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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 1167x723, tetris_32c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3457582 No.3457582 [Reply] [Original]

Tetris named best game of all time by Time magazine:

Here are the top 10:
1 Tetris
2 Super Mario 64
3 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
4 Doom
5 Ms. Pac-Man
6 Minecraft
7 The Legend of Zelda
8 Super Mario Bros.
9 The Oregon Trail
10 World of Warcraft

As you can see, only 2 games of the top 10 aren't /vr/.

>> No.3457632

>Tetris as no. 01, this list will be taken seriously

>> No.3457639

Hey at least it wasn't Candy Crush.

>> No.3457641

>old nintendo shit all over the list
who gets paid to make these lists?

>> No.3457657

Horrible list.

>> No.3457664

Tetris isn't bad at number 1, I accept that.


reeee, etc

>> No.3457676

The list really should be named "most influential" instead...though that'd put SMB and WoW way higher.

Tetris' fine where it is though. Literally a flawless game.

>> No.3457680

They're freaking kidding me.

1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 10 should be dropped.

>> No.3457686

Being the best-selling video game in history, there's no denying that Tetris is among the most influential.

>> No.3457689
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japs, britfags and yanks on suicide watch, russian devs confirmed best in the world

>> No.3457694
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>The Oregon Trail

>> No.3457716

Tetris is great but imo it's more like chess or pinball than another videogame and doesn't really belong on that list. I mean come on it's tetris, it's boring after a while frankly, to me anyway. Time trying to stay relevant in 2016.

>> No.3457719

This is probably the most shit list I've seen in quite some time.

>> No.3457730

Tetris is legit #1, honestly.

I would've put either Solitaire, Freecell or Minesweeper up there though.

And there's no point in having two Marios and two Zeldas there.

>> No.3457756

Wo ist ein Enemy Unknown? Wo ist ein Civilization?

>> No.3457764

Real list:

1. Zelda LTTP
2. Civilization
3. SMB3
4. Maniac Mansion
5. X-COM: UFO Defense
6. Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom
7. Ms. Pac-Man
8. GTA: Vice City
9. Total Annihilation
10. Lode Runner

>> No.3457782


1. Jet Set Willy
2. Manic Miner
3. Superfrog
4. FIFA 96
5. Sensible Soccer
6. Turrican
7. James Pond
8. Batman: The Caped Crusader
9. Bubble Bobble
10. Great Giana Sisters

>> No.3457787

Both are genre-defining games, but of different eras. Overall, I'd say it's a good list about important games, regardless of whether they're actually that good or not.

>> No.3457792

Who gets bored of Tetris? I mean sure you won't play it for hours everyday but still.

>> No.3457813


Tetris has been on everything forever, I'm fine with this.

>> No.3457893

"Top Ten Most Well-Known Games of All Time" or "Top Ten Most Influential Games of All Time" are the more accurate titles, but it probably wouldn't catch as many people's eye.

>> No.3457978

what makes a video game good or best?

>> No.3458414

I don't know if I'd say it's the #1 vidya (puzzlers were never my favorite, but I do quite like Arkanoid and Dr.Mario) but it's certainly very good.

Simple and addicting formula, I find myself getting sucked in even today; "Just one more game!"

Have they released this for smartphones and shit yet? Tetris took the entire world by storm, adult people with office jobs were playing it in company computers back in the day, so it can certainly appeal to an older demographic.

Like, maybe a touch screen would be balls for a game like this, but maybe it would popularize the presence of a physical directional pad and the addition of action buttons, or at the least a snap-on pad attaching through the charger port becoming a more common accessory.
Nothing fancy, just a flat (possibly folding) piece with a Dpad, four action buttons, then start and select, casuals and normalfags would easily be able to grasp this after a little while.

>> No.3458419
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They both did something relatively new or unusual, WOW was THE MMO for a very long time, pretty much owning the overwhelming majority of the market, and was a financial wonder for Blizzard (whether or not it was good, I don't know, but Blizzard sure isn't as good at making games anymore).
I remember thinking all those years ago "Well they're making so much money on WOW, surely that means they'll have all the resources to make the next Starcraft and Diablo really good"
I was a naive kid.

Minecraft might be kind of overrated and whored out for bullshit merchandising, but it's also a game which does something people hadn't seen before, there are clones now, but before it hit it big, it was pretty unique (arguably conceptually similar to Infiniminer, or whatever it was called).
I haven't played it in years, but I do remember that there was something very rewarding about hollowing out a mountain and building a sick-ass castle on top, and a village down in the valley, for my subjects.
I do recall that they began shoehorning in pseudo-RPG mechanics though, which I felt made the game less fun.

Also it's optimized like shit and is surprisingly taxing for a game where everything is rendered in plain cubes and painted in 32x32 textures.

>> No.3458430

It's pretty influentual to Americans, it was on every single school computer at one time (I think newer versions might be in schools now), it manages to be a decent timesink while also teaching you a bit about America in the 1800s, so I say it warrants a spot simply for being one of the very few educational games that actually manages to connect to it's target audience, kids.

Another reason is that it was easy to modify, you could easily make it so your classmates die of Syphilis or Hepatitis, then their tombstone had a crude depection of a dick on it.

>> No.3458434 [DELETED] 

>It's pretty influentual to Americans
and that's the problem. The list does not have the "to americans" qualifier

>> No.3458435

It's an ok normie list you babies

>> No.3458440

Isn't Time an American publication?

At any rate, America is a huge country and a huge market for videogames, and again, I will argue that Oregon Trail is significant for the fact that it's an educational game kids actually wanted to play, that's remarkable even if it's only really big in North America

>> No.3458451

Playing Tetris just makes me wish I was playing Puzzle League.

>> No.3458458

would puzzle league exist if tetris didn't?

>> No.3458668

Both are shit lists

>> No.3458673

>Time magazine
Fucking kek! What is this, the 90s?

>> No.3458701
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If you're going for an objective list, Tetris is pretty much the best possible choice you can make for #1. I guarantee people will still be regularly playing it in 50 years, which is more than you can say for most games.

>> No.3458739
File: 27 KB, 600x750, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda: OoT
>Mario 64
>Original SMB

>> No.3458741

Tetris isn't even a top 10 puzzle game, honestly. It had its moment for being one of the first and wasn't bad, but holy crap there are a ton more puzzle games that are so much better and so much more fun.

>Mario 64
Shit controls, shit camera, not even top 100
Not even the best Zelda. Wonky controls made worse by the N64 controller and boring linear gameplay in a series that is supposed to be about exploration make it one of the worst Zelda games.
Not even the best MMO. Not even close.

>> No.3458745


>> No.3458748

People don't even play it now.

>> No.3458760

>in after contrarians come out to complain about SMB, SM64 and Tetris being on the list instead of their obscure pet titles for Azerbaijani home computers

>> No.3459376

Seems like they're going for most influential. It's not that I have a problem with the games, but this list needs more variety. There's a ton of genres that need to be represented.

If I worked for Time, my list would go
>Super Mario Bros.
>Street Fighter II
>any Mario Kart or Gran Turismo
>Ms. Pac-Man
>Pokemon or Final Fantasy

>> No.3459381

>Mario twice
>zelda twice

>> No.3459386
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>3 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

>> No.3459492

Time magazine are a bunch of goddamn fucking mouth breathing mongoloids that don't know jack shit about fucking video games. Fucking journalists I swear. They are the bottom feeders of corporate brainwashing mainstream media.

>> No.3459515

>who gets paid to make these lists?
Time Magazine is buzzfeed-tier bad these days.

>> No.3459524
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>Ms. Pac Man
>Oregon Trail

I'm cool with this! Time has good taste.

>> No.3459539

Except people actually read buzzfeed, apart from senile elderly people thinking "herr Time, that's a well known magazine, I'll get that".

>> No.3459551
File: 22 KB, 480x360, laughing luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's boring after a while"
>game around since the 80s still being played in the millions in 2016


>> No.3459654
File: 149 KB, 481x750, EGM 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 Tetris
Welcome to 1997.

>> No.3459751

I don't see you making a better one.

>> No.3459871

>questioning certain choices makes you a "contrarian"


>> No.3460356

Super Mario 64 is one of the worst Mario games, they should have replaced it with world. Minecraft is obviously shit. Oregon trail doesn't deserve to be there.
This list is a joke. Tetris is the best Gameboy game but it's certainly not the best game.

>> No.3460446

>Minecraft is obviously shit.
Why is that?

>Oregon trail doesn't deserve to be there.
Why doesn't it?

>> No.3460469

>they should have replaced it with world
>not 3

For every classic Mayro entry out there you decided to choose the worst of them all.

>> No.3460536

Let's see:
1.Heroes of Might and Magic III
2.X-com:UFO defense
4.Fallout 2
5.Super Mario Bros. 3
6.Darkest Hour:A Hearts of Iron game
7.The secret of Monkey island
8.Doom II
9.Transport Tycoon deluxe
10.Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri


>> No.3460603

Something can be genre defining and not be good anymore.
I mean, the first cell phone. Sure, great invention. But absolutely shit compared to today's phones.

I can think of a 100 games better than the OG Super Mario Bros. Ditto on the OG Zelda.
Games evolve and get better and more complex. I doubt very many people would want to be stuck on a deserted island with the only game to play being Super Mario Bros.

>> No.3461003
File: 185 KB, 1200x858, adults.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, but try telling that to the guys who keep sucking the mummified shlong of things such as OoT as is the case in that other thread.

>> No.3461372

Pretty solid and varied. I'm glad there's at least one other person on this board who isn't a YouTube babby.

>> No.3462423

I'm courious,what would a youtube list look like?

>> No.3462739
File: 7 KB, 468x286, consider_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming just retro games, and accounting for a cross-sectional representation of various youtube memes...

>Majora's Mask
>Super Mario World
>Metal Gear Solid
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Symphony of the Night
>Sonic CD
and for the weeaboo/hidden gem crowd
>Mr. Gimmick

I think that's the best coverage of memes you can fit into a top ten list.

>> No.3462745

Granted, most of these are legitimately good games, but it's not like the memers actually appreciate them that way.

>> No.3462750

So just (mostly) Nintendo stuff that has been (sorta) surpassed?
Did nobody have a PC from that generation or what?
Where are the startegy games?

>> No.3462824

A lot of these have had a resurgence or been elevated to meme status by let's players and AGDQ.

PC gaming has always been viewed as totally orthogonal to console gaming and as such is never considered by the meme-tier casuals.

The meme-level strategy games right now are either not retro, on PC, or bumped by another game on the list in the same franchise, so I didn't put them on my list. Casuals don't really care about them anyway.

>> No.3463752

Worst games of all time: YouTube Edition

>Pac-Man (2600 port)
>Bubsy 3D
>Night Trap
>Castlevania II
>Superman 64
>Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
>Anything on the CDi (which technically wasn't even a gaming system anyway)
>Anything on the Jaguar
>Anything on the Virtual Boy

>> No.3463760

>these days.
wew lad

looks like you weren't paying attention the last 10 years.

>> No.3463813

Here is the real list:
>1. Doom (I consider doom 2, lost levels, and community wads/ports to be the same game)
Easily the most influential and important game of all time.
>2. Wario World 3
No explanation needed
>3. Pokemon Gold
The last good pokemon generation
>4. Pokemon Yellow
The last good 3rd game in a set
>5. Golden Sun: The lost age
Sweet graphics mean FF is eternally pleb tier
>6. Civ 5
It's civ
>7. Golden Sun
You need it to make the most of Golden Sun 2
>8. Gex
I like it
>9. Zax the alien hunter
I like it
>10. Mario Kart
Mario party sucks
>11. Tetris
It's ok.

>> No.3463928

>I would've put either Solitaire, Freecell or Minesweeper up there though.

You need to have your throat cut.

>> No.3463947

Can you recommend some quality puzzle games (are they on MAME?) and also tell me if there's any MMOs (Guild wars?) worth spending time in?

>> No.3463974

What are the lost levels of Doom?

>> No.3463975

Not the worst as far as influential lists go but how the fuck did they leave off SF 2?

>> No.3463979

>and as such is never considered by the meme-tier casuals

Ultima, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Myst, and Monkey Island are pretty meme-tier.

>> No.3463983

>Oregon trail doesn't deserve to be there.
>Why doesn't it?

It's a meme game, besides Agent USA is a better cult classic 80s eduware game.

>> No.3463995

Civilization should have been on the list, possibly SimCity. Also at least one Sierra adventure.

>> No.3464002

No Turrican?

>> No.3464012

I never played Oregon Trail in school.

>> No.3464016

Leisure Suit Larry. I think it's probably the most well known Sierra adventure to normalfags.

>> No.3464074

>2 Pogeyman gaymes
>Yellow (made to cash in on the garbage cartoon) instead of Blue
>Mario Kart instead of F-zero
>Gex a game that glorifies watching TV like a good goyim
>Civilization honeycomb edition - Just bee youself :)
>Including any GBA game in the list (shit audio output)
>Not a single infinity engine game
>Not a single fighting game
>Not a single Shmup
>No Brood War

2/10 thanks for telling about Zax

>> No.3464083

I strongly disagree with that, but at the same time I can't think of any other game that deserves that spot.

As weird as it sounds, it should take more than a game being literally flawless to be #1.

>> No.3464265

Some of those are legit fucking awful though.

>> No.3464274

So, FFVI then. Sounds good.

>> No.3464286

Missing street fighter 2. Hell, missing ANY fighting game

>> No.3464565

I agree desu
>Mario 64
For historical significance, sure, I guess. The game controls kind of like ass by today's standards.
Same as above. Makes more sense to use the remake as the example of the better game, but the original has more historical significance.
...If the previous 2 were rated that high due to their significance, then Doom really should be number 2 or even 1. And for that matter, where the fuck is Pong?
>Ms. Pac-Man
...But not Pac-Man? How were these picks decided? Ms. Pac-Man is GOAT, but the games certainly don't seem to be picked by quality alone here.
What a joke
Historically significant, I guess?
I still can't tell if these are picked for historical significance or quality. SMB3 would surely be a better pick for NES Mario.
>Oregon Trail
OK, I guess.
Another joke

I have no interest in reading the article, but I gotta know, who does Time hire to make these lists? It's like they opened up Wikipedia and researched bestselling games and read through some forum arguments.

>> No.3464698

They're not using "greatest" in any meaningful way. Basically it seems like a bunch of games Time think its readers should be aware of while they're waiting in the dentist's office.
>1 Tetris
Good choice on multiple levels
>2 Super Mario 64
>3 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Important, popular games when 3D was becoming the standard
>4 Doom
>5 Ms. Pac-Man
Gender pandering aside, solid choice to represent the arcade era
>6 Minecraft
Go ahead and bash it. I think kids are better off playing Minecraft than most other games.
>7 The Legend of Zelda
>8 Super Mario Bros.
Obvious choices
>9 The Oregon Trail
Kind of a weird choice, but it's the most well-known educational game, a genre worth mentioning
>10 World of Warcraft
Obvious pick for a token MMO

>> No.3464769

What are the lost levels of Doom?

>> No.3464776

Probably meant plutonia and TNT and some other map pack.

>> No.3465154

>read through some forum arguments.
Can't be. Undertale isn't on the list.

>> No.3467151

ITT: People who refuse to recognize the influence of WoW and Minecraft.

But still, why tetris, why do people insist on this thing? It's a really fun game, but it's more like Chess or Go than any other videogame.

Also missing Street Fighter 2? The game that defined every other fighting game? The Oregon Trail?????? rofl

>> No.3467162

>People who refuse to recognize the influence of WoW and Minecraft
list says best, not most influential

>it's more like Chess or Go than any other videogame
Tetris has a ticker/pace component that's impossible to do for board games. It's more of a video game than, say Oregon Trail, will ever be

>> No.3467451

>not one sega game
>not even fuckin sonic
fuck you time magazine

>> No.3467525

>Doom (lost levels)


>> No.3467709

I think he means Master Levels, which was an official level set.

They weren't really that amazing though so I don't see why they'd go on any top-list, Final Doom was much better.

>> No.3467724

Fighting games are awful.

>> No.3467725

>They weren't really that amazing though so I don't see why they'd go on any top-list, Final Doom was much better
That anon was saying that they're treating Doom, Doom 2, and all level packs for either of them (including plutonia, final and what ever came along) as a single game/entry

>> No.3467752

Swap SpongeBob with Bomberman and you and I become soul mates

>> No.3468115

you enjoying yourself under that rock?

>> No.3468131

The guy who voice acts leasure suit larry lives in my town

>> No.3468223

>Monkey Island

Are you that one anon who keeps shilling this opinion on this board?

>> No.3468419




I couldn't find any blogs calling Ms. Pac Man overrated, which is the only thing that matters, making it the best game of all time.

>> No.3468428

if it was most influential, Pong would be on it

>> No.3469509

>lost levels of Doom

What are these? Is this guy ever coming back to answer this question?

>> No.3471169

Which version of Tetris are they referring to?

>> No.3471181
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>an ok puzzle game and overrated n64 shit near the top

>> No.3471184

Where's Turrican and Manic Miner?

>> No.3471218
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>A very simple, yet very effective puzzle game
>Two 3D games that were pretty revolutionary for their time. Also overrated =/= shitty btw.
>A recent popular video game that /vr/ would most likely suck the cock of had it (and many other popular indies made recently) had been made in the 90's or so

A decent list I must say.

>> No.3471220

Notch stole the source code to Infiniminer and made his own game you fucking retard. Minecraft was always unifinished wasted potential anyway, I still remember the hype for that shitty game.

>> No.3471223
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>> No.3471226

>if it had been made in the 90s
not an argument

>> No.3471239
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Puyo Pop > Tetris

>> No.3471473

since this thread is now turning into people posting their top 10's, heres mine:

1.rollercoaster tycoon
3.oddworld: exodus
5.resi 2
6.caesar 3/pharaoh
7.spyro 2
9.the neverhood
10. crash team racing (or wipeout 3)

as for time's list, mmm... theres a few there i agree with, but yes, definatly agree it's more of an "influential list" than GOAT.
so many of those games are pretty naff if you were to pick up and play them today.
SM64, OoT, and original zelda especially.

I've been playing alot of tetris recently and it is such a sweet simple game. but no.1? no way. i agree with another poster, if thats the type of game there going for, then pong deserves no.1

>> No.3471493

why would you say Pong is better than Tetris?

>> No.3471675

based on how influential they were.

>> No.3471678

you would say pong has a wider or more thorough influence than tetris?

>> No.3471684


Google is your friend,you lazy fucks

>> No.3471686

why do you think the list is about influence? Something wrong with tetris as a game?

>> No.3471704

don't really know what you mean.

nope, i think tetris is great.
i think the list is about influence because half the games on it are objectively crappier than tonnes of games which have been released in the last decade. OoT & SM64 are great fun, but try introducing them to a teenager nowadays whose never played them before, guarantee they will comment on the bad graphics.

this is just my subjective opinion.

>> No.3471710

>don't really know what you mean.
you suggested pong leads tetris when it comes to influence, so I asked if you suggest indeed that pong is more influential.

>crappier than tonnes of games which have been released in the last decade
how so?

>guarantee they will comment on the bad graphics
will they comment on the bad game?

>> No.3471734

>you suggested pong leads tetris when it comes to influence, so I asked if you suggest indeed that pong is more influential.

still not sure what u mean, but i think pong is more influential than tetris purely since it was the first videogame ever made.

>how so?
in terms of graphics, gameplay, controls, camera, sound effects. my point is, give a teenager say a copy of mario galaxy 2 and sm64 and they will play galaxy way more ( i use galaxy for comparisons sake). they are just better made, better looking, tigther controls, tighter camera, better everything.

>will they comment on the bad game?

probably. early 3d platformers have tonnes of room for improvement. obviously they are not bad games, im just saying compared to todays games, there more primitive and uglier.

>> No.3471737

>since it was the first videogame ever made.
No one is going to take you serious with such claims.

>> No.3471745
File: 16 KB, 480x300, 1442525680874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notch stole the source code to Infiniminer and made his own game you fucking retard.
Not my fault one chucklefuck managed to properly market something the other was too lazy to do. Anyways there have been similar cases of stolen ideas or concepts made popular (and better) by others throughout gaming history (such as Alpha Waves and Super Mario 64, or Jumping Flash and Mirror's Edge etc).

>not an argument
Neither was
>minecraft :O)

>> No.3471748

>purely since it was the first videogame ever made
assuming the claim is true (see >>3471737 ) how does being the first mean it's most influential? Was the first book most influential to the way novels are written? Has the first movie influenced most what came after it? Are you saying that if Pong wasn't made, video games as a whole would not exist, because people had no idea about the concept?

>gameplay, controls
be specific, please. These are bold claims

>they are just better made, better looking, tigther controls, tighter camera, better everything
that's a rather questionable statement without much of a backup. Unless you can specifically point out how game mechanics affected a game negatively, have been improved (including reasoning why it's an improvement) and things like that, you're coming off as a rather simple minded "new is better", which is, especially on this board, not exactly a welcome position. People on here learned, and understood, that not everything new is an improvement, and that games of other time periods may have done things better, accidentally or intentionally, that modern games aren't doing. People here don't necessarily play /vr/ games out of nostalgia reasons, but because these games are good, if not exceptional, in their genres. So good, that even technological improvement managed to outperform them

>im just saying compared to todays games, there more primitive
how so? What's missing that detracted from the game? You're kind of suggesting, to run with it, that a game like fifa 2016 is inherently better than pong, because it's more complex. Is complexity a quality criterion to you?

>> No.3471760

Infiniminer code was publicly available on google code, still is publicly available on github https://github.com/craftworkgames/infiniminer..

It's also written in C#/XNA, while Minecraft is in Java. At the very least porting was required, though it's much more likely Notch was simply porting the functions he considered useful, changing the stuff he didn't.

Infiniminer has a very permissive license (MIT), permitting reuse and modifications, as long as the copyright statement remains. I am not a lawyer, but I would not be surprised if porting is not a derivation, so Minecraft would not even need to include the copyright statement, even if structures or logic were copied near-identically during the porting.

In other words, it's not only likely that using the Infiniminer code as inspiration is legal, it's also explicitly allowed by the copyright owner.

>> No.3471769


>> No.3471780
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>still being played in the millions in 2016
I doubt most kids born after 2000 have even played Tetris.

>> No.3471791

Tetris is available on the 3DS, NDS, Wii, PSVita, PS3, PS4, Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, OSX and a couple hundred other platforms. The games are still sold, bought and actively played, by all age groups

>> No.3471809


He more than likely wasn't talking about that.

>> No.3471816

Why is this being taken seriously? We here at /vr/ know that there are better games so who cares? besides of course they chose those, nintendo is always there because its the most popular.

>> No.3471823

I like tetris a lot and I've wasted hours of my life playing it, but even then I think your point makes sense, even other games in the genre like Puyo Puyo are better choices.

>> No.3471829

>other games in the genre like Puyo Puyo are better choices

>> No.3471848

Because it has cuter characters and blocks.

>> No.3471852

that's not exactly useful points in the context of this exchange

>> No.3471949

I think a shitload of adults who played it back then probably still like it since it's still easily available.

Remember, this is a game that kinda helped sell the Gameboy and NES to parents, there's lots of stories right here on /vr/ about people's parents playing Dr. Mario and Tetris back in the day, it's the kind of games which can very easily appeal to any age group, the concept is simple and the gameplay addictive, you put Tetris in the hands of an average kid today, they'll be sure to play it for a bit, because it's an easy concept to get into.

>> No.3471959

Problem solved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V6FDfwWngc

>> No.3471968

how so? The combination of two things, each good on its own, is better? That's a bit of a fallacy

>> No.3472439

>Not my fault one chucklefuck managed to properly market something the other was too lazy to do.

Or maybe didn't have enough money.

>> No.3472586

Notch didn't start out with any money either.

>> No.3475759
File: 120 KB, 478x640, goty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've all been fucking around for a whole thread, now here is the REALEST list:

1. Tetris
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Doom
4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
5. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
6. Pac-Man
7. Super Metroid
8. Street Fighter 2
9. Half-Life/Counter-Strike
10. Metal Gear Solid

I put aside all of my fanboyism for this one, so you should do the same and agree with it.