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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3373354 No.3373354 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think emulators have spoiled us? It's amazing that we have literally 1000s of games to choose from, but because of the huge selection, i find myself being it very hard to find a game to play and stick with it until the very end. It's to the point where i just don't play at all. Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.3373359

no, your problem family

>> No.3373361

Not me, because I don't use 'em.

>> No.3373365

Pretty much this.
I really only use them for very expensive games.

>> No.3373380

I live in the asshole of the world, I have to pray to three different deities to get a console.

I will never see an original cartridge, for an actually good game in my lifetime.

Plz, tell me again how spoiled I am.

>> No.3373384

>I can download everything, so I will!
Fucking don't. Download one game you want to play and play it through. Then pick a new one. Easy solution.

>> No.3373389

just play the good games man
there's over 700 nes games and only about 100 or so are worth having

>> No.3373390

Took me about 15 years to dig out of the hole of emulators.

Getting a flash cart made the difference. Even with the same selection of games the lack of ability to tinker with settings and "perfect" simulation (because it isn't a simulation at all, it's the real deal) finally let me get back to playing games.

>> No.3373434


Just make a folder and copy (or link) some selected games into that folder and treat the full collection as a rom website and search through it when you want to find something.

>> No.3373456

Whatever works for you.

>> No.3374201

i got every emulators, flash carts, multi carts, usb controllors, fugging pvm's, framemeistors, and every clone consle under the sun, and i sold all the junk and got a NES mini and now im sittin pretty with HDMI output!

>> No.3374218

>It's to the point where i just don't play at all. Does anyone else have this problem?

I am completely the opposite. Having all these games just makes me want to play them more.

>> No.3374220

thanks Goldstein

>> No.3374227


'Swhy I don't emulate.

>> No.3374234

I don't have ADD so it's not a problem for me.

>> No.3374242

I did before the internet was even a thing. I had trouble selecting games to rent when I was a kid, too many possibilities.
So no, it isn't the emulation's fault. It's our lack of decision making and sticking with it until the end that is to blame.

>> No.3374243

I can't say I'm suffering from this problem at all. I emulate *everything* I play, because life has separated me from almost all of my consoles. I downloaded 5-50 of the best/most memorable games for each console and made sure they all work. Sure I might put one down for a while to pick another up, but I did that as a kid as well. Have all my life, really. That doesn't stop me from picking the game back up later and finishing it. Thanks to emulation, I'm working through Dragon Quest V right now and loving it.

>> No.3374256

I play games for fun, not historical research. Most games are shit, including lots of popular and highly renowned ones. If it's not good I won't play it. If it is good then naturally I'll want to stick with it until the end. There is no problem.

>> No.3374262

Had the same problem but then realised that most games are not worth playing.

Really want an NES just so I can play 2 player games.

>> No.3374279

Im in a similar boat with steam.

I have 1000+ games and never play shit.

Ive always been an adhd gamer though.

I rarely beat games when I was a kid and only played a game until I got my parents to buy me another $5 PC game from the store.

>> No.3374290

Selecting that one terrible game that looked good and ruined the whole weekend, I been there.

>> No.3374295

Just don't be a hipster. Play the classics play the mainstream stuff.

When people talk about SNES they remember mario, donkey kong, zelda, chrono trigger, metroid, turtles in time, mega man, even bomberman

Then after you're done with them maybe you'll branch out and search for these japan only game releases nobody ever played but me threads.

>> No.3374298

The times I did that I just didn't play it for long and did something else then made a point never to rent it again.

>> No.3374308

I agree i just started getting the games i played before and could not beat until i mastered it enough to do so.

>> No.3374316


You're gross

>> No.3374328

The problem remains whether you emulate, use a flashcart or buy the games. Avoiding emulation doesn't make you magically complete games, you just gotta play what you enjoy.

>> No.3374331

Thank you

>> No.3374335

I don't find it an issue, but I've been less interested in playing platformers now. I got bored fast revisiting DKC.

>> No.3374338

agreed. especially with fullsets. i jump games all the time.

>> No.3374351

>Do you think emulators have spoiled us?
No, you just lack discipline.
>Play the classics play the mainstream stuff.
You're laughable, you don't belong in here.

>> No.3374363

>You're laughable, you don't belong in here.
I fail to see how. A single refresh in the main board page shows threads about sonic, castlevania, doom, duke nukem, gauntlet, heroes of might and magic and starfox. From what I recall these are classic mainstream retro games.

Now go make your baka baka banzai game nobody played but me I'm a special snowflake thread

>> No.3374656

>1000s of games across dozens of platforms at my fingertips
>always just play mario or sonic 3

>> No.3374783

Back then there wasn't much of a reference point so even a mildly shit game could get you interested for hours (and even then there was also trading carts with other kids, game store trade ins, new games in the local small arcade's rotation and returning a cart to the store if was too shitty!). Don't feel too bad to drop a game that feels poorly designed.

Play FOR FUN, unless you're a YT shitter trying to find a shit game to pick on.