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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 225x225, pepemarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3622548 No.3622548 [Reply] [Original]

How come communist countries didn't make very many games in the retro days?

>> No.3622551


>> No.3622560

Singapoor here. China was already making pirated consoles and carts in the 80s and 90s and exported them here, before "free trade" made the cops catch 'em all, instead of catching illegal migrants.

>> No.3623180

Damn, they couldn't bother to just set up a designated shitting street, and swoop in on the illegal immigrants there? Not sure how they'd get the rest.

>> No.3623225

as I understand it, the USSR had terrible computing technology. the Western gaming industry grew because PCs were powerful enough, and inexpensive enough, that a lot of people could get one and start tinkering with code. Soviet bloc countries didn't have easy access to computers, so there was a smaller pool of coders to screw around making games.

>> No.3623227

>How come communist countries didn't make very many games in the retro days?

Because proper video games were commercialized to the mainstream public when soviet communism was in it's last stages, they made Tetris in the 80's though, that was made by a soviet computer science institute.

They also made electro-mechanical arcade games the ancestor of video games though, you can try those in that website anon posted >>3622551

>> No.3623240



The Russian version of the site has more arcades available to play than the English version for some reason

>> No.3623354
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 35ba9d94380b2f90e478fe50f8e76dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no incentive to make games when you can just pirate the ones made in countries with a functional economy.

>> No.3623360

Enjoy your 1% hoarding all the wealth, porky.

>> No.3623373

Functional doesn't necessarily mean good, but things were going quite well for Japan at the time. On the other hand, it would be quite a stretch to describe the late USSR's economy as being functional in any regard.

>> No.3623381
File: 354 KB, 1038x539, clinton-yeltsin-P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communist country

>> No.3623387

Right. The commies were so bad at making anything that they couldn't even make their pirate consoles themselves.

>> No.3623390
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greatest video game of all time was made in a communist country.

>> No.3623392

Hard to worry about making games when you're struggling to survive

>> No.3623471

No they weren't. They were made in Taiwan and HK. Neither of which are communist.

>> No.3623701

Because communism inst a very diverse economy, it only covers basic needs.
There's no supply and demand in commie countries.

>> No.3623707

It gives great game material though. Like "queueing for a loaf of bread in -10C simulator"...

>> No.3623913


Dendys are top tier famiclones a lot of original models still work today

>> No.3623965

By communist countries you mean USSR? Let me explain then.
Soviets were good in electronics and cybernetics department until seventies, the big decline happened because the Communist Party outlawed cybernetics. The Party was scared shitless that one day they're going to lose their positions in the government to machines, and they just stopped any progress in electronics from happening. Soviet scientists approached them a lot of times with various projects and plans for computerizing the country, but the Party was too stubborn to agree.They changed their mind only in the eighties, but it was too late - their economy was suffering from crippling bureaucracy and somewhat backwards technologies. It's not a stretch to say that computers could've saved the Union, because it'd be much more easier to calculate 5-year plans and all that stuff, but we all know what happened.
Still, the USSR gave birth to one of the greatest games of all times - Tetris. Soviet Union had a lot of skilled mathematicans like Pajitnov, so imagine how many more novel puzzle games and strategies we would've seen if not the ban on cybernetics.

>> No.3624004

They did, but without international releases, in their native language and mainly for computers like Amiga, C64, ZX Spectrum, Elwro, Juka Iskra, Mazovia.

>> No.3624036

Anybody know any good post-commie/eastern european 90's games that never made to the west?

>> No.3624041

franko the crazy revange

>> No.3624059

Commies don't make much of anything. They sure do know how to murder their populations efficiently though.

>> No.3624065

Libcuck detected.

>> No.3624206
File: 920 KB, 800x2449, 60million-deaths-ussr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They sure do know how to murder their populations efficiently though.
Nice meme.

>> No.3624221

Leftism != Liberalism

>> No.3624227

Actually they did make quite a lot, they just licensed them to foreign publishers in exchange for foreign currency (from which the countries of the communist block had a very limited supply). For example, Ecco the Dolphin or the Last Ninja was coded by Hungarian guys.


>> No.3624295

/pol/tard detected

>> No.3624342

Actually yes it does, also politics is not retro

>> No.3624380 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 1125x2587, anti-identarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a book, nigger. Liberals are pro-free market.

>> No.3624696
File: 173 KB, 610x857, 1479356820852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commiefag pls go

>> No.3624702
File: 34 KB, 852x674, marxism-aint-free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt-right autist pls go.

>> No.3625812
File: 8 KB, 292x173, last ned (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absence of evidence is evidence of absence!

>> No.3625826

Video Games are a Western/Unnecessary indulgence. You don't need them, comrade.

>> No.3625841

That's exactly what it means.

>> No.3625851
File: 164 KB, 1300x963, funny-henshin-laughing-geishas-spotted-kyoto-24111438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video Games are a Western

>> No.3625873
File: 225 KB, 760x596, how USA won the cold war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communists want to believe that everything is a social construct and if you just give someone the right training, he can do anything. But art doesn't work that way, because some people are just born with talent. So they hate all forms of art, including video games, and as a result the majority of communist art sucks.

>> No.3625995

Go where? To the orange house?

>> No.3625996

Well, art is objectively inferior to STEM.

>> No.3626037

The same reason they didn't (and don't) produce anything else of value

>> No.3627651

How is liberal capitalism leftist?

>> No.3627669

Liberal doesn't mean the same in Europe and the US.

But why the fuck i'm talking about this in a videogame board in the first place.

>> No.3627679
File: 1009 KB, 320x159, cold war.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3627717

Silly americans streamlining too complicated concepts?

>> No.3627719

>Liberal doesn't mean the same in Europe and the US.
That's because liberalism is used in Europe for economical liberalism, and in the US for political liberalism.

>> No.3627928
File: 26 KB, 439x439, 1479328992099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual far leftists hate neoliberals (SJW, feminists, LGBT, etc.) just as much as right-wing conservatives.

>> No.3627935

There was no economic incentive. Why would you waste resources and manpower on game consoles and software? Why would a commoner need a computer when they could be put into schools and offices?

>> No.3628991

>Well, art is objectively inferior to STEM.

I hate when people say this.

"Objectively" when it comes to human achievement can be a loose term. Painting an entire cathedral ceiling, upside down, massive statues made out of marble and iron and stone, etc is something to be proud of culturally. Like a big fuck you to your enemies and rivals.

STEM to make and prove your civilization is amazing and kick ass and able to prosper, but artwork and humanities proves how amazing your society is to not only allow that aspect to thrive, but to be practiced enough to flourish and stand out on its own.

It's kind of like a coin. The head is the art, the tail is the STEM. Both are necessary, both are functional.

Modern and "performance" art a shit tho. Goddamn cancers.

>> No.3629039
File: 349 KB, 1100x660, Pollockshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather have socialist realism than the shit you americans pass as art

>> No.3629659

Meant to be a reply to:

>> No.3629840
File: 993 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160609_173515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice sources Commie

>> No.3629850

kek, orwell was a socialist

>> No.3630351
File: 112 KB, 924x726, tetris-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most well known video games of all time came from the Soviet Union you dumb fuck.

>> No.3630395

Keyword: many. OP didn't say commies made no games.

>> No.3630452
File: 25 KB, 480x472, 1470017871996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a game about stacking fucking blocks. Even braindead useful idiot commie slavs can do that.

>> No.3630508

>ITT le 9gag tier memes

I am happy /pol/ is new /b/ and Trump is new president of US.

>> No.3630514

They were just too busy conquering space to make vidya. Meanwhile America could only doctor up a Hollywood video of them walking on the moon because their tech was so shitty compared to the Soviets.

>> No.3630696
File: 107 KB, 900x616, Cosmonaut Crashed Into Earth 'Crying In Rage'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conquering space
>sending poor illiterate turnip farmers into space on poorly made rockets to die
>conquering space

>> No.3630706

Surprisingly there were more casualties in the US space program and Komarov was an aerospace engineer, not a farmer. His dead could have been avoided though.

And i still don't know why i'm talking about this here.

>> No.3630749
File: 61 KB, 679x653, 1476956354430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their tech was so shitty compared to the soviets

>> No.3631767

Name one good example of socialism in a country.

Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.3631776

if you don't like the west you can git out

>> No.3631786

The western hemisphere is pretty shit, only one good country out of several.

>> No.3632264

Shut up, pig, before the workers decide to revolt on your ass.

>> No.3632379

Russia and Belarus are now powerhouses of the casual puzzle game market, so not all was lost.

>> No.3632561

>posting on 4chan

>> No.3632574

>a single thing qualifies as "many"
this kind of math is why communism keeps failing

>> No.3632593

because communism is a failed ideology that stifles human expression and creativity and forces those under its rule to consider more immediate things such as whether or not they'll eat this week as more important.

>> No.3632623

but that's not even true

>> No.3632636
File: 347 KB, 438x1200, tmp_19549-14798742643491185903143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking dumbass. The workers in the US don't revolt. They elect a politician who properly represents them. The only ones who revolt in this country are jobless hippies and degenerates. When the US swings extreme, we're not going towards communism. We're going towards fascism. Have fun, asshole.

>> No.3632638

That's not limited to communism. Look at the state the US is in right now, and things are only starting to get really bad.

>> No.3632641


>implying America isn't being made great again as we speak.

>> No.3632643

Real talk, especially if you prefer conservative values what has happened in that country will be overwhelmingly bad for you.

>> No.3632646

You would elect fuck all without Boston workers revolt.

>> No.3632649




>> No.3632650

yet there's still massive amounts of expression on every level of wealth. funny that you're wrong and the point still stands. communism kills human expression.

>> No.3632651

>They elect a politician who properly represents them
That's hilarious since there's only two parties, one being right, and the other center-right.

>> No.3632657


I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying that because the pendulum has swung so far right it will swing further left next time around? Or are you saying that if you have conservative values, you only think America is being made great for you but really the man in power is conning us? OR are you implying communism is an inevitable end for America? Or that fascism is actually really bad for people with conservative values?

What did you mean by what you said?

>> No.3632660
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said communism doesn't kill human expression, I said it's not the only form of government that can and will.

Sincerely, a working artist who is very concerned about matters of personal expression and counting my lucky stars I'm not stuck in that country even more than usual.

>> No.3632662


So the US is right and left is a minority? Are you simply stating a fact or do you not realize that leftists have no place here? The left is a cesspool of confused dissidents and belligerent anarchists. They wear the mask of tolerance and kindness, but when they don't get their way, they riot. Now that their foundation has been shattered, they scatter like maggots from meat in a pan. This is the end for the hope of a marxist America. Next we elect Hitler, and the cataclysmic events that follow will destroy the order of the world. Society is not created by learned men establishing policies and enacting laws, it is created by neccessity. Society is not created, it is born. We are not living in a society, we are living in the festering corpse of the old world. What comes next is new life. You ought to start thinking up new political phillsophies, because the old ones don't apply anymore.

>> No.3632665

That Trump doesn't actually care about most values conservatives hold dear and that he hijacked that/your political party for personal gain. He's a charlatan and a blatant liar and has no one else's interests but his own at heart.

And yes, the pendulum has swung but only sort of. He won the election on a technicality. He has nowhere near the overall popular vote and is primed to be one of the most unpopular presidents of all time.

So all it's really done is alert the other end of the pendulum that they need to be putting all the weight they possibly have into it. So that when it swings it swings harder than it ever will.

>> No.3632669


No country is ideal for artistic expression. Art is not a commodity, and so it does not factor in to a governmental system. The place for art is in a community, where a work can be appreciated by those you know and those who know you. It's value is in expression, and expression is most valuable to those who wish to capture a piece of your soul to remember. Art is romantic, and the world is austere.

If you worry about your nation as a foundation for your expression, if you consider the possibility that your nation will stifle your growth as a creative, then you are right to worry. But then you are not a true creative, because it is not the material machinations of your mind that drive you, but the attention they warrant, or the financial gain you might achieve, and then you aren't a real artist anyway and you should probably just go to art school.

>> No.3632673
File: 148 KB, 592x140, nickname.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviets hated cybernetics and computers and when it was too late the USSR was already crumbling.

It wasn't only limited to Tetris though. You also had Game & Watch bootlegs like picrelated, and even some Pong consoles dated as early as 1978. Considering how popular ZX Spectrum, amateur programming and bootlegging became after the USSR's collapse, it's not unreasonable to think that if it survived and didn't have programmer witch hunts anymore, it could produce some decent software.

>> No.3632675
File: 56 KB, 736x438, nu_pogodi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3632679


And swing hard it will. The force of it's momentum will break barriers, and it will shatter notions. It will cause chaos unwarranted and label us all as belligerents in a way that will soon come. Even as the left speaks of unity, the right will speak of division. Even as the left fights for peace, the right will prepare for war. As one organizes revolt, another will resist. As chaos foments in this land, we will all lose.

The end result if all of this will of course be the complete destruction of humanity. But not before we realize that it was all in vain, that we struggled against the wind and were the malefactors in our own conflict. We will see that we were to blame, that it cannot be fixed. In our revelation we will seek a new stability, but in our ignorance we will have given power to deadly forces. We will be smaller than we ever have been, and we will be crushed under the boot of despair.

We are fighting against an enemy that does not exist, giving voice to problems that are our own to solve, and giving power to people who know this and know how to prosper in our misery.

What's new?

>> No.3632681
File: 983 KB, 1000x1511, Saurav landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with most of what you have said about art, in particular this "Art is romantic, and the world is austere." But I'm in no mood for an attempt at a discussion of art here. And you're right no country is perfect, but that's why we fight to make them better. As countries go, I'm more than not proud of mine.

>> No.3632683

>What's new?
new edges

>> No.3632686

If left had no future in the US, poor people wouldn't vote for the first clown proposing them to protect workers rights with protectionism.
Well, the social-democrats killed the left in Europe too, so it's not a problem limited to America.
The obsession on social issues above anything else is a typical American problem though.

>> No.3632689

>not a disaster

Enjoy your 100% living in misery, parasite.

>> No.3632693


Is that watercolor yours? I find it quite enchanting. I sure wish I knew you personally so I could study your work. If only we weren't divided by so much space, if only our world wasn't so hopelessly divided, perhaps we could work together and create a work to be admired by all, a work that represents a unity of souls that defies that seperation so entrenched in our austere world... If only, if only, but it is not so... Because your art is not romantic.

>> No.3632694

>We are fighting against an enemy that does not exist

I think the enemy exists, I just don't think people have a proper name or understanding for it. It's not the destruction of humanity, it's the transformation of humanity from what we used to be, small tribal self sustaining communities to massive cities and civilizations.

>> No.3632695


Sharpened blades, but I speak of truth. Your implications humor me, but I speak in jest. Who in what mind elevates himself to such eloquency but on an anonymous image board, hunting for (you)s and procuring quite a bounty!

Get over yourself faggot. Yeah, I'm edgy. I have to compensate for my softspoken and quiet demeanor in the real world.

>> No.3632696

>I just don't think people have a proper name or understanding for it.
"the jews"

speaking of which, I suppose this thread is the proper way to bait /vr/ without getting deleted

>> No.3632703
File: 526 KB, 700x890, ichneumon wasp s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is mine, but not watercolour. It was a private commission. I have to be careful what I pick to post here because I don't want it to be googleable. I would not call my art romantic, it is about complexity, perception and the limited nature of human understanding. But it's not really romantic.

>> No.3632716


They call it they. An enemy so sinister that it can not be named. A force so malignant that it cannot be found! Like cancer it spreads but it has no source, like fire it destroys but it's composition is a mist! Vey is mir! We are lost in the dark with no lamp, but our bats are handy! Swing, swing! Thou who art blind swing blindly! No addition harm can come if only we swing! Fight fire with fire, it will not spread!

Lose yourselves men, civility is no factor! Band together, there is power in numbers! Our neighbor could be one of them, look, he is different! Fight him! Swing!

You are right. We are being transformed.

>> No.3632727

>We are being transformed.

We've already been transformed. That's what the story of Cain and Abel is about. There's a reason that the first thing Cain (the farmer) does after after being cast out of Eden is go and found a city.

>> No.3632728


>> No.3632730


Is it coloured pencil? Forgive me, I am a writer and have only dabbled in drawing and illustration. I really do like your work, though. I wasn't joking, mind you. In a better world, we might collaborate. Your art is like my mind. Detailed and complex, subtly implying a mystery that won't be explained but by imagination. The cairn on the bar, who built it? From where does the tentacle spring that it plagues the wasp? Could we be witness to origins, or is this snapshot our only window... The smaller bug in the picture of the wasp, it represents the possibility of even smaller domains that might be explored... or is he merely a watcher? Is he aligned with the tentacle, waiting for scraps... he is too small for the tentacle. He is not a morsel, so he waits for the undergod to leave him crumbs of the greasy carcass. Beautiful. I am in love with it.

Understand, my friend. The romanticism of your craft flows naturally. You cannot resist by denial. You are but an artisan, and you sell your children so that others might come and love them. Your attachment is with the process, you are in love with the stroke, or else you would not do it.

Am I wrong?

>> No.3632731

Why are we talking about <i>this</i> on a videogame board?

>> No.3632738
File: 40 KB, 480x360, tmp_19549-hqdefault(2)-1516611684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And what if we no longer find purpose in the cities? Will we revert to tribalism even as we sit in our apartments and work at the local deli or bank?

We might have denied our nature for a while, but sooner or later, it will crumble. Some of us will move and find greener pastures, but others will be trapped. We will be eaten by visigoths...

>> No.3632739

Capitalism will go down as the biggest failure in mankind. It may be 'functional' now, but its long-term effects will be disastrous. Communism at least tried to stop its damage, but alas.

>> No.3632745


Like the patterns of society, conversation flows naturally. It does not recognize the meaningless banner at the top of the page. It does not factor laws or whims into it's course. It goes where it goes, in spite of rules, in spite of notions, in spite of order. You wonder this, but you might ask the OP who summoned me.

>> No.3632746

>get a load of this guy

>> No.3632750
File: 541 KB, 1459x1070, giant ichneumon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the pieces I posted would be counted as mixed media. The first one actually has a lot of 3D elements, the rocks protruding from the bottom are actual rocks and shells and there's texture elsewhere as well.

The wasp picture is more of a traditional painting, but I make my own paint (part time job in chemical industry) and there's other weird stuff mixed in as well.

As for what's going on, it's a fairly accurate depiction of an ichneumon wasp laying her eggs. Like most wasps they're parasitic. With her antennae she can detect where certain kinds of grubs are living inside of a tree.

Once she finds one she uses those big long tentacle things, which are basically saw blades to burrow down to where the grub is hiding. Then she uses that other tentacle, which is actually a long egg-laying tube to deposit her egg inside the grub where it will use it as a living cocoon and food source as it grows into another wasp. And down below is a spider mite, unsure of whether she''ll be hungry after but probably not wanting to stick around.

It's a bit funny because of the angle, but this is what one looks like more normally.

>> No.3632751


And what of you, frail shitposter? Do you not know that we are all shit? Swimming in our filth?! I ask for discussion wherever I go, seeking always to understand the man I am opposite, but to no avail... shit flows from every orifice, and understanding is dead... Swing! Swing your bat of shit!

In enlightened circles I would be laughed at, in circles of shit I would be gotten a load of! Don't you see?! We're all shit! Shit swimming in mire, questioning the consistency of the shit that surrounds us! The only one who is not shit is the artist, but he wants to talk about video games! Swing! Swim! Shit!

Vey is mir!

>> No.3632752

The bigger worry is what do you do when the city no longer finds a purpose for you.

>> No.3632753


Dude, I'm gonna lay off the stilted mannerism. That's fucking awesome. I knew some wasps did that, but I didn't know how. I'm so serious, you're awesome. You probably already know that, but seriously. You really are a real artist. The way you captured something that happens in our world yet it inspires such supernal mystique. You would never know that was merely an Audobonesque illustration of the reproductive process of wasps. You might think anything, that the wasp is being sucked dry (heh) by tentacles, or that the wasp is merely a vessel for some sort of tentacle demon.

I wish you success in your every aspiration.

>> No.3632758


Indeed. Cities are cold and efficient places. We ought to ignore them altogether. Perhaps society was not a mistake, but the course it has followed is certainly regrettable. Mankind should not be tallied as a resource, his very existence merely a taxable item. Souless is the left, but so is the right. We ought to ignore them altogether. The artist is the wiser, for he has constructed his own world in which to find meaning.

>> No.3632761
File: 345 KB, 1100x1131, baseball 5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, for the kind words have a peek on what I've been putting most of my "free" art time on for the last year. A similar work that has to be done in sections first and these are shitty photos I'm only using to get the planning of other panels right.

It's a similar idea, an ant contemplating a baseball game but in intense detail and six foot wide. It's a little nuts but will I think be worth it in the end.

>> No.3632762

Capitalism only cares about increasing consumption and exploiting people, regardless of how self-destructive that makes it. I believe this is why Trump is allotting so much interest in space travel research, since he knows that earth is pretty much fucked at this point as we're on the path to turning it into another Mars. We'll see how great capitalism functions when humanity is fighting over the last remaining drinkable water as the species burns up and dies out for good.

>> No.3632774


In her little world, she sees giants in leisure. As she watches, sparing a second in her endless labour for queen and hive, she wonders why, or more accurately, what.

No, her weathered gaze is one of caution, her stance is in terror. Above her are gods playing games in Olympus, the domain of larger things she is not a part of. No, she will never. So she get back to her labor, one of trillions who will labor forever in unending searches for sugar. She will never reproduce, never be free, and she will probably kill the only winged male who tries to mate with her as is her duty to the hivequeen supreme. But at least dandelions look like glowing trees to her, at least there's that.

Maybe I'll stumble across it finished, someday, anon. I know it'll be beautiful, and worthy of praise in critical circles. Know your style is sorely missed in the world. I'm sick of seeing some lesbians menstrual fluids smeared on canvas.

>> No.3632783

The purpose is for the viewer to connect on some level with the ant, knowing that it can't begin to comprehend what it's looking at. That it's literally beyond the capability of the ant's brain to understand. But then to also look around at the complexity of the world and realize you are the same as the ant.

That you are also limited and realize there is a lot in the world that you don't understand. And not not just in the sense that it's not simply that you don't know or have not learned yet. It's that there are details, complexities and processes at work that are fundamentally beyond your comprehension no matter how long or how hard you tried.

>> No.3632785


China is one of the most polluted country on Earth. Chinese factories are constantly churning out useless products for Americans to consume. Communism fuels capitalism, you worthless dodo. The only reason capitalism is failing is because communism is directly counteracting it. American influence on the climate is negligable compared to nations that still spew black, unfiltered smog into the atmosphere like it's the goddamned industrial revolution. America is the culmination of western civilization. We will destroy all opposition until we are the only livable place on Earth, and then just before we make even our nation inhospitable, we will leave and go somewhere else. Everyone who did not align with us will be left to choke on the ashes.

And yes, beofre you say it, not all of us will make it to space. Many will be left behind. But humanity will live on, and more will be reborn. Fuck this Earth, fuck your self-destruction, and fuck yeah humanity. Manifest destiny, bitchtits.

>> No.3632798


Ah yes, but it fuels the imagination. The time will come and we will say that imagination is all we have. When these physical laws fail, and societal laws are broken, when chaos reigns supreme imagination will anchor us to reason, reasonable fallacy, superstitions and wivestales, but we will make sense of the insensible. You draw for the present age, to break this illusion that we know all or will know in time. You draw that we might ask, but I write that we might know. They will read and know that reason is up to the reasoner, and knowledge is to the knowledgeable. The answers are wider than we can understand, and so we must learn to again rely on ourselves, our culture, our traditions, and our God. Soon we will ignore notions of left and right, and we will all walk down the path in the middle that winds between the two. We will be the ant who wonders (or does not), and we will be the giants who play. We will be the ant who works to survive, and the giants who survive to play baseball. We will not work to sustain broken systems. We will not play when the night is long and winter winds are blowing. We will play when the harvest is done and the paychecks are cut. We will imagine a time when we were the ant, and the giants made no sense, but then we will be the giants, and sense will be not.

I will fade away, because I have said all I need to say.

No but seriously, you're a great artist. Keep it up, bro.

>> No.3632839


>> No.3633525

>He won the election on a technicality
Technically he hasn't won yet. The Electoral College doesn't vote until December 19th. They're under no obligation to elect him. Though if they don't, it would be unprecedented.

>> No.3633874
File: 724 KB, 500x209, ruskie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we gonna bitch about politics, or are we gonna post Russian games?

>> No.3634410

>Even as the left speaks of unity, the right will speak of division.
But it's the left who seem to want as many refugees and immigrants at any cost. It's like they want there to be as much cause for cultural alienation of the average person as possible.

You tell me: do you think the likes of North America and Western Europe are more unified than a country like Japan?

Because that's laughable.

>> No.3635186

We already posted it. >>3623390

>> No.3635217
File: 22 KB, 485x462, frabz-ACTUALLY-9f1b65[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're under no obligation to elect him.
Many states have laws against faithless electors.

>> No.3635505
File: 21 KB, 562x562, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

гpaницa poccии нигдe нe зaкaнчивaeтcя

>> No.3635542


>left fights for peace

Delusions, delusions everywhere.

>> No.3635583

If you go ask a hundred peace protesters,how many would you think will be right wing?

>> No.3635619

>tfw you will never live in an anarcho-syndicalist society

>> No.3636039

Doesn't that make the whole thing pointless though? Isn't a situation like this where the GOP gets hijacked by a conman why the system is there in the first place?

>> No.3636538

Faithless elector laws don't force them to vote the way they pledged, it just punishes them if they don't. And they've apparently never been enforced.

>> No.3636545

t. pseud

>> No.3637192

>trapped between two evil ideologies
>current year

>> No.3637196
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20161125_132624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3637205

What are you >implying at?

>> No.3637210

Red Republican
Blue Democrat
Purple Saturn
XX=seal of Saturn


>> No.3637725

Non-figurative art was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.