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File: 20 KB, 320x241, callforhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3213913 No.3213913 [Reply] [Original]

I've been looking through some of the screenshots of the game, and I've tried to translate them with either Kanji or Katakana.
What language does this game use?

Also Mother 3/Earthbound 64 discussion thread

>> No.3213951

That's hiragana. It says something like :
"Da zo gedegude-!"
"Tou chyan!"

not sure what that means, my comprehension is terrible.

>> No.3213960
File: 37 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people say the unreleased version of Mother 3 is ugly, but I actually prefer this look to the GBA version. It reminds me of that uncanny "realism" early N64 and PS1 games had that felt sort of eery and dreamlike. Would have loved to explore the original vision for this game, but we'll probably never see a leak if it even still exists

>> No.3213985
File: 417 KB, 680x510, 1459018597259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's saying "dazugete gude-! toucha-n!", which is a mispronunciation of "save me! daddy!".

>> No.3214086

No, that just legitimately looks like shit awful 1st generation 3d. Probably ran at like 8FPS too.

>> No.3214119

Calm your autism babyman, nobody's forcing you to like it

>> No.3214145

I dunno seems like as a child I wouldn't have liked the transition from cartoony sprites to more "realistic" 3d.

It seems like something I would have preferred on a relay as an adult

>> No.3214179

Looks pretty good in the trailer, specially the mines part.

>> No.3214192


and no one's forcing you to dislike it but if you're free to say something looks good others are free to say it looks like someone vomited up on a lego set

>> No.3214208

Well it's a good thing this 4chan and I'm free to call you a tactless pseudo intellectual prick and move on then

>> No.3214254

According to Itoi, the original script was way more grimdark. I wish he would go into details or release the unedited draft.

>> No.3214401
File: 33 KB, 311x473, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no wonders. The original script is an adaptation of pic related.

>> No.3214658


Not really an adaptation, but it has some similitudes, and it's also where Itoi took the names Claus and Lucas.

>> No.3214917

だずげでぐで、とうちゃーん=たすけてくれ、おとうさん(tasuketekure otousan)
Please help, father

>> No.3214927

>I've tried to translate them with either Kanji or Katakana.
>What language does this game use?
>being this underage

>> No.3214981
File: 15 KB, 240x175, mother3-64_sc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI someone translated all of the officially released screenshots of EB64, but none from the trailer:

Pretty interesting, I guess that scene takes place at Drago Plateau, and if that's the case it's worth pointing out that Alec is nowhere to be seen.

While I think the GBA version was a more faithful sequel to Earthbound, there is a unique charm and intrigue to me when it comes to EB64. I rewatch the trailer from time to time wondering what could've been or how this game could've played out. I would kill to get my hands on a copy, never gonna happen tho. I just wish at the very least we'd get a rom dump. Our only hope would be if one of those Spaceworld Expo demo carts came up out of nowhere. Unfortunately I read those were flashcarts or something, so odds are if they didn't somehow end up in a collector's hands they were probably overwritten. Itoi has a copy I believe, and I read there was another confirmed cart that was complete up to chapter 4 or so. (I want to clarify I'm referring to chapter 4 in the GBA version, as EB64 was planned to have way more chapters)

IMO if /vr/ could manage to pull its resources and find ChuTeng, I don't see why it's not possible for /vr/ to at least try and find the EB64 cartridges, just putting that out there

>> No.3216495

It would have been better than what we gpt for sure

>> No.3217385

>That's hiragana. It says something like :"Da zo gedegude-!""Tou chyan!"

If you don't actually know hiragana or Japanese, don't waste everyone's time by trying. That's "zu", not "zo" and ちゃん is chan, not chyan. That small や is combined with the character before it.


>> No.3217496

>my comprehension is terrible
You don't even know the fucking alphabet so I'm willing to bet your comprenshion is not just terrible but non-existent.

>> No.3218572

Stop shitposting.

>> No.3219523
File: 16 KB, 320x240, dsc0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Mother 3 was only really showed off to the public at Spaceworld 1999 right? I've only seen a few pictures of it displayed at the event on EB Central (such as the one attached). I've tried to find lesser known amateur video and photos from Spaceworld 1999 and haven't turned up much, anyone got anything of their own or any idea where to keep looking?

>> No.3219567

I feel the same way, I love the way n64 and ps1 games look.

>> No.3219617
File: 21 KB, 320x240, onett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an interesting game. Originally this game was 12 chapters and said to be 60 hours long, the gba version being 8 chapters and being about 25-30 hours. From the screenshots Flint appears to have been a main party member at some point, Claus also was going to be in the party for a bit seems. In the gba version claus is a full character who has fully functional stat increases all the way up to level 99 despite being used only in the tutorial battle, a bit fishy. I imagine he was planned to be a playable character in the gba version but somehow was scrapped. What's really interesting is how Itoi has cited the original scenario as "dirty". In a interview he said something like "originally the ending made you question the motive and feelings of the main character" which really fascinates me. My personal belief is that in the original ending Lucas would be so overcame with grief that he would ultimately decide to destroy the world or that the game simply ended at the black screen.

I find this screenshot really interesting, nothing like this appears in the final game and seems out of place in mother 3.

>> No.3219901
File: 10 KB, 320x240, onettdestroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like your theory on the N64 version's ending, never really considered that myself. [Spoiler] Also worth noting how similar to Paula, Lucas had an ability titled "call"/"call out" which was more than likely intended for the final battle. [/spoiler]

It's well known the game was going to be much darker. There's the left over sprites of Porky being killed, Hinawa being pushed aside, and Flint stabbing presumably a Drago.

One thing that's always perplexed me is this screenshot showing Onett and Fourside (perhaps even Eagleland as a whole) destroyed with helicopters in the background. Perhaps it's a flashback scene used in Leder's exposition towards the end.

And on the topic of drastic changes between the two versions it's been widely speculated Kumatora was going to take Fassad's place as the last Magypsy, but there's nothing definitive to confirm or deny that

>> No.3219962

Someone needs to get the ROM of this. I'm sure there are some modders that would finish this.

>> No.3220145
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly at this point getting the actual rom is probably way more difficult than a dedicated group of modders finishing the game. Of course I'm not gonna short sell the work it'd take to finish the game, I'm sure that's no easy task, as its most complete state was roughly 70% done with two more years of work needed. I feel like if any cart of this game surfaces, it'll be the spaceworld 1999 demos, which were kinda thrown together specifically for the expo. Honestly we'd be lucky to even get those, since I heard those were on flashcarts or something along those lines that was meant to be written over. But I'll say it again, /vr/ has managed to pull resources in the past and find some really elusive stuff, so never say never

>> No.3220240
File: 746 KB, 1627x1550, eatyerboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finf this one fascinating as well, from the appearance of both an onett sign and the monotolli building makes me feel that scene was only a flashback. Another theory of mine is that at some point you might have found some kind of ruins of the old world however that seems pretty unlikely. I've heard the theory Kumatora being the final magypsy but never really seen anything that supports this. In the gba version she actually has a few sprites of her dressed as a magypsy but I feel this more relates to how she is an "apprentice" of them. In the n64 version she seems to be less iimportant to the overall game. Another interesting piece is this artwork depicting some kind of slum village. Another artwork depicts a guy on a guy on a minecart going to what looks like another village. These pieces make me wonderif originally they're were many villages and people on the nowhere island or if Porky brought these people as well.
This is highly unlikely, either the only copies are behind the nintendo vaults or some asshole feels really special about having it and refuses to let any information. Probably the closest we've ever gotten were those four blue n64 cd disks people(mistakenly) thought were a copy of the game.

>> No.3220425
File: 36 KB, 320x240, art4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with this game and minecarts anyways? Seems like they were gonna play a big role and then they end up completely absent in the GBA version.

>> No.3221171
File: 15 KB, 320x240, shadowdesk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this supposed to be?
Something tells me that this is when Lucas and Claus were in Alec's home at the beginning of the game.

>> No.3221198

That what it appears to be, many scenes especially the beginning appear in the gba version.

>> No.3221304
File: 64 KB, 499x499, 52799474_p31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3221171 >>3221198 Judging by the eerie filter, I feel like this could be a flashback to Alec's that appears during the final battle

>> No.3222073
File: 26 KB, 320x240, PSX_20160517_144946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also noticed that there's a character behind them if you brighten the image.

>> No.3222085
File: 20 KB, 400x299, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also noticed this.
Could this be towards the ending of the game?

>> No.3222132

That's the start of the game.

>> No.3222220
File: 5 KB, 480x320, 49-054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best bet is that it's supposed to be this enemy from Chapter 1.

>> No.3222256
File: 27 KB, 460x460, High Quality Magazine Rip Mother 3 N64 Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention but probably the closest thing to new media that's been released regarding EB64 are some higher resolution screenshots used in magazines that frankcifaldi uncovered. He's only posted this one on his twitter, but he's mentioned having more.

>> No.3222282


There's still a slim chance that the game will surface.
I've pretty much found all I could find out about this game. I've only recently found some articles IGN wrote about the game after they played it at Spaceworld.
Apparently when Boney is running through the woods at the beginning of the game, he doesn't grab Duster. He just notices something in the woods.

>> No.3222427

I feel ya haha, I've just about seen and read everything out there about EB 64, but I didn't know about that Boney scene. Maybe that's what got the villagers looking for Lucas and co instead of the fire.

>> No.3222507
File: 49 KB, 320x209, earthbound16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had always been my guess as well, that or the monster in the screenshot being an original monster that never appeaered.
It's interesting to me that so many screenshots and artworks display the porkbean, or at least what I'm guessing is the pork bean. My guess is the island would be larger and that was your main source of transportation. In the trailer they show Flint riding and getting into a battle, in the gba version it's kill any enemy it touches. I imagine it would have more importance in the n64 version.
I've never thought of that but a lot of mine carts are shown in the screenshots and artwork, I personally find the scene in the trailer of Lucas and Claus in the mine cart really interesting.

>> No.3222628

thought this was a screencap of a quizno's hamster commercial

>> No.3222715



>> No.3222834
File: 19 KB, 320x240, hoverpig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particularly confusing is how Flint and even Lucas somehow have access to the pork bean this early in the game, seeing how Tazimily lacks devices like that, perhaps they GTA'd it or something, who knows. Doesn't look at all like the pork bean in the GBA version that's for sure. Seems like it more or less served as this game's version of the Bicycle.

Also, I never understood why Ness (or a look alike) is seen in a pork been in some early EB 64 media. I've heard rumors he was a place holder, but honestly I don't get why they'd use a Ness look alike for that, unless they intended to follow the series trend of having Ness and Ninten look similar.

>> No.3222920
File: 59 KB, 900x300, Evolution of Lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is that the Ness model was a prototype/test model, many members on the team were inexperienced with 3D and probably needed practice. Another theory I have is similar to Ninten and Ness sharing very similar designs Lucas would as well however I think Itoi wanted Lucas to be different so I see this as unlikely. It's really interesting seeing how much Lucas's design changed. The first incarnation, or at least the first we know of, depicts as quite happy go lucky and wuth a poncho and a hat that appears to reassemble either a beanie or backwards cap. Later we saw his more iconic n64 design which saw a more determined look and gave him blond hair, a white tshirt, a blue fanny pack, and green shorts. Eventually he received blue shorts and a red and yellow striped shirt without the fanny pack but blond hair intact. It's interesting that as time went on he started to reassemble Ninten and Ness more. I've heard before that by the end of development on the n64 version many characters actually had the design we see in the gba version however I don't remember the source and have never read this anywhere else so my guess is that was a rumor or lie.

Sorry about all these huge walls of text guys, really love discussing this game.

>> No.3222924

I'm really sad this never got released because this is the RPG the N64 really needed.


>> No.3222959


>> No.3223751


Could the Pig-cart chasing them have been in the minecart sequence shown in the Spaceworld '99 trailer?

>> No.3223951

>>I'm a faggot, here's proof.
>>Also you're one too.

I loled

>> No.3224110
File: 70 KB, 320x399, art3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucas did resemble Ness in some of the concept art, but what's odd is how there's screenshots of Ness/the placeholder with Lucas in his first official design phase

>> No.3224113
File: 33 KB, 500x381, mt01_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3224119
File: 28 KB, 500x375, mt02_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 (left side, kinda hard to make him out)

I think there's another image with them both in it, can't find it atm tho.

>> No.3224125

Interesting, I guess I never noticed that. It's interesting that in the crowd shot the new age retro hippie appears as well.

>> No.3224154

Maybe he was intended to appear in New Pork or after chapter 4 as an NPC

>> No.3224501


This isn't Onett.

This is when the Pigmasks modernized Tazmily village.

>> No.3224564

Man, this game looks ugly as fuck. Glad we got the GBA game instead of this trainwreck.

>> No.3224575

There already are plenty of games that look like this. I don't think we missed out on anything visually. One of the best things about earthbound is that it doesn't have that generic muddy medieval village setting that most jrpgs love.

>> No.3224625
File: 28 KB, 400x300, m35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visuals are pretty primitive, but what anon said about the eerie, dreamlike quality is something I kinda get just looking at the old screenshots. I think Mother 3 on the GBA was a way better sequel to Mother 2 than this could've been, but on its own, the idea of a 3D Earthbound game is still pretty fascinating.

>> No.3225156


>my comprehension is terrible

Jesus, not just your comprehension. You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.3225257
File: 21 KB, 320x240, eb19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to point out one thing that seems to get overlooked, and that is that EB 64 only allowed for up to three playable characters in an encounter, which is a bit of an odd and honestly poor choice imo. I can try and find the article I read that in later on if anyone wants documented proof.

>> No.3225506

Can you provide a source? From my memory screenshots did only displayed up to three characters however I feel mother 2 having four party members and scenes like the one of Lucas, Duster, Flint, and Boney grabbing on to the the ship support that the game would allow four party members at a time. My belief is that originally you would be able to switch party members.

>> No.3226106

But if you look at the ground, a yellow outline can be seen. This could possibly be at the end of the game where you pull the last needle, but seeing as though there's a boar enemy it might not be.

>> No.3226364
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine that's just a detail of the background, games never showed screenshots near the ending. The boar is probably the same enemy as this one (called the agitated boar) which appears in chapter 1 the gba version.

>> No.3226967

I've looked and havent been able to find the source, but I know I read it in an old magazine scan. Perhaps characters were selectable for battle when you had 4 or more in your party

>> No.3226979
File: 34 KB, 187x141, images (16)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I don't think that's a screenshot from towards the end of the game, we do have at least one from the last sections of the game in NPC but I think it's just a render and not an actual screenshot of the game in action

>> No.3227306
File: 8 KB, 256x192, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take back what I said about the forest fire not being apart of the N64 version

>> No.3227436

there's a lot going on here, see that New Age Retro Hippie?

>> No.3227531
File: 62 KB, 317x390, tumblr_mczav7VAGE1rcjk2to1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna drop this translated article here, gotta give EB 64 credit, it was trying to be pretty ambitious at the time with this, supposed day/night cycle, and the multiple story paths.

>> No.3228395

So is this the only image of the 64DD version of Mother 3?

>> No.3228862

Kumatora is a cutie

>> No.3228963
File: 56 KB, 319x240, Kumatora_EB_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really happy this wasn't her final design, the design we see in the gba version is much better.

>> No.3230653


She didn't even look like a princess at all. What were they thinking?

>> No.3230657

She doesn't look like a princess in the GBA game either...

>> No.3230660


Kumatora isn't a real princess

>> No.3230665

Ioh could have just said you don't know.

>> No.3230681
File: 18 KB, 320x240, pigbattle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be fighting here?
I've tried translation, but with no luck.

>> No.3230682

wess and duster

>> No.3230876

This is just reminding how unexplained she is in the GBA game. As far as I can remember she's just some random chicks you meet at Oshoe Castle who can use pay/Pk powers and is also looking for the egg of enlightenment (something else that isn't explained and goes nowhere). There's the cut sprites of her being dressed like magyspsy and... That's it. She exists just to be a girl party member, and get used as fan service (when she's a maid) but hey it's okay cause she's actually a tomboy.

>> No.3230890
File: 65 KB, 320x559, kumagypsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is explained though, she was a baby without parents that was carried along with the other people on the white ship, and the magipsies ended up taking care of her.
She was supposed to be the final magipsy, but for whatever reason that got changed on the final script. That's okay, I prefer her to be a girl than whatever the magipsies are.
The egg of enlightenment was unexplained (but to be fair, so was the Apple of enlightenment on Mother 2.

>> No.3231619
File: 358 KB, 312x328, kumatora115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duster and Wess are the party members and are fighting the fierce pork trooper. Originally instead of fighting the clayman in chapter 2 you fought him. In mother 3's sound player the music tracks are arranged in which they appear in the game, the track that plays fighting him, hustle for pride, appears by the other songs in chapter 2. This shows you were planned to fight him in gba version in chapter 2 but they changed it to a clayman later on.
There is no true proof that kumatora was the true final magypsy. She is described as being the "apprentice" of them actually and as them being both parental figures and teachers of her. There do exist unused sprites of her dressed as magypsy but I think that relates more to the "apprentice" aspect. Also as Leder explains she was given the role as "princess of oshoe" as they realized the island needed some form of false history for when they wipe their memory.