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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 136 KB, 640x480, disc rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2541867 No.2541867 [Reply] [Original]

How do you collectorfags keep collecting with the knowledge of disc rot? I was about to expand my Dreamcast collection but then got really paranoid about it. Is it true EVERY disc ever made will eventually get fucked by oxidation or are there a few discs that were manufactured flawlessly and will never rot away?

>> No.2541872

>Is it true EVERY disc ever made will eventually get fucked by oxidation


>> No.2541875

Simple answer. Knowledge.

>> No.2541891

It's true. Every disc ever made will eventually get fucked by oxidation, Every cell in your body will eventually decompose back into dirt and the sun will eventually expand and burn this planet to a cinder. Eventually, gravity will collapse all the matter in the universe back to a cold, static singularity.

>> No.2541896

If you keep your discs exposed to sunlight, yes. If you have an ounce of intelligence and a decent place to keep your games, they will not rot in yours or your children's lifetimes.

>> No.2541910
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>How do you collectorfags keep collecting with the knowledge of disc rot?
I hope for the best. Only had one game that had it.

>> No.2541916

>Only had one game that had it.
All games have it you retard, it just takes longer for it to develop in others, hence why the collecting fags are losing their shit over this.

>> No.2541930


keep them in their case and away from direct sunlight and dampness?

>> No.2541939

Oh yeah we're totally losing our shit over this. That's why we keep our discs in special enclosures where no light can get to them with special material that can absorb and evaporate any excess humidity.

Yes! That's our special collectorfag secret don't let it get out!

>> No.2541941

I've literally never had this happen to me??

>> No.2541947

I keep all my CDs covered by a protective film of vaseline and semen.

>> No.2541950
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>Yes! That's our special collectorfag secret don't let it get out!

I'm about to expose all your sordid secrets to the whole world!

>> No.2541959

1:Everything will fall apart at one point so it's stupid to even worry about it unless it's something incredibly shoddy that will break in just a few years

2:Disc rot while being a real thing is incredibly easy to prolong damaging effects for extremely long periods of time as long as you don't buy something that falls in line with my first point and don't store your discs in a damp shithole.

>> No.2541973

No! Now anyone can protect their discs and we'll no longer be able to buy entire collections cheap from reactionary idiots!

>> No.2541976

I keep my entire PS1 collection in my freezer to stop bacteria from growing on them.

>> No.2541980

I do that but with my peanut butter.

>> No.2541983

I hope you've got a UV light in there too

>> No.2541990

No, no. Narrow visible spectrum "soft white" is safest.

>> No.2542016

Do we have to have this thread every few days?

Factory pressed discs don't do what's in OP's picture unless it's a rare manufacturer defect, or the disc is pre-damaged (sun exposure, water, scratches). Yes, the reflective layer ink will degrade when exposed to air, but a pressed disc has that sandwiched in a protective layer.

Home burnt discs are different. They go to shit relatively quickly, depending on the brand. The only "discs gone bad left alone" I've ever seen were burns and/or bootlegs.

>> No.2542017

Makes sense. I've got some burnt games from like 15 years ago that are starting to show signs of rot and some "legit" games too. Mainly those really cheap compilations.

>> No.2542029

Every disk will eventually rot. I think people are a little needlessly paranoid about it though, as its also very likely most of disks will still outlive you if they haven't been damaged through other means and are properly stored.

>> No.2542032

Data is the only thing that will be permanent until we die out or heat death. We keep upgrading how its stored. The problem is a few hundred years from now we won't be able to manage it, we'll be able to keep backing it up but it will be far too unwieldy, people will rediscover long lost and significant files on derelict FTPs still run by archive groups,

>> No.2542038

>exploring desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland
>find old bunker
>dusty old servers everywhere
>hook up wrist computer
>petabytes of nothing but pornography from 500 years ago

Suddenly the future doesn't seem so dark

>> No.2542067

>Eventually, gravity will collapse all the matter in the universe back to a cold, static singularity.

Please go learn study physics before making ignorant statements like that. You are painfully incorrect about the fate of the universe.

>> No.2542080

>Do we have to have this thread every few days?

Just a new topic spammed solely to piss people off. Disc rot threads are in the same category as ZSNES, filters, reseller hate, emulation vs real hardware, and Retron.

>> No.2542093
File: 105 KB, 750x600, cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus the reason why ROM cartridge media is the master race.

>> No.2542094

Discs are dinosaur tech ready to be purged.

>> No.2542120

I thought my saturn's laser was dying, but it was just some of my old backups disc rotting. Reburned them and it works great.

>> No.2542125

What is the fate?

>> No.2542129

This. It really helps, as long as your game is in a case it will be fine.

>> No.2542146

Isn't heat death still generally accepted? I hope you don't accept unfounded meme theories like the "big crunch"

>> No.2542158

> quoting the wrong post
> I also coat my discs in a fine film of Vaseline and semen

>> No.2542412

Only you can answer that for yourself.

>> No.2542416

Citation needed.

>> No.2542419


>> No.2542452

Only way to be safe is store your games in abandoned salt mines.

>> No.2542494

I have some old CD-Rs, namely some blue MEGA CD-R discs used in Sega/Mega CD game development during the early 90s (the games are from '91-'92). All three seem to be fine in terms of not rotting. To be safe, though, I plan to back them up. What is the best program to use for accurate backups? I know iso isn't the best format, is bin/cue the way to go?

>> No.2542590

touch anything except the edges ofc, skin grease and all..

ive also noticed that FABRIC sleeves tend to be associated with this, all my cds in plastic envelopes, and in plastic only multi-cd cases dont rot, including writables, while Newer factory CDs stored in fabric do.

also, on solo plastic cases, i take all labels/booklet off, as they can retain humidity

from that list, its better to wash them if there's oils on the surface than to leave it there, which is also why you don't use paper labels

notice how the black letters dont have any spots

some 14.4kbps USRobotics modem driver CD i have with a desse homogeneous painting is also my oldest lasting CD with no mold/rot
bump for /vr/ content since the the universe came out before 1999

>> No.2542604

digital archeologist, sounds so cyberpunkvapourwaverish

>> No.2542607
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>> No.2542613

software: alcohol 120%
reads discs checking for all known logical anomalies used as copy protection, and your driver needs to be compatible with burning illegal sector structure (illegal not as in FBI) but most likely it is.

and mid 90s games had some of these, ps1 discs had them, megadriver probably not (?)

>> No.2542651

Notice how the examples of disc rot are always a CD from the 80's or early 90's that been sitting in someone's car glovebox in the sun for 25 years. I wouldn't worry about this shit.

>> No.2542685

Very good point, but I can only assume that I'm doing something differently than the people who have had this happen in the past.

Taking good care of your games should be enough to prevent this from happening, right?

>> No.2542687

That's the only reason that Cave Johnson bought a salt mine.

>> No.2542695

I've never seen disc rot in my life. I have well over a hundred CDs, including some from the 80s.

If you aren't a swamp dwelling hillbilly (presumably the same people who leave mystery gunk all over their SNES/Genesis consoles and carts that you can find used), there shouldn't be a problem. Room temperature, use cases, have clean hands, and keep the humidity low. Common sense stuff. Remember: many people treat their own things like trash.

>> No.2542793

the universe will expand infinitely at an ever increasing velocity until everything is cold and dead. it won't collapse.

>> No.2542806
File: 76 KB, 708x480, The-Simpsons-Season-5-Episode-12-42-50a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2542837

Pretty much this honestly.

I swear its the same people constantly shitposting about disc rot or emulators vs. real hardware just to get a rise out of people. If you treat your stuff well it will last 50+ years easily.

>> No.2542858


Disc rot does exist, and it will still take many decades when discs are stored properly. The same way important parchment documents from hundreds of years old, but most paper would go to shit by just laying around.

> Every cell in your body will eventually decompose back into dirt
Our bodies weren't dirt to begin with.

> Eventually, gravity will collapse all the matter in the universe back to a cold, static singularity.
Quite the opposite. Gravity is not superseding the universal expansion and which is speeding up not slowing down. We won't end with a static singularity. Data suggests we'll end with cold blots of mass in extremely sparse space more sparse than it is now by far - to the point where the existence of other stars and galaxies is almost a laughable suggestion because even with the most powerful telescope you could ever build you would not find a single one. Singularities will cease to exist because they will have used up their fuel by any period which could be considered the end of the universe.

>> No.2542951

Similar shit happens to IC's, they are however more resilient in general.They also go bad and have problems. Quality of construction being a major factor in their shelf life. Obviously even though that's the same with Discs.


>> No.2542954

Throw in some desiccant packages. Iron filings in a cloth pouch for example will work.

>> No.2542956

I have. Leave CD's in your car. That shit is hyper death for them.

>> No.2544105

Like the man said. Common sense.

>> No.2544116

bit rot says hi

>> No.2544156

i have some really early cds that still work but i also have some cdrs that are not that old but don't work, so i dunno it depends on the quality.

>> No.2546606

I heard keeping discs in those sleeved zipper cases is also a bad idea. Should I keep them in the original plastic cases instead?

>> No.2546634

>Quite the opposite. Gravity is not superseding the universal expansion and which is speeding up not slowing down. We won't end with a static singularity. Data suggests we'll end with cold blots of mass in extremely sparse space more sparse than it is now by far - to the point where the existence of other stars and galaxies is almost a laughable suggestion because even with the most powerful telescope you could ever build you would not find a single one. Singularities will cease to exist because they will have used up their fuel by any period which could be considered the end of the universe.
That shit is full on theoretical physics. I was being poetic

>> No.2546705


So Mrs Jones bought her son an Altair 8800 in 1975. He collected all these discs and programs and even wrote his own. Today, those discs still exist in her attic

However, while whatever inside these discs are safe and saved, the computer used to read these are long obselete, with the only machines able to read these being museum pieces.

In 50 years time, technology will evolve again and todays harddrives are virtually unreadable because whats used to read them are obsolete. This even happens with old files that used software that isn't supported anymore

There is going to be a digital dark age from this time and only physical copies of things will exist

>> No.2546887

I'm not sure how anyone is supposed to respond to such an insane hypothetical scenario like you just made up.
What kind of drugs do I need to take to even get on the same plane of "reality" as you?

>> No.2547291

I think he thinks the only way to read data from discs for an Altair is with an Altair. This implicit ignorance combined with his explicit ignorance that there aren't 2 Altair 8800s sitting on eBay right now along with the apparent denial of TCP/IP being a thing now is what sounds so crazy.

>> No.2547596

>a bunch of pictures of scratched, abused discs
>people calling it disc rot


>> No.2547605

This is why "bit rot" remains a highly contested subject. Much like "disc rot," the definition thereof hasn't even been nailed down yet - so until we get some sort of consensus as to what the fuck disc or bit rot actually IS, then it can't, by definition, exist.

>> No.2547801

Digital obsolescence is a real problem, contrary to what you might think. In the documentary "Side by Side" where filmmakers are interviewed about shooting film vs. digital they point out that there have been literally HUNDREDS of digital video formats (I'm not talking about .avi, .mp4 etc. but the formats actually written by digital movie cameras) and the only way they can replay old digital video archives is by storing the reading devices WITH the movies. Of course if the reading device craps out, you're out of luck. This quote from an article online makes it clear.
"Archivally, with the expanded shelf life of celluloid and in the face of file type obsolescence, maintaining the production of film stock is absolutely crucial."

>> No.2547820

Except the floppies can be dumped with a Kyroflux and the data read using an 8800 emulator or the many hardware clones that exist.

>> No.2547940

>I watched a documentary so I'm an expert.
So you're not just an idiot you're a gullible idiot.

>> No.2547946

Those asshole camera manufacturers with their proprietary formats and the film makers who used them (and apparently didn't have the budget to reencode their video) have only themselves to blame. If their films are good they're being torrented in MP4.

>> No.2547997

you don't leave the discs out nigga you should be fine

>> No.2548036

You are dumb. Those filmmakers were obviously talking about a tiny degradation or alteration in quality of movies that are being made now due to things like compression factors, especially by low budget filmmakers. They weren't talking about the data somehow morphing or being decoded differently, that's not how it works. I never even heard about the documentary and I know what it was about more than you do, lol.

>> No.2548063

Ever notice how literally every thread about this topic typically only ever uses this one image?

>> No.2548068


What's this shit? All my PS1 disks still work perfectly because I put them away after use and didn't leave them in the sun or other stupid crap

>> No.2548161


>> No.2550251


Original playstation games really seem to have the worst problems with disc rot. That's why I stick to emulation when it comes to PS1.

>> No.2550343

>Quite the opposite.
static nothingness then. even time loses meaning. It will be elegant I suppose. Cold, but elegant.

>> No.2550450

Just burn your Dreamcast games to a new CD if you're that paranoid.

>> No.2550473

>no salt
A little Rosemary and Thyme will perk this disc right up.

>> No.2550479

I don't think you understand how many S100 machines exist, how compatible they were with each other and how they are still being built by hobbyists today, brand new.


>> No.2550496

But I wanted to piss on my disc and leave it out in the snow.

>> No.2550704

Does it matter at all? Nearly every game is perfectly preserved digitally, and chances are if your disc rots everyone elses will too so who cares.

Keep your greasy fingers off and store them out of sunlight, it's all you can do.

>> No.2550716

>Does it matter at all? Nearly every game is perfectly preserved digitally
Wtf are you talking about?
SEGA CD, Saturn, PS1, and every other CD based retro console is pretty shit far as preservation goes.

>> No.2550720

I only see Saturn and DC disc with rooting

>> No.2550729

I have CDs from the 90s and I just rip them to digital and after hundreds of CDs maybe 2 or 3 of them were too scratched to work. Same with PS1 games but I've always took care of my discs and keep them in cases. The broken CDs were mainly from being thrown around in the car back in the day.

>> No.2550739
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Everyone likes to input their own little twists on everything so in the future I could see it difficult to access all data collected in different formats annd configurations.

>Mfw muh Realplayer xxx collection Is Obsolete

>> No.2550742

He means the discs are all dumped and archived on The Internet, Dingdong.

>> No.2550747

Can you not read? That's far from correct as I said.