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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3783693 No.3783693 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a controversial /vr/ opinions thread?

I'll start off:
>Unreal Tournament was legitimately the best FPS ever released at its launch.
>Super Mario 64 is horribly overrated and I've never found it to be at all good, even back at release.
>The Dreamcast was, also, legitimately a better console than the N64 in terms of its library.
>SNK were the best video game developers of the 90s, and only Capcom came close to them
>Tekken and KoF were consistently better than Street Fighter, with the sole exception of Third Strike which managed to stand on par with their better entries.
>While I advocate continuing to refuse to allow 6th generation consoles and post-2000 videogames on the board I'd not mind if we let the GBA slip on at some point.

>> No.3783853

>Contra is better than Metal Slug
Atari were kings of the arcade and Namco never came close
>The SNES is overrated, besides RPGs and Platformers it has nothing but a handful of worthwhile games.
>Capcom were always kings of fighting games through the 80s and 90s but Tekken 3 and KoF 98 shit on every SF game short of Third Strike.
>Most famous PS1 JRPGs aren't even worth playing because of their heinously terrible localisations

>> No.3783868

kojima games are all shit and the worst things konami has ever published

>> No.3783927

/vr/ should be renamed to /v20/ for "20th century vidya" to avoid all the stupid arguments about the word retro

>> No.3783948

The first Donkey Kong Country is overrated and shit.
Too many recycled environments, the most frequent being generic caves where all that changes is bees to spiky wheels. Mines have absolutely lazy level design; nothing but platforms floating on a dull backdrop. I've seen plenty of older games do better. Boss fights are mindless garbage and are as poorly reused/reskinned as the enemies/obstacles. Anyone who places it above the second or even the third is a legitimate idiot.

>> No.3783957

Not to call out the first two posters but 3S is a hugely overrated game and 99% of the people that like it don't know how to play it.

I'm fine with the 1%, though.

>> No.3783959

Quake is more fun than Doom

>> No.3783989

shinobi 3 is the best shinobi

>> No.3783992

lots of people think that though

>> No.3784028

Mortal Kombat is overrated and uninteresting.

New to 4chan here, so I don't know if this counts,.

>> No.3784034

>Anyone who places it above the second or even the third is a legitimate idiot.
I wouldn't rate any DKC very highly

>> No.3784038

Sonic CD is a good game

>> No.3784042

>The Dreamcast was, also, legitimately a better console than the N64 in terms of its library.
If this is "controversial" it is only because of stupid "Nintendo vs Sega" rivalry spilling over. Objectively the Dreamcast has a better and more rewarding library, in part because its library has more unique games that don't have an exact equivalent on some other console. Yes, Nintendo's famous and popular first party N64 games are probably better than their off-brand counterparts, but there are far more games for which this is true on the DC than the other way around.

>SNK were the best video game developers of the 90s, and only Capcom came close to them
Capcom and SNK are definitely way up there at least. I think I'd say Capcom made more interesting and varied games though.

>Tekken and KoF were consistently better than Street Fighter, with the sole exception of Third Strike which managed to stand on par with their better entries.
King of Fighters maybe. Thinking Tekken is better than Street Fighter is the closest thing you've said so far to what I'd consider "controversial."

>While I advocate continuing to refuse to allow 6th generation consoles and post-2000 videogames on the board I'd not mind if we let the GBA slip on at some point.
This makes perfect sense, because GBA games are themselves more similar to games already considered /vr/ than to what came after. It's also a dead console and a "dead end" lineage, i.e. a more reasonable dividing line between "retro" and "contemporary" nintendo handhelds than where that line currently stands at GBC. I don't think there is any reason to exclude it other than concern about slipping standards for the board and the creep of years that will make it harder and harder to deny decidedly non-retro consoles like PS2/xbox/NGC. Moving the line for Dreamcast worked out OK though, in part because that too was a "dead end" console--it lives on only with its enthusiasts, and it has no successors to worry about.

>> No.3784045

Quake is objectively an improved Doom though, so of course that is true

>> No.3784051

You're not exactly wrong in that no MK is really a great game, but that's not why people like it. What you call "overrated" others just call "fun."

Isn't this a very widely held opinion? Literally nothing controversial about saying that except mentioning the world Sonic, which is kind of inherently controversial because it is guaranteed to bring out the shitposters who react to the fanbase instead of the game.

>> No.3784052

>implying a controversial opinion wouldn't be bringing up how the awful level design works against the time travel gimmick by restricting you to specific locations in order to proceed

>> No.3784130

Earthbound is a phenomenal game but not for everyone. It is my favorite game ever made.

Console war threads should be deleted immediately.

/vr/ needs to get over how if you're not doing a 1cc of some ridiculously difficult arcade game you're a "casual'. People here sometimes seem more to play games for bragging rights and sound impressive then even caring about the game.

Dreamcast shouldn't have been allowed here. I like the DC but it just created more shitposting then anything.

Saturn is much better the the genesis.

mega man 4 is much better then 3, 3 is broken and glitchy and quite a bit overrated.

>> No.3784137


>> No.3784145


>"1cc makes it sound like you don't care about the game!"

Wouldn't it be more like "if you can't be bothered to 1cc a game and would rather just dump coins in until you win, you obviously don't care about the game?"

>> No.3784158

>I'll start off:
>>Unreal Tournament was legitimately the best FPS ever released at its launch.
>>Super Mario 64 is horribly overrated and I've never found it to be at all good, even back at release.
>>The Dreamcast was, also, legitimately a better console than the N64 in terms of its library.
>>SNK were the best video game developers of the 90s, and only Capcom came close to them
>>Tekken and KoF were consistently better than Street Fighter, with the sole exception of Third Strike which managed to stand on par with their better entries.
>>While I advocate continuing to refuse to allow 6th generation consoles and post-2000 videogames on the board I'd not mind if we let the GBA slip on at some point.

There is literally nothing wrong with any of what you said, except for the SNK statement (I'd argue Apogee / 3D Realms, but I'm a PCfag so whatever, I guess RARE would be my pick if it was console only shit).

DC statement is fact.
UT statement is difficult to argue but definitely factual.
SM64 is very true, felt like shit to me, because I had played super mario 1 and 3 beforehand and it just seemed so slow and boring and shitty.

SF was a great 2D fighter but it was overrated even then.

You're missing virtua fighter, bloody roar, darkstalkers ,etc.
GBA is basically retro shit.

6th gen doesnt fucking belong here.

some fags would even argue DC doesnt belong here but i'm glad it's here.

i dont know where to discuss gamecube shit, but whatever.

>> No.3784169

I'm not saying doing a 1cc is bad in anyway, I just feel /vr/ has this sort elitist attitude that unless you play only /vr/ approved "hardcore" games you're suddenly a "casual"

>> No.3784173

>i dont know where to discuss gamecube shit, but whatever.
Gamecube is still orders of magnitude more popular than dreamcast (kept afloat somewhat by Melee no doubt, but it is what it is), so I think it's fair to say you're on your own with that one.

Dreamcast's niche status pushes it into a realm of "retro cred" in a way that other similarly-aged consoles can't claim. It's reasonable to make it a special case.

>> No.3784198

Earthbound is a good game

>> No.3784202


/v/ wont talk about anything except REmake and melee

no GC games survive on /vg/

every other forum is the same tired shit that people have been saying since 2002 ("WOW METROID PRIME SO GOOD")

most people haven't even played 99% of the obscure and interesting library and just stuck to 1st party nintendo shit. very sad.

but point was

DC >>>>>>>>>>>> all, and it will have 10x more cool / unique games than any nintendo console ever will, unless they're ported (Evolution / Evolution 2, Phantasy Star Online, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, etc...)

>> No.3784205


You're from /v/, huh.

I suggest you leave, or stop posting GC bullshit, unless you own Giga Wing 2 on your Dreamcast.

>> No.3784230
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>> No.3784280

Nintendo is the second dumbest video game company in the console market, only beaten by Sega.
>Muh cartridges
>Muh Mini-DVDs
>Muh Philips
>What the fuck is a online gaming?

Sparkster was cool character. If Konami really tried, he could have been a rival to Mario and Sonic.

Yoshi's Island>Super Mario World and Mario 3

>> No.3784283


>nintendo STILL hasn't fucking accepted that discs are the future

>makes gimped disc consoles, they sell bad, goes back to fucking cartridges / flash SD cards/carts

>> No.3784385

>/v/ wont talk about anything except REmake and melee
>no GC games survive on /vg/
>every other forum is the same tired shit that people have been saying since 2002 ("WOW METROID PRIME SO GOOD")
>most people haven't even played 99% of the obscure and interesting library and just stuck to 1st party nintendo shit. very sad.

That is good evidence that there would be no productive discussion on /vr/ either. No loss to be honest

>> No.3784579
File: 74 KB, 308x403, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elders scrolls saga and all the D&D-like games are absolute shit.

>> No.3784585

Carts don't get scratched

>> No.3784617
File: 61 KB, 634x412, 1464663535949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Doki Doki Panic) is the best Mario, it's almost as good as Alex Kidd.

>> No.3784619

And thank Christ it will never, ever, be retro here.

>> No.3784623

Golden Axe is pretty shitty.
I'd honestly rather play Streets of Rage 1 than Golden Axe.

>> No.3784626

>8-bit microcomputers were better than 8-bit consoles
>Taito was the best arcade publisher
>The Lynx was better than the Game Gear
>The Mega Drive had better sound than the SNES
>Shadow of the Beast is at least good in every way

>> No.3784628

Discs are seriously not the future.
Why do you think you have to install every game on PS4 and Xbone?

>> No.3784658

I like this idea.

>> No.3784663

All games jewed by GOG should retro and allowed on /vr/
In hindsight , this is true. Unless you're a fantasy fag.

>> No.3784665

Flash cards are actually brettty gud. Better than dealing with batteries, and still cheaper than carts.

>> No.3784668

>>SF was a great 2D fighter but it was overrated even then.

How can it be overrated the game that pretty much created the template for 2D fighting games that's still used in games even today?
How could anyone make a better game in 1991 or 1991?

>> No.3784669

Then what would we call the Vic-20 board?

>> No.3784751

>Super Metroid is a badly designed game
>Both Resident Evil and Tomb Raider were never good (until Resi got to 4), and only popular because we didn't know better at the time

>> No.3784779

>Tekken and KoF were consistently better than Street Fighter, with the sole exception of Third Strike which managed to stand on par with their better entries.
How? Tekken had 1 good retro entry, Tekken 3.
Street Fighter had 2, Zero and III series, each with at leas 3 good games.

>> No.3784801

>most pre-1986 games are simply not that fun
>this is especially true for CRPGs, which probably has less than a dozen fun games before 1986
>Out of every 1000 retro sports games, only 1 is worth playing today. The sports genre is the one group of games that tend to improve with time
>platformers in general, but mostly for the N64 and PS1, are extremely overrated
>a lot of people on /vr/ like to talk about how wide the libraries of the NES and SNES are, but most of the games are really not that good
>Unreal and Unreal Tournament are good, but inferior to UT2004
>The Settlers II is the best retro settlers, but the remake is much better
>Bladur's Gate is the worst infinity engine game
>collecting old console vidya is a generally worthless hobby (too bad it took me so long to realize this)
>collecting old computer related stuff is much more endearing

>> No.3784806 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 483x422, bdd_sellout_adam_bgjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k, since you asked for it:

- i liked the first metal slug for a while, after that i started to hate the series for its horrible sluggish gameplay and the lack of progression and innovation in the sequels. Demon front take the metal slug concept and does it right.

- i always hated castlevania games. Not because they are mediocre games but for the massive disappointment when reality met expectations fueled by the retarded hype for this series even back in the day.

- i hated every console shinobi. Shinobi on consoles sucks. It doesnt even remotely compare to its arcade counterpart(s), maybe with the single exception of shadow dancer on MD. Which funnily enough is a completely different game.

- i hate sonic 2. Sonic 2 is rushed. nowhere near as polished and vastly inferior to the first game. Yet you, yes YOU still fucking adore this turd. Shame on you.

- i hate streets of rage games. Although i am a big fan of the MD i hated streets of rage. Its not even the lame, flatulent sound effects that they used, its that the game(s) are vastly inferior to final fight, and it shows every moment the game is running.

- i only ever played tetris for the music.

- mario is a little fat boring plumber.

- Tekken is another hyped turd series. With virtua fighter being vastly superior. What were they thinking?

- I hate resident evil 4 for the shallow action game that it is. Fucking sell outs ruined the series forever.

- i hated SF4. Going 3D and with not real depth to it was another dickish sell-out move by capcom. They really should quit making games.

- last but not least i never enjoyed any of the treasure games, apart from ikaruga. They are just hyped to death, mediocre games. Fucking fanboys are the cancer of gaming.

>> No.3784812
File: 51 KB, 483x422, 1486474053610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k, since you asked for it:

- i liked the first metal slug for a while, after that i started to hate the series for its lame sluggish gameplay and the lack of progression and innovation in the sequels. Demon front takes the metal slug concept and does it right.

- i always hated castlevania games. Not because they are mediocre games but for the massive disappointment when reality met expectations, fueled by the retarded hype for this series even back in the day.

- i hated every console shinobi. Shinobi on consoles plain sucks. It doesnt even remotely compare to its arcade counterpart(s), maybe with the single exception of shadow dancer on MD. Which funnily enough is a completely different game from the arcade game.

- i hate sonic 2. Sonic 2 was rushed to make lots of dorrar in the land of the fat. The game is nowhere near as polished and vastly inferior to the first game. Yet you, yes YOU still fucking adore this turd. Shame on you.

- i hate streets of rage games. Although i am a big fan of the MD i hated streets of rage. Its not even the lame, flatulent sound effects that they used, its that the game(s) are vastly inferior to final fight, and it shows every moment the game is running.

- i only ever played tetris for the music.

- mario is a little fat boring plumber.

- Tekken is another hyped turd series. With virtua fighter being vastly superior. What were they thinking?

- I hate resident evil 4 for the shallow action game that it is. Fucking sell outs ruined the series forever.

- i hated SF4. Going 3D and with not real depth to it was another dickish sell-out move by capcom. They really should quit making games.

- last but not least i never enjoyed any of the treasure games, apart from ikaruga. They are just hyped to death, mediocre games. Fucking fanboys are the cancer of gaming.

>> No.3784815

>>Bladur's Gate is the worst infinity engine game
Aren't the only other infinity engine games icewind dale and planescape? That's like comparing rubies to sapphires.

>> No.3784821

Well, there's also BGII and IWDII, 5 games in total. I would say it goes like PT > IWDII > BGII > IWD > BG. A lot of people in the random CRPG threads we get really hate IWD for some reason.

>> No.3784832

>>Unreal Tournament was legitimately the best FPS ever released at its launch.
This is a controversial opinion?

>> No.3784838

I dont get that either. UT was absolutely killer upon release. UT even mopped the floor with Quake III.

>> No.3784860

>implying vic-20 isn't XX century

>> No.3784928

>Out of every 1000 retro sports games, only 1 is worth playing today

I see what you mean, but it's not true, because certain old sports games had a nice arcade feel instead of being focused on realistic simulation.

Think NBA Jam, ISS Deluxe, Cool Boarders, Libero Grande, etc.

>> No.3785601

Ridge Racer Type 4 is a dumbed down racing game for casuals.

>> No.3785638

Nintendo 64 is terrible.
Gamecube stinks.
Saturn is pointless.
I think the reason NES games are as expensive as they are is because of how the carts look.
Even Shinobi 3 stinks.
Skies of Arcadia is boring.
Fatal Frame is stupid.
Playstation games aged better than N64.
Nobody actually likes the TG16. It's memes.

>> No.3785671

Last bit doesn't matter, true game enthusiasts know Japanese

>> No.3785702

I like slidey ice levels, and they can be some of the most fun when done right. The key is they have to be about keeping momentum, not trying to stop your momentum to do precision platforming.

>/vr/ should be renamed to /v20/ for "20th century vidya" to avoid all the stupid arguments about the word retro
>Console war threads should be deleted immediately.
>Super Mario 64 is horribly overrated and I've never found it to be at all good, even back at release.
I agree with these

>> No.3785708


>Sonic is better than Mario
>Turrican is better than Megaman
>Quake is better than Doom
>Chrono Trigger is better than FFVI
>Zelda OOT is better than Majoras Mask

Earthbound sucks.

>> No.3785712

Sonic games were never as good as Mario games
Ristar is the best Sonic Team game
Nintendo consoles are all overrated
Quake is the best retro singleplayer FPS
Settlers 3 is the best one
the vast majority of JRPGs are trash
Street fighter 2 in any form is bad
Elder Scrolls was never good

>8-bit microcomputers were better than 8-bit consoles
>Taito was the best arcade publisher
>The Mega Drive had better sound than the SNES
Great opinions right here

I like underwater levels.

>> No.3785713

I can't argue with that it is fun af.

>> No.3785715

>most pre 1986 games are simply not fun

Nah brah Atari 2600 is GOAT.

>> No.3785972

Virtua Fighter is, and has always been, the greatest 3D fighting game by far.

I had the Atari 2600 and all the games sucked. It was depressing.

>> No.3785982

Sonic CD is a good game

>> No.3786059

Nintendo 64 is a good console.
SMB3 has worse physics than both SMB and SMW.
Genesis' cheapo YM2612 sound chip is an insult to the FM synthesis
Genesis shmups are overrated
SNES platformers are overrated

>> No.3786125
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Another round:

The only good Dreamcast exclusive is Project Justice. Everything worthwhile was ported to better consoles.

Dragon Quest is a very dull franchise.

ToeJam & Earl is an overrated borefest.

Secret of Evermore was better than Mana.

The best platformer on Sega Genesis is Ristar. No Sonic game has that level of polishment.

Donkey Kong 64 is a amazing game.

>> No.3786130

Final Fantasy as a whole is overrated, personally I don't find it all that good

>> No.3786146

And this is why it should be retro. Just to spite people like you, among other things.

>> No.3786153

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game.
N64 is better than PS1.
StarFox 64 is better than Panzer Dragoon.
Fifth-generation 3D looks good.
I hate the term "shmup".
GBA discussion should be permitted.
DC/PS2/GCN/Xbox should get a containment general when the next generation drops.

>> No.3786154

Atari should have ported it's ST/TT/STE computer games to the 7800 and XEGS and made the system easier to develop titles.

They should have also made deals with SEGA to port each other''s titles to each others systems and ported titles from the Apple, C64, Intellivison and Coleco.

This might have allowed Atari to stay in at least 3rd place against the NES.

>> No.3786159

>>8-bit microcomputers were better than 8-bit consoles


>>Taito was the best arcade publisher


Did Taito make many games for the NES?

>> No.3786163
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>The only good Dreamcast exclusive is Project Justice. Everything worthwhile was ported to better consoles.
Now this is just plain ignorance.

>> No.3786167

>Nobody actually likes the TG16. It's memes

I like their puzzle games and shumps.

>> No.3786169

And so were the Colecovision and Intellivision!!

Play Beamrider on the Colecovision and Astrosmash on the INTV

>> No.3786273

none of them are really controversial

-pre fallout/infinity wrpgs are dogshit(except Might and Magic)
-all western platformers are dogshit(with the exception of battletoads and DKC)
-80's computer games are dogshit
-basically anything from the 80's that isn't the Arcade or Nes and Japanese is dogshit
-80's Jrpgs are dogshit tho
-duck tales moon stage theme is dogshit
-kirby is dogshit
-sonic was never good, just a slightly better europlatformer
-doom is a europlatformer in 3d, 3d jet set willy, dogshit
-on that note, id never made a good game, doom 1 was alright but I had to force myself to beat Doom 2, will never beat their other titles
-first good FPS was Unreal but Half Life perfected the genre
-Resident Evil was never good, Alone in the dark was a nice novelty but it didn't need to become an entire genre of shitty tank controls and opening doors
-tomb raider was never good, it always was a normie tier series, Tomb Raider 2 is the Modern Warfare 2 of the 90's, Venice a shit
-Ninja Gaiden 3 is the best Gaiden
-Saturn evangelist deserve to be raped by Ron Howard
I hate all modern and hate most old games, there is no reason for me to be here.I should leave

>> No.3786337

> the classic resident evil games played like shit and would've benefitted from being point & click adventure games instead

> metroidvania games are overrated

> console shooters were trash until the advent of dual analog sticks

>> No.3786339

Damn anon I kinda wanna punch in the face, with my dick!

>> No.3786341
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>kirby is dogshit

Do enough people think this that it's not considered controversial?

>> No.3786342


>The only good Dreamcast exclusive is Project Justice. Everything worthwhile was ported to better consoles.

Some of those ports run like absolute shit. See Grandia II and Ecco.

>> No.3786345

>/v/ wont talk about anything except REmake and melee


>> No.3786349


SoR1 is good though

I prefer it to SoR2

>> No.3786353

>- i hated every console shinobi. Shinobi on consoles plain sucks. It doesnt even remotely compare to its arcade counterpart(s), maybe with the single exception of shadow dancer on MD. Which funnily enough is a completely different game from the arcade game.

Even Shinobi III? Damn.

Also you'd better only be talking about /vr/ Shinobis

>> No.3786365

Pretty sure the context was in that those are the only GC games they talk about

>> No.3786402

You're not wrong at all, but still lurk for two years before posting.

>> No.3786408
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>Earthbound is my favorite game ever made.

>> No.3786412

>the n64 has an extremely weak library that is outdone by even the saturn
>gamecube graphic capabilities are the most utilized out of any console
>neogeo, pce / snes, genesis
>earthbound is boring and behind the curve in terms of game mechanics
>sega should try to make a new game console with a focus on retro style games and strong 2D capabilites and market it accordingly
>nintendo is stupid for breaking its deal with sony. they were vastly outsold as a result
the last one maybe not controversial, but no one really talks about it
The new sega console idea would be tight. Imagine HD detailed sprite work and a seemingly infinite amount of layers of sprites to work with

>> No.3786415

>OoT is better than MM

That is not controversial, all hipsters think that.
You probably put Wind waker in your top 3 too, correct?

>> No.3786418

Not everyone is a weeb, some people actually get laid.

You'll get over your faggy anime obsession once you get a girlfriend.

>> No.3786419

This is actually a good idea.

>> No.3786421

>mario is better than sonic
>but mario consoles are overrated

>> No.3786436

So, you like the sound of farts?

>> No.3786449

I like working designs

>> No.3786452

With a few exceptions, I'm not a fan of Nintendo's first party games. They're definitely solid, well-made games, and not "bad" in any way, but I just find them uninteresting and sometimes boring.

From Super Nintendo on, it feels that Nintendo games became all about slow, drawn-out play with the only goal being to reach an ending. No score attack/time attack play, and no further challenge once the game is finished.

The fact that they dropped out of the arcade industry is part of this disinterest. Capcom, Data East, Irem, Konami, Namco, Sega, SNK, Tatio, etc. all have hundreds of excellent arcade games. I can't get excited about Nintendo when they don't even offer a fraction of that.

They've definitely had some very talented developers, but I just don't revere them as the be-all and end-all of video games as so many do.

>> No.3786457
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The console and arcade market in general should have been left to the Japanese, the west simply hasn't produced anything worthwhile and significant over the long-term. Translation and localization should have been the only thing done. If not, have it as a niche where it's up to dedicated communities to bring it over (think taped anime subbing around the same time period). The west should have kept to PC gaming, as it's what they did best.

>> No.3786458

rubies are sapphires though, just a defined color of sapphire

>> No.3786463

>>Super Mario 64 is horribly overrated and I've never found it to be at all good, even back at release.

I'm aware.

>> No.3786471

Don't know how controversial this actually is but
>pretty much any wrpg>>>>any jrpg

>> No.3786483

It's not bad, but it's way too primitive in comparison to 2.
2 is on a whole new level.

>> No.3786497


Honestly I just really hate SoR2's sprites

>> No.3786503

>Crash Bandicoot, while having a nice take on 2D/3D plataforming, is pretty boring. It also has a convoluted way of saving progress.

>The only Genesis games that are really worth buying it for me are Streets of rage series and Castlevania Bloodlines.

>First Person sword combat will always be shit compared to 3rd person.

and an extra non-/vr/ related:
>God of War 1 is one of the worst hack'n'slash I ever played. I have no idea how people enjoy it more than DMC.

>> No.3786507

>>First Person sword combat will always be shit compared to 3rd person.

On what planet is this controversial?

>> No.3786584

not really a controversial opinion outside 4chan but here it goes

>the vast majority of jrpgs, especially retro ones, are terrible and lack engaging story as well as meaningful gameplay.

>> No.3786595


Nah that's pretty controversial, people fucking love FF

>> No.3786602

The SNES sounds like a robot farting in the other room. At least the Mega Drive has depth.

>> No.3786612

I agree with this. The guy should have made movies instead. Can't understand the love for him.

>> No.3786621


I think vr should have a 15year rule

If it's at least15 years old it's good to go

Like women

>> No.3786651

I think you just need to manage your expectations going into his work. People hype up MGS far too much and when you play the series it just doesn't live up to the hype. Many games suffer from this though and it's basically our own fault.

If you genuinely don't like MGS though, that's okay, I can understand why it might not appeal to some people. Kojima would make shitty movies though.

>> No.3786665

>Like women

But what about "If her age is on the clock, she's old enough for the cock."?

>> No.3786671

I feel like good gameplay in an RPG naturally erodes the ability to have interesting characters and so a believable story. FF8 had really good gameplay in that there were multiple ways to become powerful and clear content. You could grind levels, or you could grind GF levels, or you could leverage rewards from playing cards, or you could make use of the magic synthesis system or you could play with status and elemental counters or pick any combination of those. The problem is your characters could be literally anyone or anything. Good systems which allow flexibility in gameplay remove your ability to have good characters.

>> No.3786673
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>The Dreamcast was, also, legitimately a better console than the N64 in terms of its library.

Legit made me laugh.

It may have "more" to choose from but there are about 40-50 N64 games I enjoy compared to...

I dunno, I only have Seaman at the moment.

I looked through the whole library of the Dreamcast and it's like 90% JRPG weebshit.

But that's just me, whatever.

>> No.3786680

>Mortal Kombat is overrated and uninteresting

This is true.

>> No.3786683

Earthbound is cute, quirky, odd and occasionally funny.

I enjoy the aesthetic but there is no game underneath. It's press a button and you get some noise, a flash on the screen and a bunch of text.

It in no way deserves it's hipster cult status.

>> No.3786685

JRPG's are fucking garbage.

Not Japanese video games, just Japanese role-playing games in particular.

I hate them.

>> No.3786706
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>Super Mario bros. 1 is the best 2d Mario
>Symphony of the Night is the worst metroidvania by a significant margin
>UT is objectively better than Q3
>2d Sonic is better than Mario
>SNES was the worst Nintendo console until the WiiU
>PS1 controllers were terribly designed
>Hexen needs a reboot

>> No.3786712
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>SNES was the worst Nintendo console until the WiiU

>> No.3786713

>Hexen needs a reboot
this isn't controversial, it's right. just keep it out of the hands of some shitty AAA company.

>> No.3786715

No, no more reboots/remakes/remasters/soft reboots.

Stop it.

>> No.3786719

>UT is best FPS ever.
Arguable. I had a lot of fun with it. Doom exists though.

>Super Mario 64 was terrible.
Totally disagree. It's cool to dislike it now, but it was making best game of all time lists before it was even commercially released.
>Dreamcast better than N64.
I agree. Most people would too though. Not exactly controversial.
>SNK were the best video game developers
Nah. Nintendo, Sega, Capcom.
>Tekken and KOF better than SF.
>GBA should be retro
Most GBA games are old NES/SNES games.

>> No.3786720

The buzzword "AAA" is autistic, meaningless, and should not be used or taken seriously. If you use it, you are a faggot.

Gamergate was absolutely right, and the screaming against them is concrete proof of how corrupt journalism is, along with the fact that the business Gamers Gate was harassed out of business.

Companies must be forced into noting all forms of censorship and whitewashing, and must be forced into releasing uncut editions of games.

The reason games nowadays are "easier" is because we're not little kids who have infinite time to play games. We're 25-40 year old adults, with jobs, and are probably married with kids of our own, and have to pay the bills. We simply do not have the time to grind our dicks against level 1 in a game.

And on the subject of "twiple a pwices" on games, considering inflation, games are cheap as fucking dirt nowadays. Legend of Zelda was $50 on release in the 80s, Phantasy Star 4 was $90 in the early 90s, and SNES games would set you back $70 in the same era.

>> No.3786728

Your first two points proved you're a fucking retard and I stopped there desu

In the future if you wanna post bait try not to lead with absurd claims about companies closing down when they're well known and still open

>> No.3786730

There isn't a definition for AAA though. IF you stopped flailing your sweaty mantits around like a cheap faggot you would notice that.

>> No.3786734


>> No.3786738

I agree, to an extent. when it comes to overall design and art direction, Hexen got it right the first time. it mainly needs a graphics update, along with better sound and a few other fixes. sadly, I don't trust companies today to handle it properly and not completely screw it up.

naturally when you have more responsibilities/demands, you have less time to sink into hobbies. however, I don't think easier difficulty is solely because of less grinding time -- it's also caused by the continuous drive to increase mainstream appeal.

>> No.3786739

Pick up a game in the local store and tell me how hard it is without playing it. You can't. Only games for literal toddlers are sold on the idea of "They're easy".

>> No.3786743

Your shittypedia article outright says its informal and the talk page says that there is no definition for it.

>> No.3786746

>unpopular opinion
>"earthbound is good"
>"earthbound is bad"

it's like there's this "who's the hipster" contest with this game

>> No.3786749

no I can't, but I have noticed the overall trend -- which is that games have generally gotten easier, with lots of guidance and hand-holding for the player. retro games used to have puzzles that required you to observe and think, without giant flashing signs telling you what to do next. games have also become more formulaic.

I'm not saying it was ideal back then, sometimes design was a bit inconsistent with difficult spikes. I'm just pointing out the overall trend, which is caused by gaming going from being a niche hobby to an enormous industry.

>> No.3786757

Mortal Kombat is shit. The newer ones are okay, but the old ones, especially ones on 4th gen consoles suck complete dick. Leave the fighting games to Japan.

>> No.3786778
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They also had puzzles like this that make no fucking sense to the average person and require obscure out-of-game knowledge. If I complete a puzzle and I still think "That makes no sense" then it's a shit puzzle.

The explanation for throwing the bridle on the snake? Snakes are often associated with Medusa. When Medusa was slain, the Pegasus sprung from her corpse. Even if you know this it's very unlikely you'll use that line of logic to figure it out.

And don't forget puzzles that require serious timing. The goat puzzle in Broken Sword is notorious for this to where it got a major nerf in the remake because some people were simply physically incapable of doing it.

>> No.3786779

There are probably less than a dozen single player video games that can be considered well designed in the sense that they provide the player with a challenge complex enough that it can't be solved with solely good reactions, mechanical skill, or following a patently obvious by the numbers strategy.

If you only play single player video games you probably suck at video games.

There are absolutely no video games with well written stories. At best they paint an internally consistent world without anything meaningful to say. Playing a story driven video game after reading a piece of classic literature honestly makes me feel embarrassed.

If you haven't played a multiplayer game at a competitive level your opinions about game balance are overwhelmingly likely to be worthless.

If you aren't a skilled programmer your opinions about game design are probably worthless.

>> No.3786789

I majored in greek mythology and I just now find out the logic behind that bullshit.

>> No.3786791

>I like slidey ice levels, and they can be some of the most fun when done right. The key is they have to be about keeping momentum, not trying to stop your momentum to do precision platforming.
I want more platformers like this.

>> No.3786796

like I said, all was not golden back then. difficulty is one thing, moon logic and unfairness are quite another. if the game gives you adequate clues to solve the puzzle, and you can use intuitive logic, it's probably fine. if you have to predict the future or know obscure facts, then it isn't.

retro games had more creativity and challenge, but were glitchy or broken at times. modern games are more consistent and seamless, but with simpler formulaic content.

there are exceptions but that's the overall trend. I'm not bitter about new games, there are ways in which gaming has improved. I'm saying that alot has changed, and there are pros and cons to that.

>> No.3786804

Don't forget puzzles where you do a logical thing and it fucks you over hours later because that coin you put in the telephone box is needed to distract the caustic supervillain The Acidic Jew.

Old puzzle games were shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. If not for humorous writing and legit plot, they would've been thrown straight into the bargin bin within a month of release and the entire genre would've died.

>> No.3786840
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>Super Metroid is a badly designed game

You're the tube guy, aren't you?

>> No.3786842

Quake is doom for people who are bad at doom

>> No.3786846

But quake takes more skill to git gud at than Doom.

>> No.3786848

Anyone who thinks planescape torment is superb writing and story telling needs to read a book.

>> No.3786850

go play quake 1 or 2, then play ancient aliens, or going down.

you tell me which is harder.

>> No.3786852

You know what I hate about mm. Repetition. The whole fucking games on repeat. Like wtf, way to be lazy fucking game designers and recycling 99% of oot graphically!!

>> No.3786860

Is it controversial to say that Megaman 2 is extremely overrated, and that Megaman 4 is the best in the series?

Otherwise I think Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (the only Sonic I played) has really bad level design at parts. You spend a lot of time waiting for platforms to rotate and stuff like that, and Sonic's controls are ass for precise platforming. I can respect people who are skillful enough at the game to breath through the levels, but for someone who is not terribly invested in getting good at it, Sonic 2 is a rather mediocre game.

Also, Crash Bandicoot was ass. While I can atleast respect Sonic for having a skill ceiling, I don't think there is anything interesting about Crash.

>> No.3786863

>There are absolutely no video games with well written stories. At best they paint an internally consistent world without anything meaningful to say. Playing a story driven video game after reading a piece of classic literature honestly makes me feel embarrassed.
Entry level /lit/fags like you are the fucking worst. I've read the Greeks, I've studied Russian and French authors of all stripes, I've cracked through numerous philosophical and political manifestos, I collect autobiographies of historical figures who interest me for pleasure, I've consumed damn near the entire English classical canon and a vast patch of the modern one too, and you know what? I can still appreciate the fact that a work's "meaning" is not the only valid aspect by which to judge it, and can enjoy a well written story that is purely intended to be entertaining or immersive.

If you can't do the same you legitimately need to pull the stick out of your ass.

>> No.3786865

Side scrolling beat em ups is a genre I don't mind being gone today.

>> No.3786868

that's true. but I meant puzzles in a broader sense. for example, I recently played through ff1, and you're told to take the runes to Dr. Unne, a random NPC in an earlier town. he's the only townsperson who gives a name which makes it memorable. if you went around and talked to people, you should remember where to go. likewise for adamant and the excalibur. and I figured out how to move the stone in temple of fiends past on my own fairly quickly, because I remembered using the Rod in the Cave of Earth.

I think those were fair puzzles. there are other examples too like Legend of Zelda in general.

>> No.3786869

One more battletoads for the road, then ok.

>> No.3786870

Yeah, this. People confusing "well written" with "deep" or "meaningful" have an entirely backwards approach to stories. Hell, many of the works that are considered classics are usually not about the story, but about the themes. Moby Dick is one of the best books ever written, but it's story can be summed up in a few sentences and only really affects the first 10 and the last 30 pages.

Anyway, a story is only as good as the way it is told. Video games have a lot of potential there, but that is mostly squandered by trying to immitate non-interactive media.

>> No.3786872

Battletoads wasn't even a beat em up for like half of its levels.

>> No.3786880
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I don't care, and you can't make me!

>> No.3786882

Just felt like throwing that into the conversation, it was not meant to devalue the game.

The genre of sidescrolling beat em ups is boring though. They generally lack the mechanics to give them a higher skill ceiling than basic enemy knowledge and a bit of zoning.

>> No.3786906

>i actually loved NFS Hot pursuit 2 and wonder why it had bad reviews

>> No.3786921
File: 21 KB, 250x171, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario 64 was amazing at first but not as fun as World or 3.

Secret of Mana isn't fun.

>> No.3786923

>Mario and Sonic games are the only games in existence

>> No.3786926

I made a thread about it.
>I dont like any mario games other than the first SMB

>> No.3786928

Secret of Mana's camera is absolute dogshit
>walk in one direction
>can only see three tiles in front of you

>> No.3786969

Elder scrolls are hit and miss but Neverwinter Nights is a genuinely good game for something that follows D&D rules

>> No.3786989

WRPGs are boring trash

>> No.3787020

>I looked through the whole library of the Dreamcast and it's like 90% JRPG weebshit
Weeb here, I looked through the whole library of the N64 and the only thing worth playing is Wonder Project J2

>> No.3787050

The D games are mediocre trash.

>> No.3787069

>The reason games nowadays are "easier" is because we're not little kids who have infinite time to play games. We're 25-40 year old adults, with jobs, and are probably married with kids of our own, and have to pay the bills. We simply do not have the time to grind our dicks against level 1 in a game.
This "don't have time" thing that people like to say doesn't make sense because 50 hours of playing games is 50 hours of playing games, regardless of whether you play ten 5 hour games or one 50 hour game.

Plus it also implies that if you did have more game time per day, you would be playing not-fun games just for the hell of it, which is stupid. If "grinding our dicks against level 1" isn't fun, you shouldn't be doing it regardless of how much time you have per day.

>> No.3787070

Contra is the best man, I'm with you 100%

>> No.3787129

nice buzzword, I only knew "muffled" and "tin can" until now.

>> No.3787149

>>Tekken and KoF were consistently better than Street Fighter, with the sole exception of Third Strike which managed to stand on par with their better entries.

I honestly never liked SF that much. MK and Tekken were my favorite fighting game series and still are.

>> No.3787153

This is an opinion thread. Everything is alright

>> No.3787161

Eight hours of sleep, one hour to get the kids fed and out the door, one hour to drive to work, eight hours of work, one hour to drive back, one and a half hours to put dinner out, 30 minutes in the bath. This doesn't include taking care of the lawn, the dogs, the trash, and my days off are spent doing shopping.

By the time I sit my arse down I do not have the energy to play games.

>> No.3787176

The original topic was having time to play games. Sounds like you're talking about something else, perhaps related to challenging games that could feel stressful.

>> No.3787187


>> No.3787283

I really like a lot of ps1/n64 graphics.

SOR3 is my favorite in the series. The level design is wonky but it has some of my favorite beat em up controls and the ugly music is probably directly responsible for my interest in noise music as an adult.

>> No.3787290

games being "easier" is more that modern games focus more about being in the action and that's generally what most people prefer nowadays

>> No.3787305

given how DOOM & wolfenstein turned out with their respective revivals I'd think a hexen reboot/revival would turn out fine

>> No.3787590
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But you have time to post on 4chan?

>> No.3787597

>Having kids

Should have kept it in your pants, loser.

No more vidya for you :^)

>> No.3787838

N64 is better on what metrics? I can't see it beating PS1 on any metric other than one which puts excessive weight on a small number of first party Nintendo titles.

In overall library size and quality, plus system quality itself, PS1 is clear winner. Objectively speaking that is. I don't deny nostalgia based favoritism.

>> No.3787864

collecting is aids

>> No.3787869

maybe you shouldn't have dogs tho

>> No.3787881 [DELETED] 

These are truly some unpopular opinions. I'm almost triggered, but it's simply too pure.

>> No.3787906 [DELETED] 

There are very few JRPGs on the DC

>> No.3787939


>> No.3788036

>there were no pre-5th gen good home console fighting games Besides Gundam Wing Endless Duel
>also true for racing games other than f-zero
>the genesis library only had as many worthwhile titles as snes had worthwhile platformers
>the n64 was the worst nintendo console ever
>third gen was the first good gen, and even the it's still overrated
>the only good street fighter was third strike
>WRPGs are not only badly written but also take themselves too seriously, which gives them the worst aspects of tabletop roleplaying and videogames
Take everything with as much salt as you want

>> No.3788098

Ocarina of Time is massively overrated and I've never enjoyed any of the 3D Zelda games

LtTP is the best game in the Zelda series and in my top 5 games of all time

>> No.3788294

>also true for racing games other than f-zero
there's at least 5 racing games better than F-Zero for the SNES alone.

>> No.3788301

Most people who have dogs shouldn't have dogs.

>> No.3788317

Nintendo is the only company that keeps making games that interest me. With very few exception, if it's not retro and not Nintendo, I'm probably not going to care. Every other company stopped being good in sixth gen or sooner.

>> No.3788321

Don't ever let your life become this. What this man is doing isn't living, it's hell.

>> No.3788323

Zelda II: Adventure of Link is absolutely horrible.

>> No.3788556

mario kart being none of them?

>> No.3788558



>> No.3788568

>Doom 2 was the worst in the franchise
Doom 2 felt like a modder made a shitto n of slaughter maps and just threw them together.
>Quake is not very good
The singleplayer does not appeal to me one bit, multi does though.
>Sonic was never good
goes without saying
>They should have waited until the ps2 era to make 3d console games.
early non PC console games control like shit, look like shit and prone to bugs and glitches.

>> No.3788582

>>They should have waited until the ps2 era to make 3d console games.
I couldn't agree more.

>> No.3788602

was going to post that too

>> No.3788630

>eight hours of sleep
>eight hours of school
>one hour with mom in the car for commuting
>two hours of homework
>one hour for dinner

I'm 7 years old and have no time to play video games.

>> No.3788684

6th gen is retro

>> No.3788737


That's not an opinion that's just an incorrect statement.

>> No.3788742

It should be renamed to "My childhood is better than yours"

>> No.3788749

>something that follows D&D rules
That's its only good quality, which is not much to say.

>> No.3788751

>taking care of the lawn
The fuck, are you rich?

>> No.3788769

No I live in a somewhat rural area.

>> No.3788775

The two daily hours of commute are your problem m8, it's eating up your life

>> No.3789203

the real bout games are way better than garou

garou is a credmine game, nothing more

>> No.3789220


By far the majority of anons here base their opinions of games on what other people think about them and not at all by their own merits.

Most people here are contrarian morons and some other people here are bandwagon fanboys.

No one ever has any legitimate critiques of a game. People always attack the fan-base or latch onto a game's minor flaws to an unreasonable extent.

long story short: have an actual fucking opinion about the games you play and stop letting this shitty community dictate it for you.

>> No.3789228

I hate Mario 64

>> No.3789241

I'm a big fan of the series, but I agree with you on some points, specially the generic caves.

Still, the game is really fun and has lots of replay value.

Eh, it depends on your tastes, but IMHO DKC 2 is easily one of the best SNES games. Maybe the best platformer.

>> No.3789243

objectively shit taste

>> No.3789247

>That's not an opinion that's just an incorrect statement.
Actually he's emitting an opinion - you can rephrase his sentence as "6th gen should be considered retro", or "retro should include 6th gen". A shitty opinion, but hey, still an opinion.

>> No.3789251

I can't recall a single N64 game I like. Most of them were trash in my opinion.

>> No.3789257

SMK requires skill and has a great 2-player mode. Do you have friends to play Mario Kart, right?

>> No.3789265

Ocarina is the only good n64 game.

>> No.3789269

LttP is far better.

>> No.3789325

No link to the past is good but not better, its less cinematic.

>> No.3789395

All of the PS1 Mega Man games were good barring X6. Also X5 > X4.

Speaking of, '98-'01 was Capcom's best period.

>> No.3789429

i had the cartridge, still have the friends, skill was at all uninvolved. MK only got good in the GC, and even then it's as much of a racing game as ssb is a fighting game

>> No.3789430

Super Mario World is the only truly good retro Mario Game.

Alundra 2 was alright.

>> No.3789435

>two hours of homework
how stupid were you
>one hour for dinner
what kind of a glutton are you?

>> No.3789445


Same fagging because I forgot to mention Twisted Metal 3 was best in series.

>> No.3789882

>how stupid were you
I was the best.

>what kind of a glutton are you?
Yuropeans take their time to eat.

>> No.3790194

>MK only got good when it became easy and casual as hell
>A racing game is not a racing game
I bet you think it's a "party game" because you can throw things to slow down other karts.

>> No.3790321

>easy and casual as hell
I found super mario kart to be infinitelly easier and less polished than double dash. You could play DD, but mastering it wasn't something a scrub-tier SMK player could do overnight. both are still casual.
>party game
No, I never liked the term party game. On parties I either don't play games or play fightan and arcades because hotseating them is actually fun
Thing is, mario kart's base may be that of a game where cars go fast and first palce wins... but the presence of the gimmicks changes the underlying nature of the game to that of something other than just racing. It's definitely a racing derivative, but the focus isn't solely racing since there are ways to disrupt the enemy other than driving. The way I see it, mario kart is a casual racing game, just like persona 3 is a casual dating-sim.

>> No.3790416

streets of rage 2 is a top 5 soundtrack

shinobi 3 is a good game but i agree arcade wins

sonic 2 is not as platform orientated so its apples and oranges in the end, i think sonics megadrive games are all worth playing

tekken is okay but that's it

resident evil 1 is the definition of good game design, they designed 4 in the same way they designed the classics and is still playable in that way, just cause its popular doesn't mean it sucks. 4 is a great game but i prefer the old ones

treasure fags suck, but they do have a gem in them, dynamite headdy being their crown jewel

My opinions:

- Resident Evil 2 is the worst of the original three. Resident Evil 1 is the best in the series still.

- Perfect Dark is better than Goldeneye and peoples nostalgia goggles obscure that fact.

- Dynamite Headdy is the best platformer of the 16 bit generation

- Diablo is better than Diablo II

- Duke Nukem 3D is better than Quake and Doom
- Classicvania = Metroidvania

>> No.3790643

>19 hours of sleep
>1 hour bowel movement
>1 hour on couch to recover from BM
>2 hours to eat
>1 hour to browse vr

I'm 37 and I'm lucky to get in an hour of video game time in a week

>> No.3790692
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I don't like the first Half Life at all, I got bored and never even finished it.

>> No.3791064

>with not real depth to it
You're a moron. 4 isn't the close to the best SF, but it still had depth to it. Also as someone who spent months replaying each classic Sonic I gotta say 1 is the dullest of the bunch.

>> No.3791124

this is actually a really good idea

>> No.3791129

Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favourite games

>> No.3791149

>One game is harder than the other because fanmods
Uhuh, sure

>> No.3791185

It's my favorite FF.

>> No.3791919

virtua fighter 3 is good

>> No.3791959

JRPG's a shit.

>> No.3792020

I'm sixthing this.

>> No.3792047

GBA is def something that should be considered for retro discussion, I still don't feel up for PS2/Xbox/GC

>> No.3792078

>Sega only made one decent console - the master system.
>Sonic has never been fun.
>The crash bandicoot series is possibly the worst "successful" series I've ever played.
>All final fantasies before VII were boring as fuck
>The Amiga was the pinnacle of gaming

>> No.3792087 [DELETED] 

>>Sega only made one decent console - the master system.
yeah, sms was just decent. meanwhile md, saturn and dc were all fantastic consoles