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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 251 KB, 1280x931, DwiQsph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3261914 No.3261914 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a website/app I can use to keep track of my collection? I travel a lot for work and often end up picking up stuff on ebay/used game stores. I've finally gotten to the point where I am accidentally buying duplicates because I don't have a reliable means to track them besides an excel sheet on my phone that is getting ridiculously long.

>> No.3261916

Just found something. Never mind.

>> No.3261921

Wow thanks for this thread dipshit.

>> No.3261931

Sorry, didn't mean to distract you from spying on your mother changing.

>> No.3261941
File: 42 KB, 720x600, cYEpQ8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pm'd you the fix

>> No.3261942

Sorry, should probably have mentioned it. It's really good.

>> No.3261950

So I'm wondering what is it

>> No.3262414

It's called taking current pics of your shelves and having them in your phone.

>> No.3262456

Soo..... I'm looking for something similar I guess... Preferably something with Modern Games too?

>> No.3262508

Top notch thread.

>not using a flash cart

>> No.3262982

Well, what a shit thread.

Anyway, for a long time I was using GameFAQs my collection feature that users with accounts can make, but it's very tedious and considering I don't use GameFAQs anymore, I don't use it now.

>> No.3262998

Try Collectorz. It's what I use.

>> No.3263037

I'll second Collectorz. Been using it for a long time. It's nice to have something you can access on your phone when at a used shop. Keeps you from accidentally buying 2 of something.

>> No.3263041
File: 273 KB, 1023x1336, ijqzgsqfsslrfylg1v6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Referring to the NES as just "Nintendo."
>Leaving out the "Entertainment System" under the "Super Nintendo" logo.
This triggers my autism.

>> No.3263080
File: 48 KB, 182x286, 1464668456913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny. Your post triggered my cancer.

>> No.3263091

This thing is "respect my pronouns (or we will sue you)" tier.

>> No.3263094

I can understand referring to the SNES as a "Super Nintendo" but calling the original NES as just "Nintendo" is just lazy in my opinion.

>> No.3263101

Time to stop buying games. You have enough

>> No.3263102

I assume its a recent creation referring to the Photoshop thing.

I call the NES the "Ehn Eee Ess" (or the VCR for grandma) and the SNES the "Super Nintendo" (or the game toaster for grandma) when talking about them.

>> No.3263105

Its a real ad mate

>> No.3263125

calling the NES a Nintendo was common at the time. It made sense. It was the only product in the home that they were known for. We weren't calling the Atari 2600 a 2600 either. There was one relevant product, so it was just the Atari.

When you were going over to a friends house, you were going to play Nintendo. It wasn't until the launch of the SNES that we started needing to differentiate between the 2. Even then, it was Nintendo vs Super Nintendo for most people.

I remember when that ad came out. I remember only the nerdiest motherfuckers calling people out on it. Language is about understanding. If saying "I'm going over to Jeremy's to play Nintendo" to your mom got the point across, that's what you said. Not, "I'm going to go play the NES." "What's an NES, dear?" "The Nintendo Entertainment System!" "Why don't you just call it a Nintendo?" "Mario told me not to!"

Really, it's autistic to care. If the meaning is conveyed simply, don't complicate shit.

>> No.3263386

You could find a doctor who could fix your memory at the same time his fixes your hoarder syndrome

>> No.3263450

What's with the "hoarder" meme? People have collected shit that interests them for as far back as we can document. Stamps, pretty rocks, comics, games...

As long as you have an attachment to something and take some effort to display it in a manner that is pleasing to you, what's the problem? Hoarding disorder is an actual condition where people will not throw ANYTHING away. They'll hold on to expired food insisting it's still edible. They'll keep newspapers from 50 years ago in case they ever feel like reading them.

This shit gets old m8.

>> No.3263479

Because if you're buying things you forgot you own you don't have an attachment to it which means you're hoarding it hoarder.

>> No.3263513

your argument assumes that all collectors are hoarders. I could give a fuck less about most of the members of the 1992 Oakland A's, but as a fan of the team, there was still something special about owning all of their Topps cards.

Game collectors are the same way. They pick a system, get the games they consider must haves, and after that, they collect as much of the rest of the library as they can. It's a hobby. The hunt is as fun for them as the games themselves.

And I'm not a hoarder. I emulate all but the huge nostalgia titles. I just understand the mindset. It's like collecting all of the Pokemon even though you really only use 3.

>> No.3263519

Just calm down and go play some nintendo

>> No.3263542

So, what is a good free way to do this beyond spreadsheets?

>> No.3263545

The Backloggery is great.

>> No.3263618

Exactly what >>3263479 said

No, his argument doesn't assume that and you have to be retarded to think it does.
Your analogy should have been, there was still something special about buying their Topps cards when you found them cards even if it meant you ended up with duplicates.
That's what OP is doing. Since it's not what you describe as collecting can we now agree it's hoarding?

>> No.3263660

>being such a collectorfag you need an app for it
Jesus. If you're buying duplicates of a game because you don't remember you have it, chances are you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Enjoy your tomb of plastic.

>> No.3263662


>> No.3263687

No, it isn't. Shit layout, slow as fuck, and way too specific.

>> No.3263694

I disagree about the first two things, but I'm not sure what you mean by too specific? You don't have to fill all the information about a game, you can just use a name and mark if you beat it or not.