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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 110 KB, 640x808, goldenaxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3130763 No.3130763 [Reply] [Original]

What game you wish you had played or known as a kid but didn't?

I'm pretty sure my kid self would have absolutely loved this game but he never got a chance to play it. He will never now how awesome it would've been to play this with his younger brother after school. A true loss that will never be redeemed.

>> No.3130801

Golden Axe was cool at first, but then Streets of Rage came along and I forgot all about that series.

>> No.3130807

Sega Genesis was my very first console and this was the first game I played in the 6-in-one demo cartridge that came with it.

Streets of rage was also in that cartridge

Oh man the nostalgia. Its about as early in my childhood as it gets.

>> No.3130817

You mean the 6-pak? That wasn't demos you fucking idiot. Go suck a shitload of festering assholes you naive faggilocks.

>> No.3130832

Yeah the 6-pak.

Calm down, haven't touched the thing in a few years.

>> No.3131084


Did anybody else get a kick out of throwing enemies off ledges and into bottomless pits in these games?

>> No.3131091
File: 182 KB, 256x360, Golden_Axe_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior cover

>> No.3131124
File: 140 KB, 800x800, Sonicadventuredcog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see that people on this board actually read the thread's premise instead of derailing it.

>> No.3131260

Yes. It's always satisying to quickly get rid of them this way.

>> No.3131262

i only discovered startropics after i got out of high school.

>> No.3131269
File: 86 KB, 640x890, rkacoverjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3131284

Golden Axe always looked like it should be a ton of fun, then I play it and it's just walk, hack, walk, hack and I'm bored to tears by the end of the first level. Streets of Rage and just about every other beat em up is like that for me too. I don't get why people like those at all.

>> No.3133346 [DELETED] 

>I'm pretty sure my kid self would have absolutely loved this game but he never got a chance to play it. He will never now how awesome it would've been to play this with his younger brother after school.





... oh wait, you're a guy! No problem then, please carry on, sir

>> No.3133370
File: 79 KB, 640x633, gargoylesquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely this. I lost the whole Gameboy era actually and I was old enough to own on of those. Pity.

>> No.3133374


>> No.3133376

>I don't get why people like those at all.

Ever play it with a friend?

>> No.3133383

I liked to play it with my sister. She was terrible and would hit me so many times and hinder our progress to the point I began to suspect she was role-playing as a Death Adder double agent.

>> No.3133471

Woah there little fella. Take your meds and calm the fuck down.

>> No.3134019

Duck Tales 2. I knew it existed, but never saw it in real life until I bought it online around 12 years ago. Loved the original as a kid, so this would have been a guaranteed favorite too.

>> No.3134035

wario ware on gba. fml man. wouldve spent hours on it.

>> No.3134057

That sounds like a great time
>tfw im the same guy your sister is

>> No.3134075
File: 7 KB, 229x226, 1433799954769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Metal Slug for the first time a few weeks ago with a friend and it was a blast. I know that kid me and his mates would have spent hours on that bad boy back in the day; but i never knew anyone that had it.

>> No.3134110

Ultima Online (although fuck subscription fees)
Unreal Tournament '99
Rainbow Six / SWAT 3
Extreme G (I played Wipeout)
Quake (watched a friend play it on N64)

>> No.3134818

gotta say a link to the past. i really got into gaming with oot, and i would have loved alttp then, but i never really looked back to the snes until years later, and never played alttp until about ten years ago. it quickly became one of my favorite games ever and i'm having a blast with a link between worlds right now