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384565 No.384565 [Reply] [Original]

>Remakes & Reboots

In what case do you feel that a remake/reboot is necessary, /vr/?

Are there any classics that you'd wish to see revisited? If so, what changes would be made?

>> No.384589


>> No.384607

Deus Ex needs to be made with the Human Revolution engine.

Skies of Arcadia needs a graphics update.

>> No.384625
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A remake is good if they change or even update a lot of the mechanics of the game so it still feels familiar while still being a new experience. So far I'd have to say Romancing SaGa probably had one of the best remakes ever with tons of content added in that introduced in later games. Any games that should be remade? Romancing SaGa 2, 3, and of course Frontier since it is notorious for tons of cut content. With the way they treated Romancing SaGa I can only expect great things if those games were remade.

>> No.384616


>Skies of Arcadia needs a speed upgrade


>> No.384657
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Needs to be updated in a Chronicles/ReBirth kid of way.

>> No.384663


Plus jRPGs in which the interactiion between was limited for some reason (BoF 1 and 2, Treasure of the Rudras). I always enjoyed those conversations between teammates.

>> No.384670

Just play the Revamped version.

>> No.384689
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>Deus Ex needs to be made with the Human Revolution engine.

I'd love to see that, more than anything. Would you introduce any of the new mechanics into it? Or would it simply look like a 2013 game, but still play like a 2001 one?

I'd love for it to play like the latter, but I liked the takedowns. It's more fun than watching people spaz out when you prod them.

>> No.384698
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Games that missed their potential first time or had elements which could be improved/fixed(Cut content, some elements explored that was ignored the first time around) should have remakes.
Games that are totally good as they are should not have remakes, case and point. FFVII would probably be butchered and censored today.
Skies of Arcadia could have a HD port possibly, and lower the encounter rate.

>> No.384734

Majora's Mask and all I'm asking for is more dungeons and it would be Zelda of all years every year

also Shadowgate 64. it's a personal favorite of mine and I hope they get billionsth NES SG remake done so we can hopefully move on to SG Rising and SG Trials of the Four Towers

>> No.384808
File: 232 KB, 800x572, Fuck Backlash, it's the worst fucking vehicle right next to Cyclone Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it looks like absolute horse shit but is a good game otherwise. Yes I do mean a lot of the PS1 and N64 games, but the games that would really benefit from it have yet to be remade. Pic related, also make the camera zoom out more and a radar that you can actually see.

>> No.384818

>Skies of Arcadia needs a graphics update.
>Skies of Arcadia Legends

>> No.384879

Why reboot anything? Why not just make it a new IP? Refusing to add numbers to sequels doesn't make them new and fresh publishers.

>> No.384901

>all I'm asking for is more dungeons
Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you're referring to that rumored 3DS remake, expect just as many extra dungeons as were added to OoT3D.

>> No.384931

Why a remake though? Why not just make another mask based Zelda with a doom story (a game where Link suddenly arrives in Hyrule AFTER the Gods made the decision to flood the land, but before it happened would be fine).

>> No.384978

An ideal remake keeps the core game, but updates graphics while making some new changes to throw old fans off guard and keep things fresh.

Resident Evil Remake is the perfect example, while MGS The Twin Snakes is an example of how to not do a remake.

>> No.385029

>Chrono Trigger
I feel that even though it's a masterpiece, there's something missing in it. All I think it could use is more detailed sprites. Don't make it with 3D models, just make the sprites more detailed.
>Tekken Tag
Fix the fucking backgrounds.

>> No.385051
File: 12 KB, 400x300, FFVII-CLOUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't look at FF7. After the first cut scene, and then Cloud hops off the train and he looks like, fuckin, this. I turn it off and vomit. That game should have been sprites.

So I think it needs a graphics update.

>> No.385062
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>> No.385105
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I would really like another 2D Ecco the Dolphin.

I like to see remakes of "gems". Games that were really only appreciated after they had their time. Ecco is a fine example of this.

>> No.385116

Nah man. Cloud's blocky horse hands are hilarious.

>> No.385132

Some early 3D games in established series with horrible transitions that still have a good game somewhere underneath the shitty graphics and controls.
Demakes of Simon the Sorcerer 3D and Quest for Glory 5 for instance.

>> No.385162
File: 304 KB, 1280x740, bionic-commando-2d-20080117063605559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bionic Commando Rearmed was a perfect example how to remake a game: make the core gameplay work perfectly (like swinging physics and balancing weapons), update graphics and music and add stuff that actually fits in the game (like real boss fights and a whole new final stage) while keeping the campiness of the original.

In other words, you had something like this:
and turn it into this:

>> No.385163

I agree, but I liked it when it first came out. Still do, one of my favorites to this day. Can't imagine how they can do Ecco now though after the Dreamcast one, 2D or 3D...

>> No.385178

"during the company's annual shareholder meeting that it would not remake the legendary RPG until it makes a brand new Final Fantasy game that "exceeds the quality" of Final Fantasy VII."

In short, Wada and Square are saying VII has been their best work or are just lying because a mountain of money is disgusting to them.

Anyway, I might sound weird for this, but I'd like to see the Pokemon series remade into a 3D game in light of X/Y.

>> No.385214

Ultima IV.

It's pretty much perfect as it is, except for the combat system, holy jeez it's annoying as hell to have to move eight characters around, one space at a time.

They should have just made it so you just control your own character, and your party is AI.

>> No.385237

I hope that isn't true, because I want to play VII since it's the only one in the series I haven't played. But it looks sooooo bad.

Also I would 100% purchases remakes of Red/Blue and Gold/Silver that are in that sexy, sexy 6th Gen 3D

>> No.385241

Yeah, the overworld models were an awkward attempt at translating the style of FF sprites into 3D models. I don't think 9 got it right either, and 10 is where they just stopped trying.

>> No.385295

I'm beyond disbelief as to why Square refuses to (re)make a game that will print money. The answer sounds like a cop-out to me.

On the topic of Pokemon, especially after seeing more of the battle animations after yesterdays announcement.

>> No.385312

9 I thought they finally got it to a point where it worked. But I would love to see that game updated as well. but not 8. 8 is really not very good.

>> No.385327

'Exceeds the quality' does not necessarily mean 'best'. It likely means 'must match the production values we had when we made that one'. So an FFVII remake would have ot have massive, pleasing production values.

>> No.385358

I can't help but feel that remakes are a waste of time and money. Like Resident Evil Remake for example. At that time, I had been waiting for RE4 for 3-4 years, and they were churning out prequels, remakes and shitty side games like a factory.

REmake wasnt a bad game, but Capcom basically "used up" the classic formula that way, and the RE4 we ended up with was a far cry from the classic games (in a way that annoyed me as a classic RE fan).

If they'd spent even some of that money on making RE4 then, the series would be in a totally different form now. Well, there's be no shit games like RE5 and RE6 anyway.

So when a company spends time on a remake, I can't help fut feel that they're just money grubing asspies and wonder what could have been if they'd invested time and money on NEW games instead.

Reboots are even worse, because they're generally of the "on rails shooter" variety , and are a painfully obvious cash in game.

And by "on rails shooter" I don't mean oldschool arcade shooters, I mean games like Uncharted and RE4 that let you go where you're supposed to go, shoot what you're supposed to shoot and have almost no replay value. So "on rails shooter" in a mocking way.

Games like Tomb raider, DmC and Castlevania Lords of Shadow fall under this banner, because while they're not all shooters, they're still repedative, linear and unimaginative shit.

But that kind of thing seems to be what people want these days.

>> No.385379

Already have. I want an official remake instead of a competent yet, ultimately, a fan game.

>> No.385407

>SoA is planned along with Shenmue 1 and 2
>Deus Ex HD
Keep the voice acting

>> No.385457

Again, no portable release of BCR1 and 2?
I liked 2

>> No.385470

Phantasy Star 3.

>> No.385484

I guess earlier Might and Magic games? When did they truely leave the DOS shell anyhow, 5?6?

>> No.385520
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>All I think it could use is more detailed sprites.

>> No.385535


>> No.385545


>> No.385546

>simplified field options, no LOOK AROUND and TALK and PICK UP
>unlimited inventory because fuck micromanaging
>sane encounter rate
>fuck off slide puzzles

>no fucking time limits
>quick weapon switching
>no inventory limit again THAT SHIT ISN'T FUN


>> No.385569


presumably the music, as well?
then why bother remaking or rereleasing them with such little changes?
the cost of doing so isn't going to outway the benefits.
people wouldn't buy a new version of a game for that alone
the people who would buy it out of nostalgia or slight interest would do so anyway for the original if ported

why not just do a romhack yourself for that stuff?

>> No.385607

I believe there was a mod for the game where it made the character models their battle models all the time, although I think that was for the PC version only.

>> No.385626

It's a shame that production value usually conflicts with quality.

>> No.385631

ah yes, here it is
however I couldn't find any other videos showcasing it...

>> No.385703

Worst one in the series, nigga.

>> No.385718

I think they're alright as long as they don't slaughter the old game, like Silent Hill
I'm not being forced to buy them and if new people want to get into the series without buying old tech or emulating than that's just fine

>> No.385757

Hence why it needs a remake, to fix it.

>> No.385821

but lord of shadows was good...

>> No.385932


>Deus Ex needs to be made with the human revolution engine


That would be a huge step down
There isn't even swimming in DXHR

not to mention all the awesome quirks and glitches and tricks you can do with physics would be gone too.

>> No.385961

>There isn't even swimming in DXHR

Uh. So? Do you know what a game engine is? Do you not realize they mold them to fit the needs of their games?

>> No.386010


DXHR was an unoptimized turd. I wouldn't want that to stain the only good game in the series because in remaking DX1 only invites them to make it worse.

>> No.386069

I haven't seen x and y recently are they looking better than black and white, because i thought that it looked worse than red and blue when i first saw it

>> No.386226

Wrong, faggot.

>> No.386282

What is so bad about linear games?

>> No.386370

I was happy with the ff1 remake on psp