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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3878840 No.3878840 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, over the past year or so I've noticed posters repeatedly indicate that they're amicable to the idea of allowing the Gameboy Advance (GBA) and its titles to be discussed on /vr/. The reasons I've seen presented for including it are numerous. To offer a few examples:
>It was the last "2D focused" Nintendo platform and has hardware of comparable strength to numerous 90s home consoles
>It's the last iteration of a handheld family that has its predecessors allowed on here
>It's now roughly a decade and a half old and would definitely qualify as retro in the eyes of many people
>It featured new entries to or ports of many /vr/ relevant franchises that already come up in threads discussing said franchises regularly
>The Dreamcast is allowed to be discussed on /vr/ despite its release date because the release of the 8th generation was decided as a good point to decide to qualify it as retro, and with the advent of the Switch it feels like its time for the GBA to be permitted under similar logic due to three handheld generations having passed since its launch
However, please don't think that I'm endorsing any of the above arguments in particular or offering an exhaustive explanation of them. I'm just mentioning a handful of ones I remember seeing previously to act as a jumping off point for discussion.
And yes, I'm aware that its ultimately up to the mods to make the final call on this - but I figure that having a (hopefully civil) open discussion about it within the community is a good way to start gauge how people feel about it and hopefully spark a decision on the matter.

I'm not posting about this on /qa/ specifically because I'd rather keep crossboarders out of the discussion and focus on what /vr/ thinks.

>> No.3878841 [DELETED] 

Not retro, never will be. Sage, reported, hidden.

>> No.3878847

no, fuck off

go complain to hiro and make /vr2k/

>> No.3878860

Also, to put my cards on the table: Like many I'm nervous that expanding the scope of the board any further with more modern platforms may degrade the quality of the discussion on here by inviting /v/ posters and such across. That said, the GBA is definitely a nifty little platform with a lot of original games to discuss and a lot of relevance to popular franchises/series on here, and I do feel that enough time has passed that discussion of where or not it qualifies as retro is now valid.

I've no interest in bringing any discussion of whether /vr/ should change its' rules anywhere outside of here. It seems dumb as hell to discuss it with outsiders.

>> No.3878867


>> No.3878870

I think any console pre-2004 is retro at this point.

GBA, Gamecube, PS2 and Original Xbox are definitely retro. Having /vr2k/ for just those four consoles is silly, especially when this board barely gets any traffic as it is.

Nintendo DS, PSP and Xbox 360 (which were all released in a 1 year period between 2004-2005) are not.

>> No.3878874

I mean you pretty much summed up why it should be allowed.
>Shit tons of games on it already get discussed on here because they're from a /vr/ relevant series or ports of older games
>The Switch releasing marks three gens since the GBA released much like the PS4/Xbone did for the Dreamcast
>The GB and GBC are both allowed so adding the end of the family line would be a good capstone on newer handheld discussion for the foreseeable future
>It's old enough that /v/ermin are unlikely to be drawn here to talk about it
>Its 2D focused and still 'feels' like a retro platform in many ways

I'd fully support it being permitted on here now that the Switch is out.

>> No.3878876

Would you mind expanding on why?
I think that on home consoles the 6th gen definitely marked a big enough turning point for the industry that you can argue that it will never be 'retro' in the same way older platforms are.
I'd personally prefer if it never gets added, beyond maybe the handhelds like the GBA - especially since the PS2 and Gamecube in particular would invite fuckloads of /v/ posters here.

>> No.3878878

How is having little traffic a bad thing? I always see this come up when people talk about this board like it needs to have /v/ levels of traffic to be worth visiting.

>> No.3878881

I'd be happy to see it allowed in, personally. In the end it is up to the moderators, but I digress.

>> No.3878885


Exactly. High traffic is not necessarily a plus, as long as the site isn't at risk of being shut down as a result.


>> No.3878886

Yeah I honestly think that's by far the least convincing argument in favour of it. Slow boards are nearly always better boards, and /vr/ is pretty much fine as it is in terms of its population size.

>> No.3878887

Only if it came with an assurance from the mods that allowing other consoles won't happen in the near future.

The only GBA games I think might hurt the board are the Gen 3 Pokemon titles, but they already have their own board.

>> No.3878891

DC was released in 99 champ. It's ignorance like that that makes people want to keep you and your consoles out. We need to be tightening the rules not loosening them. This place has already gone to shit with an invasion of underage and their 10 emulation threads a week.

>> No.3878892
File: 362 KB, 600x848, 5d956ac448b849e3d3514017bb3b4ee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never happening. Not retro.

Look, I'm playing the GBA fire emblems

I didn't make a thread about it here whining about why GBA isn't allowed

I made a thread on /v/

And it LIVED. People actually talked about the games for a good while.

/v/ HAS interest in GBA games. /vr/ does not.

/v/ has MUCH more traffic too so I'm sure that will satisfy you.

There is NO reason to turn /vr/ into /v/ when /v/ exists.

>> No.3878896

I don't think he said it was a bad thing?

The way I see it this board's size and pace is fine, but we don't know if a /vr2k/ would even reach a point like this.

>> No.3878901

This is a fair point. I can take that.

>> No.3878908

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 1999 rule codified along with the introduction of the DC to this board? Because I seem to recall before then people would say that the DC was too new to be retro and its late 90s release was a point of contention. Its been like three years and I didn't pay too much attention at the time so I'm genuinely not sure on this.

Agreed. If the GBA is allowed I want a guarantee that no other sixth gen or newer platforms will be even up for discussion until the 2020s or something like that.

>> No.3878914


>> No.3878915

Then why even mention it? If it's a good thing, why ruin it with more traffic? If bad, why is having less traffic bad other than you need to wait longer for a reply? If neutral, why even mention it since it doesn't matter either way?

There's no real reason to bring it up unless you look at it as a negative.

I see what you're saying about an alternative boars, but I'm not really worries about alternatives one way or another. I just don't want a faster pacing on this board.

>> No.3878919

>alternative boars
meant boards

>> No.3878921

I don't think /v/'s willingness to discuss games for the GBA should be the deciding factor. /v/ is willing to discuss nearly every fifth gen platform at length and has threads about 90s games regularly, yet that's totally irrelevant to them being allowed on here.

That said, the matter of whether or not allowing the GBA would bring across more posters from /v/ is a much more worrying issue to me - but given the lack of discussion of it compared to the N64/PS1 and how we're fine even with those being on here, I am not convinced it would actually be a major issue.

>> No.3878928

>/v/ HAS interest in GBA games. /vr/ does not.

And really? If we were banning platforms and games using /v/'s interest in them as a deciding factor then the Playstation One and Doom would both be banned. That's a terrible argument.

Agreeing to this too. If the GBA makes the cut, I want nothing else to be added for a few years after it.

>> No.3878939

> I want nothing else to be added for a few years after it.

I'm all for GBA being added and even I agree with this. Opening the floodgates all at once is a terrible idea. If we expand for whatever reason it should be a very slow, staggered progress.

>> No.3878940

GBA is borderline, but it's probably better to not put it on /vr/ because it has so much shared with the Gamecube.

What those consoles had are the same type of games we get today, other than improved graphics and larger worlds. So they shouldn't be retro in any way. They are the roots of modern games. If anything they should get their own board, combined with PS3/Wii/X360/DS. A 00s /v/ board for those who grew up with those consoles.

>> No.3878948

What does it take to get a new board made? I legit have no idea how that process works.

>> No.3878960

>GBA is borderline, but it's probably better to not put it on /vr/ because it has so much shared with the Gamecube.
That's actually a good point I hadn't considered, the GBA-GC connectivity is something that definitely ties it to 6th gen home consoles in a way I'm not fully comfortable with. I'm still mostly in favour of allowing it though.

I'd honestly be fine with establishing a three year rule or something where everytime something is added three years have to pass before discussions of new additions can be held. I'd be even more fine with sixth gen home consoles never getting added.

From what I've seen it over the years it really is entirely up to the mods these days. Hiro seems to have switched to an entirely hands off approach to running the site in terms of the moderation of it, and stuff like /qst/ or the short lived film board were seemingly all down to the mods deciding they were needed for whatever reason.

>> No.3878964

I think it should, but just the gba, nothing else, i think /v wont come to this board because they are NOT INTERSTED IN RETRO, if they were theyll be here already, these oldass dudes dont want this board to be alive and want the same threads over and over, (im 27 btw)pretty sure most people in this board collect gba as retro a while ago. So yeah. It should imo

>> No.3878967

For whoever is running 4chan at the moment to go and think "hm, maybe I should work on 4chan for a few minutes".

Consider that even moot waited for 5 years to just add standards compliant html for the site, and he at least knows how websites work; hiroyuki has no idea what he is doing at all (otherwise he wouldn't have made /aco/ and /trash/).

>> No.3878971

Retro is gaming not in the modern era of style-over-substance focused-on-graphics BS.

PS1/N64/DC doesn't belong here, really, GBA is right the fuck out even if it is mostly SNES conversions, which means just play the damn SNES, please.

>> No.3878974

Now this is some peak contrarianism right here

>> No.3878983

>they're amicable to the idea of allowing the Gameboy Advance
Source: My ass

>> No.3878984

It's been my opinion since /vr/ started. All the kids that loved their fucking crappy N64 toys crying to 4chan to include their "nostalgia" in a real board about true retro games (which N64 isn't a part of) are the contrarians.

>> No.3878986

This. I want the hipster emulation fags to leave. This board should be about playing retro games on retro hardware. Not playing ROMs on your laptop between college classes.

>> No.3878987


>> No.3878992


>> No.3878993


>> No.3879000

God damn it now we're going to get swarmed with meta threads about six gen for months again. Thanks asshole.

>> No.3879004

There's literally a thread up right now with people saying they think it should be allowed. Just search the archive and you can find plenty more instances.

I'm not saying that it's the most widespread opinion on the matter but it isn't exactly rare either.

I doubt it.

>> No.3879005

im down.

>> No.3879007


>> No.3879008

GBA is such a cancer cash grab no innovation shovelware for babies shit system that ported classic games for no fucking reason other than children at the time never owned an SNES. it is the epitome of non retro and can never be grouped in with pre 2000 consoles

>> No.3879009

There are, hands down, the worst threads on /vr/.

>> No.3879010

>I doubt it.

Trust me it's going to happen. Either someone is just going to keep posting meta GBA threads after the previous one 404s or you'll start getting a bunch of threads about the other sixth gen consoles because this always fucking happens when someone makes a meta thread about this topic.

>> No.3879019

Counterpoint: """"crt"""" filter threads

>> No.3879021

Fuck right off.

>> No.3879030

>Would you mind expanding on why?

No fuck off people have explained numerous times in the past but you faggots can't take no for an answer.

>> No.3879037
File: 713 KB, 960x828, 1415195265248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are unique to /vr/ and have a point. Though I don't browse them very often.

This is just trying to ruin the board

>> No.3879038

Would you mind doing so anyway?

This is the first time I've made a thread about it or even thought that discussion about the topic was worth having, to be clear.

>> No.3879047

>Those are unique to /vr/
I wish

>> No.3879053

Oh. I didn't know. Which other boards are they on?

>> No.3879087

Why not just wait a few years and allow it in 2020?

>> No.3879097

Spoken like a true retard.

>> No.3879105

GBA is fine because it basically stopped receiving games in 04 barring a few stragglers like Mother 3.

Allowing PS2 would legitimately mean we would be getting Persona waifu threads. Yeah, no thanks, give that a few more years.

>> No.3879107
File: 131 KB, 477x267, 1228640350429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allowing gba would be the trojan horse for the gamecube and ps2/xbox.
ps2 alone would destroy this board. and halo 1 is the complete opposite of retro.

we 100% should not allow the gba. keep it on the backburner for when there's a new board that has gc+ps2+xbox+wii+ps3+360.

>> No.3879110

I was playing hitherto completely unknown titles and English patched Final Fantasy V on my PC in 1999 with Genecyst and Kgen, then on the Dreamcast.

>> No.3879116

>halo 1 is the complete opposite of retro.

What, a fun console FPS with good mechanics, and memorable multiplayer? We should ban the N64 if this is the case.

Anyway, Halo CE was actually pretty fucking good, it was Halo 2 and onwards that sucked.

>> No.3879123

>Allowing PS2 would legitimately mean we would be getting Persona waifu threads.
How about I make one right now just to piss you off? P1 and P2 are both /vr/ :^)

>> No.3879131

Post 00s """mods""" are a problem here also that mostly overshadows discussions on retro games since those introduces modern concepts of video games currently plaguing the industry. I would argue that discussion on all mods should be banned but that would be too much, I guess.

>> No.3879135

Were you trying to refer to hacks?

>> No.3879139

That too, but not only.

>> No.3879143

If the GBA is allowed here then ps2 GameCube and xbox should be too

>> No.3879146

I was going to say I think he means because of Xbox Live, but wasn't that introduced with 2?

>> No.3879164

You're a deluded faggot with awful opinions

Go back to /v/ where you belong kid

>> No.3879182

Give a reason instead of repeating yourself you actual fucking shitbrain

>> No.3879195

fuck that shit, /vr/ thrives on the current traffic it gets simply because most things discussed here would die off pretty quickly in /v/,

where the fuck is /v2k/?

>> No.3879212


For future reference, /vr/'s moderation sadly rivals /v/ both in terms of tenacity and arbitrariness. So it's unlikely these meta threads will ever survive for very long. Some anons have tried to move this discussion over to >>>/qa/, but with limited success. Those threads just get shitposted down.

Personally, I don't mind if anons want to discuss GBA games and hardware here. So much of the platform's library is enhanced (or direct) ports of retro games.

>> No.3879214

>It featured new entries to or ports of many /vr/ relevant franchises that already come up in threads discussing said franchises regularly
Actually, I wish /vr/ would just lighten the fuck up and not spazz out over discussing a franchise as a whole.

Like what's wrong with a thread comparing Zelda 1 with BOTW? Other than the fact that someone may have refused to play a new game and feels left out.

>> No.3879220

you can go do that on /v/ right now. it doesn't work the other way around though. one exception is discussing how your non-/vr/ games look like on a CRT in the /CRT/ thread.

>> No.3879226

go away

>> No.3879248

/v/ wouldn't shut up about how old Zelda 1 is. I imagine a thread on /vr/ would be more insightful, if the not retro crew can keep their silence for once.

It's just a hypothetical situation. I haven't even played it myself yet. But it's the same for any long running series.

And these discussions do happen occasionally already but they always go to shit if the OP mentions a modern game or someone decides to spout NOT RETRO in the middle of it.

>> No.3879320

If you wanna discuss GBA here just make a Gameboy General and start posting GBA shit in it. The mods won't do anything about it.

>> No.3879323

Fuck you /trash/ is great.

/aco/ was a dumpster fire though.

>> No.3879326
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>> No.3879332

>like whats wrong with comparing zelda 1 with BOTW?
Years of massive hardware improvements and a lowering in price to produce said hardware, and years of learning and working experience for the developers and designers at Nintendo to start.
Obviously they are going to be radically fucking different. The problem is if you just try to talk about the difference between then and now it will always devolve into "zelda 1 is superior and a more pure experience ree" and "its just better zelda 1 it is superior and the more pure experience ree" evrytim

>> No.3879334

Autists will shit it up.

That or babbage will shit it up.

>> No.3879335

We should let gba/ps2/gc and maybe xbox just to prune some of the autism from this board. That and those consoles where the last of their kind. Mostly focusing on the games, instead of the online multimedia aspects of the consoles.

>> No.3879336

So just allow them. You gonna fish out that Fifa 2013 cover to argue against it? Nobody even plays that game, but you lot keeps going >muh boogeyman. 6th gen and 5th gen were not all so different in design besides online multiplayer and 4-player local co-op from get-go. This board needs more material. Make it 6th gen and be done with it. This whole DC is okay but not the rest of 6th gen, SNES is okay but not GBA etc practice is dumb as shit.

>> No.3879345


the issue with that is that they kept making games for those consoles for a really long time. I don't want threads about Persona 4 on this board.

>> No.3879351

Then maybe you shouldn't be posting non retro stuff.

>> No.3879354

Add a rule to say we can talk about any game or system older than 15 years. And then rename the board to Old Games as Retro doesnt mean what moot thought it did.

>> No.3879356

Autistic screeching wins again!

>> No.3879361

Nice ad hominem.

>> No.3879364

How else would you describe NOT RETRO REEEEE?

>> No.3879367

Upholding the rules and consistency of the board.

>> No.3879371

To the letter, but not in spirit.

>> No.3879373

In the most immature way possible, maybe.
It's your job to report rule breaking posts. Nothing more.

>> No.3879378

I don't mind if GBA is allowed, as long as we all agree that gamecube, PS2, xbox, and later will never be retro.

>> No.3879379

I gotta wonder how many autists do run around this board typing "NOT RETRO". Half the times it about things that are by the rules of this board, are retro, like ports/remakes which we can talk about.

>> No.3879380

This is the best option DESU. The rules shouldn't be changed again, but we could just quietly tolerate GBA as long as it doesn't bleed over into gamecube stuff.

>> No.3879381

I do report them.

Ports and remakes aren't retro. People just talk about them anyway because the mods can't do their job.

>> No.3879384

>Dreamcast 128bits = Retro
>GBA 32bits = Not Retro

A console with retro graphics won't be allowed here even if it's library is composed by remakes or ports of retro games

>> No.3879387

>Ports and remakes aren't retro. People just talk about them anyway because the mods can't do their job.

Its been stated a number of times we can talk about those, thats why they dont get deleted. Also learn what retro means, it means something new that imitates something old. Nothing we are allowed to discuss here is retro.

>> No.3879390

>Ports and remakes aren't retro. People just talk about them anyway because the mods can't do their job.
It's the same game on a different platform. We're discussing a retro game. Stop splitting hairs.
I get not wanting 6th gen consoles on here, but wanting to limit discussion in different smaller ways is ridiculous.

>> No.3879397

>Its been stated a number of times we can talk about those
RIght, because they can't properly do their job.
>Also learn what retro means, it means something new that imitates something old. Nothing we are allowed to discuss here is retro.
Retro via the rules, jackass. Don't be pedantic. You know what I mean.

Remakes aren't the same game, and neither are enhanced ports which are mostly what people talk about.

>> No.3879408

>Remakes aren't the same game, and neither are enhanced ports which are mostly what people talk about.
They're essentially the same, not literally the same. Some more than others. It depends. Save your autism for a Final Fantasy 7 remake thread and not a OoT3D one.

>> No.3879409

>I'll challenge the mods cause they let remakes be talked about, but follow the sticky as it keeps my autism calm.


>> No.3879419

To be fair with OoT3D, didn't they have to literally rewrite the game from scratch or something? It's amazing how close they were able to get it if that's the case.

>Everything I don't like or agree with is autism

>> No.3879421

What about a different, equally arbitrary rule for defining retro?

>no consoles with processors over 200 Mhz
>no games that support more than one analog stick
>No games over 1GB (for consoles) or 32 MB (for portables)
>No consoles that support EMBM or normal mapping
>No games created after the Square and Enix merger, as that was kind of sort of the end of an era. Allows a handful of 6th gen games, but not Halo or Melee.
>Alternatively, no video games created after the release of Shrek, the movie that clearly changed all facets of pop culture forever, and made an even bigger impact in 2001 than Flight 93

>> No.3879423
File: 94 KB, 364x600, 1209705498576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regarding the topic of ports/remakes on non-retro hardware, they have been allowed here but only if they're not the thread topic.
for instance mentioning super mario 64 ds is fine in a super mario 64 thread.
meanwhile starting a super mario 64 ds thread is looked down on and gets reports.

board rules are not always community rules.
but yeah, no gba allowed.

>> No.3879427

This board should be for 8 and 16 bit hardware, and games (from any point in time) that run on that hardware. Now and forever. I have to agree with other anons who have expressed their displeasure with the 5th gen home consoles, and the crowd it draws.

>> No.3879446

>Everything I don't like or agree with is autism
Nah, disliking a rule and calling the mods lazy because you dont agree with the rule, is autism. Thats why you run around postin NOT RETRO at everything that triggers you, even though its within the rules of the board.

I dont run into every nintendo thread and bitch about nintendo because I dont like them.

>> No.3879449

>Thats why you
Where did I ever say I did that? I just said I agree with their stance.

How about you stop making assumptions?

>> No.3879458

You're still missing his point.
You love to uphold the rules so much, but for some reason you refuse to accept an un-written rule that the mods follow, and the rest of /vr/ already agree on.

>> No.3879465

>You love to uphold the rules so much
Right, because they follow what I want to discuss.
>for some reason you refuse to accept an un-written rule that the mods follow, and the rest of /vr/ already agree on.
Right, because it contradicts the first point and they aren't retro.

This isn't hard, anon.

>> No.3879467

you keep bringing up halo, but i never see anything about it even on /v/

>> No.3879484


I only agree with this because GBA threads would die anywhere else.

>> No.3879491

>This isn't hard, anon.
The mods say they are retro enough. What part of that is hard for you to understand?

>> No.3879492

In all honesty, what constitutes retro on /vr/ is kinda weird. Hardware and games wise, the GBA is pretty much a portable SNES, but no discussing that. The Dreamcast gets an exception even though it came out six months before the PS2.

>> No.3879493

>The mods say they are retro enough.
And I disagree. Again, this isn't difficult, anon. This whole thread is literally built around the point of a disagreement in the rules, so I would assume by posting in it, you would be able to understand this point.

>> No.3879510

Holy shit, THIS. My only real worry is that then we might have "Why not ps2/gc/xbox" threads. Gba is perfectly fine in my opinion but that is it, ONLY gba. I'm not a huge advicate for it but I love its library and think it may lead to good discussion.

>> No.3879525
File: 51 KB, 700x537, GBA-WdeboyAGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, considering that we go by hardware gens here, wouldn't the GBA library be allowed via pic related?

>> No.3879532

When are we going to extend the /vr/ time window?

>> No.3879535

A separate board just for GBA, PS2, and Xbox is silly, but I really don't think it is time to add any of those consoles in yet, or wait until PS3, 360, and Wii can be relegated with 6th gen as well.

>> No.3879537

Never, hopefully.

>> No.3879539

GBA library has games that are ports of Wii and 360 games.

>> No.3879540

I'd say in 2020, maybe 2021.

>> No.3879541

With any fortune, we'll decrease it.

>> No.3879550

Look at this guy using logic and reason to come up with a point! Let's all laugh at him for making any kind of sense

Har har har!

>> No.3879552

Are we being invaded by woffboys that want to ""change"" what retro means?

>> No.3879556

That's like saying "You can play GB/GBC games on your Gamecube so we should allow that."

>> No.3879558

Stop samefagging.

>> No.3879562

If it was at all possible, at this point I think a /vr2k/ or something similar would please both parties.

The problem is whether or not the staff would ever bother making the place.

>> No.3879568

Yes and?

>> No.3879571
File: 60 KB, 480x361, Capture+_2017-03-24-01-12-39-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be a filthy phoneposter, but wew lad.

>> No.3879575

I've always thought "retro" in the context of /vr/ should mean consoles two or more generations older than the current ones. So, PS2/GCN/Xbox are all fair game IMO. No need to split the board up.

>> No.3879582

Adding to this, if the Dreamcast can get an exception, why not the PS2 and other sixth gen consoles/ I never understood that rule.

>> No.3879587

Except it's not.

Many 5th gen consoles got games after the cutoff date, but we can still discus them since the hardware falls within the rules.
So here we have GBA games running on the N64, a console which came out before the cutoff date.

GB Player is just old games running on new hardware.

>> No.3879590

Ultimately, all this hubbub is due to everyone having a different definition of retro. Some people think one gen old is retro, some think two. Some people think it's before a certain year (which is preposterous imo). Hell, some people think it's a mindset.

>> No.3879591

I knew there was opposition to 6th gen, but I can't imagine why /vr/ is against GBA. You guys surprise me once again with your autism..

>> No.3879594

Because rulefags only care about the letter of the rule, not what the rules actually mean.

The Dreamcast came out before the cutoff date, so it is technically allowed.

>> No.3879595
File: 84 KB, 268x380, pes2014_ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to discuss my favorite ps2 games on my favorite retro board.

>> No.3879602
File: 3.69 MB, 1429x1429, dreamcast-1347030821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to talk about the best Dreamcast game of 2016.

>> No.3879604

Even though I wouldn't mind 6th gen, there should also be a rule against talking about 6th gen games that are part of a currently ongoing series (smash bros, halo, persona, etc)

>> No.3879605

No one posting on /vr/ gives a fuck about a "port" of a shitty soccer game that is really just a reskin of an older version with roster changes.

>> No.3879609

I just wish we could talk about computer games up to 2004.

>> No.3879614

A 2011 port of a Neo-Geo game? Try again, kiddo.

>> No.3879615

>Adding Deus Ex, UT2k4, Civiliation III fuck you I like it to /vr/
yes please

>> No.3879617

Also, the last game to come out on the PS1 came out in 2004. Your point is moot.

>> No.3879619
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calm down there, partner

>> No.3879621
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2012, actually. And maybe you'd prefer something from 2015?

>> No.3879623

not retro. mods purge this thread

>> No.3879632
File: 280 KB, 800x688, large_998_2600_Halo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Port was made in 2012, game was made in 2011. Posting games made for consoles after their lifespan means nothing.

>> No.3879637

Considering that Gamecube & PS2 don't look nice on modern TV's without a lot of extra fiddling I'd consider them 'retro' enough.
GBA is definitely retro considering how pretty much all the games are sprite based.
There's no reason to make a new board just for 4 consoles.

>> No.3879638

>Posting games made for consoles after their lifespan means nothing
That's the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.3879645 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 305x341, John_Morris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*randomly deletes your posts for no reason*

>> No.3879647

I agree with you, although if /v2k/ did get made, it would probably be 6th/7th gen, and the be made to expand as new gens get released.

>> No.3879648

but my favorite soccer game was made during the lifespan. You could buy a PS2 in-store in 2013.

>> No.3879658

Couldn't you buy NIB Famicoms as late as 2003?

>> No.3879660

Too late. I already imagined purple haired boars with tattoos and a nose ring

>> No.3879662

Yeah, I've seen a couple of those in the English department.

>> No.3879667
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took me a second

>> No.3879668

The PSP is retro as fuck and it can emulate even retroier games

>> No.3879673

>discussing hardware on video games board have a point
>discussing video games on video games board ruin the board

>> No.3879674

As much as I dislike the games it's weird that I can't have conversations about D2, NWN1, or ToEE.

>> No.3879678

>The PSP is retro
bad bait

>> No.3879685

Fuck no
GBA is not retro
Even if we allowed it as an exception, what is there to discuss? The system had three games and 9001 remakes.

>> No.3879697
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So who even decides what's retro though. So many people here shooting off "REE NOT RETRO", but how do you know? Why isn't this retro, but that is?

>> No.3879698

anything before 9/11 is fine imo

>> No.3879705

The moderation staff. There are a few loopholes where you're permitted to talk about things in a certain context (you're allowed to discuss a remake of a /vr/ game, for example) but then you have people who freak out even then.

It's a very touchy situation.

>> No.3879707

The Jaguar had fuck all for games, and it's still discussed here.
Drawing a line is hard since so many people have different ideas of what constitutes retro, but I think 2 gens or 15 years in the case of PC games is a decent compromise.

>> No.3879714

The rules autism has been dragging down 4chan for fucking years.

If you want to discuss ps2, or GBA, or whatever, go find another forum.

4chan is a shithole anyways. I still don't know why I still post here.

>> No.3879721

The PS2 discussion I've seen here on /vr/ (that didn't immediately devolve into an argument about whether or not it should even be discussed) has always been very intelligent, with insight into the PS2's cpu and how it works, and how that compares to its competition. The hardware side of things is really fascinating, especially if you consider the PS2's hardware is essentially all from the '90s.

>> No.3879723

>drawing a line is hard.

Except it's not. It's defined strictly by Date. Dreamcast was let in for arbitrary reasons, and the fact that it's basically a home version of teh Sega-Naomi arcade hardware.

It doesn't matter. This isn't the place to discuss it. I don't sperg out over off topic threads, but the fact is, the rules are pretty fucking clear.

If you want to discuss GBA or PS2 or whatever, just tkae it to a different board, ora different forum. That's it.

>> No.3879726

>but the fact is, the rules are pretty fucking clear.

The rules were pretty clear before the Dreamcast got cleared as well, with people such as yourself going RULES ARE RULES.

Threads like these are how we define what the rules are.

>> No.3879737

Adding exceptions for a single system was stupid in the first place. It's all or nothing, and in this case, enough time has passed that these systems should be allowed for discussion.

>> No.3879738

But why is the line here and not there, anon

>> No.3879742

This. The rules were written weird in the first place, Dreamcast never should've been excluded since it came out in '98. All the RULES ARE RULES fags bitched about Dreamcast discussion ruining /vr/ because they couldn't outthink a shitty rule, and that just made shit take longer than it had too. And when DC was finally allowed again /vr/ stayed just as fine as it was before. RULES fags don't know shit, and they never learn, and they never know when to shut up.

To put things in perspective, I've seen old usenet posts from the '80s and '90s where the NES and SNES were snubbed by the (then) majority of PC and Atari enthusiasts as kids toys, and not true video game systems. It's the "no true scotsman" argument, applied by confused posters over and over again. We're far enough away from all of that to see them all as appreciable pieces of video gaming history, and eventually everyone on /vr/ will appreciate the GCN, PS2, XB, GBA, ect.'s place in gaming history too.

>> No.3879747

I don't think many people on this board realize how old the sixth gen is. Dreamcast will be 20 next year, PS2 two years after that. Both Xbox and GameCube will be 20 years old in '21.

And if some people don't think 20 years is enough to count as retro, then they can take a hike.

>> No.3879768

Yeah so you may as well just seperate it into HD vs. SD gaming.

>Composite was mainstream
Goes in /vr/.

>HDMI is mainstream
Goes on /v/

That would mean we also get PS2 and GCN discussion here. Since you can argue that the gameboy player was designed for playing GBA games on the TV.

But people will freak the fuck out if PS2 is allowed here.

>> No.3879778

the main problem with the retro board is that gaming consoles phase out rather quickly

either you set a reasonable permanent threshold year so everyone can be happy (so there won't be a situation like the dreamcast one) and never ever touch it again, or make it so you can talk about games and consoles that are 15 years older than current year

>> No.3879786

No people were against the Dreamcast because they were worried that this will cause a slippery slope that creates cancer threads like this one.

>> No.3879858

I think that /vr/ should be defined based on particular video game development/distribution/consumption philosophies. The time of "retro" in the context of this board as I understand it quite objectively ended with fifth gen for home consoles and sixth gen for handhelds. Entire game libraries of these platforms should be allowed, including modern hacks/homebrew/whatever - anything you can play on the original hardware is okay. I'm not sure about PC gaming, probably any hardware and games made before 2000 should be allowed, same with the arcades. Discussion of modern ports/remakes shouldn't be allowed, you can't play them on the original hardware, they're made for modern hardware and aimed on modern audience, you can post/read news and participate in discussions about them on /v/ and /vg/.
Newer gaming platforms should never be allowed on this board. It doesn't matter that PS3 and Xbox 360 will be 20 in 2026, they're from different era of video gaming.

Or you can go /his/ way and allow absolutely everything older than X years. 20 or 15 years, I'd say.

>> No.3879865

It's not retro. Simple as that.

>> No.3879868

not retro

>> No.3879869

Nigga do you even know what a bit is?

>> No.3879897

Yeah retard just like the NES and SNES were "slippery slopes" away from the glorious Atari and PC game culture of the '70s and mid '80s. Fuck off with your slippery slope bullshit

>> No.3879907
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>> No.3879914

But you can do that on /v/

>> No.3879925

This. Although we're already infested with reddit posters.

>> No.3879956

The rule was 1999 but excluding 6th gen. This caused constant sperg outs so eventually the sticky was updated to add the exception the the 6th gen part for the DC.

>> No.3879957
File: 139 KB, 704x1080, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of christ stop talking about reddit. nobody gives a shit

>> No.3879959

Dreamcast had online multiplayer and was pushed by Fred Durst. Collectorfags kept crying and it was allowed. Stay at it GBAers, post more threads! Be more vocal! Fight for what you want.

>> No.3879969

No use the archive if you want them.

>> No.3879970

I firmly second this

>> No.3879972

>especially when this board barely gets any traffic as it is.

That's one of the best aspects of this board because I can actually make a post and then go do something else for a couple of hours or maybe even days without the thread 404ing by the time I return. Part of the reason I come to 4chan is because a lot of boards like this one have the perfect middle ground between a standard message board and a chatroom when it comes to poster speed.

>> No.3879976

dreamcast was allowed here since /vr/ started.

>> No.3879979

I'd definitely support it for all the reasons you listed, so long as nothing else gets added for a good long while afterwards.

>> No.3879983

GBA isn't retro. Fuck off.

>> No.3879987

Try FIFA 14; games from 3 years ago aren't retro.

>> No.3879990

Janitors occasionally still delete dreamcast threads.

>> No.3879991

>implying unofficial homebrew counts in anyway whatsoever

>> No.3879998

Ain't that right. I caught an all boards perma ban here green text quoting another anon's post in the same thread. This is why I'll never post from my PC anymore.

>> No.3880000
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Ok, but why, anons?

>> No.3880003


GBA is now allowed

>> No.3880008

I'm pretty certain the entire debate basically comes down to Kingdom Hearts

Games through 2001 should be allowed regardless of system imo

>> No.3880010 [DELETED] 

Reported for ban evading. :^)

>> No.3880012

Reported for announcing reports.

>> No.3880013

Yeah, I'm noticing a trend.
>Anons who support the GBA being allowed provide detailed summaries of why they think so or at least reference the posts that have
>Anons that don't just tell the OP to fuck off without explaining why

>> No.3880014

No it wasn't. The last sticky revision was when the Dreamcast got allowed.

>> No.3880016

>Anons that don't just tell the OP to fuck off without explaining why

Because they've already explained it a million times and are sick of doing it by now since you all never listen and will just spam more GBA threads a few months from now.

>> No.3880021

Then surely they could just copypaste these supposed prior explanations from the archive and post them within fifteen seconds, right?
Because all I'm seeing in the thread so far is lots of good reasons for why the GBA should be allowed - including one that directly ties it to the same reason the DC was eventually permitted - and no good counter-arguments, and its making the 'for' side look a lot stronger than the 'against' side.

>> No.3880023

>Because they've already explained it a million times

>"it wasn't made before 1999 so it's not retro"
>well that rule would change, and that's a weak definition of retro anyway
>"but that rule can't change because than games after 1999 would be allowed"
>that's the point
>"muh 1999"

>> No.3880024

Baldurs Gate 2 is often discussed on here and that's 2000.

>> No.3880026

They could just use the archive if they want an answer so bad.

>> No.3880027

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.


>> No.3880029
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>airplane mode activated and deactivated

>> No.3880030

> The Dreamcast is allowed to be discussed on /vr/ despite its release date
Dreamcast release date is before 2000.
It doesn't comply with rules.

>> No.3880031



>> No.3880032

Yeah, that's just a thing on here in general. The 1999 rule pretty much just means "don't make the OP about a game released after 1999" with little regard for the contents of the threads themselves at this point. I firmly believe the GBA should just be allowed since so much of its library gets discussed or is already relevant anyway, and the release of the Switch seems like a good a time as any to do so.

>One side of the debate should have to go and find the other's arguments for them
Do you have any idea how dumb this sounds?

>> No.3880036

Look at the OP image you double nigger.

>> No.3880039

see >>3880023

Also, in a thread about giving rules an update, using the very rules under debate as an counterargument is a bit of a tautology.

>> No.3880040

Meta threads are allowed now mate, Hiroyuki says so. The only condition is that only one can be up at a time on any given board.

And the topic is all about whether or not that definition is still in fact the best one to go by or if the release of the Switch is a good point to redefine it and make an exception, just like how the Dreamcast had one made for it with the release of the 8th gen consoles.

>> No.3880047

You're just making it harder to persuade the other side if you keep asking the same thing they're sick of answering a gorillion times already.

>> No.3880051

And if the other side can't even be arsed to copypaste a response then I'd argue they clearly care so little about the topic that they're forfeiting any role in the debate/discussion by default.

>> No.3880053

Because it's not retro and no amount of blog posting will change that

>> No.3880054

Except this is the absolute bullshit. Mods have made it all up. This is not what retro means.

>> No.3880056

Oh, and also that is a fucking terribly illogical line of thought. If someone wants the GBA to be allowed then their best course of action is to just not say so? That's dumb as heck my dude.
I don't think you understand what blog posting is.

>> No.3880058

Why should it be on everyone else to answer a question that you asked that could've already been easily found if you spent a few seconds on the archive for? You're insane if you expect people to not get annoyed at having to answer the same thing again when this topic constantly gets brought up every couple of months.

>> No.3880061 [DELETED] 

Hiroshima can suck my cock.

>> No.3880062

>constantly gets brought up
>every couple of months

Yeah, I would say that anyone so bloody entrenched in their viewpoint that they get fanny flustered about a civil discussion of the rules happening two or three times a year should just have their opinion ignored if they're also not at least willing to say WHY they're so adamant about their stance on the matter.

>> No.3880065

>their opinion should be valued even if they're not willing to talk about it like four times a year because their feefees get hurt
Boo fucking hoo

>> No.3880067

>mods made up rules
>site operates on rules

>> No.3880072

When I first started posting on 4chan there was a dedicated lolicon board. The site changes with the times, and with reasons. There's plenty of reasons in the OP to support that change, and the reasons against it amount to "RULES ARE RULES" and "slippery slope" retardation

>> No.3880073

>literally because reasons

>> No.3880075

>there's plenty of reasons in the OP

>> No.3880076

To put things in perspective, if we were having this thread 10 years ago it would be mindless rulefags shitting on everyone for trying to discuss PS1, SS, and N64. If we were having this thread in the '90s the rulefags would be shitting on everyone for trying to discuss the NES and Master System instead of Atari 2600 and Colecovision.

What is considered retro changes over time, GBA and 6th gen consoles will just naturally be considered retro sooner or later, this is a fact.

>> No.3880080

What an inane post. We're having this discussion now, and a lot of people don't consider GBA retro now.

>> No.3880085

Some people don't consider the PSX or N64 retro either.

>> No.3880090

GBA has become Retro. You'll just have to deal with it and click hide on GBA threads.

>> No.3880093

Yeah, but this is just as cancerous - if not more cancerous - than /v/ with just a fraction of the traffic. Might as well speed things up.

>> No.3880097

It's important to have these discussions so we can challenge weak opinions and point out the flaws in arbitrary labeling. The OP lists plenty of reasons to consider GBA retro, and there's plenty in this thread who admit that it should be, but they don't want to admit so for fear of slippery slope bullshit

>> No.3880107

I like that this board only discusses 20th century videogames. Deus Ex should be allowed though (the mod deletes posts that complain about it anyway.)

>> No.3880109

Yeah, I'd be fine with allowing PC games from the year 2000 and the GBA myself.

>> No.3880113

Nothing past 2000 should be allowed on the board, I don't get what's so hard to understand.

Just because it was arbitrarily named "retro games" doesn't mean a sliding scale of personal opinion that'd determines something to be retro was introduced. You guys take the word retro way too seriously and think that this board was built with intent to constantly absorb old consoles, it wasn't. It had a select era of games that it was encapsulating to ensure healthy discussion.

>> No.3880121

Nothing past 1999 is supposed to be allowed on the board as is games from 2000 get discussed. The Dreamcast is only allowed because it failed as a console.

>> No.3880131

Or you know, since it was released in 1998.

>> No.3880132
File: 69 KB, 300x264, 451fb6ac2afd7daaec2f584fba4bc8380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep /vr/ pure

>> No.3880135

No. 6th genners will make this shitty board even shittier.

>> No.3880136

I meant like 1/1/00 when I said past 2000.
P sure DC was released in '99 anyways.

Regardless, my point stands. Quit being monkeys caught up in the word retro when there's explicitly stated rules.

>> No.3880138
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pic related

>> No.3880141

I think people get mixed on that since it's considered 6th gen, so they assume it's post 2000. Amazing what reading would do for folks.

>> No.3880147

woah, it's almost like this thread is proposing changing the explicitly stated rules or something

why don't we just rename the board to /99v/ while we're at it

>> No.3880153

what exactly happened between 1998 and 2000 that you can't handle?

>> No.3880154

Plenty of PC games from 2000 and 2001 get discussed on here.

>> No.3880157

I think it's more probable that they just don't know Japan got it that much earlier than the West.

>> No.3880159

The point is that if it was around as long as the rest of the 6th gen it would be retarded to allow it be discussed on here and not allow other 6th gen consoles be discussed.

>> No.3880160

You being born.

>> No.3880164

> projecting so hard you could sell tickets

>> No.3880165


That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.3880167

Yeah, I don't think that's really a reasonable thing to ask of a user base. To change the rules they helped form, to accommodate something that can already be discussed elsewhere (/v/) and has a strong tie to a console (GC) also in the sixth gen. This debate only serves reasonably in a formation of the /v2k/ board.

>> No.3880168

>hurr durr the only people who disagree with me must be young'uns cause there's no way an adult could think my views aren't objectively correct

>> No.3880169

Weak retort mate. He got you good there.

>> No.3880170


>> No.3880171
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Yeah because pretending I was born in the 90s is an impervious argument.

>> No.3880176


>> No.3880179

Kill yourself.

>> No.3880180

GBA discussion needs to be allowed because /vr/ is running out of things to discuss. We are resorting to weekly e-celeb generals because we've exhausted topics to cover on pretty much every /vr/ game out there. It's either allow GBA or the board will die.

>> No.3880181

people that believe retro is a period in time are dumb. just keep allowing consoles as time moves on.


>> No.3880182

No lets just make more castlevania threads

>> No.3880184

I think you're being a bit overdramatic but I agree that GBA discussion would breathe some life into the board like the Dreamcast did, which I'd like.

>> No.3880186

6th gen will never be retro because that's where modern gaming started

>> No.3880187

If we allow PS2 we're basically set for life. Since that has a library of 3,500+ games.

>> No.3880189

You've been watching too many Ninja Turtles reruns then

>> No.3880191

The PS2 is only 17 years old are you fucking crazy!

>> No.3880192

And most of that is shovelware

>> No.3880194


>> No.3880195

I'd argue that's the seventh gen.

>> No.3880196

Or, you know, actually play some new games instead of staying stuck in your own niche little corner of games you've already played so you can discuss more. I personally expand my library all the time due to here, maybe you should expand your horizons since there's literally tens of thousands of games currently able to be discussed.

>> No.3880197

Well, fuck me then. Isn't the GBA younger? Why are we arguing about allowing the GBA when the PS2 is older?

If anything the PS2 has more reason to be allowed.

>> No.3880198

The difference between sixth and seventh is minimal

>> No.3880202

Not really, in fact I'd argue that it's bigger than between the fifth and sixth.

>> No.3880205

>I don't get what's so hard to understand.
It's this part
>It had a select era of games

Because the rules were written in the early 2010s, the <2000 cutoff date was arbitrarily implemented. If /vr/'s rules were written in the early 2000s it wouldn't be a <2000 cutoff, it'd be a >1990 cutoff and discussion of '90s systems would be against the rules for "not being retro". I hope this sounds bad and stupid to you because it is.

Here in 2017 we know that 90s consoles are basically the same shit as 80s consoles. You put your media in the game player, hook to tv, and you play with a controller. The graphics improved but that core experience remained the same.

So now we have arbitrary cutoff dates, for systems that are basically the same as the systems that came before it. Well that's bullshit, and needs to change, and it will. We got the rules fixed once before by raising enough awareness.

>> No.3880206

Ok then argue it

>> No.3880209


People like to exaggerate the modernization of the 6th gen. When at best, it only had experimental online functionality, dlc, etc. Most of it thanks to Microsoft.

And the 6th gen wasn't overflowed with shooters like the 7th gen. 6th gen still had tons of arcade ports, plenty of sequels to classic series from Capcom, Konami (6th gen era Konami is best IMO, arguably second only to 3rd gen), Sega, and big developers still took more risks in trying new things.

7th gen was just shooters and companies refusing to make new sequels to classics IPs.

>> No.3880210

Define modern gaming

>> No.3880212

It also presented the struggles of making new games for classic IPs. Like, you have to reboot the series form scratch because a lot of things became unacceptable in that era. Contra Shattered Soldier (best Contra game) got lukewarm reviews, but the negative reviews focused on the length of the game or punishing difficulty. Mega Man X8 got also got shit on for trying to be like the classic games without doing anything new. Sonic was just being Sonic.

>> No.3880215

I remember all Dreamcast DLC was free of charge. Xbox Live DLC was actually free, unless it was for a game published by Microsoft. Then came 7th gen, and we all know what happened with the Oblivion horse armor.

>> No.3880216

Seventh Gen
>HD resolutions become the norm
>All consoles have internal storage and are now multi-media devices
>Online connectivity became the norm rather than the exception, as did social networking lite features
>DLC, microtransactions, season passes, day one patches, social features in games, episodic releases, digital storefronts, etc. all became commonplace business practices and some even started here
>Numerous longstanding companies and franchises died and several of the current big AAA series that dominate either started or really took off during this gen
>Demographic shift occurred with a much wider audience being reached by consoles than ever before
>The death and rise of genres that set the stage for today's gaming scene really kicked off here

That enough?

>> No.3880218

Paid online, heavy emphasis on online multi player, more story driven games (games being less game-y)/or shoehorned story, dlc/on-disc dlc, rebooting classic IPs, less representation of more gameplay focused genres (puzzle, platformer 2D/3D, shoot em up, beat 'em up, hack & slash, fighting games, rhythm, run 'n gun).

>> No.3880219

I don't get what you're trying to prove, the experience in 6th and later gens is not the same as 5th and prior. You said it yourself, the 6th gen consoles are not like what's currently allowed so it makes sense to separate by a cutoff date. You're just arbitrarily using the word retro to encapsulate more media, further broadening the scope on a niche topic. And refer to my post,>>3880167

Furthermore, if people really feel that space to discuss is sparse regarding sixth gen consoles, what do you think the impact would be for lesser discussed systems here on /vr/? One of the great things about this board is the ability to have specific discussions on minor things since the pace of the board allows for it. A significant boost in pacing would eliminate or greatly reduce that aspect of discussion.

>> No.3880224

The GBA doesn't really offer a high quality library like some nostalgia fags like to think. I'd like the DS to be allowed more than the GBA to be honest. /v/ is unbearable for any kind of discussion.

>> No.3880226

6th gen had all that, stop being delusional

>> No.3880228

and where did all those ideas come from? 6th gen.

>> No.3880230

This. Modern gaming is just an evolution of all the gaming that came before it. The commonly cited stuff that sets 6th gen as explicitly modern is all stuff that was present in some way in the eras beforehand, and had been more refined after years of experimenting. Online gaming? There were services like Satellaview and X-Band way before Xbox Live. Hard drives, operating systems? Totally acceptable on '80s-'90s gaming pcs.

I'd say that struggle was more difficult in the '90s, with established 2D IP's trying to gracefully make the transition to 3D.

>> No.3880231

It really didn't, besides the reboots and paid online (which was only on the xbox)

>> No.3880235

You can probably name all the 5 PS2 games that had DLC and online (if you're not lying from your ass). And that's less than 1% of the library of the system.

And the PS2 has one of the largest fighting game libraries of all time (If no the largest) with most of the SNK stuff being ported.

It's also the last gen that Konami tried (they have hundreds of titles for the PS2 alone), while they barely did anything for 7th (I mean they kinda tried with the DS, but they have less games for the PS3/360/Wii than they did for the PS2 alone).

>> No.3880236

dreamcast had paid online

>> No.3880237

Not even close familia. Most of them can draw their roots back further than that or began wholly in the seventh gen.

>> No.3880243

That reminded me that SNK also supported the PS2 greatly. PS2 was the last home console that the Japanese market really gave a fuck about.

>> No.3880246
File: 232 KB, 1024x1200, edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet those games sold like dog shit while casual games were selling like crazy

>> No.3880250

6th gen is where it was viable

>> No.3880251

>not retro
Getting real tired of this meme.

>> No.3880252

For what in particular?

>> No.3880253

Yeah, you should go back there.

>> No.3880254

the experience in 6th gen and later is the same as 5th gen, in the same way that 5th gen is the same as 4th and so on. The graphics may be nicer but you're still playing media on a dedicated console hooked up to a tv.

You'll have more perspective in the future whenever something replaces that experience, jacking into the matrix or some such. Once you start loading 1:1 simulations of reality via electronic DMT manipulation you'll think back not just about 6th gen but all gaming that involved a console, media, televisions, ect and think of them as retro.

If you're lucky you might have a place to discuss them.

>> No.3880256

dlc and online

>> No.3880257

Yes Silent Hill 2, 3 didn't sell millions at all. Metal Gear Solid was flub (i think 2 is on the top hundred best selling PS2 games) they didn't make money by doing straight arcade ports of their Bemani franchises (which there are a dozen of). It's also the last gen where PES actually made money lol, when it still made millions (it's been on a steady decline ever since, and that hasn't stopped with the release of PES 2017).

They also made plenty of money with the GBA.

>> No.3880263

Then please explain why DLC barely existed in the 6th gen aside from experimental efforts (most of which drew from pre-sixth gen endeavours) and how that qualifies it as being viable during that period.

Then please go back to your original point abd back up your claim that the sixth gen was when they started.

>> No.3880264

it was easy to download dlc from your console. do you even know what viable means dumbass?

>> No.3880268


>> No.3880269

I was being ironic. But I'm sorry if you missed the point, since irony is hard to convey on the internet. Maybe an "/s" at the end of the post would've helped you get it?

>> No.3880272

Yes list all those PS2 games with DLC. Try going to a best PS2 games or hidden gem's games list, and seeing how many of those games have DLC.

>> No.3880273

oh believe me, i knew you were being sarcastic when you said silent hill 2 & 3 didnt sell millions, delusional faggot.

>> No.3880274

Viable can refer to a lot of things depending on the context. You could just as easily argue that Sega Channel and other precursors to the Xbox and Dreamcast's own online services with DLC were when it became viable.

And you've still yet to back up your assertion that the practices I listed began in the 6th gen.

>> No.3880275

'90s kids in Japan were paying for Satellaview so they could stream DLC for games like Link to the Past.

>> No.3880276


>> No.3880278

thats irrelevant we are talking about 6th gen as a whole

>> No.3880279


>> No.3880280

ok then argue it

>> No.3880281

a few games having DLC means that PS2 can't be retro? really? N64 had a little online functionality too, and that's considered retro by most of the gaming community.

Same with the Dreamcast (but I'm guessing you're against the dreamcast being considered retro).

>> No.3880282

but it didnt even work properly

>> No.3880283

Alright. Numerous online services made DLC available on consoles before the sixth gen while generating a profit, and were thus viable.

Now you argue your assertions.

>> No.3880284

The "1999 Rule" makes only a little bit of sense, especially considering that discussion of Diablo II, Fallout 2, and The Sims are forbidden, but Diablo I and Fallout I are fine

PC isn't as cut and dry as consoles are, mostly because of Windows still using MS-DOS up until XP came out

>> No.3880286

not an argument.

>> No.3880289

yeah, this board is better off without the PS2

>> No.3880291

The word retro, as used in the creation of and reference to this board, was never the dictionary definition to begin with. It was explicitly colloquial, and they tell you that by defining what it means to them as per the sticky. They even put scare quotes around it. And no, there was no shift in acceptance over time allowing the Dreamcast "into the fold" so to speak. It was always allowed, per the rules, as a hardware platform released in, or prior to, 1999. This isn't a nostalgia board for every successive generation to wank over the games of their childhood. It's about a unique and historical period of time, a developmental period, which can never be replicated ever again. It's about the birth of the medium.

>> No.3880293

but was it viable to the consumers?

>> No.3880294

I would absolutely like to see this. Not just because I would like to discuss GBA but I'd like to see the autists that are so staunchly against this banned for being the disruptive whiny cunts they are.

>> No.3880296

>allowing gba would be the trojan horse for the gamecube and ps2/xbox.

look at the faggots using the dreamcast as an argument to include 6th gen, same thing would happen if we included gba

>> No.3880298

that's a nice argument as to why you think retro is a set period in time. but gladly you're in the minority :), or we can at least, argue that the 6th gen is the real cut-off.

I know it's you, Pat

>> No.3880301

Most of them functioned as intended. Now stop avoiding the subject at hand.

>> No.3880302

>mostly because of Windows still using MS-DOS up until XP came out

You mean Windows 2000, which used the Windows NT kernel, and had no real DOS mode support.

>> No.3880303

*and the N64 and Dreamcast (for having online functionality of course).

>> No.3880307

>no sources

yeah, right!

>> No.3880312

yeah might as well not include the n64. its probably the most overrated console of all time

>> No.3880315

I never said retro was a set period in time. I said the colloquial usage of the word that we use here refers to a set period in time. And the resistance you've faced, and the lack of any response by mods or by Hiro, is because the board culture here IS about a set period in time. That period is not arbitrary. Again, it's about the birth of the medium.

>> No.3880339

The birth of the medium isn't everything pre-2000, it was in the 60s. Video Gaming was in it's 30s by the point /vr/ cuts off.

>> No.3880346

That's the most removed, autistic reasoning I've seen yet The Wii looks like shit in modern TVs, should we include that?

>> No.3880359

I take it that if 6th gen became allowed here, rulefags would happily support it because it's "THE RULES"?

>> No.3880363

DLC basically took the place of expansion packs, it's a better solution.

>> No.3880367

Don't be disingenuous. We're not talking Spacewar here. You know that I mean, as I said earlier, the important thing and the reason we're all here is due to the inception of certain ideas which could only occur during the developmental period of gaming. When iteration becomes imitation, that's where we draw the line. The people saying that the PS2 doesn't belong here are saying so because its library is consistently imitative. And the same goes for its peers. That's a maturation of the medium. I personally argue that it happened far earlier, and think the cutoff should be 1993.

>> No.3880369

>And no, there was no shift in acceptance over time allowing the Dreamcast "into the fold" so to speak. It was always allowed, per the rules,
It wasn't, you're totally wrong. the rules were re-written in 2014, before that the sticky had the arbitrary pre-2000 rule but also had a disclaimer that expressly forbade Dreamcast discussion despite the Dreamcast coming out in 1998, which didn't make any fucking sense. After a year of threads and emails pointing this dumb shit out (and of course being challenged by the braindead) the rules were finally rewritten to allow DC discussion.

>> No.3880373

>which didn't make any fucking sense

>> No.3880376

These threads accomplish nothing. Stop making them.

>> No.3880383


>> No.3880386
File: 66 KB, 502x700, solar_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just go by any game that's 15 years old or more. It keeps things old and gets rid of confusion caused by the console rule. This place should be for old games, not new games on old consoles.

>> No.3880387

Just because they haven't yet is no reason to give up. The rules here are poorly made and most posters want them revised.

>> No.3880389

There's no confusion with the console rule.

>> No.3880394

>This place should be for old games, not new games on old consoles.
I disagree. I'd rather the board be for old hardware, and any compatible games. Do you understand the amount of work that went into the port of Retro City Rampage? The hardware limitations are part of what separates the wheat from the chaff.

>> No.3880397

/vr/ is the core audience for homebrew games.

>> No.3880398

What you consider the developmental period of gaming is short-sighted. Go forward in time to 2117 and you'll read how the historians consider everything prior to 2100 to be the developmental period of gaming.
>The people saying that the PS2 doesn't belong here are saying so because its library is consistently imitative. And the same goes for its peers. That's a maturation of the medium.
Again, you're being short-sighted. These same arguments were used to mock the SNES and NES, calling their libraries imitative or failing to innovate upon the gaming basics established in the Atari era. The PS2's library is no more imitative than the SNES's.

>> No.3880402

This is ostensibly a board for old games. Allowing 2015 era games just because it's on old hardware is nonsensical. We should go by the game's age.

>> No.3880403

>Do you understand the amount of work that went into the port of Retro City Rampage?

Doesn't mean this is the right board for it.

Ironic considering the amount of anti-indie shitposting here.

>> No.3880406

I'd be perfectly okay with GBA discussion, but indie shit most definitely does not belong here. I'm sick of topic after topic shilling some indie game or fan remake that no one really cares about except the game's author.

On a similar note, I wish something would be done about all the e-celeb cancer on /vr/. I would say it's one of the major issues affecting /v/ as well, but that would be like complaining about someone pissing into a sea of piss.

>> No.3880408

There's an enormous difference between some San Francisco clique pumping out narrative driven walking simulators in Unity, and the diligence paid to get a game working on original hardware. Are you crazy.

>> No.3880410

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.
must be pretty confusing considering we have this thread at all

>> No.3880412

I play more GBA than any other system so im happy with GBA being on /vr/
Was the system i had during my early teens so to me personally i feel it fits well here in /vr/

Starting a GBA thread over in /v/ is painful. So actual discussions would be nice here.

>> No.3880413

>t. buttmad /v/irgin who irrationally hates Gone Home for being an "SJW" simulator

Kindly fuck off back to your kiddy board >>>/v/

>> No.3880415

Right, but you didn't refute the point.

>> No.3880417

Considering it makes no mention of handhelds and is referring chiefly to home consoles, and that it makes no mention of other platforms being permanently banned, no - not at all.

>> No.3880423

I didn't say there wasn't a difference, just that neither should be topics here. This place is for old games. Not new games.

>> No.3880427

Its also a place for old hardware, however, and if modern games are being made to run on said hardware then I think it should be fair game for discussion.

>> No.3880434

Anything older than 10 years is retro. It's fucking vidya, not cars.

>> No.3880435

Why did I even bother typing anything if this was the shit you were going to reply with? This is the most disingenuous reply I've ever gotten and completely missing the point of what I have said.

>> No.3880436

Final Fantasy IX came out in 2000, but we still talk about it because it runs on a system that was released prior to 1999. What's the difference between Final Fantasy IX and Pier Solar, or Last Hope.

>> No.3880438

>Overrated Games General
>Console War Threads

>Mention Sonic Advance

>> No.3880442

I mean, it's a pretty simple rule anon. It says that Dreamcast is allowed, other sixth generation are not. Are the words too big for you?

>> No.3880443

people always say this but then backpedal when they realize all the 7th gen consoles are more than 10 years old

>> No.3880446

the >With the release of the 8th generation of consoles
part makes it seem like it will change with each new gen.

>> No.3880448
File: 257 KB, 848x473, cavestorygenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be for both, old games on old hardware. New games have their own places for discussion.

>> No.3880449

"Oh just wait until 2020!"
No. I know exactly what won't happen then.

>> No.3880456
File: 15 KB, 200x211, 1397763714348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the quality of the discussion on here

>> No.3880465

You don't belong on 4chan period. Anyone who can't stand /v/ shouldn't be on /vr/. Keep coming if you want but we're not changing for you.

>> No.3880472

>there are /v/ermin among us right now
how horrifying

>> No.3880474


>> No.3880480

I hated it because it was a shit "game."

>> No.3880485


No point in lying about your agenda. Your choice of buzzwords is very telling, Anon.

>> No.3880486

Well, your entire point hinged on one idea
>the experience in 6th and later gens is not the same as 5th and prior.
Which I disagreed with. I think that the experience of 6th gen gaming is basically the same as 5th gen and earlier, and cited the PS2 era's use of consoles, controllers, removable media, televisions, ect that were staples of the gaming experience since the 1970s as being part of the same era. As long as I'm gaming on consoles that require these external objects, I know that I'm in the earliest era of video gaming.

I think things like virtual reality and motion controls are staples of a different era of gaming (with some overlap) that's developing concurrently. It might be 100 years or so but I think gaming will evolve into 1:1 life simulations via DMT manipulation, gaming that relies on internal processes native to the human body rather than external objects.

>> No.3880497

Bitch, please. That poster stated a fact. Either rebut, or admit you can't argue that point.

>> No.3880498

>Like many I'm nervous that expanding the scope of the board any further with more modern platforms may degrade the quality of the discussion on here by inviting /v/ posters and such across.
This is a dumb thing to be nervous about.
/v/ is essentially videogames-random. The only focused videogame discussion that goes on over there are new releases.
Otherwise it's filled with idiot shitposters who just want to keep up with and comment on current events in gaming culture.

Have you seen any of their "post your collection" threads? Most of them only have brand new games. Not a PS2 label in sight.

Adding 6th gen will attract some more people, but they'll actually want to discuss games.

Do you know what does attract shitposting? Easily triggered /vr/ members. From other /vr/ regulars.

>> No.3880502

discussing gba without n-gage would be worthless anyway

>> No.3880504

A game isn't a game unless it fits your narrow definition?

>> No.3880505

/vr/ are a bunch of hipsters and welcome the n-gage with open arms.

>> No.3880507

Except I'm not convinced this isn't a concern troll style meta thread explicitly designed TO trigger /vr/

All that said, no, I'm not in favor of this. GBA can and is discussed on /v/, and if there's already an avenue that exists to discuss something, creating to either divides that channel, or causes spillover.

>> No.3880512

this is the key phrase
>will now be considered "retro"

If a system can be considered "retro" after a certain amount of time, then logically we should be able to determine how much time is required for other consoles to be considered retro "now". Since it's been 3 years since a console from 1998 has been officially considered retro, it stands to reason that consoles from 2001 are now retro enough for civil discussion.

>> No.3880513

Retro games can be discussed on /v/ too. There are semi-regular OOT and MM threads. Does that mean Zelda 64 threads on /vr/ is too much?

>> No.3880514

A game isn't a game just because it's interactive either, boyo. A choose your own adventure book has interactivity, but would you call it a game?

I'm not saying it's not for entertainment, but beyond basic mechanics for interactivity, what other characteristics does it actually share with a game that couldn't be told more efficiently in another medium?

Honestly, this is just derailing the topic, though, so I'm gonna stop us both right there.

>> No.3880518

I guess we shouldn't allow arcade or gen 5 threads then.

>> No.3880527

GBA belongs here at least as much as Cave Story Genesis. Much, much more in most people's opinion.

>> No.3880528

A Choose Your Own Adventure book is more of a game than a normal book, and I'd argue that a good CYOA book is more of a game than something like Taboo for the NES.

>> No.3880531

>A choose your own adventure book has interactivity, but would you call it a game?

yes. gone home is much more of a game.

>> No.3880532


>> No.3880536


>> No.3880537

This is what i always have thought. I can't stand for the nth time a new thread about Doom or Dragon Quest. Anyway, people discussing DQ or Saga are talking about new games and those are the most populated threads.

>> No.3880538

>A choose your own adventure book has interactivity, but would you call it a game?
If it has dead ends, then I suppose I would. It's kind of a shitty game of choice and chance, but it's a game.

>> No.3880539


>> No.3880540

I mean, let's just break down the CONSEQUENCES of letting some of these things on here instead of others.

Dreamcast: ded as fuck by 2001, nobody bought the thing. What did this allow to be discussed? Jet Set Radio. Shenmue. Crazy Taxi. Niche series that have no relevance to modern gamers or modern shitposting.

GBA: Ded as fuck by like 2004/5. What would this allow to be discussed? Metroid Zero Mission, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, Warioware, Super Nintendo ports. Basically all of these series are dead as shit and have no relevance to modern gamers, the only thing that would have a propensity for shitposting would be Fire Emblems 6/7/8 due to shit like the phone game.

PS2: Got its last major game in 2008 (!). What would this allow to be discussed? God of War, GTA San Andreas, Kingdom Hearts, Persona, Devil May Cry. These are series that have great relevance to modern gamers, and are currently seeing releases that play similarly to the old releases due to the advance in technology (an important thing to consider when weighing this against the viability of the GBA). The crossover posting from modern gamers would be huge.

The Gamecube? We'd be getting threads about Twilight Princess from 2006. The Xbox? We'd be getting threads about fucking Halo 2 and Fable. These are series that are very relevant to modern gamers.

While it's easy to just draw a line on a year and call it good, the difference in audience between the PS2/6th gen consoles and GBA is massive. The PS2 was an absolute JUGGERNAUT of a system and opening the board up to 6th gen would have a much larger impact than the GBA. What are we worried about with the GBA? Golden Sun posting?

We should clear the GBA and PC games up to like 03 or 04, but 6th gen is just too fresh in the eyes of the ever stagnant modern games industry to get added to the conversation without being too much crossover.

>> No.3880542

You do realize I'm not the guy you replied to, right? It was one of the monthly free PS+ games a while ago. I played it and it was trash.

>> No.3880545

This board's future doesn't depend on what discussions are popular and successful. It depends on a handful of loud 30 somethings and their personal tastes.

>> No.3880546

>A choose your own adventure book has interactivity, but would you call it a game?

Have you even played one? Many even use dice.

>> No.3880547

Yes retro :^)

>> No.3880548

>It depends on a handful of loud 30 somethings and their personal tastes.

It depends on getting more than just that handful so we have more varied and frequent discussions.

>> No.3880552

Just because you personally don't like something doesn't make it trash. Your opinion isn't the only one.

>> No.3880556

Good point for pro-GBA, but it's more about opening the floodgates. You think this thread is bad, imagine /vr/ being flooded with threads specifically begging for PS2 and Xbox.

>> No.3880561

I would love to discuss GBA romhacks in its respective thread.

>> No.3880565

Exactly why we need a clear statement no other stuff will be added for the next few years if the GBA is okay'd, like others have said.

>> No.3880567

This is the thing. I don't want to make a shit ton of GBA threads. I just want to discuss GBA games and hardware in theads that are relevant.

>> No.3880571

Christ you sound like a condescending bitch.

>> No.3880583

Personally speaking, I would rationalize it as this:

With the release of the Nintendo Switch, we have a successor to the Nintendo 3DS and the newest generation of Nintendo's systems. This would clear the GBA for discussion. The PS2 and Xbox won't be cleared until we get the next successor to those systems, which will be the PS5 and the Xbox 2 or whatever in a few years, with the Gamecube being added at the same time. With it being a few years since the founding of /vr/, update a PC date cutoff change to like 2003 or 2004.

It's kind of hacky to shove the gamecube off for a few years after adding the GBA, but I think we just need to admit that console gen 6 is a unique fairly unique beast, and was a big shift in the video game market in general. It was rather lengthy and set a lot of standards and series that are still frequent in modern games today, and needs a few more years in the oven before discussing it would be as relaxed as it currently is for other retro stuff.

>> No.3880589

Well you sound like someone who thinks his opinion is objective fact. I think that game looks awful, but that doesn't make it not a game or diminish the experience of the people who did like it. Not everyone likes or wants the same things out of a game.

>> No.3880591

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3880592

I mean, doesn't that sort of demonstrate my point?

Maya (Persona 2) posting isn't an instant thread derail, and it definitely isn't inevitable when people are talking about the game. Try having a conversation about Persona 4 without somebody instantly suiciding the thread with Chie/Naoto/Rise/Yukiko posting. It's impossible. Persona 4 is just too recent and too fresh in people's minds.

>> No.3880594

Have you seen any of our Breath of Fire threads?

>> No.3880607

I don't understand how you guys want to talk about SNES games and PS2 games EVER in the same place. It doesn't even make sense to me. Completely unfocused on subject matter.

>> No.3880616

Because /vr/ is filled with people who don't keep up with the latest and greatest.
6th gen plays well on CRTs.
6th gen games are collectible as fuck right now.

Why would you want to talk about NES and PS1 games in the same place?!

>> No.3880618

Cause the times are a-changin'. Enough time has passed that would at least clear the GBA and GameCube as retro and up for discussion on /vr/. The PS2 and XBOX can wait a little longer.

>> No.3880625

This board already allows discussion of Excitebike, Crash Bandicoot, and Dragon Quest in the same place.


The system got ports from and directly competed with PS2 and Xbox. it has to wait until they do.

There's just too many downsides to allowing things from like 2005/6, and frankly there's enough cancerous 3D Zelda discussion as is.

>> No.3880635

and PSO

GBA is no stretch.

>> No.3880639

When has a 4chan board ever benefited from more people?

>> No.3880642


>> No.3880645

When has a 4chan board ever benefitted from never getting new discussion material?

We should be let discuss the GBA.

>> No.3880647

you mean the updated sticky, which was updated after anons made threads about changing the rules of the board?

>> No.3880648

The sticky is what we're discussing m8

>> No.3880649


>> No.3880650

I don't see how Medal of Honor, Champions Return to Arms, Halo 2, RE4 fit the retro label but whatever. Anyways, the NES to PS1 comparison was weak since things were still experimental in 5th gen, as they were with 3rd gen. 6th is the start of modern gaming, I don't see how this is difficult to understand. I understand that you regard the passing of time as the qualifying nature for things to be allowed here, but I don't think you understand the fundamental differences in the nature of games and their presentation that occurred with 6th gen that clearly defines them from all the rest. It's a moot point though since you'll just disagree and use more false equivalency or use the subjective nature of the word "retro" instead of using the explicit guidelines.

>> No.3880652

But nobody is asking for 6th gen consoles. That can sit and wait a few years. Just the GBA, which is more similar to retro consoles in both the genres of games released and their general design philosophies.

Read the OP. Read the thread. Nobody wants the PS2 yet.

>> No.3880654

No one knows what retro is. Nothing started out as retro and everything will someday be retro

>> No.3880657

To be fair a few people ARE asking for the 6th gen home consoles, though they're also asking for the GBA so that does show extra support for it.

>> No.3880658

I also don't understand why something 15 years old is and so much less retro than something 3 years older

>> No.3880659

>Nobody wants the PS2 yet.
I wouldn't say that, but yes, this thread is for GBA.

>> No.3880663

How about you read my first post before claiming I didn't read, you monkey.
I said I don't know why anyone would want to discuss SNES and PS2 in the same spot.

>> No.3880665

If you're judging "retro" by age, then it really isn't. But I think the issue is more what I wrote here: >>3880540

The PS2/GCN/Xbox just opens the floodgates to a lot more bullshit than the GBA does. 6th gen consoles established a lot of things that are still relevant to modern gamers today in a way that the GBA's titles aren't. We're at risk of inviting discussion of a lot of currently popular series that still play the same (or similarly) to how they did in 6th gen.

>> No.3880668

Then a bunch of people told you why.

>> No.3880671

not reading this thread.

is /vr/ dying? did the shills win?

>> No.3880672

oh, sorry, i misread your post like an idiot.

>> No.3880673

Holy fuck you are a piece of shit.

Yes, they replied, and I gave a rebuttal to which you said an ignorant statement and have now said another.

>> No.3880676

I'm not the same person.

>> No.3880679

You forgot 3 gems on the GBA, SRW OG 1 and 2, and J. All of them in motherfucking enish.

>> No.3880682

No. /v2k or bust. I want to talk about ragnarok online and ps2 games.

>> No.3880696

Not in the slightest. Things will stay the same, as they always do.

>> No.3880701


>> No.3880732

Wow really? I always assumed that system like xbox, ps2, gc, ds, and anything older was allowed here. This is news to me.

I dont play a lot of handhelds though because of the games sucks, so maybe thats why i never even bothered with any gba threads.

>> No.3880742

Halo: Combat Evolved has more in common with it's Goldeneye and Quake ancestors than with modern shooters. There's a reason Halo 3 was really the last game of the series to be anything like it.

>> No.3880771

We really need /v2k/

>> No.3880774

I think GBA fits better here. v2k can have the rest of 6th gen+

>> No.3880779

>never read the sticky
>proceeds to post anyway

>> No.3880792

To be fair I was posting here since before that sticky. Its also been 2 years since i probabably last read it so i dont even know what it says, and over time i just assumed those systems were welcome as i see games from them posted more and more frequently.

>> No.3880805

Ha, no worries. Valid reference post anyway

>> No.3880818

I don't understand the people saying that 6th gen gaming was an entirely different experience than 5th gen, because it wasn't.
The main argument here seems to be the expansion of online multi-player, but outside of PCs very few people I knew were playing games online on consoles before 2004/2005. Hell, even the 2005 Xbox 360 did not have a built in Wi-Fi adapter, but it was with its release that I really recall people getting online with Halo 2 and such.
6th generation online gaming was a novelty at best: the GameCube needed a hard to find adapter to play 7 total games online (through the use of a dial-up modem!); the PS2 supports 96 games online, the majority of which are cross-generation ports of sports games, and again required a peripheral until the 2005 release of the PS2 slim, but few people used these features outside of like FFXI because you needed a broadband connection; the Xbox obviously had wide Xbox Live support but XBL didn't begin until 2002 and wasn't widely used until Halo 2 in 2004, which was the point at which subscription numbers breached 1 million. And let's not forget the Dreamcast which had built in internet capabilities and of course the PC, where many games of the mid to late 90s also had huge online player bases.
However, the core experience of buying a gaming console to play games was intact the entire time, the PS2 and GCN didn't even have a dashboard type GUI the way the Xbox and DC booted into. 6th generation gaming was all about single-player and split screen multiplayer, where you bought a game disc, put it in the machine and played. No installation, no EULA's, no required online access, nothing like what we have nowadays where we download 100GB games day one with patches and almost required online modes.

>> No.3880837

Adding to this: many posters here claim the philosophy of game design changed to its current form in the 6th gen, but again this isn't true. 5th and 6th gen games are nearly identical in terms of gameplay, and commonly cited "cancer" like Halo, Wind Waker and such are nothing like what we see today. Compare Halo CE to a game like Halo 4 or 5 or even Halo Reach and you would see that Halo had more in common with the popular arena style shooters of the day than CoD or other games that the newer Halos have tried to emulate, all because the older style was considered outdated by 2009. Wind Waker has identical gameplay mechanics to the N64 Zeldas, as does Twilight Princess.
It was games like Call of Duty 2 dumbing down the traditional FPS gameplay and games like Uncharted ditching freeform gameplay for scripted actions and setpieces that brought video games into their recognizable modern format. 6th gen games like DMC or God of War are criticized for popularizing QTEs, but in both games they are totally optional except for GOW requiring it as finishers for bosses, compared to modern games that force you into them repeatedly until you do it right. As well, both games have a fairly advanced skill ceiling that can be reached by studying combos and timing, something that God of War 3, for instance, lost.
The 6th gen games were almost entirely about gameplay and substance and depth, and the focus on story was not any greater in FFX or MGS2 than we saw with FFVII or MGS, just longer as a result of more disc space and better hardware.

>> No.3880838

Carrot-on-a-stick lobby MMO with grind instead of gameplay is a very popular genre nowadays, and Sega created the genre on Dreamcast.

>> No.3880873

>this is retro, that is retro

Who the fuck cares? Honestly, people here discuss this as if it was a meaningful term. It isn't. The rules should be geared towards having a decent discourse, which would arguably fall apart with the introduction of 6th gen consoles. I don't know. But it literally means nothing what you subjectively consider to be "old enough". If we are being honest, all the modern gaming genres already had their defining moments in the PS1 era.

>> No.3880890

>Hell, even the 2005 Xbox 360 did not have a built in Wi-Fi adapter

You may be too young to remember, but back in the dark ages of technology we used Ethernet cables to connect to the LAN, to which a modem was also connected (or a router handled the online connection).

>> No.3880903

>LAN is the same thing as online via broadband
Nice try at deflecting the rest of my post, though. Point is, consoles like those of the 6th generation could not get online without some sort of peripheral, aside from the Xbox which was the first console to have widespread online services. The 360 came out at a time when everybody had finally switched to broadband and thus the number of XBL players exploded from there. The Xbox meanwhile didn't gain traction with online until their killer app, Halo 2, released.

>> No.3880913
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>> No.3880917
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>> No.3880919
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If you're going to allow GBA that means you are going to have to allow Gamecube since its also a GBA!

>> No.3880925
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to discuss SPY KIDS GOD DAMMIT

>> No.3880926


>> No.3880934

Lol whered you get all of these eastern european looking brats playing gba?

>> No.3880935

>We'd be getting threads about fucking Halo 2 and Fable. These are series that are very relevant to modern gamers.
I barely see anyone talk about Halo anymore, other shooters are more popular now

>> No.3880939

Jimmy Neutron actually does have an actual 50s retro aesthetic though

>> No.3880942
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There's a huge difference between 2000-2006 and 2006-2009 to be quite honest with you familia

2000-2006 was the Playstation 2, GBA, DBZ/Yu gi oh/Pokemon Advanced, That's so Raven/Kim Possible, Lord of the Rings/Early Harry Potter, Justice League/Teen Titans era that felt nothing like today, due to the lack of social media. While 2006-2009 was the Bieber, iPhone, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Obama, Twitter, Fred, Katy Perry era that feels like the exact same pile of shit as the 2010s.

Learn the difference, don't lump the entire 00s together.

>> No.3880943

Fuck off. There's no other board for it. The console rule works and you are in the extreme minority as far as opinions here go.

>> No.3880945

it's really all the same tbqh famicom
r e d d i t

>> No.3880948

You're just another wannabe backseat moderator cunt. The sooner you off yourself and announce it on /r9k/ the sooner the quality of all boards on this site will go way up.

>> No.3880958

This this this.

>> No.3880962

I want to elaborate. Most new games produced for old consoles are shit. Because they are shit they are rarely ever discussed, besides the odd mention in threads which usually don't last very long. If it's a gem, which is incredibly rare, it might get a little more attention.

Changing the rules to make them based on years rather than consoles would just lead to more bickering, whining and thread derailing. I know the thought of thought of this gives you an erection because you have very little life outside of bitching at posters for violating the rules to derail threads rather than reporting them.

tl;dr fuck you, this ain't your hugbox

>> No.3880970
File: 635 KB, 1500x1231, stock-photo-boy-playing-on-his-game-boy-1536354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have a hispanic for diversity

>> No.3880971
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Here's a solution: allow 6th gen games, BUT move the "retro" cutoff up to November 6, 2006, stopping just short of Gears of War, the Wii, and the PS3.

The 2000 cutoff is arbitrary as fuck; gaming had its biggest changes in fall-winter 06. That period can be seen as a sorta tipping point when everything went to shit and everything had all personality and thought removed from it, including vidya, which got casualized with shit like the Wii and PS3. 2000-summer 2006 still had a lot of awesome games.

>> No.3880991

/v/ is the right place for it, fucktard. And if your response is "b-b-b-but v is CANCER!" then you're on the wrong website in the first place. Go find a hugbox somewhere else.

>> No.3880993

I'll admit that my Xbox examples are pretty weak, but that's half due to my lack of knowledge of the library and half microsoft's exclusive series not being relevant anymore.

>> No.3881002
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>> No.3881005

Nah, they don't want to discuss old consoles in /v/. I'm sorry about your aspergers diagnosis and lifelong dedication to virginity, but us adult males who actually grew up in the time of these older consoles can handle a discussion about new software or even hardware developed for them without sperging out. Speaking of hugboxes I have a couple suggestions for you, my mentally challenged friend. How about wrongplanet? Once you get banned there the loving embrace of wizardchan awaits you.

>> No.3881014

>Nah, they don't want to discuss old consoles in /v/
We don't want to discuss new consoles here?

>> No.3881021

No shit, my reading comprehension challenged friend. The discussion was about new games for old consoles, which is harmless. Nobody is advocating bringing threads about how to install a hard drive in your PS4 into /vr/, no matter how much slippery slope fear mongering the anti-GBA guys are bringing into this.

>> No.3881040

>recognising that /v/ is fucking dogshit means you don't belong on 4chan

No, fuck off

>> No.3881087
File: 14 KB, 400x218, bigred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where you can buy faceplates cheap? Doesn't matter if it's third party or original

>> No.3881090


>> No.3881096

here you go girlfriend

>> No.3881098
File: 13 KB, 600x600, whats a fiddle lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading through this whole shit. Just going to drop my opinion for nobody to read.

I don't mind adding the GBA to /vr/
Because it feels like everything before the GBA/Dreamcast is retro, and everything after it is not, leaving both in a generation limbo.

People have adopted the Dreamcast, why not also adopt the poor GBA?

>> No.3881120

those are stickers.
You can find pretty generic ones on AliExpress and Amazon if you search right. They're kind of stupidly expensive for what they are, but they're available.

>> No.3881150

Cool, I see you can even make your own faceplates, but it says something about copyright, will they cancel it if you use something like a known anime?

>> No.3881151

>Because it feels like everything before the GBA/Dreamcast is retro
PS2 came before the GBA tho. PS2 is old as fuck.

>> No.3881157

GBA is retro. PSX and N64 are not.

>> No.3881192
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What did he mean by this.

>> No.3881214

I'm not talking exactly about dates, and more how it feels like which console belongs where.

But interesting fact. I didn't know that. Now I feel even older than usual.

>> No.3881237

Fun fact: When /vr/ was first created, it didn't consider gen 5 to be retro. Once it became allowed, nobody died or anything.

>> No.3881239

bullshit, I was here since vr was made and I can't remember such a thing

>> No.3881242
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>nobody died or anything.
Do you know that for a fact.

>> No.3881246

GBA should be considered retro now in my opinion.

>cartridges, mmmmfffph(cd based consoles lack a retro feel to me)

>console had backwards compatibility with retro gameboy and gameboy color games.

>many GBA games are direct or updated ports of retro games from its era, I remember most of the GBA games I owned were nes or snes ports.
only problem that comes with classifying gba as retro is the inevitable declaration of gamecube as retro(because of its gameboy advanced player, link cable, and its generous library of cross/mixed platform gba/gamecube games and gimmicks. I do not consider gamecube retro, but in another decade, maybe.

>> No.3881248

I say allow GBA. It's not anything like the Dreamcast in terms of graphics and it has plenty of great 2d games. This board could use a little extra momentum. 6th gen Xbox/GC/PS2 are not retro

>> No.3881249

>Because they've already explained it a million times and are sick of doing it by now since you all never listen and will just spam more GBA threads a few months from now.


>> No.3881256
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Only in USA. Europe and Latin America (not to mention Asia) were into DB and DBZ since the early to mid 90s.
By the year 2000 DBZ was already retro.

>> No.3881349

>early Harry Potter
>every book except the last one was published by 2005

>> No.3881356

I vaguely remember this because people used to REEEE over 3D and there were people wondering why the board wasn't just called "2D Games". However, 5th gen is obviously retro, as is sixth gen (see: >>3880818 and >>3880837)


>> No.3881432
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>> No.3881439
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>phone poster

>> No.3881452

if enough people ask, they might do something

>> No.3881458

Absolutely not.

Make sure you sage this shit guys.

>> No.3881473

>Meta thread
Fuck off back to /qa/.

>> No.3881490

glad this is going to hit the post limit soon and that the issue was solved.

>> No.3881506

I'd rather not, thanks.
amen, let's keep shitposting to clear things up

>> No.3881531

stop that plase, it's /v2k/.

But I feel it's just that the higher ups on 4chan don't want to deal with another board. If you look at 2chan though, they have a board for every single niche topic you can think of and they handle it very well. /v2k/ would not only satisfy both parties, it would cut some slack on /v/ janitors as well.

>> No.3881549

the mods hopefully realize the rules are larger than themselves and won't be selfish enough to change them for their own desire.
OH AND... NOT /vr/ Non topical Mods delete this.

>> No.3881553

there is not a time frame for this, saying in 10 years you feel it might be retro means little. The date is pre 99 if you want to change the dates make a new board.

>> No.3881554

Did you look at the image in OP anon

>> No.3881564

that's gay!

>> No.3881569

I dont know why you idiots keep saying that a new board should be made.

Hiro clearly stated that 4chan doesnt have funds to keep making more boards because the servers are already expensive to mantain.

>> No.3881579

Oh dear. I had no idea.

That's a real shame, if it's true.

>> No.3881606
File: 100 KB, 350x263, Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan isn't a government funded psychological experiment created by jim watkins who illegally took 2chan from hiro
Mootykins was just a face. The money trouble? Verisimilitude. Hiro buying 4chan? Now why would he go and buy something he can't afford to maintain.

>> No.3881613

I know, it makes so much sense for both /v and /vr for /v2k to exist, and I think providing a slower board for that kind of discussion could only help the site as a whole.

>> No.3881615

this person clearly belongs on 4chan

>> No.3881624

Hiro is proven to be a filthy rotten liar

>> No.3881629

>Then surely they could just copypaste these supposed prior explanations from the archive
No, I'd rather people just stop talking about it because the debate is literally: people who want it, people who don't want it at all, people who don't want it here but on another board. Nobody is ever going to agree, the same points will be made over and over again, and there'll be like 15 threads for one month. Then some dedicated shitposting on both sides, and then people will forget about it until it happens again a few months from then.

No amount of explanation matters at this point because it's a conversation in circular patterns. The only real turning point will be if a mod or some one of authority on the matter makes a dedicated contribution to the decision in one way or the other to prompt further discussion.

>> No.3881638

Well, It's a good thing Hiro plastered fucking ads everywhere to pay for new severs then.

>> No.3881640

Absofuckinglutely not.

>> No.3881642
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Now let's not jump to conclusions. Does he have something to gain from lying, is he a compulsive liar, or is he being made to lie? If he and Watkins are on bad terms, why is he chummy with Watkins' son? Notice the iconography. Chilling. I don't know if they have anything on him, or if he's complicit but there's definitely something fishy about the whole thing.

>> No.3881646

Can we just ban tripfags already, it'll make this board a billion times better

>> No.3881671

once 4ch and 2ch were found to be powerful forces of social-cultural mutation, the jews bought them out

>> No.3881672

is hiiro the smug one

>> No.3881675

/vr/ had 5th gen from the get go you lying newfag.

>> No.3881676

Not retro.

>> No.3881764

In a few years 2000 will be 20 years ago

The early 2000s are really fucking close to being retro and if you look at the commercials and aesthetic of that time, it's really really dated and not at all like today

>> No.3881819
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Uh, where? You mean where the ads already were before he got here? Hi, welcome to 4chan, I appreciate you came here but I'm afraid this is an 18+ website.

>is retro

>> No.3882372

Yeah, there used to be a single banner ad at the top.
Now there's loads more, including a silent audio ad just to fuck over mobile users.

>> No.3883338
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Give the PS2 10 more years, and then it'll be retro.