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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.83 MB, 1440x1080, Chrono Trigger (USA)-170305-215532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3841535 No.3841535 [Reply] [Original]

Im looking for the best shaders for Snes games

>> No.3841542
File: 843 KB, 2301x2173, 20150710_180356-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3841564

Try the cancer one.

>> No.3841618
File: 39 KB, 599x555, 1486522782062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant afford to buy a $600 xrgb mini
>cant afford to spend $1000+ on Sony BVM
>Ask for a good shader
>Told to eat dick and get cancer
you guys are lovely, never change

>> No.3841670

crt-royale-kuruzomi blows pretty much everything out of the water if your GPU can handle it.

>> No.3841673

it depends what kind of display you're playing on, i just have mine set to load the bsnes_gamma_ramp or retroarch presets and don't mess with it too much.

>> No.3841674 [DELETED] 

>not getting an ace 19" panasonic pro monitor or ikegami
at least do some research or kill yourself, emulator uses are the nigger of gaming.

>> No.3841682

dude if your just going to play chrono trigger GET A WII for like $20.
Inject snes roms into said WII. Buy a cheap/free curved tube tv off craigslist. BLAM you have perfect retro 240p shader.

>> No.3841684


Playing of real hardware is a meme. Have fun when your precious Sony crt dies and you wore out your original controllers.

>> No.3841750


>> No.3842207

OP is an awkward underage who doesn't have cash beyond what his parents give him for gas money. That option is literally offensive to his hormonally-imbalanced, poorfag mind.

>> No.3842215
File: 3.86 MB, 3645x2734, P10707011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not loving clean pixels.

>> No.3842253

XRGBs are like $350 for one, PVMs are like under $100, regular CRTs are literally free on the street.

Shaders suck, also, buy a Wii like this guy says >>3841682

>> No.3842296

>using retroarch
>using shaders

the cancer is real

>> No.3842320

Shaders are perfectly fine. Don't listen to the hardware-fags. Emulation is the way to go, except you want to spend all your income on dying consoles and game cartridges that will eventually succumb to bitrot. Get a proper gaming LCD with low lag and you're perfectly fine with Reatroarch and it's crt-shaders.

>> No.3842321

>Someone displays their games differently from what I prefer
>they are cancer

I wish this board dedicated to old video games wasn't so painful to read.

>> No.3842338

>someone disagreed with me
>m-muh e-feelings!

do you have aspergers?

>> No.3842351

>m-muh e-feelings!

lol You're the one crying cancer because someone you never met chooses to display their games differently. I just think that's a childish attitude to have, and yes I wish the bar for discussion wasn't stuck in the gutter so much of the time.

>> No.3842371

Lottes or Royale.

Here's a thought: Perhaps some people don't want big, bulky CRTs in their homes because they literally serve no purpose outside of retro games. Not to mention they smell and produce a horrible whining sound, something only your parents are used to by now.

>> No.3842372

>lol You're the one crying cancer because someone you never met chooses to display their games differently

way to miss the point. it's cancer because we get these threads dozens of times a week. it's always a bunch of sockpuppets posting the same questions and answers as the last hundred iterations of this thread, and pushing for everybody else to join in their retroarch circlejerk. i.e. spam

>> No.3842373

nah, what you are looking for is a pointless internet argument, otherwise you would have either just gone to the emulation general on /vg/ or it's wiki.

>> No.3842376

>we get these threads dozens of times a week
No we fucking don't. At most we get a a fucking false flagger posting horrible shader presets going
>lol y aren't u using shaders 4 all ur vidya gaems
And that's only every other week

>> No.3842384

I'm not that guy, and I admit I haven't gone here in a long while, but last when I went here there was a constant stream of those sort of threads, like non-stop, one would be deleted and another would instantly pop up.

>> No.3842390

oh, and I will also add, like I said here >>3842373
if they really wanted advice on shaders and filters a much better place would be the emulation general thread. If a thread about it is posted here it's very fair to assume that it's either a troll or spam attempt, since 90% of the time that's what the are on this board.

>> No.3842408

Yeah, there was a brief period where said false flagger was really trying to force those threads as a new meme. But that was quite a while ago and he gave up.

Just didn't have Australia-kun's moxie, ig.

/emugen/ is worse than /vr/ lad. Much, much worse.
It's almost as bad as /hbg/ at this point.

>> No.3842416

>. it's cancer because we get these threads dozens of times a week.

That's not how you worded your response. All you said is "the cancer is real" which is at least as worthless as threads about shaders.

If you don't like the threads just ignore or hide them, bumping them with meaningless buzzword shitposting does nothing good for the board at all.

This is 4chan, we all have to deal with threads we don't give a shit about popping up in the catalog. But trying to shitpost them out of existence will never work, all it does is encourage more shitposting.

>> No.3842467

>Buy a cheap/free curved tube tv off craigslist
Where I am in the UK CRTs are rare as rockinghorse shit. They're never on Gumtree (UK's Craigslist). Looking on eBay, the best ones are always in London and I'm not willing to make a 400 mile round trip to buy a CRT TV.

I've got a Framemeister anyway.

>> No.3842480

Use Pixellate, AANN, or Sharp-Bilinear then.

Even for pixel purists, shaders > no shaders.

>> No.3842489

I showed that the way I like it best. You can do whatever you want with your set up.

>> No.3842491
File: 7 KB, 546x546, aann3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, the shaders I mentioned are for keeping sharp pixels while avoiding any uneven pixel shapes from fractional scaling that you might run into while keeping the aspect ratio correct.

>> No.3842576

I think it looks good as is, and haven't had much trouble but thanks for the input.

>> No.3843115

> it's always a bunch of sockpuppets posting the same questions and answers as the last hundred iterations of this thread, and pushing for everybody else to join in their retroarch circlejerk. i.e. spam


What kind of conspiracy theory is this?