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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3679564 No.3679564 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no programer to remake retro games with

>> No.3679567

good, they don't need to be remade.

>> No.3679571

We could be heroes.

>> No.3679572

Become the programmer, anonymous.
Making games with other people is a pain in the ass anyways.

>> No.3679634

It shouldn't be too hard to do yourself if you want them to look/play like Donkey Kong.

>> No.3679636

I'll do it?

>> No.3679638

>Making games with other people is a pain in the ass anyways.
Can confirm.
But it's kind of a necessity if you want good programming, graphics and sound. Unless you're unnaturally talented.

>> No.3679664
File: 4 KB, 320x288, final-fantasy-legend-ii-bananas-opium-e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define good graphics

>> No.3679705

Name your skill set, some work you've done (not necessarily with games but displaying skills that would be useful for it) and a project idea you have in mind; people don't get excited to join a project until they can see it has some kind of direction

>> No.3679730

As in having an appealing and consistent style.

Programming is a logical skill while art is more of a "feel-y" interpretive skill. People who claim they're good at both usually can't outperform someone who specializes in one or the other. If you can, that's really fucking impressive.

>> No.3679745
File: 33 KB, 972x600, nike_justdoit_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a simple 2d game really doesn't require two people. Just do it yourself, anon.

>> No.3680236
File: 36 KB, 900x675, 7ab9d1065843c220175b59b936eb955b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talented in logic and I can more or less draw anything I want if I have a reference. Where do I sign up for programmer school?

>> No.3680278
File: 349 KB, 640x480, 1480780044772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can program as well, I am here. I ain't got time for no protege though, and I don't need an idea man to autofelate himself.

SNES is my jam.

>> No.3680296

>tfw i bring nothing to the project so no one wants to by my code bitch.

Making games with other people is the most efficient way to make something complex and appealing. But yes. Making games with an autistic programmer who thinks he should be the creative director is a fucking nightmare

>> No.3680347

I wish i could understand programming.
I know how to draw, write and compose music.

I would like to make a game with the graphics of pokemon silver\gold (or even red\blue) based on an adventure i have in mind.

The mechanincs would be pretty much turn-based

>> No.3680360

I'm a programmer with several (moderately) successful mobile game apps under my belt.
The secret was I used placeholders for all my stuff.
Like... stick graphics.
It was only when everything was COMPLETELY done code wise that I hired out an artist for around 2 grand and a musician/sound effects guy for about $500.
First app made me almost $30k net (based a LOT on the excellent work of my graphics guys in getting people in the door), which I then rolled back into my second project which got me also about 30k with 5k investment.

Basically my advice for any wannabe game developers is to do programming first. Don't worry about graphics/sound until the very end.

>> No.3680406

OP here.
wanna collab?

>> No.3680426

To be blunt, artists are a dime a dozen and completely irrelevant until the final step.

>> No.3680429

>>3680426 should be directed at >>3680406

>> No.3680441

Programming is stupid easy, it is just knowing math and learning how the code work with itself. I would recommend learning how to make basic games first to making a decent platformers then make a full blown RPG. As far as the computer see it you aren't looking at the code/game from a bird eye view, you simply just don't have any gravity set up and have some tiles block the player while others does not. A RPG is more mechanics heavy than a platformer though so it take a ton more work.

There are youtube videos of people making a full game like within 30 mins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUO2bWfBgN8

I'm sure you can find a tutorial somewhere on youtube, it just getting that push to sit and learn that crap is what you really need.

>> No.3680446

>it is just knowing math
even that's not necessary most of the time, unless you're doing a 3D engine from scratch

>> No.3680447

>mobile game apps
you are cancer

>> No.3680694

That's probably the best way to work if you're a one man band squirting out mobile turds. For a substantial game you want the creative done first.

>i watched an rpg maker lp
Cool story bro. That's not programming.

>> No.3680813


You're a terrible artist and I'm a terrible programmer. Match made in Heaven right there.

>> No.3680816

sent me an email to ca3games@gmail.com

>> No.3681016

My brother is pretty good at programming and art, but not at sound. He's working on a game with a friend who is pretty good at programming and music, and another friend who's neither good at art or music but is autistic-tier at programming. They have a pretty good team going.

>> No.3681036

But making a videogame is not just programming, it is also designing. And there is a "feel-y" there too. Someone has to do it, which must be appealing and consistent.

>> No.3681085

>5k investment.
You need to factor yourself into the investment. When all is said and done you probably lost money on every game compared to what you could have put into an actual programming job.

>> No.3681193

Nah. His time isn't worth that much. No one who brags about making poverty level income off a mobile game could get an actual programming job.

>> No.3681203

>No one who brags about making poverty level income off a mobile game could get an actual programming job.
Not the same anon but, why would the person making "poverty level income" want an actual job anyway?

If you can cobble shit together from stackoverflow, online guides, or etc then there you go. Do I even need to make the distinction between someone who needs work and someone who's their own boss?

I think you're a dumb cunt who talks shit all day from a message board

>> No.3681653

Depends on how quick the games are whipped out too. Making 60k on two games over 6 months ain't too bad.
And usually that is forever income. So you'll keep pulling in a couple hundred dollars a month.

>> No.3681686
File: 165 KB, 439x550, 1480237949023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're an ideas guy

>> No.3681706

>Tfw you're literally talentless

Side note, I do know how to program, how are NES/ Gameboy games written? I only know a little java and python. What's a development environment for those things look like?

>> No.3681741

I've *tried* getting into gameboy and NES. There are compilers that turn C code into a gameboy rom (such as gbdk), but apparently it's shit and no real game was ever made this way. You need to learn z80 assembly.
For NES it's more or less the same, but it uses a different proccessor (6502) which means a different assembly language.
Setting up an environment for this isn't too hard, you just need and assembler and linker (For gb there's rgbds, for NES I already forgot) and run your code (written in notepad) through both until it becomes a rom that can be opened in an emulator. Understanding assembly is another matter, and I swear I'm gonna sit down and learn this shit eventually.

>> No.3681852

lol. You don't know how to program.

>> No.3682023

become a designer, then. That'd allow you to turn "ideas" into actual things that are important/necessary. Games need level designs, games need mechanics (that are fun and balanced - or unbalanced, if that makes the game better), games do need ideas - but ideas that you can actually implement and not "hey, it'd be cool if someone make like, Contra? That was like Mega Man." "far out, dude!"
>inb4 "how do I become a designer" - make games. Just make games. Get a Game Maker (basic version is free on Steam), and start to make games. Tutorials etc can help, but - yeah.

>> No.3682078

Most people making poverty level income wouldn't want an actual job. That would mean they'd loose most of their benefits. I'm not judging that anon, just stating facts. If he enjoys his life good on him.
I think you're a dumb unskilled poor cunt who's insecure and assmad my comments hit home with you.

It depends on a lot of things. How much effort was put in. Over what time period. Expenses. Revenue curve. What else he could be doing.
Mobile users move on to the next thing quickly and technology changes. No chance of income forever without further investment.

>> No.3682148

>What's a development environment for those things look like?
text editor and assembler. no gay-ass ide need apply

>> No.3682359

>"hey, it'd be cool if someone make like, Contra? That was like Mega Man." "far out, dude!"
Kek. Literally every "i want to make pixelshit" thready starts with something like that.

>> No.3682705

>you're just mad and poor
yeah your post hit home with me, it's very possible to state the facts without being a complete and utter prick

I don't go around shitting around on random people who are making it for themselves you antisocial klutz.

>> No.3684170

>facts offend me
Sounds like /vr/ might not be a safe enough space for you. You might want to fuck off back to your frog board kiddo.

>> No.3684181

You can join these guys?