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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 559 KB, 887x398, ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2901542 No.2901542 [Reply] [Original]

I finally bought a PlayStation, since I was a Nintendo kid and never had one growing up, and I'm looking for some game recommendations. What are the must owns for the system?

Games I already have/played:

>Parappa the Rapper
>Um Jammer Lammy
>Metal Gear Solid

Small list, as you can see - I really missed out on a whole generation here so I'm excited to see what there is.

Any genre is good, I just want to pick up what I missed out on.

>> No.2901561

If I had aps1 the first games I'd get would be gradius gaiden, zanac, raiden dx and einhander

>> No.2901578

syphon filter
jumping flash
any final fantasy, specifically tactics
tomb raider
legacy of kain soul reaver
ape escape

>> No.2901583

If you liked Super Mario 64 you will love BUSBY 3D! !

you're welcome in advance

>> No.2901641

Croc is fun if you like tank controls
RE1-fucking whatever one they have on the PSX
Silent Hill
I think persona's on here.
Crash 1-3
Spyro 1-3
Team Buddies
Abe's Oddessy games
fuck if i know man, you know /v/ has a recommended guide for this shit.

>> No.2901646

Street fighters is good.game I also like contrer

>> No.2901669

Was just about to make a similar thread, hope you don't mind me asking here OP:

What is a good price for a regular system with controller? Is this systems library relativity inexpensive to get into besides things like FF7?

>> No.2901684

System in good condition?
Big grey box: 20$
White box: 25-35$
This is with 1-2 controllers.

>> No.2901686

OP here: I paid $20 for the system + controller, I think that's a standard price.

>> No.2901687

Wow, that cheap? Don't know why I've been waiting so long.

>> No.2901724

Use the fucking catalog, idiot, there's already a similar thread.

>> No.2901728
File: 580 KB, 1904x976, 15-03-2013-23.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's your photo then you might want to pick up a Dualshock first and foremost.

>Rage Racer / Ridge Racer Type 4
>Wipeout XL / Wipeout 3
>Crash 2 / Crash 3
>Crash Team Racing / Crash Bash
>Raiden Project / Raiden DX
>Rollcage Stage II
>R-Type Delta
>Tekken 2 / Tekken 3
>Tobal No 1 / Tobal 2

PS1 has too many quality games, it's up to you to break out of the same old top 25 like Metal Gear Solid and stuff.

>> No.2901736

SoulBlade is inexpensive and an interesting look at how the series began, even though it hasn't aged as well as SoulCalibur.

>> No.2901739

Symphony of the Night is a must play.

>> No.2901748


I am playing through Final Fantasy Origins right now and it is awesome. I would obviously pick up Final Fantasy 7 as well.

There are so many great games on PSX I'd just look at a best selling games list and give a few ones that look good to you a try.

>> No.2901751

Forgive me if this isn't /vr/, but wouldn't it be worth getting a PS2 slim instead? I know it's not as cool as the original system, but it would be more reliable if you're not a collector.

>> No.2901760

because the price keeps lowering.

>> No.2901762

I don't follow the used games market at all, but that's good to hear. Every year it seems like the N64 stuff I'd like to get eventually just keeps getting more expensive.

>> No.2901767

OP here, I know this isn't a tech support thread, but I might as well ask here rather than making a new thread.

I plugged in my PS1 and the power button just won't cooperate at all. I push it and the light is only on for as long as my finger is on the button and the power turns off as soon as I move my finger. If I were to hold the button down, the game comes on and works fine, but I obviously can't do that if I want to play games.

Does anyone have any idea what I could do?

>> No.2901772

someone explain to me why tomba 1 and 2 and megaman legends 1 and 2 are so fucking expensive

>> No.2901774

Not trying to sound hostile or anything, but have you honestly tried googling it? Reason I ask is because old systems like that have a ton of documentation online for all sorts of fixes and troubleshooting techniques. There's also places like /r/consolerepair that may be a good place to ask.

>> No.2901787

>Not trying to sound hostile or anything, but have you honestly tried googling it?

Nah, you don't sound hostile. I actually scoured Google for quite a while and couldn't find anything about the original PS1, only PS2/PS3/PS4 and the PSOne model - that's why I asked here.

>> No.2901843
File: 2.34 MB, 275x200, mst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>googling for info on how to fix this
>all results lead to Yahoo Answers about PS1 issues
>"lmfao you still have a ps1 get a ps3 son"

>> No.2901909

Open that case and make sure the buttons not fucked, sounds like a problem with the case honestly.

>> No.2901938
File: 124 KB, 256x247, Omega_Boost_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2901946

Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9
Spyro 1, 2, 3
Crash 1, 2, 3, Crash Team Racing, Crash Bash
Ape Escape
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Tomba 2
Rayman 2

>> No.2901951

Any good shmups for PS1?

>> No.2901956

Oh, and if you were thinking about buying it, avoid the English version of Persona 1. It's really expensive and it had all sorts of obnoxious "localization" edits. Better off emulating it, I think there's a fan translation patch.

>> No.2901958

Einhander, raiden dx, if you want shmups get a saturn

>> No.2901968
File: 22 KB, 350x354, medievil2yv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this and part 1 as a really fun game.

>> No.2901969

Gradius Gaiden
R-Type Delta
Thunder Force V

>> No.2901973

>if you want shmups get a saturn

My heart says yes but my wallet says no.

>> No.2901994

If you're a hori fan, then PS1 is the winner. Just look at >>2901969

>> No.2902168

Collin McRae Rally 2.0

>> No.2902191


I am a Nintendo fan and I like the first Playstation a lot because that is where the third party support of the Super Nintendo went to.


Rayman (the first one, Rayman 2 is actually much better on the N64)
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey
And the Crash and Spyro games

>> No.2902204

>>2901542All these responses and no Legend of dragoon.

>> No.2902238


but Saturn also has a shitload of them?

Thunder Force V is better on Saturn.

>> No.2902267

Only if you're a graphics whore.

PSX has less slowdown and more content.

>> No.2902283

List all the good Saturn horis then, and we can compare. Also, >>2902267 is correct. Saturn version has slightly better backgrounds, but that doesn't mean shit when the game is ugly as sin anyways.

>> No.2902292


You just read HG101 and haven't even played it on Saturn

>> No.2902307

Even if he didn't play it, then it doesn't change the fact that the Saturn version has more slowdown and less content.

>> No.2902332

Playstation was my favorite console.

I liked those games you listed and my other favorites were Tomba!, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.

>> No.2902351

>strawmanning this hard
You Saturnfags are cute.

>> No.2902384

Was the PlayStation super popular in the UK, more so than in the US? Every time I've looked up videos about the original PlayStation, it's by a British person.

>> No.2902493

Gran Turismo probably had a hand in that. I mean fuck, that game literally convinced manufacturers to start selling certain cars overseas.

>> No.2902785


It's not strawman if it's true

>> No.2902872

>Resident Evil 2
>Dino Crisis 2

>> No.2902878

Faggots who had N64s as their first systems are now earning disposable income, so they're all like "I really wanna buy back all those games and shit I told my mom she could sell before I went to college". That plus the "90s kid" hipster wave is in full effect. Weird it's not affecting the PS1 hardware at all, but some PS1 games are still prohibitively expensive.

>> No.2902881

Star Ocean

>> No.2902883

N64 games aren't that expensive right now. You can get a lot of classic N64 games complete with box and manual for close to their original MSRP, oftentimes less, which is unheard of for SNES games. If you want good prices, participate in eBay auctions and check pricecharting.com to see what things are selling for.

>> No.2902884

They're good games that haven't been re-released.

Also I don't know what the current state of PS1 emulation is like, but once you get past 4th gen people tend to start reporting problems.

>> No.2903002
File: 44 KB, 256x245, Legend_of_Dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misunderstood classic coming through!

>> No.2903008

>Wild Arms
>Dino Crisis
>Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
>Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

>> No.2903014



>> No.2903020

It was big everywhere in Europe. Sony invested big in our markets, even going so far as to create localized versions of many games.
Nintendo was always small in Europe.
I'm a Portugal fag (23) and I remember everybody having a PS1 to play with. During those times literally everyone had one, and we had lots of magazines etc. Before the PS craze we only had NES bootlegs and the occasional Mega Drive for rich fags and non-casuals.

>> No.2903023
File: 16 KB, 225x210, s-l225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of PS1 an Europe, I'm a big fan of Europian game cases. They not only have better box art, but they're also thicker than regular jewel cases and manuals are not a part of the front cover.

>> No.2903034

Bentley looks like he's on meth in that picture.

>> No.2903037
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1452265150861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, he does

>> No.2903250

Castlevania Chronicles

>> No.2903306

>if you want bullethells get a Saturn


>> No.2903332

>Castlevania Symphony of the Night


>> No.2903385

>Castlevania Chronicles and Castlevania Symphony of the Night


>> No.2903386

That's already been said.

>> No.2903402

Because a ps2 can play PSX and Ps2 games.
might as well get the ps2 rather than the original psx

>> No.2903403

>mentioning an inferior game for the sake of it

>> No.2903443

>but some PS1 games are still prohibitively expensive.
So, why not chip a PSX?

>> No.2903475

That's already been said.

>> No.2903530

[citations needed]