owned the joint and pulled an Alexis Ohanian 'cause he got spooked by Scientology.

>> No.3962704 [DELETED] 


>> No.3962716

I must of missed that, can I get a quick rundown.
1 sentence will suffice.

>> No.3962723

It was a good read, OP. Thanks for that.

Fuck all the faggots in your thread to death tho

>> No.3962730 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with the Doom general? I've wondered in there a few times, I haven't seen anything horrific. Just some guys posting .wads and WIP maps.

>> No.3962739 [DELETED] 

warning! warning!

>> No.3962741


>anons decide to push in Scientology's shit
>it goes better than expected
>m00t gets uncomfortable that his site was used for something meaningful for a change
>starts swinging the banhammer with wild abandon
>"gtfo of my site u fags, form a movement somewhere else!"
>even mentioning it gets you a warning
>anons cry foul
>"wtf m00t! haven't you heard of free speech?"
>thus sayeth m00t:
>"there is no free speech on my website you niggers"

Of course it didn't stop him from absolutely creaming himself over how very very open 4chan was later on when he won that Time magazine award.

>> No.3962743 [DELETED] 


Ask the wrong questions and a butthurt Doombabby Janny will nuke your posts from orbit with the speed of an imploding star.

>> No.3962747 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 635x349, 1385844596694[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fag

so glad we have a samurai for a board owner now.

>> No.3962763

i came in expecting a thread about the history of emulation, not someone butthurt that they got told "LURK MOAR FAGGOT"

>> No.3962767



>> No.3962771

I replied to you and my comment was deleted by a mod.

>> No.3962774


I know.

>> No.3962775


>> No.3962787

I'm now replying to your replies to me. over.

>> No.3962794


I'm replying to your reply to my reply, over.

>> No.3963218

Fuck no. Can someone archive it please?

>> No.3963225

Kronk/sardu/icer has moved on, he rarely talks about those days

>> No.3963234


Quite a stretch there, m8

>> No.3963330

It still amazes me a group of devs who created what could be considered shovelware went on to pioneer emulation for the NES and Genesis.

>> No.3963547
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1200, ffxiv_05022017_083024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but...

I didn't realize the author's name was Ernie because I typically don't read cancerous blogs like Vice.

>> No.3964052
File: 19 KB, 210x240, revy 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual medium
>reading text

>> No.3965137 [DELETED] 


>> No.3965172 [DELETED] 


Fuck off and shill your article somewhere else.

>> No.3965518

This is such an interesting read for me! I still live in Kansas. I went to Wichita High, and this guy was a year or 2 ahead of me. I had no idea he was up to this... If I had only known the future...

>> No.3965524

This is still shocking... I had actually even talked to him casually in the lunch hall about video games...

>> No.3965525


Except knowing this is vice I somehow doubt they tried very hard.

>> No.3967240
