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File: 87 KB, 236x215, FF5-Freelancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3278083 No.3278083 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going to be doing the 4 job fiesta this year?


Basically if you don't know about it:

>Play FF5 with some imposed limitations
>jobs are assigned via twitter bot when you get a crystal
>you cannot use jobs other than the assigned job
>Once you get your first job all characters must be assigned that job
>you must use at least 1 of each job (IE: If you got Knight, then next unlock is Red Mage you have to have at least 1 Knight and 1 Red Mage , the other 2 can be Red Mages or Knights)
>Other options for harder runs like Berserker Risk (adds Berserker to each crystal), or Classic Jobs only.

I got a really shit run last time but still managed to complete it. I'll probably play it again today. Starts in about 5 days.

I guess if enough people are interested we can post progress itt and make it a bit of a general.

>> No.3278090 [DELETED] 

What's the point in this? JRPG's have garbage gameplay, so that just leaves the story, and if you already know the story there's no reason to replay the game.

>> No.3278345

I'd try it, but I don't want to bother with that twitter crap.

>> No.3278417

Yeah it sucks but it's not exactly difficult to setup and do.

>> No.3278424
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I have a better idea

>disregard silly shit
>play FF5
>enjoy the game

>> No.3278454

Don't want twitter to assign you your FJF?

All you need is a die. Roll once for each crystal, reroll if directed (two crystals have 6 jobs, one has 5, and one has 4)

4.White Mage
5.Blue Mage
6.Black Mage

2.Mystic Knight
3.Red Mage
4.Time Mage



>(if applicable, or desired)

>> No.3278498

I've been doing solos and other silly challenges for so long that a FJF might be too easy for me at this point

But I might as well try, haven't played in months

>> No.3278519

I try to do it every year. I obviously don't bother with the social media crap, but it is a fun way to challenge yourself in a surprisingly deep FF.

It's called random.org. Put in the parameters, get your random job.

>> No.3279687

My classes last year were:
>Berserker (Didn't even have Berserker Risk...)

So it was suffering.

I basically had to do Omnicient with Mage Mashers (he casts reset every time you physically attack him) and get insanely lucky, it took literally hours.

If you get -any- kind of magic class you're fine. Blue Mage alone is like a won run if you know what Blue Magic to pickup. Or you just grind for rods to break trivializing almost every early encounter.

Same thing with Chemist, absolutely breaks the game.

I might not do it again because of that alone.

FF5 is actually really well designed around knowing exactly what classes and magic you have access to, so when you put in these restrictions you can get absolutely fucked over.

Although it's possible to do a 4 berserker run I wouldn't want to even try unless I was on emulator.

>> No.3279809

Anyone know the Hidden Registration code or what it does?

>> No.3280105

>not being on an emulator
Question: Are you Polish?

>> No.3280117

Wouldn't throwing scrolls work for the ninjas? Or is that considered physical for Omniscient's purposes?

>> No.3280127
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How does mime work? Because you can't actually use that job until after a sidequest in the third world. Do you just not get to switch until then?

>> No.3280175

Scrolls are fucking weak as shit compared to breaking rods.

>> No.3280212

Still seems like it'd be a better option that Mage Masher hax for winning that battle.

>> No.3280507

That's exactly how it works. You can always puss out and reroll if you want, or put it in the steam/ios/gba job pool if you're using those.

>> No.3280523

I might do this, I really liked ff5 when I was a kid but I never got around to finishing it. Do you put it up on youtube? What version of 5 is preferred?

>> No.3280813

why would you post ff4girl

>> No.3280820

you can if you want, the only proof you need is a screen shot of Neo-Ex Death dying with your party setup. Which is super easy to fake of one of your dudes is dead.

You can also "cheat" stuff like Omnicient >>3279687 because no one checks your character job levels or whatever.

So I think conforming as much as possible, but not adhering to it at certain parts (like Omnicient) is fine, because it's as much about having fun as it is a challenge run.

>> No.3281458

Who the fuck do you think that is?

>> No.3281472

>What version of 5 is preferred?

Any one you want, though the GBA version is arguably the best localization - although PSN version is ok and had its more egregious translation issues fixed and several callbacks from future FFs revolve around the PSX/N translation (Sorry, Butz fans, SE says his name is definitely Bartz.)

>> No.3281516

>Sorry, Butz fans, SE says his name is definitely Bartz

Not if I rename him.

>> No.3281534

>Once you get your first job all characters must be assigned that job

If you want to do it really hardcore, assign only one character a class each time you get new ones. I think it happens four times right? So roll the class, roll the character who gets it, and the rest have to go bare until the next set turns up.

>> No.3281995

This sounds like a really fun challenge. I'd do it but I'm moving this month and got a lot of stuff on my plate. I hope some anons post their journeys so I can play vicariously through them.

>> No.3282124

You can rename a character if you want, I'm just saying the canon name of the character is Bartz and for some reason that really ticks people off because they like Butts and cannot lie.

>> No.3282402
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Doing my first run ever. Rolled B.Mage/T.Mage/Ranger/Samurai/Oracle.
Any tips for a first timer? Last time I played this game was years ago.

>> No.3282482

If you lack magic or reliable silence the main way to beat Omnicient

1) Play on an Emulator
2) Equip Reflect Rings
3) Fast Forward until he's out of MP.

>> No.3282635

Natural is fun, I don't understand what people have against it.

>> No.3282636

Pick up Flame Rings so your Black Mages can heal the party by dumping Firagas on them.

>> No.3282730

Three Berserkers all day erry day

>> No.3282750

How the hell does it work when you include the GBA Crystals? You'll have a job that's not in use. Doesn't that kind of go against what FJF is about?

>> No.3282805

>(if desired)

>> No.3282808

Sorry I meant to put Blue Mage. Will the ring thing work? I'm sure blu mages learn frie spells.

>> No.3282823

Oh, Blue Mage, you've already won the damn thing, no need for Flame Rings.

>> No.3282882

I rolled Thief/Time Mage/Geomancer/Dancer. How hard is this going to be? I haven't played FF5 in years.

>> No.3283002

You're not supposed to roll everything at once, you're supposed to roll as you get to the crystals.
This prevents you from buying shit in advance.

>> No.3283004

That doesn't answer the question.

>> No.3283071

I see. I will keep that in mind.

>> No.3283219

Care to explain? Usually on FF game I don't like the blu.

>> No.3283348

White Wind is the ultimate healing spell.

>> No.3283353

Blue Mages are often way over powered. They have a nice mix of offensive and defensive spells.

>> No.3283430


Add them to your rolls or don't in whatever way you like best. Do I need to tell you how to take a piss as well?

>> No.3283462

And then you're running around with five jobs which defeats the point of a four job fiesta.

>> No.3283519

Thief is one of the "worst" jobs in terms of direct combat, especially since Garula can be quite difficult, but definitely has its uses stealing gear from enemies.

>> No.3283552

You get such insane utility with Blue Mage, but it requires you to know where to get the spells.

>can equip most gear
>insanely useful spells that offer utility, healing and damage (including non-elemental damage)
>can break rods

You basically just stick Blue Mage secondary on pretty much everyone because that's how good it is.

>> No.3283746

What is breaking rods? I haven't played the game in forever.

>> No.3283754

It's when you use a rod as an item to cast a spell. The act of doing so in FFV destroys the rod, hence "Breaking" rods.

>> No.3283831

But it's not just any spell, it's a level 3 spell.

This trivializes a lot of the early and mid game, because you can cast insanely strong spells at no cost before you even have access to them.

>> No.3283843

Bravely default is better

>> No.3283849
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>> No.3283858

>at no cost
You still need to buy the rods.

>> No.3284083

Blue Magic is just straight up broken.

Level 5 death can one hit kill numerous bosses in the game, although some do require level manipulation like halving but that's easy enough to do.

>> No.3284437

i wonder if you can do a fiesta run in this game also?

>> No.3284452

Blue Mage and Chemist are the classic "Pssh, these jobs suck" at first glance classes that without any real effort actually just break the game over their knees.

>> No.3284665

I dislike having to remember all the combinations.
It's my loss, I guess.

>> No.3284728

You don't even need to remember all, or even most. Just a key few and you've broken the game.

>Captcha: Select all the drinks.

>> No.3284746

>not using legacy captcha

>> No.3284758

I've only played FF5 once a while back, seems like an interesting enough idea for a playthrough. What is the general consensus on the best version of FF5?

>> No.3284765

GBA. Preferably with music restoration and brightness hacks.

>> No.3284771

Thanks man

>> No.3284781

https://voidfox.com/bravery/ this site has options to make one like the twitter bot does if you scroll down to Final fantasy v

>> No.3284882

I don't need this because I can sign up for twitter and use tweets 5x a year without sperging out about it.

>> No.3285669

Probably new game plus, would be fun if it became a thing

>> No.3285816

Got white mage for my wind crystal job and Time mage for my water crystal. Only the dead can know peace from this hell...time to club things for hours I guess

>> No.3285836

>buy rods
>break rods
>breeze through the early game
It's not difficult, Anon. It's not even close to hell.

>> No.3285850

>break rods
I'm not too familiar with FF5 honestly so I don't really know what that is. I'll look into it.

>> No.3285886

If you use a rod (fire rod, ice rod etc) weapon in battle from the item screen, the rod will be used up and cast a -ga-level attack spell. That's called rod breaking. Basically lets you instakill bosses in the early game.

>> No.3285893

I got thief and summoner so far. I'm about to enter the fire ship. Solo thief wasn't fun.

>> No.3285903

Is there a time limit on this thing? Like a couple of weeks or something?

>> No.3285910

Cool, that'll be a life saver then.

>> No.3285916

It lasts a long time, I think it's like a month long thing.

You should be able to beat FF5 casually in a week or so.

>> No.3286605

>check registry today
>I got Monk

Fucking hell I forsee a repeat of last year... No magic incoming... I would've loved -any- magic class. Literally anything.

I guess I should just get started.

>> No.3286660

doesn't time mage get Comet, or is that only later on? Meteo is endgame, but Comet is not...

>> No.3286776

There is a god... I got Red Mage as my second job.

Thank you padre.

>> No.3286779

Question about a standard fiesta:

So, I get my four jobs (for sake of example: Blue, Samurai, Summoner, and Geomancer)

So the rules state I always have to have a job class in as I go, and by end game I must always have four different job classes.

But can I still use mastered abilities? Can I rotate around jobs amongst my characters so they can master things? Or is it "I made Butz my Geomancer now he's stuck there" sort of run?

>> No.3286805


If you get GilToss on one guy and then change him to a Blue mage you can equip him with GilToss.

You can do it that everyone only gets one job (I think it's the Natural one, where Butz gets the wind Job, Reina gets the Water job, Faris gets the fire job, and Galuf gets the Earth job)

But as much as this thing is a "set rules" you can obviously take some liberties with it. Like people have said, theres no reason to sit and do Omnicient with mage mashers if you didn't roll a magic class and don't have 2 reflect rings.

>> No.3287001

Started out with Monk, which should be handy at the beggining but later on... ehhh.
And just got the Water Crystal and it's... Time Mage. Guess I'm gonna be Kenshiro for a while.

>> No.3287017

Red Mage is one of the shittiest classes, though at least you have a source of healing now.

>> No.3287029

Its true, it's one of the shittier casters, but last time I did this I had to do Liquid Flame with Knight and Berserkers so this time was a joke because I just spammed Ice 2.

Having some kind of sustain, and not having to buy 1000 gil Phoenix downs, and just having access to literally any magic is just so much fucking better than none.

I got Ranger for my Fire crystal job, so it shouldn't be terrible. I can at least put X-fight on Monk so I should get 8 attacks, which should make it significantly better during the mid to late game.

Monk is probably the best starting class, that tapers off the worst (outside of thief, which never really gets useful outside of stealing). I still had some trouble with Garula, because he killed all my dudes, but I leveled once or twice and just used store/focus and punched the shit out of him.

>> No.3287032

Redmage is literally Blue mage lite, its not completely shit, at least he can heal and shit damage and break rods if he wants too, it could be a hundred times worse.

>> No.3287035

>I still had some trouble with Garula, because he killed all my dudes, but I leveled once or twice and just used store/focus and punched the shit out of him.
I opted for Chakra and relied on counters. It was a slow, slow fight.

>> No.3287039

I've gotten Red Mage in Natural, trust me, it is that shitty.

>> No.3287043

eh i never had much of a problem with them, but then again i actually like them, so there is that, it also doesn't help i never actually land decent mages and i'm always down either damage or healing without the redmages.

>> No.3287052

I'm currently grinding my four berserkers to beat soul cannon, I'd definitely take a redmage

I signed up for this though so i'm not really complaining

>> No.3287058

I sure hope you're on emulator and know the in and outs of the game, because you need some incredibly specific setups and luck to take on neo-ex death.

>> No.3287071

I'm playing the shit pc/ios version

I'm really familiar with the game though, I've been doing these for years. Last year I had 2 berserkers a knight and a mystic knight (with natural too so I couldn't give MYS 2 handed or knight magic sword) so this can't be that much worse

>> No.3287073

I saw a guy do it last year on stream, I think he was level 85 before he finally got lucky on Neo-Ex Death.

>> No.3287078

>four bersekers
>at Soul Cannon

How? Sandworm should have ended your run.

>> No.3287085

the berserkers just endlessly attack the first hole, i just had to make attempts til he came up when all four ATB filled up two times in a row, his healths pretty low fortunately, mage mashers do a lot. I got him on my second or third try, might've had phenomenal luck

I was level 23? i think, I'm massively overleveled and still working on more for soul cannon, currently 26

Also I'm not sure but i believe berserker+sandworm hole interactions might be different by verison, I'm playing steam version and they would only attack the front hole every time their turns came up

>> No.3287091
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Street Fighter - 18 - So, You Want To Be In Pictures [DarkDream].mkv_snapshot_11.45_[2016.06.12_05.26.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were supposed to die!

>> No.3287092

don't worry soul cannon is getting revenge

>> No.3287198

I got fucking Dancer again, god damnit.

My party setup is:

>Red Mage

Dancer was probably the worst job I could've gotten with my setup. I hate how unreliable the damage is since the only really good dance is sword dance.

I guess I'm just getting X-fight on everyone, then having a redmage...

Probably still better than Knight, Berserker, Ninja, Dancer

>> No.3287202


On the brightside Berserkers are smarter on the iOS\Steam version.

>> No.3287274

>tfw you get this

>> No.3288019

And the Fire job is... NINJA.
... At this point I'm going to be praying to get Chemist to cover all holes. But I doubt I'll be that lucky.

>> No.3288034


>> No.3288046

White mage/Mystic knight/Ninja/Dancer

Seems easy.

>> No.3288282


The only downside of starting with White Mage is you get to spend like 10 minutes poking Garula to death even with the Flail. Dancer's are also a bit squishy but otherwise solid lineup.

>> No.3288319

Yeah, the beginning was needlessly tedious. I kind of felt bad for Garula, it must be terrible to get poked to death like that.

After that it has felt like a normal run, except I don't think I've ever really used Dancers.

>> No.3288348

Just beat Fire Ship. So far I'm Thief/Summoner/Ninja/?. I've got power enough to kill stuff, but healing is a problem. I'm either chugging a ton of tonics after battle or constantly casting Sylph. I hope I can start buying potions soon.

>> No.3288384


Hi Potions aren't till world 2. Maybe you'll be lucky and get a Chemist for the earth crystal.

Don't forget though you do have a thief so steal anything that ain't nailed down and you should get some extra healing items.


Just keep in mind you'll be reviving your Dancer like very other turn against Neo Exdeath unless you grind.

>> No.3288398


Some setups you basically can't avoid grinding in the 4JF.

I gotta go fight Titan and the Bombs right now and I'm level 21 and I just can't kill them.

Red Mage Monk and Ranger/Dancer. Right now I just can't kill the bombs in one go. I probably just need to give everyone Red Magic and spam the shit out of Bolt 2 and Kick, but it's definitely not something I can do until I learn Red 3 which is like... fucking 150 AP.

>> No.3288449


Depending on the version you're using you may be able to silence the Purobolos's.

>> No.3288474

And finally... Samurai.
No healing at all. Oh boy.

>> No.3288480

>And finally... Samurai.

Samurai and Chemist are the 2 best Earth Jobs.

Dragoon and Dancer are terrible.

You can just farm money and spam Gil Toss with Samurai and literally win the game.

>> No.3288498

I honestly might just quit at this point.

I'm like 2/2 at this point with terrible classes.

I scroll through the player base and I see

>Blue Mage
>Mystic Knight

and all I can think of is "Fuck you buddy"

I think these challenges just aren't for me. It's not fun to sit and grind attempts on bosses, or just straight grind because you have a stupid setup and you can't effectively kill things.

FF5 is probably one of the best designed FF's. The game knows exactly what you have access to in terms of Jobs, Magic and what abilities and equipment you should have access to.

It's not even just stuff like Omnicient that got mentioned itt. It's stuff like Garula, and Liquid Flame, and Ifrit, and Byblos, and Sand Worm, and Laser Cannon.

It just goes on and on and on. If you got a shitty party comp you're basically fucked the entire game, which just means you're grinding to hedge your bets.

>> No.3288504

Which classes did you get?

>> No.3288519

Thief, Berserker, Geomancer, Dragoon.

So yeah, I'm fucked 100%

>> No.3288550

In theory you can paralyze Titan with the Ranger's !Animal command, as long as the user is level 20 or more

>> No.3288568

I beat Titan, its the byuououorurourouos' that are making me want to kill myself. My damage isn't high enough to consistnetly knock them all out, and 1 or 2 usually lives resulting in basically a reset.

>> No.3288578

Break a rod or two or three while fighting for survival

>> No.3288579

Did a 750 run for my first fiesta.

Black Mage/Red Mage/Geomancer/Chemist

I really really hate grinding, so can I still break the game using the Chemist without getting 99 of each of the ingredients? I also hate looking shit up too, so I think I'll just limit myself to using 5 mix recipes total.

>> No.3288587

Time Mage will carry you. Thief will get you good shit, so look up good steals.Dancer will have to rely on the Chicken Knife, Dancer Equipment, and Sword Dance.

You can beat the game!

>> No.3288589

If you're careful you can buy most of the basic ingredients for cheap and rely on the chest and boss drops for the big effects.
Chemist can, using two basic and relatively cheap items, revive a character with full HP and MP. (Phoenix Down + Maiden's Kiss).
For the other game breaking effect you just need Holy Water + Antidote to add 10 levels to a character, increasing the damage output.

>> No.3288617

First time doing the fjf and I rolled White mage/Mystic Knight/Geomancer/Samurai

Could be better, but I'm not complaining.

Garula with 4 white mages and the Soul Cannon fights were both wars of attrition and not having reliable magic kinda sucks, but everyone having white magic has kinda made things easymode so far.

>> No.3288657

I finally beat soul cannon with my berserkers at level 27 with 4 doom sickles

I farmed doom sickles for hours last night and never got one and today I got all 4 in under half an hour, I wonder if there was something wrong with the harvesters I was killing, i did change locations for today

>> No.3288759

if you m ove very carefully you can set the purobolos up for a 1-kick death with basic attacks and other damage

also is there any reason you cant just wait for them to all self destruct while ressing?

>> No.3288796

I lucked out this year with easy mode classes, will probably do a second run after this one.


>tfw you are sneezing on bosses to win AND have someone who can use the healing rod

>> No.3288885

Came here to post this, though you're probable past the fight by now. They also run out of mp sooner or later so for anyone else that may have trouble with them should try to just focus on keeping your own health up and eventuallly they won't be able to rez each other anymore

>> No.3289193

I was actually taking a break, doing some "auto-grinding" with my Ascii fighter stick's autofire and occasionally just jostling the stick around and healing/saving

I actually used the Mute strategy. The thing that sucks is I don't like resorting to guides. So I figure most bosses to be relatively status immune. I think I may just have to have a walkthrough or FAQ open from now on.

I made it to just before the Moogle Village and I'm at like level 26 so I'm a bit over leveled, but it hasn't been too bad yet.

Butz is a Ranger like 370 AP from X-attack, usually he's bare handing since bows suck or critters secondary and in the back row.

Faris is a Monk with Critters secondary (surprisingly useful, mostly for Nightingale), I'll swap Butz and Faris once Butz finishes Ranger

Reina is my Red Mage and she's probably 800 AP from Dual Cast, I'll probably just leave her red mage the whole game, she's also got Critters secondary

Galuf is my dancer, and he's got bare fist so I can dish out some pretty OK damage if he sword dances. I'll probably swap out barefist for X-attack and equip him with a dancing dirk when I get it.

Can Dancing Dirk proc during X-attack?

Otherwise it hasn't been that bad. 4-5 levels makes an insane difference.

>> No.3289227

One thing that's kinda nice about the limitations is it doesn't take nearly as long to check everything's weaknesses since you don't have access to a ton, if you want to keep at semi blind

>> No.3289240

Titan is a pain in the ass with some setups but the Bombs are a fucking joke against anyone who can break rods.

>> No.3289342
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This is karma for me getting blue mage.

>> No.3289345

>Karma for getting Blue mage

Wow it's fucking nothing.jpeg

If you get a Blue Mage, you should be contractually obligated to donate 100 bucks or run a 2+ berserker run in tandem.

It's the single most broken class in the entire challenge.

>> No.3289348

i hate the blue mage to be honest

>> No.3289372

Ok, I got White Mage, Berserker, and Bard. How the fuck do I beat Byblos? With Protect, his Drain counter out-damages any single attack I can make. Do I just gotta grind it out or what?

>> No.3289381


That's pretty true. You can do so much goofy shit with dark spark and level spells.

>> No.3289390

Go back to Karnak and buy like a dozen of each:

>Fire Rods
>Ice Rods
>Thunder Rods

Break them on your White Mage.

He should die in literally like 3 breaks of fire rods

>> No.3289398


White mages can't break rods. He's probably just gonna have to grind a bit and hope the berserkers can go ham enough.

>> No.3289403

Chemist is more broken but it's nowhere close to as available as Blue Mage.

>> No.3289405

Yeah you're right, I haven't gotten white mage in so long so I forgot.

Yeah probably just need to grind the berserkers unfortunately.

>> No.3289502

white mages are pretty much just support characters that do nothing but hold heal staves

>> No.3290743

I got to Castle Val and grinded like 500 AP so I'm pretty close to Dual Cast on Reina and I got X-Fight (Sshot I guess in my version) on Butz and Faris.

Should be a lot smoother sailing now. I may go grind some more and just get Dualcast on Reina. Galuf is kind of just my whatever guy at this point.

>> No.3290848

Well. Exdeath's first fight WAS tough.
And then I said "fuck it" and MADE IT RAIN.
Focusing Ninja with one twinlance and an airknife did decent damage.
But the Samurai's GP Toss provided the definite damage boost I need to outrace him.
Healing is a bitch.
I really hope the game doesn't end up being a grind for gold just to fuel more GP Tosses.

>> No.3290856

Gil Toss is probably going to be the way you beat most of the bosses in the game. Especially Neo-Ex Death

>> No.3292825

Just tried taking on the 4 crystals before Galuf dies and got my rump ravaged.

Any tips?

>> No.3292828

What comp do you have

In any case try to minimize the time they are at low life as that's what triggers them casting their big multi target magic, focus them down 1 by 1 and try to sync all four characters turns for max damage to take one out and skip that part entirely

Reflect is good if you have it, as is float

>> No.3293018

>Reflect is good if you have it
Shoulda grinded those Reflect Knights for 4 reflect rings, bro!

>> No.3293054

I did for my berserkers though I actually think we could've done it without it, the crystals went down weirdly easy the only magic I saw from them was a single earthquake

The reflect rings are hugely useful for exdeath though who is currently bopping me

>> No.3294142
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my first FF

trying to plat it again

>> No.3294149
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>> No.3294152
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ive only ever played using turbo mode for most of the game

i dont know if i can play any other way

>> No.3294160

Turbo mode is irrelevant for the challenge. It's mostly about planning and exploiting the abilities you get.

>> No.3294163


also install Custom Classes mod if the normal game has grown stale for you

I don't understand why the fuck people need to rely on randomized and over complicated shit to enjoy their games

>> No.3294168

It's a special event, though? I can replay the game at any time normally. It's just fun to try to do a challenge run.

>> No.3294210

I considered grinding for reflect rings but I honestly didn't want to grind for hours to get them.

>why do people enjoy challenges playthroughs
>why don't people want to install shitty fanfiction tier mods

>people need to rely on randomized and over complicated shit to enjoy the game

I actually enjoy FF5 more playing it casually then in the 4JF, but the 4JF forces you to actually think instead of just spamming the most OP shit. A 4JF is more satisfying at the end, but a standard is way more enjoyable and paced better as a game.

But fuck off with that attitude.

>> No.3294221

>first time doing fork tower
>put wrong characters up wrong side
>no items left to get back out

>> No.3294223

>forces you to actually think instead of just spamming the most OP shit.
To be completely honest ALL my runs before I learned about the Fiesta were just aiming for absolute completion and I just kept using the most basic shit to get through (like black and white magic).
Then I had to forcefully learn about how absolutely amazing classes like BARD were. And Chemist. Oh boy, Chemist.

>> No.3294235

FF5 is incredibly well designed.

It knows exactly what you have access to, or could have access to. So when you fight Ex-Death the first time and he's spamming high level magic, the game knows you should have access to Carbuncle, Reflect Rings, or at the very least the Reflect Spell to help against him.

Or something like Omnicient which is ridiculous for certain setups, is a complete joke to others.

Then there are jobs like you said, Bard that appear worthless on paper, but are surprisingly useful.

>> No.3294327

>x-attack + 2 of that weapon that hits twice

>> No.3294332

>>3288348 here. Just got the Earth crystal. Looks like I'm Thief/Summoner/Ninja/Dancer. How fucked am I?

>> No.3294358

You did alright, thief can steal lots of neat stuff, summoner provides utility and magic damage, ninja's a strong frontliner and has some elemental as well and dancer is cute

>> No.3294392

Don't forget about the Summoner's Remora early on. Paralysis is great, when the enemy is vulnerable.
Later on Golem is pretty awesome.

>> No.3294405


no one who has access to dual wielding sword dance is fucked

Get all the dancer gear, then get the Chicken Knife and charge it up. 9999 damage for days, son. DAYS.

>> No.3294472


Doesn't actually work.

Twin Lance can only hit once during X-fight since it counts as a spell hit. Same with Dancing dagger, you can't get sword dances out of it.

The bonus is you also can't get chicken knife procs off of it, so you can utilize it.

>> No.3294495

My 4 IOS/PC berserkers with their non random targeting (they all just focus down the front enemy and move through them 1 by 1) have served me well up til now but I don't think there's any way I can kill Wendigo without some really insane luck, I'd need 4-5 turns in a row of him being on the front row for chicken knife to kill him at my current damage

There's not much to get in istory or elsewhere anyway besides the best axe so I guess it's time to begin the final big grind for end game, fortunately the game crashing bug with chicken knife is fixed so i can use it at least

>> No.3294796

Omniscient wasn't a problem.
Just very very very dull!
Didn't help that I rushed in without checking my setup properly.
I had a Ninja and a Time Mage... But I forgot to set !Time with the Ninja. And I forgot to equip the only 2 reflect rings I had, too.
The battle ended up being a single cast of OLD and SLOW. And several, SEVERAL castings of Comet.
The elemental spells at the very end were doing ~700 damage, but the Ninja was almost able to use two hi-potions in the time it took the Time Mage to cast one spell. And the old and slowed Omniscient could get one spell out every... very many Ninja actions. So, yeah.
Time Mage ended up biting the bullet with Flare in the end. But eh, it's just AP.

>> No.3295061

And in the end I decided to take a half hearted dive at Neo Exdeath.
A Fiesta of Return casts! Including a desperate Wonder Wand one when the one character without Time Magic was left standing.
Due to awful survivability and low damage output I had to whip something up on the go.

Nothing too out there, sadly. Quick abuse! The Samurai got as many Giltosses as he was able while the Ninja slammed a focused Chicken Knife+Legendary Ninja Sword.
The Time Mage added a few Meteos at the very end, but mostly spread the elixirs/phoenix downs/hastegas around.
And the Monk, uh. He was there. Jack of all trades in emergency support and a few rounds of punches when I had some rare room to breathe.
Last year I had it way too easy, this time I had to struggle. Still super fun!

>> No.3295095

>Black Mage, Time Mage, Ninja, Dragoon
gotta admit that's pretty tempting

>> No.3295448

Im currently powering up my chicken knife so I can stand a chance in the N-zone.

I grinded so much because my party setup is so garbage that I just outright bought

>4 angel rings
>4 coral rings
>4 fire rings

So yeah... should be good once my chicken knife is maxed damage.

>> No.3295464

>Im currently powering up my chicken knife so I can stand a chance in the N-zone.

Should've went for the Brave Blade, and mastered 2-handed + X-fight. That way you can do 8x 5000+ damage hits in one attack, and it ignores enemy evade too.
Combine it with sword magic and you can kill Omega (optional superboss, way stronger than the final boss), in two or three rounds.

also make sure you have Big Guard.

>> No.3295480

brave blade is actually terrible if you run from even like 2 encounters it's damage is fucking ruined.

Chicken Knife is way better, and it can still use the Magic Sword + X-fight combo.

>> No.3295605

Did you guys learn anything cool from this fiesta? I learned that geomancer isn't that bad. In fact, it's actually kind of good. I'm just past Drakenvale and it hasn't fallen off yet.

>> No.3295820

tfw mystic knight & chemist

>> No.3295838

>brave blade is actually terrible if you run from even like 2 encounters it's damage is fucking ruined.

What kind of pussy runs from battles?

>> No.3295843

Guys who go for the Elven Mantle in the basement.

>> No.3295875

what's wrong with mystic knight

>> No.3295985

i've been waiting for the level trickers to use level 2 old on me for like 20 minutes

they won't fucking do it

>> No.3295991


update: they ran out of mp

>> No.3296094

Geomancer becomes COMPLETE shit after Drakenvale and are worthless in the Rift without good other skills pulling their weight. Drakenvale is by far the high point for Geomancers.

>> No.3296201


Well I didn't know you could recharge the magic lamp.

I usually just spammed it on Neo-Ex Death but the 3 stooges you fight for the lithograph in the deep sea trench can be killed with Odin making a really fucking annoying fight for some setups completely trivial.

Knowing you can spam the magic lamp makes the merged world a shitload easier. Should litereally just get it ASAP and you can recharge it after every major fight if you chose to, which means you can do
>Mega Flare
>Gungir/whatever its called Zenstatsu or whatever

On like every boss encounter. Same thing iwth the N-Zone if you were really having trouble. You could spam magic lamp, leave, recharge, walk out, recharge it, get to next boss and repeat all the way to Ex-Death.

I also have a lot more appreciation for the chicken knife. I also resent anyone who got

>Blue Mage
>Mystic Knight

Absolutely disgusting setups possible with those.

>> No.3296253

>trying to fight the crystals with a berserker in the party and no group healing


>> No.3296265

Count the damage, buff up and bust open those elixirs/hi-pots/healing staff if you can. And when a crystal gets in danger mode, go to town on it.

>> No.3296272


I've been counting the damage, but even if I go nuts on it the second I get it into DANGER MODE, my party can't do enough damage to kill it before it gets off two spells and wipes me.

I know they're not immune to death, and I know that death very occasionally works on them, and I have a doom axe, so I'm probably just going to rely on that proccing.

>> No.3296280

Nothing. It's a weaker knight who can charge swords with elemental damage. But doesn't protect allies, which sucks, and charging up takes a round.

And I've never used them but doesn't Chemist potions basically break the game completely?

>> No.3296281

What are your other classes?
But yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

>> No.3296284


update: it worked

>> No.3296302

I think the original post was referring to how GOOD it was to get those classes.

Also yes. The level up potions (or the Bard's Hero's Rhyme) don't change your actual level but modify your level for the sake of damage calculations. Which means that with ~4 uses of the weaker level potion you can easily have a physical class dealing 9999 with each weapon strike.
And that's just for starters.


>> No.3296319


My other classes were blue mage (which is good in every other situation), geomancer, and dragoon. I didn't have a single way to deal with the wind crystal, which sucked ass. Dunno what I would've done if I didn't luck out and get a doom axe in world 1.

>> No.3296437

nothing it's an extremely broken combo

>> No.3296480

Fucking thief fucking cock fuck

>> No.3296484

I just realized that I should probably just keep a save file of just after the wind crystals

>> No.3296492


>tfw I have a cheat save in case I get shit classes with all jobs mastered at X-death with level 60
>tfw I just end up using that save for most of the 4JF

>> No.3296496

During my entire run I wanted a thief so I could steal some useful gear and items. They're speedy so as long as you have them with a decent secondary ability they can do their job.

>> No.3296497

Is speed that useful?

>> No.3296580


Speed is a pretty critical factor in damage calculations, as well as just filling your ATB faster.

>> No.3296583

Do tell - is this weapon specific?

>> No.3296584


>> No.3296587

Cool, will take a look. Any quick takeaways?

>> No.3296770

I didnt actually read it but my takeaway from this whole game is that knife is the best weapon class

>> No.3296817

Well I've been cleaning clocks on my way through the N-Zone.

I just killed Azulmagia with minimal effort, and I remember my last 4JF (Knight, Berserker, Ninja, Dancer) getting absolutely fucked by him multiple times.

This one has gone a lot smoother. I think it's just because Sshot/X-fight is fucking insane. Krile with the Yoichi Bow does 800x4 and crits for 1600 fairly often. Butz is doing 550x8 as a monk, and Faris is doing 550x4 as Dancer with Assassins Dagger, Reina is just kind of being my Red Mage with shitty healing at this point.

I'm about to go against Catastrophe and Twintania, so hopefully it goes alright.

>> No.3297135

Neo Ex-Death feels like a crapshoot, same with Twintania.

Twintania is basically: if you get Gigaflared you're dead.

First attempt on neo-ex death resulted in him immediately casting Almagest and wiped me.

This is exactly why I hate the 4JF because it feels like dumb luck. I can sword dance for 9999 but even with the dancer gear it still fucks up constantly. My guys can't survive one of his super attacks even if my monk is in the back row.

>> No.3297156

>Twintania is basically: if you get Gigaflared you're dead.
When he charges it up he's vulnerable to many status effects, including death. Dunno if the assassin's dagger would do the trick. But that could be a solution.

>> No.3297271


You can kill Twintania with Odin while he's charging giga flare.

>> No.3297321

That's actually really easy. You should have farmed up the Death Sickles in world 1 - they're not immune to instant death, and this is in fact the best strategy for anyone who has a Berserker in their party.

>> No.3297335

Is there anything more comfy than watching puwexil run a FJF?

>> No.3297359

Twintania is vulnerable to all forms of instant death when he's charging for giga flare, so Assassin Dagger should kill him. Just switch your turn over to Faris and wait until he starts charging.

Against Neo X-Death, go back and collect the Magic Lamp. You can use it to summon Odin and kill one of his parts instantly. (Note: the normal Odin summon will use Gungnir, only Magic Lamp Odin will use Zantetsuken against Neo X-Death). It kills the Delta Force part and doesn't solve the Almagest problem, but it will at least make things easier and make your X-Fight more focused. Go back and get Chicken Knife for Faris, too.

>> No.3297495

What are the best accessories for X-death?

I have Kaiser Knuckles on my Monk, Angel Rings, Coral Rings, Fire Rings, an Elven Mantle.

I honestly feel like my Red Mage is just useless for this fight besides spamming res since the damage is so pathetic. I'll probably just use them to spam the magic lamp.

>> No.3297627

>I'll probably just use them to spam the magic lamp.
You know to save your magic lamp uses for the Neo-Exdeath, right? Odin kills the back part of him in one go.

>> No.3297636
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This should be your bible.

>> No.3297695

Ribbon for your Dancer, of course (if you didn't get one in the Pyramid, you can get one in Regole's weapon shop)

Generally, I'd advise Odining away the Delta Force part, and then focusing on the middle, Almagest-casting one. If you get Chicken Knife, I'd probably even suggest using Aim as your Ranger instead of Rapid Fire, since Neo X-Death has invisible parts that serve to soak Rapid Fire damage. Once the middle part is dead, the rest should be easy; just take care to finish off the two remaining sections simultaneously to avoid getting Meteor'd.

>> No.3297739

>save your magic lamp uses
You can recharge it. It takes some backtracking, but not too much.

>> No.3298058
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Pulled white Mage for my first job here we go!

>> No.3298139

Just picked this up for the ps1 today, game seems pretty ugly compared to 4 and 6, what am I to expect from it?

>> No.3298148

Isn't that one of the worst versions along with the mobile/steam ones?

Anyways, expect the best FF game, gameplay wise.

>> No.3298150

I pity you.
Other than that an excellent jRPG that took FF3's Job System and made it better in every possible way, allowing for dozens of different ways to play the game.
A bunch of tricky boss fights with interesting scripts you need to think through.
An interesting TWEEEEST (though it was hardly the first time this happened in jRPGs - see: DQIII and FF3 again).
And FF7 before FF7.

>> No.3298164

Not that guy, but what's wrong with the PS1 version? I'm currently playing the one from Anthology and aside from having a bit of a wonky translation (i.e. item and action names not jiving with their counterparts later in the series), it seems fine. People often complain about the load times, but I don't really notice them. It does take a second to open and close the menu, however, that is really pretty negligible. And if you know about the couple of game breaking glitches (that are present in other versions as well), then they are a non-issue.

>> No.3298173

What's wrong with the ps1 version? when I played it for a bit all I noticed was the sound was a bit off, but that's probably cuz I was playing on ps3 ( I won't be doing that again tho since you can't play it in 4:3)

>> No.3298179
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>roll white mage
>have a relatively easy, if exceedingly slow time in the early game
>get to Walse Tower
>mfw Garula

>> No.3298184

>you can't play it in 4:3

Press the home button while playing the game. Go to Other Options and change the screen mode from Full Screen to Normal. That should change it to 4:3.

>> No.3298186

Awful translation.

Go get the elf cape.

>> No.3298190

All that's there is smoothing

>> No.3298208

Is it honestly just poor translation? Cuz if it is it don't bother me

>> No.3298212

Load times, absolutely shit translation.

>> No.3298215

Red Mage is good for healing your party to full with doublecast Fira.

>> No.3298216

PSX also has horrid load times. And the translation is truly terrible, with gems like Wyvern being translated as Y-Burn.

>> No.3298224
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>> No.3298232

You're doing it wrong. You need to roll every time you get a crystal. And until you get the next Job you're stuck using only the ones you have.

>> No.3298235

Anthology or PSN? It's there on my Anthology version. You could also try forcing your tv's aspect ratio to 4:3 if it has that option.

>> No.3298238

>with gems like Wyvern being translated as Y-Burn

But that is part of the fun. What sucks about it is trying to look up enemies in guides when they have completely different names.

>> No.3298310

I got:

Wind Job: Thief
Water Job: Time Mage
Fire Job: Bard
Earth Job: Chemist

How screwed am I?

>> No.3298313

Thief is essential.
Time Mega starts slow, but gets some game breaking shit later on... if you have other spells to use. Still, Comet and Meteo are good, and you can slow down enemies and cast haste on yourself.

Chemist is game breaking.

... dunno what to say about Bard though. I recall they have a song that is massively powerful against undead, but that's it?

>> No.3298317


Before like 2008 my only exposure to ff5 was the ps1 version

I still mentally note lenna as reina because of it and other minor things like syldra<->hydra

>> No.3298319

You're more than fine. The Bard's charming and stop songs work far more often than you'd think. They can make random encounters a non issue. And the stop song even works on some bosses. Like Omega.
And the Chemist can spam level up potions to quickly upgrade damage. And do fullheals. And cast protective spells.
Time Mage is overall useful and early on can break rods to trivialize boss fights.
And Thief can provide you with rare items and components for the Chemist. With the Chicken Knife it can also be your top physical attacker.

>> No.3298320

Time Mage can also break rods and equip the Healing Staff.

>> No.3298321

>... dunno what to say about Bard though. I recall they have a song that is massively powerful against undead, but that's it?

Hero's Rhyme, the Bard's last song, gradually increases the entire party's level for the purposes of damage calculations. Earlier than that the Speed Song can speed you up until your turns are instantaneous.
Also the Charm Song and Stop Song I mentioned.
Oh and free Regen cast for the entire party, if you want.

>> No.3298335

Could someone explain to me exactly how you enjoy this game?

Do you fight random battles or only boss fights? Do you go in blind or do you look up information about classes and skills? Why do you play this "four job" thing, doesn't it just decrease the depth of the gameplay and make battles way more repetitive? What specifically makes it enjoyable?

>> No.3298337

>What specifically makes it enjoyable?
It's a challenge run for those familiar with FFV.

>> No.3298340

The game is pretty easy if you play normally. The FJF adds a new bit of challenge to the whole thing. Plus, it forces you to use jobs that you normally ignore and come up with new strategies.

>> No.3298368

>never actually used blue mage before the fiesta
>get blue mage in the fiesta
>one shotting tons of bosses with combinations of dark spark, level 2 old, and level 5 death

what the fuck this is awesome. this is way cooler than dual wield rapid fire spellblading everything.

>> No.3298517
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That's how I feel about Beastmaster. I feel like you can do a TON with the right preparation. It's a fun job to have

>> No.3298536

>it's another "boss that uses illusions" episode
god dammit, i hate this gimmick

>> No.3298547

When everything else fails, Hide until the boss runs out of MP.

>> No.3298557


>bard and chemist, the dream team

You're fine, although life's gonna be rough until you get the water crystal.

>> No.3298737
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Blue Magic is BEST magic.

>> No.3298778

but blue mages look like fucking goofs

>> No.3299476

Is there a better way to grind my berserkers to 99

I have a setup with rubber bands to make them automatically get into encounters and kill stuff but I can't find anything to keep them alive forever

If I could find an enemy that uses fire or water damage I could absorb it with rings maybe but I'm unaware of anything

I'm in the third world trying to grind to as high as possible ( I guess maybe 99 though I intend to try sooner) for neo exdeath

I'd feel a little guilty about the rubber bands but this whole setup literally only works because of the berserkers themself so it somehow feels semi legitimate

>> No.3299872


I assume you're in the N-Zone walking up on that peice of sand that pushes you down constantly.

Theres really no way around it. You have to stop and heal occasionally.

There isn't a faster way to "auto-grind" unless you're on emulator with speedup.

Kind of sucks, but you don't need to get to 99.

I've seen Neo-Ex Death killed in the 80's with Berserkers. Going to 99 is basically just hedging your bets.

>> No.3300176
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>trying to steal flame shields from grenades

>> No.3300217

At least you can equip shields. I have to stare at an empty spot on the equip screen until I can teach everyone 2-hand.

>> No.3300805
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Has anyone else finished? I was considering doing another, but I think I'll just do it once per year, despite how eager I am to see what it's like to not be carried by blue magic through the entire game.

>> No.3300831

I'm still in World 2.

>> No.3300875
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The laws of Fiesta are absolute!
I'm still considering a second run, but I kinda want to resume my tour through the PS2 RPG library.

>> No.3301298

I'm on Neo-Ex Death and I just don't want to continue. The only way I win against him is if I get lucky Sword Dance procs, since X-fight isn't reliable due to the 2 dummy parts that just take zero damage. I can't survive Almagest and if he uses Grand Cross I'm also dead.

So my options are basically to grind or cheat the 4JF. I think I'll just give up.

>> No.3301307


What are your jobs?

>> No.3301316


Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Dancer.

Level 43.
All jobs mastered on everyone, except Red Mage on Bartz.

>> No.3301335

This would require some preparation and attempt grinding but you could kill the almaghest piece with a cast of Break from the wonder rod wielded by a red mage, the chance to hit is bad though

After that you can kill the other 2 parts normally with aim or even just attack or whatever and finish the last one with odin from the magic lamp to avoid meteor spam

>> No.3301354

The thing is I've done all this. If I don't get Sword Dance procs I lose, I took X-fight off my dancer to give him +30% HP so I can survive an Almagest.

If I miss the wonder rod I lose. If I don't get Sword Dances I lose. My Monk is basically worthless in the fight besides surviving hits, and the ranger seems like he aims for the fucking dummies every time. Red Mage is relegated to Wonder Wand + Magic Lamp spam.

I've probably done 30 attempts and I just don't feel a need to continue.

>> No.3301576

You can also use the Magic Lamp. When Odin appears with it, he always kills one of the parts. More effective than Break spell i think.

>> No.3301745

When Reina/Lenna temporarily leaves the party, is whatever job she currently has off limits until she returns?

>> No.3301758


I'm pretty sure you're allowed to sack whichever one of your jobs you like the least during that time.

>> No.3302143


If it's a natural run you're supposed to only use one job per person.

Otherwise, you can just use whatever 3 of the 4 jobs you have unlocked.

>> No.3304125

why did you use spoiler?

>> No.3304367

Because some people might not have played the game yet.

>> No.3306058
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>Got everyone LV5 Death on the Library after not saving for like 3 hours

>> No.3306064

goofed it.

>> No.3306159

I got

Monk, Berserker, Beastmaster, and samurai. Felt like cheating at Soul Cannon with only 2 monks, a Beastmaster, and berserker

>> No.3307442
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>> No.3307530

Just catch 3 Chimeras and Aquabreath the shit out of it

>> No.3309181

Fuck Odin. I wouldn't even bother if I didn't have a summoner. I had that asshole dead, but he kept talking and ran out the timer. I guess I'll just have to come back later.

>> No.3309193

What's your lineup

>> No.3309439

I share those feelings. I have White-Red-Bard-Summoner for my party and both Odin and Fork Tower are pains in the ass. Beating Bahamut was easy piece though. I think we'll have to get grindy to progress (current levels are 27 or so)

>> No.3309467

I kind of set it aside and haven't picked it up since. I think I'm burnt out on JRPGs in general lately. Also I've never actually played through FF5 normally, so it's kind of been nagging me that maybe I should just play through once regularly before doing any sort of self-imposed challenge.

>> No.3309545

Thief casting Hydra
Ninja 2-handing Sasuke and Assassin dagger
Summoner breaking rods
Dancer casting Hydra

Nobody has learned 2-swords yet. Krile is getting close. I was thinking about grinding her out, getting the dancer gear, and hope Sword Dance can finish him off. I'm probably trying to take him on too early seeing as I just got the airship back.

>> No.3309556

Isn't he vulnerable to Stop? And the Red Mage can break rods to speed up the damage.

>> No.3309559

Odin is also vulnerable to Stone, doesn't Shoat or whatever work?

>> No.3309561

I didn't know that. Looks like it's time to spam Shoat.

>> No.3310832

omniscient is such a fucking chode

>> No.3310931

If you can berserk him he's cake.

>> No.3311420

Uh no.

iirc Omnicients physical attacks hit like a truck specifically to fuck over guys who try to use it.

>> No.3311740

you pretty much have to have golem and cast him every turn

>> No.3313869

If you have a summoner, you're better off casting Carbuncle and keeping reflect up at all times. He can't do shit you, unless reflect wears off just before his turn.

>> No.3316214

Yeah taht guy had some shitty backwards ass logic

>"Normal" summoner battle vs. Omnicient
>Spam whatever until Reflect wears off and recast

>This retards way
>Berserk Omnicient
>Have one of your characters dedicated to casting Golem every turn

You literally lose 3x the damage, because with Carbuncle you reflect Omnicients powerful magic back at him, giving you 2 guys hitting him + omnicient vs. the other way which is one guy dealing damage.

>> No.3316242

my summoner's levels weren't high enough to summon carbuncle

>> No.3316270

You should still be able to summon it with your dedicated summoner. As long as you have a summon, a summoner can use it. It doesn't matter if they have learned !Summon5 or whatever yet.

>> No.3317436
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All i need is 2 grand crosses without anybody getting toaded/stoned/deathed/zombied and I can beat neo exdeath

I can see it, I've hit the last part a few times already

>> No.3317620

Is the back section of Neo Exdeath vulnerable to instant death procs from the Assassin Knife

>> No.3317708

Got finished in about 40 hours on my run and I used the speedup feature of my emulator A LOT.

In fact, the game even felt short compared to all I went through in IV and VI to IX.

I finished FFIX last boss with this setup... All characters dead except Vivi...who was berserk at the time with a regen ability. The boss never did more damage to Vivi than what regen gave him back.

Went for a drink and came back to see Vivi had poked FFIX to death with a rod.

Finished about an hour ago, first time going further in FFV than the second crystal.

>> No.3317734

You dense motherfucker. You don't choose jobs for visuals, do you?

>> No.3319107 [DELETED] 

I'm Neo X-Death with a thief/summoner/ninja/dancer level 38 average. He just wiped my party with a single Ultragust that dealt more damage than anyone had HP. Am I too low level? Is there any strategy I can use?

>> No.3319112

Is the Four Job Fiesta a type of challenge run where you need to know everything there is to know about the game? Like doing a Solo run in FF1?

>> No.3319116

I'm at Neo X-Death with a thief/summoner/ninja/dancer level 38 average. He just wiped my party with a single Ultragust that dealt more damage than anyone had HP. Am I too low level? Is there any strategy I can use?

>> No.3319175

Not neccessarily, but it's generally good to have some knowledge of the game, e.g having played through it normally once or twice. It's mainly about figuring out how to get past obstacles that your current party is facing that wouldn't otherwise be a problem in a normal run, so the more you know about the game the better.

>> No.3319315

What accesories and armor do you have equipped?

>> No.3319332

Hell yes, Lenna gets monk every time.

>> No.3319337
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I pity those who betray the brave blade.

>> No.3319338

Summoner - Air Knife, Hairpin, Black Robe, Fire Ring and Dance.
Thief - Thief Knife, Black Hood, Black Costume, Fire Ring and Summon.
Dancer - Chicken Knife, Assassin Knife, Lamia's Tiara, Prism Dress, Fire Ring and 2-sword.
Ninja - Sasuke, Double Lance, Black Hood, Black Costume, Fire Ring and Summon.

I also have 4 Coral Rings, 3 Protect Rings, 4 Wall Rings, 3 Elf Cloaks, 1 Winged Shoes, and 1 Angel Ring. There is no way around Ultragust unless it can be reflected. It deals ~1600 to everyone and my Ninja has the highest HP at ~1450.

>> No.3319356

Hm. I'd go for the Protect Rings to up your magic defense a bit. Between that, RNG and frantically using items and Phoenix, you shoud be able to get through.
Other than that, I just don't know. You'd need a ton of grinding to compensate otherwise. If you make it to Almagest with everyone in top shape you should have a chance to survive. It might not be much, but at least it makes it more exciting! ... right?

>> No.3319392

Is there a summon that gives Shell? if so definitely use that it'll help a ton

>> No.3319419

It'd be awesome if there was, but no. Carbuncle's reflect and Golem's physical blocks are all he has.

>> No.3319468


Not as much as I pity those who have to slog through the game without running from a single encounter.

It's just not worth it.

>> No.3319585

Especially not since Knight is the only class that can use it in FJF, Knight has Excalibur and its godsend of a Holy element, and HAS almost guaranteed access to Ragnarok because if you have a White Mage, a Chemist, or anyone at all in the party who can use the Wonder Wand, you can stack agility gear on them, put the auto-haste accessory on them, then berserk Shinryu while the party is in critical HP and laugh as your Knight makes him completely impotent with !Guard.

>> No.3319594

I groaned when I got Knight last year, but yeah, that Shinryu strategy was very rewarding.
Specially when I always struggled with both megabosses, trying to strong-arm my way without considering strategy.

>> No.3320009

level 92 can't defeat neo exdeath

I really dont want to have to thief knife bonemails and aegis shields

>> No.3321934

Me and a friend are playing through zsnes. Got white mage first and it was pretty suffering. Fighting Garula with one flail sucks ass and we have up on the elf cape. Was worth it though because we got mystic knight next.

We're right after big bridge now. We've got White mage, Mystic Knight, Beastmaster and Dancer.

>> No.3321945



>> No.3321964

Yeah I've been struggling

I got bone mails and aegis shields and zombies now gonna give that a shot, my PC version changes that let me skirt by sandworm have taken revenge on me with unblockable (via aegis shield) almagest, more dangerous grand cross (maybe? maybe i just feel that way because it can instantly end attempts now) and for the first time focusing down parts isn't a good thing because it ensures I have to tank meteors

I also can't underflow magic and use the gaia hammer quakes for major AOE damage either, though exdeath has no dummy parts absorbing swings so that's pretty nice

I think I can win I just need enough luck in one attempt

>> No.3323183

Wait, how does halving any level make it divisible by 5? I guess it rounds it?

>> No.3323238

I'm guessing it rounds up. Equipping a Gold Hairpin, which halves all MP costs, makes Phoenix cost 50 MP instead of 99 MP.

>> No.3323259


It rounds down, actually. Very useful for, off the top of my head, Atomos, who is level 41.

>> No.3323339

I was/am actually playing this game for the first time before finding this thread.
I played it almost to the end over 10 years ago, but I remember little. Mostly the exploding castle and escaping with 2 seconds left.

>> No.3324541
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>First FJF I'll actually be completing
>Rolling the jobs as I get the crystals
>Black Mage, now Red Mage

Please RNG gods, I need some melee, and RM longsword damage just isn't good enough.

>> No.3324562

>Double Cast tier3 magic

Fuck right off.

>> No.3324564

You can use Level 2 old, which slowly reduces a characters level to hit spots that aren't easily divisible by 5.

>> No.3324569

>Over 1000AP to get there

Grinding isn't exactly fast when you've got a DPS of 50.

>> No.3324581

Just do it right before Ex-Death you Nancyboy.

Or you can grind in the Val castle basement with softs

>> No.3324715

Why do you need melee? Black Mage is a damn good class even if you skip over Flare.

>> No.3324757


Need was the wrong word to use. I just really wanted something with high base might to make the early grinding a bit less tedious.

>> No.3325193

Seriously fuck Ultragust. WHY IS THERE NO WAY TO BLOCK WIND DAMAGE IN THIS GAME?! I really don't want to grind until I'm 60 or so. There are no good grinding spots in the N-Zone and I really don't want to have to backtrack all the way out.

>> No.3325212

Ultragust, also known as Almageist, is Neo X-Death's ultimate attack.
It's also holy elemental, not wind.

>no good grinding spots in the N-zone
You must be kidding. The area around the last save spot spawns Movers, enemies that are hard to kill but yield ridiculous amounts of XP and AP.

>> No.3325252

Movers give xp?

But I just hit 99 in the desert finally

I have killed like 40,000 ammonites

>> No.3325270

Nothing in the area immediately before Exdeath gives any XP. I've never run into Movers, though. Is there anything that blocks Holy?

>> No.3325276

Aegis Shields (you can get 1 in forest of moore from a chest before it burns down, after it turns into a flame shield) can block Almagest in all versions but IOS/PC, its only a 33%(?) chance though

Aside from that I think only shell helps though im potentially forgetting a chest armor

>> No.3325279

Oops. I was misremembering badly. I haven't really needed to grind in a Fiesta before, other than AP.
Uhhh. I guess there's the enemies in the castle area before the last one. They're not that tough and yield decent XP.

>Is there anything that blocks Holy?
Not that I know. Doing a quick check I see there's ONE accesory that resists all elements, which should include Holy... But that's in the post-game dungeon.
Aegis Shields give you a chance to block, but if you're the same guy I'm thinking, you don't have jobs that can equip shields

>> No.3325281

Oh I forgot to add, Gorgimera's from the area just before can have Aegis shields to steal, if you have access to theif knife though its a huge pain to actually steal them this way

>> No.3325287


I can't equip shields and have no access to protect. Looks like I'm stuck grinding. Fuck.

>> No.3325302

It should only do around 1500, go to the desert by phoenix tower and kill ammonites and ankhegs, you'll hit 50~ in no time and be alright

>> No.3326103

It's over, I beat neo exdeath with the berserkers

I got insanely lucky and was lvl 99 on everyone

I almost want to take a victory lap now with a team750 or no special rules run or something

>> No.3326110

I... I guess I should at least applaud your determination.