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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 281x386, uo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2606329 No.2606329 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about one of the best MMOs to ever exist?

Share all the stories you got.

>> No.2606351

Sorry, Ragnarok Online isn't retro.

>> No.2606402
File: 255 KB, 432x426, 1407924202204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any kind of kork shit
>the country that brings us a new "WOW Killer" every week with mounts, point-and-click auto attack bullshit, fishing, microstransactions, and pedo-pandering races
Someone needs to git gud.

>> No.2606528

I was a volunteer for a while. I had magical powers and a robe.

>> No.2606534

Yeah, that was just a bad joke. Couldn't resist.

>> No.2607601

shameless bump

>> No.2607604

Tired of discussing it every week. give UO threads a break if you want people that actually played to want to post in your shit.

>> No.2607643

Loved this game, played from about 97-2000 like non stop. Main character on the official servers was a PK, dex-monkey dper type in a guild where we all wore womens clothing and flamboyant dyed stuff, guild was named GoAT. I played a bit on a private server, one of them didn't update correctly and we ran around as ghosts getting res'd in those log cabins with the patio and stole shit that wasn't locked down. That lasted for like a week then it was all back to normal.

Awesome game though.

>> No.2607832


there's 200-500 ppl playing on each, Mon to Thu, saturday different ppl, and friday/sun emptier

>> No.2608676

I just plain hate MMOs. I remember when UO was out and I watched a friend just sitting and playing a lute or some shit for hours on end. They looked like they were deliberately designed to be time sinks.

Then Final Fantasy XI came out, and one of my main gaming buddies who I used to play stuff with got into it and it became almost all he played. He kept trying to me to get into it, but it's ugly as fuck and always looked insanely boring.

Fast forward 13 years and guess what he's playing now? Final Fantasy XI. Still. He spent over two full years of doing the same raid every thursday just to get a specific pair of boots.

Worst. Genre. Ever.

>> No.2608914

yes pretty much,

as the guy from http://www.ihatemmorpgs.com writes
"stop paying to work a second job"

mmo are subscription based, and also they need volume to seem populated/desirable to other potential subscribers

however pirate servers being free, when run as a hobby without much support or anything (or pay-to-win) the time sinkage tends to get ripped off

there is offcourse ppl who like playing thesims, so they do it in UO by playing work/craft skills (still i find it mindboggling), so those elements are kept, but greatly accelerated, but you can just ignore it,

in UO regular freeshards, combat skills still waste resources to train up, even if you can just hit play on the automation for a day for each skill... but it kinda has the effect of making you wait 1 week for a character template to be readdy for use, and wastes resources that you acquired playing an existing char, so it kinda levels the play field, and avoids ppl just switching skill on chars to fool people.

(but still, i don't get why can't we just pay a virtualfee, select skills, and wait 1 week to have a template, seeing as freeshard admins have this hobby of making 'systems' for this 17yo game... partly maybe because the skinnerbox already conditioned them and they can't see past it - perhaps a mix of nostalgia for the hardship of training and the relief of seeing it go 100% in full automation in hours what took weeks in 1998 )

>> No.2609901

anyone played the ZOMBIELAND on UOF in late 2014?

it was a 2 weeks zombie mass invasion in Lost Lands

everyone would started as a char with 30 in everything, and you could attack pretty fast using directional keys

you are X

7 8 9
4 x 6
1 2 3

>> No.2610064
File: 434 KB, 500x380, Samefag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep posting in mmo threads when you don't like them?

>> No.2610336

Anyone know how I can download earlier iterations of UO? Specifically Renaissance or any other pre-AOS expansion? I'd greatly appreciate the help.

>> No.2610384

Probably would be easiest to just find a server that is accurate to an era, and use their client.

>> No.2611131


server is pure renaissance too

>> No.2611183
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Because it's the only thing that can get me hard anymore.

>> No.2611204

i remember playing this close to release , on dialup modem. It was the best mmo i had ever played by miles so fucking hard but rewarding. The twats at EA forced a patch that changed the system and armour and it literally destroyed the game overnight , fucking ea

>> No.2611396
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AOS (age of shadows) made the game more item based. Which ruined the whole game for many.

First of all, it added in "item insurance", which basically blessed all your items so no one could loot them automatically. only cost you 2000 gold per death. This was shit for the pvp scene, and thiefs got fucked royally.

Instead of a weapon of vanquishing, you had a weapon with all types of stats (swing speed,hit lightning, damage %, etc) same with armor, and other things like "resistances"

If you didn't have 60+ ina certain resistance like fire, you can best your fucking ass that a explosion flamestrike was going to get you low as shit in health.

It didnt help that it took literally forever for people to actually be able to make good armor and weapons, which sold for tons until duping became rampant with server travelling exploits.

The game became less unique and more modern, and that fucking killed the charm of it all.

I only got to play for a year or 2 before AOS hit, I wish I had more time with it. I did end up playing POST AOS for years, but only as a job, because I was getting 10$ per million. Idocs became much easier, and I was making hundreds of mils a month usually. The price for gold dropped down steadily with dupes though so that became a worthless venture.

>> No.2611430

im the 2nd quoted

i merely said i dislike the paying to "work a second job" bit, any of you other felow old fags participating in the thread tell me if you woudl really waste your few hours per day (or per week) collecting sheep wool and making wearables, stop denying you just did it back in 97 becasue well honestly it was pretty novelty, there wasn't anything to do in winter or ayother rationalization we used

the non-combat part of MMO was just a dream, its nice in paper, but in practice, life (or free time) is too short to waste away is activities with that low entertainment factor

>> No.2611448

1st one seems very hard to find, but t2a and our game can be found in freeshard links as mentioned, im just not sure
that uoren actually doesn't use some earlier game client

in fact i think they all do, for compatibility reasons with current server versions, or to the client assistants

but im sure you can find it in some obscure sphere shard

try some weird low popshard from
uogateway / joinuo

>> No.2611451

I dominate in that shit
Im coming back to UOF for the next Zombieland this month

>> No.2612473
File: 352 KB, 1504x800, SotA_Airship_CityHome_Darkstarr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima Online 2 is shaping up nicely.

>Bob Cooksey recently completed this magnificent Airship City Home! The original idea for the airship came from Richard Garriott’s decision that Darkstarr should not have a permanent abode in Novia, but rather, would always be moving around because, well, Chaos! Therefore we created Darkstarr’s personal airship that will be christened (and named) soon.

>> No.2612535

I responded snarkily, but this guy describes my opinions pretty perfectly.

>> No.2613563


checked the forums and https://twitter.com/uo_forever

is it just extra official still? like adam saying this at IRC ?
enjoy your instantiated experience

S.o.t.A. is just an eternal early access / paid beta , ultra cash grab.
althewhile saving in costs by making shitty inbetween diablo/guildwars instances

with some trammelize machanics, richard can pretend all he wants that EA ruined UO when he sold out, but with wow and everything, he knows that as buziness trammel makes more sense

>> No.2617091

>enjoy your instantiated experience

I am enjoying the pre-alpha immensely.

>S.o.t.A. is just an eternal early access / paid beta , ultra cash grab.

Check in one year from now and see for yourself.

>> No.2619564

alriht ill bite mr garriot :P

are you a premium supporter or the most base level? how is that working out for you?

is crafting just as laborial and time consuming as UO?

is it devoloping a bizzare 'macroing' culture too? or is it enjoyable from the get go with basic statuses ans skills?

..... aaaaaaaaaaand most importantly, hows the MMO aspect of it working in practice, if there are 200 chars in a same place, do you only see a few dozen, like 64 or 128?

and are more people playing in passworded instances or the general/open auto-instancing

in practical aspects, is it item or level based? nutshell pvm and pvp


>> No.2619743

played it a couple of months, on a local server... pirate server by the way. The only faggots in the world were the ones who knew about the server in my country.

Cool game, extremely addictive... unplayable, why? there are addictive games that allow you to save and exit, give it a rest. Games like this demand you to play all the time. That's why I've always stayed away from MMORPGs.

Had this this friend that failed a year at his university and I know, even if he denies it, that it was 60% because of this game.

>> No.2619992


The pre-alpha state of the game continues into the 21st month. Every month there is a new release with new features.

The developers have spoken about the macro issue and understand this problem.

The explorable world works as a dual scale map. The over world map can be explored and hexes can be entered. The advantage of this system is that every scene can be updated when the player loads the scene while playing in online mode. (There is an single player online mode if you do not wish to see other players.)

There is a friends only online mode if you wish to avoid playing with strangers.

Most UO players will want to play with other players. There are meaningful PVP scenes (see the Shardfalls where rare resources spawn and are fought over).

>> No.2620014

I played from mid T2A era up until 2004, then off and on until 2007.

The PvP experience pre Trammel in UO and early EQ forever ruined me for more modern MMOs. I've been trying to find something as enjoyable ever since.

What kind of stories do you want OP? Do you want IDOC stories? Guild drama over e-whores stories? PvP stories? PK stories? Scamming and exploiting stories?

>> No.2620056

Years ago I came across a UO comic that was told in screenshots with ingame actions and chatting. Mostly it was this knight dealing with various PK jerks and scammers, I remember it being pretty amusing. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.2620063


>> No.2620072
File: 32 KB, 300x225, 300px-Uo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Lord British died Anons?

Shit, half of /v/ probably wasn't even born yet.

>> No.2620091
File: 10 KB, 160x160, s1f7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Too bad about the dead links. Entertaining stuff.

>> No.2620173
File: 115 KB, 620x464, tvvgl4jq2mbka1st0zix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where were you when Lord British died Anons?
Were you there?

I'm enjoying Shroud of the Avatar. Here's a fire elemental.

>> No.2620223
File: 29 KB, 299x333, Ultima-Online-PKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my best UO memories was a castle IDOC party. As you might expect, there was constant fighting before the castle even fell, but the highlight of the night was when an animal tamer gated in with 20 dragons and typed "all release" and it was just a bloodbath.
My favorite character was a simple thief without any combat skills but enough Magery to cast Recall.
I really miss UO and the thief "class" in an MMORPG actually doing thievery.

>> No.2620246

I wasn't aware, I didn't get a computer until the 2000's.

>> No.2620865

>Were you there?

There was only a couple dozen or less people there at the time, anyone that says they were there is a lying faggot. I know, because I've seen hundreds of different people try to claim they were there for 'veteran cred'

>> No.2621212


I'm aware of pre-AOS shards, but I'm currently interested in creating my own: tinkering with it and shit. Having friends and friends' friends on it. I'd at least like to have the option in the future.

>> No.2622169

No, unfortunately I wasn't at that event. I did read about it after the shitstorm the next day.

>> No.2622191

Unpopular opinion time. AoS was more fun than Renaissance.

I stopped PvPing for a time with the faction runic valorite spears and 2 hit kills with paralyzing blow. One of the most retarded things EA ever allowed in a long line of retarded shit like Spellweaving's original Word of Death damage, uncapped Armor Ignore hits, Elven Composite longbows + Honoring opponent + lightning strike. I had done single hits over 135 damage before on the last combo.

If there's one thing I can say about UO after playing off and on for a decade back in the day, there was never a shortage of cheap flavor of the month bullshit templates.

>> No.2622834

Samurai empire was where I drew the line.
I mean, not only was the entire concept shit and tacky, (might as well made a hawaiian themed expansion too) but those fucking bushido one hit kills killed pvp for a little bit.

>> No.2622869

I still have a UO Renaissance CD kicking around somewhere. I could probably just rip the ISO for you if you're unable to find one.

>> No.2624007

Well, the problem was mostly negated by the fact that a majority of PvPers were Reds and couldn't use virtues like honor.

I also completely forgot one other thing I did that was hilarious. I put my resist skill on a soul stone, as well as my weapon skill. Got a 100% reflect damage suit, running around as a Necro mage with extremely low physical, holding a greater heal wand and casting Ill Omen on house archers. Because of no resist I'd get my physical down to like 20 and with 100 mage as a weapon skill and no defense chance increase they'd hit almost all the time. They'd do 70-80 to me which I'd immediately heal with the wand macro while the 200% return damage would ensure they auto counter attack kill themselves before they even knew what was happening. No one could survive a 160 damage hit.

I made all those Yew gate faggots disappear real quick when I did that.

>> No.2624020

>Ill Omen

Maybe it wasn't Evil Omen. I just went and checked. It could have been Blood Oath. Its been so long and the descriptions show me those spells have changed at some point in the last 8 years. One of them used to give like 100% reflect damage. Combined with the suit it was amazing but no one exploited it really.

>> No.2624930
File: 433 KB, 1600x848, 2015-08-09_00026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the Grimoire title screen.

This is a Shroud of the Avatar (Ultima spiritual successor) Fire Elemental.

Post UO screenshots.

>> No.2625068
File: 82 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post UO screenshots.

I had to hunt down this photobucket, probably hadn't logged into it for 8 years.

All the screenshots got downsized too. Oh well.

>> No.2625098

Its sad I lost everything I had from before Samurai Legacy. Bushido mages were such an ass raper it wasn't funny.

I miss that outfit. I gave away my account to a friend back in 08 and never looked back, game was dead as a doornail by then. I don't think it would be possible for me to get it back, not that I'd want to play EA's shitfest.

They should just let it be free to play or pull the fucking plug.

>> No.2625112
File: 96 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot053.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd forgotten how gay these quivers looked but wore them anyways for the 5% DCI

>> No.2625461

Yeah fuck blood oath in its faggot asshole

>> No.2626995

rsrsrsrsss, yeah, we never had a national or not so distant server, which is why early on we had big pirate servers with lots of players, didnt you know of mystara, mystic, TFG, m2a... Or did i wrongly guess your country ?

>> No.2627137

there have been quite a few ppl that did that

but i dont recall one that was particularly long, or particularly super fun
was any of the ones in uoguide lists the one you were thinking about?

not OP, but i want griefing stories, like, at how great lenghts did you go when PK someone, or to bring revenge to griefing players

also, IDOC stories? absurdities that happen to IDOC'ers? night long watch for nothing and the likes?

for any lurkers IDOC = In Danger Of Collapsing
but its used as a term for the occupation of seeking out and cataloguing aging houses, chronometering the days and hours, then finally stand by and fight for valuables when a house crumbles to the ground

>> No.2627286

That game was weird and hard as fuck. It was driving me crazy as a kid.

>> No.2627383


Do you guys play any UO inspired games like Shrads Online or Archage or shroud of the Avatar?



>> No.2627716

twitch tv/ultimaonlineforever2

Anyone here know about this? It's an amazing and amusing feature.

>> No.2627734

we know, we dont care because no old fags that likes UO doesnt want to watch lets players

even tough thats only the direct game screen, jump-spying on random players, and theres no one talking

it has its use though, some watch on a second screen WHILE playing, to discover hot action happening in the world

it jumps every x seconds to players with low health, so sometimes you can watch urself die, its got 15min delay if im not mistaken, and ..

too bad last i checked you could exclude urself from the spycam, so most of the pros did that and you dont see them fighting in the hottest actions like RDA, bossess and great IDOCs

>> No.2627749

Did the channel owner opt to enable stream delay or no?

>> No.2627986

Last time we had a UO thread I signed up on UO Renaissance server and started playing. Never met any /vr/ people and eventually got bored playing alone. Did anyone else ever sign up there?

>> No.2627998

>Did anyone else ever sign up there?


/vr/ doesn't actually group up for anything.

/v/ is for social faggotry

>> No.2628009

>but i want griefing stories, like, at how great lenghts did you go when PK someone

>luring people on a boat
>killing them
>holding their ghost ransom

>> No.2628059

As far as I'm concerned, UO Forever is the only alive and good server.

>> No.2628082


go back to reddit, shane
alive shards

theres also uosecondage and one or two others worthy of mention, but i dont know how they are faring

>> No.2628089

so their 400ppl online really is just 200 ppl leaving 2 accounts logged in to gain the "online bonus" i heard about?

or are you just bad at making friends?

you know most ppl in the top4 shards now are old fags just like the alledged /vr/ regular

>> No.2630605

hybrid is still as good as always (which means too many estabilished accounts, too much cash around, high prices etc)

so yeah its pretty much UO An Corp and UO Forever

i would say, macro some shit in one while you play the other, like mining, that you are banned if get caught doing unattended, but is easy automation, just gotta have a second display

>> No.2630651

I started on Hybrid, had a couple houses since 2010. It's so fucking empty that I just let them collapse without giving a single fuck. I think it tells you the server stats once you log in, and I recall my last visit only had like a couple hundred players. I peaced out and went back to my business at UOF.

>> No.2633028

anyone has fun like me just provoking monsters and hoarding gold?

>> No.2633083

Yeah, I believe they call them "Bards"

>> No.2633275

whoa really?

my question was more in the spirit of: i wonder if others can find joy and satisfaction solely on the PvM aspect of the game, more specifically in the more passive role of provoker (as there are 3 bard skills), and simply bank their earnings endlessly, making the chore an ambitionless one, and done in fact, purely for the entertainment the player is able to draw from it.

>> No.2633284

It was a joke.

But yes, most people that play UO, are natural born hoarders (horders, loot, etc). There is not much else to do in the game but grow your wealth, especially now a days where people don't really roleplay. So you have hundreds of people that just run right past each other and don't interact, or are about to kill you in pvp.

The concept of houses in UO really lends to the hoarding aspects.

>> No.2633287

meant *(money, loot(items), etc)

>> No.2633290

Why am I so pissed off at the bards?

You could be a fighter, a wizard, an archer, but no, you chose to be the most cowardly and OP class in the game. Ruining the games for us.

>> No.2633302

>play a pre-trammel server
>kill all bards
>literally profit from their corpse loot

>> No.2633426

well that said about provoke, i heard uoac has more complete skills and since january uof's adam gave discord an improve, the seems it went unlogged on their news as much little stuff adam changes weekly and only tells about it in passing at IRC
maaaaaan, thats another thing that pisses me off

its a fucking 17y game, why must these freeshard admins eternally meddle with the thing

every damn shard its a choir of whining from people writing at the forums how peacemaking should and should not work on red pets, how tracking, detec, stealth and stealing is unbalanced and ruining the server, etc.

there really arent any trammel shards, that anon must be talking about why he cant just use his pvp char to gather gold, seeing as the existance of bards means he has to play one too

there are even some gray-name areas and dungeons where you can blue-pk bards, and these areas have been made quite attractive to PVM