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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 636x636, 19e1iaxduln4wgif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3118805 No.3118805 [Reply] [Original]

09.Hudson Hawk
07.Mighty Bomb Jack
06.Golgo 13
05.Blaster master
04.Milon's Secret Castle
03.Rolling Thunder
02.balloon fight

i could make a crazy list but just wanted to see what other people put on a list so i can find other games i could try

>> No.3118814

Your list looks like something that an underage hipster would make.

>> No.3118829

Anyone has a Top 10 Most Rage Inducing Games List?

Preferably one that is very high in salt content.
Salty Games would be nice.

>> No.3118865

Hmm, close but a hipster's list wouldn't have Batman on it. Replace that with Adventures of Bayou Billy and then you got a prime hipster NES list.

>> No.3118871

not a NES game, but Kirby's Block Ball would make that list for sure. Always dying from bullshit that's beyond your control in that game.

>> No.3118875


Not a bad list but I have no idea what you included Hudson Hawk.

>> No.3119045

in No order:

Doki Doki Mario
Journey to Silius
Megaman 3
Legend of Zelda
Tecmo Bowl
Donkey Kong Jr

>> No.3119047


fuck left one off

Super Mario bros

>> No.3119145
File: 166 KB, 400x550, Balloon Fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great list
here is all the nes game i got in no order
1.Ice hockey
2.balloon fight
3.Super Mario 3
4.Street fighter 2010
5.Kid Icarus
7.Rbi baseball 2 copies
9.Rolling Thunder
10.Super Sprint
11.The Guardian Legend
12.Karate Champ
13.World Cup
15.TopGun 2
17.10-yard Fight
18.SuperMario Bros/Duck Hunt
20.Jeopardy 25th ad edition
21.Operation Wolf
22.The Adventures of Bayou Billy
27.Milon's Secret Castle
28.John Elways Quarterback
29.Blaster master
30.Jordan vs Bird one on one
32.Back To The Future
33.Super Mario Bros. DuckHunt World Class Track Meet
34.NBA BasketBall
35.Hudson Hawk
37.Friday The 13th
38.Rally Bike
39.R.C. Pro-Am 2 copies
41.Festers Quest
44.Total Recall
45.Golgo 13
46.Kung Fu
48.Silent Service
49.Bladees of Steel
52.Mad Max
53.King Knight
54.Paper Boy
55.Batman Returns
56.Mighty Bomb Jack
57.Spy Hunter
59.Battle Chess
60.Metal Gear
61.Knight Rider
62.Indiana Jones Temple of doom
63.Bart vs the world
64.Sesame street 123
65.Rad Racer

>> No.3119151
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I came into this thread just to see if anybody had mentioned this game. Shame it's so expensive; it's a masterpiece

>> No.3119172
File: 158 KB, 400x550, Adventures of Bayou Billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me think of kirby a little looks good

>> No.3119647


>> No.3119649

I really don't see what people find enjoyable about Excitebike.

>> No.3119654

1. Megaman 2
2. Swordmaster
3. Crystalis
4. Dig Dug 2
5. Mike Tysons Punch Out!
6. Snake's Revenge
7. The Guardian Legend
8. Bionic Commando
9. Arkista's Ring
10. Gargoyles Quest 2

In no particular order.

>> No.3119686

Tough question, there are some amazing games on the NES, I'll name my 10 in no particular order:
The Guardian Legend
Kirby's Adventure
Mega Man 2
Life Force
Mario Bros 3
Ninja Gaiden
Battle Toads

>> No.3119727
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These are the ones that came to mind, order varies from day-to-day:

10. Galaga
9. Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
8. Ballblazer
7. Dragon Ball: Shenlong No Nazo / Dragon Power
6. TMNT II: The Arcade Game
5. Super Mario Bros.
4. Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Grafitti
3. Maniac Mansion
2. Rad Racer
1. MOTHER / “EarthBound Beginnings”

>> No.3119796
File: 113 KB, 1040x746, 1448494971993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hudson Hawk
>Total Recall

>> No.3119806

Man did it make me happy to see that screen after two days of turmoil.

>> No.3119870

Batman really enter in my top 10 list

>> No.3119876

For the nes, I would nominate Deadly Towers. It's pretty annoying.

>> No.3119885

I like it but I understand. Liking any racing game is basically a question of whether you find this set of mechanics and tracks fun to do over and over. Like I really enjoy OutRun but I could see why somone wouldn't, because like all racing games it's essentially a very repetitive experience. Whether or not you'll enjoy it is purely case by case and totally subjective. Same thing with excitebike, I think.

>> No.3119905

Did an e-celeb make a Batman for NES video recently or something?

>> No.3119916

That's a weird-looking pic of John Romero

>> No.3119961

There was this 4 player speed run done recently. It's pretty amazing.


>> No.3120076
File: 161 KB, 1023x827, 1996-sega-genesis-console-games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Nes
Sega master system
sega game gear
gameboy ad
gameboy color
turbo graphics 16
atari 2600
sega 32x
sega saturn
sega genesis
xbox 180
xbox 360
xbox 1
wii u
sega dreamcast
game cube
retron 2
shoot any game you think i should get for any of them

>> No.3120154

Rygar, MBJ, and Milon are all good choices. I don't know about Sky Kid being number 1, but that is a fine game still. Even though I adored it as a kid, Blaster Master seems less and less like a great game as I get older. Rolling Thunder is solid, but surprising to see on a list of top 10.

Glad to see Arkista's Ring on here. MT's Punch Out is also really solid.

Faxanadu is a stand out choice

Deadly Towers was one of my first vidya games. I still love it, but it's certainly one of those games I think it's hard for people to understand what's good about it.

>> No.3120156

Gonna give an attempt at this myself

10. Recca
I really actually dislike this game a lot. Which is what I tell people, but I find myself constantly playing the 3DS VC release because it just sucks me in. And I can't argue that it's one of the most amazing games from a technical standpoint that was produced for the system.

I really wanted this game to appear higher on the list, but I ended up with way too many of these sidescrolling platforming adventure games. Faxanadu has great controls and though the graphics look really nice, there isn't a lot of color variety.

8. Arkista's Ring
The only thing really holding this game back is the somewhat random nature of getting powerups and the very linear nature of the maps. But that's the way these early Arcade-style games were designed.

7. Crisis Force
The best shmup on the NES, it does suffer a bit from the lack of score on the screen / pause screen and the fact that the powerup system is very, very shallow, but it's great to play and looks fantastic.

6. Rygar
Another game that could use a bit more color, but otherwise is a fantastic adventure game. The top-down sections feel a little unnecessary, and even to this day the exact way the strength/experience system works seems a little arcane. The lack of any sort of save or password is really noticeable due to how big the game is.

>> No.3120159

5. River City Ransom
Sometimes I go back and play Double Dragon II and wonder exactly what it was about that game that I liked, before putting RCR in instead and having a ball.

4. Castlevania 3
This game actually made it higher on the list than I planned. But as I was putting everything in order I had to ask myself "is this game worse than these other ones? And every time it was clear that this was the superior game.

3. Grand Master
There were a lot of Zelda-style games that could've made the list, but this is the one I decided to go with. The variety of areas, how the player looks and "branching" story all makes for an incredible package.

2. Conquest of the Crystal Palace
The only thing keeping this game out of the top spot is the linear stages. Even though there can be multiple paths to get through any particular stage, there's no real exploration or backtracking. Otherwise this is a fantastic package.

1. Milon's Secret Castle
What this decision really came down was "How many times can I replay this game, even today?" and MSC has consistently been there since I was a kid. Unlike other games whose interest has come and gone, nothing has had the staying power of Milon.

>> No.3120161


With special mention to:
Battle of Olympus - A fantastic game, but plagued by a few minor issues that put it below the rest of the list compared to other side-scrolling platformers.
Air Fortress - Another victim of too many similar games already on the list.
Castlevania 2 - I figured I should only include one Castlevania on the list, and even though I have a lot of love for Simon's Quest, it just doesn't have the variety of backgrounds and locals that III does..
Mighty Final Fight - Another tough cut. I feel like a second belt-scrolling beat em up brawler deserved to be on the list, and not just another Kunio game. If there was room, this would be on there for sure.
Dragon Warrior 2 - I really missed putting any RPGs on the list. But if I did this would probably be there. Or 3 or 4. But while those games were much improved by later re-releases I think 2 still holds up fantastically.

*Arkista's Ring, Crisis Force, Recca and Grand Master are the only games in these posts that I did not originally play on the NES I had back in the 80s.

>> No.3120209

Megaman 4
Castlevania 1
Mario 3
Guardian legend
Zelda 1
Little nemo
Kirby's adventure
Little samson

Pretty generic taste.

>> No.3120226
File: 37 KB, 413x310, rt_Kanye_West_090914_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really happy for you, imma let you finish
but Crystalis was the greatest nes game of all time!

>> No.3120229

>Little Samson

Sell me on these, because they seem to be like stock platformers that don't seem to offer anything really unique. Little Samson has the different characters which is nice,but everything is overanimated to the point where it's kind of annoying (Samson's jump in particular) and the stages are far too short.
Shatterhand looks okay, but Shadow of the Ninja (for example, the two feel really similar to me) beats it out in both gameplay and stage design.

>> No.3120279

Double Dragon
Mighty Final Fight
River City Ransom
Castlevania 3

>> No.3120282

Little samson felt really tight and I enjoy the four characters, even if the mouse is kinda useless. Bosses were fun and challenging.

Shatter hand is just a solid action game and the levels feels balanced between the enemies and platforming challenging you.

Both also look and sound great. If you don't like them and actually tried them then that's cool, I only hate people who think their opinion on a game they never played matters.

>> No.3120293 [DELETED] 

Thanks for replaying. I have tried both of them before and didn't feel the same magic as you did. If it just comes down to preference, that's perfectly fine.

>> No.3120294


Thanks for replying. I have tried both of them before and didn't feel the same magic as you did. If it just comes down to preference, that's perfectly fine.

>> No.3120305

Super Mario Bros 1-3
Megaman 2 & 3
Final Fantasy
Super C
Legend of Zelda

>> No.3120452

Castlevania 3
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2
Mega Man 2
WCW Wrestling

>> No.3120537

>Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
Top tier taste

>> No.3120568

>Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
>Not the 2nd

>> No.3120589

Still waiting on the translation patch. Beat the SFC remake, it's an amazing game.

>> No.3121756

Sinister doing commentary, that was really awesome

>> No.3121812

These were the games I played growing up that I still find myself consistently going back to after all these years.

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Legend Of Zelda
Final Fantasy
Might And Magic
Little Nemo

>> No.3124901

We all know 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' is the best

>> No.3125182

Alrgiht, I'm redoing my list, still in no particular order:
The Guardian Legend
Monster Party
Double Dragon II
Kirby's Adventure
Mega Man 2
Super C

>> No.3125615
File: 1.11 MB, 1148x1575, 2361920-nes_kickmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10. Goonies
9. Lunar Ball
8. Binary Land
7. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
6. Ice Climber
5. Micro Machines
4. Castlevania III
3. Castle Excellent
2. Kirby's Adventure
1. Kick Master

Not claiming those are the best NES games ever made or something, just titles that gave me most joy when I was a wee lad and that I can get back to any time

>> No.3125678

Been meaning to get a copy of Goonies 2 for a long while, looks fun
Never heard of castle excellent, seems to be called Castlequest in the US
>Castlevania III
I've been wanting a copy of this game but always see it upwards of $30 and feel I may be over paying

>> No.3126336
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To be completely fair with you, Goonies is pretty mediocre platformer; no obvious flaws but also nothing groundbreaking. Goonies 2 add some first person adventure game mechanics with rather confusing interface. Game is on my list mostly because of nostalgia reasons and being relatively easy (for NES game) to beat, so little me could experience it as a whole.
Castlequest is pretty much Montezuma's Revenge in fantasy setting, quite huge game map, no set path (you can openly explore it as long as you find the right keys), platforming combined with light puzzles.
Castlevania III tends to be a little overcharged (there are many copies of this game left), but it comes mostly from the game quality. It is pretty close to the peak of NES capacity, both with music/sound making full use of all module channels and graphisc (some impressive tricks, like multi-layered fog on the swamps). It's kinda funny how game was simply worth as much as it was good for us back when we were kids, we had no idea which games will become cheap and common as dirt and which ones will become expensive despite being pieces of shit.

>> No.3126340

That's NES graphics? Looks pretty good
Does anybody know how these images were created back then? It's not like you could just open an image editor and draw, due to the tiled nature. Did devs have custom editors? Has Nintendo even provided editors?

>> No.3126409

Very similar to what I'd list, except a couple I haven't played.

I would add or change somewhere in there

Chip 'n Dale
Ninja Gaiden II

>> No.3127819

Bahaha good show anon, good show!

>> No.3127836

Not a top 10 out of all NES games, but one of those that I own.
1. Zelda II
2. Zelda
3. Megaman 3
4. River City Ransom
5. Bionic Commando
6. Megaman 2
7. Karnov
8. Gauntlet
9. Demon Sword
10. Days of Thunder

>> No.3127839

are you me?

>> No.3127849


I feel like I might add SM3, Castlevania 3, and Metroid if I had them.

>> No.3128158

I am baffled as well, mostly because HH was hideous.
Nostalgia, maybe?

>> No.3128693
File: 8 KB, 500x438, Bad-Dudes-end1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only NES titles included, not rating counterparts on older or newer consoles.

10. Binary Land - lovely game all around, but middle game introduces indestructible enemies with random walking patterns, which is combined by very tight time limit and foes moving faster and faster every second. No continues and sparse extra lives means that you have to go through first ten boring levels each time you fail to get past the bullshit.
9. Rampart - brilliant two player competitive game, but when you try to clear single player campaign, difficulty raises from easy to hard to impossible, just to tease you that this game is not supposed to be played by one person
8. Spartan X 2 - bad dificulty scaling. Game is piss easy for the most part and has one extremely hard moment at the end so you can throw all extra lives that you've accumulated down the drain while cursing
7. Bokosuka Wars - even if you finally learn from trial error wwhat this game is about, fights of your main character are still coinflip, you can lose 1st one or have 15 win streak depending on your luck
6. Bad Dudes - controls are so clunky and stiff that you don't really feel in charge, just mash attack buttons and hope for the best

>> No.3128694
File: 9 KB, 425x226, spelunker031908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5. Lode Runner - NES has probably worst installment from this series. Screen scrolls only when you are very close to the border, no time to react to enemies running at you from the opposite side, as half-dug hole will vanish once enemies touches it, even if you were one milisecond away from completing it. That comes with boring level design, literally nothing new is introduced after level 2.
4. Ikki - worst case of screen scrolling ever. Screen moves down or right only when you push the very border of it and you have no chance to defend against enemies that will spawn on you, or next to you to throw projectile with deadly precision
3. Challenger - you cannot shoot while jumping or being mid air. And game throws in your face airborne enemies since first level. Enough said.
2. Tagin' Dragons - bullshit hitbox detection that makes all 'duel' results random as fuck
1. Spelunker - I really don't understand the love that some people have for this one. Fall down from four feet and die, trip over a rock and die, jump off the climbing rope and die (in mid-air), do anything and die. After several lives, you become paranoid abou walking on flat surface, fearing you will die from stroke.

>> No.3128710

Bokosuka Wars kicks ass, I totally forgot to put that one on my list. I actually just got the FC cart in the mail, great game.

>> No.3128717

Any list that doesn't include Smb3 should be put in the fucking trash

>> No.3128729

Those are lists of personal favourites, not top ten marketing success games. I love SMB3 and appreciate depth and quality of it, but there are simply ten other games that I've enjoyed more. Have some consideration for other people tastes.

>> No.3128738
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>> No.3128758
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling Bokosuka Wars broken or unplayable, idea of adding new buddies to your party and working on maintaining formation to keep them defending you from harm is pretty neat and nicely done, at least for the times when this game came out. It's just that I wish there was some sort of minigame that gives you a fair chance when you clash with one of the enemy goons, instead of generic explosion animation followed by game continuation or WOW YOU LOSE screen. It's like the game is rolling two dices and does not even let you take a peek at results.
Also main theme is really punching a new hole in your head after few minutes of looping it.

>> No.3128842
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by far the GOAT

>> No.3128857
File: 192 KB, 1600x1200, JourneyToSiliusAnarchyEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In no particular order.

Double Dragon 2
Megaman IV
Shadow Of The Ninja
Duck Tales 2
Journey To Silius
Tiny Toons Adventure

>> No.3128894

I can totally agree on Journey to Silius having 11/10 soundtrack that can rival with modern scene pieces, but gameplay wise, it's maybe above average platformer I think. Not very long, not very challenging.
Thanks for reminding me about TTA, that game was a total bomb, challenging in a fair way

>> No.3128919

>that game was a total bomb
By the context of your post I assume you're positive about the game, as you should be.
Let me tell you now that that phrase has more of a negative connotation.

>> No.3128991

Sorry about that, I'll remeber this. I wasn't trying to be ironic, genuinely like that one. Kinda hard to convey what I mean through English. Anyway, TTA is worth praise mostly because of flexible controls, fuckups can be blamed only on yourself and lack of skills. Kinda demanding game that easily takes lives away, but also easily grants extra ones to give you chance at gitting gud.

>> No.3129018

The bomb = good
A bomb = bad

>> No.3129043

It took me years to realize Buster had his own ability too. When jumping after a slide, he performs a super long jump, which once you've mastered it, makes the game totally different, and it takes skill too.

About Journey To Silius, I can't tell why I love it so much. It's true, it's not very long, and it has issues, like stage 5 being overall bad, and a couple of unfair enemy placement in the game.... but for some reason I love it, it must come from the original middleground gameplay between Contra and Megaman which is actually rather unique; and also the atmosphere.
I own the NTSC-U version CIB, the NTSC-J version CIB, as well as a famicom bootleg cart of it and the very rare romhack (only 10-15 copies of it were made and it was never released as a rom) I posted there >>3128857
I'm autistic for that game.

>> No.3129059

10. Castlevania
09. Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse
08. Super Dodge Ball (the Japanese version ["Nekketsu Koukou Dodge Ball Bu"] is even better)
07. Tecmo Super Bowl
06. Barker Bill's Trick Shooting
05. Hogan's Alley
04. Duck Hunt
03. Summer Carnival '92 - Recca
02. Super C
01. Contra

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Wild Gunman, Double Dragon II - The Revenge, Nekketsu Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes, Mini-Putt, The Blue Marlin, Excitebike, Crisis Force, Gun*Nac, Zanac, The Guardian Legend, Gradius, Gradius II, M.U.L.E., and all the Mario games.

>> No.3129061

>4. Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Grafitti

This is such an amazing game that would be much better if it wasn't borderline fucking impossible.

>> No.3129095

That's a lot of love for the zapper games, but I can understand that. I faintly remember that when I was four or something like that, my unlce had own made gun that he assembled from dismantled zapper and some sniper gun replica. Ironically, it wasn't very accurate (apparently mounting optical systems with microscopic precision so the gun will aim exactly n line with barrel), but using this thing to shoot at outlaws and ducks was rad as fuck.

>> No.3129130

I'm sorry what? The game is super easy.

>> No.3129145

Huh? It's super easy for a FC platformer, and there's a password system. You can continue from the last level over and over. That said, the final boss is annoying (I don't remember if I beat him), but not like outrageous. It's pretty balanced overall desu.

>> No.3129282

this is the easiest platformer I've played on NES. You can kill enemies and grind up your health bar. Are you thinking of Monster Party? (It can be BS at times)

>> No.3131493

Fucking legend


>> No.3132671

In no specific order:

R.C. Pro-am 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Ninja Gaiden II
Final Fantasy
Castlevania III
Double Dragon
Mega Man II
Super C

>> No.3132779
File: 242 KB, 900x900, fav nes games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace kirby with ghost lion