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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3524265 No.3524265 [Reply] [Original]

Are flat panel SDTVs a thing? If so, is there one that stands out as especially good for playing SD game consoles on? I love my Trinitron, but it's heavy as fuck and really impractical to move around.

>> No.3524268

With the possible exception of plasma, any SD flat panel is going to come from a time when all LCDs looked like pure ass.

>> No.3524273

Fuck. So basically, even though they exist, they won't look as good as my Trinitron?

>> No.3524284

LCDs of the era had terrible blacks and slow response times. I would rather use the shittiest CRT imaginable than suffer the indignity of an LCD from circa 2005.

>> No.3524305

Shouldn't getting a screen with two or four times the resolution work, this way the pixels would scale up nicely without looking stretched like goatse.

>> No.3524306

SDTV implies 854x480 or somesuch. SD vidya implies 640x480p, 640x480i, or even less.

Maybe you should look at a monitor, it should be easier to find one in a squarier ratio, well, at least 16:10.

>> No.3524317

I feel your pain; my Trinitron also weighs a motherfuck and I wish I could take it to friends' places since retro multiplayer games are the absolute shit.

There are 4:3 LCD EDTVs, which are 480p screens. But not only are they extremely hard to find these days, it's like the other anons already said: they fucking suck in-person. Washed out color with ghosting everywhere. We take LCDs for granted these days since even the cheap ones look so nice, but back then they sucked bad.

Just stick to the CRT and aim to get a good scaler or HDMI mod for everything else.

>> No.3524339

Does this actually fucking work?

Err, none of my SD systems have a VGA cable?

Ugh. I kind of hate how we just absolutely abandon older tech as time goes by. I understand it, but I still hate it sometimes. It'd be really nice if there was a modern SD LCD.

>> No.3524417

>Does this actually fucking work?

No, that anon is dumb. It should work in theory, but most modern TVs don't have good enough scalers built in to handle retro game signals (like 240p or 480p). they just look like blurry messes, on top of being lag city due to all the scaling your TV has to do with its shitty internal scaler.

This is why people pay through the nose for external scalers like the Framemeister. It takes an expensive niche nerd box to properly bring retro games up to HD resolution.

>> No.3524420

So for my fifth and sixth gen consoles, is the Framemeister really my best option? I don't want to pay $300-$400 for a fucking scaler.

>> No.3524430

5th gen and earlier, yes. Those are generally 240p and Framemeister's specialty is 240p. Framemeister works fucking MAGIC on those consoles.

6th gen, no. Framemeister doesn't do so well with 480p. There really isn't a super great option for 480p consoles. Personally, I've settled for 480i on CRT. Looks great if you have component cables.

I recommend watching this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mylifeingaming

They tell you pretty much everything you need to know about the framemeister and what options you have for each console. Watch their "RGB" series.

>> No.3524453

LCD has come a long way. There's a reason you see old LCD monitors for $5 in the thrift stores. They had terrible ghosting and contrast issues that made them generally look terrible by modern standards. The reason businesses used them was to save space but now that better screens are available, the old LCDs are all pretty much worthless. People who want an old monitor want a reliable CRT, and people who want a flat screen want the latest and greatest.

>> No.3524742

>really impractical to move around.
So stop.
>Does this actually fucking work?
Sure doesn't
Lolno. They're a waste of money. Several hundred dollars just for some fake scanlines? Just use an emulator. It will look better and have less input lag.
>LCD has come a long way.
It has, but it still has a long way to go unfortunately.

>> No.3524762

I have a 480p native LCD and it does 240p correctly as well via component. It feels like playing a giant GBA. I also have a Motorola Flipout with a 640x480 native resolution if I'm in that mood.

>> No.3524768
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It depends what you mean as good. Outside of portable and Saturn (get better now, emulation!) I play all my old games on a flat panel and like it far more than a CRT. Some people really prefer that look though, in which case if you want something more lightweight you're probably looking at filters and whatnot.

>> No.3524787

Why would you want one? I never upgraded to a HD TV (never saw a reason to because I didn't own a PS3 or 360) but I know people who own them. They're so flimsy and weak, like a little wind will make them fall to the floor and break.

>> No.3524791
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My plasma weighs as much as all three of my PVMs put together.

>> No.3524809

You're the equivalent of an old man refusing to get a cordless phone because they're easy to lose.

>> No.3524875
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if you mean 4:3 lcd panels yeah but the only retro console (or console full stop) that works with them is the dreamcast through vga

>Framemeister doesn't do so well with 480p.
it doesn't do so bad. It looks a fuckload better than 480i on a HDTV or even a CRT
There really isn't a super great option for 480p consoles.
Yeah there is, a pvm or bvm that is multisync and can display 480p

>> No.3524885

>the only retro console (or console full stop) that works with them is the dreamcast through vga
ehhhhhh... not entirely accurate but I think I know what you're trying to say

>640x480@30 on a 1080p looks better than 480i@15 on a CRT
Whoa there sport

>> No.3524964

>really impractical to move around.
why would you ever have to move it around

>> No.3525015
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>> No.3525158

>There really isn't a super great option for 480p consoles.

If you don't mind a smaller screen, a PC monitor and a component to RGBVH transcoder will work great. If space isn't an issue, you could get both an SDTV CRT and an EDTV CRT; and if you are really crazy you could also get an HDTV CRT. God, I hate that consumer TVs are all fixed scan.

>> No.3525170

>640x480@30 on a 1080p looks better than 480i@15 on a CRT
I think yu are seriously confused about feilds and frames.

>> No.3525195

Plasma is the patrician's HDTV.

>> No.3525202

I think you mean the XBR960 is the patrician's HDTV.

>> No.3525206

It's funny how losers exaggerate this much to seem like they need a big dumb old tv

>> No.3525214

Careful with that axe Eugene.

>> No.3525217

I had to basically max out the brightness on my plasma to play Dark Souls though.

Anyway, my setup is bluray and 6th gen consoles (I basically never play these though) on Plasma.

4th and 5th gen consoles, VHS/DVD on my 2005 SD CRT-TV.

>> No.3525347
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Whoops strike that and double it!

>> No.3525354

Yes, I was just posting about how they're capable of bloom when you feed them fake scanlines

Yes, there are plenty of reasons to crank the brightness but if you do it on Souls you're basically cheating - or your plasma's past 10,000 hours I guess.

>> No.3525545

LCD displays have come along way from the low quality of the early models (which were 4:3).

How far have plasma displays come along (improved) from the early models (which were 4:3)?
What year did they stop making plasma displays?
Why did they stop making plasma displays?
Why were there no plasma computer monitors?

>> No.3525616

horrible burn ins

>> No.3525906

>Err, none of my SD systems have a VGA cable?

But some monitors have S-video or component inputs. (and dreamcast at least can be made to output VGA)

>> No.3525920

I kind of want to get a cheap plasma monitor and just let it get tons of HUDs burned in.

>> No.3525921

Are there 4:3 Plasma TVs? As far as I know, they came in with the DVD format.

4:3 LCDs are cheap desktop monitors.

>> No.3526007
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>> No.3526014

>It has, but it still has a long way to go unfortunately.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify using outdated technology.

>> No.3526025

Can confirm. I have a 480p Plasma screen. Looks decent. got it for 20 bucks on craigslist awhile back. I only use it if guests are over though since my CRT is smaller. Otherwise I just use the CRT.

>> No.3526998

>outdated technology
>yet the industry still try to recreate it
you honestly should kill yourself you disgusting millenial

>> No.3527535

It's honestly cute how deluded CRTfags are.

>> No.3527865

>Why were there no plasma computer monitors?

I wonder if anyone ever used a plasma TV as their monitor as a way to get a larger screen.

Many computer monitors today are just repurposed chink TVs.

>> No.3528218

>implying no attempts are being made to get modern displays to produce blacks as good as a CRT.

>implying the industry isn't trying to find a way to eliminate sample-and-hold blur.


>> No.3528226

Flat panel SDTVs are a thing. In the same way eating shit is a thing. Except some people actually like to each shit.

>> No.3528246

your best bet is a early LCD or plasma commercial display monitor.

Pioneer made a excellent plasma display that is 4:3 you can find posts about it on google from SHMUPS forums.

>> No.3528781

This. I have an LCD from 2007 and it looks like absolute shit. It was shit to play XCX on it because the small writing was near unreadable.

>> No.3528828

That's so old. Are there any followup stories regarding this TV and its new owner?

>> No.3528839 [DELETED] 

Yeah. I bought it. I corrected the burn in by intensely researching gay porn to find the exact scene (Thanks, >>>/lgbt/![/spoiler) then photoshopped a negative version on the frame then left that on the screen with max brightness/contrast for about 3 days with a sheet over it. It's fine now.

>> No.3528840

Yeah. I bought it. I corrected the burn in by intensely researching gay porn to find the exact scene (Thanks, >>>/lgbt/!) then photoshopped a negative version of the frame and left that on the screen with max brightness/contrast for about 3 days with a sheet over it. It's fine now.

>> No.3528856

It would have been easier for you to google that than post it.

>> No.3528865

When SD tvs were around LCDs were in their infancy. LCDs really had no right to be in the market at all at that stage, but companies realized that they would eventually have to phase out CRTs so they might as well start getting into LCDs as soon as possible. Also the novelty factor of having a flat screen and supposed "crystal clear image" (ghosting and lag everywhere). A bit like how people buy into the whole 3D and 4k stuff now.

>> No.3530526

So... I could do the same thing if I get a HUD or two burnt in? One at a time, or course. After every time I play a game, I guess, or after every few games (comparing how intensely each HUD, or even menu, is burned in, and weighing the components to layer together accordingly).

Ahh, but what I'm curious about is using a plasma screen, which are more infamous for burn in, likely not so easy.

>> No.3530703

Is the Anchor Bay DVDO ISCAN VP50 a good upscaler for retro games?
I saw someone using it to upscale Laserdiscs to 1080p and it looked glorious.
And another one said it was also great for retro games.