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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3457186 No.3457186 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more aesthetic retro game?

>> No.3457221

Aesthetic isn't a concrete adjective.

>> No.3457223
File: 346 KB, 350x480, flashback-the-quest-for-identity-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure kino

>> No.3457226

fun fact: slow down ecco: tides of time music, add more reverb, get vaporwave.

>> No.3457239
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a e s t h e t i c

>> No.3457243
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a t h l e t I c s

>> No.3457245


>> No.3457260

this shit looks so therapeutic

>> No.3457271

You must be new here.

Read this: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Vaporwave

>> No.3457272

Vaporwave is a steaming pile of horseshit. Laziest, most bullshit genre of music ever. Just listen to the stuff it samples instead.

>> No.3457276

No, you don't understand.


>> No.3457282

>Laziest, most bullshit genre of music ever

You are wrong. That would be top 40 bubblegum pop from the likes of Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

Vaporwave is an art movement that you clearly don't understand.

>> No.3457345

>you just don't get it!
fuck off and go suck some more aids infected dicks

>> No.3457351
File: 62 KB, 500x846, tumblr_n2bug2RwQM1rrftcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some high quality VAPES for you





>> No.3457360
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>> No.3457362


>> No.3457386

bad bait

>> No.3457396

According to the current hipster definition of "Aesthetic" Ecco is probably second to Outrun because it doesn't have 80s supercars but Out Run does have dolphins.

>> No.3457406

Good call with that last one, Bomberman Hero soundtrack is on point

>> No.3457410

Is there a more overrated retro game?

This is style-over-substance: the game. Nearly unplayable. Another World was 20 times better.

>> No.3457415

Chrono Trigger

>> No.3457432

Why do you say that? I played for about a minute or so before playing something else.

>> No.3457434
File: 16 KB, 640x400, 450036-snatcher-pc-88-screenshot-gibson-my-god-his-head-s-been-twisted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snatcher, bonus points for the PC-88 version

>> No.3457475
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this fucking music. jesus damn.

i love game music that sounds like the composer really wanted to start a prog rock band.


>> No.3457483
File: 75 KB, 575x345, ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I guarantee you're garbage at Ecco, pick up the 3DS version. You get infinite air and health so you can look at the aesthetics and remain bad at video games.

>> No.3457510
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Everything by Osamu Sato

>> No.3457556
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Sonic CD

Kenji Eno & WARP

Liquid Kids

>> No.3457557

Gaball Screen (ガボール スクリーン) - PSX



>> No.3457574

good point.

here's the thing, CT is linear as fuck. sure, you get to choose your equipment, and you can do some fairly interesting things with accessories, but at the end of the day, you can burn your way through everything. you can "DPS" everything down.

when i think of interesting bosses in that game, i think of magus, azala/tyrano, the big robot in the future, gigas geiger or whatever, and the final boss. however, azala, the future robot, gigas google, and lavos's final form all oeprate on the same concept: kill the thing that's healing the boss.

you can't approach dungeons in your own way, either.

you can choose to leave crono dead, or not, but it doesn't matter for any other reason than the ending.

it IS interesting to find all the endings, but once you've found them all, you're done with the game.

ultimately, CT is a solid game, and the soundtrack, graphics, and story are pretty good, but as a videogame, there's a lot to be desired.

this may sound cynical, but i think CT, FFVI, and FFVII are part of why games are so casual these days.

>> No.3457679
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I love YMO.

>> No.3457682
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Who doesn't?

Also, isn't the vaporwave meme kind of old by now? It's a very 2010/2012 thing.

Kids moved on, I think they're listening to "trap" or whatever now.

>> No.3457695
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Seriously it's Out Run

>> No.3457697

I'm still mad at what happened to /mu/. I guess we move on

>> No.3457857



You crazy

>> No.3457912

>You get infinite air and health

wouldn't a Game Genie accomplish the same thing

>> No.3457971
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>> No.3457973

a Game Genie is not sanctioned by the developer

>> No.3457974

>it IS interesting to find all the endings
is it? I never get the appeal of "collecting all the endings". To me multiple endings exist so what ever I do in the game is acknowledged by it. Trying to find all the variations defeats that entirely.

>> No.3457976

that's not Out Run

>> No.3457989

That doesn't excuse the fact that you're cheating either way.

>> No.3457996

if it's part of the game, put in there by the developer, accessible through intentional in-game means (no glitching) that are not the debugging/cheat feature, it's not cheating.
You can give the developers the middle finger for putting it in, but that's about it.

>> No.3458007


Out Run is aesthetic because Kavinsky said it was and Ecco is aesthetic because OPN said it was.

OP, make up your own genre of 80s/90s influenced music and base it around a single video game, there's your most aesthetic game.

>> No.3458009

no thats a mexican sombrero cat.

>> No.3458098

ecco is the most vaporwave video game ever hands down no contest gg ez. it's one of many inspirations behind Chuck Person's Eccojams (alias of Daniel Lopatin, aka Oneohtrix Point Never), which ended up becoming the basis of practically all vaporwave ever. look at Macintosh Plus (Vektroid), responsible for popularizing many of the genre's best known staples and tropes. in an interview she pretty much said that all she was aiming to do was make Eccojams.
that 16 fucking bit dolphin is infinitely more aesthetic than any of those dime a dozen soundcloud hacks will ever be

>> No.3458106

Fuck Kavinsky. All that synth shit has nothing to do with OutRun.

>> No.3458109

Is there any way to automatically hide post that use aesthetic as an adjective? I'd hide posts using that word at all, but unfortunately very rarely it has legit uses.

>> No.3458115

that noise sounds irritating as fuck and the imagery is cheesy. You're not suggesting it is in any way related to Out Run, do you?

>> No.3458135

Of course I am.

>> No.3458140

gross, and people try to convince me that dreck is supposed to be a good "port". Any time I read about it, it's idiots like you linking to parts of this article, and every single time I see revolting shit in it

>> No.3458228

If aesthetic means trash, sure.

>> No.3458234


>still linking to ED unironically

>> No.3458390
File: 12 KB, 320x224, Ecco_the_Dolphin_US_debug_menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical /vr/ bickering back and forth trying to sound important when neither of you knows what you're talking about.

Don't bother with the Super Dolphin mode they put into the 3DS version. It makes it so you always have the invincibility glyph power so there will be glowing sparks flying around you the entire time. Also you can't turn it on or off at all.

Instead, use the robust debug menu that's in all versions of the game. Pause while Ecco is facing the screen and enter Right, B, C, B, C, Down, C, Up. It lets you activate and deactivate invincibility without the swirling stars around you. Also lets you level select, warp to any point in a level.

You can even listen to the music and adjust the tempo as you please if you want to play through the whole game with vaporwave in the background.

>> No.3458403

I do not think that word mesns what you think it does

>> No.3458424

Also typical for /vr/. I've honestly been wondering what they think it means.

>> No.3458976

>This is style-over-substance: the game.

you are literally retarded

if anything, AW was more bullshit because it relied on trial and error far too much with its unpredictable sequences that usually always resulted with instant death

Flashback gives the player a couple of solid mechanics and then proceeds to vary pacing and setting with them. One map it's a puzzle-adventure game, the other you're running and gunning for your life. It's pretty much futuristic Prince of Persia, but way more streamlined.

>> No.3459034

It isn't bait you fucking mouth breathing retard. kys fag

>> No.3459056

I would write an extensive rebuff to this post, but it's so impossibly wrong I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.3459104
File: 381 KB, 640x480, ecco-the-tides-of-time-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a more aesthetic retro game?
Tides has everything done better and doesn't have stupid anti rental difficulty spikes

>> No.3459108

Shittiest video I've ever seen and I've seen your moms pornos

>> No.3459149

>anti rental

Damn, I forgot about such a concept, how many anti rental snes games could I be playing that are crippled because of this that could otherwise be considered great games and become shitty because of anti rental measures.

>> No.3459224
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>> No.3459232
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>anti rental difficulty spikes

>> No.3459275

I'll fucking kiss you later, or at least thank you because you are fucking brilliant.

>> No.3459419

"That concrete is very aesthetic". Makes as much sense as OP who has his own private definition of words. Like all his kind always do.

>> No.3459421
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Policenauts >

>> No.3459443


It means "reminiscent of vaporwave or synthwave".

>> No.3459634

Not according to the real world. Of course you and the voices in your head are free to disagree with reality.

>> No.3459670


You're right, you won't find that definition in the dictionary, which I assume is what you mean by "the real world". You won't find the use of "fag" as a suffix in the dictionary, either, and we do that here all the time.

>> No.3459740

Get out normie.

>> No.3459874

Stick to frog posting on frogfag boards losers.
p.s: don't kill everyone in your school because you're a failure at life.

>> No.3460279

>"I was paranoid about game rentals and kids beating the game over the weekend. So.. I.. uh... made it hard." —Ed Annunziata

>> No.3460289
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Oh, how cozy.

>> No.3460397

What points do you guys consider the difficulty spikes?

>> No.3460418

I can remember asterite cave needing to be done in one attempt and queen's lair that sends you back to welcome to the machine if you die; the jp version actually lets you retry directly against the queen.

>> No.3460456
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, eccoH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy! :)

I'm the crazy Ecco fan around here, I think the only two really tough parts here are The Machine and final battle and this jump, even though most people nowadays know the shortcut to avoid it. Asterite is pretty tough, but you can at least keep getting invincibility and trying till you get it. Machine is hard because you need to have really tight control over him not to get crushed all the time.

Overall I don't think Ecco 1 is much or really at all harder than Tides of Time though, I always find it odd when people describe one as crazy hard and the other as fair.

>> No.3460464

asterite is really stupid, you have no clue in what to do, bolts nearly one-shot you and you have to do all of this on your last oxygen refill.

Tides of time has slightly better graphics, way better music, more variety, has some well integrated tech showoff, and still challenging but without unfair setups, even on the difficult path.

>> No.3460471

There's an invincibility glyph nearby the Asterite so you're at least invulnerable for a bit of it. It is confusing if you don't know what to do, but that's par for Ecco.

I do really like Tides of Time, I just don't see it's difficulty as that different. It's all good though.

>> No.3462865

Fuck that jump is all I have to say.

>> No.3463241

Anything with a skyline.
Ecco is simply shit.

>> No.3463246

>Ecco is simply shit.

How so?

>> No.3463396


What is 'Tubes of Medusa'?

>> No.3463402

oh shihhhh

aesthetic af

>> No.3463410

oh my g-d this post is awesome

>> No.3463420
File: 470 KB, 444x750, tubes of medusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sixth level of Ecco 2.

>> No.3463443

My favorite version of Tetris

>> No.3463650

THIS. Just listen to magical sound shower and last wave, and tell me it has anything to do with synthwave other than using an FM synthesizer chipset. When it comes to the melodies and the instruments being synthesized, Outrun's soundtrack is just electronic fusion jazz.

>> No.3464020
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You fags can thank me later.

>> No.3464025

The great Ecco debate:


>> No.3464053


Kavinsky isn't associated with Out Run because he sounds similar, it's because he named his debut album Out Run and he's supposed to be a ghost driver in a red '86 Testarossa.

Not that I like him, but if you want to know why "Out Run-inspired" music sounds more like the Beverly Hills Cop theme, there you go.

>> No.3464814

Mario 64 is p u r e a e s t h e t i c
Especially "Secret Aquarium" and "Wet Dry World"

>> No.3464973

Tube of Medusa is nowhere near as stupid as some E1 levels.
besides, Tube is legit the best looking and sounding level of E2. It's too short in fact.

>> No.3464978

oh boy, Ecco 2 FM, by a landslide.

>> No.3464980
File: 172 KB, 630x465, ecco_pc_shot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat ugly 'high resolution" tiling

>> No.3465021

Which version of JMP should I play on my win98 machine?

>> No.3465150

Thank you, was playing the classics version but I was left wanting more.

>> No.3465170

Just about anything other than this mess of a game.

>> No.3465174


>> No.3465259

>Just about anything other than this mess of a game.

Explain? How is it a mess?

>> No.3465314

Craig and James are such huge nintendoshills. Fuck them. Why do they always compare shit to super metroid like that even makes sense?

>> No.3465335

Wow you're not kidding, I made it most of the way through until it was clear he didn't actually know how to play the game (sonar attack) and stopped. Until that he'd barely even said anything of substance. Mostly that it has a dolphin over and over and that it shouldn't have an actual plot because it's about A DOLPHIN.

Then he said the first half of the game was boring, explained that he didn't know how to play and was about to talk about the queen fight but I closed it. Pretty funny though, people getting triggered by Ecco is always entertaining.

>> No.3465368

ecco the dolphin on the sega cd is pure vidyakino.

>> No.3466772

that music isn't lazy at all, not when a team of writers composes most of it

>> No.3468159

> defending the likes of Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift
> ever

Holy fucking shit. That's the most retarded thing I've ever seen. How can you defend those fuckers and their "music". It's lazy and panders to the lowest common denominator ie: "normies".

>> No.3468164

Because they don't write it. You're attacking the public image. All I'm saying is that a lot of work does go into that music. The fact that the public image of these figures catches your attention the most is a sign that they did their job right.

>> No.3468170

So how does music "pander" exactly? Because that sounds like a fancy way of saying "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE".

>> No.3468176


You want to know what music truly takes work to compose? Classical and Jazz music. In other words serious music as opposed to vulgar populist trash bubblegum pop.

>> No.3468183

Wow you're a dumb ass. Jazz music was considered vulgar pop music once too. I've heard music all the way back to the Medieval period. Don't think you're telling me something new.
I'm done discussing music with someone who doesn't know shit on a retro video games board.

>> No.3468191

Jazz music has evolved though and even when it was a form of popular music it was never as disgustingly vulgar as the likes of garbage like this:


Now compare it to this:


You are the one who knows nothing. Oh and I seriously doubt you've heard classical music from the Medieval period. I'm laughing at your stupidity right now.

>> No.3468207

I've heard much music from the Medieval period. You're a dumb ass and you've been reduced to denial. Like I said, I'm done with you. I'm only commenting on you being a dumb ass. I won't bother even describing how wrong you are because you're prejudiced.

>> No.3468225

>I won't bother even describing how wrong you are because you're prejudiced.

Or it's because you cannot refute my arguments.

>> No.3468228

You're a pseudo-intellectual cliche. I'm done with you. You honestly think you have something to say, and it's pathetic.

>> No.3468232

>I'm done with you
And yet you keep on replying. You're an amusing little creature. :)

>> No.3468236

I... really don't get what you're even trying to say. You're just saying "NO THIS IS BETTER BECAUSE REASONS I WONT ELABORATE ON" and I don't get it. At all.

>> No.3468237

I'm done earnestly answering you. You're not even worth responding to. If you want to feel superior over your own ignorance, go right ahead.

>> No.3468240

>I... really don't get what you're even trying to say.

Doesn't surprise me at all. There are plebes everywhere.

>> No.3468265

Who likes Quake?

>> No.3468272

Is that Quake on the Vectrex?

>> No.3468659

looks like some kind of experimental action-horror game

>> No.3469138
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>> No.3469147

Awful lot of Aphex Twin in there.

>> No.3469293
File: 186 KB, 800x600, Tass_Times_in_Tonetown_1986Activision_001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why settle for a retread of the 80s, when the real thing exists?

>> No.3469298

how many interfaces do you really need?

>> No.3469305
File: 99 KB, 500x640, sk8ordie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As many as it takes.

>> No.3469318

that'd be one. Why are there two or more?

>> No.3469382
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 720r1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many as it takes to be COOL. Not to use. Get with the program!

>> No.3470135


The Tube

The fact that if you don't hold left or right as you drop into the Vortex Queen's room you'll almost instantly die and have to start the 6 minute long Welcome to the Machine all over again.

>> No.3471717

So in other words, you consider the final boss fight a "difficulty spike"? lol okay.

>> No.3471725

Also, sorry the vortex queen doesn't just sit there and smile while you get used to your new surroundings. There was a time when games didn't have to hold your hand all the way through the final battle.

>> No.3471726

if the difficulty of a boss fight varies greatly from the remaining difficulty of the game, a boss can indeed be a difficulty spike. Spikes do not have to occur mid-game. This comment is independent of the particular game discussed

>> No.3471738

Check out this ten year old who thinks that every game was all but literally killing the player.

Protip nigga; old games were based around patterns that made attacking outside of certain windows dangerous. Not instakilling you in the first few seconds.

>> No.3471778

Murk loar.

>> No.3471884

Another World

>> No.3472208

No one makes it through The Machine on their first try. By the time you're through you should be on edge and expecting anything. Ecco is pretty nasty at numerous points, having to move right away once the queen battle starts isn't that much of a spike.

Ecco isn't like most other older games.

>> No.3472216

>Ecco isn't like most other older games.

Probably because most games aren't designed to make you want to kill yourself.

>> No.3472330

Around here dubstep was the thing in 2011-2012. Then some time around 2014 it was trap. I didn't discover vaporwave until 2015 because I'm a lamer. Vaporwave is a neat aesthetic but you can't really call it a musical genre.

>> No.3472340

>Vaporwave is a neat aesthetic
it really isn't

>> No.3472361

Pastel colors, chopped 'n screwed pop music, corporate logos, VHS artifacts, soulless consumerism, old computer programs... I dunno, I kinda dig it.

>> No.3472363
File: 134 KB, 800x1130, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were Novotrade so good at building atmosphere?

>> No.3472376
File: 41 KB, 736x431, consume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screwed pop music, corporate logos
>soulless consumerism

>> No.3472383

half of that shit sounds like ironic hipster, which is, simply put, bullshit

>> No.3472395

under rated post

>> No.3472404

can you spot the under age kid?

>> No.3472408

yeah they really need to redo the backgrounds. It looks like shit. True HD remake fucking WHEN SEGA. I want Ecco Mania.

>> No.3472414

>fucking WHEN
fucking why? You got the game, looking good and playing well. Why piss on it by making the exact same game with different graphics?

>> No.3472427

because it wouldnt be the same game if they remade it. It would have new levels and scary deep sea monster.

>> No.3472430

then it's not a remake, and being a new game, most likely shit. So you just want to change the way the piss smell, but they're still pissing on it

>> No.3472448

you probably smell like pee.


>> No.3472472

considering >>3472408 asked for a remake, strongly implying something that doesn't exist, or at least doesn't exist in a way they find satisfactory, they can't be referring to the game that is subject of that video. Considering the game referenced in the video is at least 15 years old, it's not exactly related to >>3472430 as well.

>> No.3473168

Meh, it's a divisive game there's no question. I get how it's not everyone's cup of tea and I fault no one for not liking it. But I love everything about it, difficulty and all. Rented it once then ran out and bought it and couldn't have been happier.

The difficulty spikes, if you want to call them that I think are the first octopus, maneuvering the starfish in the Lagoon, Asterite, the Machine and this jump >>3460456
. Vortex Queen is pretty hard too, but the whole game is like that.

I should say though that I agree with this >>3471726 in general. Some games can be really easy 90% of the way and then suddenly really hard or worse, suddenly require grinding I just don't think Ecco is one of those. It's pretty soon that you're being slapped for rushing while running out of air.

>> No.3473307

That's the whole idea behind vaporwave famalam.

Also, Bricklayer for win3.x is seriously one of the most a e s t h e t i c games ever made. There's also a Mac version with a different name but I forget what it's called.

>> No.3475708

Then vaporwave is pure bullshit

>> No.3475754
File: 45 KB, 228x316, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call a cab!

>> No.3475781

>palm trees
>statues and busts

spotted the meme

vaporwave is an internet joke, and it has nothing to do with art

>> No.3475787

>take top 40 bubblegum pop
>slow it down by 40% in Audacity
>attach a 90's anime screenshot for an album cover
This is your """""""art movement""""""", lmfao.

>> No.3475801

sure, here:


>> No.3475819

>style over substance: the meme

>> No.3475875

I'll never understand why people get so pissed off over vaporwave

>> No.3475910

Maybe it is, maybe it is.
Pretty much this. Vaporwave is a joke, and I love it.

>> No.3476387

How do you define art?

>> No.3476654

because the "followers" of vaporwave are loud, annoying, pseudo-intellectual, trollish and breathe memes. So they pretty much represent everything loathe-worthy in a forum poster

>> No.3476739

You could replace vaporwave in that sentence with emo, prog rock, dubstep, screamo, punk, etc etc etc and it would be exactly the same. "You don't like what I like so I don't like you" We get it. No one gives a shit what you don't like.

>> No.3476760

Something that really irks me about Vaporwave is when they use Japanese funk for samples. It gives me the feeling of "Lol, no one cares about this old foreign junk, I can use it for my ironic retro anime music!" I'm probably just a faggot weeaboo, but it feels really disrespectful, just enjoy the music as is.


Just look at how the comments for these tracks are filled with Pepe and anime girl avatars, meme-speak and "lol tumb up if (x) sent u her!!"

>> No.3477019

But the Japanese are usually much more accepting and used to things like samples and very heavy "influence" bordering on almost copying outright. Earthbound says hi.

>reading comments on a youtube video

>> No.3478224

Art is an interpretational projection of the human experience through various media. Vaporwave is just eyecandy without substance, which is why we have the a e s t h e t i c s meme. You'll probably claim there is some deeper element of "consumerism and the digital age" woven into it, but the matter of the fact is that vaporwave is purely about imagery and internet jokes. It is a mish-mash of elevator music and bad 3D render visuals with no thought behind it. Vaporwave is closer to a clothing brand than it is to art. It is a superficial trend for 18 year olds.

Vaporwave is also lazy, with every new contribution to the vaporwave compost pile being a copy of something already existing. This applies to both the music and the "artwork". Everything is slowed down synth samples, visualized with blue/pink beaches, 3D statues and Japanese symbols. We don't need thousands of high schoolers having that same thought over and over again.

>> No.3478643

>Vaporwave is just eyecandy without substance
>Vaporwave is closer to a clothing brand than it is to art
>We don't need thousands of high schoolers having that same thought over and over again.

I don't even know what vaporwave sounds like. Most music irritates me and I don't really follow it's trends and styles. But I have been around a while and these things sound like basically the same criticisms that people give to new kinds of music they don't enjoy or want to listen to. Pretty much just this >>3476739

>> No.3478665
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>hating a genre because of it's fanbase

>> No.3478667

>it is fanbase

>> No.3478673

The apostrophe in "it's" shows ownership, using "its" instead would imply there are multiple "it." Did you fail fifth-grade grammar class?

>> No.3478683

How can you be this smug while being so wrong?

>> No.3478687

its is the possessive form, and my favorite retro video game is fester's quest

>> No.3478691

Muphry's law. At best you could say "its' fanbase" but even that isn't universally accepted.

>> No.3478693

Not understanding how apostrophes in English work. I want to buy this board a dictionary for Christmas, you people are fucking embarrassing.

>> No.3478694

its' isn't a word

>> No.3478713

>Muphry's law.
Explain how you think Murphy's law applies here.

>> No.3478847

the question was why people get pissed off over vaporwave. The quality or lack of quality of something is entirely irrelevant, when the only reason people otherwise uninterested encounter a subject is annoying little shits shoving it into their face.

So, just for you: People don't give a damn about vaporwave itself, it's not even a blip on their cultural radar. They do give a shit about the assholes that drag it into their view constantly. Because said assholes occupy their time, attention, and generally make a really annoying fuss over something nobody but them gives a shit about.

>> No.3478898

>and generally make a really annoying fuss over something nobody but them gives a shit about.

So... like you are doing.

>> No.3478921

you get to play as King Tritan???

>> No.3478936

I responded to a question, what's your excuse?

>> No.3478947

My excuse for what?

>> No.3478950


This is kinda the reason I don't respect Vaporwave either.
Anyway, I don't think Vaporwave is there to be respected, or even accepted. It's one of those ironic memes.

Even though it seems some people are actually making money with this, so that's when you start to ponder what the fuck is wrong with this world.

>> No.3478959

>Anyway, I don't think Vaporwave is there to be respected, or even accepted.

Again I don''t see how this is any different from how other people reacted to earlier new music genres. You could say the exact same thing about Punk a few decades ago.

I don't see your problem with people making money off it either though.

>> No.3478961

>emo, prog rock, dubstep, screamo, punk, etc etc etc
all those require more effort than vaporwave

that's the main difference

>> No.3478970

Vaporwave is just New Age (and French House in the case of Future Funk) for the tumblr demographic, m8.

>> No.3478972

>that's the main difference
you sure? You think there was any time you could say
>the "followers" of emo are loud, annoying, pseudo-intellectual, trollish and breathe memes
Or say something like that about punk, or dubstep? Sure, these people are annoying in their own ways, but none of them ride all high and mighty like the vapor idiots do, none of them pretend to be hipster-ironic about their shit. This brand of retarded is exclusive to vaporwave

>> No.3478978


I'd argue Punk was an actual musical scene, with real gigs, which was probably the main point of the punk subculture when it started. Also not all punk bands were like Sex Pistols who didn't know how to play their instruments (even though many punk classics are by them).

As for vaporwave's online scene, I don't think it's even original. I remember back in 2005 or so, more than a decade ago, there was a sort of trend in Last.fm where bands without actual music would appear and have some decent amount of followers. They'd make fake band names, track names and album art and scroll them, most of them were in japanese characters (even though they were all americans/europeans doing it), and they'd use obscure anime images, or random images.
That's pretty much what vaporwave can be summarized down to. VW artists do their own tracks, but does it really matter? What matters the most in this scene is not the music itself, but the whole presentation. Artist name, album name, track name and cover art is more important than music.

>> No.3478984

Then we agree.

>> No.3478995

emo and dubstep don't rely on taking existing songs and slowing them down in audacity

>> No.3478997

Punk likely has more legitimacy to it, but your reaction to vaporwave is almost identical to my father's generation's general reaction to punk. As well as his father's to swing and jazz. You're just reacting to what's new and unfamiliar because it's new and unfamiliar and you don't like it. Nothing new. That's all.

>> No.3479001

how does that matter for the statement I made?

>> No.3479008

>not all punk bands were like Sex Pistols who didn't know how to play their instruments
Punk's not about artistry, so why should that matter? If anything, punk put message above skill

>> No.3479017

>still discussing vaporwave
The meme already died down,

>> No.3479020
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No, quite the contrary.
My reaction to vaporwave isn't "Oh my, how horrible". It's more like "meh. I've seen this before, how is this even popular?"
Anyway, VW's popularity can't really be compared to phenomenons like punk or new age.
VW is considerably small and very niche, and only a small minority of the scene actually makes money off it.

>> No.3479024

I really like listening to sonic CD slowed down. I just really like listening to video game music, and hearing it slowed down can be interesting sometimes.


>> No.3479031

>VW's popularity can't really be compared to phenomenons like punk or new age
since when does popularity validate or invalidate a culture?

>only a small minority of the scene actually makes money off it
since when is profitability a requirement for any kind of culture?

I think VW is bullshit, but you're not exactly providing useful points. VW is lacking sincerity. Nobody involved stands behind what they do. It's all pseudo-intellectual ironic junk. That's not a foundation for anything but a meme

>> No.3479039


But I never said I was a judge of culture.
I only said I can't believe people actually make money off this. People actually pay for someone who slowed down some music, made up a japanese name and tracklist and designed something with roman busts and early CGI?
That's what's unfamiliar to me, not vaporwave's aesthetics or sound, I've seen and heard it before.

>> No.3479043

> "meh. I've seen this before, how is this even popular?"

You think that's a completely different reaction, but it's really not.

>> No.3479059

>People actually pay for someone who slowed down some music, made up a japanese name and tracklist and designed something with roman busts and early CGI?
Sure, why not?

>I've seen and heard it before
how does that matter?

>I never said I was a judge of culture
and yet here you are, telling people they must not give anybody money for re-arranging existing things or it's the downfall of civilization. Curse those people for doing things and curse them for doing mutually accepted trades.

>> No.3479067
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I'm horrified with shit genres like reggaeton, that's probably more on the line with your grampa being disgusted by jazz or whatever.

Vaporwave doesn't digusts me, in fact I think it had the potential to be something good (I mean, I've seen artists doing stuff very similar to vaporwave more than 10 years ago, but actually well made instead of lazy copypaste). I just wasn't impressed with what VW has to offer.

Much like >>3476760 said, I am actually familiar with the things VW uses. I listen to a lot of 80s and 90s J-pop, I've played all the "aesthetics" visual novels VW artists use in their cover art. I can read their japanese titles without the need of google translate.
So it seems like VW is made for me, but it's more like a joke. That's where the disappointment comes from.

>> No.3479074

>it seems like VW is made for me, but it's more like a joke
plenty people on this thread argue the joke is intentional, it's what VW is actually about. The stuff you calm is "made for you" is just the front. So your option is to "like" it ironically, or move on to something else. Peachy, isn't it?

>> No.3479076

>So it seems like VW is made for me
You're a hyper enthusiast of something made by casual fans of that thing's aesthetic. Any other reaction to vaporwave would have been strange from you. That's not a bad thing, I'm just not saying that's a surprising thing.

>> No.3479080

>that thing's aesthetic
oh fuck off, seriously. You fuckers are beyond annoying. It's hollow meme-speak at this point. /b/ but more pretentious.

>> No.3479084

vaporwave is another one of those ironic internet subgenres like seapunk, witchhouse, rapegaze, etc. etc. with the exception that it has spiraled out of control

>> No.3479085

>telling people they must not give anybody money for

Woah slown doen there. I just said "what's wrong with this world" in a not very serious way. I don't give a damn if you want to buy digital tracks from VW artists. I just find it weird, allow me to express it, will ya?

Yeah, it's intentional, or at least half-intentional. It's the ironic/post-ironic generation.
I don't like it ironically, and I can move on, the only reason I'm discussing it is because I post on /vr/ and there was a VW discussion going, and I wanted to agree with one of the anons.
I'm not mad at VW or people who like it, I just find it weird, disappointing, but it's just my POV.

You got my point. Although I wouldn't even call me a "Hyper enthusiast", I don't even browse /jp/.

>> No.3479086

I'm not defending vaporware, and I used aesthetic in it's regular usage. Not however it's meant in the thread title. I would have picked a different word in retrospect.

>> No.3479089

>I don't give a damn if you want to buy digital tracks from VW artists
oh, I sure as hell won't. I just didn't like the angle.

>allow me to express it, will ya?
as long as you don't see it as the end of the world, we're cool

>> No.3479090

Not him but why do you find it weird?

>> No.3479092

>I used aesthetic in it's regular usage
nope, definitely not.

>I would have picked a different word in retrospect
too late. You're a VWtard and nothing you can say now will convince people otherwise. Enjoy your irony

>> No.3479098

Because I see it as buying memes. I won't stop anybody, but I find it weird.

>> No.3479102

you see, they're just buying it ironically

someone shoot me

>> No.3479104

*pew pew*

>> No.3479109
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>nope, definitely not.
You think you're in my head now? I actually have never even heard what vaporwave sounds like. I don't even really listen to music. I'm just watching the thread because of the occasional Ecco talk.

So sorry I used a trigger word on you, but I don't even know what you people mean when you say "aesthetic".

>> No.3479113

But isn't it just someone buying music they like?

>> No.3479121
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I'm not sure, as I said, I see it more like people who are actually into VW and buy actual VW music are more into the whole aesthetic of it, not the music.
I know a lot of VW artists release their music on tape. I can already imagine a lot of people who never even had a tape player buying these "ironically".
Well, I actually collect tapes, non ironically.

>> No.3479132


Okay, you're really going to have to explain what you/they mean when using that word now. Because in my opinion, liking the aesthetic of a given genre of music is why someone should buy it. This is the sense I used it.

Aesthetic: -noun- A set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement:

Anyways I can see the difference between someone collecting tapes ironically vs unironically. I always find it a little weird now when I see people younger than me walking around with film cameras.

>> No.3479135

Why they fuck did they make crabs look like sea spiders?

>> No.3479138


I spoilered it because I meant it in the "meme" sense.

I meant what I explained here:
>What matters the most in this scene is not the music itself, but the whole presentation. Artist name, album name, track name and cover art is more important than music.

>> No.3479149
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>> No.3479156

That just sounds like the kind of general dismissive talk everyone uses of the music they don't like. It doesn't really matter though. I don't actually care about any of this.

>> No.3479170


No, because I said I'm actually familiar with the kind of music and ideas behind VW, I just find it flat and disappointment. It's a joke/meme made out of things I like non-ironically.
And also, I just said I think most people don't get into VW for the music, but because of other things, like the cover art or the artist names being weird.

>> No.3479242

>his kind
Fedora-lord detected.

>> No.3480348

Why is the EU sega-cd iso half the size of the US for this game

>> No.3480480

PAL has only 50fps, so there's less game on the disc

>> No.3480976
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>> No.3481031
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Which is better, CD soundtrack or original soundtrack?

>> No.3481245

Check the spelling I used, look it up ;)

>> No.3481621

Many C64 games.

>> No.3481640

I've wrestled with this question for many years but I believe the correct answer is that they're equally excellent