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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3631748 No.3631748 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of this.

>> No.3631758
File: 87 KB, 600x240, RIP-MEMORY-CARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3631774

But you can save your character for less

>> No.3631782

Inferior port but not bad

>> No.3631806 [DELETED] 

fucking epic lmfao xD

>> No.3631835

I'll never understand playing ported PC games (unless there's a bug overhaul). No mods. No expansions. No point.

>> No.3631846
File: 513 KB, 912x1600, IMG_20161122_003816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up this up

>> No.3631850

Picked this up

>> No.3631870

Picked up this Picked this up

>> No.3632058

Looks, sounds, and plays worse than the PC version.

>> No.3632061


>> No.3632107


>> No.3632131

Mods ruin artistic integrity and expansions are nothing but lazy cash grabs.

>> No.3632154
File: 236 KB, 462x736, D1 Warrior Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lower resolution, long loads (especially when accessing the inventory), and memory requirements all blow, but playing D1 local is pretty cool. If you want to play 2 player D1 it's actually better than the PC version because you can still get singleplayer quests and the dungeon is static. It's pretty much as good of a port as there could have been at that time. Makes me wonder if there was any possible way they could have got that Gameboy port working without completely gutting the game.


To be fair, most of the mods for D1 are pointlessly trying to crowbar it into D2 anyways. Hellfire is really nothing to write home about either. Sometimes I wonder about the planned mini-expansions but as is losing those really doesn't matter at all to D1.

While I'm fine with KB+M, some people really like playing these types of games with a d-pad. It's arguably better than taping your shift key down.

>> No.3632270

Recently played through this with my woman. Pretty good times. How hard is it to set up multiplayer with the PC version? I liked being able to just plug in a second controller. The load times are fucking brutal and I wanted to rip my head off every time we went to a new floor, teleported to town or fucking died. Excruciating load times.

>> No.3632276

the merit of D1 on PSX is 2 player mode. if you can stand waiting several seconds for inventory to load up in a game where constant equipment usage and switching is essential

>> No.3632280

you'll probably need to use a mod like The Hell that has TCP/IP enabled to use for Lan. or grab some cheap computers with serial port and do that chained network assfuckery people used to do before they got internet access or a lan switch

>> No.3632284
File: 57 KB, 1237x700, serial-port-pci-brackets-1-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Diablo over null modem with my brother.
Synchronization was a major issue. He kept complaining I was shooting him.

If you want a serial port you can just add it via PCI or simple slot cover. Lot of mainboards still support serial and parallel connections, they just don't offer the ports.

>> No.3632341
File: 99 KB, 960x720, play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, playing 2p was awesome

>> No.3632343
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the game just looks cool too. my favorite ps1 design

>> No.3632407
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>> No.3632419

Th-that's basically like 1 whole memory card?

I seem to recall that Warcraft II was also pretty bad with this.

>> No.3632575

I like this version because you can pause to choose spells from the spellbook. This make certain situational spells a lot more useful.

>> No.3632591

I usually don't. Diablo is like a poor man's gauntlet.

>> No.3632615
File: 90 KB, 640x637, 2400_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related requires and entire empty memory card for one save. It's also one of the worst games on the system.

>> No.3632749

I've been playing with my friends over Battle.net recently and it works pretty well. It took a little bit of messing around with compatibility settings to get it running on their systems and I had to open a pinhole in my firewall to host but it has been otherwise flawless. If you want to do LAN, just use this IPXWrapper found here: http://www.solemnwarning.net/ipxwrapper/ and you're pretty much set.

I feel like a fool now, I somehow never noticed the shoulder on the CD is part of one continuous image with the manual.

Care to explain? I love both but they only seem superficially similar to me. Mechanically the various Gauntlets, D1, and D2 are all pretty different from each other.

>> No.3633119 [DELETED] 

Sure it was cool to have Diablo on console back in 96. Today any toaster can run D1 and battlenet play is free (game too on archive.org). Single player isn't even really viable seeing as you can't progress your character to nightmare/hell and get that top tier loot.

Still a neat novelty.

>> No.3633148

Another trashy port. Were they even trying?

>> No.3633181

For reasons I don't understand (because I own wc2 on pc), I got the ps port of Wc2 about 4 years back and played through the whole thing.
I had to delete everything on my memory card...

And holy fuck Beyond The Dark Portal is hard with a controller.
Tides of Darkness wasn't that bad with a controller though, it's just that BTDP requires more micro and speed.

>> No.3633190

>Mods ruin artistic integrity
Actually, given how much content was cut from Diablo (that is still in the game's memory) to meet a deadline, with how many mods make use of all this content, it'd be the opposite.

As for Hellfire, well, it was what it was. Aside from the extra dungeons it does a few of the same things which a few modern mods try to do (restore unfinished and cut content), but doesn't do it all that well, because it's pretty sloppy.

I hope Belzebub incorporates some of the Hellfire exclusive content some day, the stuff that's not awful.

>> No.3633191

>RTS on a console
What cruel God would allow this?
For what purpose?
I'll admit my own RTS sin. I played Starcraft with a laptop touchpad once. It was painful.

>> No.3633201

>a mod like The Hell
The Hell bloats on damage sponge enemies and cranks up their damage to make the game as challenging as possible, there's other ways to play Diablo in multiplayer, the original game should work fine with Hamachi.

>> No.3633206

Console version is dirtier than trash.

Gauntlet vs Diablo is an old troll that goes "Diablo is for no-skill babies because you can grind past anything." It's only really true if you're comparing the 3d Gauntlets to D2 and beyond.

>> No.3633208

*2d Gauntlets, I mean.

>> No.3633261

I used to play this until the creator went ape shit on nerf spree on everyrthing thats viable.

>> No.3633310

What is that strange plug on the other end of the serial port?

It doesn't look like it will fit into a PCI slot.
Where does it plug?
Is this for old computers that have serial pins sticking up from the motherboard?

>> No.3633331

It's a surprisingly good port.

Load times are some of the worst on PS1 and takes up a shit ton of memory card space though.

>> No.3633364

picked up a clip

>> No.3633410

>mod that plays like paraplegic Dark Souls on crack but kind of playable with enough effort
Why would he nerf everything, The Hell was tedious enough

>> No.3633786

Into the mainboard. Think of it as how USB ports on the front are connected.