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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3616268 No.3616268 [Reply] [Original]

Out of all the consoles considered retro on /vr/, which is the best?

>> No.3616272


>> No.3616280

SNES. Easily.

>> No.3616281

I'm gonna go with SNES.

>> No.3616285

PS1, but the SNES is a very close second

>> No.3616301
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>> No.3616305

That's not a bad vote, but I think the library is a bit limiting. I think it's tough to argue it's the best console. It's *very* good at what it does, but it has a bit to be desired when it comes to variety.

>> No.3616307

Game.com. Close second: PSX (the one from Japan)

>> No.3616312

Philips CD-i is the clear winner here

>> No.3616320

Your favorite.

>> No.3616334

This board needs more people like you.

>> No.3616347

Based anon is based.

>> No.3616410

Snes hs been my favorite for a while. Plus 16 bit gen is so so sexy

>> No.3616456

NES, SNES or PS1, depending on the age of the poster. No matter your preference you can't deny the influence of these consoles and the massive libraries.

>> No.3616564


>> No.3618106

As a Nintendo babby, I'd have to say PS1
>Massive library, you can't not find something you'll love
>Damn near every 3rd party game
>arcade, pc, and even nes/snes ports
>cd player, because why the fuck not

>> No.3618109
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1398284834638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hero 4chan deserves

>> No.3618189

It will depend on which console you grew up with, I had a n64 so I think it's the best. I got an xbox when I was older, but it's not really considered retro (although it should be)

>> No.3618324

My favourite console is the Master System, but I'd say SNES is the best overral.

>> No.3618358

It's pretty much this. Let's be honest, the only shit consoles are the actual overpriced, poor value ones with tiny libraries; like the CD-i, Jaguar or the 32X. Or the gimmicks like the Virtual Boy or Game.com.

Then there's the reliability factor that can make a console shit, I think the 360 is one of the worst consoles of all time simply due to it's poor reliability.

>> No.3618364

I would have to say the NES. Pat the NES Punk from the completely unnecessary podcast has a complete set including gold and grey nwc carts. If it wasnt the best system he wouldnt have bothered with a full set. His partner in crime Ian Ferguson also used to collect for this system, therefore if its good enough for both him and his compadre, it has to be the best...

>> No.3618372

He doesn't have a full set, he has like 800 games with lots of doubles. It's an impressive collection but not a full set, not even close.

He doesn't even have Dinosaur Peak or Little Samson iirc, certainly not Stadium Events.

>> No.3618385

He does have a full set thank you very much. The only cart he doesnt have is stadium events but who in their right mind would pay asking price for that game...

>> No.3618390

The one i like it

>> No.3618540

lolno, he doesn't. He has tons of doubles, he's said that himself several times and indeed said he especially didn't have the games I mentioned, thank you very much.

And you call yourself a fan...

>> No.3618583

I have it on very good authority that the only game he is missing is stadium events, dumbass...

>> No.3618585

go samefag somewhere else memelord

>> No.3618589

bally astrocade

>> No.3618640

SNES no doubt.

>> No.3618643

We had a big poll some weeks/months ago and SNES was the most voted.

>> No.3618669

Playstation 2 and Dreamcast

>> No.3618671



Your childhood will never, ever be retro. Ever.

>> No.3618757

This reminds me, why is there such a clear gap between retro and not retro? Anything before 2000 is considered to be retro regardless of age. The ps2 is 16 years old this year and yet no one considers it retro, yet the dreamcast came out one year earlier and is.

The n64 was considered to be retro by a decent number of people by the end of the 2000s and definitely at the start of the 2010's while consoles like the OG xbox and gamecube are considered old, but not retro.

It's really weird honestly

>> No.3618786

This copypasta every day until the end of time.

>> No.3618790

I think people don't count the dreamcast because it was kind of an underdog and got so quickly swept away by the PS2 and GC

The PS2 is still my favorite console of all time, and probably the only one I'd ever make a point to own.
And I still don't feel like it's retro. I can go back and play FFXII or any tony hawk game on PS2 and it still gives off almost the same feel as any modern game in terms of quality.
And when I say quality, I'm not making some arbitrary "hurr gameplay>grafix" nonsense. PS2 graphics really hold up, all things considered.

I know it might be ironic considering where I'm posting, but I think that older graphic capabilities DO limit a game's potential quality, and PS2 hits a nice sweet spot where you can basically make any game and the graphical capabilities won't hold you back unless you're basing a game's pretense entirely on graphics.

>> No.3618801

That's true i guess

It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is but a lot of the 6th generation games play the same as the 7th and 8th gen ones.

perhaps it's a result of the fact that after the 5th gen games were capable of doing pretty much everything everyone dreamed of (big open worlds, hogh poly count models, decent cutscenes) and have stagnated from then on as a result of there not being much able to do in terms of progression.

Everything from the first generation to the 5th generation had its own distinct styles which you could use to tell which era it was from.

>> No.3619035


What was the point of this samefaggotry? Is some anon trying to discredit a youtube e-celeb by roleplaying two "fans"? It's one thing to shitpost but this I don't even see how anyone would have fun with this.

>> No.3619036

My wife and I have to go with the Retron V.

Should I get her son's input?

>> No.3619065

Sega genesis

>> No.3619275

Tie between SNES and N64

>> No.3619409

Nah mate, I am saying he has a full set minus stadium events, not arguing that he doesnt...

>> No.3619429

What's up with this samefagging? Go do this shit somewhere else.

>> No.3619508
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>> No.3619515

Genesis. It does what Nintendon't. It has every important 90s game that wasn't Mario.

>> No.3619536

Can you recommend me some good games by the way ?

>> No.3619539


Altered Beast

Best console is PC Engine btwn

>> No.3619552

N64, Snes and Nes are interchangeable for topspot
Then Playstation
Gameboy Colour
Game Boy

> poverty line power gap

Master shitstem

> irrelevant garbage tier
Gay gear

The Shining Souls games are GOAT
Mickey and Donald in World Of Illusion is too

> altered beast
Confirmed troll, kek this shit is barely playable